Document 343881

Offering Hope…
Sharing Faith…
Touching Lives
Attention Ladies!
October 2014
Volume 37 Issue 10
Men’s Golf Weekend
October 24-26
Northshore Country Club, Sneads Ferry NC
No sewing experience is needed to participate in Sewing
for Christ. We are making blankets for the Salvation
Army and Christmas gifts for our homebound. We meet
in the Special Ministries Room. Come join the fun!
October 7 ............... 9:00-11:00am
October 21 ............. 9:00-11:00am
November 4 ........... 9:00-11:00am
November 18.......... 9:00-11:00am
Questions? See Phyllis Bennett
Golfers!! There are several openings for the Second
Annual Highland Cup. Cost is $230 for two nights/
three rounds. Final count needs to be in to the
course by Tuesday, October 7. There will be a short
informational meeting on Sunday, October 5, after
the second service in Fellowship Hall A. Team
selections will be made then. Contact Barry Kroll for
more information.
Sponsored by the Highland Baptist Women’s Ministry
Friday, October 31
Wear your friendly costume
and come join the fun!
Want to help?
Everything is free!
 Sign up to help with games, etc. by email to
Inflatables ~ Lots of Games ~ Hayride
Hot Dogs ~ Snow Cones ~ Dunking Booth
Candy ~ Chili Cook-off ~ Prizes and more!
See Jason Dunlap or Jan Brickley
Phone: 919-779-8778, through your
Sunday School Class or sign up board.
 Pass out invitation flyers or cards to your family, friends
and neighbors.
 Bring candy and Little Debbie snacks to the donation
containers located at each entrance.
Fax: 919-779-9229
Rev. Carlton McDaniel, Sr...... Interim Pastor
Rev. David Brinkley ................. Minister to Youth
Rev. Deryle Woodard ............. Minister to Children & Families
Lesley Brunson ........ Minister of Music
Terri Blanc ............... Office Manager/Administrative Assistant
Karen Williams ........ Child Enrichment Center Director
As I write this last “Pastor’s
Paragraphs” before leaving
you, I am reminded of the
words in the book, Christmas
Gi : Happiness is not a place, but in memory it is
almost always associated with a place. Much of the
happiness of the lives of the McDaniel family will be
associated with Highland Bap st Church for as long
as we live and remember. You, by your goodness and
grace, have made this a happy place for Geraldine,
Gerrie and me.
This past year has been a gi from God and from this
congrega on. When I le in “re rement” in 2002, I
would have never imagined coming back as your
interim pastor. My goal and agenda in coming back
was to help prepare this congrega on for the calling
of a new pastor, which task you completed last
Sunday. You have called a pastor, Rev. Byron Greene,
who has the experience, skills and love for Christ’s
Church to enable Highland to con nue to grow in
spirit and in numbers. The vote you gave Rev.
Greene speaks volumes about your confidence in him
and the unity that binds you together.
And now one last pastoral exhorta on: remain as
faithful to Highland Bap st Church in the future as
you have been in the past. This community needs for
this church to be vital, vibrant and strong. By God’s
grace and your commitment, it will be.
My last Sunday with you will be October 12. My
policy has been to leave a church a month prior to
coming of the new pastor. I want to get out of the
way and allow these coming weeks to be on the
prepara on for the coming of the pastor—not on my
We will miss you, hold you in our hearts forever, and
keep you in our prayers.
With love and gra tude, Pastor Mac
Trip to Wilkesboro and Mt. Airy
October 7-8
Dear Highland Bap st Family:
Jennifer and I want to thank you for a wonderful
me with you last weekend. We appreciate you
introducing yourself to us and for being so kind
to Evan, Rebecca and Kathryn. You will never
know how grateful we are to God for the
Highland welcome you gave our children.
Sunday morning was especially moving. You
brought us closer to God through both hours of
worship. Thank you also for staying a er the
business mee ng to honor and greet me as your
new Senior Pastor.
We are already looking forward to our first
Sunday with you on November 9th!
Serving Christ Together,
Byron B. Greene
... is
Minister & Staff
Appreciation Month
Paul writes: "But we request of you, brethren, that you
appreciate those who diligently labor among you, and
have charge over you in the Lord and give you
instruction, and that you esteem them very highly in
love because of their work". 1 Thessalonians 5:12 - 13
The Personnel Committee encourages you to take the time in October to
show love and appreciation to the Ministers and staff of HBC for their
service and dedication. Below are some suggestions:
- Thank You Notes
- Call Them
- Make a Dessert
- Invite Them To Dinner
- Give Them Candy
- Take Them to A Game
- Make a Card or Artwork
- Go To Lunch After Church
- Gift Cards to Restaurant - Meet for Coffee & Fellowship
- Show/Concert Tickets
- Lift up Families in Prayer
- Take Jogging or For a Walk
See Gloria Fish for details
Breakfast, Saturday, October 11
8:30am at Golden Corral, Tryon Road
FYI: Church Ministers & Staff are Pastor Carlton
McDaniel; Pastor David Brinkley; Pastor Deryle
Woodard; Lesley Brunson; Lynn Jenkins, Terri Blanc,
Karen Williams and CEC.
Ministry Calendar
Please save for reference
Submissions for the NOVEMBER
LIGHTHOUSE are due in the church
office by Wednesday, October 22.
9:00 a.m. D. Adams, P. Hobbs, A Hohnsbehn, T. Johnson, T.G. Lloyd,
D. Wall
10:30 a.m. J. Dutton, K. Dillo, G. McCabe, M. Setzer, J. Tucker
Deacon of the Week 9:00 David Hobbs
Deacon of the Week 10:30 Virgil Brown
Special Ministries Van Drivers: Ron Whitehurst and Barry Kroll
Chadwick Driver: Rob Oakley
9:00 a.m. D. Flynn, T. Mangum, D. McCain, C. Owens, G. Passner
10:30 a.m. L. Cross, M. Arnold J. Dunlap, T.G. Rich, M. Sawyer
Deacon of the Week 9:00 Milton Barbour
Deacon of the Week 10:30 Ann Saunders
Special Ministries Van Drivers: Milton Barbour
Chadwick Driver: Craig Owens
9:00 a.m. B. Kroll, D. Norton Sr., D. Norton II, J. Odle, M. Swartz
10:30 a.m. M. Matthews, M. Byrd, R. Frey, B. Howard, J. Matthews
Deacon of the Week 9:00 David Williams
Deacon of the Week 10:30 Ken Dillo
Special Ministries Van Drivers: Barbara King and Donna Stith
Chadwick Driver: Kaye Kelly
9:00 a.m. J. Inscore, R. Harper, D. Jordan, M. Reese, J. Tigbayan
10:30 a.m. W. Dillahunt, F. Egner, C. Evans, T. Lewis
Deacon of the Week 9:00 Tim Herman
Deacon of the Week 10:30 Ron Whitehurst
Special Ministries Van Drivers: Kenny Wood
Chadwick Driver: Mike Matthews
Kevin Williams .................................. by Statement
Thank you to our wonderful church family for
the cards, calls and prayers during Tim's recent
illness. You have blessed us more than you
can know!
Love, Tim & Marjorie
Homebound: LC Floyd, Frankie Marlowe, Susie Clowers, Oscar & Lillian Brown,
Bettie Wilder
Home: AJ Cox, Carolyn Fulghum, Kirby & Yvonne Williams, Furman & Catherine
Forest Glenn: Dot DeJarnette
Morningside: Geraldine Wooten*
Rex Rehab: Mable Nance
Brian Center: Sandra Poole
Gabriel Manor: Annie Mae Beavers
Stewardship Report Summary
August 31, 2014
Budget Offering Received to Date
Budget Offering Required to Date
Over (Under)
Budget Offerings
Total Budget Offerings
Ramp Ministry
Transportation in Honor of
Barbara King and Kaye Kelly
Biblical Recorder
Special Ministries
State Missions
Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Fund YTD—2014
Building Fund
Marvin Beavers Memorial
Building Fund YTD—2014
September 7, 14 & 21, 2014
Budget Offering Received to Date
Budget Offering Required to Date
Over (Under)
Budget Offering
Total Budget Offerings
Local Missions
Ramp Ministry
Discipleship Training
Office Expense
Word for You Today Devotional
Sunday School: Adult Curriculum
Women’s Ministry: simulcast
College Ministry
Baptist Men
State Missions
Scholarship Fund
Marvin Beavers Memorial
Scholarship Fund YTD—2015
Building Fund
George Allen Memorial
Rhonda Hogge Memorial
McGee Memorials
In Honor of Linda Kreiler
Building Fund YTD—2015
From David’s Desk…
As we enter fall, we also enter a me of year in
our church where there are many opportuni es for service.
These range from one- me events to ongoing. Serving
others is one way that we show our concern for others and
ul mately our concern for Jesus. (Ma hew 25:31-46). Please
look at the opportuni es below, pick one of them and
par cipate in that with your child. I know from experience
that teens’ natural ins nct many mes is not to serve others,
but as a youth ministry we hope to encourage a culture of
placing others first. If you have any ques ons or want to
know how you can be involved in these opportuni es, email
me at or call me at the
church office
Service Opportuni es
Oct. 18 ........ Work Day at the church
Oct. 22 ........ With Love From Jesus (6:15-7:45pm)
Oct. 31 ........ Hootenanny: Students/families serving through
games, etc.
Nov. 22-23 .. Tenta ve 30-hour famine and service Saturday/
Ramp Ministry: Updates as needed, usually the week they
are serving
Fellowship Opportuni es
Oct. 5 .......... Middle School to Pelicans
Oct. 26 ........ Middle School to Ken’s Corn Maze ($10)
Oct. 29 ........ Tradi onal School’s Out: Lunch and Ac vity
High school to eat a er youth (Krispy Kreme,
Pelicans, Menchies, Dunkin Donuts)
College: Passion Conference
January 2-4 Atlanta, Georgia
Tickets: $149 through Oct. 3
$169 through Nov. 3
(Sold out late October last year)
$50 due when we leave
See Pastor David for more info
First, please join me in welcoming Bre Hall as
our Preschool Sunday School Director. Bre
previously served as a teacher in a threeyear old class and has now accepted a new
assignment in the preschool ministry.
Welcome, Bre !
churches, and ministries today—as it should
be. But child-development experts note that all our fears and
over-sheltering have likely s fled kids’ growth.
protec on crosses the line into overprotec on, kids fail to take
risks, explore their abili es, and grow as young leaders.
Psychologists and business leaders say a lack of risks is,
ironically, dangerous. “The biggest risk is not taking any risk,”
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has said, “In a world that’s
changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to
fail is not taking risks.” This point is only amplified for ma ers
of faith. Sheltered children don’t become independent,
crea ve thinkers and doers—the type of disciples who are
eager to make new disciples.
Their talents remain
undiscovered or buried, rather than invested and
mul plied.” (Excerpt from Children’s Ministry Magazine ar cle
by Stephanie Mar n)
The above ar cle caught my eye because it spoke to our plans
to provide age appropriate opportuni es for our children to
become more involved in missions. That can be a scary
thought for some parents and kids’ leaders (me included).
However, it is a great opportunity for the en re family to come
together to do the Lord’s work. Our TeamKID ministry is being
retooled to include a missions emphasis; we will not only learn
about missions we will be on mission for Jesus Christ. As
James said, we will “be doers of the word, and not hearers
only” (James 1:22). Be in prayer that God would guide us to
the missions opportuni es He has appointed for us. And if you
and your family have a mission that you’re already involved in,
by all means share that with me. Who knows, that may be
where God wants our children to serve.
To God be the glory, Deryle
Kid’s Calendar
Oct. 12: Children’s Servants Luncheon/Training
Oct. 18: HBC Workday
Oct. 20: Children’s Ministry Commi ee
Oct. 27: CEC Board Mee ng
Oct. 31: Hootenanny
Pastor On Call Schedule
October 3-5 .................................Pastor David
October 10-12 ............................ Pastor Deryle
October 17-19 ..............................Pastor David
October 24-26 ............................ Pastor Deryle
If you need Pastoral assistance on a weekend
(Friday evening through Sunday evening), please
contact the Pastor on call at his home or cell.
Church Work Day
Saturday, October 18
7:00am Breakfast
Work until noon
re for
Help prepa
the Hoo
See Lindsay Putman for more information.