St Wilfrid’s Catholic Church Burgess Hill with St George’s Retreat - Ditchling Common and St Anne’s Convent - Mill Road Parish Priest: Father Rick McGrath The Priest’s House Station Road Burgess Hill RH15 9EN Tel: 01444 232358 email: Website: Parish Office open: 9am to 3pm Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Sunday 8 February 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time From Fr Rick Lourdes Pilgrimage 2015 Many thanks for all your good wishes and cards over the last few days. Thank you to all who came last Saturday and a special thank you to all those dedicated parishioners and friends who worked so hard to make it such a memorable evening. I am, as always, truly grateful. The date for this years pilgrimage is 30 July – 7 August. Application forms can be downloaded from the Lourdes website: Pilgrims requiring any level of medical, nursing or carer assistance should contact the Pilgrimage Office direct on 01403 740110 or write to Lourdes Pilgrimage Office, The Bothy, Cowfold Road, Coolham, Horsham, RH13 8QL. St George’s Notice Please note a change in the time: Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Pray the Psalms or the Liturgy of the Hours Recite the Rosary Meditate using Scripture or come, sit quietly and just "be" in the presence of God. Every Monday and Friday 3.45pm - 4.45pm Sister Mary Thomas and the Augustinian Sisters at St George’s extend a warm welcome all those wishing to join them. Co-workers of Mother Teresa The next meeting is this Friday 13 February at 2pm in The Priest’s House. Vintage Club The next meeting is Wednesday 25 February at 2pm in The Priest’s House. RIP Of your charity please pray for the repose of the souls of Sheila Ecaille RIP who died on the 25 January ~ and ~ Bridget Selwood RIP who died on the 29 January ~ and ~ George Laughlin RIP who died on the 3 February ~ also for ~ Frederick Longley RIP who died on the 3 February Father of Archbishop Bernard Longley of Birmingham. We offer our sympathy and prayers to their families and friends. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. First Holy Communion Prayer Father in Heaven, our children are preparing for their First Holy Communion next June. We ask you to be with them so that they may grow in their understanding of the Scriptures, of the Sacraments and especially of the gift of your Son in The Eucharist. Please inspire parents, grandparents and the children’s catechists to be supportive, thorough in teaching and personal examples of Christian living to inspire all those preparing for First Holy Communion. We ask this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Confirmation 2015 The date for Confirmations 2015 will be Sunday 31 May at 2pm and will be celebrated here at St Wilfrid’s. Father Jonathan Martin, Dean of Lewes and Chancellor of the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton will preside. Details of Confirmation Preparation sessions will be advised soon. St Anne’s - Notice Prayer Group, Mondays at 7pm and Holy Hour Fridays at 3pm. All are most welcome. Prayers for the sick Please remember in your prayers those from our community who are unable to join us: Bridget Barr, Rona Blackwood, Bobbie Brodie, Christopher Browne, Carol Budgen, Margaret Close, Walter Deadman, Graham Forster, Carmel Holmes, Elmira Irasga, Lubasi Malumo, Kathleen and John McKendry, John Mooney, Val Murray, Val Parris, Eveline Schjerve, Mary Stapleton, Doris Thorne and Brenda Walsh. Please inform the office of any changes so that the Prayer List is kept up to date. Thank you. Mass Intentions Please would parishioners ensure they tick the ‘Intentions of…’ or ‘Repose of the Soul of…’ box on the Mass Intention envelope and if possible please leave a contact number should there be a query. Many thanks. There is still a backlog of about a month, however please be reassured your Mass Intention shall be said. Special Collection The second collection next weekend 14 and 15 February, will be for the work of CAFOD in supporting poor and needy communities. The Towers Convent School The Towers Convent School, Upper Beeding are holding their Open Morning on Thursday 5 March. For further information please visit their website or call 01903 812185. Children’s Liturgy 8 Feb Lyn Radmall Shona Tweddle Maddie Tomkins Mass Intentions & Service Times - beginning Saturday 7 Feb Sat 7 6.00 pm Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time St Wilfrid’s People of the Parish Sun 8 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9.30 am St Wilfrid’s Well being of Susan Asher 11.00 am St George’s Jim St. John RIP Mon 9 Weekday in Ordinary Time 9.15 am St Wilfrid’s Well being of Rachel Richardson 10.00 am St George’s Deceased Benefactors 3.45 pm St George’s Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Tues 10 St Scholastica, Virgin 9.15 am St Wilfrid’s Mona Rush RIP 11.30 am St Anne’s Holy Souls Wed 11 Weekday in Ordinary Time 9.15 am St Wilfrid’s Brian Manley RIP 10.00 am St George’s Intentions of Kitty Laverty (80th Birthday) Thurs 12 Weekday in Ordinary Time 9.15 am St Wilfrid’s Sheila Ecaille RIP 10.00 am St George’s Intentions of Sister Mary Thomas Fri 13 Weekday in Ordinary Time 9.15 am St Wilfrid’s Derek Parrette RIP 10.00 am St George’s Deceased members of the Jaycocks family 3.00 pm St Anne’s Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 3.45 pm St George’s Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Sat 14 6.00 pm Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time St Wilfrid’s John Healy RIP Sun 15 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9.30 am St Wilfrid’s People of the Parish 11.00 am St George’s Well being of Rachel Richardson This Sunday Eucharistic Prayer 2 Confessions Saturday 11.30 am -12.00 noon 13 Feb 25 Feb 7 Mar February / March Diary Dates Co-workers of Mother Teresa 2pm Priest’s House Vintage Club 2pm Parish Centre First Holy Communion Children’s Session 9.30am St Wilfrid’s Parish Centre available for hire. Please contact the Manager on 01444 242296. Ministries at St Wilfrid's 7 / 8 February Church Cleaning 9 Feb Sat 6.00 pm Sunday 9.30 am Readers Peter Happe Carol Nevett Jane Billings Alec Fulton Ministers Philip L’Estrange Andy Razzell Denise Adamson Martha Boyle Rosemary Fulton Julia Murray Logue Shona Tweddle Welcomers Pat Tucknott Alec and Rosemary Fulton Tom Boyle Nicci Taggart Our Schools St Paul’s Catholic College Jane Murray Way 01444 873898 St Wilfrid’s Primary School School Close 01444 235254 St Wilfrid’s Nursery Unit Parish Centre 01444 871107 Parish Safeguarding for the Young or Vulnerable If you have any concerns for someone you know or need advice or help yourself, please call, in confidence : the Diocesan Safeguarding Co-ordinator on 01273 859708 or the Parish Safeguarding Representatives G Happe 07581 382788 S Barry 01444 232358 (Parish Office) G Healy 01444 232358 (Parish Office) St Wilfrid’s Parish is part of the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Trust registered charity no.252878
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