St Wilfrid’s Catholic Church Burgess Hill with St George’s Retreat - Ditchling Common and St Anne’s Convent - Mill Road Parish Priest: Father Rick McGrath The Priest’s House Station Road Burgess Hill RH15 9EN Tel: 01444 232358 email: Website: Parish Office open: 9am to 3pm Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Sunday 26 October 2014 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A Memorial Book Diocesan Announcement During November, a memorial book will be placed before the Altar at St Wilfrid’s. The names given previously will be included. If you have names to be added, please complete the form at the back of the Church and return to the Priest’s House. There will be a special collection next week for The Retired Priests Fund. Ukraine Seminary in Gorodok We have received a letter from Fr Oleksandr Yazlovetskiy, Rector of the Seminary in Gorodok, thanking our parish for the special collection – they are deeply touched by the support and generosity shown towards them. The current political situation in Ukraine has created many financial problems for them with the inflated cost of living and the shortage of gas supply. The seminary relies greatly on the support from beneficiaries, to enable them to run and maintain the building the money that has been donated is going towards the cost of installing two wood burning boilers giving them an alternative means of heating. Fr Olek sends his blessing and prayers for our parish and families and asks us to please pray for peace in their country. St Anne’s Prayer Group - Mondays at 7pm at St Anne’s Convent. All are most welcome. First Holy Communion The next Parents Meeting is Thursday 13 November 8pm in the Parish Centre: Children’s Session Saturday 15 November at 9.30am in the Parish Centre and 9.30am Mass on Sunday 16 November. Operation Christmas Child St Paul’s Catholic Church Haywards Heath are participating in the ’shoebox appeal’. If you are able to fill a shoebox to send to a child in poverty this Christmas please take a leaflet from the back of the Church. These explain how to pack the shoebox and what to put in - toys, stationery, toiletries and hats/gloves/ scarves, etc. Boxes to be taken to St Paul’s Haywards Heath or call Lucy Morrissey on 01273 401413 / 07880 706720 to arrange collection. Boxes by November 9 please. Thank you very much. Monday 3 November is The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed “All Souls” Day. Mass at St Wilfrid’s and St George’s will be said for All Souls on that day. ENCOUNTER EVENING for Catholics aged 15-30 The ENCOUNTER evenings at St Wil fri d’s Cath oli c Sch ool , Crawley are a popular event for young Catholics, featuring music, speakers and a chance to meet other young Catholics in a friendly environment. The next event is Friday 31 October called ENCOUNTER: ALL HALLOWS EVE - there will be Mass, great music and social time. All newcomers welcome , so if you haven't been before please do come along, you will be very welcome. Look up 'Encounter: All Hallows Eve' on Facebook for more info. St.Wilfrid's Catholic School Crawley RH118PG Sussex Chorus Sussex Chorus is preparing for a challenging new season, beginning with a concert on 8 November at All Saints Church, Hove at 7.30pm. The choir will perform Vaughan Williams’ “Towards the Unknown Region” an evocative setting of Walt Whitman’s valedictory poem, s u i t a bl e for a time of remembrance in the centenary year of the beginning of the First World War. Tickets available on or call 01444 412579. The A&B News is available at the back of the Church this weekend. Prayers for the sick Please remember in your prayers those from our community who are unable to join us: Bridget Barr, Rona Blackwood, John Brett, Bobbie Brodie, Christopher Browne, Carol Budgen, Margaret Close, Walter Deadman, Bridget Elwood, Graham Forster, Carmel Holmes, Elmira Irasga, Lubasi Malumo, Kathleen and John McKendry, John Mooney, Val Murray, Marek, Val Parris, Eveline Schjerve, Mary Stapleton and Brenda Walsh. Please inform the office of any changes so that the Prayer List is kept up to date. World Mission Sunday Many thanks for your kind generosity last Sunday. A total of £577.90 was collected. The Towers Convent School Are holding an Open Morning on Wednesday 12 November 2014. For further information please call 01903 812185 or their website is In the Cycle of Prayer We are asked to pray for the following intentions: The spread of the Gospel The Cycle Prayer is from 14 September to the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King on 23 November. Mass Intentions & Service Times - beginning Saturday 25 October Sat 25 5.00 pm 6.00 pm 7.00 pm Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time St Anne’s Private Intention St Wilfrid’s Joan O’Donoghue RIP St Anne’s Mass in Polish Sun 26 9.30 am 11.00 am 4.00 pm Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time St Wilfrid’s People of the parish St George’s Intentions of John Brett St George’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Mon 27 9.15 am 10.00 am 4.00 pm 7.00 pm Weekday St Wilfrid’s St George’s St George’s St Anne’s Intentions of Ita Fitzsimons Holy Souls Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Prayer Group Tues 28 9.15 am 11.30 am 7.00 pm Feast : Sts St Wilfrid’s St Anne’s St Anne’s Simon and Jude, Apostles Hannah and Bill Flowers RIP Private Intention Rosary Wed 29 Weekday 9.15 am St Wilfrid’s In Thanksgiving 10.00 am St George’s Special Intention Thur 30 9.15 am 10.00 am 7.00 pm Weekday St Wilfrid’s Gertrude Mary Coates RIP (Foundation) St George’s Joy Johnson RIP St Anne’s Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Fri 31 Weekday 9.15 am St Wilfrid’s Sister Anita RIP 10.00 am St George’s Those buried in St George’s Cemetery (Foundation) 3.00 pm St Anne’s Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Sat 1 5.00 pm 6.00 pm Solemnity : All Saints St Anne’s Private Intention St Wilfrid’s In Thanksgiving - Thelma Lewis Sun 2 9.30 am 11.00 am 4.00 pm Solemnity : All Saints St Wilfrid’s People of the parish St George’s Peter Heston RIP St George’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament This Sunday Eucharistic Prayer 4 St Wilfrid’s Parish Centre is available for hire. Please contact the Manager on 01444 242296. Flowers 26 Oct Felicity How Children’s Liturgy 26 Oct Louise Cavanagh Michelle Collins Sarah Curran Confessions Saturday 11.30 am -12.00 noon Please note Confessions NEXT week Saturday 1 November will be from 11am – 11.30am 13 14 15 26 Nov Nov Nov Nov October / November - Diary Dates First Holy Communion Parents Meeting 8pm Parish Centre Co-workers of Mother Teresa 2pm Priest’s House First Holy Communion Children’s Session 9.30am Parish Centre Vintage Club 2pm Parish Centre Church cleaning 27 Oct Ministries at St Wilfrid's 25 / 26 October Mary Pratt and Angela Wilkinson Our Schools St Paul’s Catholic College Jane Murray Way 01444 873898 St Wilfrid’s Primary School School Close 01444 235254 St Wilfrid’s Nursery Unit Parish Centre 01444 871107 Sat 6.00 pm Sunday 9.30 am Readers Carol Nevett John Thompson George Lepine Fran Anderson Ministers Raymond & Elizabeth L’Estrange Sam Aaron Mel Baird Martha Boyle Maureen Brown Welcomers Pat Tucknott Alec and Rosemary Fulton Tom Boyle St Wilfrid’s Parish is part of the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Trust registered charity no.252878
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