Welcome to our parish! As pastor, I hope we can enrich your experience as much as you enrich ours. Fr. David Ruby Monday, February 23 Morning Prayer-8:00 am-SB Tuesday, February 24 Scripture Class-8:30 am-SB Pray the Rosary-12:00 pm-BH Loaves & Fishes Dinner-5:00 pm-SB Wednesday February 25 Faith Formation Grades 1-8-4:00 pm-BH Faith Formation Grade 9-6:00 pm-BH Thursday, February 26 Men’s Bible Reflection-9:00 am-SB Friday, February 27 Soup & Stations-12:00 noon-BH Sunday, March 1 Lenten Scripture Study-11:00 am-SB The CRHP Winter Luncheon was held at our sister Bay site in January. A wonderful pot luck was shared as well as poetry reading from some of our talented parishioners. Bishop’s Appeal Stella Maris Parish Target Received to date from 17 parishioners Total needed to meet assessment $49,859 $ 7,165 $42,694 What is the Average Gift? And how much should I give? The average gift in 2014 was $174. Through prayerful consideration, we encourage everyone to consider what they can share with those who have less. Even small donations add up when everyone participates. For Online Giving to our parish, please go to www.stellamarisparish.com and click on “Giving to the Parish Electronically” on the front page. Stella Maris Mission Statement “Stella Maris Parish, guided by our patron, lives and shares the mission of Jesus Christ" Website: www.stellamarisparish.com First Sunday of Lent-February 22, 2015 2| Welcome to Stella Maris in Baileys Harbor, Egg Harbor, Fish Creek, Jacksonport, Sister Bay & Washington Island Dear Fellow Parishioners Our ultimate goal as Christians is to allow God to be the center, focus and inspiration for our lives so that through his grace we can be saved from the power of sin and be in his presence forever. With that goal in mind, we should want to be as much a part of God as possible in this life and the next. Yet our common inclination often is to want God and everything else to be a part of us instead. That is the definition of pride and also why it is the worst of the seven deadly sins. Deadly sins are deep seated, bad habits which lead us away from God and keep us from being our true and best selves. That is why pride is the worst because it is not about some surface or small matter, it is about our total self being the center, focus and inspiration of our lives. None of us like to admit any of these sins but especially this sin because we want to think of ourselves in the best light possible and even more we want other people to think of us that way as well. The only problem is that we will never grow in the spiritual life or become closer to God if we do not own up to how we are not a part of God’s life now. We have to begin by distinguishing this pride from the good and healthy sense of pride. To be healthy psychologically and spiritually, we should have positive selfawareness and self-esteem, think of ourselves as God does. No one can ever know too much about him/herself. At the same time, we should also feel good about who we are including our past experiences, characteristics, feelings and beliefs. Accepting and loving our whole selves as God does is the first step to becoming our best self. We can then affirm the good and change the bad with God leading and guiding us. In accepting our limitations, we also learn to distinguish ourselves as human from God. We feel good about being ourselves for who we are and allow God to be who God is. That is very difficult because we want to be limitless like God and would rather not really live with our imperfections. Actually letting go of pride in the negative sense and accepting pride in the positive sense can be the most liberating experi- ence of our lives. It is too much of a burden for any of us to try to be perfect in any shape of form. We will constantly disappoint ourselves and no matter how much we think we are fooling others we will not. We also cannot be God or even try to be God without doing tremendous damage to ourselves and causing much misery. In order to avoid these problems, it is important to attempt to avoid this sin by being radically honest about ourselves to ourselves, God and other people. We can be comfortable with our good parts but also admit our faults. We cannot refuse to change ourselves when change is needed. We especially have to be careful about attempting to make the world and people around us into what we believe they should be. We should constantly strive to be our best human selves while allowing God to be God for us. God will definitely save us then. In Christ's love, Fr. Dave Ruby, Pastor and was given to organizations within the diocese to assist lowincome people with their basic needs. Catholic Relief Services Temptation reaches almost 100 million people in 91 countries on 5 continents. As Faith Formation catechists plan their lessons, they usually in- Based on the principles of Catholic social teaching, they serve peoclude the upcoming Sunday’s Gospel message. This first Sunday ple based solely on need, r egar dless of their r ace, r eligion or of Lent the theme of the Gospel is temptation. What are some ethnicity. temptations that young people face today? We would probably answer, “Far too many!” As I prepared my lesson for the ninth QUOTE FROM POPE FRANCIS “St Fr ancis did not dr aw graders, Loyola Press offered, “During Lent, we seek to strengthen lines between himself and society’s outcasts. He stepped into their our resolve to resist temptation. However, God does not expect us shoes, at times quite literally. This both enabled him to help and to do this on our own. God helps us, giving us the Holy Spirit in enabled people to trust him. Even when it jeopardized his own Baptism. God also gives us the community of the church to help social status, he showed respect and love for the downtrodden.” us. In Mark’s Gospel, we don’t hear details about how Satan tempted Jesus nor do we hear how Jesus succeeded in resisting WHERE DO YOUR DONATIONS GO? We Are HOPE, Inc. temptation. In Mark’s Gospel, Jesus’ battle with Satan continues helps Door County residents receive help with their heat and electhroughout his life, to be concluded only at his death on the cross. tric costs thr ough the Home Energy Plus Wisconsin Home EnDuring Lent we focus on resisting temptation in our lives. We re- ergy Assistance Program AND they assist job seekers with job new our commitment to resist certain temptations, but our efforts searches, work readiness, job skill building and employment retenduring Lent are only the beginning. We pray that what we begin tion AND they partner with employers to obtain and maintain a during each Lent will continue long after.” I know I will be asking well-trained and qualified workforce. Our gift last year of $500 my ninth grade students to consider this as they ponder their temp- helped We Are HOPE, Inc. to provide help and hope to many local tations and remind them to seek the help of the Holy Spirit and the residents in need of a helping hand. community of Stella Maris Parish. Faith Formation -Linda Cummer/Faith Formation Coordinator Christian Service & Responsibility If you are in financial need, Stella Maris needs to help you. Please call the parish office or speak with Father Ruby. DID YOU KNOW? 25% of the monies collected dur ing the annual Rice Bowl Lenten collection sponsored by Catholic Relief Services stays in the diocese. In 2014 that amounted to $13,000 UPCOMING EVENTS: March 19 and 20 – Restorative Justice and Human Trafficking from Wisconsin to the World sponsor ed by Mar quette Univer sity Law School in Milwaukee. To register go to www.mu.edu/rji by March 12. With questions, call (414) 288-3167 April 28-May 1- Mission tr ip to Su Casa Catholic Worker House in Chicago. If interested in joining the trip to or for more information, contact J an Liss at (920) 839-2630 First Sunday of Lent–February 22, 2015 3| Parish Life & Upcoming Events SOUP AND STATIONS-will be held on Fridays at 12 noon at our Baileys Harbor site. Toasted cheese sandwiches will be provided by the Knights of Columbus. Please call the office by Thursday at 9 am if you are able to bring a meatless soup to share. Thank you. FEED MY PEOPLE-It's still cold and gray; we are in the long days of winter. Talking to volunteers at "Feed My People," they are in need of certain items such as cereal, soups, mashed potatoes, peanut butter & jelly, pasta, crackers and hamburger helper to assist the hungry families of our area. Can you help? Please donate 1 or 2 items or whatever you can these winter weekends. Feed the Hungry; it's what Jesus would do. Thank you so much. BOWL-A-THON for Northern Door Children’s Center on Saturday, February 28 from 10 am to 7:30 pm at the Sister Bay Bowl. Teams of four, collect pledges and bowl 2 games. For more info call (920) 854-4244 or office@ndcc.me. ENERGY ASSISTANCE- For more information and to see if you qualify, visit our website at wearehopeinc.org/HomeEnergy. If you need help paying your home heating bills, or know of someone who does, call (920) 743-7273 to schedule an appointment. RESPECT LIFE-"Our culture....has become hardened to many who cry out. We idolize the strong and beautiful and tend to disregard the weak and imperfect. In our own lives, have we been programmed not to call for help ourselves or to look past those who do?" ---Learning to Cry, Life Issues Forum, December 19, 2014, Tom Grenchik USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities COFFEE AND…..There will be coffee and snacks after the ten o'clock Masses on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, through March, at Sister Bay. Please call Larry Garske at (920) 854-4606 if you can bring a snack. Coffee and tea are provided. WEBSITE: http://www.stellamarisparish.com/ Online mass for the homebound… on the top right, click Catholic Links. Scroll down to and click “Online Sunday Mass”. NO-FEE INCOME TAX PREPARATION-The program is designed for low to moderate incomes, with special attention to those age 60 and older. Appointments need to be made: Mondays at the Baileys Harbor Town Hall (920) 839-2157 and Scandia Village on Wednesdays (920) 854-2317. STELLA MARIS HOLY BOOK CLUB-The next book for the May 5th discussion is “All the Light We Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr. This is a novel where one of the main characters is blind and the other a brilliant young German orphan who was chosen to attend a brutal military academy under Hitler's power using his innate engineering skills. The book, according to Fr. Ron Rohlheiser is "one of the best novels I have ever read". Anyone is welcome to participate. For questions contact Jim Stollenwerk at (920) 854-5640. 5| -First Sunday of Lent-February 22, 2015 Worship & Music Column In this week’s bulletin, you will find a sheet from Ave Maria Press on Lent. It was because of this sheet, with its title of A Journey to Holiness and the message it conveyed, that we prayed and brainstormed and decided upon this theme for Lent for this year. On a personal note, I want to acknowledge and thank all of you, our parishioners and visitors, for your wonderful and positive participation at our liturgies. It is because of you, and your graciousness and openness to sing, that I feel comfortable introducing specific music that supports the liturgical season or a specific theme. In selecting hymns, many factors are used and an important one is: will it bring everyone’s hearts closer to God? One of my favorite sayings that I first heard at the NPM convention in 2010, is that “we sing from our hearts, to God’s heart.” Our song is a prayer and if it touches people’s hearts, if it makes everyone think, “Wow, this melody is so poignant” or “Wow, these lyrics really make me think”, or “Wow, this music totally supports today’s Scripture Readings,” then, that is good because we are doing this all in thanksgiving and praise to the God. Liturgical musicians are always reviewing music keeping in mind specific songs that might be appropriate in the future. That is how our two new Lenten hymns, Make Me Holy and Journey with a Savior were selected. As this is the beginning of our Lenten Journey to Holiness, I hope that the following lyrics from these two hymns might help us think about this Lent: From Come and Journey, verse two: “Come and journey, journey inward, come and seek him deep within; might make us think about making the March 7 & 8 th Weekend Retreat with Pat DeGroot. From Make Me Holy, verse one: “renew in me, a spirit strong, remind me that its sin that’s wrong,” might make us think about participating in our parish Lenten Sacrament of Reconciliation on March 19. From Come and Journey, verse three: “Come and journey, journey outward, telling others of his name, telling others of his glory, of the cross and of his shame” might make us think of participating in the Stations of the Cross every Friday at noon. And from verse four: “Come and journey, journey outward, where the cross calls us to care, where injustice and where hunger and the poor call us to share”, might make us thing about filling our CRS Rice Bowls and bring them to our Holy Thursday Mass. It is our prayer the refrain from Make Me Holy will sums up our journey this Lent: Make me holy, Lord… … like you.” Thank you, Kathy Sedan, Worship & Music Minister Lyrics reprinted under OneLicense.net A -702045 Liturgies of the Week Saturday, February 21-First Sunday Lent Washington Island 11:00 am-DR †Lyle Whiting Baileys Harbor 4:00 pm-DR †Nancy Ahern-Kovacs Sunday, February 22-First Sunday Lent Egg Harbor 8:00 am-DR †Tom Cashin Sister Bay 10:00 am-DR Members of Stella Maris Monday, February 23-St. Polycarp, Bishop & Martyr Sister Bay 8:00 am Morning Prayer Tuesday, February 24 Sister Bay 8:00 am-DR †Irwin Miller Wednesday, February 25 Egg Harbor 8:00 am-DR †Robert Tanck Thursday, February 26 Sister Bay 8:00 am-DR †Robert J. Swanson Friday, February 27 Baileys Harbor 8:00 am-DR †Mary Ellen Martin Saturday, February 28-Second Sunday of Lent Washington Island 11:00 am-DR †Members of Stella Maris Baileys Harbor 4:00 pm-DR †Joe & Eva Kita Sunday, March 1-Second Sunday of Lent Egg Harbor 8:00 am-DR †Bessie Remiszewski Sister Bay 10:00 am-DR †Ida Maki DR=Fr. David Ruby Readings for the Week of February 22 Sunday: Gn 9:8-15/1 Pt 3:18-22/Mk 1:12-15 Monday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18/Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday: Is 55:10-11/Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10/Lk 11:29-32 Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25/Mt 7:7-12 Friday: Ez 18:21-28/Mt 5:20-26 Saturday: Dt 26:16-19/Mt 5:43-48 Next Sunday: Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/Rom 8:31b-34/ Mk 9:2-10 ©Liturgical Publications Inc First Sunday of Lent-February 22, 2015 6| Pastor Reverend David Ruby pastorsm@dcwis.com Egg Harbor Office (920) 868-3241 PO Box 49, 7710 State Hwy 42, Egg Harbor, WI 54209 E-mail: churchoffice@dcwis.com Fax (920) 868-1481 Web site: www.stellamarisparish.com Office hours: (Mon-Fri) 8:00-12:00 & 12:30-4:30 Pastoral Associate Becky Nash pastoralchurch@dcwis.com Worship and Music Minister Kathy Sedan worshipchurch@dcwis.com Bookkeeper/LoSEC (Local Safe Envir onment Coor dinator) Jim Slomski bkchurch@dcwis.com Receptionist/Secretary/Bulletin Editor Lorie Orthober churchoffice@dcwis.com Normal Bulletin Deadline - Tuesday, 9am Faith Formation Coordinator-Linda Cummer faithchurch@dcwis.com (920) 421-2195 Maintenance Coordinator-Jimmy Nowlan maintchurch@dcwis.com (920) 421-3315 Parish Membership Stella Maris Parish is delighted when new people want to join our parish and gladly welcomes them into our faith community. Contact the parish office. Infant Baptism The baptism of new babies and young children revitalizes our faith community. Please contact the parish office to make arrangements for baptism. Adult Initiation The Catholic Church is always enriched whenever any adult chooses to be Catholic. Adults wishing to be baptized, or baptized adults wishing to be confirmed, the RCIA program is available. Secretary Trustee-Sharon Brabson brabsonsharon@gmail.com Treasurer Trustee-Richard Dannhausen hrdannhausen@gmail.com Pastoral Council Chair-Michelle Piatek piatmch@aol.com Finance Council Chair-Michael Smith msmithdc@charter.net Health & Wellness Committee livinghealthyisaprayer@gmail.com Spiritual Reflections-Marilynne Kowalski m.rosgrdn713@gmail.com Danish Mill Bakery/Sandwich Washington Island Big Hill Regency Apts. Sturgeon Bay Sacrament of Matrimony A faith-filled wedding is a joyful time for the couple and the parish. Our parish wants to have all weddings here be the best possible. The couple must meet with the pastor before a date can be reserved. Please contact the parish office at least 12 months in advance to begin preparation. Ministry to the Sick Everyone needs extra compassion and care when his or her health is not at its best. As a parish, we try to meet that need. Communal anointing Masses Reconciliation take place twice yearly, with God’s great mercy is something individual anointing done when requested. Parishioners in the to be celebrated. Ritually we hospital, nursing home or other Catholics experience God’s unconditional love in the sacra- institution are encouraged to notify the office to arrange for ment of reconciliation. Our pastor is available for this sac- visits or communion. Faith Community Nurse-Mary Fulwiler nursesm@dcwis.com (920) 421-4997 Wedding Coordinator-Burnie Cerra ma8cer@aol.com (920)868-3393 rament on the 1st Thursday of the month from 5:00-6:00 pm at our Baileys Harbor site (except holidays) and by appointment. Devotions MORNING PRAYER: Monday-8:00 am, Sister Bay SCRIPTURE CLASS: Tuesday mornings after the 8:00 am Mass in Sister Bay. Please join us for a closer look and discussion on the upcoming Sunday Scriptures. Visitors are welcome. ROSARY: Tuesday-Noon in Baileys Harbor. RECONCILIATION: 1ST Thursday of the month fr om 5-6 pm in Baileys Harbor or by appointment. Offertory Contributions Feb. 14-15, 2015 Actual $9,569.00 831.00 $10,400.00 Envelopes Offertory Totals 2014/15 2014/15 2013/14 Actual YTD Budget YTD Actual YTD Budget $6,250.00 2,000.00 $8,250.00 $399,412.00 $462,250.00 $407,082.00 Total Attendance last week 395
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