P.O. BOX 3672 ♦ GLYNDON, MARYLAND 21071-3672
PHONE: (410) 833-1696 ♦ FAX: (410) 833-2676
OCTOBER 12, 2014
Rev. Msgr. Lloyd E. Aiken
Rev. Hamilton Okeke
Associate Pastor
Rev. Hilario Avendaño
Associate Pastor for Hispanic Ministry
Mr. James A. Ryan
Mr. James Nuzzo
Rev. Mr. Carlos Osorio
Deacon Intern
Sr. Judith Cianfrogna, SSJ
Pastoral Associate
Sr. Cecilia Cyford, SSJ
Director of Religious Education
Sr. Helen Wiegmann, SSJ
Health Care Ministry
Mr. Zachary Coyle
School Principal
Mrs. Jeanne Cossentino
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Georgeann Gurkovich
Assistant Middle School Principal
Sr. Karen Washabaugh, SSJ
School Campus Minister K-5
Mrs. Kathryn Swisher
Director of Youth Ministry
Ms. Kathy Whitelock
Director of Development
Rev. Michael L. Barré, S.S.
Rev. James McKearney, S.S.
Rev. Gilbert J. Seitz
Rev. Mr. Daniel Moreno
Diego Buritica
Patrick Parks
Patrick Hake
David Keyes
Mark Patrick
4th Year Theology
3rd Year Theology
3rd Year Theology
1st Year Theology
1st Year Theology
1st Year Theology
Weekend Masses:
4:00 p.m.
7:30 (Quiet), 9:00, 10:30 a.m. (Choir);
12:00 (Contemporary Choir) & 5:00 p.m.
Spanish Mass:
Saturdays — 7:00 p.m. (Little Church)
Sundays — 1:30 p.m. (Main Church)
Weekday Masses/Communion Service (Little Church):
7:00 & 9:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
Holy Day Schedule: Consult bulletin (except Christmas and New
Eucharistic Adoration: (Little Church)
First Fridays:
Exposition following the 9:00 a.m. Mass,
concluding at the 8:00 a.m. Mass Saturday
8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; 1:15-9:00 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday: 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Parish Office/Rectory
Hispanic Ministry
Development Office
Sacred Heart School
Religious Education Office
Sacred Heart Youth Ministry
WELCOME! You are most welcome to Sacred Heart Church.
Parish registration forms are available in the Gathering Space
and at the Parish Office. If you are moving out of the parish,
please notify us.
BAPTISMS: Saturdays at noon and within the celebration of
Mass (except during Lent). Parents are required to attend a
Preparation Class held on the 2nd Monday of the month. Please
call the Religious Education Office to arrange for both
Preparation Class and Baptism.
RECONCILIATION: Confessions are heard on Saturdays from
5:15-5:45p.m. (Little Church) and by appointment. Parish
Reconciliation Services are held during Advent and Lent.
MARRIAGE: Couples planning to be married should contact a
priest or deacon at least six months before the anticipated date.
All engaged couples must take a Marriage Preparation Course.
Do not set a date until you have met with the priest or deacon.
COMMUNION TO THE SICK: If someone is in the hospital or
homebound and unable to attend Mass and wishes to receive
communion, please contact the Parish Office. Mass is
celebrated at FutureCare-Cherrywood Nursing Home on the 2nd
Wednesday at 10:30 a.m.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK: In case of emergency call the Parish
Office/Rectory at anytime. Please notify the Parish Office if you
know someone in the hospital or at home who wishes to be
anointed. Masses of Anointing are celebrated several times a
adults (English and Spanish speaking) for full communion in the
Catholic Church. Sessions meet year round on Monday evenings
at 7:00 p.m. Call the Parish Office for information.
BULLETIN DEADLINE. Notices must be
received in the parish office TEN days
(Thursday) before the bulletin date requested.
Sacred Heart Church, Glyndon, Maryland
Twenty-Eighth in Ordinary Time
October 12, 2014
Sacred Heart Parish Mission Statement
We, the people of God in the parish of Sacred Heart, are constantly attempting to become a faith community of
those who, believing in Jesus, proclaim God’s Kingdom and share the mystery of faith by worshipping the Father,
enabling all members to grow in their relationship with each other through the Son, and witnessing our gifts
through active service to others in the Spirit.
Weekly Liturgical Schedule
Saturday Vigil Mass, October 11
4:00 p.m. Mass
Robert & Marjorie Graham
7:00 p.m. Sp. Mass
Sunday, October 12
7:30 a.m. Mass
Donald Mason
9:00 a.m. Mass
Margaret Murphy
10:30 a.m. Mass
Helen Huenemeyer
12:00 p.m. Mass
1:30 p.m. Sp. Mass
5:00 p.m. Mass
Robert Henry
Monday, October 13
7:00 a.m. Mass
Billie Corbett
9:00 a.m. – Communion Service
Tuesday, October 14
7:00 a.m. Mass
Katherine Metz
9:00 a.m. Mass
Anne McCombs
Wednesday, October 15 – St. Theresa of Jesus,
Virgin and Doctor of the Church
7:00 a.m. – Communion Service
9:00 a.m. Mass
James “Jay” Conner
Thursday, October 16
7:00 a.m. Mass
Margaret Horner
9:00 a.m. Mass
Joyce S. Ariyan
Friday, October 17 – St. Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop
and Martyr
7:00 a.m. Mass
Julia F. Wheeler
9:00 a.m. Mass
Stephen Rickle
Saturday, October 18 – St. Luke, Evangelist
8:00 a.m. Mass
Jack Mullin
Saturday Vigil Mass, October 18
4:00 p.m. Mass
James Hordubay
7:00 p.m. Sp. Mass
Sunday, October 19
7:30 a.m. Mass
Dolores Statler
9:00 a.m. Mass
Theresa Patricia Kokoszka
10:30 a.m. Mass
Kristina Rivera
12:00 p.m. Mass
Peter C. Buscemi
1:30 p.m. Sp. Mass
Samuel Castillo
5:00 p.m. Mass
Prayer and Worship
Presiders’ Schedule: October 19, 2014
4:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
12:00 Noon
1:30 p.m. (Spanish) (MC)
5:00 p.m.
Fr. Okeke
Fr. Avendaño
Msgr. Aiken
Msgr. Aiken
Fr. Seitz
Fr. Seitz
Fr. Avendaño
Fr. McKearney
Presiders’ Schedule at St. Charles:
Saturday & Sunday October 19, 2014
4:00 p.m.
Msgr. Aiken
8:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Fr. Okeke
Fr. Okeke
Scripture Readings October 19, 2014
Is 45:1, 4-6 Ps 96:1, 3-5,7-10
1 Thes 1:1-5b Mt 22:15-21
The Lord is king (Ps) and there is no other (1). We are
to render to God, therefore, fitting praise and service,
as is God’s due (3). God’s word to us, in turn, is a
matter of power and strength, to be lived with
conviction of heart (2).
For Reflection: How do you balance good citizenship
with being a Christian?
Notices must be received in the parish office TEN
days (Thursday) before the bulletin date requested.
No notices should run for more than 3 weeks.
Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón
Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Octubre 12, 2014
Misión de la Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón
Nosotros, El pueblo de Dios en la parroquia del Sagrado Corazón, estamos intentando constantemente hacernos
una comunidad de fe, que creyendo en Jesús, proclamamos el Reino de Dios y compartimos el misterio de la fe
adorando al Padre, permitiendo a todos los miembros un crecimiento en su relación interpersonal a través del
Hijo y siendo testigo de nuestros dones a través del servicio activo a otros en el Espíritu.
profesional, pero sean cuidadosos para acudir con las
Mensaje del Padre Hilario
persona adecuadas; especialmente asegúrense que sean
Lo que arriesgamos
profesionales en el área en la que ustedes necesitan
Nadie tiene la formula mágica para resolver los
problemas que acarrean las millonarias migraciones
modernas. Sin duda, cada caso habrá que estudiarlo
aparte. Pero todos sabemos, desde nuestra fe, que el
mundo en que vivimos debe ser trasformado. La
familia hispana tiene una misión muy importante ante
el problema de la inmigración, no solo porque este le
afecta indirectamente a ella, sino también a miles de
hermanos y hermanas de otras nacionalidades y etnias.
Indudablemente, el compromiso con la justicia, el
evitar el crimen y la violencia, la búsqueda te trabajo
digno y justo, debe ser primordial para la familia
hispana católica de hoy.
El martes, 20 de Junio de 2006, el Arzobispo de Los
Ángeles, el Cardenal Roger Mahony, señalo que el
actual sistema de inmigración es "moralmente
inaceptable". Hay una cierta hipocresía de parte del
Estado, que paga bajos salarios a los inmigrantes, pero
si acepta sus impuestos, y para colmo de males ni les
ofrece protección. El Cardenal señalo que la iglesia
entiende que recibió un mandato de Jesús de recibir al
extranjero, alimentar al hambriento, vestir al desnudo,
dar de beber al sediento, etc. La iglesia recuerda la
parábola del Buen Samaritano, que con su amor dio
ayuda al desvalido.
Las familias inmigrantes que sufren las consecuencias
de vivir sin papeles en los Estado Unidos deben sentir
la protección y el cuidado de la iglesia. Nuestros
Obispos han asumido un papel profético en defensa de
la causa inmigrante. Cada familia debe encontrar
orientación profesional para enfrentar su situación.
Algunas diócesis prestan ayuda legal a través de las
oficinas de Caridades Católicas, otras recomiendan la
asistencia de organizaciones civiles serias para
consejería legal. Es muy importante cuidar este aspecto
para evitar el abuso de personas sin escrúpulos.
Por otra parte las familias inmigrantes enfrentan
muchas situaciones especiales que pueden necesitar
otras formas de asistencia y ayuda profesional: Los
problemas escolares de los hijos, las dificultades de
integración en los barrios, aprender otro idioma en la
edad adulta, etc. Estas y otras situaciones requieren
asesoria. No tengan miedo de buscar ayuda
Información Sacramental
Bautizos: Se celebran cada segundo sábado del mes
(excepto durante la cuaresma). Los padres y los
padrinos requieren asistir a una clase de preparación
que se realiza el tercer domingo de cada mes y los
padrinos deben haber recibido todos los sacramentos de
iniciación cristiana (Bautizo, Confirmación y
Eucaristía). Favor llamar a la oficina para mayor
Matrimonio: Las parejas que están planeando en
casarse deben contactar el sacerdote o el diacono por lo
menos seis meses antes de la fecha planeada para este
sacramento. Todas las parejas comprometidas deben de
tomar el cursillo prematrimonial.
Unción de los Enfermos: En caso de emergencia
llamar a la oficina parroquial o a la rectoría. Por favor
notificar a la oficina si sabe de alguien que se encuentre
en el hospital y necesite de este sacramento.
Sacramento de la Reconciliación: El sacramento de la
confesión se celebra los sábados de 6:30 pm a 7:00 pm
y los domingos de 12:30 pm a 1:30 pm en la iglesia
Lecturas Dominicales
Octubre 19, 2014
Primer Lectura: Is 45:1, 4-6
Salmo: 96:1, 3-5,7-10
Segunda Lectura: 1 Ts 1:1-5b
Evangelio: Mt 22:15-21
We Welcome the Newly Baptized
Samuel Ignatius Coyle and Amanda Amakachukwu
Pray for those who have died.
May their souls and the souls of all the faithfully departed
rest in peace. Amen.
John Sloan, Robert Eugene McGowan, Catherine
Christman, Robert Albert
Please Keep the Sick in your Prayers
Tiffany Mazzulli Akers, Lorraine Allgeier, Lucy
Angerer, Connie Apalucci, Gary Bartnik,
Linda Dailey, Debby Beaven, Bob
Brosso, Bob Brown, Josephine Buckler,
Seth Buday, Charlene Clark, Nicholas
Dargakis, Dennis DeMoratt, Elizabeth
DiPaolantonio, Mary Durkin, Vincent D'Erario,
Maurice Eyler, Lan Finkelstein, Mary Lou Frye,
Gilmore Family, Kim Hare, Sue Harvill, Joan
Huppmann, Herbert Gampel, Jim Herber, Robert
Hammen, Rosa Elena Hernandez, Jim Imbruglio, Jocy
Johns, Erika Johnson, Gerry Kleiman, Rosemary
Lavzati, Barbara McNiesh, Rob Maier, Joan Martin,
Chris McDermott, Bob Moon, Austin Phillips,
Charlotte Porea, Lewis Pritchett, Katie Riggin, Beth
Ralston, Eileen Ruffner, Emma Sacco, Charlotte
Slocum, Joanne Thomas, Larry Triplett, Bert Tromble,
Mario Vahos, Frank Valentine, Msgr. Art Valenzano,
Peggy Webb, Frances Wheat, Carlina Williams
Names will remain on the Sick List for 5 weeks
If there is a need to have the name of your loved one
on the list for a longer period of time, we will be happy
to accommodate you, but you must contact the Parish
Office (410-833-1696) between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM
to make this request.
New Parishioner Blessing
The New Parishioners Blessing will take place Sunday,
October 19, 2014, at the 9:00 AM Mass.
Marriage, divorce and Annulments
From a Catholic Perspective
The Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Baltimore will be
giving a presentation in our area concerning divorce
and annulment from the Catholic perspective. This
presentation will be helpful for divorced Catholics,
those divorced who wish to marry Catholics, those
parish leaders involved in the RCIA process and any
others who may have an interest because of family or
friends. This session will be held on Thursday,
November 6, 2014 at 7:00PM at St. Charles
Borromeo, Pikesville in the Rectory Basement Meeting
Room. No prior registration is required. For further
information, please call 410-547-5533.
Spiritually Adopt-a-Baby
Psalm 139 verse 13: "For you created my inmost
being; you knit me together in my mother's womb."
Thank you to all parishioners who responded to the
Sacred Heart Respect Life Committee's invitation to
spiritually adopt a precious pre-born baby growing in
the womb and committed to praying for him/her for
nine months. We pray all will say yes to God as the
Blessed Mother did and become a spiritual parent to
God's pre-born baby who is in danger of abortion. We
encourage you to give your baby a name. This baby
will be known only to you and God. Along with the
spiritual adoption prayer, we encourage you to pray a
Hail Mary for your spiritually adopted baby's parents
each day. If you would like to receive monthly emails
updating you on your baby's miraculous development
in the womb or if you need additional prayer cards,
at or call her at 410-795-6852.
We pray all will respect the sanctity of life from
conception to natural death.
Spiritual Adoption Prayer
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg
you to spare the life of the unborn child that I have
spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.
Amen. (Archbishop Fulton Sheen)
Want to Serve at Mass?
Any boy or girl who is in the fifth grade or above who
is interested in serving Mass at Sacred Heart Church is
asked to contact the parish office at 410-833-1696.
Training will begin on Wednesday, October 15, 2014
at 3:00 and 7:00PM in the Main Church and continue
as necessary each Wednesday. The sessions will last
one hour. Training normally requires three total
sessions attended.
Pastoral Care Invitation
If you or your family has a loved one that is sick at
home, in a nursing facility, or in the hospital and would
welcome a visit from our Pastoral Health Care Team
or desires to have their name placed on our Prayer
List,, please do not hesitate to call Sister Helen at 410833-1696 / or be in touch
with the Parish Office. It is our joy to be of service to
Respect Life Prayerful Sing Along
The Respect Life Committee invites you to join them
for songs, prayers, fellowship, and refreshments on
Friday, October 17, 2014 from 7:15 PM to 9:15 PM.
Our theme is "Thanking God for the Gift of Life."
Child care is provided. We pray all will respect life
from conception to natural death. We invite you to
bring donations for the pro-life pregnancy center (e.g.
diapers, wipes, baby shampoo, new and gently used
clothing size infant to 3T, etc.) Please call Denise
Blair-Nellies at 410-795-6852 for more information.
Join Fr. Hamilton for an “Hour of Glory”
Fr. Hamilton’s an “Hour of Glory” continues every
Monday in the Little Church from 7:00PM – 8:00PM.
Our Stewardship
Weekly Offering
Offertory (October 5, 2014)
St. Therese
($ 22,231.92)
($ 2,263.23)
Electronic Fund Contributions
(not included in above total)
$ 1,425.00
Next Sunday’s second collection will be for Mission
First Quarter Cathedraticum Tax
We have sent our First Quarter Cathedraticum Tax
payment to the Archdiocese in the amount of $65,000.
Thank you for your financial commitment to our
21 Club Drawing #6 October 3, 2014
Prize Ticket# Winner
$200 1007 Shirley Harman Chuck Pearson
$100 1462 Jean Richardson S. Jude
$ 50
765 Trisch Garner
Trisch Garner
$ 50
22 Christopher Frye John Kmiecik
$ 50
804 Victoria Matiga Bill Endres
Unsold Numbers drawn: 77, 1402
All Souls Envelopes
Envelopes for All Souls Day may be located in the
gathering space. Please write the name of the deceased
that you wish to be remembered in the Book of
Remembrance for the All Souls Day Novena beginning
on November 2, and return the envelope to the Parish
Office by Tuesday, October 28th.
Christian Formation and Evangelization
DO YOU KNOW what happens on Sundays at the
9:00 AM Mass? Our littlest Catholics (up to 8 years
old) process from the Main Church to the Music Room
after the Opening Prayer. There they hear the same
readings as we do but at their level of understanding.
A reflection on the readings helps them to understand
the Gospel message. They also pray the Creed and the
intercessions. They return to our Main Church after the
Offertory Procession.
Liturgical Ministers (Lectors, Communion
Ministers, Altar Servers)
Please hand in or email ( your
unavailability schedules for December, January and
February by October 20, 2013. You are not scheduled
for Christmas or January 1. Christmas and January
1 signups will be available in the Sacristy beginning
the weekend of December 1/2.
Adult Confirmation
Confirmation is a requirement to be a godparent or a
sponsor for Confirmation. If you are over 18 and have
never been confirmed, please contact Sister Jude (410833-1696;
The next adult confirmation is Sunday, October 19,
2014 at the Basilica at 4:30 PM.
Welcome Home
Is your faith important enough for you to invest a small
amount of your time? Can you make a few phone
calls? Are you good at listening and understanding
others’ concerns? Then, Welcome Home needs you!
For more information or if you’d like to join the team,
(410-833-1696; by October 15, 2013.
A Message to Parents
Parents, generous and loving people are needed for
service and leadership in our Church. Ask your
children to consider a Church vocation.
Young Adult Volleyball
It’s time for Volleyball!
Join us on Friday evenings (Oct. 17, 31, Nov. 14, 21,
Dec. 5) in the school gym! Contact Jeff Ment (410833-8515; for more information
Young Adults: Theology & Burgers on Tap
Are you a young adult in your 20’s or 30’s? If so you
are invited to join other young adults on Wednesday,
November 5, 2014 at 7:30 PM at the Harryman House
for an evening of Theology and Burgers on Tap.
Father Jim McKearney will be sharing on the “Joy of
the Gospel” and Pope Francis. Please contact Hanael
Bianchi (;443-989-8474).
Young Adults and Our Daily Bread
If you are interested in serving lunch our brothers and
sisters at Our Daily Bread on a Saturday morning,
( for more information.
Young Adults
Lots of events are in the making: Wine and Cheese
Tasting, Movie and Games Nights! Check the bulletin
or join our Facebook group: Young Adults at Sacred
Remember Young Adults are folks 18 to 35! Contact
Lila Williamson ( for more
Joy of the Gospel/Cruising with the Saints
All parishioners are invited to participate in a
discussion group on Pope Francis’ Joy of the Gospel.
We will meet in Room 105 at 7:00 PM on Friday
evenings: Oct. 17, Nov.14, Dec.12, Jan. 16.
This month we will discuss “The Church’s Missionary
Transformation: Christ sent us all to speak about faith,
faith that flows from His holy Heart.”
At the same time our children are invited to take a
cruise with the Saints and participate in our
Cruising with the Saints sessions. For
further information contact Michele Hunter
Sacred Heart Youth Organization
Middle School SUMMIT
All Middle School students are welcome to join us for
SUMMIT NIGHT held every Third Friday (unless
otherwise noted) during the school year. Summit Night
will be held on October 17, 2014.
Mark your calendar now! Space is limited; first-come,
High School Beach Retreat: October 24-26, 2014.
Baltimore Youth Catholic Conference: November 2123, 2014.
As always, you can find more information on the
at: Follow
us on Facebook (Sacred Heart Youth Ministry –
Glyndon), Twitter (Mrs Kathryn @SHG_youth), and
Instagram (Sacred Heart Glyndon - Youth) as well!
Sacred Heart School
Yankee Candle Fund Raiser
Here’s an opportunity to get your Christmas shopping
done early and support Sacred Heart’s 8th grade class.
Yankee Candle is known for their wide variety of
candle scents but they have much more! Brochures
will be in the parish Center from 10/1/14 – 10/20/14 or
All orders will arrive before
Thank you in advance for your
Fellow Parishioners!
I hope that God’s love is abundantly clear in your life
right now. In the week of Sept. 29, His love has indeed
been abundant in our school. I
especially saw that in the overwhelming
generosity of our 80 players in the
Annual Sacred Heart Golf Outing. Just
from their own pockets, these men and
women, some current or past parents,
some parishioners, some friends of the school,
contributed at least $15,000.00. With numerous
corporate sponsorships as well, this event raised a
much higher total for tuition assistance for our
families. This generosity is a rare thing in our world,
and I was humbled to witness it. God is good! I saw
God’s love in another powerful way when a group of
young ladies in our middle school came to the office to
sign up for Words of Wisdom, which entails reading
inspirational quotes to our entire school on morning
announcements. These girls were particularly excited
to sign up around the Christmas season, and we
spontaneously burst into “Rudolf the Red-Nosed
Reindeer.” There is such joy in this building and that
moment was an incredible example of it.
On a personal note, by the time you read this, our son
will have been baptized in the parish during the
weekend of Oct. 4th. I continue to be amazed at how
many ways I find this place to be our spiritual home,
and now that becomes officially the case for our son as
well. God is so good to give my family this, and I am
grateful for the chance to give this back to our Sacred
Heart community. Thank you all for your prayers and
May God bless you,
Zachary S. Coyle, Principal
Religious Education
Children’s Religion Program: Pre-K – 8th Grade
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
Sunday Nursery during 10:30 AM Mass
Sacrament Preparation
Baptism Preparation Class
The monthly baptism preparation class will be held on
Monday, October 13th at 7:00 PM in Room 105.
This class is for parents who will be having their first
child baptized at Sacred Heart and for parents whose
last child was baptized here more than four years ago.
For more information about baptisms at Sacred Heart
Parish, see
Regional Governors' Day-to-Serve: follow-up
This annual event was an even better success this
year! The 45 families and staff of St. Ann's parish in
Baltimore were thrilled to have the fresh fruit &
vegetables that the generous parishioners of Sacred
Heart Glyndon provided this year. Thanks to those
who participated from the hearts of St. Ann's.
Parish Life
First Penance Preparation – Parent Meeting
The 1st meeting for parents of children who are
preparing for First Reconciliation (Penance) will take
place on the following dates (please come to one):
⦁ Sunday, October 19 at 10:15 AM
⦁ Tuesday, October 21 at 3:15 PM
This gathering is for parents only, and we will meet in
the Media Center. Note: if you have attended the
parent meetings within the last four years while
another of your children was preparing for the
sacraments at Sacred Heart, then you do not have to
attend again, though you are certainly welcome and
encouraged to join us. The Sacred Heart community is
praying for you and your child as you begin this
exciting year of sacrament preparation! You can go to to learn more
about First Penance at Sacred Heart.
STAND / Shield the Vulnerable
ATTENTION all volunteers for Sacred Heart Parish
and School – The STAND requirements for all
volunteers has recently changed. Please go to our
parish website at for instructions regarding these changes and
to and login as a
volunteer for Sacred Heart Parish or School. Many
have asked how long it takes to be STAND Certified.
There is a minimum processing time of 3-4 weeks for
all new volunteers, and 2-3 weeks for volunteers
seeking renewal. Should you have any questions or
concerns about this process, you may contact Mrs.
McCusker at 410-833-6877.
Sunday Nursery
Would you like someone to watch your toddlers so that
you and others can fully appreciate Mass without
distractions? A free nursery service (child care) is
available on most Sunday mornings for children under
the age of three years old from 10:15 - 11:30 AM in
Room 126. For more information, please contact
Coffee House
Hear ye, hear ye. Hear ye! It’s time to enjoy Sacred
Heart’s Coffee House again, or for the first time. The
Best Years Group is hosting our next Coffee House on
Sunday, October 19th after the 10:30 Mass in the
Mother Seton Room. We have a selection of donuts,
juice, hot chocolate, milk and the all-important coffees,
including regular, decaf, lattes, expressos, and
cappuccinos. Come after Mass or Religious Education
classes and meet old friends or make new ones. Hope
to see you there.
Social Justice
Social Justice Committee Meeting
The committee will meet on October 14, 2014 Fr.
Caufield Room, 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM. Agenda –
Upcoming talks, Care for God's Creation hikes &
Election preparations. All are welcome.
Thanksgiving/Christmas Giving Trees
For St. Therese, Sister Parish in Appalachia
Once again the St. Vincent de Paul Society is
sponsoring The Giving Tree. The trees are located in
the Gathering Area, near the Music Room with specific
food items to donate. You may also donate Food Lion
Gift Cards. Purchase them from the school’s Scrip
Program (Room104) or purchase them at your local
Food Lion. Food and Gift Cards will be collected each
weekend from October 11-November 2, 2014.
Blood Pressure Screenings Next weekend
Blood Pressure Screenings are done the 3rd Sunday of
each month, from 8:00 AM until Noon in Room 103.
All are welcome.
Best Years
Seniors are invited to join the Group at the lunch bunch
for October which will meet at the Harryman House at
noon on Tuesday, October 21, 2014. Those interested
can sign up at the meeting or contact Stan Behnken.
Seniors will also be asked to volunteer when Best
Years sponsors the Coffee House on Sunday, October
19, 2014 following the 10:30 Mass.
Carol McCurley has proposed a Christmas trip to
Washington, DC. The group would lunch at Union
Station and then visit the National Arboretum, the
National tree, and the Mormon Temple, as well as
viewing lights throughout the capital. The trip will
leave at 11:00AM and return by 7:00PM on Thursday,
December 4, 2014. The coast will be $25. Seniors may
sign up at the meeting or contact Carol at 410-8336296.
Kathy Van Sickle is organizing a Christmas luncheon
on Wednesday, December 10, 2014 at 12:30 at
Linwoods. The cost of the luncheon will be $34.
Seniors who wish to attend this event can sign up at the
meeting or contact Kathy. She needs the money for the
luncheon by December 1, 2014.
The Best Years Group will continue to support Sarah’s
Hope, the women’s shelter at Hannah More. Seniors
joining us at the October meeting are asked to bring
cereal and juice boxes that will be donated to Sarah’s
Hope. Additional information about the Best Years
activities can be found on the Sacred Heart web site.
The Best Years Group is looking forward to a great
year and invites all seniors to join us at the October 1
Bus Trip to New York during Christmas Season
The trip is sponsored by the Immaculate Lady Council
of the Knights of Columbus. Plan on joining us for a
fun filled day in New York City during the Christmas
Season on Saturday, December 6, 2014 from
7:00AM-11:00PM. A mini-breakfast of juices and
donuts, as well as snacks and refreshments, will be
served during the trip. Do whatever
you want to do in NYC-shop, see a
Broadway show, Radio City Music
hall, or just walk around! The bus
will pick us up at 7:00AM at Sacred
Heart and will drop us off near Times Square (easily
accessible to theaters, Radio City Music, shopping,
etc.). We will leave New York around 7:00PM. For
reservations, please contact Joe Maher, Jr. at 410-5984463 or Seats on the bus
($50.00 per person) usually sell out fast, so make plans
SHGSC's Bull & Oyster Roast
Sacred Heart Glyndon Soccer Club is hosting a Bull &
Oyster Roast on Saturday, November 8, 2014 from
7:00 – 11:00PM at Sacred Heart School and is open to
all adults 21 years and older. For more information, go
to To buy tickets, send
check for $45/adult to SHGSC, Attn: Fundraising
Coordinator, P.O. Box 802, Reisterstown, MD, 21136,
along with your mailing address, phone number, and
email address.
The Frederick M. Gossman
Memorial High School Scholarship
Designed to assist those Brother Knights holding
membership in councils within the jurisdiction of
Maryland in paying tuition for their sons and daughters
at accredited Catholic High Schools; three grants of
$1,500 per year, for up to four years, will be awarded.
Awards will be made on the basis of academic
excellence, personal qualifications, and financial need.
The children of deceased members are also eligible,
provided the member was in good standing at the time
of death.
The William J. O’Brien Jr., Memorial Scholarship
Three grants of $1,500 per year for up to four years
will be awarded. This program is open to any Catholic
student who is a resident of the state of Maryland to
include children and grandchildren of a member of a
Knights of Columbus council within the jurisdiction of
Maryland. Applicants must have been officially
accepted at or must be students at accredited Catholic
High Schools.
Applications will be judged on
academic excellence, personal qualifications, and
financial need.
The application period for both of these scholarships is
due on/before February 1, 2015. All applications
must be received by the Scholarship Committee no
later than February 1, 2015.
Community Events
Heart of Mercy Healing Ministry for Women
The Sisters of the Good Shepherd offer counseling
services with a licensed therapist. Are you looking for
help dealing with depression, anxiety, post-abortion
healing, relationship issues, spiritual difficulties,
improving your self-esteem or other issues that keep
you from experiencing the fullness of life that Christ
offers? There is no charge for this confidential service.
Mount De Sales Academy Open House
CATONSVILLE, MD – Mount de Sales Academy will
host its annual Open House for prospective middle
school students and their families on Sunday,
November 2, 2014 from Noon to 3:00 PM.. Guests
will have the opportunity to speak with faculty, staff,
students, alumnae, and parents and are invited to tour
the campus. For further information, please contact
Mrs. Claire Cohagan, Director of Admissions, at
or or visit our website at
Sponsored By: Family Fellowship
Saturday, October 25,2014
5:45-6:15pm Tailgate Trick or Treat
6:15-8:00pm Halloween Dance
This year, only ONE ticket will be issued
allowing families to enter both the Tailgate
Trick or Treat AND the Dance.
NO tickets will be sold at the door!
Please keep in mind this is a family event. No
lit candles or other flames (not even in
Anyone violating these requests will be
asked to leave by the police who will be
present to assure the safety of the children.
Dress in costume appropriate for a church
sponsored event (i.e. no devils, witches, etc).
Please bring a baked good or snack to share.
Donations of extra candy will be collected at
the door for St. Ann’s Parish.
No child can enter the dance without an
adult (who remains at the dance).
Cost for the combinationTailgate & Dance
ticket is $8.00 per family.
You must have a Parking Pass ticket to
park on the school parking lot for the
tailgate trick or treat. The first 200
requests will receive a Parking Pass. The
remaining requests will receive a Walk-On
Pass and you must park in the church
parking lot and walk over. There will be
designated space to stand and hand out
candy. Security officers will take Walk-On
passes & direct you to a designated area.
If it is raining in Glyndon at 3:00pm, the
Tailgate Trick or Treat will be cancelled.
The dance will start at 6:15pm.
To Receive a Combination Tailgate & Dance ticket, requests must be received at Parish Center
By October 23: 1) drop off or send the form below; (2) a self-addressed stamped envelope; AND
(3) a check payable to Family Fellowship for $8.00.
Phone #
Attending the dance ~ # of Adults Attending ______ # of Children Attending _______