P.O. Box 102 • New Albany, Indiana 47151-0102 • 812/944-8572 2014 Booth Set‑Up Date: October 8, 2014, Wednesday Booth Days: October 9, 10, 11, & 12, 2014 Dear Booth Operator: This letter contains a simple 3 STEP Booth Application Form for the 2014 Harvest Homecoming Festival. Please note booth rental is $300.00 for 10' x 10' space if submitted by 6/30/14. If submitted after 6/30/14 booth rental is $350.00. If submitted after 7/13/14 booth rental is $400.00 for 10' X 10'. The festival this year begins with a pre‑scheduled setup night on Wednesday, Oct. 8th, 2014. The Official Booth Days and Schedules are: Thursday, Oct. 9 Friday, Oct. 10 Saturday, Oct. 11 Sunday, Oct. 12 Noon to 9:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. Noon to 5:00 P.M. Here are some simple tips to help us help you: 1. Print and fully complete the application and return promptly. 2. Include all applicable contact information. 3. If your booth is a trailer, please indicate so we can schedule your setup time properly. 4. If you are a food booth, please indicate if you cook with propane fuel. 5. Read all booth rules and sign STEP 2 as shown. Failure to do so will invalidate your application. 6. Include full payment with your application. (See STEP 3.) The Booth Committee is dedicated to providing a booth area that our community and booth operators will enjoy. Cash booth decorating awards are given each year for booth decorating according to festival theme. The 2014 theme is “Harvest Of Honor”. If you have questions, please email them to: harvesthomecoming2@sbcglobal.net Booth committee will evaluate applications and you will be notified of acceptance, booth placement, etc. in early September. We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Harvest Homecoming Booth Committee Members Vice President: Beth White; Booth Chairman: David White, Patty Fischer and Cathy Buckley Page 1 of 13 Harvest Homecoming Booth Application Booth #_ ______________________ Date Paid______________________ Amount_ ______________________ Check #_______________________ FOR HH USE ONLY Date of Application _____________________ 3 Step Application Form Step 1: Information Contact Name _________________________________________________________________________________________ Organization Name _____________________________________________________________________________________ Address _ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________________________ State __________________ Zip _ __________________ Phone ( ________ ) _________________________________ Cell ( ________ ) _ _________________________________ Fax ( ________ ) _ __________________________________ Email_ ___________________________________________ Note: Indicate previous year booth #_________________ Describe your booth: CHECK ALL THAT APPLY AND DESCRIBE EACH l Food l Crafts l Raffle l Free Drawing l Promotion l nformation l Give-A-Way l Other___________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: (Note: Please be specific – we use your description for evaluation and advertising) _________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Number of Booth Spaces Requested (10'X10') ________________________ Amount enclosed for spaces $ _________________ l Check l Money Order Electric Fee $ _ __________________ Tax ID # _ _________________________________________ or Social Security #_ ________________________________ Organization Status: Type of Booth: Booth Set-Up: l Profit l Not for Profit l Civic l Church l Business l Social Service l Individual Political l Charitable l School l Free Standing l Trailer l Rented from__________________________________________ Booth Rental Refund Policy: Every effort will be made to re-rent your booth space – if we are succesful your money will be refunded. Booth committee will review any special request. Page 2 of 13 Step 2: Rules Booth Days, October 9-12, 2014 *Sign and return keeping copy for your records! HARVEST HOMECOMING BOOTH RULES it is important that you read these rules CAREFULLY, ESPECIALY THOSE THAT ARE BOLD. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO SEE THAT THE RULES ARE OBEYED. 1. Each booth space is 10’ X 10’. 2. Booth Rental is $300.00 per space for the total of four days. Your payment for booth rental must be postmarked by June 30. Any application received after June 30th will be assessed $350.00 for booth rental; application received after July 31st a $400.00 fee will be assessed. Payment for booth rental must include your completed signed booth application and a signed copy of these rules and electric priority. 3. Booth Set-Up is Wednesday evening of Oct. 8th, 2014. Booth Fire, Health, and Electrical Inspections take place 9:00 -12:00 noon on Thursday morning Oct. 8 th. A booth representative must be available during these hours. Each booth will be given an approved inspection ticket that must be visibly displayed during booth days. You are responsible for the safety and security of your booth area. 4. All booths must be operated and attended during the scheduled hours of all four booth days, Oct 9, 10, 11 and 12, 2014. Booths officially open on Thursday from Noon to 9: 00 P.M., Friday 9: 00 A.M. to 10: 00 P.M., Saturday 9: 00 A.M. to 10: 00 P.M. and Sunday Noon to 5:00 P.M. Booths will ONLY be dismantled on Sunday at the allocated time you receive with your confirmation information. All booths and related materials (This includes CO2 containers, 2 liters, rental items and equipment) must be removed by 8:00 P.M. Oct. 12th. 5. The State of Indiana has adopted the Federal Fire Code for Festivals and Fairs. The Indiana Fire Marshal will enforce this code. It is IMPERATIVE to read and implement the attached New Albany Fire Code which reflects these regulations. 6. Booths selling any type of food must obtain a permit from the Floyd Co. Health Department. Permits will be issued through October 7 th. An application will be provided with this letter for vendors to obtain their permit by mail. Mail in application and Health Department regulations are attached to these rules. 7. All booths offering a raffle, drawings, or giveaways must contact the IN. Charity Gaming Commission — www.in.gov/ igc or by phone 1-317-232-4646 to obtain gaming License. Application process can be a lengthy one so please apply for license as soon as possible. Applicable booths must have gaming license posted in their booth AT ALL TIMES. Violations will automatically result in loss of booth space. 8. All booths must visibly display name of booth, sponsoring organizations and booth number! 9. The following items are not allowed in booth area: alcohol, glass bottles, disruptive speakers, radios, sound systems, music, and bullhorns. In addition, no slides, posters, movies, or materials that may be considered offensive will be allowed. 10. Booths must have three sides and a roof, and be in compliance with Indiana Fire Code regulations. 11. Harvest Homecoming reserves the right to move booth locations, and set the placement of booths within the downtown booth area. In addition, we reserve the right to refuse or reject any booth any time for rules violation or questionable operations. 12. Remove all vehicles from the booth area before opening time each day. If restocking is necessary it may be done before or after operation hours or may be carried into booth location. Golf carts are not allowed in the booth area except those operated by Harvest Homecoming. Vendor unloading on Sunday, booth day will only be permitted between 8:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M. due to pedestrian traffic. 13. Downtown business owners may lease booth space for their businesses. The committee will attempt to locate this space as close to the business as possible. 14. No booth location may be sublet. 15. Booths operators are required to stay within the boundaries of contracted booth space. Booth operators may not sell or distribute materials from the back of their booth or outside of booth. 16. SEE BOOTH ELECTRIC REQUIREMENT SHEET/ATTACHED TO RULES. Electric heaters are not allowed. 17. Booth operators must provide their own trash container appropriate for the needs of their operation and use the roll-off dumpsters to empty their containers. Please break down all boxes before placing in dumpsters. 18. Do not place any liquids and/or grease into gutters, grates, around trees, sewers, or onto sidewalk or street. A special depository is provided for this type of disposal requirement. Please contact Harvest Homecoming for locations. 19. The Harvest Homecoming trash containers located in the booth area are not to be used by booth operators. 20. Booths are to be decorated. Any decorated booth that displays the annual theme of the festival will be eligible for cash awards and recognition. Any decorating must be fire proof and comply with the state fire code. 21. Booth operators must confine operations to their assigned booth space. All sidewalks must be kept open behind booths. No storage or seating allowed outside of booth space. 22. Harvest Homecoming officials reserve the right to close or delay hours of booth operation in the event of inclement weather. *Please note the attached State & Local Fire Code/Electric Code priority which will be considered as a part of these rules. Signature Date YOU WILL BE GIVEN A COPY OF THESE RULES FOR POSTING IN YOUR BOOTH. Page 3 of 13 Step 2: Rules (Continued) Booth Days, October 9-12, 2014 *Sign and return keeping copy for your records! HARVEST HOMECOMING BOOTHS-ELECTRIC PRIORITY NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE 1. 1-10X10 Booth rental space includes 1-20 amp circuit breaker ONLY. 2. Booth operators must supply 12/3 factory sealed cord from their booth space to electric panel. Normal length -100 ft.; in some cases an additional cord maybe necessary. 3. Booth operators must provide a means to turn power on/off within their booth space; this can be a power strip with an on/off switch. This is the minimum allowed by the state inspectors. 4. Your booth number needs to be VISIBLE at all times for inspectors and Harvest Homecoming officials. 5. Booth operators must be present in booth for inspections at 9am Thursday morning of booth days. 6. Electric cords must be tagged with booth number on it. These tags are supplied by Harvest Homecoming in your booth packet. When purchasing more than 1 booth space i.e. trailers, this will be reviewed on a case by case basis due to availability of electric service in booth area. Requirements are as Follows: 1. If you have multiple booth spaces you may use 1-12/3 factory sealed cord per booth space to electric panels. 2. If you require anything above a single pole 110 volt/20AMP breaker you will be required to make a request from booth committee. Each booth and its location will be decided on a case by case basis due to limited access of electric service per street. Examples: a. 110 volt 30amp breaker you will need- 3 conductor #10 gauge wire. b. 220 volt 30 amp breaker- 4 conductor #10 gauge wire c. 220 volt 60 amp breaker- 4 conductor #6 gauge wire 3. For First time booth operators requiring anything above a single pole 20 amp breaker; there will be a one-time fee of $200.00. This cost includes breaker purchase and extra fee for amperage. 4. For returning booth operators that require above a single pole 20 amp breaker a $100.00 fee is required each year to be paid with booth rental fee. Signature Date YOU WILL BE GIVEN A COPY OF THESE RULES FOR POSTING IN YOUR BOOTH. Page 4 of 13 Step 3: Authorization Booth Days, October 9-12, 2014 *Sign and return keeping copy for your records! I, the undersigned, certify the information provided on my application to be true and factual to the best of my knowledge. Please read and initial the following two points: l I have read and understand the rules of operation, and I will see that they are obeyed at all times. (Copy of rules on website or enclosed if application mailed) l I also accept the responsibility for the safety and security of my booth. Check or money order must accompany this Application! Make check payable for $300.00 per 10'x10' space if submitted by June 30th, year of application date. If application is mailed after June 30th, booth space is $350 per 10'x10' space. Make check or money order payable to Harvest Homecoming. Mail to Harvest Homecoming, Attn: Booth Chairman, PO Box 102, New Albany, Indiana 47151-0102. *After July 31, $400.00 per 10 X10. Note: The booth committee will not guarantee any booth space location. We will make every effort to accommodate all applications that meet the theme and traditional requirements of Harvest Homecoming, Inc. 1. Harvest Homecoming grants to Vendor the use/rental of booth space at the festival of Harvest Homecoming in New Albany, Indiana for the festival period specified. 2. At all times relevant to this Agreement, Vendor agrees to comply with any and all applicable federal, state, county and city laws, ordinances, rules and regulations (the “Laws”), and also any and all rules and regulations and policies adopted by Harvest Homecoming or its designated committee (the “Rules”), whether now existing or subsequently adopted. 3. This Agreement shall be subject to termination by Harvest Homecoming without notice or hearing upon any violation of the Laws and/or Rules by Vendor, or its agents, employees or other designees. 4. Vendor hereby indemnified, defends and hold harmless Harvest Homecoming, its officers, agents, contractors, and employees from any and all claims, demands, actions, causes of action, suit or proceeding for loss or damage incurred, either in whole or in part, by the negligence or willful misconduct of Vendor, its officers, agents, contractors and employees. 5. Vendor, for itself and its officers, agents, contractors, and employees, their respective successors, assigns, heirs and/or personal representatives, hereby releases Harvest Homecoming, its officers, agents, contractors, and employees from any and all liability for any claims, demands, actions, causes of action, suit or proceeding for any loss or damage suffered by Vendor, its officers, agents, contractors, and employees, arising out of Vendor’s participation in the Harvest Homecoming Festival. Authorized Signature _ __________________________________________________________________________________ Printed Signature __________________________________________________________ Date _ ______________________ Send any inquiries and all correspondence to: Harvest Homecoming Attn: Booth Chairman PO Box 102 New Albany, Indiana 47151-0102 Page 5 of 13 New Albany Fire Code 2014 Harvest Homecoming Booths 1. ALL CANOPY OR TENT BOOTHS MUST BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH 2008 Indiana Fire Code. The booth operator shall have proof by an approved testing laboratory, certifying that the tent or canopy and tension membrane structures and their appurtenances, sidewalls, drops and tops of temporary membrane structures, canopies, tarpaulins, floor coverings, buntings, combustible decorative materials and effects shall be composed of flame resistant material in accordance with NFPA 701. This NFPA 701 code or California Code will be enforced with tent booths using electric devices to keep food or beverage warm. Example: crock pots, coffee pots, etc. 2. ALL TENTS IN BOOTH AREA MUST BE LABELED WITH CALIFORNIA 701 CODE OR NFPA 701 LABEL. 3. No straw, hay bales, or corn shucks in booth area. All decorative materials shall comply with state fire code. 4. Tents or canopies may use steam tables or sterno candles if they have proper containment receptacles’; Fire Inspector will have final approval. ALL BOOTH COOKING FOOD WITH PROPANE WILL BE REQUIRED TO BE IN A WOOD BOOTH OR APPROVED FOOD CONCESSION MOBIL UNIT. 5. Wood food booths will be classified as a Class I structure and shall have permanent wiring. In addition, all wood booths that have open flames, grills, deep fat fryers, or any other vapor producing cookers that produce flammable or nonflammable gases shall have a hood suspension cover with a ventilation system. Any compressed gas cylinder tank must separate from wood booth. The separation distance is based on size of tank. A maximum sized 125 gallon tank or less must have 5ft. separation from wood booth and any other permanent structure. Booths using compressed gas cylinders, flammable or non-flammable gases, will have the container marked with the name of gas contained. All cylinders in service or storage must be secured to prevent falling or being knocked over. 6. All booths, except food preparation booths, shall have a portable fire extinguisher with a minimum rating of 2A-IOB-C. One 5-pound multi-purpose dry chemical or a 2 ½ pound multipurpose dry chemical extinguishers are acceptable. 7. All booths preparing food shall have a sodium bicarbonate or potassium bicarbonate dry-chemical type portable fire extinguisher with a minimum rating of 40B-C or Type K Extinguisher. (Note: Multi-purpose dry chemical extinguishers will NOT meet this requirement.) 8. The Fire Inspector has indicated that booths may NOT operate until inspection and appropriate certification. This inspection will take place Thursday mornings of booth days. Booth days on Thursday open at 12:00; HOWEVER, BOOTH OPERATOR/OWNER MUST BE IN YOUR BOOTH BY 9AM FOR ALL FIRE AND ELECTRIACL INSPECTIONS BEFORE YOU OPEN YOUR BOOTH. 9. No smoking signs and BOOTH NUMBER shall be posted in each booth. 10. No gas, electric or any cooking appliance will be allowed on sidewalk behind booth space. Page 6 of 13 FLOYD COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1917 BONO ROAD • NEW ALBANY, INDIANA 47150 PHONE (812) 948-4726 • FAX (812) 948-2208 WEBSITE: WWW.FLOYDCOUNTYHEALTHDEPT-IN.COM Office Hours: Monday - Friday — 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Page 7 of 13 FLOYD COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1917 BONO ROAD • NEW ALBANY, INDIANA 47150 PHONE (812) 948-4726 • FAX (812) 948-2208 WEBSITE: WWW.FLOYDCOUNTYHEALTHDEPT-IN.COM Office Hours: Monday - Friday — 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Application for Harvest Homecoming Temporary Food Service Permit Application Date: __________________ Name of Business: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Owner's Name ________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________ City ________________ State ____ Zip ___________________________ Phone:___________________________ Fax ________________________ Email: _ ________________________________ Is Business a Non-for-Profit Organization (Please check one): ______ Yes _______ No If yes, what is your tax-exempt i.d. number _______________________________________________________________ Person in Charge:__________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________ Certified Food Handler (Name/Number): ______________________________ Phone ______________________________ Date(s) of Event:__________________________________ Hours of Operation: _ ________________________________ Type of Structure: Trailer _______ Tent _______ Booth _______ Building _______ Other______________________ Location of Stand: ____________________________________________ Time of Event: _ __________________________ FOOD/BEVERAGES TO BE SOLD LOCATION WHERE FOOD IS PREPARED _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Name of Owner: ______________________ Signature of Owner: ________________________ Fees for Harvest Homecoming Temporary Food Service Permits are non-refundable. Fees for the permit are $20.00 per day; $100.00 maximum-for a maximum of 14 consecutive days. Permit fees are based upon the following Ordinances: Floyd County-2008-V, New Albany-G-08-06, Greenville-2008-T-84, and Georgetown-2008-G-0814. * THE SECTION BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT STAFF ONLY * PERMIT FEE $ ________________ PERMIT NUMBER ISSUED ________________ CLERK INITIALS _______________ Page 8 of 13 FLOYD COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1917 BONO ROAD • NEW ALBANY, INDIANA 47150 PHONE (812) 948-4726 • FAX (812) 948-2208 WEBSITE: WWW.FLOYDCOUNTYHEALTHDEPT-IN.COM Office Hours: Monday - Friday — 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM The following is a list of food items that will or will not require a certified food handler at a temporary event. EXEMPT FOOD ITEMS NON-EXEMPT FOOD ITEMS v Heating or serving precooked foods v Ice cream not packaged v Popcorn, kettle corn, caramel corn, and chips v Unpackaged drinks/beverages that are composed of potentially hazardous food ingredients (i.e., milk shakes, coffee and smoothie drinks made with dairy products) v Shaved ice products and ice v Cotton candy, elephant ears & funnel cakes v Cooking raw meat products (i.e., hamburgers, chicken, sausage, bacon, steaks, pork) v Continental breakfast items (i.e., rolls, coffee, juice, milk, cold cereal) v Pretzels with open dips (i.e., cheese and marinara that are pre-manufactured) v Potentially hazardous food handling (i.e., meat cutting rooms, deli’s slicing meat and cheeses) v Cream pies made from scratch v Any prepackaged food sold in its original package, either potentially or nonpotentially hazardous v Roasting and grinding of coffee beans v Deli’s that only serve pre-sliced meat and cheese v Deli’s serving pre-manufactured salads (i.e., potato and macaroni salads) v Baked goods (i.e., bread, doughnuts, rolls, cookies) v Confectionaries (i.e., candy, jams, jellies) v Soups and gravies made onsite with potentially hazardous foods v Eggs prepared onsite v Sandwiches prepared onsite with potentially hazardous foods v Dipping sauces prepared onsite with potentially hazardous foods v Any non-potentially hazardous beverages (i.e., slushies, wine, beer, soft drinks) v Processed foods prepared onsite (i.e., such as acidified, low acid canned, smoked and garlic and oil mixtures) v Vegetables, fruit and herbs (i.e., produce stands not cutting melons) v Other foods prepared onsite with potentially hazardous foods (i.e., tacos, salads, egg rolls) v Spices and dry rubs v Hot dogs with simple condiments (i.e., ketchup, mustard, relish) v Canned soups, sauces, and dips v Waffles and pancakes, syrup Honey, maple syrup v Air-cooled hard boiled eggs v Hot dogs and nachos prepared onsite with potentially hazardous food toppings v Cutting of melons and raw seed sprouts v Seafood (i.e., fish, crustaceans, molluscan shellfish) This is not an all-inclusive list and it is subject to change whenever further interpretations become available. Page 9 of 13 FLOYD COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1917 BONO ROAD • NEW ALBANY, INDIANA 47150 PHONE (812) 948-4726 • FAX (812) 948-2208 WEBSITE: WWW.FLOYDCOUNTYHEALTHDEPT-IN.COM Office Hours: Monday - Friday — 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Temporary Food Establishment Checklist Use this Temporary Food Establishment Checklist to ensure your facility will have all of the necessary equipment and supplies in order to properly operate at the intended event(s). Compliance with all applicable sections of 410 IAC 7-24 is required. (“Sec” or “Section” refers to Sections in 410 IAC 7-24). FOOD AND WATER SOURCES: l All food and water must be obtained from sources complying with applicable state and local laws and regulations. If requested, paperwork must be provided indicating the source(s) for all food and water products. If well water is utilized, proper paperwork regarding testing must be provided. (Sec. 142-160 and 320-328) l All food must be safe, unadulterated, honestly presented, and properly labeled as applicable. (Sec. 140, 139 and 146) l No homemade or home-canned foods or foods that have been stored in a home are allowed to be used. (Sec. 142) l All foods requiring preparation/processing, must be prepared/processed on-site unless they have been prepared in another licensed establishment and properly transported. FOOD PREPARATION and HANDLING: l Any booth selling potentially hazardous food must have a Certified food handler: If more than one (1) food establishment operated by the same individual is located on the same property or on contiguous properties, only one (1) certified food handler is required for the food establishment. The name and proof of certification must be made available upon request. If the establishment is exempt from 410 IAC 7-22, then all requirements in 410 IAC 7-24 Section 118 must be met. l All potentially hazardous foods requiring refrigeration must be held at 41ºF or below (or 45°F or below as detailed in Section 187) at all times. Stored frozen foods shall be maintained frozen and should be stored at 0ºF. (Sec. 197) l All potentially hazardous food requiring hot-holding must be held at 135ºF or above at all times. (Sec. 187) l All potentially hazardous food requiring cooling must be cooled from 135ºF down to 70ºF within two (2) hours and from 70ºF down to 41ºF or below (or 45°F or below as detailed in Section 187) within an additional four (4) hours. The entire cooling process must be completed within six (6) continuous hours. (Sec. 189 and 190) l All potentially hazardous food requiring reheating must be rapidly reheated to 165ºF within two (2) hours. (Sec. 188) l All potentially hazardous food requiring thawing must be thawed in accordance with Section 199. l All food products must be cooked to the proper internal food temperatures as detailed in Sections 182-197. l Proper cooking equipment must be used to reheat foods. Hot-holding equipment cannot be used for this purpose. l A properly calibrated stem-type thermometer must be provided for monitoring internal food temperatures. (Sec. 235, 254 and 257) FOOD PROTECTION: l Proper utensils (such as spoons, forks, tongs, spatulas, single-use gloves, deli tissue, etc.) must be used to handle open ready-to-eat food products. Bare hand contact with these foods is not permitted. (“Ready-to-eat” means no further washing, cooking, or additional preparation steps will take place before it is served.) (Sec. 171) l Food products must be protected from potential contamination by consumers (or the environment) during all times of storage, preparation, and service. (Sec. 179, 181, 203 and 204) l Overhead protection must be provided over all food and beverage service, preparation, storage, warewashing and handwashing areas. With regard to whether overhead protection is required above cooking/grilling units, local and/or state fire codes should be applied. (Sec. 179, 204, 427) l All food and beverage products, ice, utensils, single-service and single-use items, dishes, equipment, and handwashing and warewashing facilities must be stored up off the floor/ground at least six (6) inches at all times. (Sec. 177, 239 and 244) l Condiments must be protected from contamination by being kept in dispensers that are designed to provide protection, protected food displays provided with proper utensils, original containers designed for dispensing, or individual packages or portions. Proper temperatures must be maintained at all times. (Sec. 179-180, 187) UTENSILS/DISHWARE: l Only single-service/use eating and drinking utensils/dishware may be provided for use by the consumer. No re-use of these items is permitted. (Sec. 249) l The single-service/use utensils must be placed in a container with the handles facing up and the eating surface protected from touching or contamination – or they must be individually packaged. (Sec. 250) l Straws and toothpicks must either be individually wrapped or individually dispensed. (Sec. 250) Page 10 of 13 ICE USE: l Ice, which is to be consumed, must come from an approved source and be properly labeled.(Sec. 146 and 169) l Ice must be kept in closed/covered containers and dispensed with ice scoops or proper utensils that are properly stored and used. To prevent cross-contamination, ice bags cannot be dropped onto the ground to break up the ice. l Ice for consumption may not be used for storage of food or beverage products. (Sec. 170) l Storage of open food in contact with ice is prohibited. (Sec. 176) l Packaged food may not be stored in direct contact with ice or water if the food is subject to the entry of water because of the nature of its packaging, wrapping, or container. (Sec. 176) l If ice is the principal means of refrigeration, it must be done in such a way so that the ice is constantly draining (into a proper area; not onto the ground). (Sec. 176, 380) HANDWASHING FACILITIES: l At least one (1) conveniently located handwashing facility must be available for employee handwashing at all times in/at each unit. If food preparation takes place outside of the main unit, a separate handwashing facility must be provided at that location. (Sec. 128, 130, 343-345) l The handwashing facility must consist of, at least, warm running water, hand soap, individual paper towels, a container to catch the wastewater, and a waste paper container. If a sink is not available, “running” can mean a large thermos, urn, or container in which warm water is held and dispensed via free-flowing spigot while handwashing. (342, 346-349) l Employees must wash their hands at all necessary times during food preparation and service. (Sec. 129) l Employees may not use only hand sanitizer. Hands must be properly washed. DISHWASHING FACILITIES: l Facilities must have provisions available to wash, rinse, and sanitize all multi-use utensils, dishware, and equipment used for food preparation and service. (Sec. 270, 289, 291-292, 342) l If any of the above items are taken off the premises for washing, they must be properly cleaned and sanitized in a licensed food establishment. l Proper sanitizer (via heat or chemical means) must be provided AND used in/at each unit. (Sec. 248-320, 342) l If chemical sanitizer is used, a proper test kit must be provided AND used in/at each unit. (Sec. 291) l Manual dishwashing should be set up to operate in the following sequence: WASH (soapy water with 110º water temperature), RINSE (warm, clean water), SANITIZE (via heat or chemical), and AIR DRY. (Sec. 270, 273, 304) l If chemical sanitizer is used, the sanitizing solution must be maintained at the proper concentrations as follows (as detailed in Section 294 or in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations and the manufacturer’s directions): CHLORINE (25200ppm), QUATERNARY AMMONIA (200ppm), or IODINE (12.5-25ppm). l All chemical sanitizers must be labeled in accordance with Sections 437 and 443. WATER AND WASTEWATER FACILITIES: l All water lines to each unit must be protected by a proper backflow/back-siphonage prevention device (or by proper air break or air gap). (Sec. 334-336, 338, 377) l If used in continuous flow situations, a proper device approved for that use must be provided, installed, and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. (Sec. 336) l A sufficient supply of drinking water must be supplied for all necessary purposes (handwashing, dishwashing, sanitizing, food preparation, etc.) at all times in/at each unit. (Sec. 329, 330, 332) l All water hoses must meet the requirements detailed in 410 IAC 7-24 for use with drinking water. (Sec. 364) l All liquid waste must be disposed of in a sanitary manner in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local requirements. (Sec. 374-376, 379-380) WIPING CLOTHS: l In between uses, wet wiping cloths must be properly stored in sanitizer solution that is maintained in accordance with Section 294. l To prevent cross-contamination, wet or dry wiping cloths shall be kept separate from cloths used for other purposes (1) wiping cloths used for raw animal food spills/clean-up, (2) wiping cloths used for other food spills/clean-up, and (3) wiping cloths used for general cleaning. (Sec. 245) Page 11 of 13 HYGIENE and PERSONAL CLEANLINESS: l NO smoking, eating or drinking (except from a covered container that is stored and utilized properly) is permitted in any food preparation or service area. (Sec. 136) l Clothing must be kept clean and not used to wipe hands. ( Sec. 128, 135) l Proper and effective hair restraints must be provided and worn by all persons preparing or serving food. Examples include: hairnets, visors (if effective), hats, scarves, etc. (Sec. 138) l Beards must also be restrained with a beard snood or other means. (Sec. 138) l Proper exclusions and restrictions must be placed on ill employees in accordance with Sections 120-127. l Proper handwashing must be conducted at the following times or after any activity during which the hands may have become contaminated: before beginning work; after handling raw animal foods; after handling money; before puttingon and after removing single-use gloves; after sneezing, coughing, touching the face, body parts, or hair; after using the restroom; after taking out the trash, etc. (Sec. 129) l While preparing foods, employees may not wear jewelry on their arms and hands. An exception would be the wearing of a plain ring, such as a wedding band. (Sec. 134) INSECT CONTROL, TRASH & REFUSE, LIGHTING, and FACILITY SURFACES: l If pests are present, effective air curtains, screening, fans, and/or tight-fitting & self-closing entry doors must be provided and used for insect control in/at each unit. (Sec. 412-413, 415-416) l Adequate trash/refuse/garbage facilities must be provided at the event and emptied at an adequate frequency. Grease must be disposed in a manner approved by law. (Sec. 381-386 and 388-398) l Adequate lighting must be provided and kept properly shielded/protected. (Sec. 410-411) l Floors, walls, and ceilings must meet the minimum requirements described in Sections 362 and 364. Walls and ceilings must protect the interior from weather, windblown dust and debris, and insects or other animals. They must be weather resistant and comply with the law (for example, regarding screen size and fire retardancy). If floor is dirt, gravel or grass, it must be covered with mats (no carpet), duckboards, or removable platforms. POISONOUS/TOXIC MATERIALS l Containers of poisonous or toxic materials and personal care items shall bear a legible manufacturer’s label. (Sec. 437) l Working Containers used for storing poisonous or toxic materials, such as cleaners and sanitizers taken from bulk supplies, shall be clearly and individually identified with the common name of the material. (Sec. 438) l Poisonous or toxic materials shall be stored so they cannot contaminate food, equipment, utensils, linens, and singleservice and single-use articles. (Sec. 439) l Poisonous or toxic materials shall be used according to the manufacturer’s labeling instructions that state that use is allowed in a retail food establishment. (Sec. 441) l A container previously used to store poisonous or toxic materials may not be used to store, transport, or dispense food. (Sec. 442) Page 12 of 13 FLOYD COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1917 BONO ROAD • NEW ALBANY, INDIANA 47150 PHONE (812) 948-4726 • FAX (812) 948-2208 WEBSITE: WWW.FLOYDCOUNTYHEALTHDEPT-IN.COM Office Hours: Monday - Friday — 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM The following organizations offer nationally accredited food safety certification programs and examinations utilizing the American National Standards Institute (ANSI): Certified Professional Food Manager Thomson Prometric PH: (800) 786-3936 FAX: (800) 247-9362 www.prometric.com Certification lasts for 5 years Food Safety Manager Certification Examination The National Registry of Food Safety Professionals PH: (407) 352-3830 Toll Free: (800) 446-0257 FAX: (407) 352-3603 Email: info@nrfsp.com www.nrfsp.com Certification lasts for 5 years ServSafe Indiana Restaurant and Hospitality Association PH: (317) 673-4211 or (800) 678-1957 www.indianarestaurants.org Certification lasts for 5 years There is currently a local company in this area who offers training programs and one of the approved examinations from the aforementioned accredited testing organizations: Safe Food Handlers Corporation PH: (888) 793-5136 FAX: (217) 793-5163 Website: www.sfhcorp.com Email: sales@sfhcorp.com Contact: Ron Thomas Using the ServSafe Exam PLEASE NOTE: THE JEFFERSON COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT EXAM DOES NOT MEET INDIANA’S NEW FOOD HANDLER CERTIFICATION RULE. 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