Welcome to our parish! Fr. David Ruby

Welcome to our parish!
As pastor, I hope we can enrich your experience as much as you enrich ours.
Fr. David Ruby
Habitat for Humanity Faith Build Project recently had it’s ribbon cutting and dedication
ceremony for our Parishioner Panfila Macias
and her family
Monday, October 20
Morning Prayer-8:00 am-FC
Tuesday, October 21
Scripture Class-8:30 am-SB
Medicare Information Seminar-10:00 am-SB
Pray the Rosary-12:00 pm-BH
Wednesday October 22
Faith Formation-Grades 1-8-4:00-5:30 pm-BH
Faith Formation-Confirmation Class-6:30-8:30 pm-BH
Faith Formation-Grade 9-7:00-8:30 pm-BH
Thursday, October 23
Men’s Bible Reflection-9:00 am-SB
St. Vincent DePaul Meeting-1:00 pm-EH
Choir Rehearsal-6:30 pm-BH
Saturday, October 25
CRHP Team #8-9:30 am-SB
Winter Mass Schedule begins
Christ Child Society to speak-4 pm Mass-Fish Creek
Sunday, October 26
Priesthood Sunday
For Online Giving to our parish, please go to www.stellamarisparish.com and click on
“Giving to the Parish Electronically” on the front page.
Stella Maris Mission Statement
“Stella Maris Parish, guided by our patron, lives and shares the mission of Jesus Christ"
Website: www.stellamarisparish.com
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time-October 19, 2014
2| Welcome to Stella Maris in Baileys Harbor, Egg Harbor, Fish Creek, Jacksonport, Sister Bay & Washington Island
Dear Fellow Parishioners
On October 15 , we celebrated the feast
day of Saint Theresa of Avila. She was not
only a great mystic, religious and leader but
also a reformer. She discovered that the
way the Carmelites were structured interfered with having an adequate prayer life.
She recovered her desire and need for a
deeper prayer life and did what she could to
achieve that. It entailed standing up to a lot
of opposition, much hard work and a great
dedication to doing what she felt God called
her to do. How many of us are willing to
risk our lives, our reputations, our future or
anything for someone else even God himself? Reform is never easy, simple or effortlessly chosen. This week, we also celebrated Saint Pope Callistus I who sought to
reform the church by welcoming people
who had denied God and the church or had
sinned in a way which was seen as unforgivable at the time. He sought to welcome
them back which upset Saint Hyppolytus
and others who opposed him to their dying
day. Pope Francis is attempting reform and
also encountered opposition this week as
Reform is as old as religion itself is. In
some sense, every religious movement is an
attempt to reform what came before so that
it is more pure. Religion itself is an attempt
to purify ourselves and our ability to be in
touch with what is most basic about ourselves and the world itself. The reason that
religion tries to do that is our own tendency
to avoid, deny or cover up our true selves
and be whatever helps us to be a part of the
world on the surface the best. There are so
many other things calling out for our immediate attention that seem necessary for our
physical, mental, emotional, psychological,
relational or social survival. We are hard
wired to be risk averse so as to avoid any of
these seeming essentials. It takes a lot to go
against all that so that we can come in touch
with what truly matters and not even just
for ourselves but so much so that we can
help make things better for others as well.
It is wonderful when we can be confident
enough in who we are and how God is supporting us within his people that we do risk
to do what makes a difference for ourselves
and ultimately many around us.
Faith Formation
Granny has a laptop, it’s sleek and shiny new; she gazes at it
fondly and wonders…what to do?
This is NOT the case at Youth Faith Formation! Here catechists, several with
grandchildren, know what a wonderful
resource their laptop provides in enhancing faith formation lessons for their students. With the Alive In Christ new textbook series this year for the elementary
grades, many resources must be sought
and shown to the students online. The 7th grade curriculum lesson
plans can only be found online. Every week the confirmation class
watches the new series, Chosen, inspirational video lesson clips via
a new laptop that is hooked up through an HDMI cable to a new
32” flat screen TV. Stella Maris Parish purchased two new laptops
and two new 32” flat screen TV’s for Youth Faith Formation this
year. Every week these valuable additions have been used and the
list of uses for this new equipment goes on and on! Now thanks to
the hard-working efforts of all who worked at and from those parishioners who supported and purchased tickets for the Youth
Alive, Steak and Shrimp Dinner, two mor e laptops have been
purchased for Youth Faith Formation. The children and all the catechists wish to send a big THANK YOU your way!
So, get set darling Granny, we’re so happy you’re online,
you’re a Granny in a million, I’m so glad this CATECHIST is
mine! Linda Cummer/Faith Formation Coordinator (Granny’s Little Laptop poem excerpts by Roann Mendrig)
Christian Service & Responsibility
“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you
without leaving happier." Quote from Mother Teresa
Pope Francis is that kind of special person who does not come along too often. He
has achieved great power yet has great humility. He has no need to help anyone else
and yet he thinks of doing nothing else. He
continues to stand up for the weakest
among us even though there is nothing that
benefits himself personally. He has let go
of so much of this world’s goods to show
that only Jesus Christ matters in the long
run as he serves him in those in need. The
time of reform will be difficult for the
church as it faces so many other challenges
such as declining attendance, clergy and
other resources but with the right leadership, the help of God and the support as
many of us as possible, the church can do
well. Let us all find ways to prayerfully
and lovingly do what it takes to help our
pope lead the church in the direction which
is best!
In Christ’s love,
Fr. Dave Ruby, Pastor
Upcoming Mission Trips- please consider joining us:
** November 20- St. John's Homeless Shelter in Green Bay to
work a 3 hour evening shift. Space is limited to 7.
** April 28-May 1, 2015. Su Casa Catholic Worker House in Chicago. Su Casa is a place of healing and hope for displaced Hispanic families. As we work and eat alongside the residents and participate in the daily work of maintaining the house we will learn more
about immigration, poverty and the Catholic Worker movement.
Space is limited to 15.
If you are interested or have questions on either of these trips, call
Jan Liss at (920) 839-2630
Health & Wellness
“Living Healthy is a Prayer”
Breast Cancer is the most common cancer among women in
Wisconsin – nearly one-third of all cancer diagnosed in women.
The risk of Breast Cancer increases with age. In Wisconsin, 96%
of women who developed Breast Cancer were age 40 and over, and
80% were age 50 or over. Early diagnosis and treatment can result
in a reduction of mortality.
Some breast cancer risk factors, such as family history, cannot
be changed; however, a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer
may be reduced by staying physically active, maintaining a
healthy body weight and limiting alcohol use. Management of
risk factors may help some women decrease their chances of
being diagnosed with breast cancer.
Community Health Information Program, entitled “Life after a
Breast Cancer Diagnosis” will be pr esented on Sunday, October
26 at 4:00 pm at First Baptist Church in Sister Bay. The guest
speaker for the program will be Kris Miller, RN, a Breast Cancer
survivor and trained advocate. J oin us!
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time–October 19, 2014 3|
Parish Life & Upcoming Events
WEBSITE: http://www.stellamarisparish.com/ . To remind
you of the winter mass schedule, just look at the left column
on the Home page.
serve potato and regular pancakes, applesauce, sausages, dessert
and coffee starting at 5 pm. Cost is $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for
children ages 6-12 (under 6 are free). Help is needed starting at 9
am on Tuesday, October 28th when we will peel and grate the potaOCTOBER IS RESPECT LIFE MONTH-"Even the weakest and toes at church. Also need help serving, cooking and cleanup that
most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn and the poor are mas- night at Casey's. If you can help in any way, please contact Char
terpieces of God's creation, made in his own image, destined to live Mueller at (920) 823-2062 or Pat Gureski at (920) 743-4274.
forever and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect."
Pope Francis' Day for Life Greeting
Day Banquet is Sunday, November 2 at Mr. G’s Supper
40DAYSFORLIFE.COM-Is a focused pro-life campaign with a
Club in Jacksonport. The speaker will be Fr. Quinn Mann.
vision to access God's power through prayer, fasting and peaceful
Cocktails at 6:00 pm and Broasted Chicken and Ham famivigil to end abortion. Sept 24-Nov. 2, 2014.
ly style dinner with dessert at 6:45 pm. Cost is $21.00 per person.
Please send check by Oct 26 to Paul Gray, 8357 County F, Baileys
RIGHT TO LIFE MEETING-Interest in 'Respect Life' issues?
Harbor, WI 54202. Questions (920) 421-3114.
Please join us Friday, October 24, 1 pm at the Sister Bay location.
"Human Life is a precious gift from God."
Please note the date for the women’s CRHP weekend is
CHRIST CHILD SOCIETY'S October meeting will take place on
Saturday November 8 to Sunday November 9. Our reMonday, October 27 at St. Michael's Social Hall in Jacksonport.
treat will run from Saturday morning to Sunday afterCome at 12:30 pm for conversation and treats followed by the
noon at Birch Creek. Please listen to your heart and conmeeting. Hear about our One on One project helping children
sider joining us for a wonderful weekend. There will be time for
when called upon. For questions, call Diane at (920) 823-2200.
prayer, reflection, listening and discussing in addition to some fun
activities, good food and new friends. If you have any questions or
would like to join us, please call Sharon Brabson at (920) 868Harbor site) will be sponsoring their annual Potato Pancake Supper 2404.
on Tuesday, October 28th at Casey's BBQ in Egg Harbor. We
5| -Twenty–Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time-October 19, 2014
Worship & Music Column
We welcome all who worship with us at Stella Maris
Parish! We are happy you are here.
To enable you to fully participate, there are blue Stella Maris Worship Guides in the pews. These guides
contain the Order of Mass and the music setting our
parish is currently singing: The Mass of Light.
Our hymns are in the hymnbooks. Thank you for
your participation in our celebration of the Eucharist
and we look forward to your return.
We’re going to do just that, next week!
The last Sunday in October is chosen as Priesthood Sunday ….a special day to acknowledge all that our priests do
for us.
Next Sunday, October 26, Stella Maris will acknowledge
and thank our pastor, Fr. Dave Ruby and the priests who
have helped us this past year.
Here’s how:
1. First, we will pray for all of our priests at all our weekend Masses.
2. Please plan on joining in the Celebrate! Priesthood Sunday Potluck Brunch / Lunch immediately after the 10 am
Mass at Stella Maris, Sister Bay on Sunday, Oct. 26th.
Liturgies of the Week
Saturday, October 18-Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fish Creek 4:00 pm-DR
†Memorials to Christ Child Society
Jacksonport 6:00 pm-DR
†Tiffany O’Hern
Sunday, October 19-Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Egg Harbor 8:00 am-AB
†Mike Kaye
*Fish Creek 9:00 am-DR
†Blotti Family
Sister Bay 9:30 am-AB
†Merlie Cox
Baileys Harbor 11:00 am-DR
†Irene Machamer
Washington Island 1:00 pm-AB Members of Stella Maris
Monday, October 20
Fish Creek 8:00 am
Morning Prayer
Tuesday, October 21
Sister Bay 8:00 am-DR
†Terry Moran
Wednesday, October 22
Egg Harbor 8:00 am-DR
†Joseph Charnetski
Thursday, October 23
Sister Bay 8:00 am-DR
†Josef Burkart
Friday, October 24
Baileys Harbor 8:00 am-DR
†Chris & Mark Howell
Saturday, October 25-Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fish Creek 4:00 pm-DR
†Natalie Marcon
Sunday, October 26-Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jacksonport 8:00 am-DR
†Members of Stella Maris
Sister Bay 10:00 am-DR
†Eva McGee
Washington Island 2:00 pm-DR †Robert Swanson
DR=Fr. David Ruby, AB=Fr. Anthony Birdsall
Mildred Sawyer-Egg Harbor
Here’s the plan:
1. Please bring a potluck brunch / lunch dish to share;
(beverages will be provided)
2. Please sign the large card for Fr. Heinze at this celebration; the card will then be mailed to him in Florida.
3. Please plan on having a great time!
Thank you, Kathy Sedan, Worship & Music Minister
It is not too late to return your stewardship pledge
sheet! Last month, you r eceived a mailing containing a
stewardship pledge sheet for 2014/2015. Thank you to the
165 households out of 700 who have returned the stewardship pledge sheet already! This pledge sheet helps our
parish not only plan financially, but keeps us updated with
your contact information. If you have not taken the short
time to fill out and return the pledge sheet to the office or
collection basket, please do so today. Save us the time and
expense of contacting you if we don’t hear from you. If
you did not receive or need an extra copy, please contact
the office.
Readings for the Week of October 19
Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21
Eph 2:1-10/Lk 12:13-21
Eph 2:12-22/Lk 12:35-38
Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12/Lk 12:39-48
Thursday: Eph 3:14-21/Lk 12:49-53
Eph 4:1-6/Lk 12:54-59
Eph 4:7-16/Lk 13:1-9
Next Sunday: Ex 22:20-26/1 Thes 1:5c-10/Mt 22:34-40
©Liturgical Publications Inc
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time-October 19, 2014 6|
Pastor Reverend David Ruby
Egg Harbor Office (920) 868-3241
PO Box 49, 7710 State Hwy 42,
Egg Harbor, WI 54209
E-mail: churchoffice@dcwis.com
Fax (920) 868-1481
Web site: www.stellamarisparish.com
Office hours: (Mon-Fri) 8:00-12:00 & 12:30-4:30
Pastoral Associate Becky Nash
Worship and Music Minister Kathy Sedan
Bookkeeper/Wedding Contact/LoSEC (Local Safe Environment Coordinator) Jim Slomski bkchurch@dcwis.com
Receptionist/Secretary/Bulletin Editor
Lorie Orthober churchoffice@dcwis.com
Normal Bulletin Deadline - Wednesday, 9am
Faith Formation Coordinator-Linda Cummer
faithchurch@dcwis.com (920) 421-2195
Parish Membership
Stella Maris Parish is delighted
when new people want to join
our parish and gladly welcomes
them into our faith community.
Contact the parish office.
Infant Baptism
The baptism of new babies and
young children revitalizes our
faith community. Please contact the parish office to make
arrangements for baptism.
Adult Initiation
The Catholic Church is always
enriched whenever any adult
chooses to be Catholic. Adults
wishing to be baptized, or baptized adults wishing to be confirmed, the RCIA program is
rament on the 1st Thursday of
the month from 5:00-6:00 pm at
our Baileys Harbor site (except
holidays) and by appointment.
Sacrament of Matrimony
A faith-filled wedding is a joyful time for the couple and the
parish. Our parish wants to
have all weddings here be the
best possible. The couple must
meet with the pastor before a
date can be reserved. Please
contact the parish office at least
12 months in advance to begin
Ministry to the Sick
Everyone needs extra compassion and care when his or her
health is not at its best. As a
parish, we try to meet that need.
Communal anointing Masses
take place twice yearly, with
God’s great mercy is something individual anointing done when
requested. Parishioners in the
to be celebrated. Ritually we
hospital, nursing home or other
Catholics experience God’s
unconditional love in the sacra- institution are encouraged to
notify the office to arrange for
ment of reconciliation. Our
pastor is available for this sac- visits or communion.
Faith Community Nurse-Mary Fulwiler
nursesm@dcwis.com (920) 421-4997
Secretary Trustee-Sharon Brabson
MORNING PRAYER: Monday-8:00 am, Fish Creek
Treasurer Trustee-Richard Dannhausen
SCRIPTURE CLASS: Tuesday mornings after the 8:00 am
Mass in Sister Bay. Please join us for a closer look and discussion on the upcoming Sunday Scriptures. Visitors are welcome.
Pastoral Council Chair-Michelle Piatek
Finance Council Chair-Michael Smith
Health & Wellness Committee
Spiritual Reflections-Marilynne Kowalski
ROSARY: Tuesday-Noon in Baileys Harbor.
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION & BENEDICTION: Wednesday-after 8:00 am Mass at Egg Harbor.
RECONCILIATION: 1ST Thursday of the month fr om 5-6
pm in Baileys Harbor or by appointment.
Offertory Contributions October 11-12, 2014
Dr. John’s Computer Repair-Fish Creek
Huehns Funeral Home
Sturgeon Bay
Actual YTD
Budget YTD
Actual YTD
Total Attendance last week 1,653