Document 344735

 Those to Serve week of October 17, 2014 “Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all
the nations baptizing them into the name
of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit.”
Matthew 28:19
Scripture Reading: Rickey Neaves, Matthew 7:24-­‐27 Song Leader AM: Lee Frederick, PM: John Dial, Wed: Nick Smith Opening Prayer AM: Rob Salley, FL & Opening Prayer PM: Kyle Smith Communion: Patton Seabrook (Presiding), Allen Patterson, Jacob Patterson, Brent Jones, John Fuller Lessons: Garvis Semore FL & Closing AM: Kyle Smith, Closing Prayer PM: William Massey, Wed: Bill Richard Nursery: Billie Jones, Meagan Ogburn **Please find a replacement if you aren’t available on your week** ** Inform Bobby Massey of any changes** October 19, 2014
Sunday Morning Worship Service
Garvis Semore pulpit
Eld ers
For the Record October 12, 2014 Sunday Morning Class…………..….65 Sunday Morning Worship……......95 Sunday Evening Worship……........38 Wednesday Evening Worship…...44 Contribution…………..………….$4,074 Bob Brown
Kyle Smith
Dea cons
Russ Ogburn
Communion Preparation October November December Williams Semore Smith Miss ions Suppor ted
21st Century Global Missions
Skinner’s Garden, India
David Aguilar, Mexico
Cy Stafford, Tanzania
M atthew 7:7-12
W illiam M assey
Communion & Offering, Presiding
M ike Kendrick
M itchell Kendrick
Bob Brown cell: 601-201-0252
Kyle Smith cell: 601-672-4762
Garvis Semore cell: 601-672-8444
Van W aites
Steven Steckler
Cory Staten
“A Call for Renewal”
Garvis Semore
Family Life & Closing
Kyle Smith
Sheri Salley, Joy Love
Sunday Evening
“Only the Best”
Ser vices
483 Reunion Parkway
Madison, MS 39110
Phone: 601-853-9558
Russ Ogburn
Kyle Smith
Nick Smith
Garvis Semore
All information to be included in this publication should be emailed to by the Thursday evening prior to print date.
Contact Information
Lee Frederick
Sunday AM Bible Class 9:30
Sunday AM Worship 10:30
Sunday PM Worship 6:00
Wednesday PM Classes 7:00
Brad Guth
Wednesday Evening
Nick Smith
Garvis Semore
Lee Frederick
Please silence all cell phones
Prayer Concerns
• Bill Richard
• Bill Womack is recovering
from a recent surgery.
• Jared Ogburn
Long T erm C oncerns
• Buddy Wilson
• Ben Burrell, Billie Jones’
• Sarah Massey, Bobby’s
Announcements • There is a sign-­‐up on the foyer table to host Celebration Sunday for our youth birthdays. • We will commemorate our congregation’s eighth anniversary on November 2 with a Friends and Family day. We will have a fellowship meal following the morning worship service. There will be no evening service on that night. • Bypass Church of Christ in Vicksburg has a Ladies’ Day Program, Men’s Day Program, and Gospel Meeting coming up. There are fliers on the bulletin board with additional information. • October 26 will be the next meeting for Pew Packers at the building at 5:15pm. • Trunk or Treat will be October 29 following a 6:30pm devotional time. • The all Madison County worship service will be November 16 beginning at 6pm at the Sunnybrook Children’s Home gym in Ridgeland. There will be a fellowship to follow, and everyone is asked to provide finger foods and dessert. This will be the only evening service available on this evening. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you
will find; knock and the door will be opened
to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who
seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door
will be opened. Which of you, if his son asks
for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks
for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then,
though you are evil, know how to give good
gifts to your children, how much more will
your Father in heaven give good gifts to those
who ask him! So in everything, do to others
what you would have them do to you, for this
sums up the Law and the Prophets.”
Matthew 7:7-12
From the Heart It’s almost time! In two weeks we will Friends and Family Day. Another part of this special day will be the anniversary of the Madison congregation’s beginning. We are looking for a great assembly on November 2. I hope you’ve already begun inviting your family and friends to join us for this special day. Please don’t make plans to be somewhere or take a trip that weekend. Let’s make sure that everyone who claims to be a part of the Madison family is in town and at worship that day. As an added bonus our new adult Bible classes will begin on that day. I hope you know how much our Elders love and care about this congregation. In my short time at Madison I’ve observed their care for each of us. They frequently meet together to dream about the future. They also spend time trying to make sure that our members are spiritually well. They demonstrate concern toward those who may be regularly missing worship. At the same time they are reaching out toward those who visit an assembly. Pray for our Elders today. Thank them for their love for the Lord and His people. Garvis • Upcoming events: o OSG (On Solid Ground) in December at Maywood Christian Camp o EU (Evangelism University) in January in Savannah, TN. • Girls’ devotional will be October 26 following the evening worship service at the building.