Document 344719

e-­‐mail: Postal: PO Box 42409, 6534 Larnaca, Cyprus Upper Room: Flat 201, St Helena’s Court (adjacent to the Church) web: Chaplain: Ven. Prof. John Holdsworth 99 658 147 If you wish to include anything in the bulle,n, please contact Deb Graham by noon Wednesday on 99173079 or email to Diary of the week:
St Helena’s Anglican Church
Please note the ac,vi,es (*) take place in the Upper Room
9.30 am Holy Communion: Fr Sean Semple, Preacher: Ven. Prof. John Holdsworth Evensong Sunday 19 October Monday 20 October Tuesday 21 October Wednesday 22 October 10am – 1pm 10am -­‐12pm Thursday 23 October 2.30pm CraI AIernoon * Friday 24 October 10am – 1pm Charity Shop open Saturday 25 October Sunday 26 October 4.30pm 10am – 1pm 9.30 am 4.30pm Charity Shop open Charity Shop open Open Church Holy Communion: Fr Sean Semple, Preacher Geoff Graham Evensong Today’s Scripture:
Exodus 33: 12-23 1 Thessalonians 1: 1-10
Matthew 22: 15-22
Next Week’s Scripture: Deuteronomy 34: 1-12, 1 Thessalonians 2: 1-8,
Matthew 22: 34-46
Post Communion Prayer
All praise and thanks, O Christ,
for this sacred banquet,
in which by faith we receive you,
the memory of your passion is renewed,
our lives are filled with grace,
and a pledge of future glory given,
to feast at that table where you reign
with all your saints for ever.. Amen
Attendance last Sunday:, am 48 pm 8 collection - € 289.50
Welcome to St Helena’s in the name of Christ.
If you are a baptised Christian of any tradition,
you are invited to receive Communion with us this morning.
A warm welcome to our visitors and newcomers today. Please
stay for refreshments in the courtyard after the service.
18th Sunday after Trinity - Pentecost 19
19th October, 2014
The Collect
Lord, we beseech thee,
Grant thy people grace to withstand the temptations
of the world, the flesh, and the devil,
and with pure hearts and minds to follow thee
the only God;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Please turn off mobile phones before the service commences.
Please note that we have a hearing loop and adjust your hearing aid accordingly.
Looking Forward – Prayer Corner
Today we have baptisms in our service. Regular members of the
congregation will have come to know Joey and Tanya over the
past few weeks. They are going to be married in St Helena’s in a
couple of weeks and the baptism is a precursor to that. They will
value our support today I know. Later today at 4.30 we shall be
having the second of our Evensong services, and the third service
in our month of Sundays. The congregation last week was
disappointing and I hope it might be better today.
The diocese has endorsed a project called ‘remembering trees’
this year, about which you may have already heard something.
The idea is to knit squares and to arrange them on a tree
somewhere. They are meant to knitted and made to remember
something or someone, and anyone can make one. At Synod
next year they will be collected and formed into blankets for
people in Africa. So they have a number of valuable
characteristics. They are a way of remembering an occasion or a
person. They are a way of adding beauty to a particular place for
a while, and finally they benefit the needy. We already have a
remembering tree in church. It is on the wall to help us remember
those who contributed to church life in the past. That will be the
tree that we decorate with our squares, so please, get knitting.
Our All Saints Day sponsored walk is in place of the annual
sponsored swim. The swim only attracted a very few participants,
and had limited social value, even though it did raise money. We
hope things will be different with the walk. The walk begins at the
Journalists Village in Perivolia. It is level and wheelchair
accessible. Forms are available from Jim.
John Holdsworth
Chaplain/Parish Priest
This week we pray especially for:
Alannah, Berie Norton, Paul Leggett, Peggy Steeden, Joan
Andrews, Fran Bremner, Alan Roper, Ann Pickard, Zoe
Kolokotroni, Andreas, Natalie, Miranda and Rachel,
Vassiliki Goro, Jackie, David Hamblin, Robin Mackay,
James Phelps, Andi and Elizabeth, Pat, Darren Maunders,
Ken Taylor, Carollynne Ellis, Diane Conway, Valerie, Annie,
Susan and Glenn, Helen, Dave Bennett, Margaret
We pray for the Jerusalem and the Middle East Church
Association and its associated Trust.
Sponsorship forms for the Sponsored Walk are now available
from Jim.
Council Members
Chaplain: Ven. Prof. John Holdsworth 24651327 / 99658147
Associate Priest and Pastoral Care Facilitator: Fr Sean Semple 99393726 email:
Licensed Reader and Ordinand: Geoff Graham 99178068
Wardens: Elsie Shearsby 24427532 / 99956975 and Rowena Parkin
Rob Taylor 96275734
CC Secretary and Synod Rep: Deborah Graham 99173079
Fundraising: Sue Holdsworth 24651327 and Wendy Papasolomontos 24433540
Synod Rep:
Sue Mantovani 24652678/99594678
Vulnerable People Protection Officer: Jean West 24425224/99950866,
Council Member and Chairman of the Fabric Committee: Jim West 99249813
Council Member: John Morgan 99914830