CHURCH DIRECTORY BOLTON ROAD: Secretary: Susan Blezard, 31 Cranberry Close, Darwen CENTRAL Secretary: John East Tel 01254 771957 E mail. Room Lettings: Helen Robinson email : NEW CHURCH Stewards: Room Lettings: SPRING VALE Stewards: Room Lettings: Working together to learn, live, love and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. October/November 2014 BOLTON ROAD CENTRAL Norman Yates, 53 Avondale Road, Darwen Anne Halliwell, 18A Woodbank Avenue, Darwen, Jennifer Battrick, 62 Birch Hall Ave., Darwen Val Gregory Tel 705314 Jean Fish Tel 773935 NEW CHURCH SPRING VALE Marion Haslam, 4 Sunnyhurst Close, Darwen Tel: 773633 TRINITY Janet Ashton, 11 Knowsley Meadows, Darwen Lilian Nicholson, 660 Bolton Road, Darwen Julie Claux, 137 Harwood Street, Darwen Chris Allan, 2 Sudell Close, Darwen David Foster, 4 Derby Close, Darwen Tel 703858 email: TRINITY, LOWER DARWEN Secretary: Helen Williamson, 164 Sandy Lane, Lower Darwen TOCKHOLES: Secretary: "Methodist and United Reformed Church News in Darwen” Kathleen Knowles, 12 Alexandra View, Darwen CHURCH NEWS EDITOR Liz Rutherford 68 Barley Bank Street, Darwen Tel 774715 email: TOCKHOLES MINISTERS Rev Debbie Keegan, 2 Highercroft Road Lower Darwen, BB3 0QR (01254 678858) Deacon Dave Keegan, Tel 01254 678858 Rev Albert Gayle, 35 Somerset Ave, Wilpshire BB1 9JD 01254 248212 FORMAL YOUTH ORGANISATIONS Trinity: Cubs Spring Vale: Guides, Brownies, Rainbows; New Church: Brownies, Rainbows PARENT AND TODDLER GROUPS Weekday Groups at Central, Spring Vale, Trinity and New Church ENQUIRIES: The Churches welcome all enquiries. For Baptisms, Marriages and Funerals please contact one of the Ministers before any other arrangements are made. Other enquiries may be made through the Ministers, Secretaries or Stewards. 28 Central Website: Methodist Website: 1 BIBLE READINGS WORSHIP FOR OCTOBER SUNDAY 5th OCTOBER OCTOBER Bolton Road 10.30am Rev Terry Young: Communion Central 9.30am Rev Geoff Tolley: Communion 10.30am Ruth Platt New Church 10.30am June Littlemore Spring Vale 10.45am Dc Dave Keegan: Harvest All Age Worship Trinity 10.30am George Grime Tockholes Junior Church Jean Yates Colin Garley 2.00pm Rev Terry Young SUNDAY 12th OCTOBER Bolton Road 10.30am Colin Garley Central 10.30am Doreen Goodship: Communion New Church 10.30am Charlotte Rumble: All Age Worship Spring Vale 10.45am Bryan Lamb Trinity 10.30am Rev Terry Young: Communion Tockholes Doris Hamer Mike Adamson Helen Williamson 2.00pm Barbara Duxbury SUNDAY 19th OCTOBER Bolton Road 10.30am George Grime Central 10.30am Rev Geoff Tolley New Church 10.30am Judith Wilcock Spring Vale 10.45am David Farnworth Trinity 10.30am Colin Garley Tockholes Nancy Briggs Charles Doutou Jack Williamson 2.00pm Rev Terry Young: Communion SUNDAY 26th OCTOBER Bolton Road 10.30am Doreen Goodship Central 10.30am Colin Garley: Gift Day New Church 10.30am Myles Sumner Spring Vale 10.45am Rev Debbie Keegan: Communion Trinity 10.30am John East Tockholes 2 NOVEMBER Philip Entwistle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Acts 17.1-15 Acts17.16-end Acts 18.1-21 Acts 18.22-19.7 Matthew 21.33-end Acts 19.8-20 Acts 19.21-end Acts 20.1-16 Acts 20.17-end Acts 21.1-16 Acts 21.17-36 Matthew 22.1-14 Acts 21.37-22.21 Acts 22.22-23.11 Acts 23.12-end Acts 24.1-23 Acts 24.24-25.12 Acts 25.13-end Matthew 22.15-22 Acts 26.1-23 Acts 26. 24-end Acts 27.1-26 Acts 27.27-end Acts 28.1-16 Acts 28.17-end Matthew 22.34-end Philippians 1.1-11 Philippians 1.12-end Philippians 2. 1-13 Philippians 2.14-end Philippians 3 1-4.2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Philippians 4.2-end Matthew 24.1-14 Daniel 1 Daniel 2.1-24 Daniel 2.25-end Daniel 3.1-18 Daniel 3.19-end Daniel 4.1-18 Matthew 25.1-13 Daniel 4.19-end Daniel 5.1-12 Daniel 5 13-end Daniel 6 Daniel 7.1-14 Daniel 7.15-end Matthew 25.14-30 Daniel 8.1-14 Daniel 8.15-end Daniel 9.1-19 Daniel 9.20-end Daniel 10 1-11.1 Daniel 12 Matthew 25.31-end Isaiah 40.1-11 Isaiah 40 12-26 Isaiah 40.27-41.7 Isaiah 41.8-20 Isaiah 41.21-42.9 Isaiah 42.10-17 Mark 13.24-37 David Yates Answer to last Word Search—Live to Benefit Others: Golden Rule Stephen Henry Deadline for December 2014/January 2015 issue: Sunday 23rd November, 2014 2.00pm Rev Geoff Tolley 27 GROUPS AT NEW CHURCH Sunday 10.30 am 2nd Sunday in month WORSHIP FOR NOVEMBER Sunday Service with Junior Church All Age Worship SUNDAY 2nd NOVEMBER Bolton Road 10.30am Doreen Goodship: Communion Monday 1.00pm to 2.30 pm Stay & Play for babies and toddlers Monday 6.15pm to 7.30 pm Rainbows Monday 6.30pm to 8.00 pm Brownies New Church Midweek Holy Communion (2nd Tues in month) Spring Vale 10.45am Simon Huggill: Church Anniversary Unity Choir Trinity 10.30am George Grime: Communion Tuesday 10.00 am Tuesday 7.00 pm Wednesday 1.00pm to 3.00 pm Stroke Association (alternate weeks) Wednesday 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm Trefoil Guild (once a month) Thursday 9.30 am to 10.30 am Weight Watchers Thursday 11.15 am to 12 noon Baby Signing Thursday 5.00 pm to 6.30 pm Weight Watchers Thursday 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm Home Group (speak to Dave Keegan 01254 678858 for details) Friday 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm West Pennine Slings Group for babies & toddlers Friday 4.00 pm to 4.30 pm 30 Minute Praise Party Family Worship with refreshments Saturday 8.30 am to 10 am Weight Watchers Saturday 10.00 am to 3.30 pm Spinners, Weavers and Dyers (2nd Sat each month) GROUPS AT SPRING VALE Yoga meets each Monday 10 to 11.30 am Line Dancing meets each Monday 7 to 8.30 pm Rainbows, Brownies and Guides meet every Tues & Weds 6 to 9 pm Stay and Play Toddler Group each Thursday 10.30 am to 12 noon Spring in Your Step Over 50’s 1 to 3 pm every Thursday Occasional guest speakers & activities—contact Tel 012543 703858 Also Dance Crazy Theatre School classes during the week Sunday Worship every Sunday at 10.45 am Mid week Holy Communion 9.30 am 2nd Thursday in the month 26 Central 9.30am Rev Geoff Tolley: Communion 10.30am Barbara Duxbury Tockholes Sandra Wilkinson 2.00pm Doreen Goodship Central 10.30am Barbara Duxbury New Church 10.30am Colin Garley Spring Vale 10.45am Rev Debbie Keegan: Communion Trinity Tockholes 10.30am Simon Huggill 2.00pm Rev Geoff Tolley: Communion SUNDAY 23rd NOVEMBER Bolton Road 10.30am Doreen Goodship Central 10.30am Kath Hodkinson New Church 10.30am Bryan Lamb Spring Vale Trinity 10.45am Rev Debbie Keegan 10.30am Rev Terry Young Janice Hassan Anne Adamson Helen Williamson Ron Walsh Bill Chynoweth Bryan Weal Gordon Beveridge Dorothy Yates George Grime 2.00pm George Grime SUNDAY 30th NOVEMBER Bolton Road 10.30am Central 10.30am New Church 10.30am Spring Vale 10.45am Trinity 10.30am Tockholes Raphael Nketsiah Rev Debbie Keegan: Communion SUNDAY 9th NOVEMBER Bolton Road 10.30am Colin Garley Central 10.30am John East:: Remembrance Service Communion New Church 10.30am Dc Dave Keegan: All Age Worship Spring Vale 10.45am Rev Terry Young Trinity 10.30am Barbara Duxbury: :All Age Worship Tockholes 2.00pm Kath Hodkinson SUNDAY 16th NOVEMBER Bolton Road 10.30am Danny Wilson Tockholes Junior Church Barbara Duxbury Colin Garley Rev Debbie Keegan: Communion John Venables Doreen Goodship Susan Blezard Janet Goodship Sandra Wilkinson 2.00pm Rev Terry Young 3 Dear Friends, I am the Interim moderator for the United Reformed Churches in Darwen and Lower Darwen and am pleased to have been invited to write this letter. It seems to me that this is a time of change for both the Methodist and United Reformed Churches of Darwen and Lower Darwen. Change, of course, is not always welcome; it can be challenging; it can make us uncomfortable and apprehensive about what is going to happen next . But change can be positive too; it can open up new possibilities and can create hope for a better future. Often we resist change because we get used to things being the same. There is a security in knowing that everything is going to remain the same. But we delude ourselves if we think things can stay the same. We age; children are born and grow and people die. Society and culture change. Fashion, leisure activities, eating habits … in fact whatever you care to think of, it seems to change. Perhaps the biggest change in the last few years has been in technological innovations, so much so that many people find they cannot keep up with the new technologies. The church can seem like an oasis of calm where we can retreat, because ‘nought changes here’; a place where we can go to find an unchanging God. But that is not what being church is all about. Being church is about sharing God’s love in word and deed and if we use it as a hiding place we can’t share with anyone only ourselves. If we want to know more about God and commit to a life of Christian discipleship, we find that change is part of that process. And this change is in ourselves. Because Jesus calls us to turn our4 Central Flower Rota October 5th ‘Memories of Belgrave’ Ken and Janet Pickering 12th ‘In loving memory of Joe’ Olive Hargreaves 19th ‘In memory of Mum and Dad’ Brenda Bury, Lynda Reay and families 26th ‘In memory of Jessie and Tom Smith’ the family November 2nd ‘In memory of Geoff’ Eunice Yates 9th ‘In memory of Edward Marsden and John Shorrock and those who lost their lives in the wars. 16th ‘In memory of Edwin and Doris Raine’ the family 23rd Maureen Ainsworth 30th ‘In memory of Albert, Annie and Stuart Brooks’ the family Central Coffee Rota October 5th Dorothy Yates, Mavis Aspinall, Margaret East. 12th Liz Rutherford, Karen Narramore, Margaret Williams. 19th Barbara Duxbury, Beryl Shaw, Annette Barker. 26th Kathleen Knowles, Doreen Bannister, Margaret Burns. November 2nd Dorothy Yates, Mavis Aspinall, Margaret East. 9th Janice Cowell, Annette Barker, Beryl Shaw. 16th Liz Rutherford, Karen Narramore, Margaret Williams. 23rd Lynda Reay, Dorothy Yates, Mavis Aspinall. 30th Kathleen Knowles, Doreen Bannister, Margaret Burns. Central Communion Rota October: Jean Yates, Margaret East, Mike Adamson, *Anne Adamson November: Doreen Goodship, Alison Atherton, Eileen Pye, *Janet Goodship (*Denotes who is to supply bread) If you are not available, please arrange a replacement, strike out your name and choose an alternative month. 25 FLOWER ROTAS—OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER Bolton Road Flower Rota October 5th Mr & Mrs B Wickers and Family In Memory of Mum, Dad, Betty & Jack 12th Flower Fund 19th Doris & Raymond Hamer and Family - ‘In Loving Memory’ 26th Gillian, Damien, Rhys and Lucy Curson - ‘Memories’ November 2nd Peter & Susan Blezard and Family In Memory of a Dear Mum and Grandma 9th Flower Fund Remembrance Sunday 16th Janet Cooper and Family—’Memories’ 23rd Flower Fund 30th Flower Fund Tockholes Flower Rota October 5th Family of Kitty and John Haworth – In Memory 12th In Memory of Mr & Mrs Eli Smith and Richard 19th Mrs J Clayton – In Memory of Mother, Mrs G Horsfield 26th Vacant November: 2nd Mrs K Knowles and Family – In Memory of Norman 9th Mr & Mrs R Gradwell – In Memory 16th Enid & Clare – In Memory 23rd Mrs M Smith – In Memory of Family 30th Mrs O Pickup – In Memory of Mother, Mrs Turner Spring Vale selves around, to repent, and follow in the ways of God. This is something we have to do repeatedly because we are human and fallible; even St Paul in Romans chapter 7 expresses his frustration at getting things wrong . Being a Christian is a process of allowing God to enlighten us of our need to change to become more like Jesus. In doing this our perception of God can change and grow as we discover more and more about the mystery of God. God is everywhere. God is outside the church buildings as well as in them and is right in the middle of all the changes wherever they are. God calls us to be there too . God calls us to change so that we may have the humility to share all that we have received with each other and with those who do not know Christ. So let’s make sure that we engage with God in every area of our lives, listen to God and embrace the changes that God leads us to. Let us allow ourselves to be changed by God so that we may become more like Christ to become the body of Christ for the world. May God bless us all on our journey Rev’d Michele Jarmany October 5th Jenny Atkinson 12th Susan & Geoff Kay 19th Chris, Renee & Sharon Allen 26th Alice Moss November 2nd Jenny Atkinson 9th Remembrance Sunday 16th Chris, Renne & Sharon Allen 23rd Margaret Huggill 30th Julie Jones. 24 5 The Church and World War 1 Over recent months I have been listening to and reading about the history of WW1. One group of men that have hardly been mentioned are the Chaplains, of whom 250 lost their lives with the men in the trenches, some won the VC, the Military medal and did a great job for the troops. It must be remembered that in 1914 most of them will have had church and Sunday school experience and would have expected the Church and the Christian Faith to be represented on the battlefield. The prayers, communions and care for the dying were part of their everyday life. Stretcher Bearers, some of whom were Conscientious Objectors, also served on the ambulances. They gave men water and placed their own coats under their head for comfort They called them Padre and these Chaplains gained a place of honour amongst the men. During my National Service days I always looked forward to the Salvation Army tea wagon as the men did in the Trenches. During my early years as a minister I met people who suffered both physically and mentally, one from the horrible effects of mustard gas and another could not remember anything in 1963 since the battle of the Somme and was in a care home. To me the Chaplain was one of the most important roles in WW1. One Chaplain was Studdard Kennedy an Anglican Vicar who wrote many poems including his book “Unutterable Beauty” .The men knew him as he carried his New Testament and packet of Woodbine cigarettes: - Asylum and Refugee Drop In at Central Held each Wednesday 10.30am-1.30pm English Club at 10 am Lunch at 12 noon Legal Advisor 2nd Wednesday in the month 10 am to 12 noon Looking for volunteers to help out Local Alcoholics Anonymous Group meet at Central URC, Duckworth Street, Darwen— every Monday at 7.30 pm (except public holidays) Do You have a drinking problem ? Do you want help ? Ring Alcoholics Anonymous 0845 769 7555. My name is Peter Quigley. I am a parishioner of St. Joseph's and I am also a bell ringer at St. Peter's, which is the only church in Darwen still having a working ring of bells. Church bell ringing is an English Christian tradition practised for over 400 years and provides an unmistakable backdrop to Sundays and special occasions, such as weddings. For the ringer, it also can be a very enjoyable pastime. Unfortunately, the number of ringers at St. Peter's has dwindled in recent years, to the point where we will need to recruit more ringers to be able to continue ringing regularly. With that in mind, we would like to increase awareness of ringing by sharing with you the attached leaflet. We would also like to invite you to come along to one of our Tuesday evening practices to see how the bells are rung (it's not quite like the Mars advertisement!) There is absolutely no obligation - we just want to increase awareness and, hopefully, one or two people might want to give it a try. Everyone is welcome to come along but, for safety reasons, ringers need to be 12 years or older. Please feel free to contact me on 07816 909042 or, or just turn up on a Tuesday evening between 6:45 p.m. and 8 p.m. 6 23 BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT SERVICE DROP-IN ARE YOU GRIEVING FOR SOMEONE WHO HAS DIED AS A RESULT OF ILLNESS? If you wish to discuss different or additional support for yourself than that provided by the ‘Drop-In’ please contact the Bereavement Support Co-ordinator, East Lancashire Hospice On 01254 733407 (Direct line and voicemail) East Lancashire Hospice Website They gave me this name like their nature Compacted of laughter and tears A sweet that was born of the bitter A joke that was torn from the years Of their travail and torture, Christ’s fools Atoning my sins with their blood Who grinned in their agony sharing The glorious madness of God Darwen Community Furniture Project - Chair: John East We are in need of volunteers, who can apply for an application form by emailing Darwen Community Furniture Project ( ) or by telephoning 775686. It will not initially include electrical goods Their name, Let me hear it – the symbol Of unpaid – unpayable debt For men to whom I owed God’s peace I put off with a cigarette. Darwen Blind Society When men went missing First Monday of the Month 1.30 pm to 3 pm Central United Reformed Church, Duckworth Street, Darwen Contact Jean Donaghar for more details 01254 773559 Just a little scrap of paper. In a yellow envelope And the whole world has gone Even hope. Darwen Churches Food Larder For emergency food parcels Cornfield Cliff House, Cornfield St, Darwen (off Olive Lane, by Bowling Green) Parcel Distribution by Nightsafe staff. Referrals may be made 24 hours a day Telephone 01254 705120, (Please contact the staff yourself and do not give this number to the client) Churches to drop off food can take it to St Josephs' church office, Mon- Friday between 10 12noon. If there is no-one in the office, try the church; failing seeing anyone, leave the food at the back of the church. The food is sorted on the 1st Wednesday & 3rd Thursday of the month between 10 am and 12 noon. Planned Packing Sessions at St Josephs Church Store Room 1st Wednesday and 3rd Thursday each month Zillah Griffin (co-ordinator) 01254 772478 22 Geoff Tolley 7 FELLOWSHIP NEWS CENTRAL Word Search—Dreams, Visions and Prophecies There is a line in the hymn ‘Think of a world without any flowers’ which is not in many hymn books, ‘thanks for our church and all the joy we find there’. It has been lovely to see many of the people, who have been on our sick list, return from illness, infirmity and operations. These have included Dorothy Yates, Karen Narramore, Beryl Hubbard, Bobby Wainwright, Olive Hargreaves, Beryl Slater, Margaret and Ian Turner and John Dean. Others we have prayed for have included Lois Cook, Mavis Aspinall’s grandson Graham, Katherine and Matt Donnelly’s grandson Noah who is improving daily and will be two in October, Lynda Reay’s father-in-law and Ken Brennand from Tockholes URC. We offer all these people our prayerful support. There have been not one but two Golden Wedding celebrations: Beryl and Ken Shaw and Barbara and Harry Duxbury. Janice and Trevor Cowell recently celebrated 43 years of marriage and Lynda and Andrew Reay celebrated 29 years of marriage. We wish all four couples much happiness in the future. Those people celebrating birthdays have included Geoff Tolley, Barbara Duxbury, Eunice Yates, Beryl Slater, Alice Robinson, Raphael Nketsiah, Bert Bannister, Ken Fish and Liz Rutherford, not forgetting Ahija Makanga whom we sponsor through the charity ‘Compassion’ is now 20. We hope they all enjoyed their special days. The Elliott family have good reason to celebrate as Rachel Lyons gave birth to a baby girl Lucy Isabel weighing 9 lb 1oz. We hope the family have much pleasure watching Lucy grow up. Watch out Rachel, the Duchess of Cambridge is catching you up. Mavis Aspinall has a great-grandson called Alfie. It was good to share worship with Bolton Road URC on two consecutive Sundays. We had a cafe style communion led by Daleen Ten Cate and Rev Geoff Tolley at Central. There were bread rolls on each table (I thought Mum had eaten it by mistake, but that was not the case, so we shared Olive Hargreaves’ brioche during the communion). It linked in well with the previous week’s teaching on the service which Doreen Goodship led on the feeding of the 5000. The following week 28 of us from Central went up to Bolton Road where 8 Ananias, Baker, Beast, Bethel, Brothers, Burning bush, Cedar, Centurion, City, Cup bearer, Daniel, Descendants, Dragon, Drought, Elijah, Ezekiel, Fire, God, Heaven, Isaiah, Jacob, Jeremiah, Joseph, Kings, Ladder, Lamb, Light, Moses, Nineveh, Pharaoh, Plagues, Prophet, Rain, Reign, Saints, Seven heads, Seventh seal, Statue, Temple, Wings, Witnesses Try to find the mystery answer: after you have found all the words, sort the left-over letters into the correct order to form the mystery answer. 21 FORTHCOMING EVENTS MacMillan Coffee Event New Methodist Church Friday 3rd October 12 noon - 2 pm Traditional Afternoon Tea £5 Christmas Fayre at New Methodist Church, Darwen. on Saturday 15th November 10.30am - 1.30pm Lunches served from 11.30am. Please come along and join us, Enjoy lunch, have a chat and buy your Christmas presents. BRENDA’S QUIZ No. 5 In aid of the East Lancs Hospice Sat 22nd November Time 7.30 pm. At Darwen Masonic Hall, Hawkshaw Avenue, Darwen Tickets £5 including supper Teams of up to six. Please contact Norman on 01254 771176 to book your team in by Wed 19th Nov. but preferably a lot sooner !! As usual there will be a raffle BAG PACKING AT SAINSBURYS SATURDAY 29th NOVEMBER 10 am to 4 pm ALL PROCEEDS TO DARWEN FOOD LARDER If you are able to help out and do a 2 hr slot, or more, it would be most appreciated. We have 7 tills where we are able to collect money, so the more people we have, the more money we should be able to collect for this very worthwhile cause. Please contact or Tel 01254 774715 to book a timeslot. 20 John East led a lively service which included a lively drama featuring Raphael Nketsiah, Ron Walsh and Charles Doutou. Rev Geoff Tolley led a service on the importance of flowers and creation. Doreen Goodship led one on the conflict both inside and outside our church. The Heritage Weekend held on the weekend of 13/14th September included focusing on the fallen of the two world wars, particularly World War I. John East led our worship which also looked at the heritage of our church. A special thankyou to Margaret East for her hard work archiving all the names on the Duckworth Street Remembrance Plaque. This does add to the heritage of this building and our town. Doreen’s service on the 21st September relayed the message that in God’s eyes, everyone should be treated equally, because god loves everyone, just as the message in the reading from Matthew about the landowner who paid out wages to his workers. I would just like, on behalf of the church, to thank all who lead worship in this period when we have no minister. To Daleen Ten Cate, I say thank you for the 6 week period and I am pleased we will see some more of her in the future. It was lovely to see Andrew and Candid in church on the 21st September and catch up with events in their lives. Andrew is due to start at Northern College in Manchester. During the service, John invited us to lay our hands on Andrew’s head and wish him blessings for the future. We wish Andrew and Candid well for the future. Those who attended the Holiday at Home event at St Peter’s and the trip to Lytham enjoyed themselves and the weather was good. Thank you to the organisers for making this a success. Ken Fish 9 BOLTON ROAD In August we started using our new hymn books ‘Complete Mission Praise’ and we would all like to say a big thank you to Mel and Evelyn Henson who kindly donated them. It was very much appreciated. All who attended the joint services during the summer, at Central and Bolton Road, enjoyed the fellowship at the services led by Daleen and Geoff and by John. It was good to meet and worship together. On 7th September we had a lovely Baptismal Service for Theo George Addy led by John East. Theo is the young son of Simone and Richard and little brother to Amelia. Theo’s grandparents, Peter and Anita are well known to many of us including John. The service included hymns, a famous Beatles song and a meditational reflection on Baptism. Theo’s two Godmothers also read during the service. It was a very proud occasion for all of Theo’s family and friends, including one of our Church members, Great Grandma Mary. We pray for God’s Blessings and guidance for Theo now and in the future. Thank you to John for such a meaningful service and also to Ben who acted as technician. Our All Age Harvest Service also included Communion and was another very happy occasion led by George Grime. George kept us all involved as we made lots of words from ‘Harvest’, whilst reminding us how fortunate we are. He also talked about people who haven’t sufficient food in other countries and closer to home. Thank you to everyone who was very generous in donating food that Gordon kindly took to our local Foodbank. Congratulations to Ben who once more made us all proud when we heard that he had been awarded ‘A Star Award’ from Blackburn College for his achievement in the face of challenging circumstances. Ben has worked really hard and achieved 100% in attendance and effort. He will now complete the final year of his catering course. Becky also faced many challenges as she has recently completed her Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. We know a lot of dedication and commitment was needed in order to gain this award, so well done Becky. Dates for your diary Wednesday Fellowship 10 He has done marvellously well. The consultant and all the staff on his ward say his recovery has been wonderful. Tommy had a bone marrow transplant in July; the donor was his 4 year old sister Olivia. On the 10th of September all the tests were clear and his is now back home with his family who have been told to treat him like any other 2 yr old little boy. He has to return to the out-patients clinic at the hospital twice weekly for chicks to be kept on him. Again, I and my family thank you for your prayers and support for Tommy through this very anxious time for us God bless you all, Alison Kelly I want to write a few words in loving memory of my dear sister Elsie who died in June at the age of 93. She married Roy Stratton-Smith whom she knew from Lower Chapel School years before. They had one son, Ian, and lived in Hertford. Ian arranged her funeral and sent a CD recording of it, which was very moving. Roy’s parents had a Draper’s shop in Newton Street, and both Elsie & Roy were always interested in anything about Darwen. Roy died some years before. Olive Hargreaves This is just a big thank you to all those people who, whilst I was in hospital, care home and since I came home, have sent cards and letters, brought flowers & gifts and helped to pass the time on for me by visiting. Thank you for so much thought and care—it didn’t go unnoticed and I am really glad to be back with you all. Beryl Hubbard Once again, we would like to thank everyone at Central URC for their prayers, concern and love shown to us during Beryl’s illness. Beryl is certain that prayer has been the thing that pulled her through at this bad time. She has another serious operation to undergo in the near future, so please keep on praying for her. We are so grateful—thank you and love to you all. Tom, Beryl and family 29th October Barbara Duxbury 2pm 5th November Bonfire Night Party 7.30pm Church Members’ Annual General Meeting Message from Kathleen Duperouzel (New Church) My Great Grandson "Tommy" who was admitted to Manchester Children's Hospital last February with leukaemia, is now an out -patient at this hospital. Sunday 26 th October Susan Blezard Thank you to everyone for your good wishes on my retirement and for your prayers, and the cards and flowers I received following my recent operation. Dorothy Yates 19 TRINITY A Prayer for Autumn On 17th August, Albert led a very special service to celebrate Ned's 100th birthday. All the hymns were chosen by Ned, and it was lovely to welcome some members of his family to share in our worship. We presented Ned with a card signed by everyone at church. The service was followed by coffee and a birthday cake, baked by Emily Atkinson. God beyond age Look with mercy on our mortality That we may grow up with joy, Mature with grace And grow old in wisdom, Having learned those values of eternal worth, Which equip us in this life, For time and eternity, In the freedom of your Spirit, In the way of Christ And with the promise of your blessing Now and ever more. Amen. Sunday 31st August was Albert's last service as our minister. The church was full as Albert baptised two children, Estelle Lola Nellie McCormick, daughter of Victoria and Kevin, and Lucas Jamie Maudsley, son of Joeleen and Jamie. At the end of the service, John Atkinson thanked Albert on behalf of the whole congregation for everything he has done for us over the past three years. He also presented him with a book token. There has been much to celebrate in the Atkinson household recently. Emily learned one day that she had gained the A level grades she needed to enable her to take up her place at the University of Bath to study Psychology, and on the following day she celebrated her 18th birthday. We wish her well as she embarks on this new and exciting stage of her life. A Prayer for Advent God of all grace and peace and love, As the sun shining bright over a deep frost Warming and thawing the frozen beauty of the earth On that day when your name is one, You shall unite all your peoples Not through war or conquest or subjection, But through reconciliation, Love of other and mutual respect Bringing peace to the worlds you have created, Redeemed, sanctified and blessed for ever more. Amen. In our prayers we have remembered Lilian's friend from the wood-turning club, whose wife has died, and Sheila Robinson. Many of our congregation will remember Ron Ainsworth – he has been in hospital for treatment but should be home again by the time you read this. Finally, we wished happy 6th birthday to Colin's grandson Noah. (Inspired by the Word of God in Zechariah 14:9 – on that day the Lord will be one and his name one - and by a bright frosty morning on the day before Advent in 2008) Judith Atkinson Terry Garley 18 11 Uganda Trip, July 2014 I would like to thank everyone who kindly donated to my fundraising for The Good Samaritan School in Uganda. In July myself and twenty other 17 and 18 year old students took the trip out to Kampala in order to visit the school and see how the money raised was helping the pupils and teachers there. Whilst at the school, we used some of the money raised to paint five classrooms and the outside of two buildings. When we arrived the school buildings were very plain, with grey walls and no displays as you would see in a school over here. If it wasn't for the blackboards and swarms of enthusiastic children, you wouldn't have been able to tell that it was a school! We painted ABC murals on the walls of some of the classrooms and just colourful murals on the walls of others to brighten the place up. People had donated other classroom decorations which we hung as well - it was amazing to see the difference a lick of paint and a few alphabet banners could make! We also spent a great deal of our time at the school giving out aid - old clothes and shoes which had been donated and which we had taken to Uganda with us. Overall we spent 5 of our days at the school giving out the clothes, and a lot of the children had multiple t-shirts and trousers by the time we left, which was amazing as before this many of them did not even have a change of clothes and would wear the same every day. I would like to thank all those who donated clothes for me to take with me. The children were so excited when a new jumper or pair of trousers was given to them. The money raised before our trip also helped to buy the school a photocopier, which may seem like a not-so necessary item; however, for a school with so few resources, a photocopier makes a huge difference as they can now photocopy worksheets etc. for the children. Thank you again to everyone who donated to the cause. In the future we are hoping that the money we raised will help to rebuild a classroom block, which needs doing as the classrooms are nearly failing apart and are becoming unsafe for the children. CENTRAL CALENDAR FOR OCTOBER/NOVEMBER Tues Tues 14th October 1.30 pm 11th November 7.30 pm Sunday 30th November Elders and Finance Committee Meeting Church Meeting Advent Tea 4 pm followed by Advent Service Mid Week Communion 12 noon Wednesday 15th October Wednesday 19th November Bible Study Bridge Street Cafe 10 am Wednesday 8th October Wednesday 12th November Meditation Group every Wednesday in church 6.30 to 7.15 pm. Monday Fellowship October Thursday 2nd Monday 13th Monday 27th Joint communion with Women's Guild 2.15 pm in the lounge. Mrs Joan McCann at the home of Kathleen Knowles. 7.30 pm Rev. Fleur Green [Jewellery] 7.30 pm in Church November Monday 10th Monday 24th Mrs. Rose Donkin [All that glitters is not gold] at the home of Mrs. Eileen Pye 7.30 pm Doreen and Colin Hunt [Beautiful Cornwall] in Church 7.30 pm Book Club Tuesday 18th November to discuss The Daughter Game by Kate Long. Tel Anne Grimson 01254 703994 It was an eye-opening trip which I feel lucky to have been a part of, and every donation received has helped to improve the school and has made such a great difference to the children's lives. Emily Atkinson More pictures will be posted on the website. 12 17 TOCKHOLES SPRING VALE Well what a wonderful summer we have had, and it seems incredible to think that we are now officially in Autumn. We are looking forward, as always, at what is a special time of the year for us and we will hold our annual Harvest Festival service on the 5th October. Our worship group have been busy planning a special service and we thank everyone involved for all their hard work. The week before our Harvest service we are having a 'back to church' service following on from last year, and we hope that you have all picked up your invitations and can persuade a friend, relative or neighbour to come along with you, to what hopefully will be and inspirational service. We are still running all the usual groups in our church and there is now always lots of activity centred around the church and we invite you all to come along to our groups the Stay and Play group meets every Thursday morning at 10.30 12.00 and following on in the afternoon 1.00 pm - 3.00pm is our 'Spring in your Step' over 50's group, so from young to old there is something for everyone. Over the summer months it has been necessary to undertake some vital building work to repair the render on the outside of our building and resolve some deeper problems that were discovered. In particular we must express our heartfelt thanks to Simon and Chris who you have undertaken a great deal of work and dedicated their time in order to ensure that the job is completed before the winter months, a very, very big THANKYOU ! Finally we think of all our young people who have now returned to school, colleges and universities and wish them all well in the coming year. As always, thank you to everyone for all the work that is carried out week to week, it is very much appreciated. Irene Hindle 16 Following our summer break at the end of July, we returned to our Sunday Worships full of the joys of the sunny weather in Tockholes. However, on August 10th, we were unable to find a Minister to lead our service. We really didn’t want to close our doors again so we ‘broke the mould’ and held our first ‘DIY’ service!! Now you’re probably thinking we headed to B&Q for some paint and brushes but no – we really did run the service ourselves! Our congregation, members and elders came out in force to lead different elements of our Worship – they were too numerous to name all. Special thanks though go to Ann Swanton who welcomed us to worship and led our afternoon’s service, and Marlene Jump who delivered a thought-provoking sermon on Jesus’ Feeding of the Five-Thousand. We had lots of fun during our family service on 7 September, where the theme for the afternoon was ‘listening’. John East started a game of Chinese Whispers that ran through the whole congregation! Our children enjoyed taking part, and during the worship we were able to pray for them returning to school that week. Our thoughts were especially with Millie Cirino whom we wished ‘Good Luck’ starting big school after leaving Tockholes Primary. We also welcomed the family and friends of Sid Sayers, as we interned his ashes following the service. Our Chapel was beautifully adorned with flowers and gifts of food for our Harvest Service on 14 September and it was lovely to welcome some of the children and teachers from Tockholes School to our service. The children took part throughout, reading verses and leading hymns. Their rendition of ‘All Things Bright and Beautiful’ was really befitting to the day, and the array of flowers and food was delivered to the elderly and needy in the village the following day. Looking forward to November, our Remembrance Day service will commemorate the lives of those from Tockholes who died in the First World War. If anyone has any local memorabilia that we could use during our service, it would be greatly appreciated. You may have noticed that some of the shops are already selling tinsel, cards and tubs of Quality Street! So we may as well continue the Christmas Theme and announce that Radio Lancashire are resurrecting their ‘Sing for Lancashire’ Carol Concert this year and we’re already looking forward to joining the chorus (and tucking into the hot-pot) in the Victoria Hotel on Thursday 18th December. So please note the date for your diaries, as it’s always lovely to see our friends from other Darwen Churches who join us on that evening. ...and finally at the time of writing this newsletter, Alan Rainford and Rosemarie Dugay will be celebrating their first full day as Husband and Wife following their wedding at Tockholes on 20 September. Our warmest wishes and love go out to them at this special time. Emma Jump 13 NEW CHURCH 30 Minute Praise every Friday, 4pm-4.30pm New Methodist Church, Blackburn Road, Darwen, has launched '30 Minute Praise' each Friday 4pm-4.30pm. After conversations with several parents it was noted that many wanted to come to worship but Sunday proved a difficult day for them. The weekend is often the only time when families can spend time together and are therefore unable to get to church. '30 Minute Praise' offers a time of family worship that is conveniently held just after school. Parents can collect their children and come to a service which is reflective and creative. At the first service on 12th September twenty people attended. For more information contact Deacon Dave Keegan 01254 678858. Icky Sticky Art for Toddlers Every 3rd Tuesday, 10.30am-11.30am parents/carers have the opportunity to explore creative crafts suitable for pre-school children. Based around a theme there is 60 minutes of sticking, gluing, painting and colouring. The hour is a great time to get together and explore creative art with a reflection to close the session. For more information contact Deacon Dave Keegan 01254 678858 West Pennine Slings Group every Friday, 1.30pm-3.30pm New Methodist Church has teamed up with West Pennine Slings who offer advice to parents on baby slings and baby carriers. The group have a borrowing library of slings available to parents. The sessions run each Friday, 1.30pm3.30pm, and also provides a drop-in for parents/carers and toddlers. Volunteers from the church provide refreshments and crafts for those who come. For more information contact Deacon Dave Keegan 01254 678858 Stay and Play New Methodist Church every Monday 1pm-2.30pm Spring Vale Methodist Church every Thursday 10.30am-12noon Stay and Play for parents/carers and toddlers is growing but more are welcome. There are toys for the children and refreshments available in a safe environment for adults to chat and meet each other. For more information contact Deacon Dave Keegan 01254 678858 All the parent and toddler events for Spring Vale and New Church are now on our Facebook page - Stay and Play Methodists. Dave Keegan 14 Some of you may have read in the Lancashire Telegraph recently about the new weekly praise service at New Methodist Church. The service starts at 4pm and lasts for half an hour. Refreshments are available after if one wanted to stay for a chat. I went to the first service on 12th September and was pleasantly surprised to see about 20 people there: most were not members of the church; they all said they had enjoyed it, especially the seven children; four of them helped Deacon Dave act out the New Testament story of the four friends who lowered their friend through the roof for Jesus to heal him. Let's hope they all come again and bring their friends. I am writing this after the first service, I will be away for the next service, but I hope others will go along, you will enjoy it. Marion Haslam Prayer Room at New Methodist Church October Friday 3rd October 10.30 am Christian Meditation Tuesday 14th October 10.00 am Holy Communion Service Friday 17th October 10.30–11.30 am Prayers for Healing Friday 24th October 10.30-11.30 am Prayers for the life and mission of the church November Friday 7th November 10.30 am Christian Meditation Tuesday 11th November 10.00 am Holy Communion Service Friday 21st November 10.30-11.30 am Prayers for the life and mission of the church Friday 28th November 10.30-11.30 am Prayers for Healing Come and experience a real spirituality in our new Prayer Room. 15
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