Holy Redeemer Parish Founded 1886 17 Joy Ave. Webster Groves 63119 HOLY MASS: Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Weekday: M-F 6:15 & 8:15 AM (September-May) M-F 6:15 & 8:00 AM (June-August) Holy Days: See Bulletin Announcements EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Tuesday 9:00 a.m. until Wednesday 6:00 a.m. Benediction: First Tuesday 7:15 p.m. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. Rectory/Office: (314) 962-0038 Fax: (314) 962-2084 Website: www.holyr.org PASTOR Reverend Kenneth A. Brown IN RESIDENCE Most Reverend Edward M. Rice DEACON: Deacon John P. Flanigan, Jr. 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 Fr. Kenneth Brown, Pastor Holy Redeemer School 314-962-8989 Principal—Mrs. Pam Galluzzo 314-962-3560 Fax Parish School of Religion Principal@holyr.org Mrs. Darcy Callahan School Secretary—office@holyr.org Parish Council Chairperson Church Meeting Room 314-962-0038 #125 Rectory Meeting Room 314-962-0038 #124 Music Director , Todd Senzig Rectory Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 AM—4:00 PM Bulletin Deadline: Monday Noon–contact Pat@holyr.org Youth Director, Mike Huggins Deacon John Flanigan fatherb@holyr.org 314-962-8989 X 2 cre@holyr.org John Lee music@holyr.org youth@holyr.org johnflanigan@hotmail.com Holy Name Society/Men’s Club 4th Thursday CJ Muggs MASS INTENTIONS Monday, October 13 Galatians 4:22-24, 27, 31 Luke 11:29-32 6:15 am Alberta Kunde 8:15 am Veronica Furey, Special Intention Tuesday, October 14 St. Callistus I Galatians 5:1-6 Luke 11:37-41 6:15 am Tom Greteman 8:15 am Nancy Schuster Natoli Wednesday, October 15 St. Teresa of Jesus Galatians 5:18-25 Luke 11:42-46 6:15 am Marianne Rau Trinquet 8:15 am Lou & Laverne Brennecke Thursday, Oct. 16 St. Hedwig; St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Ephesians 1:1-10 Luke 11:47-54 6:15 am Chuck Deubner 8:15 am Johnson & Christopher Perez Grades 1-3 Friday, October 17 St. Ignatius of Antioch Ephesians 1:11-14 Luke 12:1-7 6:15 am Parish Purgatorial Society 8:15 am Joyce Bulte, Special Intention All School Mass Saturday, October 18 St. Luke 2 Timothy 4:10-17 Luke 10:1-9 5:00 pm (Vigil) Michael & Margaret L’Ecuyer Sunday, October 19 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5 Matthew 22:15-21 7:30 am People of the Parish 9:00 am Ann Dent 11:00 am Paul Barnes REST IN PEACE Robert Peter, father of Dave & Angie Lois Jaeger MINISTERS FOR OCTOBER 18-19 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS 5:00 pm J. Samson, D. Reis, J. Venker, M. Venker L. Wassel, M. Werner 7:30 am S. Tom, D. Tom, J. Christy, G. Christy, C. Jeep, C. Kaiman, SL 9:00 am B. O’Leary, J. Baum, R. Bischoff, D. Dahl, C. Devanny, T. Gerard 11:00 am G. Schlueter, E. Franke, C. Goodheart, P. Vogt, J. Reis, G. Hollabaugh SERVERS 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am T. O’Hanlon, L. Pino, P. Fox A. Regina, C. Rensing, M.P. Robben G. Rogers, D. Rohm, W. Sadlo G. Ramirez, M. Scott, M. Streeter LECTORS 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am Patricia Dwyer Cathy Jeep Joe Whyte Julian Montano LITURGY OF THE WORD FOR CHILDREN PreK-1st Grade—Elizabeth Fox Members of the Knights of Columbus will be soliciting donations after Mass this Sunday, October 12th for their annual “Tootsie Roll” Drive to aid mentally challenged children. Your donations will be greatly appreciated. FATHER BROWN’S CORNER Twice each year, once in the Fall near Advent and then in the Spring during Lent, the parish tries to offer an adult religious/spiritual education series. This Fall we will be offering another four-part series, this time on Monday evenings at a time when parents of our children in PSR are in class. We know how busy parents are and how difficult it is to find time even for things that are important, so we are hoping a good number of those parents who might otherwise just be waiting to retrieve their children will use this opportunity to deepen their knowledge and faith. Dr. Jay Hammond of the Theology Department at St. Louis University will produce this four part hour- long series. He has titled it Advent in Assisi with St. Francis. It will include an interactive exploration of the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi. It promises to be an engaging series, and even if one must miss one of the parts, what one is able to attend will still be rewarding and make good sense. The series will run in church on four Monday evenings, 6:40 until 7:40, ending just in time to be able to pick up the children from PSR. Except for one Monday at the beginning of November, they will run the consecutive Mondays of October 27th, November 10th, November 17 and November 24th. We are hoping many of our parishioners will be able to join us. Father Brown YOUTH GROUP ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Luke 18 Concludes at 11AM Mass this Sunday! Thank you to all of the high school teens, parishioners, parent volunteers, and young adult ministry team for all their hard work and prayers for this awesome retreat! Thank you for supporting your St. Vincent DePaul Society. We would like to share a thank you that we received: “Please pass along my thanks to your church congregation for all of their help. All of the coins and dollars that they gave helped me and my teenage son pay our electricity bill. But I think the most important gift I received was the opportunity to share the teaching moment of the kindness of strangers with my son. My hope is for my son to be in a position to pay it forward at some time in the future.” JHigh—a ministry just for the 7th and 8th graders of the parish. Our next JHigh Night is Wednesday, November 5th from 7-8:30PM. On Friday 10/17 we will have JHigh Off Campus at Tower Tee! More details to come! Lifeteen— Lifeteen meets EVERY Thursday from 7830PM in the cafeteria! Join us this Thursday! Lifeteen Fall Retreat is November 7-9, 2014! Join us for a weekend of fun, prayer, and growing closer to God! More details can be found at http://holyr.org/? page_id=2576 Want to get involved and keep up on the latest news?? -Like us on Facebook “Holy Redeemer Youth Ministry -Follow us on Twitter “@HolyRedeemerLT” -Follow us on Instagram “HolyRedeemerLT” -Send an email to youth@holyr.org and ask to be added to the email list. ST. PATRICK’S CASSEROLE PROGRAM Team #1, please pick up your pan this Sunday after Mass and return the casserole to the Rectory no later than 4:00 PM on Friday, October 17th. Look for more information to come about the 30th Anniversary of the Casserole Program. At Holy Redeemer, funds are raised primarily through the collection basket. You will find an envelope in your monthly packet or in the online giving options. If you are interested in a hands-on way of assisting SVDP, contact Raoul Robichaux at raoulrobichaus@hotmail.com for more info. We need more volunteers. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER A Marriage Encounter weekend is the perfect opportunity to give your spouse some precious time to help your marriage come more alive and revitalize the richness you remember over the years. For more information on upcoming weekends on October 24-26 and December 5-7 simply call 314-469-7317 or apply online at www.stl-wwme.org. PRAY FOR THE SICK Marty Walsh Frances Walrond Toni Berberich Alice McDonough Ruth Noyes Bonnie Brunty Frederick Femmer Claire Audrain George Mockler Mary Slais Alberta & Joseph J. Simeone Sylvia Luebbert Patricia Wilhelm Ted Pepple Donna Vogt Ralph Nuelle Suzy Volansky, friend of Do & John Reis Vicki McWhorter, friend of Toni Berberich David E. Nothstine, nephew of Jim Doubek Helen Claire Mashburn, mother of Janet Doubek Ann Chopin, sister of Jim Perabo Jen Cronin, niece of Jim & Kathy Dowd Nicholas Famolaro, grandson of Deeds & Faith Fletcher John Bussen Robert Bradshaw, friend of George Mockler Bernie Ceriotti, niece of Jim & Marlene Serati Mark Reeds, friend of Deeds & Faith Fletcher Rosemary Rowe, sister of Sr. Angela Senyszyn, OSF Judy Bershe, friend of Mary Shasserre Joyce Bulte, mother of Carolyn Riggle Carole O’Neil, friend of Bob & Janet Hart Mary Beth Hall, sister of Carol Horn Paul McLafferty, father of Margie LaMore Heather Starr, sister of Sue Flanigan Barb de Lisi, friend of Betty Longi Barbara Karney Williamson, friend of Pat Dwyer Morgan Taylor, friend of Kelly Radar Elizabeth Stanley, granddaughter of Ruth Stanley Kay Hess Mary Witzig, cousin of Mary Shasserre Mark Chickey, brother of Mary Wilcox Due to privacy laws we no longer are informed of hospital stays. Family members, please notify the rectory. PRAY FOR THOSE SERVING IN THE MIDDLE EAST Nikki Corno, daughter of Toni & Bob Corno (Israel) CPL Patrick Whyte, USMC , son of Joe & Cheryl Whyte PARISH CHOIR NEWS The Parish Choir has begun its Fall season! We are always looking for new members in all voice parts. Anyone high-school age or older is welcome, and music reading ability is not required (although is certainly a plus!) I know there are many musically talented parishioners in the pews— won’t you consider joining us? If you are interested in purchasing a handbell in memory of a loved one and donating it to the Parish, there are still bells available. Suggested donation is either $200 or $300. You can drop that in the collection or send it to the office at 17 Joy Avenue to our attention. 10/05/14 Envelopes Online Total YEAR TO DATE ACTUAL BUDGET $ 10,485.00 $ 6,786.10 $ 17,271.10 $571,578.05 $ 16,500.00 $ 16,500.00 $ 579,400.00 “And my God will supply every need of yours…” Philippians 4:19 God really does provide for those that are grateful and generous. This is very difficult for people that don’t live a stewardship lifestyle to believe. People are skeptical and say it’s just coincidence. If you are skeptical, try living a stewardship lifestyle for just one month—be generous with your gifts of time, talent and treasure and see how God provides for your needs. Sign up for Online Giving by visiting our parish website at www.holyr.org. Please call the Rectory at 962-0038 if you would like to cancel your set of envelopes. October Special Collections: Permanent Deacon—October 5—$929.70 World Mission Sunday—October 19—$245.00 Thank you for your support! DEBT REDUCTION CAMPAIGN SEPTEMBER ACTUAL $ 6,131.50 BUDGET $4,000.00 Loan Balance—$681,052.92 Thank you for your continued commitment to Stewardship and our Debt payment Together We’re Better certificates are available in the Rectory office from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. If you wish to pre-order or would like an order form emailed to you, please contact pat@holyr.org. Orders placed by Monday are usually available by Friday afternoon. YOU can share your Catholic Faith! Who do YOU know who is: Searching for God? Desiring to become a Catholic? Just curious about Catholicism? We meet on Thursdays, from 7 to 8:30 PM in the Rectory Meeting Room. This is a great place to begin to understand us Catholics and our ways. For more information contact Mary Ziegelman 314-968-2561 or call the Rectory office 314-962-0038. OCTOBER PSR October 13—Faculty Meeting NO PSR October 20—Class 6:30-7:45 PM October 27—Class 6:30-7:45PM All Saints Mass—everyone is welcome to join us at a special Saint’s Mass on Monday, November 3 at 7:00 PM. The 1st, 2nd & 3rd grade PSR students will be honoring some of their favorite saints as dress in appropriate costumes or carry symbols representing these saints. MEDICINES NEEDED FOR HAITI The HR Medical Mission to St. Jean du Sud will take place the second week in November. While we have received most of the meds that are needed, we are still short on a few over-the-counter medicines. If you can help us obtain any of the following meds, it would be greatly appreciated. The medicines can be placed in the baskets at each of the church doors between now and Sunday, October 12th. Thank you for your continued support of our efforts in Haiti. • • • • • • • Infant Multivitamin Drops (No other vitamins/minerals are needed) Liquid children’s ibuprofen Hydro-cortisone Cream (2oz tubes) Triple Antibiotic Cream Clotrimazole (Lotrimin) Cream Liquid Cough/Cold Medicine (4-8 oz) FeSo4 (Iron) Tablets 325 mg Sts. Peter & Paul Feeding Program Change of Seasons—Change of Menu On Friday, October 17th we will again be feeding the homeless, poor and homeless at Sts. Peter & Paul. We are in need of home made chili, sliced and shredded cheese, crackers, salad makings and desserts. (Please note menu change) Any of these donations can be dropped off at 517 Sunnyside or brought down to Sts. Peter & Paul. Volunteers welcome. We also need drivers. Can you spare a few hours a month? Questions? Call 962-5354. We appreciate monetary donations. (Checks made out to Jane Corbett—with Peter & Paul in the memo section) Thanks to all! BOOK CLUB Fr. Michael Gaitley (the author of the 33 Days to Morning Glory) has another book entitled “Consoling the Heart of Jesus.” We are studying the book and watching DVDs on it for a series of ten sessions. Please join us on Wednesday, October 15 in the Church Meeting Room after the 8:45 AM Mass. For more information and for copies of the book, please contact Angela Anderson at 968-8546. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sunday, October 12 Children’s Liturgy—9:00 AM Mass Luke 18 Retreat—11:00 AM Mass Reunion—11:00 AM Mass Reception—Noon CMR Women’s ACTS—7:30 PM CMR Monday, October 13 Cub Committee—7:00 PM RMR NO PSR—Faculty Meeting Tuesday, October 14 Eucharistic Adoration Cub Scouts—3:15 PM CMR Women’s ACTS—7:00 PM Café Rosary/Divine Mercy Chaplet—7:15 PM Wednesday, October 15 Book Club—8:45 AM CMR Chess Club—3:15 PM 201 Thursday, October 16 Scouts—3:15 PM CMR Youth Group—7:00 PM Café RCIA—7:00 PM RMR Choir—7:00 PM CMR Friday, October 17 JHigh—Off Campus Noon Dismissal—School Professional Development Day—Noon Gym Fellowship Meeting—6:30 PM CMR Saturday, October 18 Men’s ACTS—7:00 AM CMR Sunday, October 19 Children’s Liturgy—9:00 AM Mass Stephens Ministry—9:30 AM CMR Women’s ACTS—7:00 PM CMR Volleyball games and practices will be held school evenings. STS. PETER & PAUL CHRISTMAS PARTY December 12, 2014 We are requesting donations of hats, scarves, gloves, socks, sweaters, coats. We have over 200 families that we are trying to provide warm clothing for the winter. If you are able to help in any way, please put your donations in the box marked Sts. Peter & Paul in the Church Library. Monetary donations are also appreciated payable to “Jane Corbett” with Sts. Peter and Paul in the memo section. Thank you for you help. White House Jesuit Retreat presents the Ignatian Spirituality Lecture Series: Please join us for an evening of faith and fellowship with Fr. Dan White, S.J. Fr. White will discuss Ignatian Sprituality in everyday life and in parish life. This free event takes place on Wednesday, October 22 at 7:30 PM in SLUH’s “SiCommons” building (4970 Oakland Avenue). Doors open at 7:00 PM. To register call 314-416-6400 or visit www.whretreat.org GIVE A MEAL A MONTH Please pick up a yellow Give A Meal A Month bag at the church entrances next weekend to fill with the following suggested food items: Canned beef stew, canned chili or spaghetti, peanut butter and jelly, canned tuna fish, any canned fruit or vegetable, crackers, any biscuit, corn bread or muffin mix. Optional items: hot chocolate, bold cereal and bath soap. These items are brought to St. Elizabeth, Mother of John the Baptist church on Sunday, October 26 after the 11 AM Mass. Please be generous as this will be the last collection until next January. Thanks for all you have given this year and to all those who help on this committee. I could not do it without you all! Pat Knopp HAPPENING AROUND TOWN MAKE A DIFFERENCE If you are a senior neighbor that needs some “Youth in the Yard” or if you have a family or group that can lend a hand, just call Shepherd’s Center at 395-0988 to sign up for Chores Galore! Youth groups, scouts and families will be helping to do yard cleanup on Make a Difference Day, Saturday, October 25. Make a Difference—It’s Easy. Can you share an hour or two of your time one day a month providing conversation to residents and assisting them to the dentist and eye doctor that comes to the residence at the Bethesda Dilworth long term care home on Big Bend? Call for information at 314-4462177 or check out the bethesdahealth.org website October is Respect Life Month! As Catholics, we believe that all human life is sacred from conception to natural death. It is important for Catholics to pray for an end to abortion and to contact our elected leaders and demand that abortion become illegal. The Annual Respect Life Convention will be held on Sunday, October 26 at the St. Charles Convention Center. Anyone interested should contact Madeleine Appelbaum at 962-1239 or appelfamily@att.net The keynote speaker is Melissa Ohden, a saline abortion survivor. October is the month of the rosary as well as Pro-life month. This October, we will be saying the pro-life rosary on Tuesday nights at 7:15 in the church before the Blessed Sacrament, followed by the chaplet of Divine Mercy. “Thank you to all the Holy Redeemer parishioners and friends who came out for the Life Chain last Sunday! Your witness was powerful! May God bless you abundantly for standing up and praying for His precious gift of Life!” Madeleine Appelbaum EUCHARISTIC ADORATION A second permanent adorer is needed for the 12 Noon to 1 PM time slot as well as the 11 PM to 12 Midnight slot. Please contact Ann Wollaeger if you wish to help out (420-8050 or annwol@swbell.net. FAITH SHARING AND FELLOWSHIP “Reason to Believe” is an informal group offering an opportunity to share and grow in our relationships with family, friends, and God. Contact Bill or Christine Hoffman for information—314-961-6454. We meet on the first and third Fridays of the month. Our next meeting is scheduled for Friday, October 17 from 6:30-8:00 PM in the Church Meeting Room. SAVE THE DATES Advent Talks STEPHENS MINISTERS Do you have a passion for bringing Christ’s love to people during a time of need? Stephen Ministers are lay people (you and I) Christian men and women who are trained to provide one-on-one care to people experiencing a difficult time in life, such as grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, relocation, or separation due to military deployment. Please let Father Brown know if you are interested in learning more about this wonderful ministry. Monday, October 27 Monday, November 10 Monday, November 17 Monday, November 24 6:40 PM in Church CHURCH LIBRARY CORNER The DVDs listed below have just been added to the Parish Library. Most of them are for children and are classed DVD C for identification. The collection of children’s DVDs and videos are accessed mainly by browsing, so they are not kept in any certain order, except for a few special collections. DVDs and videos for adults and young adults are shelved together by class number, or by B (for biographies) or F (for fiction). DVD C Wei DVD C Ove DVD C Mun DVD C Rob DVD C Pen DVD C Atl DVD C Fro DVD C Spi DVD C Sin DVD C Rug DVD C Flu DVD 232 Son DVD F Goi DVD F Hob DVD F Mir DVD F Tru The weight of a Mass: a tale of faith, by Josephine Nobisso. St. Joseph Radio. Over the hedge: wacky moments in human history. DreamWorks. (DVD game, trivia questions) The Munsters’ revenge: the first family of fright is back again! GoodTimes. 1 hr. 36 min. 89 min. Robots. 20th Century Fox. The Penguins’ whacked-out holiday DVD. DreamWorks. 12 min. Atlantis: the lost empire. Disney, 96 min. Frozen. Collector’s Edition. Disney. 102 min. Spirit: stallion of the Cimarron. DreamWorks. 1 hr. 23 min. Sinbad: legend of the Seven Seas. DreamWorks. 1 hr. 26 min. Rugrats in Paris; the movie. Paramount. 78 min. Fluke: the magical story of a love that spans lifetimes. MGM. 1 hr. 34 min. Son of God: the empire, the kingdom. 20th Century Fox. 138 min. Going my way; starring Bing Crosby. Universal. 2 hrs. 6 min. The Hobbit: the desolation of Smaug. Warner Bros. 161 min. Miracle of Marcelino. VCI Entertainment. 90 min. True women. Complete 3 hour TV mini-series. Hallmark. 180 min. NOW HIRING CAREGIVERS Do You Feel a Calling to Help Seniors in Need? If you are a wonderful and caring person who wants to help the elderly in your community. Call us! 314-631-1989 www.stlhomecare.com Allen and Sally Serfas, Parishioners Advertising here helps your parish & your business. email: bradyd@jspaluch.com www.jspaluch.com Call Dan Brady 800.945.6629 Jesus A to Z Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 www.wlpmusic.com Exceptional Care for Exceptional People REHAB ✹ LONG-TERM CARE ✹ SHORT-TERM TONY ALTOBELLA, Administrator / OLP Parishioner 401 CORPORATE PARK DRIVE ✹ CLAYTON, MO 63105 ✹ (314) 725-7447 – FIELDER – LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. 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