25th Sunday in Ordinary Time | September 21, 2014 Liturgy Schedule Weekend Masses Saturday Vigil, 5PM Sunday, 7:30AM, 9AM, 11AM, 1PM Spanish, 6PM Life Teen Weekday Liturgies Mass: 9AM Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Liturgy of the Word: 9AM Tuesday Anointing Mass 9AM First Saturday of the Month Reconciliation Saturdays 3—4:30PM or by appointment Parish Information 141 156th Avenue SE Bellevue, WA 98007 425-747-4450 www.stlouise.org For a full listing of Parish Staff see the inside back page. Parish Office Hours 9AM—6PM, Monday thru Friday 10AM—2PM, Saturday Today’s Psalm: Psalm 145:2-3, 8-9, 17-18 Psalm Refrain: The Lord is near to all who call upon him. From the Pastor Welcome To St. Louise If you are new here, a returning Catholic, or have been a member and don’t feel connected, contact our Parish Office at 425-747-4450 to find out more information about the parish. If you are interested in registering, fill out an information card, found at the welcome desk in the main vestibule of the church, and drop it in the collection basket, or register online at www.stlouise.org. Dear Friends, First I want to thank you for the warm greetings and welcome that all of you have shown me ever since I arrived in July and especially for last weekend. I am truly blessed to be your pastor! I have some news to share. In addition to my new assignment to St. Louise, Archbishop Sartain has asked me to serve as Vicar of Clergy for the Archdiocese. This will mean that I will be away from the parish more than what I had anticipated to assist the Archbishop with reassignments of priests, their ongoing formation and personnel issues that may arise. I will also continue to serve in a reduced role as Vicar for Charities for now. The Archbishop knows very well that he is asking a lot of me and of our parish. When I took his request to prayer, I have felt a constant sense of peace and even of being called by the Lord to accept this unusual challenge. When I spoke to the staff about my new assignment Rita McHale (who by the way has worked for the parish now for 50 years, more about that later) shared that our first pastor, Fr. Lavelle, had two jobs at the chancery while he was pastor; so maybe this arrangement isn’t as unusual as I had thought! I will only be able to do both jobs successfully for these reasons: 1. God alone is my strength. 2. With the support of a strong staff both here at the parish and at the chancery. 3. With your support. Your commitment and willingness to rise up for the good of this parish is a true gift. 4. Support of family and friends. 5. To remember my limits and to care for myself so that I can care for others. As always, I depend on your prayers and patience as we move forward one step at a time. With gratitude, Fr. Gary Zender Today’s Gospel Reflection: Generosity “Doing your own thing” is usually associated with free spirits and teenagers, but it is also God’s way of acting. Receiving the same wage if you work the whole day in the fields or only one hour makes sense only if the wage is salvation, a share in God’s life. The overwhelming generosity of the Trinity toward the church, the bride of Christ, needs our response to the good news of the Gospel. Christ should be life and death for us. What is your response? Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, S.T.D. © 2002, OCP. All rights reserved. Illustration © 2007 Martin Erspamer, OSB. For Next Sunday Our Mission As members of St. Louise Catholic Church, our mission is to proclaim the good news of Christ in Word and Sacrament, to build up the prayerful community of believers in all our diversity and to witness God's saving love by ministering to the needs of others. Presiders Readings September 28, 2014 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading Ezekiel 18:25-28 Psalm 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 Second Reading Philippians 2:1-11 Gospel Matthew 21:28-32 The readings for every day are online at www.usccb.org/bible. Gospel Reflection Question Saturday, September 27 5PM Fr. Gary Sunday, September 28 7:30AM Fr. Gary 9AM Fr. Fabian 11AM Fr. Fabian 1PM Fr. Gary 6PM Fr. Gary “What have I done this week to make the world a more just place? What could I do in the future?” St. Vincent de Paul Bundle Sunday September 27 and 28 It's time to gather up those clean wearable clothes and household items no longer used. The St. Vincent de Paul truck will be on our lot to receive your donations before and after the 5PM Mass on Saturday, Sept. 27, and before and after all morning Masses Sunday, Sept. 28. The truck will leave at 12:30PM on September 28. (It is not available for the 1PM and 6PM Sunday Masses.) Only reusable items in good condition will be accepted. Your donations are greatly appreciated. Hospitality and Welcoming Young Adult Ministry Ages 20s and 30s Tuesday, September 23, 7PM, St. Louise Young Adult Potluck and Meeting in the Parish Center. Thursday, September 25, 6:30-8:30PM IPJC Justice Cafe: Living a Life of Solidarity, Caffe Vita-Capitol Hill, Seattle. Visit groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/slya/info to sign up for email updates. Forever Young A Group for 55+ and/or Retired Our first Fall meeting will be September 24 when we will “Get to Know Fr. Gary.” Join us at 9:45AM in the Parish Hall. Interest Groups Book Club will meet on Friday, September 26, 9:45AM in the Mother Teresa Room. Summer read is “River of Doubt” by Candice Millard. Newcomers always welcome. Job Openings for Nurses Bellevue School District has part-time and full-time openings in certificated positions for registered nurses. You must have your BSN and current license. Requires a background check, fingerprinting and attendance at ESA certification classes. For more information go to www.bsd405.org, click jobs and follow the prompts. To speak with a human, contact Sonja Reid, Lead Nurse, at 425-456-4276. The Office of Hispanic Ministry cordially invites you to attend: PARISH IN-SERVICE Hispanic Ministry in Catholic Parishes: The State of the Question Featuring: Dr. Hosffman Ospino October 9, 2014 9AM - 3PM at St. Louise. This in-service is ideal for parishes that have not yet implemented Hispanic Ministry and may be considering how to serve the Hispanic community in their area. It is also ideal for parishes that may want to determine the next step in the development of their Hispanic ministry. REGISTER online at adobeformscentral.com/? f=OxdNbXmcVUxbOmGYMGAcig Or www.seattlearchdiocese.org/Ethnic/ Hispano/eventos.aspx For more information contact: Isaac Govea at 206-382-4825, isaacg@seattlearch.org About a full quarter of all Catholic parishes This Week In Our Parish Sunday, September 21, 25th Sun. Ord. Time Catechetical Sunday blessing of Catechists at all weekend Masses except 7:30AM Sunday. 10AM School Open House 11AM RCIA - Parish Center Monday, September 22 Morning Bridge Club meets in Parish Center Tuesday, September 23 Called to Protect Class for Ministries 6:30PM Parish Hall Young Adults Potluck Meeting 7PM Parish Center Wednesday, September 24 9AM School Mass of the Holy Spirit Forever Young 9:45AM to Noon in Parish Hall 6:30PM Liturgy Commission in Parish Center Friday, September 26 School Walk-A-Thon 10AM Legion of Mary in Parish Library 6:30PM Renewed in Christ Prayer Group in St. Louise Room 7PM Emaus Prayer Group in Church (Spanish) Saturday, September 27 9:30AM to 2:30PM Choir Roundup in Church Stuff The Truck Sunday after Mass (formerly Bundle Sunday) Baptisms at 5PM Mass Sunday, September 28, 26th Sun. Ord. Time Stuff The Truck Sunday after morning Masses (formerly Bundle Sunday) Children's Faith Formation Open House Baptisms at 11AM Mass 11AM RCIA in Parish Center CABRINI MINISTRY TRAINING Cabrini Ministry Training (CMT) has 20 weekly classes that will change your life and your ministry to others. English classes begin October 20 (evening in Seattle) or October 21 (daytime in Kirkland). If you are interested in learning more about this remarkable program that has trained over 1000 people in the past 21 years, please talk with Kathy Riley (425-214-5466), or you may get an application and additional details about Cabrini Ministry Training by going to their website at www.cabriniministry.org. Faith Formation and Education St. Louise School News If you are interested in having your children attend Louise School for the 2015-16 school year, we are having a Fall Open House today from 10AM to 11AM. During your visit, you will have an opportunity to attend a classroom observation, to meet with the Principal and Vice-Principal, and have an all-campus tour. Come and see our great program in action! Mass of the Holy Spirit Please join us for our Mass of the Holy Spirit this Wednesday, September 24, at 9AM. Our 6B classroom will be coordinating this Mass. St. Louise School Walkathon This Friday! Mark your calendars for our 3rd annual Walk-A-Thon this Friday, September 26, 10:30AM-2:30PM followed by a family tailgate from 3-4PM. Come join us and show your school spirit! Please note that parking will be extremely limited between 8:30AM-3PM. There will be some spaces reserved at the south end of the lot for 9AM Mass attendees. School parents and volunteers are asked to park off campus. Life Teen Mass St. Louise Life Teen Mass needs you to minister to your community! We need Core members and Mass Ministers! We need students in 6th grade and up to serve in Usher, Greeter, and Music Ministries! We need more High School students to serve as Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, and Sacristans. Email miranda@stlouise.org for more information! Adult and Teen Volunteers Wanted! How does God want you to help lead teens closer to Christ? Youth Ministry is seeking people who truly care about young people to join our Core Teams! A Core member is someone who chooses to respond to their baptismal call by serving young people and leading them closer to Christ. We are looking for adults and high school students to serve on CROWD (middle school), Peer Ministry (Life Teen), Sacrament of Confirmation (RoC), Prayer Warrior, Life Teen (high school) and Retreat Teams! More information and applications can be found at www.stlouise.org/youthministry or come to our Volunteer Interest Gathering in the Hall after the 6PM Mass on September 21! Holy Names Fall Open House Sunday, October 19, 12 noon to 3PM Meet teachers, students and parents! Schedule a campus visit! Plus… School Tours all afternoon, Curriculum, Student Life and Admissions Session (12:45PM and 2:15PM), Student Presentations and Performances (1:30PM). www.holynames-sea.org, 206-323-4272 CROWD For Middle School Youth CROWD, our fun, engaging Catholic middle school youth group for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students, will be starting back up with our CROWD Kick-Off on October 3. Please check the calendar on our website for events: www.stlouise.org/youthministry For High School Youth Life Teen is a Eucharist-centered youth group for high school teens. Starting with the Sunday 6PM Life Teen Mass, high school students gather in an environment where they have the opportunity to have a positive experience and be spiritually challenged while being part of a community where they will be loved and accepted. Life Nights are during the school year on Sundays after the 6PM Mass until 9PM in the Parish Hall. Life Teen Kickoff – Sunday, Sept. 28 after 6PM Mass until 9PM. Confirmation 101 – Sunday, October 5, 7:30-9PM in the Hall – A Life Night on Confirmation for Parents and Students Beginning on October 12 Life Teen will gather at 5PM to share a meal and prepare to celebrate the Eucharist at the 6pm Life Teen Mass. Following Mass we will proceed to the Hall and conclude our Life Night at 8:45PM. Please see pictures and our full calendar at www.stlouise.org/youthministry Children’s Faith Formation As the calendar moves into Fall, we look forward to a new year of Children’s Faith Formation. Classes begin Sunday, October 5. Classes for children in kindergarten through grade 6 will meet from 8:30 to 9:30AM and the children will join our parish community at 9:30AM during Mass. This year our Faith Formation classes for preschool and pre-kindergarten will take place during the 9AM Mass. All are invited to a Parent Meeting and Open House following the 9AM Mass on Sunday, Sept. 28. For more information contact Geri Hanley, 425 214-5464 or geri@stlouise.org. Don’t miss out. Register your child today! Sacramental Preparation for Our Children The Christian Initiation Ministry welcomes your child to explore the Catholic faith. If your school-age child has not been baptized and you would like more information about how your child might be prepared for the Sacrament of Baptism, contact Geri Hanley at the Parish Center, 425-214-5464. Children, age 7 or older, who wish to prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist are invited to register for this year’s program. Registration forms are available online, at the Parish Center and in the main vestibule of the church. Liturgy and Worship This Week’s Mass Intentions Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Saturday mornings October 4—November 29: everyone is invited to join in celebrating a novena to the Virgin Mary under her title, "Our Lady of Perpetual Help," at 10AM for nine Saturdays, beginning October 4, after the Saturday morning healing Mass in the Church, in the chapel for the following weeks. "Our Lady of Perpetual Help" is the name given to Mary as depicted in a famous, centuries-old icon in the Byzantine style. To read about its history, miracles and symbolism visit www.cssr.com/english/whoarewe/novenahistory.shtml. Catechetical Sunday, September 21 This Sunday is Catechetical Sunday. All those who serve as catechists will be called forth to be commissioned for their ministry, at the 5PM Saturday, and 9AM, 1PM and 6PM Sunday Masses.. It is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Catechetical Sunday is an opportunity for all to rededicate themselves to this mission as a community of faith. Monday, September 22, 9:00AM David Christianson, Deceased Margie Budig, Deceased Corazon Fadul, Deceased Jenny Petisme, Spec. Int. Alice Kuester, Spec. Int. Nancy Smith, Spec. Int. Rosalinda Wy, Spec. Int. Wednesday, September 24, 9:00AM Anna Allen, Deceased Mike Dondanville, Deceased Jim Spadoni, Deceased June Kesseler, Deceased Debbie Sudjadan, Spec. Int. Rosalinda Wy, Spec. Int. Thursday, September 25, 9:00AM Don Navarre, Deceased Patricia Mahoney, Deceased Joseph Prendeville, Deceased Renee Kreilkamp, Deceased Sommerfield Family, Spec. Int. Cornerstone Catholic Conference, Spec. Int Friday, September 26, 9:00AM Jim Spadoni, Deceased Ken Blaszczyk, Deceased Allan Smith, Deceased Joseph Cymalo, Deceased Jenny Petisme, Spec. Int. Rosalinda Wy, Spec. Int. To learn more about how we as catechists, teachers and all the baptized can grow in knowledge and faith, go to the USCCB website, www.usccb.org/catecheticalsunday. Let Us Pray Please remember in your prayers at Mass and at home this week, all those who have asked for our prayers: For the sick. We remember especially: Margaret Abraham-Csorgo, James Bakken, Jan Battles, Pam Beckerle, Alex Boldizsar, Carmen Luisa Bush, Christiane Bynum, Patrick Carrico, Melissa Carriuolo, Paul Colleran, Joanne Comfort, Karen Connley, Marilyn Craver, Shirley Criswell, Verne Edson, Ethel Fricke, Jule Gandara, Maria Garcia, Tyler Ghosn, Norma Gilbert, John Gill, Fabio Gobbo, Shirley & Fox Henderson, Elena Javelona, Barbara Kelly, Ram Kesav, Clarence J. King, Dan Kraft, Jean Claude Kouassi, Kay Landau, George Main, Alma Marquez, Peyton Marquez, Frank Michael, Alice Moran, James Nohara, John & Lois Omundson, Dick Partington, Tony Partington, Jenny Petisme, Bob Popovich, Ted Simon, Steve Sutton, Rita Wukmir, Ed Yurchak. For the dead. We remember especially: Walter Pietrowski, husband of Susan Pietrowski. Administration and Outreach Our Stewardship of Treasure God gives it all, then calls us to share. In today’s Gospel, the vineyard owner says, “I am free to do as I please with my money, am I not?” We are likewise free. Is a generous return to the Lord in thanksgiving for His many blessings among the choices we have made? St. Louise 2014 Stewardship Year of Service September 14, 2014 Sunday Offertory (344 envelopes) $33,760.06 Other Collections and Donations Children’s Collection ..............$327.33 Social Concerns.....................$300.00 St. Vincent de Paul Society....$302.00 Improvement..........................$401.00 Building Fund (12 envelopes) $276.00 Build Hope Collection..........$1,393.00 Thank you for your generosity! Annual Catholic Appeal Thank you to all who have responded to the needs of our Church in Western Washington through the 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal. If you haven’t already done so, please fill out a pledge envelope today or go online to donate: www.seattlearchdiocese.org. Be sure to note that your parish is St. Louise. Number of Families that have Pledged: 703 (this time last year we had 807) Our Annual Catholic Appeal Goal $286,109 Amount Raised to Date (including pledges and one-time gifts): $251,548 (this time last year we had $264,480) Amount Received to Date: $191,444 (this time last year we had $209,832) Housing at the Crossroads / Kirkland Interfaith Transitions in Housing This year marks the 25th anniversary of Housing at the Crossroads, a transitional housing program on the Eastside founded by St. Louise Social Concerns Commission. In commemoration of both HAC and KITH, a celebration will occur on October 4, 5:30–8:30PM at the Bellevue Red Lion at 112th and Main. Tickets are $125 per person of which over $100 is a donation to the new program. If interested, go to www.kithcare.org/news/dinner.htm to register, select a dinner entrée and a table, or call Hollianne Monson at 425-576-9531 ext. 105. HAC would not have existed if it wasn’t for the monetary and volunteer support St. Louise parishioners have given these past 25 years. Please be aware that to support Social Concerns Commission and programs such as this, donations can be made through the Sunday envelope or directly to Social Concerns through the Parish Office. Stewardship in Action: The Indian community in our parish has been collectively providing funds through St. Louise to nonprofit Catholic organizations in India for the past 10 years. The recipient organizations use our donations for many charitable purposes, like housing and education for orphaned children, help for the disabled and senior citizens, and construction of schools and hostels for needy children. One of these fundraising efforts successfully built an entire school building in the southernmost region of India. If you would like to know more, contact Cheryl Wen at cherylwen2005@yahoo.com. Healing The Culture's Annual Gala & Auction SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2014 at the Bellevue Hilton, 300 112th Ave SE, Bellevue, WA 98004. RECEPTION and SILENT AUCTION at 5:30PM, DINNER AT 6:30PM followed by a LIVE AUCTION. To purchase tickets or for more information visit www.healingtheculture.com/registration or call 360-243-3811 Social Concerns Commission (SCC) SEPTEMBER 9, 2014 At SCC’s first meeting of the fiscal year we welcomed the opportunity to continue serving others through the monetary gifts and efforts of parishioners. Norma Gilbert, Jubilee Reach, provided information on a program that Eastside agencies are participating in to ensure that holiday gifts are provided from only one agency to qualifying families. Visit www.jubileereach.org. Senior Lunch, which meets at St. Louise bi-monthly, is in need of help. Contact Jeanne Duncan at 206552-4202 or Jeanne.duncan130@yahoo.com. Housing at the Crossroads (HAC)/Kirkland Interfaith Transitions in Housing (KITH) transitional housing is celebrating their 25th anniversary. See separate article in this bulletin. Discretionary disbursements were made as follows: Manos Unidas (Peru c/o Celeste Marion): $250, Medical Teams International (Ebola Epidemic): $150, Jubilee Reach (Safeway Gift Cards): $300, and HAC/KITH: $100. Our next meeting is November 11 at 7PM in the Parish Center Conference Room. All are welcome. Visit www.stlouise.org/scc for more information. Pastoral and Administrative Staff Pastor: Parish Administrator: Fr. Gary Zender 425-747-4450 x5463 frgary@stlouise.org Parochial Vicar: frfabian@stlouise.org Deacons: Rita McHale 425-747-4450 x5470 billandgina@stlouise.org deaconsam@stlouise.org Pastoral Associate: Esther Lucero-Miner 425-747-4450 x5461 esther@stlouise.org Pastoral Assistants: Faith Formation, Initiation & Sacraments (English): 425-747-4450 x5464 geri@stlouise.org Initiation & Sacraments (Spanish): Barbara Abbott 425-747-4450 x5471 Nila Agostini 425-747-4450 x5460 Michael Johnson 425-747-4450 x5460 Paul Trussell 425-746-4220 x5442 Vice Principal: Kathy Loftus Pastoral Care and Advocacy for Annulment Process: Secretary: Kathy Riley Lola Bazan 425-747-4450 x5466 kathy@stlouise.org Music Ministry: paul@stlouise.org Parish School: Principal: Catechist Leader (Spanish): magda@stlouise.org nila@stlouise.org michael@stlouise.org Facilities & Maintenance Supervisor Dan Fitzpatrick 425-746-4220 x545 425-747-4450 x5454 barbara@stlouise.org Parish Receptionists: Sr. Amalia Camacho 425-747-4450 x5474 sisteramalia@stlouise.org Lynette Basta rita@stlouise.org Bookkeeper / Capital Campaign Bill and Gina Haines 425-214-5383 Sam Basta 425-214-5382 Magda Delgado jonathan@stlouise.org Administrative Assistant: Fr. Fabian MacDonald 425-747-4450 x5462 Geri Hanley Jonathan Taasan 425-747-4450 x5473 danf@stlouiseschool.org 425-746-4220 x5406 kathyl@stlouiseschool.org 425-746-4220 x5400 lolab@stlouiseschool.org Development Director: 425-747-4450 x5467 lynette@stlouise.org Jill Leland 425-746-4220 x5403 jilll@stlouiseschool.org Youth Ministry: Miranda Harpel-McGaw 425-747-4450 x5465 miranda@stlouise.org Pastoral Counseling: Cathy Callans, MA, LMHCA 425-614-6225 cathy@stlouise.org EASTSIDE PASTORAL CARE MINISTRY: 206-748-1500 Anyone who has any concerns or allegations related to the safety and wellbeing of our children regarding clergy or lay leaders in the Archdiocese of Seattle should contact the special hotline at 1-800-446-7762.
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