S t . J o h n ’s L u t h e r a n C h u rc h Happenings October 2014 Fall Fest 2014 Fall Fest—October 25, 2014—4:30 to 6:30p.m. Trunk or Treat—6:30p.m. Food, Fellowship, Games, Crafts, Music, and Costume Contest. New This Year, Dessert Bake-Off and Fall-Themed Baskets for Silent Action. Invite Your Friends and Neighbors to Join Us. Volunteers Needed: See sign-up sheet in Narthex. Soup Luncheon Begins Oct. 6 from 11:30-12:30. Come join us for free soup lunch. October is Pastor Appreciation Month We are looking for a few good people who would be willing to serve the church by being elected to Church Council. You would be nominated and if elected serve a two year term. If you are interested please see Pastor Edd, Teresa Hoffart or Wayne Ralston. We here at St. John’s Lutheran Church would like to say THANK YOU PASTOR EDD for ALL that you do for us and the community. You go way beyond “the call of duty”, and most days we never show our appreciation but just want you to know that we do APPREICATE all that you do for us and you always remain in our hearts and prayers. On October 12 our third graders will receive Bible in our Worship Services as part of the Milestone Ministry. The children receiving their Bibles are: Tyler Beazzo, Evan Gallway, Alexis Kepley, Brenden Lucas, Justin Peavy, and Clayton Dennison. PAGE 2 HA P P E NI NG S Church Council Highlights: Full reports available in office Reports Received: Upcoming Events: …..LAMP 10/1 Total Assets……………...$49,205.64 …..Men’s Breakfast 10/4 Dedicated Fund………….$14,671.14 Undedicated Funds………$34,534.47 …..Soup Lunch 10/6 …..Council 7:00 10/6 Joyous Arrival …...Women’s Bible Study 10/9 Reid Michael Newton, son of Stacy & Randy Newton Born September 6, 2014 …..Synod Leadership Gathering 10/11 …...Crop Walk 10/12 …...Need Cookies for Brazos Valley Campus 10/16 …..Fall Fest 10/25 …..Afternoon Fun 4-8 grades 10/29 …..Thankoffering Service 11/9 SEPTEMBER ATTENDANCE Church …..Thanksgiving Dinner 11/9 Sunday School 8/31 139 22 The Story: 9/7 157 53 9/14 164 62 9/21 145 50 9/28 96 39 I hope that you are enjoying your reading adventure in “The Story.” During this month we will be reading Chapters 4, 5 and 6. I hope that God’s Word speaks to each of you in new ways. A post card will be arriving this month with some questions and thoughts to ponder. PRAYERS George Bartges, Judy Asa, Amy Stublar, Jo Parker, Debra Harrison, Marilyn Damon, LaWanda Crane, John Taggart, Elsa Hoff, Rozetta Guess, Dorothy Bremer, Heidi Comeux, Bill Thompson, Irene Means, Elizabeth Barefield HOMEBOUND Helen Baumgartner, Dora Braun, Irene Means, Rozetta Guess, Ida and Albert Hadamek, Karina Johnson, Fortis Fitting IN SYMPATHY Williamson, Family, Breaux Family HA P P E NI NG S PAGE 3 Anniversaries and Birthdays: October Wedding Anniversaries: 10/1 Scott & Stephanie Bush 10/10 Ida & Albert Hadamek 10/12 Butch & Jackie Bremer 10/16 Jane & David Wilkinson 10/18 Reese & Susan Hart 10/20 Carl & Dawn Kies 10/25 David & Kathy Eckermann 10/26 George & Cherie Bartges Chris & Irene Nichols October Birthdays: 10/ 1 Rafe Loya, 10/3 Beverly Gunderson, 10/7 John Frey. Sr., Bryan Lovett , We are still collecting Christmas shoe boxes and money for Operation Shoe Box. We will collect these through October. You may fill a shoe box and bring it to the Church or donate $20.00 for us to fill your box for you. If you have any questions please see Angela or Teresa Wilson. 10/8 Gary Hackler, 10/9 Laurie Bettis, Andy Frey 10/12 Johnnie Braun, 10/13 Carol Tesch 10/14 John Fletcher 10/15 Charlie Burt, Curtis Hold, 10/16 Rachael Parsley, Teresa Wilson 10/17 Justin Peavy, 10/20 Sandra Hold 10/25 Jessica DeClaris, 10/27 Evan Gallway, Tim Friedel HAPPY HOUR MEAL MENU: 10/29 Dorothy Friedel, Oct. 1: Sloppy Joes/Tater Tots 10/28 Jason Gallway, Oct. 8: Chicken Nuggets/Mashed Potatoes Oct. 15: Breakfast-Eggs, Sausage & Pancakes Oct. 22: Tacos, Beans & Rice Oct. 29: Soup/Grilled Cheese Sandwiches Please remember we ask for a dollar donation for meals each week. 10/30 Cyndi Frey 10/31 Berry Harrison, Sr. HA P P E NI NG S PAGE 4 Youth and Family Upcoming Fundraiser. Back by popular demand, we will be selling TX Roadhouse yeast rolls, peanuts, and cinnamon butter again this year! However, we will be selling them in October and delivery will be the Monday, November 24th…just in time for Thanksgiving! Sales begin October 5 through November 2 nd. Order forms will be available in the Narthex. Don’t forget to buy for Christmas, too! Proceeds help to defray costs of youth programs. Crop Walk. Youth of all ages and their families are invited to participate in the annual CROP Hunger Walk scheduled for Sunday, October 12th at Holdt Park in Brenham, Texas! It is an opportunity for our church family take a stand against hunger in our world. We will be collecting donations from our congregation on Sunday, October 5 th and 12th. These donations benefit WARM and Lutheran World Relief. Immediately after second service on October 12th, we will head to Holdt Park and complete our walk! After our participation, we will celebrate at CiCi’s Pizza and be home by 5:00pm. Youth 4th grade and under must be accompanied by a parent. Youth in the 5th grade and up may participate without a parent; however, 5th graders will be required to walk with one of the sponsors attending the event. Parent consent forms will be required and drivers will be needed! A sign-up is in the Narthex. Junior High Retreat Registration Deadline. Registrations and $65 deposits are due on October 5th for all 6th-8th graders planning on attending the Junior High Retreat at Lutherhill in November. National Youth Gathering Registration Deadline. Registrations and $150 deposits are due on October 15 for all 9th12th graders planning on attending the National Youth Gathering in July, 2015. Church Under the Bridge. High school youth and adults are invited to serve the homeless in Houston on Sunday, October 19th. See newsletter article for additional information. Fall Fest! Plans are underway for our fun-filled Fall Fest! In addition to games, crafts, costume contest, and concessions, we will be adding a dessert bake-off and fall-themed silent auction baskets! Proceeds benefit WARM. Come join the fun on Saturday, October 25th beginning at 4:30pm! Trunk or Treat will be from 6:30 – 7:00pm! Wednesday Afternoon Fun! Waller ISD has another Early Release scheduled for Wednesday, October 29th! We will again have afternoon activities planned for 4th – 8th graders! Please sign-up in the Narthex. Happy Hour! We wish to remind our parents and youth of the Happy Hour activities on Wednesday evenings! There are special activities planned for elementary, junior high, and high school youth! Don’t miss the fun and the fellowship! Dinner is at 6:00pm and activities are from 6:30pm – 7:30pm. Potato Bake. A special thank you to all who participated in the Potato Bake on Sunday, September 21st! Whether you donated items, worked in the kitchen, baked and/or purchased a meal, we thank you so much! A total of $1,000 was raised! Important Dates and Upcoming Activities Sunday, October 5 Sunday, October 12 Wednesday, October 15 Saturday, October 25 Wednesday, October 29 Sunday, November 2 Sunday, November 9 Friday-Sunday, Nov. 21-23 Monday, November 24 TX Roadhouse Fundraiser Begins Junior High Retreat Registration and $65 Deposit Due CROP Walk Nat’l Youth Gathering Registration and $150 Deposit Due Fall Fest / Trunk or Treat Afternoon Fun! Early Release Parent Meeting: 2015 Spring and Summer Planning Texas Renaissance Festival Outing Junior High Retreat at Lutherhill TX Roadhouse Product Pick-Up 6th-8th Graders Youth and Family High School Youth Everyone! 4th – 8th Graders Parents High School Youth 6th - 8th Graders HA P P E NI NG S PAGE 5 MEMORIALS TO ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH SEPTEMBER 2014 IN MEMORY OF Edna Mikeska: Hilda Dodd, Georgia Stephan IN MEMORY OF Barbara Fritzsching: Berry & Eunice Harrison Join Us and Serve! On Sunday, October 19th, high school youth and adults are invited to serve the homeless in Houston. Through 1000 Hills Ministries, we will be providing a meal and participating in the worship service at the Church Under the Bridge, 2800 St. Charles Street. If this is your first time to participate, please attend one of the prepa- Welcome to our new members: David & Jane Wilkinson 14603 Guy Road, Waller, TX 77484, phone: 832-557-9932. David enjoys attending Waller football and baseball games. Jane enjoys reading and spending time with their grandchildren. ration events on Wednesday, October 8th or 15thbeginning at 6:00pm, during Happy Hour. On Sunday, October 19th, we will leave immediately after second service and return by 6:30pm. Sign up sheets are in the Narthex . How can you help? We plan to provide a meal. We will receive direction from the 1000 Hills Ministry team who is at every service. We need high school youth and adults to: …...contribute meal items, including food, paper plates, napkins, and plastic wear, …...work in our church kitchen to begin meal preparation on Saturday, October 18th and on Sunday morning, October 19th, …...transport our church volunteers and meals to 2800 St. Charles in Houston, …...help with set up and tear down at the Church Under the Bridge, …...serve the meal, …...hand out meal/prayer cards, …...lead prayer and/or read scripture, …...preach, …...pray with the homeless, and I would like to thank our congregation for their prayers and well wishes for my grandmother, Elizabeth Barefield, who was in the hospital in late September. I am happy to report she is back at home and is doing better. A special THANKS to Pastor Edd for visiting her, you made her day! Robin Blankenburg Dee Abrams 31719 Rochen Road, Waller, TX 77484 phone: 936-372-5157. Dee enjoys Crafts, Art, Cooking and Dancing. I want to thank everyone who has sent me cards or come by for visits. It means so much to still be part of my church family. I have all the cards displayed in my room and enjoy looking at them everyday. God bless you all for your love and concern. Love, Fortis Thanks to everyone who sent cards and flowers and Best Wishes to me. God Bless you, Elsa Hoff St. John’s Lutheran Church received a Thank You from the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. They wanted to Thank the Women of St. John’s for the 2013 Thankoffering contribution of $1943.00. They stated that the impact of this money will be multiplied over and over, expanding the reach of your Thankofferings and our shared response to God’s love. WARM Sunday 10/12/14 We will once again be collecting food items for WARM. This month we are collecting: Soups & Ramen Noodles, and Canned Beans (like Ranch or Pork & Beans) Thursday Evening Bible Study: Starting on Oct. 16 at 7 p.m. we will begin a study of the award winning book by Phillip Yancey: “What’s So Amazing about Grace?” The cost of the books will be $15.00. The study will last for 10 weeks focusing on experiencing the impact of Grace. If you are ready to discover grace as more than just a word, jump in and buckle up as we journey to the heart and soul of Christianity. The Adult One Sunday School Class will begin a new Study on October 5. We will be studying the Book of Ephesians. This letter of Paul is an invitation into a world of grace that sweeps each of us into a vision of what God’s eternal plan of redemption is for all of God’s creation. Come and join us on this new learning adventure. If you have a name that you would like to add to the All Saints List, please call the church office. We are in need of Communion Assistants to serve in our Worship Services. If you would be interested in helping please call Pastor Edd, or the church office. Once again on October 16, we will be supporting Brazos Valley Campus Ministry in Brenham by providing Cookies. See sign-up sheet in the Narthex. All Saint’s Day Hymn and Beer Fest November 2, 2014 4:00p.m. At Brazos Valley Brewing Tickets $20.00 a person If you would like to attend please sign up and purchase your ticket from Pastor Edd. Proceeds benefitting Lutherhill Ministries-Zion Retreat Center Look for the 2015 Flower Schedule later this month. Flower arrangements for each Sunday in our worship service will remain at the cost of $75.00 for the two arrangements.
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