CHURCH DIRECTORY BOLTON ROAD Secretary: Susan Blezard, 31 Cranberry Close, Darwen CENTRAL: Secretary: John East Tel 01254 771957 email. Room Lettings: NEW CHURCH Stewards: Room Lettings: SPRING VALE Stewards: Room Lettings: Working together to learn, live, love and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. February/March 2015 Helen Robinson e-mail: BOLTON ROAD Norman Yates, 53 Avondale Road, Darwen Anne Halliwell, 18A Woodbank Avenue, Darwen, Jennifer Battrick, 62 Birch Hall Ave., Darwen Val Gregory Tel 705314 Jean Fish Tel 773935 CENTRAL NEW CHURCH Marion Haslam, 4 Sunnyhurst Close, Darwen Tel: 773633 SPRING VALE Janet Ashton, 11 Knowsley Meadows, Darwen Lilian Nicholson, 660 Bolton Road, Darwen Julie Claux, 137 Harwood Street, Darwen Chris Allan, 2 Sudell Close, Darwen David Foster, 4 Derby Close, Darwen Tel 703858 email: TRINITY, LOWER DARWEN Secretary: Helen Williamson, 164 Sandy Lane, Lower Darwen TOCKHOLES: Secretary: Kathleen Knowles, 12 Alexandra View, Darwen CHURCH NEWS EDITOR "Methodist and United Reformed Church News in Darwen” Liz Rutherford 68 Barley Bank Street, Darwen Tel 774715 email: TRINITY TOCKHOLES MINISTERS Rev Debbie Keegan, 2 Highercroft Road Lower Darwen, BB3 0QR (01254 678858) Deacon Dave Keegan, Tel 01254 678858 FORMAL YOUTH ORGANISATIONS Trinity: Cubs Spring Vale: Guides, Brownies, Rainbows; New Church: Brownies, Rainbows PARENT AND TODDLER GROUPS Weekday Groups at Central, Spring Vale, Trinity and New Church ENQUIRIES: The Churches welcome all enquiries. For Baptisms, Marriages and Funerals please contact one of the Ministers before any other arrangements are made. Other enquiries may be made through the Ministers, Secretaries or Stewards. 28 Central Website: Methodist Website: 1 BIBLE READINGS WORSHIP FOR FEBRUARY SUNDAY 1th FEBRUARY Bolton Road Central 10.30am Doreen Goodship: Communion 9.30am Geoff Tolley: Communion 10.30am Barbara Duxbury New Church 10.30am Rev Debbie Keegan Spring Vale 10.45am Simon Huggill: All Age Worship Trinity 10.30am Kathleen Gibson Tockholes Danny Wilson Stephen Henry 2.00pm Rev Terry Young: Family Service Bolton Road SUNDAY 8th FEBRUARY 10.30am Colin Garley Philip Entwistle Central 10.30am Rev Terry Young: Communion Margaret East New Church 10.30am Dc Dave Keegan: All Age Worship Spring Vale 10.45am Rev Debbie Keegan: Communion Trinity 10.30am Kath Hodkinson: All Age Worship George Grime Tockholes 2.00pm John East SUNDAY 15th FEBRUARY Bolton Road 10.30am Geoff Tolley Central 10.30am Daleen ten Cate New Church 10.30am Rev Geoffrey Peddie Spring Vale 10.45am David Foster Trinity 10.30am George Grime: Communion Tockholes Susan Blezard John East Judith Atkinson 2.00pm Rev Terry Young: Communion SUNDAY 22nd FEBRUARY Bolton Road 10.30am Kath Hodkinson Central 10.30am Rev Geoff Tolley New Church 10.30am Rev Debbie Keegan: Communion Spring Vale 10.45am Dc Dave Keegan Trinity 10.30am Colin Garley Tockholes 2 FEBRUARY Junior Church Marjorie Meadowcroft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Mark 1.21-28 Genesis 18.1-15 Genesis 18.16-end Genesis 19.1-3, 12-29 Genesis 21.1-21 Genesis 22.1-19 Genesis 23 Mark 1.29-39 Genesis 29.31-30.24 Genesis 31.1-24 Genesis 31.25-32.2 Genesis 32.3-30 Genesis 33.1-17 Genesis 35 Mark 9.2-9 Genesis 37.1-11 Genesis 37.12-end John 8.1-11 Genesis 39 Genesis 40 Genesis 41.1-24 Mark 1.9-15 Genesis 41.25-45 Genesis 41.46-42.5 Genesis 42.6-17 Genesis 42.18-28 Genesis 42.29-end Genesis 43.1-15 MARCH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Mark8.31-end Genesis 43.16-end Genesis 44.1-17 Genesis44.18-end Genesis45.1-15 Genesis 45.16-end Genesis 46.1-7,28-end John 2.13-22 Genesis 47. 1-27 Genesis 47.28-end of 48 Genesis 49.1-32 Genesis 49.33-end of 50 Hebrews 1 Hebrews 2 John 3.14-21 Hebrews 3 Hebrews 4.1-13 Hebrews 4.14-5.10 Hebrews 5.11-end of 6 Hebrews 7 Hebrews 8 John 12.20-33 Hebrews 9 Hebrews 10 Hebrews 11 Hebrews 12 Hebrews 13.1-16 Hebrews 13.17-end Mark 11.1-11 John 12.1-11 John 12.20-36 Andrew Robinson Answer to last Word Search—Christmas: Bethlehem Helen Williamson Deadline for April/May magazine: Sunday 22nd March, 2015 2.00pm Rev Geoff Tolley 27 GROUPS AT NEW CHURCH Sunday 10.30 am 2nd Sunday in month WORSHIP FOR MARCH Sunday Service with Junior Church All Age Worship Bolton Road Central 10.30am 9.30am 10.30am 10.30am 10.45am SUNDAY 1th MARCH George Grime: Communion Rev Geoff Tolley: Communion John Bovenisor TBA TBA Junior Church Monday 1.00pm to 2.30 pm Stay & Play for babies and toddlers Monday 6.15pm to 7.30 pm Rainbows Monday 6.30pm to 8.00 pm Brownies Tuesday 10.00 am Midweek Holy Communion (2nd Tues in month) Tuesday 10.30-11.30 am Icky Sticky Art for Toddlers (3rd Tues in month) Trinity Tockholes Tuesday 7.00 pm Unity Choir Bolton Road 10.30am Methodist Preacher: Communion 2.00pm Doreen Goodship SUNDAY 8th MARCH 10.30am Kathryn Hodkinson Wednesday 1.00pm to 3.00 pm Stroke Association (alternate weeks) 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm Trefoil Guild (once a month) Thursday 9.30 am to 10.30 am Weight Watchers Central New Church Spring Vale Trinity Tockholes 10.30am 10.30am 10.45am 10.30am 2.00pm Alison Atherton Wednesday Annette Barker New Church Spring Vale Thursday 11.15 am to 12 noon Thursday 5.00 pm to 6.30 pm Weight Watchers Bolton Road John East: Communion TBA TBA Barbara Duxbury Barbara Duxbury SUNDAY 15th MARCH 10.30am Doreen Goodship Thursday 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm Home Group (speak to Dave Keegan 01254 678858 for details) Central New Church 10.30am Colin Garley 10.30am TBA Friday 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm West Pennine Slings Group for babies & toddlers Friday 4.00 pm to 4.30 pm 30 Minute Praise Party Family Worship with refreshments Spring Vale Trinity Tockholes 10.45am TBA 10.30am Methodist Preacher 2.00pm Rev Geoff Tolley: Communion Saturday 8.30 am to 10 am Weight Watchers Bolton Road Central New Church Spring Vale Trinity Tockholes 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 10.45am 10.30am 2.00pm Saturday 10.00 am to 3.30 pm Baby Signing Spinners, Weavers and Dyers (2nd Sat each month) GROUPS AT SPRING VALE Yoga meets each Monday 10 to 11.30 am Line Dancing meets each Monday 7 to 8.30 pm Spring in Your Step Over 50’s 1 to 3 pm every Thursday Occasional guest speakers & activities—contact Tel 012543 703858 Also Dance Crazy Theatre School classes during the week Sunday Worship every Sunday at 10.45 am Mid week Holy Communion 9.30 am 2nd Thursday in the month 26 Doris Hamer Nancy Briggs Ron Walsh Patrick Park SUNDAY 29TH MARCH Rainbows, Brownies and Guides meet every Tues & Weds 6 to 9 pm Stay and Play Toddler Group each Thursday 10.30 am to 12 noon SUNDAY 22nd MARCH Barbara Duxbury Doreen Goodship TBA TBA Methodist Preacher George Grime Janet Goodship Bolton Road 10.30am Colin Garley Gordon Beveridge Central 10.30am Daleen ten Cate Margaret Oldham New Church 10.30am TBA Spring Vale 10.45am TBA Trinity 10.30am George Grime Tockholes 2.00pm Rev Geoff Tolley 3 Seeking a Sense of Purpose Those who attend the Home Group from the Methodist Churches in Darwen have been looking at the Old Testament. At the end of last year we all agreed that we would reflectively read a chapter a day in our own quiet time and then, when we met as a group, we would discuss what we had read. In that time we have made our way through Genesis and Exodus and are just about to plunge into the joys of Leviticus. It has been good to reacquaint ourselves with the stories in the Bible or, in some instances, to discover them for the first time. Many of the stories such as Adam and Eve, Noah, Jacob, Joseph, Abraham and Moses are well know to us even if we don’t recall them in complete detail. Some stories such as Dinah (Genesis 34) we have discovered for the first time. We have been comforted by the deeper understanding of this almighty God who intercedes in human affairs to rescue and deliver people, but equally we have wrestled with those parts of the stories that are far from our own cultural familiarities and that challenge us. One of the recurring aspects of these stories that has drawn my attention is how God calls people from obscurity to serve others through their faith in God. In particular it is interesting how they have been called out to perform a particular deed or mission objective. For example, Adam and Eve to tend the garden, Noah to build an ark, Abraham to leave home and set up in a new country and Moses to take God’s message to Pharaoh to free a group of slaves in Egypt. Each one was given a specific task to do from God. 4 Central Flower Rota February 1st 8th 15th 22nd ‘In memory of G E Yates’ the family ‘In memory of loved ones’ the Grimson family ‘In Memory’ the Monday Fellowship Marion Brown March 1st 8th 15th 22nd 29th ‘In memory of Edith and Arnold Briggs’ the family ‘In Memory’ Ken and Beryl Shaw ‘In Memory of Frank Shaw’ Olwen Shaw ‘Wedding Anniversary’ Mike and Anne Adamson ‘In Memory’ Lee and Patricia Campbell, Gary and Eileen Pye Central Coffee Rota February 1st 8th 15th 22nd Janice Cowell, Margaret East, Margaret Williams. Beryl Shaw, Annette Barker, Lynda Reay. Kathleen Knowles, Doreen Bannister, Margaret Burns. Dorothy Yates, Mavis Aspinall. Karen Narramore. March 1st 8th 15th 22nd 29th Janice Cowell, Liz Rutherford, Margaret Williams. Barbara Duxbury, Margaret East, Annette Barker Beryl Shaw, Lynda Reay, Liz Rutherford Kathleen Knowles, Doreen Bannister, Margaret Burns. Dorothy Yates, Mavis Aspinall, Barbara Duxbury. Central Communion Rota February: Doreen Goodship, Alison Atherton, Janet Goodship, Margaret Williams* March: Eileen Pye, John East, Liz Rutherford, Dorothy Yates* *denotes who is to supply bread. If you are not available, please arrange a replacement, stroke your name out and choose an alternative month. 25 FLOWER ROTAS—FEBRUARY AND MARCH Bolton Road Flower Rota February 1st ‘In Remembrance of a Dear Mum, Sally’ Beryl, Keith and family 8th Mr & Mrs G Beveridge ‘Loving Memories’ 15th Mrs Mary Dyrda ‘In Loving Memory of Ted’ 22nd Flower Fund March 1st 8th 15th 22nd 29th Flower Fund Betty, Mike and family ‘Memories’ Ron Walsh ‘Birthday Memories of a Dear Mum’ Mr & Mrs Mel Henson ‘Wedding Anniversary’ Flower Fund Tockholes Flower Rota February 1st Mrs Jinks, In Memory 8th Mr & Mrs T Jump, In Memory of Joan 15th Miss R Harrison, In memory of Mother and Father 22nd Mrs J Clayton, Birthday Memories March 1st 8th 15th 22nd 29th Mr & Mrs A Gillett, Birthday Memories of Joan Mrs Grimshaw, In Memory of Mrs Ainsworth Mothering Sunday Rev & Mrs T Young, In memory Mr & Mrs A Edmond-Magee Spring Vale February 1st Sharon, Chris & Renee Allan 8th Karimeh and David Foster 15th Alice Moss 22nd Susan & Geoff Kay March 1st 8th 15th 22nd 29th 24 Elsie & Vic Nicholson Julie Jones Kathleen Jebb Margaret Huggill Joan Taylor As we consider God’s calling on our own lives as disciples, whether we are lay or ordained, it seemed to me to be useful to identify our own particular purpose to which God calls us. As Christians individually and as a Christian community within a church there are many calls on our time and resources to which we could respond and which would consume us. It is good that as Christians we recognise the necessity to be ready and willing to go anywhere there is need but sometimes, if we have not discerned our own personal call, we can be pulled away from where God really wants us to be. If we have discerned our own personal calling from God then we can be more aware when we are drifting off course. Our own purpose may be something that is derived from our own skills or something which moves us out of our own comfort zone. If God calls us, then the work we do in response to that call will be fruitful and we will feel fulfilled. If we wander too far from our personal calling and our calling as a church community then we will achieve less and be less fulfilled. Discerning our purpose is a constant coming back to God in prayer and listening to the one who calls us. If we root ourselves in God then we will know when God’s direction for us changes so that we may follow. So be encouraged to seek out God, to seek out God’s call on your life and be fulfilled in the purpose to which he calls you. Deacon Dave Keegan 5 FELLOWSHIP NEWS CENTRAL So we enter two new calendar years since our last issue; the Christian calendar and 2015. Our Advent morning service was led by Colin Garley and the evening candlelit service by Daleen ten Cate. I did not attend this but I was told it was based on the theme of light. The Nativity service on the 14th December was led by Barbara Duxbury assisted by Junior Church staff and our young people looked at the ABC of Christmas in alphabetical order and the letters which the children had made in previous weeks were hung up on a washing line. I thought Z would be for Zororastians (well some sources claimed the wise men were these) but it was Z for zeal and we all need a bit of that. The following Sunday, Daleen ten Cate led the service of carols and lessons. It was a memorable and moving service in which she asked those who read a lesson to give their personal thanks. Daleen gave thanks for the support she has received and how she and her family have been made welcome by Central URC during her training. There were not one, not two but three Golden Weddings we celebrated this year: Beryl and Ken Shaw; Barbara and Harry Duxbury who were married with a full scout guard of honour, and Anne and Mike Adamson whose romance blossomed whilst walking on Darwen Moors. All three ladies gave accounts (the men were silent), but deep down there has been a lot of happiness with all three couples. Beryl Slater’s speech was very moving as she spoke of how she felt very fortunate that she is still with us after her life-threatening illness and how much the power of prayer has helped her be thankful to God. Mavis Aspinall too spoke of how her grandson Graham survived an eight hour operation. She too gave thanks to the congregation for their prayerful support. We also heard two compelling accounts of how two of our refugees have faced danger and despair. Raphael Nketsiah spoke of spending eighteen days in a container to get to England. He too was grateful to the church, particularly Mr John East for his help. Dr Charles Dotou told of his plight, how one day he was a doctor and the next a nobody in his own community. He too gave thanks for Mr John East for giving him confidence 6 Asylum and Refugee Drop In at Central Held each Wednesday 10.30am-1.30pm English Club at 10 am Lunch at 12 noon Legal Advisor 2nd Wednesday in the month 10 am to 12 noon Looking for volunteers to help out Local Alcoholics Anonymous Group meet at Central URC, Duckworth Street, Darwen— every Monday at 7.30 pm (except public holidays) Do You have a drinking problem ? Do you want help ? Ring Alcoholics Anonymous 0845 769 7555. CENTRAL CALENDAR FOR FEBRUARY/MARCH Midweek Communion Wednesday February 11th at 12 noon March 25th (Fourth Wednesday) at 12noon Bible Study Bridge Street Cafe 11th February—10 am 11th March—10 am Meditation Group every Wednesday in church 6.30 to 7.15 pm. Monday Fellowship & Women’s Guild February 19th March 2nd March 9th March 26th March 30th 2.15 pm Coffee Lounge—Carol Johnson: ‘Mine at the bottom of my garden’. 7.30 pm Heather Slater ‘My life in a boys’ boarding school’ Eileen Pye 7.30 pm Maundy Money at the home of Mrs. Alizon Elliot. 2.15 pm Coffee Lounge—Rev G K Tolley: ‘David Livingstone’ 7.30 pm Mrs B. Duxbury ‘ The Windsor Jewels’ Margaret Oldham Book Club (Tel Anne Grimson 01254 703994) 24th Feb to read an autobiography of our own choice. 31st March - library still to select . 23 BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT SERVICE DROP-IN ARE YOU GRIEVING FOR SOMEONE WHO HAS DIED AS A RESULT OF ILLNESS? If you wish to discuss different or additional support for yourself than that provided by the ‘Drop-In’ please contact the Bereavement Support Co-ordinator, East Lancashire Hospice On 01254 733407 (Direct line and voicemail) East Lancashire Hospice Website Darwen Community Furniture Project - Chair: John East We are in need of volunteers, who can apply for an application form by emailing Darwen Community Furniture Project ( ) or by telephoning 775686. It will not initially include electrical goods Darwen Blind Society First Monday of the Month 1.30 pm to 3 pm Central United Reformed Church, Duckworth Street, Darwen Contact Jean Donaghar for more details 01254 773559 Darwen Churches Food Larder For emergency food parcels Cornfield Cliff House, Cornfield St, Darwen (off Olive Lane, by Bowling Green) Parcel Distribution by Nightsafe staff. Referrals may be made 24 hours a day Telephone 01254 705120, (Please contact the staff yourself and do not give this number to the client) Churches to drop off food can take it to St Josephs' church office, Mon- Friday between 10 12noon. If there is no-one in the office, try the church; failing seeing anyone, leave the food at the back of the church. The food is sorted on the 1st Wednesday & 3rd Thursday of the month between 10 am and 12 noon. Planned Packing Sessions at St Josephs Church Store Room 1st Wednesday and 3rd Thursday each month Zillah Griffin (co-ordinator) 01254 772478 22 Christmas Day worship was led by Doreen Goodship. I can remember holding a balloon with a weight (I thought it was a present) and her grandson John wishing Grandma would be younger. Rev Geoff Tolley led a service with the theme Presenting Children to God which tied in nicely with the sacrament of Baptism of Emmy Elizabeth Foy daughter of Austin and Vicky (Jack and Nora Howarth's granddaughter) We offer our prayerful support to the family. 2015 worship began with a service led by Danny Wilson on his 69th birthday. Daleen along with John East, whose theme was Oddball Ministry, focused on John the Baptist who seemed a bit of an oddball, and ourselves; can we be oddball Christians and perform the service of oddball ministry? Kath Hodkinson talked about good news and the magnetic personality of Jesus, adding illustrations from various people on whom Jesus had an important effect. Annette Barker is a proud grandmother with the arrival of Willow, and Eunice Yates has become a great grandmother for the first time with a new addition to the family, a little girl called Poppy Rose. Best wishes to the families concerned and we wish you many happy hours watching these tiny babies growing up. People celebrating birthdays since the last issue have included Thomas Narramore (19), David Yates, Norma Astley, Trevor Cowell, Alison Atherton and Danny Wilson. We hope they all had a happy day. Those we have prayed for include Margaret and Ian Turner, Doris Whalley, Dorothy Chappell, Beryl Slater, Olive Hargreaves, Noah (the grandson of Katherine and Matt Donnelly), Joan Catlow, Bobby Wainwright, Paula Chynoweth, Lois Cook and Raphael Nketsiah. We continue to offer our prayerful support. There have been a number of deaths: Alan Ogden who was heavily involved in scouting and husband of Marion Whalley; our Compassion-sponsored adult Ahija Makanga whose grandfather passed away; John Dean who worshipped in three Darwen churches during his life and was at the back of the church the Sunday before he died. A tribute appears elsewhere in this publication. We also shared sad news with the church at Tockholes, losing two of its valuable members in Molly Jump, the oldest worshipper in the village church who died aged 98, and also Anne Swanton whom many remember as Joyce Rothwell’s daughter and did briefly attend the bible study at Sarah’s and led worship in a number of churches.. 7 CENTRAL cont Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the families and friends affected by these losses. Word Search—Daniel Word Cloud Finally, we received Christmas greetings from the Rev Sarah Moore, Anne Grimson, Deborah Kayembe, Dorothy Law, Peter and Susan Blezard, Pat and Doug Farquhar and others, and it is always nice to see people who appear during the Christmas season. Well, I’ll try to be more mindful after the brief course on Mindfulness; the After-Eight was good, but the Bible wasn’t as tasty! Au revoir. Ken Fish BOLTON ROAD At the beginning of December, Bolton Road hosted ‘Darwen Sings’ organised by Darwen Christians Together. It was good to welcome friends from many of the Darwen Churches and our thanks go to those people who planned the interesting service or helped with refreshments. On Christmas Eve, we had a lovely service led by John East where it was good to welcome many friends from several other Darwen Churches. We enjoyed light refreshments on arrival and shared fellowship with one another before the service started. John invited us to recall events, that we’d heard about, from one hundred years ago, when the British and German soldiers laid down their weapons to exchange greetings, play football and sing carols. The reason for turning up in football shirts, hats and scarves soon became apparent when we were encouraged to play a game with balloons and a soft ball. Just as the soldiers had done many years ago we socialised with each other, played sport and sang Christmas songs. There were Bible readings, poems and prayer and, of course, Secret Santa. The service was enjoyed by a congregation of all ages and our appreciation goes to John for organising the activities, to Anne Adamson for playing the piano, to Ernest Halliwell for singing and to our kitchen helpers. Even our keen teenage football supporters had a wonderful time! Thank you also to all who contributed to the Save the Children collection. We were very sorry to hear that Ann Swanton had passed away and in our thoughts and prayers we have remembered George and family, also friends at Tockholes, on their sad loss. Sunday 8th February 8 Elders’ Meeting Susan Blezard Abed-Nego, Answered, Babylon, Bear, Beasts, Brought, Came, Cast, Days, Decree, Dominion, Dragon, Dream, Earth, Face, Faith, Forever, Found, God, Gold, Great, Heart, Heaven, High, Holy, Horn, Image, Interpretation, Iron, Kingdom, King's, Known, Leopard, Lion, Lord, Made, Men, Meshach, One, People, Power, Prophecy, Shadrach, Spoke, Three, Times, Vision, Water, Words. Try to find the mystery answer: after you have found all the words, sort the left-over letters into the correct order to form the mystery answer. 21 FORTHCOMING EVENTS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS VALENTINES QUIZ NIGHT AT CENTRAL Saturday 14th February at 7.30 pm (various topics) Prizes and Raffle £5 which includes Potato Pie Supper Tickets available from Alison Atherton Tel 01254 761308 Good Friday Outing 3rd April 2015 We are hoping this year to go to Morecambe but we are awaiting confirmation from Christ Church for the venue. For further information contact Mrs Ann Halliwell 776914 or Mrs Barbara Duxbury 701899. COLLECTION FOR SAVE THE CHILDREN Central and Bolton Rd Christmas 2014 The final amount raised is £410.00 Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this wonderful total Central Advent Service collection Bolton Road Christmas Eve service Christmas Day collection (Joint Bolton Rd & Central service) Central Christmas card postage money and donations Total £100.00 £70.00 £93.14 £146.86 £410.00 Dear all at Central United Reformed Church, I just wanted to say that I have raised an amazing amount of £124.86 due to your generosity today! I would just like to say another huge thank you to you all, who supported me in raising this amount for the Food Bank. May God bless you all and the people who are going to receive this blessing With love, Emma ten Cate 11/01/2105 I would like to thank the fellowship at Central for their support, cards, flowers and prayers since the passing away of John. I do appreciate all your help and concern. Pat Holmes 20 TOCKHOLES The Christmas period has been bittersweet for our chapel congregation at Tockholes. Although we enjoyed celebrating the Christmas Season, our hearts were saddened by the loss of two of our dearest members. On 13 December Mrs Mary Smith, who was also affectionately known as Molly, sadly died. Mrs Smith was our longest serving chapel member and she had been in our thoughts and prayers for a number of months as she had been ill both at home and during times in hospital. Mrs Smith's life and dedication to our chapel was celebrated at her funeral on 22 December, and our thoughts and prayers were with her daughter and sons - Marlene, Derek and Geoffrey and their families. At the time of writing this note, on Sunday 18th January we had planned to inter Mrs Smith's ashes to our chapel graveyard. However, due to the icy roads we have had to cancel our service today and we hope to rearrange the service for early February. On 17 December we were both saddened and shocked to hear that our dear friend Ann Swanton had passed away suddenly after a short illness. Ann was an active elder within our Chapel congregation, and as I look back to last summer it makes me feel so sad that in July Ann was stood leading our DIY service, and she is now no longer with us. On a personal note she welcomed my children and me at Chapel each week, with a loving smile and a real interest in what we had been doing - and I will miss her greatly. Ann was only 57 and it's times like this that our faith is really tested. Our heartfelt thoughts are with Ann's husband George and all Ann's family at this sad time, particularly Brooke and Scott, Ann's grandchildren whom she adored. Ann's funeral was held on 31 December, and we will inter Ann's ashes on Sunday 25th January. We also held the funeral of Mr Samuel Nightingale on 15 January, and we extend our condolences to his family and friends. Looking back to the Christmas period, we began December with our annual Toy service, where we also welcomed the children from St Stephen's school who delighted us with a sneak preview of their Nativity Play. Our congregation brought gifts that were donated to the Royal Blackburn Hospital Children's Ward, in a hope that they would bring some happiness to those children in hospital over the festive season. Well done to Holly Jump for her keyboard performance of 'We three Kings'. 9 TOCKHOLES cont Our 'Lancashire Sings Christmas' Carol Service in the Victoria Hotel on 18 December was tinged with sadness as we had only just heard the sad news about Ann. Many Thanks to George Leavey our local landlord who provided hotpot supper - donations for the supper totalled over £200 and we were able to give this to Macmillan Cancer Support in Ann's memory. It was lovely to see the pub full of friends from both Tockholes and other Churches from Darwen. On 21 December we held our lovely traditional Christingle Service - and I think the news is spreading far-and-wide! In 2013 I made 15 Christingles, and some had to share. This year I made 20, and there still weren't enough! My cocktailsticked fingers will be suffering even more in 2015! When we turn-off the lights and light our Oranges the Chapel looks beautiful - and children and adults alike love the dolly mixtures too! Thank you to Sonia and Harry Woolford who played Santa and delivered presents to our members and friends throughout the village following this service. On Sunday 1 February at 3.15 (following our Family Service), we will be holding a Chapel meeting regarding both the Finances and the Future of our Chapel. It's an important meeting and we really need as many of our congregation, members and elders to be there to support us in discussing these issues and making decisions. Emma Jump LENT MEDITATION Come and join us at Central for a Lent Meditation on Wednesday evenings 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th March. Everyone is welcome. There will be a short introduction and prayer and then you can walk round the installations spending as much or as little time as you want. Come to one or all the sessions. Just spend some quiet time, enjoy the peace and prepare yourself for Easter. More details will be sent out nearer the time but please feel free to ask me about it. PRAYER ROOM AT NEW CHURCH Friday 6th February 10.30 am to 12 noon Christian Meditation Tues 10th February 10.00 am to 10.30 am Holy Communion Friday 20th February 10.30 am to 11.30 am Prayers for Healing Friday 27th February 10.30 am to 11.30 am Prayers for life and mission of the church Friday 6th March 10.30 am to 12 noon Christian Meditation Tues 10th March 10.00 am to 10.30 am Holy Communion Friday 20th March 10.30 am-11.30 am Prayers for Healing Friday 27th March 10.30am-11.30 am Prayers for the life and mission of the church Spinning, Weaving, Embroidery, felting, Trips to Craft Events and features, Banners, Beading, metal work, Batik. Boxes, Decorations - possible workshop topics THE DARWEN TEXTILE ARTS GROUP Meet on the 2nd Saturday of the month from 10am to 4pm. New Methodist Church Blackburn Road, Darwen BB3 1QU (Except on dates of prearranged outings) The group have informal workshops sharing skills on a variety of crafts, new and traditional, and have a ‘Jacob’s Join’ lunch. Trips will be arranged to interesting exhibitions and venues. Anyone interested in arts and crafts of any kind is most welcome to attend. For more information please contact the group chairperson, Mrs Dorothy Waring at (01254) 600022 or come to a meeting. The February 14th meeting the members of the group will be working on restoring the Church Millennium Banner. Thanks Doreen Goodship 10 19 NEW CHURCH TRINITY 30 Minute Praise every Friday, 4pm-4.30pm New Methodist Church, Blackburn Road, Darwen, has launched '30 Minute Praise' each Friday 4pm-4.30pm. After conversations with several parents it was noted that many wanted to come to worship but Sunday proved a difficult day for them. The weekend is often the only time when families can spend time together and are therefore unable to get to church. '30 Minute Praise' offers a time of family worship that is conveniently held just after school. Parents can collect their children and come to a service which is reflective and creative. At the first service on 12th September twenty people attended. For more information contact Deacon Dave Keegan 01254 678858. Our Nativity service this year reminded us of the true meaning of Christmas behind all the glitter and tinsel as we watched two cousins being transported back in time to Bethlehem, where they experienced the wonder of the birth of Jesus for themselves. The service would not have been possible without the involvement of many members of the congregation, and Junior Church would like to thank everyone who took part and helped make the service such a success. Icky Sticky Art for Toddlers Every 3rd Tuesday, 10.30am-11.30am parents/carers have the opportunity to explore creative crafts suitable for pre-school children. Based around a theme there is 60 minutes of sticking, gluing, painting and colouring. The hour is a great time to get together and explore creative art with a reflection to close the session. For more information contact Deacon Dave Keegan 01254 678858 West Pennine Slings Group every Friday, 1.30pm-3.30pm New Methodist Church has teamed up with West Pennine Slings who offer advice to parents on baby slings and baby carriers. The group have a borrowing library of slings available to parents. The sessions run each Friday, 1.30pm3.30pm, and also provides a drop-in for parents/carers and toddlers. Volunteers from the church provide refreshments and crafts for those who come. For more information contact Deacon Dave Keegan 01254 678858 Stay and Play New Methodist Church every Monday 1pm-2.30pm Spring Vale Methodist Church every Thursday 10.30am-12noon Stay and Play for parents/carers and toddlers is growing but more are welcome. There are toys for the children and refreshments available in a safe environment for adults to chat and meet each other. For more information contact Deacon Dave Keegan 01254 678858 All the parent and toddler events for Spring Vale and New Church are now on our Facebook page - Stay and Play Methodists. Dave Keegan 18 On 11th January it was our Anniversary service, which was led this year by Rev. John Howard-Norman, the new Superintendent Minister of the West Pennine Moors Circuit. As usual, the service was followed by lunch. Thank you to Janet and Sandra for organising this, and to everybody who contributed. Many members of our fellowship have celebrated birthdays over the Christmas period, including Edith, who was 90, Enid, Callum, Bryan, Colin's granddaughter Tabitha, who was 9 and shares her birthday with Colin's son, Terry, Doreen, Mary's daughter Christine, and Janet. We were very sorry to hear of the recent death of Lilian's father. Our thoughts and prayers are with Lilian, Malcolm and Iain and the rest of their family at this time. In our prayers we have also remembered Ned, Jack and Sheila Robinson, Ruth's husband Bert, Lilian's brother Andrew, who has been diagnosed with MS, Ron Ainsworth, who is undergoing treatment for leukaemia, Janet and George's friend Michelle, Jack and Helen, and Bryan. Finally, Mary had a very eventful week when she attended her granddaughter Rebecca's graduation from York St. John university, which was held at York Minster, and then, a couple of days later, travelled down to Devon to see her grandson Neil pass out as a Royal Marine and receive his green beret. What a very proud grandma she must be! Judith Atkinson 11 NEW CHURCH Building blocks of faith New Methodist Church Darwen holiday September 2014 Central United Reformed Church Five week sessions on the nature, faith & order On a beautiful September Monday morning, 14 ladies and 2 gentlemen congregated on Blackburn with Darwen services to await the coach to take us on a holiday of a lifetime; to Lytham St Annes. When the coach arrived we had a lovely surprise as we met our driver Roy who had taken us on a previous holiday and we knew we were in for a lot of fun. He didn’t disappoint. Our first stop was at Dobbie’s Garden Centre for a coffee and freshen up. From there we went straight to our hotel; the Monteray. Upon arrival we were served with tea and coffee and biscuits, a lovely welcome. Tuesday morning we all boarded the coach for our trip to Settle Market and Skipton. On the way Roy gave us all the history of Blackburn, Clitheroe, Whalley etc. Tuesday night Roy took us on a trip through Blackpool Illuminations. Wednesday, our free day, and the driver’s day off so a group of us boarded a bus (free bus passes of course) and had an enjoyable day in Lytham town centre and Lowther Gardens; what fabulous weather! Thursday morning we set off once again on our travels; first stop Ormskirk Market. What a treat, with many of us snapping up bargains. After, we continued on to Southport for a lovely afternoon. Friday morning; home time! Roy did not let us down; first to Fleetwood Market so we could part with our remaining money. Everything about the holiday was lovely, beautiful hotel, fantastic staff, food and entertainment and Roy the best! By Anne Halliwell (Church Steward and organiser) If you would be interested in joining a group of like-minded people having fellowship and fun then consider joining us on our next trip: Monday 28 September 2015 to the Hydro Hotel, Llandudno Details: Tour No OW927/5350/01 cost £199, Ins £6, Single supplement £25, Seaview sup £25 If you want any more information contact Anne Halliwell tel: 01254 776914 and bookings can be made through Althams Travel 16 Market Street, Darwen BB3 1AZ tel; 01254 873377/776286 Ann Halliwell 12 Contact: John East, 26 Stanley Drive, Darwen, BB3 2EL Tel 01254 771957 E mail Building Blocks of Faith meets in the Vestry at Church 1pm or by prior arrangement Week One— A faithful church Sunday 25th January 2015 Week Two— a church based on the bible Sunday 1st February 2015 Week Three- Our Church Sunday 8th February 2014 @ Tockholes URC 3pm. Week Four – A church that affirms freedom Sunday 15th February 2015 Week Five — A church, praying and working for unity Sunday 22nd February 2015 This course is custom designed for new attendees and people exploring the faith as an introduction to church life, commitment and mission expected of members at Central United Reformed Church and to reinforce Central’s Mission Statement. “Central United Reformed Church as part of the Christians Together in Darwen seeks to discover and share God’s love, within our churches and communities, through worship and prayer, love, care and service.” More information on Central and the URC can be found on the following websites: More information by telephone, email or letter. The course is free, each session will last an hour and will be led by local lay preachers and elders Application from—Building Blocks of Faith—Central United Reformed Church Name.......................................................................................... Address................................................................................................................... Post Code.....................................Telephone.................................................... E mail.............................................................. 17 Tribute to John Dean I first met John at Lower Chapel over thirty years ago. John was born in Preston but spent many years in Devon undertaking various forms of employment including being a special constable, a milkman and working for the Gas Board. John loved animals and kept budgerigars and fish, which gave him great pleasure. He liked a lot of the old programmes on television, some of which we talked about when I visited him. John served as an elder at Lower Chapel and he took his pastoral visiting very seriously. He enjoyed the fellowship and the people at Lower Chapel and when the church closed, though he moved to St James’ over Darwen for a period of time, eventually John came to Central and the week before he died, he was at church and we had a chat at the back of church with his friend Pat, whom he cared for very much. Sadly, John had a number of illnesses over the last few years. He enjoyed older hymns, which was reflected at his funeral service. He also at one time was a member of the Unity Choir. When he moved to Sarah Street, we had some fun with the meter payment card, that I christened him ‘meter man’. We shared happy conversations both at home, church and in the street. He wanted to go and see a cricket match at White Coppice with me but sadly that did not materialise, so I hope one day to visit and remember John and give thanks for his life. My thoughts go out to those who knew him from the various churches, his family and his friend Pat. It was indeed a pleasure to know John and be part of his life. Ken Fish North Western Synod and Mersey Synod BIG DAY OUT 2015 th 18 July 2015 10.00am–5.00pm Southport Convention Centre Even bigger and even more fun than before, North Western Synod is joining with Mersey Synod to bring you the Next BIG DAY OUT. BIG worship, National speakers, Family activities, Games and sports Stalls and displays, Quizzes, Bible Study, Entertainment Early bookings £7 per adult (will be £10) Contact North Western Synod Office for tickets and more information 0161 789 5583 16 SPRING VALE May we start by wishing all our friends within the Partnership a very Happy New Year, and hope you all enjoyed a happy and peaceful Christmas. We certainly enjoyed a lovely Christmas within our Church, starting with our Christmas Fair which was enjoyed by many. It is lovely to see friends old and new come and enjoy this event. It always seems to set the scene so well for the coming of Christmas, and was well attended and raised some welcome funds for the Church. Thank you to all who helped make the Fair such a success, particular thanks to the Spring In Your Step group who had a lovely stall selling handmade gifts and some lovely paintings done by Adrian which were truly magnificent. We were also treated to a lovely performance by 'Dance Crazy' who entertained us all at the opening of the fair with a selection of songs from 'Frozen'; thank you to you all. Additionally, the Stay and Play group enjoyed a fantastic Christmas Party, and it is important to thank all who volunteer each week to help run the group and have made it such a huge success; from little acorns a great tree has grown. As we moved further into December we enjoyed lovely advent services, and also a communion service on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day worship, both of which were enjoyed by our congregation and we feel blessed to have these services at such a special time. We have now moved into the New Year and many of us attended the Covenant Service led by Debbie, which always reminds us of our renewed commitment and will strengthen us in the year to come, as we continue to grow our church and faith. Our usual groups are up and running again: Stay and Play each Thursday from 10.30am and Spring In Your Step also Thursday from 1.00pm. Please come along and join us. We would also like to let Janet our pianist and church steward, know that we are thinking of her and hope that she is feeling better soon and we look forward to seeing her back in church soon. Also we think of Lilian and Kevin who have several members of their family who are not too well, our thoughts and prayers are with the family and we hope that they are all feeling better soon. Irene Hindle 13 Darwen Asylum Drop‐In—Central URC This is organised with help from British Red Cross and volunteers from across the Churches of Darwen represented by Catholics, Methodists, Anglicans in addition to URC members. The drop‐in started in January 2014 and is coming to the end of its first year. The scheme was the brain child of John East whose generosity of time and love is unsurpassed. John, we thank you on behalf of all those you have given of your time and love. Forest Church 7th February 10.30am-12noon Sunnyhurst Woods ( meet at bandstand ) Forest Church will be launching on 7th February, and held on the first Saturday of the month at Sunnyhurst Woods, 10.30am-12noon starting at the band stand. The initiative is emerging from work with families at New Methodist Church and Spring Vale Methodist Church and is being organised by Deacon Dave Keegan. Many people can describe a transcendent moment in nature where they experience a deep connection to something bigger than themselves and Forest Church is a way to explore that connection within community. The English Club is organised and tutored by Ros Myers with much help from other volunteers. Thank you to Ros, Paul, Jane, Daleen and our foreign guests who help each other. Thank you to Modupe, Shingi and Annette who work tirelessly in the kitchen providing a cooked meal each week to about 40 people. As a fresh expression of church, Forest Church draws on much older traditions when sacred places and practices were outside – but it is also drawing on contemporary research that highlights the benefits of spending time with nature in wild places. The drop-in is attended by many professionals who have responsibility for asylum seekers including those from Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, the NHS and other charities including Children’s Society, YMCA, Refugee Action and British Red Cross. Forest Church isn’t just normal church happening outside, instead it is Christian faith participating with creation. It isn’t just a fellowship group doing an outside activity, we aim to learn, worship, meditate and pray beneath the trees, at the spring, or along the shore. Forest Church is suitable for families and takes place in all weathers as long as it is safe to do so. The atmosphere is one of fellowship, love and giving. Those attending greet each other like lost cousins; there are many hugs, many tears and more laughs. I am privileged to be a part of it and feel I receive much more than I give. Long may it continue! Please feel free to come and share, get to know people from across the world and learn about their lives and experiences. Some of those attending have no contact with their families, they may not know whether they are dead or alive. Many have experienced torture, witnessed murder and rape and have fled persecution. Creating such a loving atmosphere with God at its centre is an essential element of helping their recovery and to provide them at least for a short time each week with fun and stability. We have provided them with a hot meal each week, with warm winter clothes with materials to assist in their learning of English and the money has come from donations, without which none of this would be possible. Thank you for your continued support. God Bless Lesley Halliwell (New Methodist Church, Darwen member) It is planned that Forest Church will take place on the first Saturday of each month 10.30am-12noon and participants are encouraged to bring along some food to share so that we can end with a picnic. If you are interested or simply want to know more please contact Deacon Dave Keegan 01254 678858. Where is Sunnyhurst Woods? Forest Church meets at Sunnyhurst Woods, Darwen, Blackburn with Darwen BB3 0LA. When does Forest Church meet? Forest Church meets every 1st Saturday in the month. What do I need to bring? Please make sure you are able to walk over uneven terrain, wear suitable outdoor clothing and walking shoes. All children must be accompanied by an adult. As long as it is safe to do so, Forest Church will meet whatever the weather, so come prepared. We end with a shared picnic , so please bring along some locally sourced or home made food to share. Who do I contact for more details? For further details contact: Deacon Dave Keegan 01254 678858 14 15
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