Welcome to our parish! As pastor, I hope we can enrich your experience as much as you enrich ours. Fr. David Ruby Michael Wolfe Ella Miller Florian Kwaterski Harriet Redelin Leonard Wiltgen Leland Vertz Rev. Chester Cappucci Guillermo Simental John Sargent Allan Miller Susan Casey George Kufrin Sally Kiehnau Josef Burkart Charles Maudsley Merlyn Cox George LeClair Bessie Remiszewski Rita Finley James Sargent Gary Straub Mildred Sawyer Monday, November 3 Morning Prayer-8:00 am-FC Prayer Shawl Meeting-1:00 pm-SB Tuesday, November 4 Scripture Class-8:30 am-SB Cemetery Remembrance Walk-8:45 am-SB Pray the Rosary-12:00 pm-BH St Mary of the Lake Altar & Rosary Sodality-12:30 pm-BH Flying Solo Event-Carpool 1:30 pm-BH Knights of Columbus Meeting-7:30 am-BH Wednesday November 5 Worship Committee Meeting-1:30 pm-EH Office Faith Formation-Grades 1-8-4:00-5:30 pm-BH Faith Formation-Confirmation Class-6:30-8:30 pm-BH Faith Formation-Grade 9-7:00-8:30 pm-BH Thursday, November 6 CRHP Team #8-9:30 am-SB Reconciliation-5:00-6:00 pm-BH United Way & Neighbor to Neighbor Craft Night6:00 pm-FC Friday, November 7 Eucharistic Adoration Sub-Committee Meeting-2:00 pm-EH Office Saturday, November 8 Blood Pressure Screening-after 4 pm Mass-FC Saturday-Sunday, November 9-10 CRHP Weekend Power of One Food Collection Stewardship Sunday For Online Giving to our parish, please go to www.stellamarisparish.com and click on “Giving to the Parish Electronically” on the front page. Stella Maris Mission Statement “Stella Maris Parish, guided by our patron, lives and shares the mission of Jesus Christ" Website: www.stellamarisparish.com The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed-November 2, 2014 2| Welcome to Stella Maris in Baileys Harbor, Egg Harbor, Fish Creek, Jacksonport, Sister Bay & Washington Island Dear Fellow Parishioners This weekend, we continue our preparation for death as we talk about concretely making funeral plans. While our society usually denies death and does not want to make plans for death little alone talk about it in any way, we Christians do not mind talking about or planning for death because we have the confidence that death is merely a transition to living in heaven with God and all those who are united with Him forever. Even with this confidence in our faith and what happens to us when we die, we do believe that there are better ways of handling the final transition of our lives. First as I said, we take the time to arrange our funeral and burial. That is best done by meeting with the funeral director and parish staff. When that is done, there are a number of factors to take into account. Although the Catholic Church does not condemn or ban cremation, it does have reasons for preferring an actual funeral and burial because we better honor the person with their body present. Because our culture does not like to deal with death, it does not do well with helping people through the grieving process. The church has been in the death business for 2000 years and has experience with helping people with grieving. Actually more primitive cultures do a much better job than modern ones. We think that we are too busy with more important things to deal with death and yet there is nothing more important in life than death to deal with. There is little that scares us more while helping us to put our lives in perspective and help us to learn how to live our lives well. One of the most important practices is to make sure that we honor the person soon after they die. We cannot grieve if we do not take the time with their funeral or service right away. The person’s death will be an open wound until it is given the chance to begin to heal in the open air. In that time, we give the person and the preparations our full attention, time and energy. The old practices have great value. Visitation the night before the funeral greatly helps people to acknowledge the reality of the loss while receiving the support, love and encouragement of family and friends. There is such a need for us to affirm the reality of the situation which seems so unreal while doing it in a comforting and compassionate social environment. The funeral itself is best done with a body so that we can pay our respects to the actual person. Before the funeral mass starts we finish with our recollections and memorial so that we can allow the funeral mass itself to carry us through the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In that experience, we not only experience new life for the departed but also for ourselves. The burial puts finality to the death so that we can feel it is time to move on with our lives. That never means that we forget but that the transition to a different way of relating to the person is complete. The meal is the beginning of our moving on with the help of others to a new way of living and relating. It is not easy but easier than if done poorly. In Christ’s love, Fr. Dave Ruby, Pastor Faith Formation Christian Service & Responsibility Washington Island Catechists As I met with the catechists on Washington Island, I realized they are a unique group consisting of: Larry Kahlscheuer-Grade 10, Sue Dompke-Grade 9, Peg Nikolai-Grade 6, Marleen Johnson-Grade 4, Evelyn Kirchner-Grade 2, and Krista Gunnlaugsonn-Grade 1. It was obvious that this small group is filled with dedication, creativity, faithfulness and the Holy Spirit. Many have been teaching the Stella Maris Parish island children for years adapting to a different grade almost every year as their students advance to the next grade. Lesson meeting times vary for each catechist. One told me they share a Saturday breakfast and then work on the lesson at hand. The largest class is only two students! The one-on-one interaction definitely creates an environment of trust…a trust that nourishes a strong relationship between catechist, student and God. May God continue to bless these catechists and students on Washington Island. – Linda Cummer/Faith Formation Coordinator What will the next book club read be? You ar e invited to attend the Faith Formation Book Club meeting on Monday, November 10th, 10 am at the Sister Bay site and help decide! There are many considerations including “Jesus” by Fr. James Martin S.J. in which he describes his tour of the holy land going exactly as he believes Jesus travelled…a very interesting road. At this meeting, prior to the next selection choice, the group will finish discussing the present book read on Pope Francis. The book club has been well received by parishioners (presently 14 members). Everyone is invited, so come and join the book talks! Questions? Call Jim Stollenwerk, Faith Formation committee member, for answers at (920) 854-5640. If you are in financial need Stella Maris needs to help you. Please call the parish office or speak with Father Ruby. Upcoming Mission Trips-please consider joining us November 20-St. John's Homeless Shelter in Green Bay to work a 3 hour evening shift. Space is limited to 7. April 28-May 1, 2015. Su Casa Catholic Worker House in Chicago. Su Casa is a place of healing and hope for displaced Hispanic families. As we work and eat alongside the residents and participate in the daily work of maintaining the house we will learn more about immigration, poverty and the Catholic Worker movement. Space is limited to 15. If you are interested or have questions on either of these trips, call Jan Liss at (920) 839-2630. Health & Wellness “Living Healthy is a Prayer” YOU ARE GOD'S SPECIAL TREASURE Living with disease is so very hard. Illness can cause unwelcome change in our appearance, our energy level, our physical and / or mental abilities and our attitudes. Living with disease can be very discouraging. The Book of Malachi describes "a scroll of remembrance" on which was recorded the names of those who loved the Lord Who called them "my special people". The psalms recount over and over how God sees us as His Special Treasure. Even when our bodies are dressed in the ravages wrought by disease, God sees only our beauty, our faithfulness, our membership in His kingdom. In the story of The Prince and the Pauper, although the prince and the pauper exchanged clothes, the prince remained royalty, the apple of his father's eye. We remain God's special treasure whose love sustains us daily and Who promises us that our present troubles will end and be replaced by an eternity of love. The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed–November 2, 2014 3| Parish Life & Upcoming Events WEBSITE: http://www.stellamarisparish.com/ Curious about what The Flying Solo Society is? On the center top, click News. and scroll down. STELLA MARIS PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY-All knitters and crocheters are invited to join in this ministry meeting to be held from 1:00-3:00 pm on Monday, November 3, 2014 at our Sister Bay site, in Conf. Room 2. Patterns and instructions are available. Only requirement for this group is to bring a smile. For additional information, please contact: Dixie Van Vorous (920) 854-7502. JOIN THE FLYING SOLO SOCIETY- single, divorced or widowed parishioners who meet monthly for support, camaraderie and fun. Our next meeting is this Tuesday, November 4. We will be going to a matinee at the Sturgeon Bay Cinema on Alabama Street called St. Vincent—a Bill Murray comedy. Showtime is expected between 2:15-2:45 pm, but you can call (920) 743-3569 for exact show-time. Meet us at the theater in Sturgeon Bay or join a carpool at 1:30 pm at the Baileys Harbor church site. Questions? Call the Stella Maris Office or Becky Nash, Pastoral Associate at (920) 8683241 or (920) 421-3332. ing volunteer experience at one of many locations. Nov. 21-Dec. 24. Call Nancy (920) 883-7886 or Russ (920) 854-9471. BEGINNING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, the Tuesday AM Scripture class in Sister Bay will be studying the Gospel according to St. Mark, the gospel readings for Ordinary time during Year B. We will be using the Little Rock Scripture Study course. All are welcome to attend. If you wish to join us on a regular basis, contact Sylvia Kostiuk at (920) 868-2821 so that we can order the St. Mark Text and Commentary with the accompanying Study Guide. RIGHT TO LIFE-'EVERY HUMAN PERSON - no matter how vulnerable or helpless, no matter how young or old, no matter how healthy, handicapped or sick, no matter how useful or productive for society - is a being of inestimable worth created in the image and likeness of God. This is the dignity of America...the ultimate test of her greatness: to respect every human person, especially the weakest and most defenseless ones, those of yet unborn.' Saint John Paul II, "Apostolic Journey to the United States and Canada: Farewell Ceremony,“ September 19, 1987. Spiritual Reflections Prayer Styles (continued) BELL-RING THIS SEASON! With upcoming When you: Try the counting prayer, in the morning, make a list of holidays comes the sound of Salvation Army bell ten ways you hope to see the Presence of God, Find God in the ringing! Help neighbors in need with a little of traditional prayers and devotions, Create a Prayer Calendar; plan a your time! DC families needing assistance benefit specific action to deepen your relationship with God from the proceeds of local ringing. Enjoy a rewardYou like the Mathematical-Logical style of prayer. 5| -The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed-November 2, 2014 Worship & Music Column As you know, this weekend the Commemoration of All Souls is being celebrated at all our Masses. Then, next weekend, November 8 & 9, another Feast falls on a Sunday and supersedes the usual liturgy in Ordinary Time. The Feast is the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica. Why is it being celebrated instead of the Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time? Here’s some information that might be helpful: This church was dedicated on November 9, 324 by Pope St. Sylvester and is the earliest basilica in Christianity. It was originally named the Basilica of Our Savior, but soon became known as the Basilica of St. John Lateran. The Laterani family originally owned the land the church was built upon and the adjoining baptistery was named for St. John the Baptist, so that is how it came to be known as the Lateran Basilica. This Basilica has gone through much through the centuries. The first church dedicated in 324 was plundered by the Vandals in the 400’s. An earthquake almost destroyed it in 896, but it was rebuilt. A devastating fire burned it in the 1200’s. It was rebuilt, then fire burned it down again in 1360 and Pope Urban V rebuilt it again. The present Basilica was built in 1646 and was commissioned by Pope Innocent X. According to tradition, a small wooden table in which St. Peter celebrated Mass in Rome lies beneath the main altar. Liturgies of the Week Saturday, November 1-All Saints Day **Fish Creek 9:00 am-DR †Nick Freund Fish Creek 4:00 pm-DR †John Sargent Sunday, November 2-The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) Jacksonport 8:00 am-DR †Deceased Members of Saint Michael’s Sister Bay 10:00 am-DR †Kathleen Piatek Washington Island 2:00 pm-DR Members of Stella Maris Monday, November 3 Fish Creek 8:00 am Morning Prayer Tuesday, November 4-Saint Charles Borromeo, Bishop Sister Bay 8:00 am-DR †James Champeau Wednesday, November 5 Fish Creek 8:00 am-DR †Fr. Quentin Heck Thursday, November 6 Sister Bay 8:00 am-DR †Harriet Redelin Friday, November 7 Jacksonport 8:00 am-DR †Fred & Hilda Vertz Saturday, November 8 Fish Creek 4:00 pm-DR †Members of Stella Maris Sunday, November 9 Jacksonport 8:00 am-DR †Lillian Buchanan Sister Bay 10:00 am-DR †Bill Walter Washington Island 2:00 pm-DR †Robert J. Swanson DR=Fr. David Ruby In the 1700’s, Pope Clement XII had the following Latin inscription added to the Basilica: “omnium ecclesiarum Urbis et Orbis mater et caput” ….which means, “the mother and head of all churches of Rome and the world.” It is a reminder that we are members of the Roman Catholic Church. The importance of this Basilica is that it is the cathedral church of the Diocese of Rome and is the official seat of the Bishop of Rome, who is the Pope. Patricia Sandoval/Santiago Jauregui November 15, 2014-2:30 pm-Baileys Harbor Sources: Ordo (Order of Prayer in the Liturgy of the Hours and Celebration of the Eucharist), Give us This Day, Today’s Liturgy & Living Liturgy for Sundays and Solemnities. Stewardship Prayer-Service-Sharing Pope Francis says: “The Gospel, radiant with the glory of Christ’s Cross, constantly invites us to rejoice” (The joy of the Gospel #5). Next Sunday we are celebrating Stewardship Sunday throughout the Green Bay Diocese. The theme is Make a Joyful Noise. Would others know that I am rejoicing by my life of gratitude, or by my prayer, service and sharing at Stella Maris and in the community? Would Jesus know? Authentic joy is inseparable from our relationship with God. As we grow in our relationship with Christ, our lives more fully express that joy. We become disciples that imitate the love and generosity of our Savior. In this “becoming,” we can’t help but Make a Joyful Noise! Readings for the Week of November 2 Sunday: Wis 3:1-9/Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9/Jn 6:3740 Monday: Phil 2:1-4/Lk 14:12-14 Tuesday: Phil 2:5-11/Lk 14:15-24 Wednesday: Phil 2:12-18/Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Phil 3:3-8a/Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Phil 3:17-4:1/Lk 16:1-8 Saturday: Phil 4:10-19/Lk 16:9-15 Next Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/Jn 2:13-22 ©Liturgical Publications Inc The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed-November 2, 2014 6| Pastor Reverend David Ruby pastorsm@dcwis.com Egg Harbor Office (920) 868-3241 PO Box 49, 7710 State Hwy 42, Egg Harbor, WI 54209 E-mail: churchoffice@dcwis.com Fax (920) 868-1481 Web site: www.stellamarisparish.com Office hours: (Mon-Fri) 8:00-12:00 & 12:30-4:30 Pastoral Associate Becky Nash pastoralchurch@dcwis.com Worship and Music Minister Kathy Sedan worshipchurch@dcwis.com Bookkeeper/Wedding Contact/LoSEC (Local Safe Environment Coordinator) Jim Slomski bkchurch@dcwis.com Receptionist/Secretary/Bulletin Editor Lorie Orthober churchoffice@dcwis.com Normal Bulletin Deadline - Wednesday, 9am Faith Formation Coordinator-Linda Cummer faithchurch@dcwis.com (920) 421-2195 Parish Membership Stella Maris Parish is delighted when new people want to join our parish and gladly welcomes them into our faith community. Contact the parish office. Infant Baptism The baptism of new babies and young children revitalizes our faith community. Please contact the parish office to make arrangements for baptism. Adult Initiation The Catholic Church is always enriched whenever any adult chooses to be Catholic. Adults wishing to be baptized, or baptized adults wishing to be confirmed, the RCIA program is available. rament on the 1st Thursday of the month from 5:00-6:00 pm at our Baileys Harbor site (except holidays) and by appointment. Sacrament of Matrimony A faith-filled wedding is a joyful time for the couple and the parish. Our parish wants to have all weddings here be the best possible. The couple must meet with the pastor before a date can be reserved. Please contact the parish office at least 12 months in advance to begin preparation. Ministry to the Sick Everyone needs extra compassion and care when his or her health is not at its best. As a parish, we try to meet that need. Communal anointing Masses Reconciliation take place twice yearly, with God’s great mercy is something individual anointing done when requested. Parishioners in the to be celebrated. Ritually we hospital, nursing home or other Catholics experience God’s unconditional love in the sacra- institution are encouraged to notify the office to arrange for ment of reconciliation. Our pastor is available for this sac- visits or communion. Faith Community Nurse-Mary Fulwiler nursesm@dcwis.com (920) 421-4997 Devotions Secretary Trustee-Sharon Brabson brabsonsharon@gmail.com MORNING PRAYER: Monday-8:00 am, Fish Creek Treasurer Trustee-Richard Dannhausen hrdannhausen@gmail.com SCRIPTURE CLASS: Tuesday mornings after the 8:00 am Mass in Sister Bay. Please join us for a closer look and discussion on the upcoming Sunday Scriptures. Visitors are welcome. Pastoral Council Chair-Michelle Piatek piatmch@aol.com Finance Council Chair-Michael Smith msmithdc@charter.net Health & Wellness Committee livinghealthyisaprayer@gmail.com Spiritual Reflections-Marilynne Kowalski m.rosgrdn713@gmail.com ROSARY: Tuesday-Noon in Baileys Harbor. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION & BENEDICTION: Wednesday-after 8:00 am Mass at Fish Creek. RECONCILIATION: 1ST Thursday of the month fr om 5-6 pm in Baileys Harbor or by appointment. Offertory Contributions October 25-26, 2014 Actual $6,204.00 2,542.00 $8,746.00 Envelopes Offertory Totals Adventure Golf Sister Bay Baylake Bank Sturgeon Bay 2014/15 2014/15 2013/14 Actual YTD Budget YTD Actual YTD Budget $8,750.00 3,750.00 $12,500.00 $232,075.00 $295,000.00 $259,176.00 Total Attendance last week 717
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