Parish of St John Vianney Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Parish of St John Vianney
Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Priest: Father Paul Standish
Assistant Priest: Father Thaddeus Opara
Deacon: Rev. David Harrison
Telephone: 01606 42440
Our Lady of Fatima Barnton
St Wilfrid’s Northwich
St Bede’s Weaverham
Churchfields, Barnton
Northwich - CW8 4UR
142 Witton Street
Northwich - CW9 5NP
Church Lane, Weaverham
Northwich - CW8 3NP
Holy Masses and Services: 12 – 19th October 2014
Saturday (Vigil Masses for Sunday)
Vera Wheeler
St Bede’s
St Wilfrid’s
Lily Butler
Our Lady of Fatima
St Wilfrid’s
Young of the Parish
St Bede’s
Intentions of SVP
St Wilfrid’s
Holy Souls
St Wilfrid’s
Ashley Anjitha Benny
St Wilfrid’s
Angela Eastwood
St Bede’s
Saro & Emanuel Goodcore
St Wilfrid’s
William Davies
Our Lady of Fatima
Harry & Ellen Taylor
St Wilfrid’s
Kevin Mulhearne
St Wilfrid’s
Prudence Maskery
St Bede’s
Holy Souls
St Wilfrid’s
Mass in St Wilfrid’s School
St Wilfrid’s School
Marriage- Stokes/Stokes
St Wilfrid’s
Marriage- Finney/Peloso
St Wilfrid’s
St Wilfrid’s
Edna Garrett
Our Lady of Fatima
Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday (Vigil Masses for Sunday)
World Peace
St Bede’s
Holy Souls
St Wilfrid’s
George Wilcox
Our Lady of Fatima
Catherine Dickens
St Wilfrid’s
Patricia Henshaw
St Bede’s
Attilio Arduina Vincenzini
St Wilfrid’s
St Wilfrid’s
Roman Catholic Diocese Of Shrewsbury: Registered Charity 234025
Matthew 22:1-14
The Church, which has a foretaste of the heavenly banquet, must go to the crossroads in order to invite
to the wedding feast all those it encounters…but also to teach them the demands of the kingdom of
heaven. Christians assembled around the Lord’s table have the heavy responsibility to manifest to others
the real nature of the true Church & the meaning of participation in the Eucharist, the “summit toward
which the activity of the Church is directed…& also the fount from which all her power flows.” (Vat.2)
Each one has the duty to act in such a way that most people become aware of the invitation to the Lord’s
meal, and many are moved to join them when they see Christians celebrating. This demands that
Christians show themselves “having put on Christ” as attested by their good works.
Day of the Lord Vol. 4 P220
Lord, our help and guide, make your love the foundation of our lives. May our love for you express itself
in our eagerness to do good for others. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen
Sacrament of Reconciliation
St Wilfrid’s: Saturday 10.30-11.30am & 6.00-6.45pm
St Bede’s: Saturday 5.15-5.45pm ♦ Our Lady’s: Sunday 8.15-8.45am
Please pray for the sick of our parish, especially: Andrew Adams, Sylvia Adams, Norah Barker,
Teresa Beardsmore, Jackie Bryant, Pauline Burgess, Chris Carroll, Vera Fletcher, Barbara Gerring, Vera
Gleave, Harry Gordon, Lynda Kenny, Elizabeth Lily, Anne Marrs, Betty Muir, Tom Murphy,
Beth Newall, Mary Rice, Alan Thurlwell, Anthony Tymon and Joan Zak.
Prayers for the Dead- Out of your charity, please pray for Tom McGrath, Prudence Maskery, Luke
Lingard & Margaret McHugh. May they rest in peace.
‘Thank you’ to all who helped prepare and attended my Induction.
It was a very enjoyable evening- Fr Paul
Gift Aid
Mike Russell from the Planned Giving & Gift Aid Service of the Diocese will be speaking at each Mass
this weekend at St Wilfrid’s about Offertory giving and the benefits of Gift Aid.
If you were at Mass last weekend at St Bede’s or Our Lady’s and you took a Gift Aid form and/or Standing
Order form home with you, then please either hand it in at the Offertory collection this weekend or pass it
to Jim Rafferty (St Bede’s) or Anne Adams or Jon Phillips (Our Lady’s). Alternatively, the forms can be
posted directly to Mike Russell at the Curial Offices – his address is shown on the forms. Thank you.
Please give your name & £5
deposit to Fr Paul (01606
42440) or bring to the Parish
Office (Tuesday, Thursday
or Friday 9.15am- 1.15pm)
CAFOD Shrewsbury
Join us on
Thursday 30th October
for a parish trip to Blackpool
with a tour of the illuminations.
Novena for Peace
The coach will depart at 10.30am &
return for approximately 9.30pm.
Adults £10/Children £5
Eighth Novena Mass:
Wednesday 15th October7.00pm at St Saviour’s
Church, Tarporley Road,
Great Sutton, Ellesmere Port
(CH66 3JY).
World's Biggest Coffee Morning
Thank you to everyone who came along last Sunday to the Macmillan Coffee morning. We
raised an amazing £225.00! - Thank you for your support - St. Wilfrid's PTFA
The weekend you've all been looking forward to with great anticipation has finally arrived!!
The Christmas Draw tickets are being given out! Do please take a pack from our wonderful helpers.
Try to sell them or consider buying them yourself as a donation to Church Funds.
All proceeds (there are no expenses) go to the Parish.
Society of St Vincent de Paul
The St Vincent de Paul Society in England and Wales has around 10,000 members who, last year, made
nearly 500,000 visits to those in need. September is SVP Awareness Month and the theme this year is
"Concern is Not Enough". If you share our concern for those in need, and would like to turn that
concern into action, why not consider joining the SVP. The Society is always in need of new members to
carry out this work so if you would like to find out more, please contact: Our Lady's Conference - Jane
Lynch on 889909: St Wilfrid's Conference - Margaret Howarth on 75511: St Bede's Conference Marion Walters on 871605 or SVP National Office on 020 7703 3030 or email
This weekend there will be an Appeal, the Annual Reports will be presented and a second
collection will be taken at all Masses for the three Conferences in our Parish of St John Vianney.
We’re asking for your help so that the SVP can continue their important work in our parish. Your prayers
and the financial support you contribute to the Annual Appeal are vital to the work carried out by the
SVP. Many thanks for your generosity.
Our Lady's
St Wilfrid’s
St Bede’s
The SVP Christmas Card Catalogue
will be available for your perusal after
the 9.00am Mass whilst you are
enjoying coffee and toast.
will be running a stall on
Northwich Charity Market on
Thursday 13th Novemberdonations are required
to sell on the stall.
wish to say
PLEASE NOTE that this weekend will
be the last opportunity to order
(as orders will be sent to
National Office during the course of
the week, so that they will be in time
for Christmas).
SVP Mass for the Sick &
Housebound will be celebrated on
Saturday 1st November at 12 noon
at Our Lady’s, followed by lunch in
the Parish Hall. If you would like to
attend, please sign the list at the back
of church as this will help with catering.
Also will you please indicate if you need
Items you wish to donate can
be dropped off at the Parish
Office on Tuesdays,
Thursdays or Fridays
(Please note that we cannot accept
books or cuddly toys on this
occasion, but all other items which
you think will sell are most
gratefully received).
to St. Bede's School
for a lovely
afternoon at their
Harvest Thanks
This coming
Monday 13th is our
Monday Lunch, we
look forward to
seeing you. If you find
it hard to register
your name
just ring 01606
Sunday’S MaSS:-twenty eighth Sunday in ordinary time
Pages 140-143 in Parish Mass Books
Roman Catholic Diocese Of Shrewsbury: Registered Charity 234025
St John Vianney Christmas Fair - 22nd November
Keep sending the items in! Bottles, groceries, nearly new items, books, toys,
handbags, Christmas and chocolate items for our tombolas and prizes for the many
games. Don't forget the 'Home-made and Craft Stall' all you talented people. If
you make anything, try to make one for us!!
There is a box at each Church to receive your donations - in the Sacristy at St. Wilfrid's, in the
Meeting Room at St. Bede's and at the back of Church at Our Lady's.
Christmas cards
at St Bede’s
Our Lady’S
Union of
Since some hotels have already been
advertising their Christmas parties for two
months, we don`t feel too guilty about
mentioning the world-famous, can`t be
bettered anywhere else,
St Bede`s Christmas Card stall.
UCM prayers and
prayers for vocations
will be said after the
St Wilfrid’s Tuesday
Noon Mass–
all are welcome.
The next meeting is on the
29th October when Brian
Hallworth will take us
'Down Forget-me-Not
Our Lady's Traidcraft
We now have a
selection of
Traidcraft Christmas
cards in stock -so do pop
into the Hall after Mass to
have a look at them. The
Traidcraft Christmas
Catalogue is available if
anyone would like to view
it. Orders must be in by
the end of October.
The UCM meeting will
take place this
Tuesday evening at
7.30pm in the
Presbytery Meeting
The stall will be held at the Vigil Mass
& the 11.00 am Sunday Mass
on the weekend of Sunday 9th November –
ie only four weeks away! Once again we will
have a fantastic selection of cards and Advent
Calendars, with some small presents as well –
all Christian ones, not a robin, nor a yule log,
nor a snow-bound cottage in sight.
All profits will again go to
Aid to the Church in Need.
Sadly the calls on the charity to help suffering
Christians in the Middle East just continue to
grow, so please get your cards and Advent
Calendars from us.
The Mothers' Prayers Group
meets during the day in term
time. Times can vary so
please do contact one of the
following for details: Anne on
01606 41518 or Angela on
01606 891103
Mid Cheshire Foodbank
would like to thank the
congregation of
St Wilfrid’s Church
for the recent donations
of 3.1 kgs of food
The Prayer Group
at St Wilfrid's
meets after Evening
on Wednesdays
7.30pm - 9.00pm
The Prayer Group
at St Bede’s
meets on
at 7.30pm
PARISH OFFERTORY: Thank you for your recent offerings for the 5th October: £1567.71