BADGEWORTH, SHURDINGTON & WITCOMBE WITH BENTHAM NEWS AND VIEWS FOR THE PARISHES OF Two Collages produced by the primary school children as part of their 1914 school enactment Issue 222 October 2014 Price 50p 1 Three in One Magazine for October Vicar & Area Dean of Severn Vale Deanery The Revd Canon RICHARD MITCHELL tel (01242) 702911 Day off: Friday The Vicarage, School Lane, Shurdington, GL51 4TF e-mail: Assistant Curates The Revd SARAH DANGERFIELD tel: (01242) 863979 Day off: Friday 25 Blenheim Orchard, Shurdington, GL51 5TG; email : The Revd APRIL JONES tel: (01452 864469) Charnwood, Bryerland Road, Little Witcombe, Gloucester. GL3 4TA email: Reader Mr ROBERT POOLE tel (01452) 855660 11 Stansby Crescent, Churchdown, GL3 2DE email: Local Ministry Team THE GREENWAY TEAM Richard Mitchell Robert Poole Rachel Cottell Clare Stewart Sue Padfield April Jones Kathy Parfitt Sarah Dangerfield Retired Clergy The Revd MIKE THOMPSON The Revd IAN GOBEY tel (01242) 862467 tel (01242) 863977 Children’s & Youth Work Co-ord Mrs Rachel Cottell (residence) tel (01452) 715034 Churches Administrator (office) tel (01242) 861218 email: Office hours: Thursdays 9.30 am to 12 noon Fridays 9.30 am to 12 noon THREE IN ONE MAGAZINE Editor John Cummins tel (01242) 862518 Business Manager Barry Woods tel (01242) 862024 2 C O N T E N T S O C T O B E R 2014 page page St Paul’s Coffee Morning20 Badgeworth 1914...........21 Church Car.....................22 Useful Phone Numbers..22 Shurdington Organisations .......................................23 This Month’s Services....24 Children’s Activities........25 Witcombe & Bentham Organisations.................26 Badgeworth Organisations .......................................26 What’s On This Month....27 Shurdington Parish Council .......................................28 Pastoral Letter..................2 Bereavement support.......3 The Messenger................4 Shurdington Primary School..............................8 Headteacher’s Letter......12 MS Jumble sale..............14 Women’s World day of Prayer.............................14 All Soul’s Service............15 Mothers’ Union...............16 Marriage.........................18 Tuesday Lunch Club......18 Shurdington & Badgeworth Gardening Society..........18 Holy Trinity Events.........19 Contributors please note: material for the November 2014 issue to John Cummins at by Friday October 17 3 Pastoral Letter Pastoral Letter Richard writes October 2014 Dear Friends In a recently repeated sketch I saw on TV, Hancock battled with his highly aggravating landlady to encourage her to appreciate his sculpture which he’d created in his first-floor flat. Despite his best efforts to praise it as a water-nymph she described the contorted features as ‘lewd’. When it finally fell through the floor into her ground floor lounge he peered down through the hole. ‘Missed’, he says. Not everyone appreciates the finer features of sculpture, perhaps especially modern sculpture. As one who’s a visual learner, even I find it difficult sometimes to work out what it is I’m looking at. ‘What is it meant to be?’ we say to ourselves when I suspect what we should be saying is, ‘What do I believe it to be? What does it mean to me?’ So much of art is about interpretation and we have to do a lot of the work for ourselves. Even when we have the sculptor’s notes or guide, it’s only their interpretation of their work that we’re getting, key though that is. Once the beast has been unleashed there’s no telling what it might become in the eyes of the viewer. We have a fantastic chance to exercise our minds in this way at the moment in the Crucible 2 exhibition in Gloucester Cathedral running through September and October. It’s a ‘must-see’ event, the Dean has said, and with around 100 pieces of sculpture, it has an immense impact. The fact that the exhibition is in and around the Cathedral gives it, of course, a whole new dimension through the power of the architecture in which it’s set. Most likely, never again will this amount of art be arranged in such a setting in our region. The pieces on view interact with the parts of our great Cathedral in 4 Bereavement support which they’ve been carefully positioned, and it’s a feast for the eyes. It’s a feast for faith too, because this exhibition aims to stimulate our Christian faith, through the interaction of art and building. We use a lot of words in church, especially in worship. Here’s a chance for the visual to take over and for us to let it play with our understanding of God and of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. No-one will tell you what to think; no-one is in control of interpretation. Let the Holy Spirit work in you as you discern the revelation it brings to you. If you haven’t been to Crucible 2 before Sunday 26th October, there is a special opportunity to all those from Severn Vale Deanery to view the exhibits from 6.30-8pm when the cathedral is closed to other visitors. There will be drinks at 6.30pm and guides will be on hand. All are welcome. A rough idea of numbers would be useful, so, if you’d like to be there, please let Sue Padfield know beforehand 01452 862509 or Please don’t get to 1st November and have to say, ‘I missed it’. Richard Bereavement Support If you would like to talk with a trained member of our benefice Bereavement Support Group, please contact any of the below. Mrs Clare Stewart (Shurdington) 01242 862598 Mrs Chris Nation 01242 521280 Rev'd April Jones (Witcombe with Bentham) 01452 864469 email Mary Tombs (Badgeworth) 01452 713200. 5 The Messenger Some years ago I left my vicarage by taxi to go to the station to attend the four-day meeting of the Church of England’s General Synod in London. ‘Where are you off to?’ asked the taxi driver. I explained as well as I could, and he followed up with the comment, ‘I expect you get paid more for doing that?’ ‘Oh no,’ I said. ‘I do it for love!’ He looked surprised: ‘I didn’t think anyone did anything for love anymore.’ He should come and look at the church. Church is full of people who do things for love. ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ is the golden rule, and many people put this into practice in a myriad of ways. They set up lunch clubs for the elderly; they run toddler groups; they litter pick on Saturday mornings. They sing, act, bake, visit, run youth groups, organise food banks, support local charities, care for the sick… the list is endless. I don’t think of what Christians do as volunteering, more as loving God and neighbour; actions that flow out of our calling in Christ and our desire to serve him and one another. Of course, Christians don’t have the monopoly on this but more people do unpaid work for church organisations than any other organisation in the UK and a quarter of regular churchgoers are involved in voluntary community service outside the church. 6 Churchgoers overall contribute 23.2 million hours voluntary service each month in their local communities outside the church. That’s something to celebrate, and whether you think of it as ‘volunteering’, or as ‘doing this for love’, I’d like to say a big ‘THANK YOU’. Churches across the Diocese of Gloucester have strong involvements with their surrounding communities. They range from helping rebuild broken lives to protecting the vulnerable. But running these schemes needs money and it is only through generous donations that they are able to keep running. Through people’s generosity, the Church is able to help more than 600,000 people who live throughout our 325 parishes. Churches want to journey with their community together. Often they are the only public building in the community, bringing people together in times of joy and sorrow, to celebrate and remember. This is the Church’s way of expressing God’s love for the entire community which it serves. It is the generous giving of those who value and support the Churches work which underpins all its work. More than 60 percent of the Church of England’s total income comes from individual regular giving. At a parish level, this can account for up to 85 percent of their income. In this diocese we take the subject of giving seriously and have lots of advice and guidance for those who wish to donate to support their Church. If you wish to support your Parish Church through a regular gift there are several ways you can do this. Talk to your vicar, parish treasurer, 7 Gift Aid officer or churchwarden. These officers are best contacted through your parish church, but if you have difficulty in locating their information, please email for further assistance. In July 2014 I was one of 21 students and staff from All Saints’ Academy who was lucky enough to visit Kasulu in Western Tanzania on mission to help build Bishop Makaya Secondary School, visit local schools, towns and teach English. We were extremely humbled by the extraordinary greetings and generosity we received from the moment we touched down at Kasulu airport, to every school, church visit or meeting with local people, until the day we left. We lived with 21 students and staff from a range of schools in the local area, who were exceptionally generous and patient at helping us feel welcome and settled with local cultures and ways of life; from meals, schools and church services. We were invited to the largest church in Kasulu where we were introduced to the local people. We also enjoyed a spectacular lunch they had provided for us. Even though many of the locals had very limited or no English, this didn’t matter, as they still treated us like their friends / family. Kasulu, Tanzania is a very special and spiritual place that will always have a space in our hearts. It was a life changing trip, 8 which I wouldn’t have been on if it wasn’t for the Diocese of Gloucester, Western Tanzania and in particularly, Staff at ASA for organising and Helen Sammon for the support. I feel like we have made friends that will last forever, and it is something that I will never forget. When we see the needs of people around us, as Christians our first reaction is to get down on our knees and pray. We want to ask God to intervene in the suffering of the world and to make this a better place for all of us. But God has also reminded us that we cannot simply rely on words; He has given us responsibility too. He expects us to do all that we can and that means actions as well as just words. There are so many ways people can actively help to make a difference, both at home and abroad, whether it is taking spare tins to a foodbank, writing to a Member of Parliament to highlight an issue or joining a mission overseas for a few days, weeks, months or even years. Numerous charities and causes are desperate for any help they can get, and it is up to us to answer that call. If you are deeply affected by what you see around you, whether it is the hunger of families in Britain forced to rely on handouts or the plight of ethnic minorities left homeless by war overseas, you can do something about it. Rather than sit back and bemoan the way of the world, we can all take a stand and help those less fortunate. Are you ready to answer that call? You can find more ways of helping make a difference on our website: Check out for more stories. To read 9 Shurdington Primary School Primary School 1914 Re-enactment On Thursday the 4th September our topic was World War 1. It was 100 years ago!!! Lots of people from the church helped us. It was cool and fun. The world war one dinner was very nice though. We had meat and veg and gravy. The apple crumble and custard was ok! We played on the green and we had fake passports and we had to dress up and we had new names and family! My name was Walter George Freeman. My dad was a farmer and our house had three rooms and in our garden we had some hens but we did not care that we were poor because we had food. By Ethan Pendleton. WORLD WAR ONE We had a maths lesson in the church hall. We sat at a desk on stools and there was ink and a feather to write with. The sums were quite easy but the times tables were hard. They told us about old money and we dressed up in old clothes. My name was Fred and I lived in a two bedroom house and I had one 3 year old brother and a sister. We played on the green and I played tag with my friends. Harrison Bailey Aged 8 10 World War 1 Aged 8 The first 3 days of school, the 4 classes learnt all about WW1. When we came to school we got changed into costumes. In assembly we were given a new name and family. My name was Winifred Gregory. I had a sister called Prudence, and a mum called Susanna. On the second day, we went to the church. Each house did an activity for a few minutes and then we swapped around. First my house (Crickley) did the washing. We had to wash some towels. First we put some water in the dolly tub and put the towels in then we all smelt some soap and chose which one that we liked the best. We rubbed the soap on the towels and then rubbed the towel on the wash board. Then we put the dolly in and danced around to wash the clothes. We then pulled the towels out with some tongs and put it through the mangle. We did that twice and then we put it on the washing line and then ironed it. Jasmin Mollen Age 8 11 Christine and Jane took the children for old songs like “Green grow the ruches O” Your editor doing his best to look the strict Teacher Biplane Montage 12 Concert With the Male Voice Choirs of Churchdown & Launceston Saturday, October 11, 2014 at 7.00pm Churchdown Community Centre GL3 2JH Tickets £7, concessions £6 From Colin Acton 01452 714360, Emmaus Gloucester 01452 413095, on the door Reg. Charity No. 1060177 13 Headteacher’s Letter HEADTEACHER’S LETTER Dear Readers, I feel that I should start by introducing myself. My name is Jon Millin and I am the new Head teacher at Shurdington. As Richard said in one of his previous letters, I was previously the Acting Deputy at Kingsholm CofE School. I am very excited to be writing my first contribution to your wonderful Three In One magazine. I feel I know the magazine well as it helped me a lot in finding out about the local community before starting in my post this September. Although only a few weeks in to the school year, we have had a very busy start. You may have seen the wonderful pictures and write up in the local papers about our World War 1 mini project we held to kick off the new school year. The children were transported back in time to experience what is was like to live in the period immediately following World War 1. They dressed in clothes that would have been similar to uniforms worn at the time and our school lunches were changed so that they were more like a typical dinner from the period. We spent a day at the old school, learnt traditional games from the era and had lessons similar to lessons that were taught at the time. We ended the project by producing 4 beautiful collages that will be displayed outside our school hall. I would like to thank the Folk museum for their help, all the volunteers that came in to make this such a great success and especially Sarah Hargreave, Robin Gilbert and John Cummins for all their many hours of preparation. All of our classes have now started their new themes. Class 1 and 2 will be learning all about the woods in their theme ‘Into the woods!’ They have already gone on a teddy bears picnic to 14 Crickley Woods and explored the trees and animals found there. Class 3 will be learning about the Vikings in their theme ‘Nordic Navigators.’ As part of the topic they will get the opportunity to dress as Vikings, learn about their weapons and armour, and look at artefacts that tell us about Viking life. The children will also experience trading as real Vikings would have done by trading a variety of goods in order to raise money for a trip to Matson Ski Slopes for their next theme. Class 4’s theme ‘Around the World’ will involve learning about a variety of countries. The children have received a ‘special mystery package’ from Elizabeth Fogg asking for their help in researching the places she hopes to visit. We have a range of extra-curricular clubs this term including football, tag rugby, cooking, construction club, dance, card making and netball. I am also looking forward to our Allstars club continuing, which I have heard so much about. I would like to thank the church community that continue to support this and other projects like Open the Book. These things are so important to our school and I look forward to working with you all in the future. Our Christian value this term is ‘Peace’. I know that Richard wrote about the school Values in a previous letter but just to remind you this year we will be focussing on Peace, Friendship and then Hope. Each term we have key Bible stories, a range of displays, a ‘Prayer Chair’, reflection spaces and songs all linked to our chosen value. I would like to end by thanking everyone that has made me feel so welcome. This is a lovely school and I truly feel privileged to be its Headteacher. Yours sincerely Jon Millin 15 Headteacher MS Jumble sale Women’s World day of Prayer WOMEN’S “WORLD DAY OF PRAYER” ANNUAL CONFERENCE This year’s Gloucestershire conference will be held on Thursday,6 November, 10am to 3pm, at Salem Baptist Church, St George’s Rd. Cheltenham. Come along and learn something about the Bahamas, and what the theme for 2015, “Do You Know What I Have Done To You?” means to the women there who have prepared the order of service. Registration- £3. Tea/coffee provided but bring your own lunch. Everyone welcome. For further information please contact Joan Hannon on 01452 542866 Multiple Sclerosis Jumble Sale The Multiple Sclerosis Information and Therapy Centre, are holding a Jumble Sale on Saturday 4th October in the Shurdington Social Centre at 2pm, there will also be bric-a-brac, books, cakes, raffle etc. Refreshments will be available, admission is 20p. For more information please ring 01242 862221 or 01452 419246 Hazel Chapman 16 All Soul’s Service ALL SOULS' SERVICE The benefices service for All Soulstide will be held on Sunday 2nd November at 4pm in St Paul, Shurdington. We especially invite all those who've been bereaved in the past year, but, all are very welcome. The names of those we remember will be read out and there will be a special symbolic act of recollection and prayer. Refreshments will be served in the church after the service. Samaritan Purse Christmas shoe box appeal Leaflets are in all 3 churches. Boxes should be given to me at 7 Blenheim Orchard by the end of October. Many thanks. Joy T GRAND BOOK SALE at WITCOMBE VILLAGE HALL on SATURDAY, 15 NOVEMBER, 10am – 4pm Free entry * Refreshments * Proceeds to Church and Community Donations of books gratefully received by Sue (01452 862509), Christine (01452 862399) or David (01452 864523). Collection can be arranged. 17 Mothers’ Union MOTHERS’ UNION The Annual Service of Corporate Holy Communion for the Badgeworth, Shurdington and Witcombe with Bentham Branch was held in St. Paul’s Church, Shurdington on Tuesday, 9th September, 2014 at 2.30pm. The Service was taken by the Rev’d Canon Richard Mitchell and was based on the MU Theme ‘Sowing the Future Together: Together We Grow.’ ‘The Stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvellous in our eye.’ Psalm 118:22-23. Christine gave the Old Testament Reading: Exodus 5:10-17, Josie gave the New Testament Reading: 1Peter 2:4-7 and Averil gave the Gospel Reading: Matthew 21:42-45. Richard gave a short Homily to explain how different things are needed in different parts of the world – what works here is based on what is needed here, whereas what works abroad is based on what is needed abroad and these differences help us to grow together. Betty Fient was then admitted to membership of the Mothers’ Union. Kate read the Vision, Aim and Mission of the Mothers’ Union. Among other things, Richard, as Leader, asked both new and present members to join in declaring their support for, and in affirming their commitment to, the Aim and Objects of the Mothers’ Union. Four Hymns were included: Lord for the Years; Brother, Sister let Me Serve You; Be Still for the presence of the Lord; and Tell Out My Soul. Richard ended the Service with a Final Blessing from Colossians 2:6-7: Just as you received Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. We greeted one another with the Sign of the Peace before departing to the Church Hall for tea. 18 Our thanks go to Richard for conducting the Service and to John for playing the organ and leading the singing. After the Service, tea was served by Christine and her team, and delicious lemon and chocolate cake was provided by our new member, Betty Fient. MU Dates for October, 2014 Thursday, 2nd October Coffee Morning at Huntley. Deanery Event, Speaker: Margaret. Tuesday, 14th October Branch Meeting St. Paul’s Church Hall at 2.30pm. Speaker: Annie Read Tuesday, 21st October Council Meeting at 10.15am. tba Saturday, 25th October Coffee Morning in aid of AFIA St.Paul’s Church Hall at 10.00am Tuesday, 28th October 2.30pm. Intercessions. St. Paul’s Church Hall at Badgeworth WI With a recent women's institute meeting that was held at our newly painted Badgeworth hall had a usual good attendance and of course lots of tea, cake and refreshed faces after our August summer break. Our speaker for that evening was Mr Paul Evans on farming and village life. He gave an enthusiastic and entertaining presentation. Committee changes in November, which is an exciting time for all of our WI members, are fast approaching. This new cast of ladies will give fresh ideas to a growing passionate group of ladies. After attending our second speakers’ day, Christine Raybold and I have notes and names on future speakers for 2015 to entertain Badgeworth group for a long time to come. With Christmas around the corner and with a confident show of hands for a festive party in our freshly painted hall on the agenda, we look forward to seeing new faces joining us. Thank you for reading. Karen Birch 19 Tuesday Lunch Club Shurdington & Badgeworth Gardening Society Marriage The Lunch Club still meets at The Cheeserollers on the first Tuesday in the month and a warm welcome will be given to anyone who cares to join us when next we meet on 7 October 2014 at 12/12.15 p.m. The food is good and the staff and company are very friendly! Betty Rout Marriage in October SAT 25 OCT 12.30PM HOLY TRINITY STEVEN OLIVERI & NICOLA BRADBURY Please pray for this couple preparing for marriage this month –ask God to bless them in their married life ahead. Prayer All our churches are open every day as spaces to reflect in, as places for quiet prayer and to enjoy. There are, in some of the pews, prayer cards that may help you to be still and offer prayer. You may wish to thank God for someone or something. You may want to pray for someone in a particular need, or a situation. Something may be troubling you and you want to share it with Jesus, trusting that he will accompany you through it. If words seem inadequate, or just don’t come, rest awhile in God’s presence and remember that God knows what is in our heart and mind. If you would like us to pray during Sunday worship for someone or for a situation, or to give thanks for something please look for the prayer board in each church and write your request on a slip of paper you will find alongside the board. We will gladly include your request in our intercessions. 20 Holy Trinity Events Holy Trinity Church, Badgeworth Sat 4th October, 10am-12noon Coffee Morning in church Coffee, tea, homemade cakes, books, preserves, cards, Children’s Harvest Crafts table Sat 25th October, 2-4pm Autumn Fair Badgeworth Village Hall Teas, cakes, bottle stall, preserves, raffle, games, bookstall Sat 29th Novem ber, 10am-12noon Coffee Morning in church Coffee, tea, homemade cakes, books, preserves, cards, Children’s Advent Crafts table 21 St Paul’s Coffee Morning EVENING FELLOWSHIP For our October meeting at 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday, 22nd October 2014, in the Church Hall at Shurdington, Alan Pilbeam, who is well-known to many of us, will be giving another interesting illustrated talk. Do come and join us - everyone is always made most welcome. Betty Rout 22 Badgeworth 1914 Badgeworth Village Hall Sat 8th November 7.30pm A commemorative evening of supper and songs as we remember the boys of Badgeworth who went to war 100 years ago. Entertainment by John and Una Qualtrough, Jill and Ralph Barnes, Cliff Parfitt and Josh Cottell £10, to include supper and beer/cider/apple juice. Please contact Bev or Rachel to book seats. The evening will start on the village green at 7.15pm with a short Time of Remembrance, before songs and supper in the village hall. Please walk down the hill to join us – all welcome (if coming to supper or not!) Bev Pickering 01452 712907 Rachel Cottell 01452 715034 A Friends of Badgeworth Church fundraising evening 23 Church Car Useful Phone Numbers Church Car Shurdington Ring Mrs. Betty Rout (01242 862392) should a car lift be needed for any of the church services in Shurdington. If there is anyone who would be able to help, even if only when she is away, she would be glad to hear from them. It would be helpful if those people needing a lift would give 24 hours notice if possible. Witcombe with Bentham Mrs Maureen Pither (01452) 863338 Please ring the appropriate number should you require a lift to church, or try another regular number should you be unable to make initial contact. As always, the services of all the drivers are much appreciated. ( Useful Phone Numbers: ( Furniture Recycling Warehouse....................01452 331333 Removal of Bulky Waste..................................01684 295010 Glos Highways.................................................0800 0 514 514 Faulty Streetlights.........................................0800 0 542 1890 Police (non-emergency) ......................................................101 Fire/Police/Ambulance (emergency only)........................999 NHS ‘Out of Hours’..........................................08454 220220 CARE direct..........................................................0800 444000 Electricity Power Loss ....................................0800 328 1111 Telephone Faults.........................................................0800 151 Water Services & Emergencies....................0800 783 4444 Gas Emergency ................................................0800 111 999 Emmaus *......................................................... 01452 413095 *= 24 Shurdington Organisations SHURDINGTON CHURCH & VILLAGE ORGANISATIONS Churchwardens Mrs Clare Stewart (01242) 862598 Mr Albert Hall (01242) 862344 PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Gift Aid Officer Organist Sacristan Church Flowers Sunday School Staff Electoral Roll Officer Mothers’ Union Toddlers Church Hall Lettings Parish Fellowship Verger Friends of St Paul’s Parish Council Clerk Shurdington Pre School Gardening Society Children's Society Scouts Group KGV Playing Field Sec Shurdington Sports Club Social Centre Lettings Friendship Club Village Agent Mrs Lisa Pearson Hazel Cotton Mrs Joan Puffett Mr John Stanley Mr Andrew Spence Mrs Kate Thompson Mr Kevin Stubbs Mrs Betty Rout Mrs Kate Thompson Mrs June White Mrs Jean White Mrs Betty Rout Mr Albert Hall Mrs Clare Stewart Mrs E McGrory Ms Naomi Murray Mr G Butler Mrs Joy Timbrell Mr Paul Calleja-Gera Mrs Jo Sobey Mr J Barnfield Mr Paul Calleja-Gera Mr Bruce Ballinger Mrs Caroline Sharp (01242) 862538 (01452) 857180 (01242) 862647 (01242) 862257 (01242) 862101 (01242) 862467 (01242) 577123 (01242) 862392 (01242) 862467 (01242) 862127 (01242) 698633 (01242) 862392 (01242) 862344 (01242) 862598 (01452) 864873 (07961) 396613 (01242) 862422 (01242) 863312 (07770) 480272 (01242) 862324 (01242) 862826 (07770) 480272 (01242) 862526 (07534) 064163 In time of illness if you would like a visit and / or to be remembered in prayer please contact Clare Stewart (01242) 862598, Sue Padfield (01452) 862509 or Trixie Scott (01452) 865892. Three in One Magazine Editor John Cummins (e-mail address: Business Manager Barry Woods 25 (01242) 862518 (01242) 862024 This Month’s Services First Sunday 5 October Trinity 16 8:00am St Mary’s Holy Communion BCP 9:30 am St Paul’s Parish Eucharist 11:00am Holy Trinity Parish Eucharist 11:00am St Mary’s Harvest Thanksgiving Second Sunday 12 October Trinity 17 8:00am St Mary’s Holy Communion BCP 9:30 am St Paul’s Parish Eucharist 11:00am St Mary’s Parish Eucharist 11:00am Holy Trinity Harvest Thanksgiving Third Sunday 19 October Trinity 18 8 :00am St Mary’s Holy Communion BCP 9:30am St Paul’s Parish Eucharist 11:00am Holy Trinity Parish Eucharist 11:00am St Mary’s Family Service 6:00pm Chapel Harvest Supper followed by worship Fourth Sunday 26 October LAST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY /BIBLE SUNDAY 8 :00am St Paul’s Holy Communion BCP 9:30am St Paul’s Service for Bible Sunday 11:00am Holy Trinity Morning Prayer 11:00am St Mary’s Parish Eucharist 26 Children’s Activities CHURCH FOR ALL THE FAMILY Shurdington Children’s Club, 9.30am Church Hall 12th Oct Breakfast Club 19th Oct 26th Oct Sunday School No Sunday School- Half Term Witcombe Family Service, 3rd Sunday 11am Activities for children are held in St Mary’s Church following the Family Service. Please contact Sue Padfield for more details: 01452 862509 Dates for October Wed 1st 7.30pm Joint Parochial Church Council /Local Ministry Team meeting in Shurdington C of E Primary School Tues 14th 4pm Benefice Council in the Church Hall, Shurdington The Crucible 2 exhibition of around 100 sculptures continues in the Cathedral during October. On Sunday 26th October all those from Severn Vale Deanery are being offered a chance to view the exhibits from 6.30-8pm when the cathedral is closed to other visitors. There will be drinks at 6.30pm and guides will be on hand to help with interpretation of the art. All are welcome from the parishes of the deanery. A rough idea of numbers would be useful, so, if you’d like to be there, please let Sue Padfield know beforehand 01452 862509 or 27 Badgeworth Organisations Witcombe & Bentham Organisations WITCOMBE & BENTHAM CHURCH & VILLAGE ORGANISATIONS Churchwardens Mrs Sue Padfield (01452) 862509 Mr Geoff Pilgrim-Morris (01452) 863634 PCC Secretary Mrs Christine Jeffs (01452) 864887 PCC Treasurer/Gift Aid Officer Mr Alan Jones (01452) 864469 Sacristan Rev’d April Jones (01452) 864469 Verger Mrs Maureen Pither (01452) 863338 Captain of Bells Mr Tony Pither (01452) 863338 Electoral Roll Officer Mrs Elaine Ford (01452) 863981 Magazine Coordinator Mrs Anne Vickery (01452) 862040 Parish Council Clerk (Ben. Wd.) Mr Roy Balgobin (01452) 621688 Village Hall Enquiries Debbie Ward (01452) 659790 W & B Village News Mrs Caroline Hope (01452) 862512 Wide Valley Singers Mrs Muriel Cooper (01452) 864650 Children's Society Miss Joyce Bickell (01452) 863532 Witcombe Social Fundraisers Mrs Christine Dyer (01452) 862399 Witcombe Under 5s Kyla Hill BADGEWORTH CHURCH & VILLAGE ORGANISATIONS Churchwardens Mrs Freda Sansom (01452) 712150 Mr Phil Cotton (01452) 857180 PCC Secretary Mrs Anna Stanfield (01242) 512926 PCC Treasurer Mr Malcolm Brown (01452) 714639 Gift Aid Officer Mr Roger Brown (01242) 239179 Organist Mr John Stanley (01242) 862257 Sacristans Mrs Kathy Parfitt (01242) 519376 Mrs Sue Avery (01242) 520388 Verger Mrs Mary Tombs (01452) 713200 Captain of Bells Mr David Turner (01452) 712302 Electoral Roll Officer Mr Roger Brown (01242) 239179 Fabric Officer Mr Ray Frewing (01452) 855661 Parish Council Clerk Mr Roy Balgobin (01452) 621688 Village Hall Mrs Rachel Cottell (01452) 715034 Friends of Church Mrs Beverly Pickering (01452) 712907 Badgeworth WI Mrs Sylvia Dodimead (01452) 713981 Church Flowers Mrs Jacky Molloy (01242) 862473 28 What’s On This Month What’s on in October Day Date Time Where What Saturday 4 10-12 Badgeworth Village Hall Coffee Morning Tuesday 7 12:00 Cheeserollers Tuesday Lunch Club Tuesday 14 2:30 St Paul’s Church Hall Thursday 16 7:30pm Social Centre Gardening Society Friday 17 Friday 17 7:30pm Witcombe Witcombe Quiz Village Hall Deadline for October 3 in 1 Tuesday 21 2:30 tba Wednesday 22 2:30pm 4 Lawn Crescent Saturday 10:00 am 25 Wednesday 29 MU Branch Meeting MU Council Meeting Julian Meeting St Paul’s Coffee Morning Church Hall 7:30pm Church Hall Evening Fellowship Adam from the roof of the Duomo Florence 29 Shurdington Parish Council SHURDINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 9 September 2014 CASUAL VACANCIES Mr Martin Galton and Mr Graham Allen were both present and willing to join the parish council, and both were asked to say a few words to introduce themselves. The council agreed that both should be co-opted, subject to confirmation from TBC that an election had not been demanded for either vacancy. They were welcomed to the council by the Chairman. POLICE REPORT Mrs Sowerbutts read out the figures for August, which had been sent in good time. MATTERS ARISING from the Minutes not covered in this Agenda 105/14 Litter Poster Competition: Mrs Sowerbutts had drafted a poster and had contacted Mr King (School Governor). A TBC officer would be asked to judge the competition. BOROUGH COUNCILLORS’ REPORT Mr Surman had nothing to report, but mentioned that his council had permitted the development of 1500 houses in green belt at Brockworth. The Secretary of State’s decision on the Incinerator at Haresfield, and the funding obtained by King George’s Field Charity, were also discussed. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT Mr Vines had sent apologies for his late attendance due to another meeting. He reported that the Active Together grant committee personnel had changed but he was in discussion with them, and requested a further copy of the application list. Potholes on the A46 from Church Lane to Chargrove Lane were reported to him. PLANNING MATTERS Applications 30 14/00784/FUL summerhouse at The Orchard, Chargrove (retro)(no obj, comment) Decisions 14/00669/FUL Single storey ext. at 6 Blenheim Orchard (permitted) 14/00687/FUL Replacement garage at Penlee, Chargrove La (permitted) 14/00703/FUL 1stfl ext at Willow Green, Leckhampton La (permitted) Joint Core Strategy, Service Villages Support for a request to call-in the decision on the Brockworth application, which had been permitted only by a casting vote, had been requested by the Save Our Green Belt group (it was agreed to write stating that the site was still currently within the green belt and that the application was premature because a final decision on the JCS was still pending). The developers were to lodge an appeal against refusal of the Leckhampton application. Nothing had been heard of the Service Villages Forum meeting scheduled to be held in early September (Mr Surman would investigate). PARISH PLAN The Chairman had spent a great deal of time on the Report and Summary, and the council wished to record its grateful thanks to her. Draft 7 was discussed and various amendments and additions agreed (new members would be sent a link to the latest draft), Mr King (chairman of the Steering Group) would be sent a copy, and it was agreed that the draft should be available at an open meeting for residents to see and comment on it before finalisation (costs of printing in b/w and colour would be investigated). 31 OCTOBER NEWSLETTER The latest draft of the Newsletter was discussed; it would be redrafted to include the Parish Plan Summary and approved by the chairman and vice chairman before printing. PARISH MAINTENANCE Community Payback Scheme Formal approval was given for works at the allotment field, to take five days from 16 to 20 Sept, at a cost of £250. The team would prune and clear the hedge on the western edge of the field from the gate to the corner, with a bonfire within the field. The Clerk would write to Mr Smith at The Bovey, and Mrs Sowerbutts would leaflet neighbouring properties and put a notice on the allotments noticeboard. She was thanked for organising it all. Grit Bins at Post Office and Church Lane The bins had arrived and were stored at the chairman’s house until GCC advised when bins would be refilled (the Clerk would enquire again). The council agreed that it might have to pay for installation of the Church Lane bin, perhaps by Mr Joslyn.1026 Main Road Hedges/Hoarding The hedge at Leckhampton Lane junction had been cut (later in the meeting it was reported that there was considerable debris on the footway there, and Amey (agent for GCC Highways) would be requested to clear it). The field hedge near Chargrove Lane had not yet been cut back and further efforts would be made to trace the owner. There had been a complaint about the hoarding erected at Allards building site but it did not appear to encroach on the footway or make it narrower than elsewhere in the village. Allotments A suggestion had been made that the PC organise the extermination of the rats; this was discussed in the light of a quote from a pest controller of approx £1350. It was agreed that prohibition of the keeping of livestock on the allotments would still be considered, and that self-help to control the rats was the way forward. Tenants whose plots were uncultivated would be given a month’s notice to clear them; if nothing was done they would 32 then be given a month’s notice to quit. There was now a waiting list. TAXI VOUCHER SCHEME 21 vouchers had been used last month, leaving £134 cash in hand, so a cheque for £200 for Shurdington News had been signed. WEBSITE Members discussed whether to add a link to Brockworth Sports Centre but since this could be construed as advertising and the link was already on the Village Site, it was agreed not to do so. The draft Parish Plan report would be put online as soon as it was ready. PARISH COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS A fly tipper in Yarnolds would be reported; Mrs Sowerbutts had requested some brown bins for weeds etc picked up during her litter collections; another request had been made for repair of the zip wire (a notice at the Field detailing contacts for KGF would be requested so that complaints could be directed to the right person); a letter of thanks had been receiv Angel Collecting box from a church in Italy 33 SHURDINGTON CHURCH HALL School Lane , Shurdington lettings for groups and private functions Rates £20 large room, £15 small room per session Further details from Mrs Jean White Tel. 01242 698633 WITCOMBE & BENTHAM VILLAGE HALL Enquiries should be made to Debbie Ward Home 01452 865979 Mobile 07984 316620 BADGEWORTH VILLAGE HALL Badgeworth Village Hall Our newly refurnished old school hall is an excellent venue for rehearsals, meetings, receptions and small parties, seating a maximum of 50 people. Reception hall, main hall and fully fitted kitchen. New car park for hall users (opposite hall). Hire charge per session: £15 (9am-1pm, 1pm-6pm, 6pm-11pm) For enquiries and bookings, please contact Rachel Cottell on 01452 715034 or email SHURDINGTON SOCIAL CENTRE Bishop Road CENTURY & MILLENNIUM HALLS For further details contact Bookings Secretary: Paul Calleja-Gera - 07770 480272 Or leave a message on 01242 863315 Visit our village Web Site 34
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