Trinity Topics Trinity Lutheran Church October 2014

Trinity Topics
October 2014
A Place to Worship. A Place to Belong!
Trinity Lutheran Church
600 South Water Street
Kent, Ohio 44240
330-673-5445 •
Sunday School
Thursdays 7:00 P.M.
8:15 A.M. & 10:45 A.M.
Christian Education for all ages
9:30 A.M. — 10:30 A.M.
Rev. Elizabeth M. Hazelton & Rev. Douglas E. Fidler
The Mission of Trinity is to share God’s love and promise of salvation through enriching worship experiences,
preaching, teaching, the celebration of the sacraments, music, fellowship and our relationships with others.
For all that God has done and promised to be, we strive to be faithful stewards,
serve those in need, work for peace and foster ecumenical relationships.
How to Reach Us at Trinity
Phone: 330-673-5445
Fax: 330-673-8053
Web Page:
Note: Since we no longer have a church secretary, please call the pastors at home if your need is urgent.
Pastor Betti’s number is 330-468-0412 and Pastor Fidler’s cell number is 330-603-8360.
Trinity Topics Submissions:
Please submit all information for Trinity Topics to The deadline for submissions to the
Trinity Topics is the 20th of each month.
From the Pastor
“Mortal, can these bones live?” I answered, “O Lord
GOD, you know.” 4Then he said to me, “Prophesy to
these bones, and say to them: O dry bones, hear the
word of the LORD. 5Thus says the Lord GOD to
these bones: I will cause breath to enter you, and you
shall live. 6I will lay sinews on you, and will cause flesh
to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put
breath in you, and you shall live; and you shall know
that I am the LORD.” Ezekiel 37:3-6
Day by day I am able to move my legs and knees
a bit more. Through daily exercises and outpatient
therapy my knees are being renewed.
The Scriptural references to being out of joint and
disconnected are not about recovery from knee replacements or other orthopedic procedures. They are
references to one's spirit that is out of sync, not regularly refreshed, caught in habits that do not renew but
deplete. At the heart of our Reformation gospel is
God's commitment to us. And that is a reexamination
First of all I want to thank everyone for all the
of our faith.
thoughts and prayers during my recent surgery, (biI can look at my knees and see the incisions and
lateral knee replacement on
know why they ache. Looking
September 11th). Some thought
at my heart takes more work
me crazy to have both knees
and is in some ways harder to
The message of the
replaced at the same time.
do than knee exercises. When I
Some thought me brave. I'm Reformation is God's love truly look inside I see the inadjust thankful that I'm now in the
equacies and failings I have in
for us. It is a love that
recovery period and will soon
my relationship with God. Here
have full use of both legs. But I frees us and redefines us too I need some spiritual exeram also so very grateful for the
cise of prayer, devotion, study,
prayers that have surrounded
outreach. Thankfully this is not
me during this time. I'm Rethe way God looks at me. The
members of the whole
stored, Refreshed, ReKneed!
truth about God brings us new
Feelings of being out of
knowledge about ourselves.
joint, disconnected, bones exGod shines a new light on us,
posed are common expressions
where iniquities are forgiven
of grief throughout Scripture. “Make straight paths for
and sins forgotten.
your feet, so that what is lame may not be put out of
The message of the Reformation is God's love for
joint, but rather be healed.” —Hebrews 12:13 “I am
us. It is a love that frees us and redefines us as people
poured out like water, and all my bones are out of
of God and as members of the whole body of Christ.
joint; my heart is like wax; it is melted within my
In God's eyes, we are beautiful and whole.
breast;” —-Psalm 22:14 This is Reformation month—a
I have a ways to go with my knees before I'm fully
time to be restored in faith—God's gift to us. Rerecovered. The prayers have touched my spirit and
freshed in the Spirit—at work in us. Renewed—always
lifted me up. Thank you, thank you! Daily I touch
being made new through the baptismal waters that
base with my Lord who I know strengthens me,
God's got us, the old is over and gone and new life
guides me and loves me. “Can these bones live?” Ingreets each day.
deed! It is God who holds us together. We are reHowever, despite the spiritual talk, my bones were
stored, refreshed, renewed, body, soul and spirit we
aching and I knew something had to be done. I was
are reformed people of God.
confident that the procedure would be the right thing
I hope to be walking back in at Trinity by mid Octo do. But lying in the hospital bed the day after, I
had my doubts. I did not feel restored or refreshed.
Pastor Fidler
Physical pain and discomfort have that effect. I knew
then and I know now that the physical discomfort I
feel will subside. I know that the legs and knees not
quite renewed as to functionality will be restored.
Sunday School
Open to the Word!
There is no graduation from Christian learning. We continue to grow and develop in our discipleship day by
day, year by year as we align our lives more and more with Jesus and what it means to be a disciple in the 21 st
century. Come to a class. Bring your children to participate in a class.
Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18
 Pre K-Kindergarten and 1st -3rd graders are taking a “Whirl” at the Sunday morning Bible stories we hear in
worship and exploring them in ways they can understand. Piñata Kickball, Worryship, Offer Errings, the Ultimate BFF, and many more.
 5th-6th graders will be exploring Bible stories and maybe even enjoying a game of Bible baseball.
 7th-12th graders are looking at our Biblical ancestors: Adam & Eve: lovable screw ups, Jacob: conniving survivor, Samson: raging prima donna, John the Baptist: rustic herald, Simon Peter: earnest blockhead, and more.
 Pastor Betti’s Adult Class: Lively Bible & faith discussions
 Cindy Howard’s Adult Class: Lutheran Liturgy and Practices: The history and rationale behind our methods
and means of celebrating worship through the seasons, celebrations and liturgical plan of the church year.
Pre K & Kindergarten: Tracy Elmore & Kathy Haren
1st – 3rd: Emily Schmidlin with Trish Saylor and Lori Foldessy
4th – 6th: Gail Neubert & Mindy Uhrig
7th-12th: PFid, Dave & Jackie Lann
Adults: Pastor Betti
Adults: Cindy Howard
Bible Studies
Thursday morning: .......... 11:00 a.m. ...... Thursday morning Bible Study will continue our Bible Survey.
Wednesday evening: ........ 6:30 p.m........ We will be using study guides from The Lutheran magazine.
Saturday morning, Men’s: 7:30 a.m. ....... Martin Luther, Bondage of the Will.
The men are still in a study of Martin Luther’s masterwork Bondage of the Will and will be for a while...
If a group would like to study a particular book of the Bible, or would like to have a Bible study at a time more
convenient to you, speak with one of the Pastors; we will help you set up a Bible study group.
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you,
O LORD, my rock and my redeemer. —Psalm 19:14
Cindy Smith Howard, Music Director
CHOIRS are off to a great start after a few delays due to everything from
travel to tornados! But all are now in session—and all would love to have you join
us at any time! We’re enjoying working on special pieces to fit with the Season of
Creation that we are celebrating during the month of September.
Our musical, “100% Chance of Rain” has been rescheduled to February 22nd. As originally planned, we
will be happy to include anyone interested (youth or adult) in parts small or large (depending on your availability
for rehearsals.) Speak to Cindy Howard if you’re interested.
 Representatives from “Edible Kent” shared the
need for and their plans for expanding this unique
gardening system of planting herbs and vegetables
in vacant spots around the city – for anyone to
help weed and to pick and use the produce.
 Elizabeth Koby spoke on “How to Live Off the
Land Without Owning Any Land” and shared
examples of the amazing vegetables she reaps
from her community garden plots
and small backyard pots and plots,
and the fruit she jars from wild
berry patches and apple trees.
 Matt Herbruck from Birdsong
Farms shared the history of his
own interest and work in organic
farming and also explained
“sustainable farming”: Not only
does he nourish the soil he uses to
grow his harvest; he also sees to it that his farm
nourishes him, too, with an adequate and fair income. He involved all present in sowing grass
seeds and he and his son handed
out samples of sprouts for us to
take home and enjoy on our salads.
 Almuth Koby had tastings of
some of her yummy honey and
answered questions about beekeeping.
 We used broken crayons in
“earth” colors of browns, greens,
and blues to make new crayons
that looked like the “big blue dot”
astronauts see from space. Pr. Betti shared them with the children at the next week’s
Children’s Time.
Trinity once again celebrated the Season of Creation
during the month of September, celebrating the glories of God’s creation and hearing lessons, sermons
and other presentations about how we can learn to be
better stewards of what we have been given.
Pr. Fidler led a worship based
on the theme “RIVER” and spoke
to us about water that refreshes,
cleanses, and brings life. Water
can also be powerful and deadly.
The paradox of needing it for life
itself and being swept away in its
floods reminds us of our baptism
where we die to the old life and
rise to the new. Pictures of rivers – from its beauty to
its power – were used to highlight the message.
Plans to canoe on the Cuyahoga didn’t work out
as the river near Kent has been
too high and swift due to all the
late summer rains! A few brave
souls faced the evening mosquitoes and had an informative walk
to see beavers at a site in Ravenna.
Our worship focused on the
Gospel lesson of the vineyard
owner’s son. Instead of thinking of
this as a metaphor for Jesus’
death, Pr. Betti used stories from
her own history (grandparents who were tenant farmers in Virginia) to help us ask the questions “what has
God loaned to US to use and how are we taking care
of it”? Photos of strip mines, brownfields and trash
heaps reminded us that we have a lot to do in taking
care of the earth.
A potluck supper was held in the early evening.
Those present shared dishes made “from the land”
and we feasted on delicious ratatouille, fruit, and salads of all kinds. Following the meal we had a variety
of speakers and demonstrations.
Using the Gospel verses Matthew 3:1-6 that tell of
John the Baptist appearing in the wilderness as her
starting point, Pr. Betti shared photos of places we call
“wilderness”, helping us understand that wilderness
can be dry and barren like a desert, or lush and overgrown like a rainforest: anywhere with no path for us
to follow. She then helped us understand that we have
“wilderness places” inside ourselves as well….and that
and ends with trees, but the most
important tree is in the middle.
we need Christ to lead the way for us
at all times.
Our evening event featured Denny Reiser, “The Traveler,” who
shared both his love of and his gorgeous photos of the Cuyahoga Valley
National Park. Knowledge of the
history of the park and pictures of
both historic and natural places in
the various seasons were appreciated
by all present.
In early afternoon, nearly 25 Trinity
hikers gathered at the Oak Hill Trail
in the CVNP for a hike led by park
ranger Margaret Adams. Following
our trek through the gorgeous landscape of this “treasure in our own
backyards” we shared cookies and
cider and an appreciation for the
fellowship of traveling through God’s
creation together.
Music helped sum up this Season of Creation – bells
performing “All Things Bright and Beautiful,” Cherubs singing “Wherever I May Wander,” adult choirs
singing “Pray for the Wilderness” and the congregation singing the familiar tunes of “For the Beauty of
the Earth” and “How Great Thou Art.” Pr. Betti left
us with this thought-provoking lesson: Scripture begins
October 12th – 7 p.m. – Almuth Koby will do a talk
and more in-depth discussion and demonstration of
beekeeping and honey. (There will be no live bees!)
November 2nd – 7 p.m. – Schmidlin Family will share
stories of Kate’s adventures hiking the entire length of
the Appalachian Trail.
Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever
Symptoms may appear from 2 to 21 days after
exposure to ebolavirus, although 8-10 days is most
common. Some who become sick with Ebola are
able to recover. We do not yet fully understand why.
Ebola does not have a known, proven treatment.
Symptoms are treated as they appear and are primarily supportive in nature. They consist of:
Ebola hemorrhagic fever (Ebola HF) is one of
numerous Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers. It is a severe,
often fatal disease in humans and in nonhuman primates. Ebola is caused by infection with a virus of the
family Filoviridae, genus Ebolavirus. When infections occurs, symptoms usually begin abruptly. The
first Ebola virus was discovered in 1976 in what is
now the Democratic Republic of the Congo near the
Ebola River. Since then, outbreaks have appeared
The natural reservoir host of ebolavirus remains
unknown. Symptoms of Ebola include:
Balancing the patient’s fluids and electrolytes
Maintaining oxygen status and blood pressure
Treating any complications
Because we still do not know exactly how people
are infected with Ebola, few primary preventive
measures have been established and no vaccine exists.
When cases of the disease do appear, risk of
transmission is increased within healthcare settings.
Isolation precautions are essential with person infected with Ebola.
More information concerning this timely topic
may be obtained from the CDC.
Fever greater than 101.5 F
Severe headache
Muscle pain
Abdominal pain
Lack of appetite
The Trinitarians will be holding the second annual apple butter making event at the home of Barb & Merl
Davis, 139 S. Chestnut St., Kent, following the second service on Sunday, October 12. Merl & Barb will start the
process around 8AM boiling down the apple cider in an antique copper kettle over an open wood fire. Once the
cider is reduced by half, applesauce is added and the “stirring” starts for the rest of the day till it becomes “apple
butter”. Several secret ingredients are added once the water evaporates from the sauce. There is a little more stirring until the mixture is well blended. Next the canning process starts while the apple butter is still hot. The best
part is saved for last when we scoop up the apple butter that remains in the kettle with freshly baked bread. Is
your mouth watering yet?? Those of you that attended last year know there are no friends when it comes time to
scoop out the “butter” from the kettle. It was every man for him/herself!!
A potluck lunch starts around 1:00 p.m. The Davis family will furnish the meat dish, drinks, and dinnerware.
Bring a lawn chair, dish to pass and your best stirring technique. Come for lunch or part of the afternoon and
help stir and take home some award-winning apple butter! We hope to wrap up by late afternoon.
Please RSVP to Barb/Merl Davis by Monday, October 6, at 330-221-6017. Tell us how much apple butter you would like to take home—at cost—in 8 oz. jars (about $1.50/8 oz.) so we know how much of the basic ingredients to purchase. Don’t be shy on how much you would like to take home as we can make up to 80 jars!
Won’t you come and help us spread the LOVE? ————- Errr….make that MULCH!!!
Saturday, October 4th – 9:00 a.m. — noon.
Pauline Gardening Circle asks your help in putting down landscape cloth and spreading
mulch to help cut down on weeds and make our church grounds look beautiful. ALL ages
can help – bring a bucket, a wheelbarrow, a shovel or trowel – or just yourself - and lend a hand! Give us 15
minutes or 3 hours – all help appreciated – no gardening experience necessary!
This year’s craft bazaar, in conjunction with the quilt raffle and coffee hour, will be December 14 th from 8:00
a.m. — 1:00 p.m. A quilt raffle WILL be held. This year’s quilt has shades of brown and blue with a splash of
red. We are looking for vendors, especially those from Trinity and friends and relatives of Trinity’s family. That
includes just about everyone. We’d like to keep the articles for sale mainly handmade, with only a few companies if room is available. Spaces are eight-foot rectangular tables and round tables. A few electrical outlets are
available and need to be requested when applying. Set-up will be from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. (to lessen the traffic congestion with the start of first service). Put on your thinking caps and get those fingers ready to make a craft to sell.
The cost of the space is a donation of your choice. I can’t really remember how many years we have been doing
this, but it provides a shopping experience for people as well as money to put towards a project for the church.
In years past, the money has gone for a kitchen dishwasher purchase, several ladders, nursery equipment, library
needs, Pastor’s fund and towards the Saturday Lord’s Lunches expenses. So talk with friends and neighbors
about coming to our craft bazaar and being a vendor or a shopper. Please call Marie Meloy 330-673-7484 or
email Julianne Dezort for any more information. —Julianne Dezort-
Coffee Hours
October 12
November 9
December 7
Mary Martha—Dee Bowen
Rebecca—Nancie Bennett
Finance—Pete Dahl
The library is still “under reconstruction” as we rearrange books after weeding out old ones to make room
for some new materials.
 The library is still “open for business” and we encourage young and old alike to take advantage of the great
collection of lovely stories, thoughtful commentaries, historical documentaries, music, biographies and devotionals.
Reviews of New Books in the Trinity Library
PIRATES on the FARM is a delightful new picture book for ages 4-8. Written by Denette Fretz and illustrated by Gene Barretta, this story is a lesson in “loving your neighbor” made both a bit comical and a bit
tongue-in-cheek by the happenings near the Sanders family farm when a group of swashbuckling pirates move
next door. Featuring great vocabulary and super pirate talk (explained with lots more fun in the Seadog Definitions at the end of the book) along with a great story in how to not judge people by their appearance, this book
will be a delightful addition to our section on bullying and discrimination.
The President’s Devotional by Joshua Dubois is a new addition to our adult collection of devotionals. DuBois was a staff member in Barack Obama’s first campaign and asked if he might be permitted to email a daily
devotion to help with the wear and tear the campaign was taking on the future president. Quoting scripture,
poetry, famous historians and patriots and authors, the book has a short devotion for each day of the year plus
a slightly longer monthly essay and each day ends with an often thought-provoking prayer.
Here’s the devotional for Sept. 30th:
Let Your work appear to your servants, and your glory to their children. And let the beauty of
the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us; yes, establish the
work of our hands. Psalm 90:16-17
The Psalm says, “Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of
our hands.” A plea for beauty, and call for work. Let it be so today. Let the Spirit of God within us come out of us, not just to accomplish tasks but to manifest beauty in the world. Let the
work of our hands be both useful and inspirational, fulfilling a purpose and beckoning the
world to him.
Thursday, November 20th is Trinity Day at LOGOS BOOKSTORE in Kent. Between
the hours of Noon and 8:00 p.m., members of Endless Readers will be sharing hot cider and
cookies at LOGOS and we encourage you all to stop in and visit and do a little holiday shopping! LOGOS has wonderful cards, calendars and gift items in addition to books for children
and adults.
Trinity Library will receive 10% cash or 20% in store credit for all sales on this day. You can get some holiday gift items AND help provide new books for Trinity Library all in one stop! LOGOS is at 976 W. Main St.
in Kent—at the triangle intersection of Route 59.
Spaghetti Dinner: will be on Friday, October 17 at
food and fellowship.
4:30—7:00 p.m.! Join us for
STAR NIGHTS – October/November 2014
Mark your calendars now and join us for the following presentations. All events are
Sunday evenings at 7 p.m.
✰ OCT. 5th - Pete Dahl: Travelogue of Costa Rica, the Panama Canal and Cartagena
OCT. 12th - Almuth Koby – Beekeeping and Honey (no live bees!)
NOV. 2nd - The Schmidlins – Kate’s Adventures on the Appalachian Trail
NOV. 9th – John Sargent – Recent Experiences in South Sudan
NOV. 23rd – Radd Ehrman and pastors – Round Table Discussion and Clarification of “The Gifts of the
ENDLESS READERS – Trinity Book Club
Starting up again after a summer off from meetings, book club members gathered
in September to discuss Maeve Binchy’s final work – a posthumously published collection
of short stories titled “Chestnut Street.” Maeve’s keen observational skills and ability to
provide an authentic voice for many ages and types of characters shined through this collection of tales about the neighbors who live in the thirty homes on Chestnut Street. We
enjoyed the subtlety and the “open to interpretation/opportunity” endings of many of the
We’ll meet again on October 16th. The book for that discussion is “The Apple
Orchard: Bella Vista Chronicles 1” by Susan Wiggs. (Or, for some of us who have already read this initial book,
the second in the series “The Beekeeper’s Ball.”)
We’ll be compiling more baskets of books/magazines/puzzles for our home-bound or hospitalized members
in the next few months.
The Lord's Lunches continue to grow and reach many. The Saturday lunch time is becoming a place
where people gather for fellowship and know that they are cared for, receive a nutritious meal and are blessed
to be here. We are continuing to look for additional Church groups and other organizations who would be
willing to come and serve a Saturday meal. What is involved? Each group chooses a menu able to serve about
40—45 people. (We offer take-home meals and seconds as long as there is food available.) Preparation of the
food can take place in Trinity’s kitchen, or come ready to serve. Set-up of the place settings, serving the food
and then clean-up of the dining area and dishes is also requested. A Trinity member is always present to assist
with the operation. If you have friends in other congregations or are involved in organizations that might be
interested in serving, please pass the word about the “Lord's Lunches” here at Trinity every Saturday. We
serve from 11:30 a.m. until about 12:15 p.m.
It is always a blessing for both those working the meal and those who have come to eat. See Margaret
Meagher or Pastor Fidler for more information about the meals and how you can be involved!
Reserving Social Space
If you have any special dates that need to be marked off on our church calendar for the Great Hall or the Gathering Room, please supply your dates to the church office or to Margaret Meagher at
This will secure your spot!
Are you receiving the Weekly Youth News by Email or Facebook? If not, sign up today!
Send a request to and keep up on all the Uth activities.
Friend us on Facebook at Trinity Youth Kent.
Follow PFid on Twitter @HeyPFid
➣ Please sign up for events 2 weeks prior so preparations can be made.
➣ Please pay any costs involved 1 week prior unless otherwise noted.
ELCA National Youth Gathering: Detroit 2015
Registration for Detroit 2015 happens this month!!! 35,000
youth will Rise Up together with the people of Detroit (July 1519, 2015) and change the landscape of a city. “God’s Work:
Our Hands”
The Gathering is open to all youth who this fall are in grades 8,
9, 10, 11 or 12.
Registration forms are available. See links below!!!
Cost? $150 for a youth to register and everything else will be funded through the U th account and exciting
fundraising events that are happening throughout the year!
What YOU need to do: print out the forms, fill out and deliver to the Church by Wednesday, October
12th. Bring a check with the forms for $150 made out to Trinity Lutheran Youth. Participate in Fund raising
events and group formation gatherings.
 Gathering Medical Form:
 Release of Liability Form:
 Youth Registration Form:
 Security Information:
Friend the ELCA Youth Gathering on Facebook for timely updates!
ACME Community Cash Back Program
Trinity Youth are once again collecting the Acme receipts and tabulating the Community Cash
Back dollars noted at the bottom. Trinity youth receive a percentage of the total cash back dollars to help fund our youth activities and our trip to Detroit next summer. Collection boxes are
in the narthex and lower hallway. Thank you!
Jr. Youth: 5th-7th graders
Sr. Youth: 8th-12th graders
Monthly events will begin end of October/early November.
6:00p - 9:00p
Dance Class—GH
6:00p - 9:00p
Dance Class —GH
6:00p - 9:00p
Dance Class—GH
6:00p - 9:00p
5:00p -6:30p AA-GR
Dance Class —GH
GH—Great Hall, GR—Gathering Room, LB—Library
8:15/10:45a Worship
9:30 - Sunday School
5:00p -6:30p AA-GR
8:15/10:45a Worship
9:30a Sunday School
5:00pm - 6:30pm
7p STAR Night: Pete
Dahl travelogue
8:15/10:45a Worship
9:30a Sunday School
5:00pm - 6:30pm
7p Star Night - Almuth
Koby: Beekeeping
8:15/10:45 Worship
9:30 - Sunday School
5:30p Kinder Choir/
Confirmation I
6:00p Kid's Club
6:15p Trinity Ringers
6:30p Bible Study
7:30p Chancel Choir
5:30p Kinder Choir/
Confirmation I
6:00p Kid's Club
6:15p Trinity Ringers
7:00p Bible Study
7:30p Chancel Choir
5:30p Kinder Choir/
Confirmation I
6:00p Kid's Club
6:15p Trinity Ringers
6:30p Bible Study
7:30p Chancel Choir
5:30p Kinder Choir/
Confirmation I
6:00p Kid's Club
6:15p Trinity Ringers
6:30p Bible Study
7:30p Chancel Choir
5:30p Kinder Choir/
Confirmation I
6:00p Kid's Club
6:15p Trinity Ringers
6:30p Bible Study
7:30p Chancel Choir
7:00p Worship—Sanc
7:00p Worship—Sanc
6:00p Book Club-LB
7:00p Worship—Sanc
7:00p Worship—Sanc
4:30-7:00p Spaghetti
7:00p Worship—Sanc
7:30 Council—GR
October 2014
Nov. 1
7:30a Men’s Bible Study
11:30a-1:30p Lord’s
7:30a Men’s Bible Study
11:30a-1:30p Lord’s
7:30a Men’s Bible Study
11:30a-1:30p Lord’s
7:30a Men’s Bible Study
11:30a-1:30p Lord’s
7:30a Men’s Bible Study
11:30a-1:30p Lord’s
Lay Reader
Jeff Blake
Miriam Koby
Gayle Simone
Dave Lann
Joe Kocian
Geoff Koby
Keith Pearson
Lori Foldessy
Asst. Minister
Sunday, October 5th, 2014
Joe Kocian &
Dirk Falther &
Karen Burkey
Steve Shanafelt
Julianne Dezort & Ron Paskey & Pete
Gail Neubert
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Fae Darrow &
Dawn & Jeff Blake
Kim Lemmon
Michelle Smith &
Schinker family
Sue Taylor
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Margaret Meagher
Sue & Roger
& Deb Scharlotte
Dave & Jackie
Dee Bowen & Keith
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Sharon Emling &
Barb & Merl Davis
Tom Dezort
Dee Paskey &
Sarah Royka &
Russ Neubert
Marianne Kalbaugh
Sue Taylor
Karen Burkey
Laura White
Sharon Emling
Marcia Savage
Deb Scharlotte
Radd Ehrman
Fund Balances at August 31, 2014:
Contingency Fund:
Mortgage Balance:
Spagquidity Account: $11,160
Endowment Fund*:
* The Endowment Fund was started in April 2004 with a donation of $5,600.
$ 64,220
Spaghetti Dinners 2014
Gross Income
Less Expenses
Pastor’s Fund
$ 934
$ 195
$ 739
$ 50
Future Donations
Net Income
$ 689
Total Attendance
$ 755
$ 209
$ 546
$ 50
$ 671
$ 257
$ 414
$ 50
$ 496 $ 364
$ 769
$ 171
$ 598
$ 703
$ 89
$ 614
$ 50
$ 50
$ 548
$ 564
The collection plate was being
passed in a Plaquemine, LA,
church, and little Mary’s father
gave her $2 “to give to Jesus.” As
the usher approached their pew,
a concerned Mary blurted out,
“Daddy, that’s not Jesus, it’s Sophie’s Daddy!”
—Columnist Smiley Anders
Baton Rouge (LA) Advocate
“God isn’t going to ask you
how he created the earth. He
already knows. He’s going to
ask, ‘What did you do with
what I created?’ If we’re
leaving a footprint that destroys the earth, we’ve failed
to be good stewards.”
—Rich Cizik
National Association for
Apple Seeds
“When we place money in the
offering plate, we are not really
giving to the Lord. We are simply taking our hands off what already belongs to Him.”
—Author unknown
An imaginative inventor has designed a new offering plate for
churches. The ingenious invention receives gifts of a dollar or
more on a plush cushion with
silent graciousness. But when
half-dollars are dropped in, it
rings a bell; when quarters are
given, it blows a whistle; when
dimes are slipped in, it fires a
shot. But when someone refuses
to give, it takes their picture.
—Stan Toler
“Humor is a rubber sword –
it allows you to make a point
without drawing blood.”
—Mary Hirsch
“Stewardship is what a
man does after he says,
‘I believe.’”
—W.H. Greever
via Fr. Brian Cavanaugh
Steubenville, OH
There wasn’t even a collection plate at the open-air
revival meeting, so the parson provided his hat. It was
passed, but returned empty.
The preacher looked casually inside, bowed his head
and prayed… “Lord I’m
thankful to get the hat
—via George Goldtrap
Ormond-by-the-Sea, FL
The Seventh Commandment of
Stewardship: “Thou shalt not
commit spiritual adultery by
holding money to thy bosom,
rather than cultivating love for
the Lord in thy heart.”
—Author unknown
“God loves a cheerful giver.”
—2 Corinthians
October 2014
Julianne Dezort
Samuel Curfman
Barb Davis
Kathy Haren
Jennifer Morris
Mallorie Anderson
Sarah Koby
Kay Burgess
Radd Ehrman
Colin Scheule
Zach Elmore
Charles Reisinger
Ellen Baggett
Sharon Lann
Owen Baggett
Carolyn Langenfeld
Steve Webster
Jim Hardwick
Odele Frankhouser
Dee Bowen
Madison Baer
Jesse Elmore
Lori Foldessy
George Gaiser
Mwauka Kazadi-Abe
Alexander Kalbaug
Nathaniel Wyse
Lily Morris
Cooper Casto
Susan Dahl
Fae Darrow
Ashley Zeman
Rowyn Terihay
Kay Schaffer
Keith Gopp
Michele Faulstick
Jack Zeman
Hannah Elmore
Hannah Baggett
A very Happy Birthday
to you all!
from Reprinted with permission of Bil Keane and Jeff Keane ©Bil Keane
Thank You!
Heartfelt thanks go to the following people this month:
 Joe and Josh Kocian for spreading the topsoil on the vacant lot
 Margaret Meagher for all her work with managing the Great Hall (new group – Ball Room Dancing every
Tuesday 6:15pm).