A H I G H P E R F O R M A N C E S C I E N T I F I C P OW E R H O U S E T R U E I N N O VAT I O N M A K E S A D I F F E R E N C E www.nortek-as.com Signature1000 and Signature500, two advanced five-beam current profiling systems, are made with the most demanding scientific user in mind. Built on the entirely new AD2CP platform, Signature1000 and Signature500 are designed for unprecedented performance in high energy turbulent environments, while also giving users the freedom to employ two measurement schemes at one time. Built for Collaborative Researchers In addition to choosing from a variety of measurement modes to employ, Signature1000 and Signature500 users may also invite collaborators to run other sampling schemes simultaneously. If a researcher is interested solely in average current profiles, he or she is easily able to collect these while a colleague interested in turbulence estimation can utilize the burst mode simultaneously along the vertical beam at 8 Hz. Built with Flexibility in Mind Signature1000 and Signature500 employ a timing scheme allowing the user to fit a given number of data points into one second. This one-second sampling period is composed of 16 slots in Signature1000 and 8 slots in Signature500. The data points selected and the frequency at which each is sampled is determined by the user. Users may choose from a variety of measurement modes to employ within these available data slots. Average Mode Burst Mode Altimeter Signature1000 and Signature500 sample currents along four beams slanted at 25 degrees from vertical, as well as along a fifth vertical beam. In order to avoid cross interference and small bias errors, the instrument multiplexes the four slanted beams with the vertical beam. The most basic measurement mode employed by Signature1000 and Signature500 is average current profiling. This is achieved by sampling currents along the slanted beams in the available data slots within each sampling period. Rapid sampling of one or more beams is done in burst mode. Here, it is possible to use the available measurement slots to maximize the number of samples in the desired configuration. This may be velocity along the four slanted beams, along the vertical beam, or a combination of the two. Burst mode can be continuous or it can be set as a finite number of samples at preset intervals to save power and storage space. Burst mode may include Altimeter and Velocity data and it can co-exist with Average data collection. Altimeter data is applicable only for the vertical beam. The term refers to high-resolution measurement of acoustic signal strength, much like a professional echo sounder. This data can be stored for analyses of sediment, ice, biology, etc. and can also be used to estimate the distance to the surface or to the bottom. The altimeter data can be interleaved with the velocity data in Average Mode or in Burst Mode, depending on the scientific requirements applied to the data collection plan. Built on Advanced Technology Measurement Modes Simultaneously or More Acoustic Frequencies Processor Design, one for broadband and one for interface processing or more tightly synchronized, networked instruments Inside the Nortek Signature series is an entirely new platform. AD2CP was built to increase flexibility and extend instrument capabilities over the coming decade. At the core, AD2CP is a multi-function instrument, which may include more transducers, multiple acoustic frequencies, and several measurement modes operating simultaneously. AD2CP features proper broadband processing, capable of implementing different broadband schemes. Signature Series AD2CPs employ frequency based coding, more easily defining appropriate transmit Test Data sequences. Today’s most advanced electronics and smaller components, make AD2CPs smaller, lighter, and lower in power than previous instruments. Smarter interfaces feature both ASCII and binary serial interfaces, Ethernet ports, and a Linux operating system with TCP/IP protocol, a Web server, and an FTP server. A dramatically improved 20 Mbit rate allows download of 1 GB of data in 6 minutes! Select features of the AD2CP platform are protected by US patent 7,911,880. Synchronization Ideal for large arrays, multiple AD2CP instruments may be connected over Ethernet providing tightly synchronized datasets. Ethernet 1 Ethernet 1 Ethernet 1 Ethernet 1 Wave measurements along the central axis of a Signature500 just below the surface. Nortek Ethernet Switch Turbulence Turbulence estimation with a typical ADCP is far from ideal due to assumptions made during analysis, a single sampling strategy, and indirect measurements of most quantities of interest. Signature1000 and Signature500’s fifth beam provides a direct measurement of one velocity component, typically the vertical. This direct measurement allows easy interpretation of along beam spatial gradients as well as by cell time series analysis, eliminating the need to combine beams to obtain orthogonal velocity components. High sampling rates, flexible sampling strategies, and large velocity ranges make Signature1000 and Signature500 ideal for turbulence studies from the surf zone to the open ocean. T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C AT I O N S Water Velocity Measurements Power Signature 500 Signature 1000 DC input: Profiling Range* 50m 20m Max. average consumption at 1Hz: 5 Watts. Peak current 1A. Ethernet adds 0.75 W Cell Size 0.5 - 4m 0.2 - 2m Typical average consumption: See deployment software Min. Blanking 0.5m 0.1m Sleep Consumption: 100uA, power depends on supply voltage Max # cells 128(burst)/200(average) 128(burst)/200(average) Transmit power: 0.3–30W per beam, adjustable levels Velocity Range (along beam) User Selectable 1.0, 1.25, User Selectable 1.0, 1.25, 2.5, 3.75, 5.0 m/s 2.5, 3.75, 5.0 m/s Ping sequence: Parallel Accuracy 1% of measured value +- 0.5cm/s 1% of measured value +- 0.5cm/s Velocity Resolution 0.1 cm/s 0.1 cm/s Max Sampling Rate Burst Only 6Hz 16Hz Max Sampling Rate Five beams Burst Only" 3Hz 8Hz Max Burst Sampling rate Combined burst and average 3Hz 8Hz 12–48VDC Materials Standard model: Delrin® with titanium bolts. Environmental Operating temperature: –4°C to 40°C Storage temperature: –20°C to 60°C Shock and vibration: IEC 721-3-2 Depth rating: 300 m Internal Batteries * maximum range depends on power consumption and acoustic scattering conditions Type/capacity 100Wh Alkaline Echo Intensity New Battery Voltage 15 Volt See deployment software Sampling: Same as velocity Duration Resolution: 0.5dB Exact battery consumption and velocity uncertainty are complex functions of the deployment configuration. Please consult the software for more exact predictions. Dynamic range: 70dB No. of beams: 5, 4 slanted at 25°, 1 vertical Beam width: 2.9° Altimeter option Max altitude Sensors Thermistor embedded in head –4°C to 40°C Accuracy/Resolution: 0.1°C/0.01°C Time response: 2 min Compass: Solid State Magnetometer 2 cm 38 Accuracy/Resolution: 0.2° for tilt <30°/0.01° Maximum tilt: Full 3D Up or down: Automatic detect Pressure: Piezoresistive Standard Range: 0–100m (inquire for options) Accuracy/Precision: 0.1% FS / Better than 0.002% of full scale Data Communication 36 Solid State Accelerometer 118 31 2° for tilt <20°/0.01° Tilt: 25° (4 x) 142 Accuracy/Resolution: 117 Ethernet or configurable RS-232/RS422 300–115200 baud Recorder download baud rate: 20 Mbit/s (Ethernet only) - 1 GByte in 6 minutes Controller Interface: ASCII command interface with telemetry options over Telnet and serial interface. Complete data download over standard Ethernet FTP. Telemetry file downloadable over serial interface. See interface manual for more information. Capacity (standard): 30° Data Recording 16 GB / Optional 64 GB 86 bytes + 4 x Nbeams x Ncells Mode: Stop when full 6, 5 Data record: (4 x) 118 Serial Communication Baud rate: R6 5 I/O: 1MHz: 2m, 500kHz: 4m Precision 184 Range: 1MHz: 30m, 500kHz: 100m Min Altitude 220 Temperature: Real Time Clock Accuracy: ±1 min/year Clock retention in absence of external power: 1 year Backup battery recharges automatically when the instrument is powered Operating system: Windows® 7 or later Functions: Deployment planning, start with alarm, data retrieval, conversion to ASCII and Matlab format. Online data: Collection and graphical display. TS-032-en-02.2014 Software C U R R E NT A N D WAVE M E A S U R E M E NT S I N T H E O C E A N , L A KE A N D L A B O R ATO RY Nortek AS Vangkroken 2 1351 Rud, Norway Tel: +47 6717 4500 Fax: +47 6713 6770 inquiry@nortek.no www.youtube.com/NortekInfo NortekMed S.A.S. Z.I Toulon Est 67, Avenue Frédéric Joliot-Curie BP 520, 83078 Toulon Cedex 09 Tel: + 33 (0) 4 94 31 70 30 Fax: +33 (0) 4 94 31 25 49 info@NortekMed.com NortekUK Tresanton House Bramshott Court Bramshott Hants GU30 7RG, UK Tel: +44- 1428 751 953 inquiry@nortekuk.co.uk NortekUSA 27 Drydock Avenue, Mailbox 32, Boston, MA 02210-2377 Tel: 617-206-5750 Fax: 617-275-8955 inquiry@nortekusa.com www.facebook.com/norteknews 1302 266071 Tel: 0532-85017570, 85017270 Fax: 0532-85017570 inquiry@nortek.com.cn Nortek B.V. Schipholweg 333a 1171PL Badhoevedorp Nederland Tel: +31 20 6543600 Fax: +31 20 6599830 info@nortek-bv.nl www.twitter.com/norteknews
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