ST WILFRID’S SUNDAY MASS TIMES Sat 6:15pm 8:30am 11:00am 5:00pm 6:00pm Vigil Mass Mass Mass Liturgy of the Word for Children Sung Mass Extraordinary Form Latin Devotions & Benediction WEEKDAYS Monday 13th October Feria or St Edward the Confessor Mass at 8:00am and 12.10pm Tuesday 14th October Feria or St Callistus Mass at 12:10pm Wednesday 15th October St Teresa of Avila Mass at 12:10pm Thursday 16th October Feria or St Margaret Mary Mass at 12:10pm Friday 17th October St Ignatius of Antioch Mass at 12:10pm Saturday 18th October St Luke Mass at 10:00am at St Margaret Clitherow’s Shrine Mass at 12.10pm in Church CONFESSIONS Twenty minutes before Mass and Saturdays from 10:45am - 12:00 PRAYERS AND DEVOTIONS Rosary: Monday to Saturday after the 12.10 Mass Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Mon - Sat from 11:30am to 12:00 Thu from after Mass until 2pm Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Wednesday after the Rosary YORK SUNDAY 12th OCTOBER 2014 SOLEMNITY OF SAINT WILFRID Sunday Readings: Year A Weekday Readings: Year 2 Divine Office Week 4 YOUR PRAYERS ARE ASKED FOR… Bridget Whitaker, Tamara Madej, Muriel Snape, Colin Richardson, Rachel McHale, Sharon Gray, Connie van Donck, Ann Bamford, Chris Smith, Anne Preston, Gordon Whittaker, Fr Gerry Hurst, Veronica Chadwick, Maureen Pearson, Jennifer Cairns, Joan Wilkinson, Elsie Lyon, Peter Calpin, Anne Walsh, Joe Hudson, Marilyn Johnson, Frances Cole, Elaine Brighton, Margaret Sigvalderson, Diane Lyons, Tom Massey, Franca Tomasini-Snowdon, Ted Coleman; for the ill or housebound and all who care for them; for those who died recently, and all whose anniversaries occur at this time. SAINT WILFRID’S DAY This Sunday is St Wilfrid’s Day. We are delighted to welcome back Bishop Robert Byrne of the Oratory to celebrate at the 11am Mass. There will be a reception in the Rectory after the 11am Mass so do please try to come over. NEW WEEKDAY MASSES AND DEVOTIONS Please note that the additional weekday Masses have now begun. There is now a 12.10pm Mass every weekday and Saturday, preceded by Exposition and Confession and followed by the Rosary. There is now no Exposition on Thursday morning but instead there is an hour of Exposition after Mass on Thursday and during confessions on Saturday morning. We will see if we need a rota for Exposition but so far people seem to be staying on of their own accord! MASS TIME CONSULTATION Thank you very much for the many responses. Next week Fr Richard will circulate the proposal he is submitting to Bishop Terence. He will also leave a file in the porch with the responses he received (but with names and addresses removed) so that people can read them for themselves. Please let Fr Richard know if you object to your response being made available in that way. LEGION OF MARY We had a successful meeting last Tuesday and decided to re-found the St Wilfrid’s Praesidium of the Legion of Mary. The first meeting of the Praesidium of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs will meet at 2pm on Tuesday, 21st October in the Upper Room and at the same time each week after that. YORK AQUINAS READING GROUP The Aquinas Reading Group is meeting on Friday 17th October at 7.30pm at the Upper Room. This month, Fr. Richard Conrad OP will introduce us to Thomas Aquinas’s Treatise on Man. Sometimes St Thomas can feel rather difficult. Fr Richard makes him engaging, accessible, and even entertaining, so an evening not to be missed. SPUC COFFEE MORNING On Saturday 25th October York SPUC is holding a Coffee and Cake morning in the Upper Room from 10am - 12.30pm. The date has been chosen to mark the 47th Anniversary of Royal Assent being given to the Abortion Act. Perhaps you could help by baking a cake or giving an hour of your time to help with serving and washing up. If you can do either of these things, please get in touch with Christine Kelly by email, or text 07855994752. Finally please pray for the success of this event and the work done by SPUC to defend human life from conception to natural death. Thank you. REGULAR MEETINGS AND GROUPS - THIS IS A SELECTION: DETAILS ON THE WEBSITE • Evangelium/RCIA for those interested in the Catholic Faith. Wednesday at 7pm in the Upper Room. These week’s topic will be Virtues and Vices • SVP for helping those in our city with various difficulties especially loneliness or material deprivation. Please see Angela Breffitt or Fr Richard if you would like to get involved • Legion of Mary for the spiritual formation in the spirit of Our Lady and practical and spiritual help to others. Tuesday at 2pm in the Upper Room • Young Adults’ Group (17-30) for prayer, growth in the faith, and social activities. Second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7pm in the Upper Room. • Ascent a group for older people meets in the Upper Room at 12.45pm on the last Wednesday each month. READINGS AT MASS NEXT WEEK Isaiah 45:1,4-6; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5; Matthew 22:15-21 MALE VOICE CHOIR AT ENGLISH MARTYRS’ On Sunday 26 October the Cor Meibion Dwyfor Welsh Male Voice Choir will be holding a concert in English Martyrs’ Church at 7.30 p.m. Tickets £5 ORATORY CLERGY COLLECTIONS, GIFT AID AND STANDING ORDERS Loose Plate: £715.59; Gift Aid: £128.90; CAFOD £386.70 Thank you all very much. Fr Richard Duffield Parish Priest Fr Nicholas Edmonds-Smith Br Adam Fairbairn OTHER PRIESTS IN THE PARISH Fr David Standen P-in-C, St Joseph’s Fr Mark Drew PETERGATE HOUSE, 11, HIGH PETERGATE, YORK YO1 7EN 01904 624767 The Diocese of Middlesbrough is a Registered Charity number 233748 The Oxford Oratory Trust is a Registered Charity number 1018455
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