Winter 2014
Spring 2015
Welcome to...
W e s t S p ri n g f i e l d P a rk a n d R e c re a t i o n
D epartment
Mission Statement
As a Municipal Agency, the mission of the West
Springfield Park and Recreation Department is to provide
recreational programs, services, and park and playground facilities
which offer opportunities for Town residents to enjoy their
leisure time, experience personal growth, and to enhance the
quality of their lives.
This mission includes the establishment of a nonviolence and drug free environment for our volunteers as well as
our paid employees in order to maintain a safe and comfortable
atmosphere for our program participants.
All program participants, who so desire, should be able
to participate in activities regardless of socioeconomic status
or ability level. All participants should have the opportunity to
learn fundamentals of the activity, to develop their skills, and to
participate equally in programs and activities.
This philosophy includes the establishment of short and
long range goals and objectives for the conduct of recreation,
leisure and cultural activities for and on the behalf of the
residents of the Town.
The Park and Recreation Commission shall assess the
status of the fields, play areas, parks and park equipment, facilities
and programs, including school fields and recreational areas.
The Park and Recreation Commissioners shall review all
requests for the use of Town property for recreational, cultural
and leisure purposes.
The Park and Recreation Commissioners and
Department create and promote successful programs for our
residents which instill pride in our community.
West Springfield Park and Recreation
is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Municipal Office Building
26 Central Street - Suite 19
West Springfield, MA 01089
Important Numbers
Phone: (413) 263-3284
Fax: (413) 739-1549
Weather Cancellation Phone: (413) 781-3020
Park & Recreation Staff
Director - Victoria L. Connor, CPRP, CPSI,CPO
Recreation Supervisor - Sonia H. Manley
Fiscal Assistant - Patricia A. Reveruzzi
Adminstrative Assistant - Katelyn LaValley
Park & Recreation Commission
Chairman - Al Howard
Vice Chairman - Paul Mantoni
Robert Collins
John Granger
Mike Patruski
Mark Smith
Bill Schlien
West Springfield Park and Recreation
Here’s What’s Inside:
The West Springfield Park and Recreation Commission
has monthly meetings on the 2nd Monday of each month.
All meetings are open to the public and are held in the
Park and Recreation Office, 2nd floor of the Municipal
Office building, 26 Central Street at 7:00 p.m. The Park and
Recreation Commission is made up of seven members from
the community appointed by the Mayor and approved by
the City Council. The purpose of the Commission is to set
policies for conduct of recreation programs and reports to
the Mayor matters related to the operation and functions
of the Park and Recreation programs and facilities.
Visit us at www.west-springfield.ma.us for the latest
program information and printable forms. Online you can
print out registration forms, job applications and coaching
applications. The site also includes information to find out if
there are weather related cancellations of programs.
Photo Policy
The Park and Recreation Department reserves the right to
photograph/videotape program participation/spectators for
publicity purposes.
Registrations are currently accepted for all programs listed
within this booklet. Use the enclosed registration form for
programs with an activity number attached. Registration
for programs without an activity number require additional
paperwork and are accepted at the P&R Office only. Unless
otherwise stated, all programs require pre-registration. All
registrations are taken by the Park and Recreation Department
staff. Registrations are on a first come, first served basis and
may be made in person or by mail.
1. Participation in programs is restricted to West Springfield
residents, unless otherwise noted.
2. Only parents or legal guardians may register their own
3. We reserve the right to:
A. Cancel a program due to low enrollment or lack of staff
B. Limit ages and size of program or class
C. Request proof of residency or age at anytime. Proof of
residency and age are required for first time participants.
4. Return check policy: $25.
Must be paid when you register. Payment may be made by
cash, check or money order. Checks and money orders should
be made payable to “The Town of West Springfield.”
If the class/program you desire has already been filled, staff will
return your fee and keep your registration form. You will be
notified if a space becomes available or new classes are formed.
Program openings will be on a first come, first served basis
from the waiting list.
It is the policy of the Park and Recreation Commission that
the inability to pay a fee should not deter any child, residing in
West Springfield, who wishes to participate in a program from
doing so. Families wishing to apply for financial assistance may
do so in person at the P&R office. Please bring the following
documents for filing for financial assistance: proof of residency,
proof of household members, proof of income.
General programs and sport activities:
1.) Full refunds will be made when requested three weeks
prior to the start of a program, or activity or before the
participant has been assigned to a team.
2.) Partial refunds will be made when requested less than three
weeks before the start of an activity, 30% of the registration
will be retained as administrative cost.
3.) No refunds will be made once a class, program or sports
activity has begun.
4) Refunds take 2-3 weeks for processing.
Nothing cancels a good program quicker than
everyone waiting until the last minute to register.
If there are not enough registrations by a certain
date, the program may be canceled. Coming in on
the day the program begins won’t resurrect it, so
please register early.
Brochure Distribution
The Department’s brochure is mailed to all past
registrations within 3 years and is available at the Main
Office of any West Springfield Public and private school,
Town Library and the Municipal Office Building. The
Department produces two brochures; a Winter/Spring
and Summer/Fall brochure.
Summer/Fall will be available in
March 2015
Get Involved...
The West Springfield Park and Recreation volunteers
provide valuable service to the community by assisting in
many events and programs in a variety of ways. Volunteers
can participate on a regular basis or on occasion as desired.
Volunteer opportunities exist in the following areas:
Youth Sports: Basketball, Baseball, Softball and
Torpedoes Swim Team
Youth Programs
Community Events, Halloween Sign-A-Long,
Operation Santa/Santa’s House, Easter Egg Hunt
and Fishing Derby
Park Projects
If you would like to volunteer with us, please contact
Katelyn LaValley at 263-3284 or
Stay Connected
on the lastest Department news,
employment opportunities, special
You can also offer program
feedback on your experiences.
Don’t use Facebook or Twitter, but still want to be kept
up to date on the latest Parks and Recreation News?
Join our Email News. If you wish to subscribe, visit our
website and Click on Blackboard Connect.
Get a great and fun aerobic workout designed to improve cardiovascular endurance, burn fat, tone muscles and increase flexibility. Classes are for all levels of ability on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 6:30-7:30 p.m. on the dates below. Classes are held in the
Band Room of the W.S. Middle School. Instructor: Lynn McCarthy.
Activity Code
Holiday - Nov. 4, 6, 13, 18, 20, 25
Dec. 2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18
Band Room of the W.S. Middle School
$35 Resident
$40 Non-Resident
New Year’s - Jan. 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22, 27, 29
Feb. 3, 5, 10, 12
Band Room of the W.S. Middle School
$35 Resident
$40 Non-Resident
Spring - Mar. 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19, 24, 26, 31
Apr. 2, 7, 9
Band Room of the W.S. Middle School
$35 Resident
$40 Non-Resident
Please note that the Park & Recreation Department reserves the right to substitute instructors, alternate facilities and change
programming dates as necessary.
Learn Hatha Yoga and Mat Pilates techniques along with controlled deep breathing for total well being and health for
mind and body. Helps improve coordination, increase coordination, increase range of motion, increase muscle strength
and total body alignment. Bring mat and comfortable clothing. Classes are held in the Band Room of the W.S. Middle
School from 5:30pm-6:30pm. Instructor: Lynn McCarthy
Activity Code
Holiday - Nov. 4, 18, 25
Dec. 2, 9, 16,
Band Room of the W.S. Middle School
$40 Resident
$50 Non-Resident
Holiday - Nov. 6, 13, 20
Dec. 4, 11, 18
Band Room of the W.S. Middle School
$40 Resident
$50 Non-Resident
New Year’s - Jan. 6, 13, 20, 27
Feb. 3,10
Band Room of the W.S. Middle School
$40 Resident
$50 Non-Resident
New Year’s - Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29
Feb. 5, 12
Band Room of the W.S. Middle School
$40 Resident
$50 Non-Resident
Spring - Mar. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
Apr. 7
Band Room of the W.S. Middle School
$40 Resident
$50 Non-Resident
Spring - Mar. 5, 12, 19, 26
Apr. 2, 9
Band Room of the W.S. Middle School
$40 Resident
$50 Non-Resident
Please note that the Park & Recreation Department reserves the right to substitute instructors, alternate facilities and change
programming dates as necessary.
Adult Coed Volleyball
Stay fit, strengthen your muscles and recreate with a group of friends by playing Adult Coed volleyball. This
recreational volleyball program consists of two games per week and will begin the week of March 16, 2015
and run until mid-May. Get a group of friends together and play in a laid back, fun-filled league! Emphasis is
on FUN, no standings are kept! Games are held at the Middle School Gym.
Anyone interested in entering a team is asked to email a request for an official roster form to Sonia
(smanley@west-springfield.ma.us) after February 2, 2015. A team t-shirt is provided. Team rosters cannot
exceed 10 players. Deadline to register your team is February 20th.
Fee: $35 per person for W.S. Residents
$40 per person for Non-Residents
Activity Code 106000
Teams formed according to child’s current grade
Program NameGrades/Age
Fun Basketball Program Kindergarten -
Coed League for boys and girls
106010Instructional GirlsGrades 1 & 2
Instructional Boys 106030
Girls Midgets I Grades 3 & 4
Boys Midgets I Grades 3 & 4
Girls Midgets II Grades 5 & 6
Boys Midgets II
Grades 5 & 6
*Boys Junior League
Grades 7, 8 & 9
*Girls Intermediate League Grades 7, 8, 9 & 10
*Boys Senior League
Grades 1 & 2
Grades 10, 11, & 12 or cannot turn 19 before September 1st . Cannot have played varsity basketball in their senior year of eligibility. Cannot currently be on a HS JV or Varsity Basketball team.
Registration Dates: October - November 3, 2014
Fee for W.S. Residents: $40 on or before November 3, 2014
$55 for registrations received after Nov. 3, 2014 (if openings still exist)
Fee for Non-Residents: $90 (limited slots available for non-residents)
Basketball Need-to-Knows
Proof of age and proof of residency is required if you have
never participated in a W.S. Park & Recreation program
before. In order to avoid being placed on a waiting list,
registrations must be received by November 3, 2014.
*If a participant makes a High School Varsity or Junior
Varsity team before December 31, that player shall not be
eligible for the remainder of the season.
For Boys and Girls Midget, Girls Intermediate and Boys
Junior league, practices are held weekday evenings, one
practice per week December 1st - March 1st. Practices are
scheduled by volunteer coaches according to the coaches’
availability and the availability of the facilities. Games are
held on Saturdays.
Games and practices are held at various West Springfield
School facilities.
The Fun Basketball program and Boys and Girls
Instructional program are held on Sunday afternoons
beginning January 4th.
The Boys Senior League begins in January. One practice a
week and games on Sunday afternoons.
If: You are trying out for the school team, CYO or
Suburban basketball team but might be interested in playing
Park & Recreation basketball, please sign up now. If you
then decide not to play we can refund your money. It is
more difficult to add players after the teams have been
drafted then it is to pull a player off a team.
Note: Coaches will notify participants directly about their
team placement.
Please note that maximum age restrictions exist in
each league. The P&R Dept. reserves the right to move
participants who have reached their maximum age to the
appropriate league.
No refunds after program start date.
• Inclement weather number (413) 781-3020 or
Sign up for 2015 Spring Softball and Baseball Leagues NOW! Teams will be formed according to the current grade child is in for
School Year 2014-2015. To Avoid Being Placed On A Waiting List, Registrations Must Be Received On or Before February 27, 2015.
Proof of age and proof of residency is required for new participants. Maximum age restrictions exist in each league. The Park &
Recreation Department reserves the right to move participants who have reached their maxium age to the appropriate leagues.
Current Grade
School Year 2014-2015
W.S. Resident
W.S. Resident Fee
after 2/27
(if openings exist)
Coed T-Ball
Instructional Baseball 1
Currently in Kindergarten
Instructional Baseball 2
Currently in Grade 1
Midget 1 Baseball
Currently in Grade 2
Midget 2 Baseball
Currently in Grade 3 & 4
Junior Baseball
Currently in Grade 5 & 6
Senior Baseball
Currently in Grades 7,8, & 9
(must be 4 or 5 years old by Sept. 1, 2015)
(plays in town & suburban
Current Grade
School Year 2014-2015
W.S. Resident
W.S. Resident Fee
after 2/27
(if openings exist)
Non-Resident Fee
Coed T-Ball
Instructional Softball
Currently in Kindergarten
Midget 1 Softball
Currently in Grade 1 & 2
Midget 2 Softball
Currently in Grade 3 & 4
Junior Softball
Currently in Grade 5 & 6
Senior Softball
Currently in Grades 7,8, 9 & 10
(must be 4 or 5 years old by Sept. 1,
TO REGISTER VisIt - www.westsidelacrosse.org
The WSYLA is a private group governed by a Board of Directors that consists of volunteers from the community. They offer a
number of programs for boys and girls, beginning in mid-March and concluding in mid-June, with each program geared to a specific
age group. Players may start playing lacrosse at any grade level.
The boys program is affiliated with the Connecticut Valley Youth Lacrosse League (CVYL), whose membership includes over 30
cities and towns in Western Massachusetts and Central and Northern Connecticut. The girls program is affiliated with the Western
Massachusetts Girls Youth Lacrosse (WMGYL) League, with member teams from towns in the Connecticut River Valley. A governing
board from each league establishes rules of play for their respective programs.
The boys’ and girls’ Bantam program (grades 3 & 4) emphasizes the fundamentals of catching, scooping, cradling, passing and
shooting. Players learn these skills during practices and games played against other teams in the CVYL League (www.cvyl.org).
Additionally, the Bantam boys’ team is entered into a Bantams tournament later in the season. Fee for the Bantam Program is
$100.00 plus uniform. Players in grades 5 & 6 play in the Junior program, where advanced skills are developed. Our Senior program
is for players in grades 7 & 8, and seeks to advance the skills of players further as they prepare for play at the high school level.
Both the Junior and Senior boys’ and girls’ teams play against other teams within the CVYL League, and boys’ teams compete in a
playoff tournament at the end of the year. Fee for the Junior and Senior programs is $100.00 plus uniform. Participants in the boys’
program will need a boys’ lacrosse stick, helmet (lacrosse helmets only), shoulder pads, gloves, elbow pads, mouth guard (colored
preferred but not required), athletic cup and cleats. Optional equipment includes rib pads. Participants in the girls’ program will
need a girls’ lacrosse stick (no boys’ sticks), eye protection and colored mouth guard. Optional equipment includes gloves.
Bus Trips with Patti
October 18, 2014 - “Bewitchingly Ghostly “ to Salem, MA
Bus Departs: 7:00 a.m. Departs Salem: 6:00pm. PRICE: $60/PP
Trip includes the bus and tickets to two Haunted houses.You will
have the whole day to explore historic Salem. Don’t miss visiting the
Old Burying Point graveyard, memorial to the witch trials, Salem Wax
Museum, Salem Witch Museum and the many shoppes at the Brick
Marketplace. Come dressed in costume…prize for best costumes:
young kids and adults!! Activity Code: 514160
November 29, 2014 - New York City with Ticket to Christmas Show
at Radio City Music Hall featuring the Rockettes, 11:30 a.m. show.
Price: $120 /PP. Bus only: $50/PP. Bus Departs: 7:30 a.m. Arrives in
NYC: approx. 10:45 a.m. Leaves city for home: 6:00 p.m.
Activity Code: 514020
April 18, 2015 - Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island/911 Memorial
Bus Departs: 7:30a.m. Leaves NYC: 5:00p.m. Price pp $70 adults, $60
children under 12. Price includes ferry tickets and bus ride.
Activity Code: 514180
2nd Annual Mayor’s Winter Carnival
& Family Fun Road Race
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Mittineague Park
Bundle up the family and come out for a free, fun time of winter
events, ice sculpture, arts & crafts, bonfire and cookout from 12:00p.m.
to 3:00 p.m. at the Rotary Pavilion.
Family Fun Road Race
Begins at 10:30a.m.
Location: Upper Tatham Soccer fields
Fee: $10 (kids under 12 are free)
Registration check in: 10:00a.m.
Distance 2 Miles
Finish: UNICO Building
Mittineague Park
Main Entrance off Route 20
The West Springfield Park and Recreation
Department has been sponsoring Santa’s House,
located in Mittineague Park, since 1980. Santa will
meet the children of West Springfield each evening
before Christmas. Santa is scheduled to arrive
Saturday, December 13th at 2:00 p.m.
Visiting Hours for Santa are as follows:
December 13 - 23rd
Monday - Friday hours ~
5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday hours
2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Help us in fulfilling the dreams of needy children! Along with a host of
organizations donating toys and games, the West Springfield Park and Recreation
assures that needy Town children have a very Merry Christmas. Volunteers
are needed to help prepare food baskets and package toys during the week of
December 15, 2014. Help is also needed on the day of distribution, December
20, 2014. Call the Park and Recreation Department to sign up for volunteering.
The West Springfield Park and Recreation
Department’s Halloween party for Town children
will feature a Sing-A-Long by local performer
Roger Tincknell and will be held at the Rotary
Pavilion in Mittineague Park. The show will start
promptly at 6:45 p.m. Please arrive at least 15
minutes early. Parents must accompany their
children. Children and chaperons are invited to
come in costume. Be sure to dress warm. The
Halloween Party will last about one hour and will conclude with each
child receiving a Halloween Treat. Program held rain or shine. In the
event of inclement weather, this event will be moved indoors to the
Middle School, please call the current event phone (413)781-3020, or
visit the Park and Recreation Dept. web site at www.west-springfield.
ma.us after 3:30 p.m. to find the program location.
5:45 p.m. at the Elm Street Gazebo.
Local artist Dave Mindell brings his Rockin’ Robin Christmas
Sing-A-Long to town with accompaning appearances by the St.
Thomas Junior Choir, under the direction of Mr. Tom Coburn.
Bright Night’s Bus Tour
Free Family Bright Nights Bus Tour
(after the Caroling on the green)!
The West Springfield Park and Recreation
Department in conjunction with the Mayor’s
Office and Republic Services is sponsoring
a Free Family Bright Nights Bus Tour! On
December 4th immediately following our
Annual Caroling on the Green Celebration on Elm Street, 3 busses will
leave at 7:00 p.m. in front of the Municipal Office Building and tour the
iconic Bright Nights at Forest Park.
To participate in this event, any West Springfield resident must acquire
a free bus voucher at the West Springfield Park and Recreation
Department, 26 Central Street, 2nd floor of the Municipal Office
Building prior to noon on Thursday, December 4th. The voucher must
be presented at the time of bus tour. Parental supervision is required
for children under 18.
The Park & Recreation Department is open Monday through Friday,
8:00AM to 4:30PM. Proof of residency is required to receive a voucher.
Because there are a limited number of vouchers available, vouchers
will be issued on a first come first served basis.
Chanukkah Celebration
Monday - December 22 ~ 2:00 p.m.
Elm Street Common across from the Majestic Theatre
Chanukkah, the Jewish festival of rededication, also known as the
festival of lights, is an eight-day celebration which begins this year on
Tuesday, December 16th.
December 29, 2014 ~ 10:00 a.m. to 10:50 a.m.
February 17, 2015 ~ 10:00 a.m. to 10:50 a.m.
To participate in this event, any West Springfield resident must aquire
a free skate voucher at the P&R office starting three weeks prior to
the scheduled skate date. Proof of residency is required! The voucher
must be presented at the time of skate to receive admission. Parental
signature is required for children under18, and helmets are highly
recommended. Skate rentals are available for $3.00.
April 4
Join the Search for over 5000 eggs
The annual Easter Egg Hunt, for Town children,
ages 7 years and younger will be held on Saturday,
April 4th at Mittineague Park. Children are invited
to meet the Easter Bunny and receive a candy
treat between 9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. The Easter
Egg Hunt will begin SHARPLY at 10:30 a.m. The
children will be divided into three color-coded age
groups,Yellow for 2 years and under, Pink for 3 to 4 years, and Purple
for 5 to 7 years old. Each age group will have a separate section to
partake in their hunt for candy-filled eggs. Please look for your child’s
age grouping color. In the event of inclement weather, please call (413)
781-3020 or visit us on line at www.west-springfield.ma.us for updated
information regarding the hunt. Due to the fields being extremely wet,
please dress your children appropriately. Please note that Mittineague
Park will be closed to vehicles from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. due to the
event. In addition, at the Easter Bunny’s request, we ask that you leave
your dogs at home!
For all kids who love to fish--or who’d love to give it a try. The West
Springfield Park and Recreation Department will host the 29th Annual
Fishing Derby on Saturday, April 18, 2015, from 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
at the Upper Reservoir, located at the intersection of Amostown Road
and Smyrna Street. The Fishing Derby is open to children 15 years and
younger and is generously sponsored by Sullivan Paper Company and
Donut Dip, Inc. The Derby is free; however, contestants must furnish
their own equipment and bait. Trophies will be awarded according
to category and age group. Each participant will receive a “goodie
bag”. Also, participants can register for a drawing of some neat prizes
such as fishing rods, reels and tackle boxes. A full conconcession
stand will be available. Proceeds to benefit future Park and Recreation
Park & Recreation Nights at the
Springfield Falcons!
Enjoy the fun and excitement of Springfield Falcons Hockey with your
family! Fun for all ages! Enjoy great seats at a discounted price! W.S. Park
& Recreation various youth sports programs will benefit from receiving a
portion of the proceeds from all ticket sales. Come out and support the
Falcons hockey team while supporting your local Park & Recreation Dept.
Discount tickets will be available for purchase at the Park & Recreation Office,
26 Central St, up until 2 days prior to game day. Ticket prices pp are $14.00.
(Checks made payable to: Springfield Falcons)
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Syracuse Crunch at Springfield Falcons
Game Time: 3:00 PM (FREE SKATE after the game!)
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Providence Bruins at Springfield Falcons
Game Time: 7:00 PM
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Manchester Monarchs at Springfield Falcons
Game Time: 3:00 PM (FREE SKATE after the game!)
The Mother/Son Dance
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Make a memory with your son that will last a lifetime! Mothers and
sons are invited to an evening of fun & dancing! The evening will
include music provided by a D.J., dancing, light snacks and drinks along
with a photo of mother & son. Mothers are encouraged to wear a
dress, skirt or dress pants. For sons; dress pants and tie suggested.
Activity Code: 203000-1
The Father/Daughter Dance
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Make a memory with your daughter that will last a lifetime! Fathers
and daughters are invited to an evening of fun & dancing! The evening
will include music provided by a D.J., dancing, light snacks and drinks
along with a photo of father & daughter. Fathers are encouraged
to wear a suit, dress pants and tie. For daughters; fancy dresses are
suggested. Activity Code: 203000-2
Time: 6:00PM to 8:30PM
Location: UNICO Building (located in Mittineague Park)
Fee: $35 per couple (additional child $10)
Ages: Boys/Girls 4 -12 years
Max: 40 people (80 couples)
The West Springfield Chapter of UNICO in cooperation with the
West Springfield Park and Recreation Department is once again
sponsoring its monthly dances for people with Special Needs. All
dances will be held at the Mittineague Congregational Church, Rte.
20, West Springfield. All dance times are 7:00-9:00 p.m. Please note
doors do not open until 6:45 p.m. and everyone must be promptly
picked up by 9:00 p.m. $2.00 per person admission donation.
Halloween Dance - October 24, 2014 ( WS Middle School Cafeteria)
Thanksgiving Dance - November 21, 2014
January 30, 2015
Valentine’s Day - February 27, 2015
March 27, 2015
April 24, 2015
May 29, 2015
Because You Care...Prepare
What you need to know and what every parent wants in a safe and
responsible babysitter!
Designed for 11 to 15 year olds, the Babysitter’s Training course can
help you—
Care for children and infants.
Be a good leader and role model.
Make good decisions and solve problems.
Keep the children you baby-sit and yourself safe.
Handle emergencies such as injuries, illnesses and household accidents.
Write resumes and interview for jobs.
And much more!
Complete the course in just one day and begin babysitting the next.
Pre-registration required at the P&R Office, 26 Central Street.
Pick up a racket and join us for spring tennis lessons held at
Mittineague Park. No matter what level, you will enjoy the opportunity
to improve your skills. Please bring your own tennis racket, water
bottle, and wear appropriate clothing and footwear. The fee is $50 for
residents and $55 for non-residents.
Level/Age Dates (Sundays)
221000 Pee Wee
Apr. 26
(ages 5-7)
May 3,10,17,31
June 7
221020 Hot Shot
Apr. 26
(ages 8-11)
May 3,10,17,31
June 7
1:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
Course Location: UNICO Building, Mittineague Park
Course Instructor: Erin Augusti
Activity Code 100001
Activity Code 100000
Date: Saturday, November 22, 2014
Date: Saturday, November 8, 2014
Time: 9:00am-3:00pm
Time: 9:00am-3:00pm
Fee: $40R $50NR
Fee: $40R $50NR
The Park and Recreation Department offers winter swim lessons
for the following levels. All swim lessons are held at the Senior High
School Sady Pool. Class size is limited. Please register early, for these
classes will fill fast. Fee: $40R $50NR
Code Level/Age
Dates (Sundays) Time
104000 I -Intro to Water Skills
Jan. 4,11,18,25
1:30 p.m.
(min 4 yrs old)
Feb. 1,8
104020 2 -Fundamental Aquatic
Jan. 4,11,18,25
2:30 p.m.
Skills (min 5 yrs old)
Feb. 1,8
104030 2 -Fundamental Aquatic
Jan. 4,11,18,25.
3:30 p.m.
Skills (min 5 yrs old)
Feb. 1, 8
Level 1
Introduction to Water Skills
(min 4 yrs old)
Purpose - To help students feel comfortable in the water and to enjoy
the water safely,
Level 2
Fundamental Aquatic Skills
(min 5 yrs old)
Purpose - To provide students with opportunities for success with
fundamental skills such as tread water and basic swim strokes.
Public Swim at Sady Pool WS High School
Sundays ~ 12:00p.m. to 1:15p.m.
January 4 to February 8, 2015
The new Sady Pool, located in the WS High School will be open
for WS residents (proof of residency required). Non-residents are
welcome to utilize both pools for a nominal charge.
On Sunday afternoons from 12:00p.m. to 1:15 p.m. from January 4 to
February 8, 2015.
Wanta give golf a try? Join LPGA Professional Susan Teitel this spring
to give golf a try. This session’s golf lessons are for beginners, youth
and adults interested in learning the basics of golf. Lessons are held on
Tuesday evenings at Shaker Farms Country Club, located in Westfield.
Sessions include 6 lessons. Don’t have clubs? Kindly inform us at time
of registration if you need clubs.
Class dates: Tuesdays
April 28, May 5,12, 19, June 2,9
Level/Age Time
Child Beginner (6-12)
5:30-6:30 p.m. $75 R
$80 NR
Adult Beginner (13 & up)6:30-7:30 p.m.
$75 R
$80 NR
Intro to Fencing
A fun introduction to Fencing will be offered to students to learn the
basics of fencing safety, etiquette, techniques and tactics. This course
will be held at the UNICO Building, located in Mittineague Park. The
cost of $100 per student covers all supplies. Students are to bring a
water bottle, wear sneakers & comfortable clothing. Instructed by Taro
Yamashita, coach for UMASS and Brandeis University. Classes are held
on Sundays from October 19 to November 23, 2014
Activity Code
400000-1 400000-2
Ages Time 8-13
11:00 a.m to 12:00 p.m.
13 & up 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Fee
When the cold weather permits, the West Springfield Park and Recreation Department, in cooperation with DPW, maintains
the following areas for Recreational Skating during the winter months.
Amostown Reservoir - Located corner of Smyrna and Amostown Road
Frog Pond - Located in Mittineague Park behind the Green House.
The Park and Recreation Department would like to remind residents that the DPW’s first priority during snowstorms is to
clear snow from the streets and sidewalks. Once they have completed the storm clean up, the DPW returns to maintaining our
skating facilities.
The Department recommends the following ice skating safety tips:
Before skating, call the P&R Dept’s current events phone at (413) 781-3020 for current skating conditions.
Skate only on ice 6 inches or thicker.
Never skate by yourself.
Keep emergency equipment available.
Warn others skaters of dangerous conditions.
Do not skate at night, unless in lighted areas.
Be courteous to other skaters - play hockey only in designated areas.
Do not throw objects onto the ice surface.
Area youths have been enjoying a state-of-the-art skate park since July 2007 by a generous donation made by Balise. The
Balise Scion Skate Park is located in Cooks Playground, off Morton Street, and is open to the public for free. The hours are 9
a.m. to dusk.
1. Skate at your own risk. This park is a non-supervised facility.
2. Only skateboards and in-line skates are allowed. Bicycles, rollerskating or wheeled devices are not permitted.
3. Helmets are highly recommended for all people who use the skate park. Other recommended protective equipment
includes wrist guards, elbow pads and knee pads.
4. Serious injury may result from being hit by a skateboard, falling, or colliding.
West Springfield does not assume responsibility for injuries.
5. This park will close at dusk. “No trespassing” ordinance will be enforced after
park is closed.
6. No skating when wet or rainy.
7. No littering or graffiti. Please put trash in designated trash receptacles.
8. This park is a drug, alcohol and smoke free area.
9. Be courteous to other people using the park, and all other patrons.
10. No fighting, vulgarity or socially unacceptable behavior is permitted.
Are You Connected?
1. On the Web: www.west-springfield.ma.us
By visiting us online you can:
• View the latest program offerings & special events.
• Check if your child’s game has been cancelled due to weather conditions.
• Download Registration Forms, Facility Reservation Forms, Employment & Coaching Applications.
• View Volunteer & Employment Opportunities.
Do you want instant information sent to you directly via Email? We provide email announcements regarding
various programs and recreational activities: Including cancellation of programs/sport activities due to weather
conditions. To subscribe, go to www.west-springfield.ma.us and scroll to the bottom of any page. Click on “subscribe
to public notice” and follow the directions...It’s that simple!
Two ways to Register
Come visit us...Register in person by coming to the
West Springfield Park and Recreation Department,
located on the 2nd floor of the Municipal Office
Building, 26 Central Street, West Springfield, MA 01089.
Simply complete the registration form and send it to
West Springfield Park and Recreation Department, 26
Central Street, Suite 19, West Springfield, MA 01089.
Registrations must be received by deadline.
Parent/Guardian Name:___________________________________ Home Phone:_________________
(parent/guardian if participant is under 18 or under legal guardianship)
Street Address:________________________________________ Work Phone:_________________
City:_________________________State:_______ Zip:________ Cell Phone:___________________
Is this a change in address?___ Yes ___No Email Address:__________________________________
Participant Information:
Last name
Proof of Age & Residency is Required for New Participants
First Name
Please Read and Sign
I am aware that participation in any recreational activity may involve the risk
of injury. I have reviewed the activities required to participate in this program
as set forth above, and I am able to perform these activities. I realize that the
submission of any false or knowingly misleading statement made in completing
this form by the participant, or by his or her parent or guardian, will be grounds
for the removal of the participant from the program and the forfeiture of any
fee paid. Recognizing that there is a risk of injury in my participation in this
program, I hereby release, and discharge, and agree to indemnify and hold
harmless, the Town of West Springfield, it’s employees, contractor instructors,
and volunteers from any and all liabilities and cause of action that I or my child
may have arising out of participation in this program.
I hereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations as established by the
West Springfield Park and Recreation Department. I further agree that when I
leave this activity or at its completion, I shall return any and all equipment and
uniforms issued to me.
Zero Tolerance Policy
By signing below, I agree that if I, or any of my family members or guests, fail to abide
by the Code of Conduct found in the “Zero Tolerance Policy” received at the time of
registration, then I/they will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the “Zero
Tolerance Policy” that could include, but is not limited to, the following:
Verbal warning by an official, head coach or Recreation Staff person.
Parental game suspension with written documentation of incident kept on file by
Game forfeit initiated by the official or coach.
Parental season suspension.
Parent/Guardian Signature:___________________________ Date_________
Coaches & Sponsors Needed
for Sports Teams!
We rely on volunteers to coach and help teams.
Without volunteers, the sports program cannot
be successful. No experience is necessary, just
the desire to help kids learn basic skills and
enjoy being active.
I would like to Volunteer as...
Coach _______ Asst. Coach_________
I would like to Sponsor a team...
Yes________ No_______
I would like to referee...Yes________ No_______
Make checks payable to:
Town of West Springfield
Mail to:
West Springfield Park & Recreation Department
26 Central Street - Suite 19
West Springfield, MA 01089
_____ Cash (do not mail cash)
_____ Check/Money Order
Total Enclosed $_______________
Park & Recreation Department
26 Central Street - Suite 19
West Springfield, MA 01089
We work so you can play!
W. Springfield, MA
Permit No. 49