‘Together We Journey with God.’ From the Principal … 9 October 2014

From the Principal …
9 October 2014
‘Together We Journey with God.’
I hope all families had a good break and are ready for a fast and furious Term 4. Term 4 is the
shortest of the four terms this year and is only 9 weeks long. Term 4 concludes on Friday 5
December at 12:00 pm.
Every Monday 2pm
Penola Centre
14 Oct
15 Oct
16 Oct
20 Oct
23 Oct
25 Oct
29 Oct
14 Nov
26 Nov
2 Dec
4 Dec
5 Dec
Prep Orientation
Antiquities Museum
Prep Orientation
School Photos
Pupil Free Day
P & F Performing Arts
Buddy Day
G20 (Public Holiday)
Christmas Concert
Swim Carnival Yrs 4 – 7
Seniors Assembly
Graduation (Seniors)
School Holidays begin
12.00 noon (please make
arrangements to collect
your child / children by
Each year our school sets goals to be achieved throughout that year. These goals are from a set
of 20 goals developed by Brisbane Catholic Education that must be achieved over a period of 5
years. They fall into four broad categories or priorities:
Priority 1:
Mission and Religious Education
Priority 2:
Learning and Teaching
Priority 3:
Professional Practice and Collaborative Relationships
Priority 4:
Strategic Resourcing
Each of these Priorities has 5 goals. In 2014 our School has worked on the following goals:
Priority 1
Goal1.5 Learning and Teaching of Religion
Priority 2
Goal 2.3 Pedagogical Practice
Priority 3
Goal 3.4 Partnerships and Relationships
Priority 4
Goal 4.4 Strategic Information Management
Yesterday all parents and caregivers who receive the newsletter electronically or via our app
would have received an email inviting them to take part in a Survey on how well we have
achieved these goals. The return date for the Survey is by Friday 17 October.
This is the only Professional Development Day (Pupil Free Day) that doesn’t now fall inside the
children’s holiday times. The Professional Development Day in this term is known as CTJ Day or
Consistency of Teacher Judgement Day. This involves our teachers meeting with teachers of
other schools to ensure the way we assess the students’ work is consistent with teachers from
other schools. This means that the school will be closed on Monday 20 October.
We are now well and truly into the hot part of the school year and as a result students can easily
become dehydrated. Please ensure that you child has both their hat and water bottle filled with
water before they leave home.
In 2015 the school will revert to a more Sun Friendly system for lunch breaks. The students will
have their First Break (known as Lunch) from 10:30 am to 11:15 am – a total of 45 minutes. Their
Second Break (known as Afternoon Tea) will be from 1:15 pm to 1:45 pm a total of 30 minutes.
The children will have the same amount of play time but their longer break will be at a cooler
time of the day. The change will not affect the length of the school day or the length of the
breaks. We believe it will also mean that the students who do most of their eating in the current
First Break (as it has been some hours since breakfast) will have more time to eat before playing.
The Second Break can then become a time to eat a smaller snack.
This is a reminder that we have students in the school with a variety of allergies. Some of these allergies are minor but
some of them are extremely dangerous. As a result I ask all in our community to try to ensure that students who
should not come into contact with their allergens don’t. Please ensure that hands are washed especially after touching
foods that are known allergens and remind your children that they should not swap lunches as this could be extremely
dangerous for some children.
Mark Badke
Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School
Like us on Facebook to receive updates
and community information.
Term 4
Tuesday 7 October - Friday 5 December
Term 1
Wednesday 28 January - Thursday 2 April
Term 2
Monday 20 April - Friday 26 June
Term 3
Monday 13 July - Friday 18 September
Term 4
Tuesday 6 October - Friday 4 December
Remember …
All parents helping out in the school are required to sign in and out at the office and wear a “PARENT HELPER BADGE”.
All grandparents, aunts, uncles etc. MUST have a Blue Card (from the Commission for Children and Young People and
Child Guardian. Forms can be obtained from the school office). All volunteer / parent helpers MUST have completed
the Student Protection Workshop on the school website and submitted the forms to the office.
From the APA …
Welcome back to term 4. I trust you enjoyed the break with your children. I am sure many of you experienced the joy
of just being able to focus on being a parent and not having to concern ourselves with our working life. Term 4
promises to be a fantastic term of swimming, learning, playing, concerts and of course celebrating Christmas.
Please see the information below in regards to the ordering process for school photo day on Thursday 16 October.
We have hit term 4 running with swimming lessons having commenced this week. Thank you to all parents and carers
for ensuring your child/children are in the correct swimming gear. Please continue to label all items of clothing, so that
all lost property can be returned.
OLOL School Photos …
Please see the information below in regards to the ordering process for
school photo day on Thursday 16
Family envelopes can be collected from the front desk in the office.
School Photos Are Now Available For Secure Online
4 Easy Steps to Online School Photo Ordering
Step 1: Go to www.advancedlife.com.au before photo day and enter your school code 1LN LFK TZ6
Step 2: Enter your student’s details.
Step 3: Choose the package that best suits your needs (all orders will be returned to the school for collection).
Step 4: Pay for the photos via the shopping cart (upper right corner of the page).
Please note: LATE FEES will apply once orders are closed | Family/Sibling photo orders online close 48 hours before the
first school photo day however they can be purchased using an envelope up until photo day
Enjoy the rest of the week!
From the APRE …
By tradition, the Catholic Church dedicates each month of the year to certain devotion. In
1883, Pope Leo XIII officially dedicated the month of October to the holy rosary, one of the
best known of all Catholic devotions. October includes the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary on
October 7.
The Rosary is a devotional prayer. The name comes from the Latin word rosarium, which
means ‘rose garden’. In the Middle Ages, Mary was often called ‘Rose’, and the name
eventually became ‘rosary’. The Rosary today consists of fifteen decades of Hail Marys. Each
decade begins with the Lord’s Prayer and concludes with the Doxology (Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
world without end. Amen). A meditation on the life of Christ or Mary accompanies each decade.
Although the rosary and Marian prayer (e.g. the Hail Mary) may be prayed in all year levels from Year 1 to Year 7, in the
Religion Curriculum P-12 students in Year 1 and Year 5 learn about Mary and the Rosary in greater detail. Year 5 Yellow
will focus on The Rosary during their prayer assembly on Monday 13 October.
Families who have children in Year 3 and upwards next year are invited to celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation,
Eucharist and Confirmation. Please access the Parish website on olol.com.au and visit the “Sacramental Program”
under the heading “Sacraments”. Alternatively, you can access the Parish website by using this link.
The program will begin with an interview with Sister Stella. You will need to phone the Parish Office on 3345 3766 to
arrange your interview. Interviews start at the beginning of November. Please contact the parish office soon to ensure
that you get the time which suits you best.
Term 4 Liturgical Celebrations
Families and friends are warmly invited to join us for our liturgical celebrations.
Wk 2
16 October
Wk 4
28 October
OLOL Church
Wk 4
30 October
OLOL Church
Wk 7
20 November
OLOL Church
Class & Celebration
Class Mass
Year 5
Liturgy of the Word
Year 2
Class Mass
Year 3
Class Mass
Year 4
Wk 7
21 November
OLOL Church
Wk 9
2 December
Wk 9
4 December
Wk 9
5 December
Liturgy of the Word
Liturgy of the Word
Year 1
Seniors Graduation
Marie, Sue & Lucy
Year of Year Mass
* Dates and times are correct as at 9-10-14. Any changes to these dates and times will be noted in the school newsletter.
Have a great week!
God’s blessings, Tara Martin (APRE)
From the Parish …
Families who have children in Year 3 and upwards next year are invited to celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation,
Eucharist and Confirmation. Please access the Parish website on olol.com.au and visit the “Sacramental Program”
under the heading “Sacraments”.
The program will begin with an interview with Sr Stella. You will need to phone the Parish Office on 3345 3766 to
arrange your interview. Interviews start at the beginning of November. Phone soon to ensure that you get the time
which suits you best.
OLOL’s very own App
Info/communication found quickly and easily
Make sure you’re a wise owl and have it
downloaded on your phone or tablet.
Help us reach 600 downloads!
Currently at 592! We are almost there!!
Search - our lady of lourdes sunnybank
Install, then open
Click OK to receive push notifications – this will alert you for reminders
Select MORE from the bottom of the app
Select SET UP, then toggle on the push categories that are applicable.
Ensure that push notifications are selected in your phone/device settings so that you receive the reminders.
Please note – for iPads, change the drop list to “iPhone Apps”. For step by step instructions please refer to the website
“click here to get skoolbag app on your phone”.
All excursion notes are viewable on the app, as well as other communications from school.
If you need assistance with downloading the app, please see Debbie in the office or uniform shop.
To give feedback about the app or website, please email Debbie at dpjohnson@bne.catholic.edu.au
Absences can be advised through the skoolbag app
Parent eForms > Absentee Note
This can be done any time of the day or night.
Forms and documents can be printed from the app if you access it from the school website – Skoolbag
Communication Centre at the bottom of the main page.
Add events directly to your personal calendar from our events or calendar.
No smart phone??
If you do not have a smart phone, you can choose to receive any alerts that we send out, by email instead. Go to our
school website – www.ourladyoflourdes.qld.edu.au
The skoolbag communication centre is at the bottom of the page. Click
“subscribe for email” and then you will be registered to receive any reminders
by email. Of course you can access all the content from this centre as well.
Forms and documents can be printed from this also through your printer.
Thank you to the parents and carers who are advising absences
through the app. Whilst the ladies in the office love taking your calls, the
mornings can be quite hectic in the office. Using the app to advise an absence
helps us serve you more efficiently when you’re in the office.
Student of the Week …
Congratulations to the following students:Aeron Jose
Grace Macartney
Armandeep Virk
Cohen Bebbington
Jemma Bowey
Jake Figueroa
Tristan Johnson
Eileen Carmelita
Jasmine Joseph
Ryan Talty
Chelsea Lamuri
Claudia Zivec
Jada Price
Emily Bates
Marnie Moses
Reuben Tyler
Jack Bates
Miya Chow
Hollie Thomas
Lorelai Nguyen
Ben Abdou
Prep Blue
Prep Red
Prep Yellow
Senior Blue
Senior Red
Senior Yellow
Active School Travel …
Ice Blocks … Grace Hill, Olivia Miles, Brandon Cox, Patrick Dinh
Walking School Bus
 All interested parents are most welcome to attend
 NEW PRIZES available
Walking Bus every Wednesday from 8.05am
Woff Street Skate Park, Sunnybank
Looking forward to seeing you there!!!!
On wet days, please DO NOT DROP YOUR CHILDREN OFF AT THE PARK unless there are supervisors present.
(Walking under these wet conditions make pathways slippery and dangerous)
Jo Bowman (AST Coordinator)
REMINDERS: Parents of Prep students to stay with child until we have started to walk, on Buddy day and
Milo & Muffin day, not normal Wednesday
 Buddy Day - 29 October 2014
School Banking Rewards …
Remember School banking is on a FRIDAY - Happy Banking
From the Tuckshop … (every Wednesday, Thursday & Friday)
TUCKSHOP ROSTER: Wednesday 15 October – Friday 17 October
Wed 15 Oct
Help required
Thurs 16 Oct
Glenys Ribich
Friday 17 Oct
Merissa Ryan
From the School Shop …
SCHOOL SHOP ROSTER: Wednesday 15 October – Thursday 16 October
Wed 15 Oct
Glenys Ribich
Thurs 16 Oct
Wendy Ryder
The new blue micromesh bucket hats have arrived and the slouch hats will arrive shortly. These hats will cost slightly
more than the current ones but they are fade resistant, machine washable and cooler. They should stay looking
smarter for much longer. The new bucket hats are $12 each and the slouch hats will be $16.00 each.
Uniforms bearing the new school logo will be available once the current stock (with the old logo) have been sold.
Uniforms bearing the old logo can be worn until they are worn out. We appreciate your understanding in this regard.
Some uniform items are now on sale with the new logo.
Our school bags have arrived bearing the new school logo and they are ready for purchase. These bags come with a 3
year warranty and are very durable. The small ones cost $42 and are in NAVY and the large ones are $58 in ROYAL
New Bow Headbands ($7.50) and Criss Cross Hedbands ($10) now available in royal and gold.
Don’t forget to purchase your book covers this year. New designs will be available in the next few weeks. There will be
limited Stock so don’t miss out.
Debbie Johnson
P & F News …
Thanks to those children who have already nominated to perform at the Gala Concert.
choir, guitar group will be performing on the evening.
Please note the school band,
Sport …
Our term 4 basketball program will officially commence on
Thursday 16 October and run for 8 weeks until Thursday 4
We are also extending an invitation to any student who would
like a FREE trial session, either next Thursday or on the first
Thursday of Term 4 (9/10/14), before formally registering for the
next program.
Our Pirates coach, Andy Sobieszuk will be delivering this program.
Andy is a very experienced coach, both at junior and senior level, here in Australia, as well as overseas.
Many thanks!
Chris Rideout (SWMBI Aussie Hoops Coordinator, Mob: 0403 162 932)
Community News …
New members are most welcome, if you wish to join us please call Jenny Scodellaro 0402 457 462 or
MaryAnne Hiscutt 0413 199 974.
We are a family based martial arts and self
defence school based at the Paloma Reception
Centre. We have been teaching students from
Our Lady of Lourdes and kids from the local area
for the last 10 years. Classes are every Tuesday or
Thursday nights from 5.30pm. Catering for ages 4
and up. Come along and join our family.
Are you a parent of a child with type 1 diabetes?
Every day, thousands of Australian children suffer the effects of type 1 diabetes and families struggle
with illness management and children’s behavioural and emotional adjustment.
Positive Parenting for Healthy Living is an adaptation of the successful Triple P- Positive Parenting
Program offering practical ideas and support for parents of children with type 1 diabetes. This
innovative group program is designed to help parents manage their child’s illness, assist children in
coping with their illness and emotions, and prevent and manage difficult child behaviour.
Over the next few months and for a limited time only, parents of 2-10 year old children with type 1
diabetes are able to access Positive Parenting for Healthy Living Triple P as part of a University of
Queensland research project. Parents will be able to attend the program free of charge, and will be asked
to complete 2 sets of assessment measures (questionnaire and family observation) over a 6 month
period, as part of the study. Contact Aditi Lohan on (07) 3346 7689 or email
diabetes.healthyliving@uq.edu.au, or visit https://exp.psy.uq.edu.au/t1diabetes for more information.
A weekend away for married couples in peaceful, picturesque surroundings – away from the distractions of everyday
living. Take time out of your busy schedule, to invest in your most precious asset . . . your Marriage! This is a unique
opportunity to recharge your relationship batteries, refocus on each other and fall in love all over again!
Weekend date: 31 Oct – 2 Nov 2014
Venue: Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston QLD (on Brisbane’s bayside)
For bookings/details contact: Tamara and Scott Menteith, ph (07) 4634 3559,
stjmen@aapt.net.au Information website: www.wwme.org.au