BI-WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENTS: October 19 – November 1, 2014 Sunday service times: 7:45am, (9am – 10:15 Sunday School), 10:30am & 12noon Please join Dr. Lynch in worship: Upcoming Church Wide Mission Opportunities: Sunday, October 19, 2014 at 3pm Parkwood CME Church, Dr. Cathy C. Jones, Pastor / 802 Tom Hunter Road, 28213/ 107th Church Anniversary Sunday, November 16, 2014 at 3pm Clement Memorial AME Zion Church/ Rev. Wayne Harris, Pastor/ 2207 Newland Road, Charlotte, 28216/ Men’s Booster Club Program *Choir and Ushers Ministries are asked to serve. The Right Hand of Fellowship will be extended to all new members (who have completed their classes) on Sunday, November 9th during the 10:30am worship. The only make-up class for the month of November will be held on Saturday, November 8th at 10:30am. Please contact Deacon Abbie Butler at (704) 598-2219 x 16 or if you have questions regarding new member classes. Save the date: The Christmas Concert will be held here on Sunday, December 21st during the 10:30am worship service. The Month of October is "Focus on MY FAMILY", in which we focus on the real needs and concerns of the modern day family. *October 23-26 – Atlantic City, NJ, Recovery Effort/ We will assist the victims of Hurricane Sandy with light construction and rebuilding. *February 21-28, 2015 – Haiti Attention all Ministry Leaders: Friday, December 5th will be the last day to turn in ALL requisitions for 2014 that needs payment before the end of the year. Any requisitions turned in after that date will not be processed until January 2015. Thank you. We would like to ask every member to fill out the MY EBC/ Right Now Media postcard which requests your full name, email address and phone number to help update our membership data base. Please see an usher to fill out your postcard every Sunday during worship or visit the information center. Thank you. We encourage everyone to bring their wireless devices to worship. To utilize EBC WIFI, please log in as “guest” & enter password “ebcguest”. For questions please send an email to Please pray for Dr. Lynch as he seeks to become Vice President At-Large of the General Baptist State Convention during the Annual Session in Greenville, NC. The Annual Session will be held at Sycamore Hill Baptist Church, 1001 Hooker Rd., 27834. On behalf of the DYM Ministry, we would like to thank all volunteers who helped with the Fall Festival. EBC invites all visitors to stop by our Welcome Center located outside in the sanctuary in the front lobby. Thank you for visiting! Join us as we read the Word for the weeks of October 19th – November 1st: October 19th – October 25th: October 26th – November 1st: Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Genesis 22-24 Genesis 25-26 Genesis 27-29 Genesis 30-31 Genesis 32-34 Genesis 35-37 Genesis 38-40 Genesis 41-42 Genesis 43-45 Genesis 46-47 Genesis 48-50 Exodus 1-3 Exodus 4-6 Exodus 7-9 Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC) will have an Open House on Thursday, October 23rd, 4-6:30pm inside the Taylor Gym, Warrell building, 1228 Elizabeth Ave., Charlotte, 28204. For further information please email or call (704) 330-6637. E BC Pr a yer Li st Let us lift up these persons in our time of prayer, seeking God in faith. To reach out to a person(s) from the EBC prayer list, please contact Mrs. Roma Butler at (704) 393-5197. Online giving is now available through our church website! Pastor & Mrs. Lynch Maxine Foard John Frazier Gloria Anderson Dorothy Harvey Carol Johnson Angela Richmond Etha Edwards Lynnea Davis Alexander Dunlap EBC Volunteers Rosalie Little August Goodson Frazier Ware Russell Drake Anita Morgan Velma Sullivan Ajai Fuller Shirley Hemphill Freddie Allen Millie Aikens Valerie Williams Gertrude Ranson Nevonia Dean Wallace Pendarvis Hazel Kelly-Register Ariel Gillian Beatrice Mitchell Johnny Middleton Patricia Coffey Anika Harris Herbert Hudspeth Ivy Turner Carmen Tores Herbert McDowell Martin Bennett Carol Michael Wyan Kittelberger EBC Staff Thomas Caldwell Janice Edwards Barbara Gant Carl Carter James Cunningham Carol Garland Live streaming of Sunday’s 7:45am, 10:30am & 12noon services are available through EBC will also air on Time Warner Channel 21 every Friday at 5pm. Dear Brothers & Sisters, I greet you with the love and joy that only Jesus can give! If you are visiting with us today, we trust you have received the warmth, the welcome and the Word of God that will change your life. We offer you Jesus the Christ – through the preached Word, through song and dance along with the fellowship of the saints. It is our goal to build the family of God…one soul at a time! Feel free to worship with us again! Dr. Leonzo D. Lynch, Senior Pastor
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