OCTOBER 2014 | VOLUME 14 | ISSUE 10 Henrietta United Church of Christ Celebrating God’s Grace through Worship and Praise IN THIS ISSUE: God is still speaking. What would happen if we listened? In September, we took a fresh look at the first line of our HUCC Mission Statement: Celebrate God's grace through worship and praise. Doing this has deepened my appreciation of how foundational weekly worship is for our lives and our life together. What our everyday world wants from us is to perform its tasks, meet its quotas, buy its products, increase its profits, conform to its values, wink at its flaws, and certainly not challenge it, change it or redeem it. So we live in a kind of spiritual flatland, unaware that we are rapidly running in circles but not gaining any ground. That’s why we need worship. It roots us and grounds us in the depths of God’s boundless love. It stretches us towards the heights of God’s vision for us. It helps us each find our own true shape as sons and daughters of the living God. It connects us with each other at the level of the heart and soul. It empowers us to help make God’s reign of love, peace and hope a reality in the world. The Deacons, Council, Pastor Martha and I have been pondering ways to make each worship service as alive, engaging and uplifting as we can. On September 21 I preached a sermon on “The Work of Worship,” which guides Page 3 “Life: Here and Hereafter” study group to start October 10. Page 4 Newcomers Class to begin on November 9. Page 5 Shut-Ins would love to hear from our members. Page 6 Halloween Party will be October 18. Roast Beef Dinner has been scheduled for November 1. Page 7 Youth Choir; October Bell Ringers and Coffee Hour Helpers. Page 12 Youth news. Page 13 Discussion to be held on the NY Conference Annual Meeting Resolution on Hydrofracking. Page 14 Birthdays and anniversaries. 1400West Lehigh Station 12345 Main St., AnRd, P.O. Box 430, Henrietta, NY 14467 | 585.334.0030 | www.henriettaucc.org 1 World Communion Sunday On October 5, we will be joining Christians all over the world who are celebrating World Communion Sunday as the worldwide Body of Christ. Our worship will include prayers from other countries, and our communion bread will be bread from other parts of the world (with a gluten free option). A Word from the Pastor...cont. us on how to enter into Sunday worship in a way that creates room for God to work in us (e-mail Kim in the office if you would like a copy). We are varying our sung responses during worship, balancing between familiar and fresh, so we don’t “wear them out.” We are experimenting with congregational responses for our gathered prayers. We are making printed copies of the sermons for people with hearing difficulties to follow them to follow them better. We are working on having someone run the sound board every Sunday. We have decided to continue having the announcements read by one person (exceptions will be made for special church events, but please contact me ahead of time). We are looking ahead to using more projected words and images. Trustees are also looking into possible blinds or darker tinting for the front windows to make projected images easier to see. And the Deacons, Pastor 2 Martha and I are always open to your suggestions on how to make worship more meaningful to you. It is worship that reminds us who we are and why we are here. And it is worship that molds us into a united community of faith, hope and love. In October, we’ll be taking a fresh look at the second element of our Mission Statement: Listen for God’s voice through the study of ancient testimonies and scriptures, daily prayer and meditation, and attention to God’s present activity in the world. This is a challenge in today’s world, where we are bombarded with voices and messages demanding us to listen. Listening for God’s voice requires a very different kind of listening. God’s voice may come through words we read or hear that “speak to us” in a special way. But it might also come through a “God-incidence,” an inspiration, a sense of not being alone, a dream, a piece of music, a nudge, a “still, small voice,” or wordless silence. Here’s a suggestion for each board or committee chairperson. Try beginning your meeting this month with an example of a way you have heard God speaking to you, perhaps in one of these ways. And then invite others to share. If you do this, you will be surprised at the level at which you connect during your meeting. I’d love to hear if you try this and how it goes. And I would really like it if any of you would share any stories or experiences you have had in the past or the present that is an example of God speaking to you. You can e-mail me at pastordave@henriettaucc.org, call me, or tell me in person. “God is still speaking,” as we proclaim in the UCC. Let’s really try to listen. And let’s see what we hear! Love and blessings, Pastor Dave On October 12th, we will be baptizing Lilliana Speed, daughter of Tony & Mandy Speed. “Life: Here and Hereafter” study group starts October 10 In a couple of recent sermons, I have mentioned the book Heaven and Hell Unveiled. It is based on over 30 years of study that its author, Stafford Betty, undertook to see what can be reliably learned about life after death. The book gives a fascinating overview (or should I say underview?) of many different facets of the afterlife. It addresses such things as guardian angels (or spirit guides), how spirits experience God, what spirits do for eternity (they don’t do much resting!), divine justice, hellish states, “evil spirits,” reincarnation, religious beliefs, and how this life affects our experience in the next. I have read a number of books on this subject, as well as studied what the Bible says about it, and I found this book harmonizing all of these different sources in a remarkable way. But I have found the book to be even more inspirational than it is informational. It has helped me see this world in the context of a Reality that’s much bigger than what meets the human eye. And it has helped me see my life with a clearer sense of purpose and increased spiritual insight. I would love to share this remarkable book with you and have us reflect on it together. So, with the encouragement of our Deacons, we have changed our fall study group’s topic from the Old Testament to “Life: Here and Hereafter.” We are planning on six sessions on Friday evenings beginning October 10 (a week earlier than previously announced). The study will begin at 7:00 pm, preceded by an optional soup and bread supper at 6:30 (not 6:00 as previously announced). Pastor Martha and Alan Dailey will join me in facilitating the group. The book is not long or difficult, and each session will deal with three or so chapters in the book. I’d like to order books for each of the participants or couples, so please sign up in the Fellowship Hall by October 5, or send me an email at pastordave@henriettaucc.org if you’d like to attend. You can also email me if you can’t attend but want to order a book. Our cost is $15 and you can donate the full amount or pay what you’re able. This may well be a study group for which you are eternally grateful! Pastor Dave 1400West Lehigh Station 12345 Main St., AnRd, P.O. Box 430, Henrietta, NY 14467 | 585.334.0030 | www.henriettaucc.org 3 Everyone who is not already a member of HUCC is cordially invited to attend our Newcomers Class, which will be held at 9:00 am the three Sundays beginning November 9. The class will be led by Pastor Dave and Pastor Martha. Child care will be provided. The class will help orient people to the interesting history of our church, how the work of the church is organized, what the groups and opportunities for service are, and how the UCC came to be. It also helps participants understand and experience the key values of our church, form a supportive spiritual community with other newcomers, and discover their gifts for daily ministry. Those who wish may become members of the church after taking the class. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Pastor Dave at 334-0030 or by email at pastordave@henriettaucc.org. Pastor’s as Waiters The Harvest Home Coalition will be sponsoring the next “Pastors as Waiters” dinners on two separate Monday evenings; October 6 and October 20. To accommodate everyone, we especially invite Protestants on October 6 and Roman Catholics on October 20, but anyone can attend either or both. The dinners are served from 4:30 to 6:30 pm at Peppermint’s Restaurant, located at 4870 West Henrietta Rd. in Henrietta (just south of Lehigh Station Rd.) No reservations are required. Pastor Dave will be waiting tables on October 6. Tips to the pastors and church leaders as well as a portion of each meal will go to the next Harvest Home Coalition’s house for Habitat for Humanity. HUCC'ers at Work John Loughner and Bob Day have been faithfully painting the new windows all through the summer, and have now completed this big project. All the painting of the upstairs is now complete. As with any building, you’re never really “finished,” but we’re about as finished as we’ll ever be. Thank you, John and Bob! John Loughner also coordinated our mowing crew, that has kept our lawn looking so good. Working with John this summer were Jim Guppy, Duane Miner, Tony Speed, Pat Swisher, Joan Barnes, Fred Clark, John Peterson, Ravi Misra, and Dean Bridenbaker. Thank you, all! Marilyn Buxton, our own Master Gardener, has continued to oversee our major landscaping plan. Working on her crew have been Dick Buxton, Ann Torres, John Loughner, Pat Rose, and Desi and Sandy Alvarez (complete with back hoe!). Thank you! 4 Photo Directory Portraits in October We have set the date for pictures to be taken for our new photo directory! You have a choice of October 3 from 2:00 pm to 9:00 pm or October 4 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and November 4th has just been added! There is no cost to be a part of the pictorial directory. You will get a FREE 8x10 portrait and a copy of the directory. You can, if you want, order prints too (hate to say this, but think Christmas!!!). If you are interested in participating, please contact Su Grimes at 794-8394. Please indicate which date and time you want and how many are going to be in the picture. We will also have sign ups after church on Sundays. If you can help with layout and design of the activity pages, please let Su know. If you can help with signing people in for their portraits, please sign up on the signup board. Pastor Dave on Retreat Pastor Dave will be attending a retreat the evening of Thursday, October 16 until Monday, October 20. Pastor Martha will be preaching and leading worship on October 19. Shut-Ins It was suggested that we invite people to visit or call our members who can’t come to church. On behalf of our Deacons, Jo Kenyon coordinates volunteers who make monthly visits to most of our shut-ins. But our shut-ins would appreciate more contact from their church family. Here is our current list. Phone numbers are listed for those who can receive phone calls. Betty Cloen (can’t get out in freezing temperatures) 104 Metropolitan Drive Rochester, NY 14620 442.0014 Dorothy Long Monroe Community Hospital FR 4E, Rm 9 Henrietta, NY 14467 Barbara Comstock Woodcrest Commons 4455 W Henrietta Rd, Room 169 Henrietta, NY 14467 Jean Losinger Perinton Park Manor 7 Chardonnay Dr, Room 74 Fairport, NY 14450 425.2756 Barb Frielinghaus Woodcrest Commons 4455 W Henrietta Rd, Room 126 Henrietta, NY 14467 392.9512 Willetta Thatcher Episcopal Church Home 505 Mt Hope Ave, Room 449 Rochester, NY 14620 Flo Glena (in a day program Monday through Thursday) 51 Parkerhouse Rd Rochester, NY 14623 359.9685 1400West Lehigh Station 12345 Main St., AnRd, P.O. Box 430, Henrietta, NY 14467 | 585.334.0030 | www.henriettaucc.org 5 HUCC Halloween Party Roast Beef Dinner Saturday, October 18th 5:30 to 7:30 pm Come join us for a Potluck dinner followed by crafts, games, and Trunk or Treating in our parking lot! Decorate your vehicle if you so choose! Wear your best costume! Fun for all ages! In the case of rain, Trunk or Treating will be held inside. Sign ups will be in the Fellowship Hall. For questions call Laura Markwick at 218-0504 or email at lmarkwick@frontiernet.net RHAFT Donations Needed There is a Basket for any weekly donations to the food cupboard in the Narthex. All donations are welcome but there is great need at this time for canned meats such as tuna and chicken etc. RHAFT could also use personal hygiene articles such as toothpaste, shampoo, deodorants, etc. The summer has been very busy and the cupboard is very low on supplies. Many thanks for any donation you can make. Living in Harmony News Living in Harmony is an interfaith environmental group that meets monthly at Henrietta UCC. Pastor Dave and Liz Pixley co-founded the group in 2002. We are excited to be showing the locally produced film "Climate Zone" at our October 14 meeting beginning at 7:00 pm, in the Fellowship Hall. "Climate Zone" was produced and directed by three local people and is a compelling and sometimes humorous account of ways that global climate change is affecting the Rochester region now, as well as predictions for the future. Just because we are not near the ocean does not mean our lives will be unchanged. If you wonder how our local climate will be affected - and how we can influence the outcome - plan now to attend. The film is just over an hour - and popcorn WILL be served! If you have questions, please contact Elizabeth Pixley, at epixley@rochester.rr.com or 334-0977. 6 The Fall Roast Beef Dinner has been rescheduled and is now going to be held on Saturday, November 1st with servings at 5:00 pm and again at 6:15 pm. Take-outs will be available. Tickets will be on sale beginning Sunday, October 5th. Flyers will also be available that Sunday for worshipers to take and distribute to friends and family to help promote the event. John Loughner has agreed to coordinate all of the food cooked in the kitchen, and Judy Hawk will coordinate the rest of the activity. This is a team effort, and we need all of you to be a part of the team. If everyone participates to some degree, no one should be burdened. Can’t move heavy tables? Then bake corn muffins, or dry dishes, or be a table server— there are jobs for all, and the sign -up sheets are now posted in the Fellowship Hall. October Bell Ringers The Misra Family will have the honor of ringing the church bell for the October 5th worship service. Inviting all singers, any age! We are eager to get started with a fun song in October. Practices will be after church in the Music Room on October 5 & October 12 for about 30 minutes. We will meet before church at 9:45 am on October 19 for one more practice before singing in church that day. Questions? Please see Dawn Pixley or Laura Markwick . Coffee Hour Helpers for the month of October are: October 5: Betty Cloen, Misra Family & Tracy Meyer October 12 & 19 are still Open October 26: Eileen Clark, Bob Planishek & Sherry Yacuzzo Church Women United of Rochester NY and Vicinity October Day of Reflection The Day of Reflection Theme is "Changing Rumination into Self Illumination". "Rumination is defined as the compulsively focused attention on the symptoms of one's distress, and on its possible causes and consequences, as opposed to its solutions." There are those times in life we replay the same scenario...of "would haves, should haves, and could haves" over and over in our minds. This can lead to self doubt, stress, insomnia, and many other blocks to our over all wellness. On the Day of Reflection some basic tools of self awareness and wellness techniques will be offered. Friday, October 3, 2014 Waring Baptist Church 1921 Norton Avenue, Rochester 9:30 am to 2:00 pm Guest Speaker: Rev. Shirley Pudney-Eilers Registration Fee - $3.00 per person Complimentary Luncheon Provided RSVP by calling 342.2790 CSU in Rochester’s Day of Reflection is a day designed for spiritual reflection & renewal. 1400West Lehigh Station 12345 Main St., AnRd, P.O. Box 430, Henrietta, NY 14467 | 585.334.0030 | www.henriettaucc.org 7 October Mission IMA World Health was founded when CWS and other Christian based agencies figured out working together made sense. IMA World Health is focused on providing health services, healing and building healthy communities around the world. It offers sustainable and efficient solutions to health-related problems that are far too common in the developing world. The four primary areas of focus are: Providing essential medicines and medical supplies Fighting and controlling targeted diseases Educating and training health care workers and communities Strengthening indigenous health care systems Our specific donation to IMH World Health is designated to fight the Ebola outbreak in western Africa. Early August a state of emergency was declared in Liberia as the country grappled with the Ebola outbreak, which had killed more than 3,000 people primarily in West African countries. IMA World Health and partners (one being CWS) are fighting the spread of Ebola in Liberia. They are working with Christian Health Association of Liberia (CHAL) and ACT Liberia Forum to provide training, essential equipment and supplies to help keep the health care workers safe while treating patients infected with the Ebola virus. CWS Statement on Ebola Outbreak CWS is closely following the Ebola outbreak in western Africa and is mindful of our humanitarian colleagues who are responding. Monies of the “One Great Hour of Sharing” gifts have been given to fight the Ebola outbreak. 8 Men’s Breakfast @ Peppermint’s Pie Sale All men are invited to the Men’s Breakfast at Peppermint’s Restaurant at 9:00 am on Saturday, October 11. It’s a great way to get to know other men of the church better. Pastor Dave will provide a conversation starter. Sign up in the Fellowship Hall or contact Jack Brown at 334.6306 or fab1010@rochester.rr.com. Job Opening for Administrative Asst PART TIME JOB SHARE – 10 HOURS/WEEK ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II DUTIES: Manage Communication within and outside the church Assist pastors with and administration and coordination Oversee and coordinate scheduling of church activities and building use Manage office processes, supplies and equipment Design, edit, create, and disseminate church communication QUALIFICATIONS: Ability to work effectively with others Excellent organization skills, ability to prioritize and keep track of multiple tasks Excellent writing skills, including grammar, syntax and punctuation Strong computer skills, including but not limited to data base management, word processing, publishing, graphic art, emailing, PowerPoint, social media, and photo editing. Knowledge of church structure, language and culture an advantage Associates degree or comparable breadth of knowledge and experience Please send resume to Sue Grimes at SuGrimes622@gmail.com The Harvest Home Coalition of churches, of which we are a part, is continuing to raise money for the next Habitat for Humanity build in Rochester. The next build will be in some time in the future, when we have raised enough money for it to be within reach. We are again participating in the annual sale of large, delicious pies made by Kelly’s Farm Market. Each pie weighs approximately 4½ pounds and will provide 8 to 10 generous servings. Order forms will be available soon or you can contact John Loughner or Jim Guppy for more information. Kimberly’s hours will be Monday through Friday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm each day until the second administrative assistant position is filled. In addition, please be sure to update your email contact list to reflect that the email to use for ALL administrative items is adminassistant@henriettaucc.org. 1400West Lehigh Station 12345 Main St., AnRd, P.O. Box 430, Henrietta, NY 14467 | 585.334.0030 | www.henriettaucc.org 9 10 1400West Lehigh Station 12345 Main St., AnRd, P.O. Box 430, Henrietta, NY 14467 | 585.334.0030 | www.henriettaucc.org 11 Introductory Confirmation Meeting Pastor Martha will be leading a group for teens (grades 7-12) who are thinking about participating in the Rite of Confirmation. Confirmation class usually begins in the fall and concludes in the spring, including class sessions and projects/trips outside of the church. Here’s a great chance to: Ask questions Explore your spirituality Journey in faith with your pals at HUCC Learn about the wider church Learn more about the Bible Learn about other religious groups Make a difference through service projects Consider God’s purpose for your life Affirm your faith through the Rite of Confirmation, if you so choose. Youth and parents who are interested, please join us after worship in the library on October 12, from Noon to 1:30 pm to map out the schedule for the year. Questions? Email Pastor Martha at mkstone@frontiernet.net or give her a call at 473-5744. Updating Church School Records Sunday school is up and running! Parents, please check with your child’s teacher to fill out an updated registration form; this is important so that teachers and assistants are aware of your contact information as well as your child’s allergies, special needs, and anything else you would like to share. Forms are available in each classroom. Youth News As you can see by these photos, HUCC youth had a great September meeting with our new Mountain Rise friends! Come and hang out at our next Youth Group meeting, Sunday, October 19 after worship. We’ll make some plans, play some games and share a bag lunch from Noon – 2:00 pm. And mark your calendars for the next Shanty Town, November 7-8 at Spencerport UCC! More details to come. Special thanks to all the folks who came out to our Applebee’s fundraiser! The total amount raised was not available at the time of publication, but we’ll let you know when we know. 12 Discussion of NY Conference Annual Meeting Resolution on Hydrofracking In the August Newsletter, two Resolutions passed at the 2014 NY Conference Annual Meeting were briefly mentioned, with a promise that discussion opportunities would be provided in the fall. The first of these discussions will occur on Sunday, October 5, from 5:00 - 8:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. A simple soup supper will be provided. A sign-up sheet is posted in the Fellowship Hall, so we can plan for food needs. Title of the resolution we will discuss: 1) A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW YORK CONFERENCE OF THE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST TO ENCOURAGE ITS PASTORS AND MEMBERS TO URGE OUR UNITED STATES CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATES AND STATE LAWMAKERS TO ENACT A MORATORIUM ON ALL NEW UNCONVENTIONAL SHALE GAS WELL DRILLING UNTIL LONG TERM RESPECT FOR EARTH, WATER AND PEOPLE IS ACHIEVED. A version of this resolution on hydrofracking of natural gas will very likely be introduced at the next General Synod meeting of the UCC in 2015. Because the topic is relevant as well as controversial, you may wish to learn more about it. The resolution contains a number of recommended actions. Copies are available on the table in the Narthex; please pick one up and read it before October 5 if possible. You do not have to know anything about the topic to participate in the discussion! As you may know, congregations in the United Church of Christ are not bound by decisions made at the state or national level; however, we are asked to educate ourselves on important issues discussed. Please plan to attend! If you have questions, contact Elizabeth Pixley (334-0977 or epixley@rochester.rr.com). “These Days” Available The newest issue of the “These Days” daily devotional magazine is now available in the literature rack in the narthex. These inspirational daily readings are provided by our Deacons, thanks to your support of our Deacons Fund. Pick up a copy and get a lift for each day. Please send all newsletter submissions to Kimberly Crowe at adminassistant@henriettaucc.org or drop them off in the office. All submissions must be received by the 15th day of the month for inclusion in the following months newsletter. The newsletter will be printed and sent out approximately one full week before the first day of the month. Every effort will be made to include anything submitted after the monthly deadline of the 15th of the month but cannot be guaranteed. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. 1400West Lehigh Station 12345 Main St., AnRd, P.O. Box 430, Henrietta, NY 14467 | 585.334.0030 | www.henriettaucc.org 13 George Prentice Carol Becker Raychel Ghysel John Loughner Danielle Petroske Brady Griffin Carl Ronnenberg Betty Cloen Joan Van Scoter Jean Winton Carmela Bentivegna Alan Dailey Carol Eisenmann Daniel & Julie Dain Katy Sturm Gabriel Adamson Desi Alvarez Eve Williams Dennis Muck Logan Sherman Bryce Higgins James Traynor Amanda Matlack Jack Brown Robert McHargue Robert Hand Camellia Higgins Sara Weyman Matthew Slawson Kathy D’Ambra Holly LaPorta Grace Nevol Ann Torres Santina Fusco Rick Stocum 14 October 3 October 5 October 5 October 5 October 5 October 6 October 6 October 7 October 9 October 9 October 11 October 12 October 14 October 15 October 15 October 17 October 18 October 19 October 20 October 20 October 21 October 21 October 25 October 26 October 26 October 27 October 27 October 27 October 28 October 29 October 29 October 30 October 30 October 31 October 31 After nine years of working in the office and 33 years as a member of HUCC and of the choir, Donna Palmer is moving to Greenville, South Carolina, where she will be making a home there with her friend, Tom. A reception was held in Donna’s honor on September 7th to wish her farewell and Godspeed. Dorcas Guild Tuesday, October 7 @ 7:00 pm Patty Lookup’s Home 49 Ward Hill Rd. Bookworms Monday, October 13 @ 7:00 pm Liz Pixley's Home Living in Harmony Tuesday, October 14 @ 7:00 pm Fellowship Hall 1400West Lehigh Station 12345 Main St., AnRd, P.O. Box 430, Henrietta, NY 14467 | 585.334.0030 | www.henriettaucc.org 15 *** - Outside Facility All - Entire Building B - Basement CR - Classroom FH - Fellowship Hall K - Kitchen L - Library MR - Music Room O - Office S - Sanctuary S/FH - Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall Room Legend /FH Henrietta United of Christ THE Church COVENANTER P.O. Box 430 1400 Lehigh Station Rd Henrietta, NY 14467 Contact Us: P. O. Box 430 1400 Lehigh Station Road Henrietta, New York 14467 585.334.0030 Senior Pastor, David Inglis pastordave@henriettaucc.org Associate Pastor, Martha Koenig Stone pastormartha@henriettaucc.org Kimberly Crowe, Administrative Assistant adminassistant@henriettaucc.org Office Hours Monday through Friday, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm Website www.henriettaucc.org 16
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