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Welcome to
Sara, Ruhama & Adam Just
“The Church on
the Corner Whose
Cornerstone is Christ”
We are a community of faith founded upon God’s Holy Word, preaching salvation through believing in
Christ as Savior. We seek to live in God’s truth, being obedient to His Word and following in His ways.
October 12, 2014
8:00 & 10:30
Welcome to our Worship of God!
Lighting of the Altar Candles and Ringing of the Tower Bells
(At the bell’s ringing, let us concentrate on Jesus and his promise of salvation)
Welcome, Scripture and Prayer
Psalm 29 (p. 547)
The Power of Your Love
* (8:00) Hymn of Praise – #2
“Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”
* (10:30) Songs of Praise – screen
“You Are My All In All”
“Amazing Love”
* Passing the Peace of Christ
Children’s Message
#357, refrain “Jesus Loves Even Me”
Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’s
Lord s Prayer (debts/debtors)
* (8:00) Hymn – #430
“I Must Tell Jesus”
(10:30) Chancel Choir
“The New 23rd”
Scripture Reading
Hosea 2:14-23 (p. 890)
“Amazing Love”
Sharing Our Tithes and Offerings of Gratitude
Hallelujah (Your Love is Amazing)”
* Doxology and Prayer of Dedication
* Closing Hymn – #505
“Love Lifted Me”
* Spoken Benediction
* Benediction in Song – #604, v. 1
* Postlude
“Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name”
Welcome . . .
Guests and Visitors
Welcome to our worship of God! Please take a moment to complete one of the info cards in the
pew rack at each end of the pew and drop it in the offering plate once it is passed down the aisle in
the service. We hope you will find our service to be an uplifting and pleasurable time of worship
and that you will worship with us again. Learn more about us by visiting our Welcome Table at the
south end of our building or our website at www.stjohnsarchbold.org
Membership Orientation
St. John's Christian Church offers periodic orientation session to inform people about the beliefs,
ministries and history of this local congregation. Orientation includes three group sessions and
one home visit by one of the pastors. Please let Pastor Erich, Pastor Adam or Sue Grieser know if
you would be interested in attending future sessions offered.
St. John’s Christian Preschool
A learning, Christian environment geared for children 3-5 years of age. Sessions available are 2-day
(Tues/Thurs) morning and afternoon and 3-day (Mon/Wed/Fri) morning and afternoon and run
from September thru May.
Mother’s Room / Diaper Changing Station / Nursery Care
We have a Mother’s Room located near our sanctuary – just ask an usher for location. A diaper
changing station is in our nursery room just down the hallway from our sanctuary. Nursery Care
is offered during the 10:30 worship service for infants and pre-kindergarten children.
Children’s and Large Print Bulletins are available on a table in the sanctuary narthex.
Hearing Assistance is provided through our loop system for hearing aids with a “t” switch position.
This Week’s Congregational Prayer (uniting our congregation in common prayer):
I praise You Lord! Majesty and glory and honor I ascribe to Your Name, O Holy God! May I draw
deeply from the example of Hosea’s love, as I draw from the deep love You have for me and for all
people. A love in which Christ died to bring us back to You, Lord God. No matter the day, no
matter the weather, no matter the trials and tests and joys and sorrows, may I seek You at all times.
I praise You Lord! Amen.
October Mission-A-Month – Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child (OCC) is a mission that strives to get needed supplies and the word
of salvation to children living in dire conditions throughout the world. Monetary donations may be
given to help purchase items to fill shoe boxes and the supplies needed to pack them (see October
newsletter for list of items to and not to purchase for or include in boxes), and the expenses to ship/
deliver the boxes (cost is $7 per shoe box). Donations can be dropped off in the church office, or
included in your weekly offering envelopes earmarked “OCC” or October M-A-M.
Let’s Talk About It - This Week in Our Children’s and Youth Education:
Pre-K Class: We learned about David and Goliath. How did David defeat Goliath? How did God
provide the victory?
Faith Village: We continued our unit entitled, “David, the Boy”, which uses 1 Samuel 16:1- 23;
17:20; 2 Samuel 5:1-12; and Psalm 23 as its references. God saw something very special in David
and chose him to be the second king of Israel when he was still a young boy. God also sees special
thing in each of you. Name several things that you think are special about you.
Confirmation: We continued our review of the New Testament, focusing on Paul’s letters, with
youth still memorizing names of the New Testament books.
LOGOS: The 3rd graders studied Genesis 6-9, discussing how Noah loved God enough to listen
and obey him through the flood. Do we love Jesus enough to listen and obey? John 14:15.
JYF: We explored Psalm 22 and how it was connected with Jesus’ life. We also prayed for MacKenzie
Nofziger and enjoyed Frisbee activities.
SYF & Life Planning: Life Planning headed out to Short’s pond for a nice evening. We talked
about the persecuted church and wrote letters to several Christians around the world who are going
through or have suffered through persecution. What does this do for our faith?
Senior High Sunday School: We continued in our “Jesus-Centered Life” series and focused on
Jesus’ true mission through John 7:1-6. We are all invited into this relationship with Jesus. What
was Jesus’ desire behind his rescue mission?
Women of Faith Revival Tour Simulcast – Be ready to transform your soul, awaken
your spirit and revive your faith at this live simulcast right here at St. John’s on Friday
and Saturday, November 7 (68PM) and 8 (8AM-3:30PM).
Dynamic speakers include: Patsy
Clairmont, Sheila Walsh, Lisa
Harper, Christine Caine, Anita
Renfroe and Lysa Terkeurst.
Registration for this event can
be done through our church web
site ((www.stjohnsarchbold.org
or by calling the church office at
419-446-2545. Tickets are $20
each which includes both days
of the event and a box lunch on
Saturday. Tickets are available
up to the day of event, but those
purchased after October 31st will
not include lunch on Saturday.
Worship Service (Sanctuary)
Confirmation / Faith Village / Sunday School
Worship Service (Sanctuary)
Staff Meeting (Office Closed)
Couples Small Group (Youth Room)
Capital Campaign Committee (Fireside Room)
Sister Chicks INC (Nancy Rupp’s,
Rupp’s, St. Rt. 2, Stryker)
Bible Study – 1 Samuel 26 (Fireside Room)
Prayer Time (Chapel)
Community Meal – St. Martin’s
Martin’s Lutheran Church Hosting (Parish Hall)
Cub Scouts Den Meetings (Upstairs Classrooms)
Preschool Board (Parlor)
Property Committee (Fireside Room)
Praise Band Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
Men’s Breakfast (Home Restaurant, N. Defiance St., Archbold)
Moms In Prayer (Upstairs Classroom)
LOGOS Meal – Teddy Bear Night (Parish Hall)
Alpha Course (Upstairs Classroom)
Junior Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
JYF (Fireside Room)
SYF (Youth Room)
Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
Shrimp Boil (Parish Hall / Kitchen) Sign Up Sheet Posted on Bulletin Board
Worship Service (Sanctuary)
Confirmation / Faith Village / Sunday School
Equipped To Serve (Parish Hall)
Worship Service (Sanctuary)
Junior Church – 4 yr. olds thru 2nd Grade (Artisan’s Tent)
Youth Leaders Potluck (Fireside Room)
Seekers (Jim & Betsy Redd’s, 104 Quail Run, Archbold)
Next Sunday - October 19th – Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost / Gideon Sunday
Sermon – “Truly, Amazing Grace” by Pastor Erich Christman; Scripture – John 5:1-15
Audio of Our Worship Services available on our church web site, www.stjohnsarchbold.org, under
the Media pull down menu.
Back Bay Mission Trip – The following volunteers departed yesterday afternoon for Biloxi,
Mississippi: Larry Auck, Betsy Ducey, Jim Grieser, Tom Johnson, Gloria Lauber, Mike Meyer, Jim
and Betsy Redd, Nancy Storrer and Pastor Erich. They will return sometime Saturday morning,
October 18th. Please keep them in your prayers as they share God’s love with the people of Biloxi.
Shrimp Boil Saturday, October 18th – Come and enjoy some boiled shrimp fresh from Biloxi,
Mississippi next Saturday, October 18th at 6PM. A sign up sheet is posted on the bulletin board
and you have your choice of shrimp or chicken. A free will offering will be collected and given
to Back Bay Mission.
Gideon Sunday – We will observe Gideon Sunday next Sunday, October 19th. Mr. Howard
Warncke will be here to share updates on the work and ministry of the Gideon’s, and an exit
offering will be received at the close of each service of worship.
Discovery Daily Devotional Guides – The Oct/Nov/Dec Discovery Daily Bible Guides are available
in the literature rack outside the church office (suggested donation $2.50 each). Below is a list of
this week’s daily devotions you are encouraged to read:
October 13 - God’s Work In God’s Ways? .................. 1 Samuel 26:1-16
October 14 - Faithfulness Rewarded? ...................... 1 Samuel 26:17-25
October 15 - Faith Or Folly? ........................................ 1 Samuel 27:1-12
October 16 - Desperate Measures ............................... 1 Samuel 28:1-25
October 17 - Impossible? Watch This! ...................... 1 Samuel 29:1-11
October 18 - Act Now .................................................. 1 Samuel 31:1-13
October 19 - In The Darkness .......................................... Psalm 88:1-18
Equipped To Respond and Serve – If you were asked a question like this – “You’ve been nominated
to serve on the mission committee, would you be willing to serve?” – what might be your
response – willingness, panic, doubt, refusal? Lay volunteers are vital in the life and ministry of
the Christian Church! Be equipped to perceive where best you might serve! Be an Isaiah, who
responded to God’s call in Isaiah 6:8 – “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall
I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” ” Whether it be serving on
a committee, serving as an officer of Consistory, teaching or sharing the gift of hospitality, we
encourage everyone to participate in “Equipped to Respond and Serve!” held in the parish hall
this morning and next Sunday morning during the Sunday school hour.
Youth SERVE Day – SERVE 2014 is an opportunity for local Christian youth to come together
for a big day of serving our Archbold community and sharing the love of Christ. We will meet
here at St. John’s at 8:00AM on Saturday, October 25. After devotion, we will head out to our
job sites. We will meet back at the church at 12:30PM for lunch and a time of sharing about
our awesome experiences from the day. We will conclude at 1:00PM. The SERVE day is open
to youth in grades 5 - 12. There is a cost of $10 to participate which covers the costs for snacks,
lunch, t-shirts and materials. Please sign up by October 17th and registration forms are available
in the office and youth room.
Gong Show & Silent Auction – Planning is well underway for our annual Gong Show and Silent
Auction on Sunday, October 26th. Start making / collecting those donation items and get your
“acts” together for our annual night of laughter and entertainment. Sign up sheets are posted on
the bulletin board for acts and donated items. Proceeds will go to our preschool.
Blue Gate Dinner Theater, Shipshewana, Indiana – A St. John’s bus trip to see Josiah For President
(musical) at the Blue Gate Dinner Theater is scheduled for Friday, November 14th. Enjoy a
delicious meal (meat choices - chicken and beef) at 11AM followed by the musical at 1PM.
Tickets are $44 each and include all expenses for the day. To see additional information on the
musical and event site, visit www.riegsecker.com/shipshewana/bluegatetheater/
www.riegsecker.com/shipshewana/bluegatetheater/.. Deadline to sign
up on the bulletin board is this Tuesday, October 14th.
Missionaries Supported by Our Congregation and Their Current Prayer Requests:
• Dr. Shobha Arole & Ravi Arole – CRHP, Jamkhed, India
 Praise God for the Joyful Learning Preschool which has 60 children attending six days a week.
The teacher, Meena, collects the children from their homes, checks on the wellbeing of her
students’ families, and ensures the children are ready for the day. Students receive 2 meals
and 1 snack per day to promote growth and learning, and each day is filled with activities that
promote joyful learning.
• Tony & Leila F. – Mozambique
 Their prayer requests include: good adjustments to the new field, for permanent housing, for
Tony’s permanent visa approval, and for wisdom and good interaction with the team.
• Larry & Linda Rupp – Kajiado Children’s Home (KCH), Africa
 Pray that the recent trip by Larry and others from the states produces administrative and
spiritual fruit for the home, as well pray for their video project so that they can share what
God is doing at the home, enabling KCH to get more people engaged in their support.
• Tom & Megan – The Islands, Africa
 Meat and eggs are hard to find, flour is non-existent and rice is running low. Pray that relief
comes soon. Pray for the healing of David’s burn and for Peter, who has been sick. Pray for a
new family and their transition to island life. Pray for T & M as they guide teammates through
the challenges and struggles of life and work here.
• Judd & Becky McClarren – Departing for Ethiopia in September
 Pray for them as they continue to wait upon a date of departure.
• Matt Pardi – Great Commission Ministries, Bowling Green State University
 Pray for the students they are discipling, and for compassion and wisdom for the staff.
• Kyle Chase – Great Commission Ministries, University of Michigan
 Pray for continued wisdom and gifts of leadership as Kyle leads a team in planting a new
church on the north campus of the university.
• Keith & Cheryl Wyse – Agape Family Life House, Langfang, China
 Pray for continued discernment and energy in coordinating the expanding avenues of
ministry for the children and staff of the Life House.
• Brian & Jamie Rauschenberger – New Life International, Haiti
 Pray for continued support of their mission house and community based ministries.
• Jon & Rachel Doriot – Pioneers, Papua
 Please keep praying for openness and against any spirit that might want to sow seeds of
• Mackenzie Nofziger – International Christian School in Bangkok, Thailand
 Prayers of thanksgiving that Mackenzie has found a church in which she is worshipping and
serving in; pray for her continued peace and strength as each day, week and month unfold.
October’s Prayer: Praying for Judd & Becky McClarren – Lord, I pray that Judd & Becky tangibly
experience your peace and patience as they await their time of departure from here and entrance in
to the field in Ethiopia. Continue to open the doors of funding, travel, and opportunity for them to
share their medical and agricultural knowledge, that in their conversations and time with people,
they would speak of and display your love. Amen.
Prayer Joys, Concerns, Requests - Please Pray For:
• Kreighton Sims, one of our eighth graders, whose father, Greg Sims, has been diagnosed with
• Thelma Bartley, who is at her daughter’s home in Maumee, receiving home health care, physical
and speech therapy.
• Roger and Kay Merillat’s granddaughter, Chloe Merillat, who is undergoing proton treatments.
• Aprile Jennings, who is undergoing treatments for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.
• Mary Jo Britt, who is recovering from a stroke.
• Robert Kuntz, who is in rehab at Fulton Manor.
• Dale VonDeylen, who continues to endure through a lengthy knee surgery healing process.
• Annie Foote, receiving chemo every three weeks through December 16th, then an additional 48
weeks of a trial chemo.
• Richard and Cathy Spiess, as Richard cares for Cathy who lives with Frontal Temporal Dementia.
• Kyle Ducey, stationed at Buckley Air Force Base, Aurora, Colorado.
• Jared Kuntz, stationed in Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
• Jacob Lesniak, stationed in Twentynine Palms, California.
• Braden Martinez, stationed in Afghanistan.
• Dennis LaPorte, stationed at Travis Air Force Base, California
• Steve Schink, stationed at the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut.
• All our students – Proverbs 16:20!
• All our home bound and care center residents.
Today’s Worship Servants
(8:00) Blair Bucklew
(10:30) Kreighton Sims
(Head) Bruce Wooley
(8:00) Gary & Judy Sears
(10:30) Bob & Carol DeVries, Keith & Kelli Kuntz
(10:30) Kent & Shiela Short, Scott & JoAnn Short
Nursery Staff
(10:30) Rachel Kinsman & Girls
(Oct 19) Jeff & Stacy Rutledge
Sound Techs
(8:00) Angie Nofziger
(10:30) James Grime
Video Tech
(10:30) Dean Sauder
Computer Tech
(Both) Kelly Ducey
Worship Leader
(8:00) Tammy Nofziger
(10:30) Jan Lindsay
Song Leader
(Both) Deb Schnitkey
(Both) Lynne Christman
Children's Message
(Both) Deb Kauffman
700 S. Defiance Street • Archbold, OH 43502
Ph: 419-446-2545 • www.stjohnsarchbold.org
Pastor Rev. Erich Christman (Cell 419-551-0401)
Associate Pastor Rev. Adam Just (Cell 419-551-6499)
Administrative Assistant Sue Grieser ((offi
Director of Music Ministry Deb Schnitkey (daschnitkey@yahoo.com)
Director of Christian Education Jenna Storrer (jennastorrer1@gmail.com)
Preschool Administrator Sue MacDonald (macfamily5@roadrunner.com)