NEWSLETTER FOR THE CONGREGATION OF FELLOWSHIP PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OCTOBER, 2014 Get in the Race Next month, more than 40,000 people of all shapes and sizes will take part in the New York City Marathon. While the field features several elite athletes, the vast majority of entrants are average Americans running for the love of the race (and maybe to also drop a few pounds). The New York City Marathon is considered to be the world’s largest and, since it began in 1970, has become one of the most popular. Over 2 million spectators line the streets, bridges, and roadways to watch the racers run, while another 315 million watch on television. I have a Bible verse that is very special to the body of Christ as we run our race of faith through life. It’s from Hebrews 12:1, where it says, “…Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” It’s interesting, because to many people, perseverance is for losers. The attitude is, “Why should I stick with anything longer than you want to? After all, isn’t the purpose of life to make to make every moment as fun and interesting as possible?” We live in a disposable culture. If you don’t like something, change channels, change jobs, change location, and change friends. If you aren’t happy, change your image, change your wardrobe, become a blonde, reinvent yourself, – anything to keep from getting stuck in a rut of the “same old, same old.” And yet, all athletes, regardless of the sport, know a valuable lesson: Tough it out… suck it up… and don’t ever give up. My friends, the race set before us is for the rest of 2014. And we really only have an inkling of what the terrain ahead of us will as we run our every-day-athon for the rest of the year. But God has given us a “race packet” in the holy scriptures to help us run our race. How do we carry on when the hills are steep and the road is long and the pain intense? Our race packet tells us. We find strength to persevere by keeping our focus on Jesus. It says in Hebrews 12:2, “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus…” Jesus ran this race long before we did. He was the first to suffer, the first to die, and the first to be raised. And he will one day be at the finish line with a huge smile on his face, waving us home. If you’ve been thinking about quitting the race, hang in there. If you’re not in the race, it’s still not too late. Find your passion. Use your gifts and talents here at Fellowship. Lace up those Nikes! Let us run with perseverance. And let’s run together. In the Grip of Christ’s Grace, John Hartman PRESS Called to follow Christ, Equipped to share Christ’s teaching, Committed to serve Christ in the world! MINISTER: John P. Hartman OFFICE MANAGER: Martha Shannon MUSIC DIRECTOR: Kate Platz ORGANIST: John Fair PRAISE TEAM COORDINATOR: Blake Tickle HANDBELL DIRECTOR: Claire Clark DIRECTOR FELLOWSHIP SCHOOLS: Melissa Mitchell 2005 New Garden Road Greensboro, NC 27410 336-288-5177 Fellowship Press online: Newsletter/newsletter.pdf Calendar online: +FellowshipPresbyterianChurch Coffee and Conversation Deuteronomy and its Impact in the Hebrew Scriptures Did you know? Source: Initial Survey of the 2012-2014 Presbyterian Panel In Matthew 22, Jesus was asked to name the commandments. He responded by quoting a passage from Deuteronomy. What can we learn from a study of Deuteronomy—the final book of the Pentateuch? The Deuteronomists took Judaism into new directions, transforming understandings. For example, in this last book of the Torah there cannot be found one instance of God “dwelling” in the temple. Rather, the place of worship was the “House of God’s Name.” Our study will cover the Great Covenant, the Concept of God, the Curses, what it meant to “Fear God,” the Concept of Wisdom, and how the Deuteronomists’ writings and impact can be traced into several other Old Testament books. The class will also explore a list of specific Deuteronomic Phraseology. Our textbook is Moshe Weinfield’s classic work, “Deuteronomy and the Deuteronomic School.” October 5: Covenant of the Plains of Moab, Part 1 October 19: Covenant of the Plains of Moab, Part 2 October 26: Covenant Curses and a startling finding in 1955 IN WHAT YEARS WERE OUR PC(USA) MINISTERS ORDAINED? 1% 17% 27% 23% 32% Prior to 1970 1970-79 1980-89 1990-99 2000 to present Stewardship Study John Hartman will lead a 4-week class to help us examine our lives of faith, our ways of giving, and our finances. From the DVD study titled, “Treasure,” we will study Matthew 6 to further examine finances and possessions. Begins October 26 in the Fellowship Hall. Say It With Flowers Recycle Your Old Laptop Celebrate an event, honor or remember a special person this year. We want your old laptop computer! Our goal is to replace desktop computers in the Library with laptops to be used for Fellowship Day School. Laptops with CD/DVD and power cords must be in working condition. To donate and recycle yours, please bring to the church or Day School office. For questions, please contact: Say it with flowers in the sanctuary. To donate flowers, please sign your name and phone number on the appropriate Sunday on the Flower Chart. To donate money toward flowers, please place your check in an offering plate and specify “flower fund” on the memo line. Your help in adorning our sanctuary is much appreciated. Please call your questions or requests in to Nancy Gibble - 545-1019 Melissa Mitchell or Debbie Clark (336) 288-1351 (336) 288-5177 Fellowship Book Club CALLING ALL READERS If you enjoy reading both fiction and non-fiction, and if you enjoy sharing your ideas and thoughts on books, we have the group for you: Fellowship Book Club! We select a book for each month and always have a lively discussion! The Fellowship Book Club meets the first Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. for 1 - 1 1/2 hours. Please contact Nancy Gibble at for more information. We Need Your Help Fellowship Day School is back in action! Sound Techs Needed Both services are in need of people to run the sound board and the video screens. No prior experience needed, just desire to help in the worship services. You will adjust the sound level during the services and advance through the different screens during the services. If interested contact Charles Layno at or 288-3635. SAGES TO VIEW CHURCH MURALS On Tuesday, October 21, SAGES will meet at our church at 10:45 AM to carpool and travel approximately thirty minutes to Mount Tabor United Methodist Church in Madison. This small church has a unique presentation of three New Testament Bible stories through murals, computerized story telling and lighting. Following this viewing, the group will have lunch at well known Fuzzy’s BBQ restaurant in Madison. Please RSVP to Phyllis Loflin by October 19 at or 275-6260. Please help support the school by donating supplies: • • • • Baby wipes Clorox wipes Clorox Anywhere (spray) Snacks (nut-free): Goldfish, pretzels, vanilla wafers, Cheezits, Ritz crackers, saltines, cereal, Wheat Thins, graham crackers, animal crackers Musicians Wanted The Tapestry praise team is looking for another guitarist and other instrumentalists. Contact Blake Tickle at Thanks so much for your help!! NURSERY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED If you enjoy working with little ones, please consider volunteering for occasional nursery duty during the 11:00 worship service. With several volunteers on our list, you will be serving only once every 5-6 weeks. If you'd like to know more, just drop by the nursery one Sunday morning and speak with a volunteer. Contact Claire Clark to sign up! Thanks You! Bad Weather Policy It will soon be that time of year again – the time when snow or ice may be present on Sunday mornings. Attendees should always err on the side of safety instead of on dedication and determination to get to church. While it's rare that Fellowship will cancel all Sunday activities, it does occasionally happen. Should weather dictate that Fellowship modify the morning worship and education schedule, we will notify local radio and television stations by 6:30am. The decision will also be posted on DigTriad. Hello precious friends, I am a cancer patient at Wesley Long and have been blessed with several of the comfortable pillows that you make! You are indeed involved in a ministry that makes us so comfortable as we receive chemo. They help me at home resting also. I have your address and will, at some time when I can, come to your church and buy some to give to others – I plan to leave your card on them so they can spread your good news. Love and blessings of our Lord Jesus. Autumn by Eileen Morman Summer has gone until another year. The cooler, shorter days are here. There are the lovely colors of the leaves still on the trees, The reds and golds, yellow and bronze, So much like a lovely painting, easy to behold. A wooded place is where to be, there are so many things Patricia Taylor to see before the winter snow. A fawn may peep from behind a shrub, wild turkeys rustling in the brush. The birds may start chirping with their song of glee, wild violets may be growing close enough to touch. SAVE THE DATE Red Cross Blood Drive A ring of toadstools growing, every one a match, Thursday, January 15, 2015 The Red Cross is in need of blood "THE GIFT OF LIFE" and we would appreciate all the help we can get. We would love to have donations of bottles of water, cookies or cut fresh fruit. Please let Judy Simpson, 617-0459, know if you are able to help out. Is this where gnomes and goblins come to chat, before it’s Halloween? The sun shines through the trees with a special glow. God is in His heaven looking down below. So let us offer up a prayer of thanks because we know he loves us so. CONGREGATIONAL CARE The Congregational Care Committee is here to help! If you need any assistance during a difficult time, please let us know. Also, if you know of anyone in the congregation who might be in need of attention, please contact one of our members during their assigned month for assistance. LINDA KERSHNER 292-8162 This & That OCTOBER OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS Oct 1 Oct 3 Oct 9 Oct 11 Oct 17 Oct 18 Oct 21 Oct 24 Debra Mundy Nora Burleson Lesa Layno Dick Lee Joan Hutton Kelly Starkey Charles Layno Donna Steele Dale Blaser Linda Kershner If your birthday is not on the list and you wish to be included, please notify Linda Kershner at 292-8162. NURSERY DUTY FOR OCTOBER Oct 5 Oct 12 Oct 19 Oct 26 Carol McKenzie Julie Davis Erin & Nicole Amy Ditommaso WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS OCTOBER 5 Ushers: Lesa Layno, Charles Rodenbough, Hal Knott, Jim Spain Scripture Reader: Mark Kirstner Sound Tech: Barbara Walters OCTOBER 12 Ushers: Heidi Weaver, Donna Gibbs, Steve St. Cyr, Sarah St. Cyr Scripture Reader: Susan Harman Sound Tech: Charles Layno OCTOBER 19 Ushers: Dick Lee, Debra Monday, Larry Van Horn, Robert Clark Scripture Reader: Julie Davis Sound Tech: Barbara Walters OCTOBER 26 Ushers: Judy Meyler, Tracy Dobbins, Dan Dobbins, Bobby Smith Scripture Reader: Wil Gibble Sound Tech: Charles Layno NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: November 24, 2014 Send submissions to Donna Gibbs at MISS A SUNDAY? CATCH UP! If you miss a worship service, you can read the Concerns and Celebrations in a small notebook labeled “Concerns and Celebrations” which is lying on the table in the Narthex. OCTOBER CALENDAR Please note: This calendar is correct as of September 20. Events are subject to change so please visit for the most up-to-date calendar. Oct 1 7:00am - Holy Grounds Men’s Study @ Panera Bread 11:00am - Mom’s Small Group - Parlor 5:45pm - Wednesday Night Live 8:00pm - Chancel Choir Rehearsal Day School Sale School Pictures Oct 2 7:00pm - Praise Team Rehearsal in the Sanctuary Day School Sale Meyler Oil Studio Oct 3 Day School Sale Oct 4 8:00am - Men’s Breakfast Day School Sale Oct 5 8:45am - Alternative Worship 9:45am - Sunday School 11:00am - Traditional Worship Oct 6 5:30pm - Clark Piano Studio/Sanctuary 6:30pm - Beth Moore “Breaking Free” Oct 7 1:00pm - Greensboro Newcomers Board Meeting Oct 16 5:30pm - PCC Board Meeting Library 7:00pm - Praise Team Rehearsal in the Sanctuary Meyler Oil Studio Oct 19 8:45am - Alternative Worship 9:45am - Sunday School 11:00am - Traditional Worship Oct 20 5:30pm - Clark Piano Studio/Sanctuary 6:30pm - Beth Moore “Breaking Free” Oct 21 11:00am - SAGES Oct 22 7:00am - Holy Grounds Men’s Study @ Panera Bread 5:45pm - Wednesday Night Live 7:30pm - Chancel Choir Rehearsal Oct 23 7:00pm - Praise Team Rehearsal in the Sanctuary Meyler Oil Studio Oct 26 8:45am Alternative Worship 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am - Traditional Worship Oct 8 7:00am - Holy Grounds Men’s Study @ Panera Bread 5:45pm - Wednesday Night Live 5:45pm - Stewardship & Finance Committee 7:30pm - Chancel Choir Rehearsal Oct 27 8:00am - School Parent/Teacher Conferences 5:30pm - Clark Piano Studio/Sanctuary 6:30pm - Beth Moore “Breaking Free” 7:00pm - NAMI Educational Meeting (Fellowship Hall) Scholastic Book Fair Oct 9 7:00pm - Praise Team Rehearsal in the Sanctuary Meyler Oil Studio Oct 28 7pm - Session (Parlor) Scholastic Book Fair Oct 11 Tentative party reservation Fellowship Hall Oct 29 7:00am - Holy Grounds Men’s Study @ Panera Bread 5:45pm - Wednesday Night Live 7:30pm - Chancel Choir Rehearsal Scholastic Book Fair Oct 12 8:45am - Alternative Worship 9:45am - Sunday School 11:00am - Traditional Worship Oct 13 COLUMBUS DAY 5:30pm - Clark Piano Studio/Sanctuary 6:30pm - Beth Moore “Breaking Free” Oct 14 9:00am - Second Tuesday Work Group Oct 15 7:00am - Holy Grounds Men’s Study @ Panera Bread 5:45pm - Wednesday Night Live 7:30pm - Chancel Choir Rehearsal Oct 30 7:00pm - Praise Team Rehearsal in the Sanctuary Scholastic Book Fair Oct 31 REFORMATION DAY HALLOWEEN Scholastic Book Fair
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