Sacred Heart Parish 120 Jefferson Street ~ Swedesburg, Pennsylvania, 19405 We are the “HEART” of Bridgeport, King of Prussia, Swedeland and Swedesburg Saint Augustine Sanctuary Sacred Heart Church Our Pastoral Staff Rev. Timothy F. O’Sullivan Founding Pastor Rev. Msgr. George A. Majoros Parochial Vicar Rev. James J. Shea, Sch. P. Weekday & Sunday Ministry Our Lady of Mount Carmel Sanctuary Our Mother of Sorrows Sanctuary Our Parish Mass Schedule,‘Pro Tem’ Saturday evening at 4:00pm in Sacred Heart Church in Swedesburg Saturday evening at 5:30pm at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Worship Site Sunday morning at 8:00am at Our Saint Augustine Worship Site Sunday morning at 10:00am in Sacred Heart Church in Swedesburg Sunday evening at 5:00pm in Sacred Heart Church in Swedesburg Monday through Friday at 6:30am at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Campus; Monday through Saturday at 8:00am in Sacred Heart Church. (Masses on National Holidays will be celebrated at 9:00am. This will be announced in our Parish bulletin.) The Sacrament of Baptism Baptism is celebrated on the third Sunday of the month at 12 Noon and on the fifth Sunday of the Month during the 10:00am Mass. Before selecting a Baptism date, parents should secure letters of eligibility for their selected Godparents and present them at the rectory. Parents should also plan on Attending our Parish’s Pre-Jordan program before setting a Baptism date. All baptisms are celebrated in Sacred Heart Church. The Sacrament of Confession Saturday afternoon: 3:00pm – 3:45pm. Wednesday morning: Immediately following the 8:00am Mass. By appointment at the rectory anytime. The Sacrament of Confession is celebrated in Sacred Heart Church. The Sacrament of Marriage Please speak to Father O’Sullivan or Monsignor Majoros at least six months before your anticipated Wedding date. Couples should not make any celebratory arrangements until after they have met with Father or Monsignor at our Parish. The Sacrament of The Sick Please speak to Father O’Sullivan or Monsignor Majoros if you or a family member wish to receive the Sacrament of the Sick. It is always appropriate to receive this Sacrament before surgery, during a serious illness or in the final stages of life. Our Parish Mass Intentions October 18-19, 2014 – 29th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 4:00pm (SH) Henry Palaszewski Requested by Eleanor, Lucille & Family 5:30pm (MC) Charles Palmer Requested by His Sister, Lillian Givat 8:00am (AU) Cheryl Buddy Lattanze Requested by Mom & Dad 10:00am (SH) Charles Piatkowski (25th Anniv.) Requested by his Niece, Joyce 5:00pm (SH) For the People of our Parish Requested by Fr. O’Sullivan October 20, 2014 –SAINT PAUL OF THE CROSS 6:30am (MC) Mary L. Dachille Requested by Her Husband, Frank 8:00am (SH) Mary Dolan HELP WANTED; VOLUNTEERS NEEDED; LET’S THINK! This Monday, October 20th at 7:00pm we will hold the first meeting of “The Sacred Heart Parish Fund Raising Committee” in our School Hall. At this meeting we will discuss opportunities to foster unity in our parish by planning FUNraisers and fundraisers! At this meeting we will also be discussing our Parish’s major summer event in the spirit of our past Festival and Feast! Please plan to join us as we plan exciting events for our new Parish community! Bring your ideas; bring your enthusiasm; bring a friend! Requested by Bill & Dolores Simmons October 21, 2014 –TUESDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 6:30am (MC) Kenneth Ostrowski Requested by Pat Walker 8:00am (SH) Wanda Smith Requested by Jimmy, Wendy, Joe & Justin Rittenhouse October 22, 2014– POPE SAINT JOHN PAUL II 6:30am (MC) Bonnie Mateja Requested by Marilyn & Joe Lewis 8:00am (SH) Joseph & Helen Dybicz Requested by Ed Dybicz October 23, 2014 – SAINT JOHN OF CAPISTRANO 6:30am (MC) Rita DeStefano Requested by Ken & Sandy Nadwodny 8:00am (SH) A Special Intention Requested by Judy Vicchio October 24, 2014 – SAINT ANTHONY MARY CLARET 6:30am (MC) Dominic M. DiGuglielmo Requested by Carol Calcagni 8:00am (SH) A Special Intention October 25, 2014 – SATURDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00am (SH) Health Blessings for Thomas J. Hurley, Sr. Requested by Wife, Dorothy & Children October 25-26, 2014 – 30th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 4:00pm (SH) For the People of our Parish Requested by Fr. O’Sullivan 5:30pm (MC) Margaret & Albert Roberto & Catherine & George Johns Requested by Frank & Philomena Johns 8:00am (AU) Kayla Buddy Requested by Grandmom & Pop Buddy 10:00am (SH) John & Florence Czapla Requested by Rosemary & Phil Giovinco 5:00pm (SH) Jean Guziewicz Requested by Jack & Family SAINT JOHN PAUL, PRAY FOR US! The Wednesday, October 22nd, the Church will celebrate the feast of Saint John Paul for the first time! (Saint John Paul was canonized a saint this past May by Pope Francis.) Our 8:00am morning Mass will celebrate the feast of this extraordinary leader of our times. Immediately following Mass, parishioner will be welcomed to venerate a first class relic of Saint John Paul. All are welcome to join us for the Mass. Also, during this Mass, a zucchetto once worn by Pope John Paul II will be displayed in the sanctuary of our Church. Please Pray For All Who Protect Our Country Through Their Military Service, especially… Matthew D. Baxter (Senior Airman, U.S. Air Force), Grandson of Peg Palmer; Matthew Capaldo (Lieutenant, U.S. Navy), son of John and Connie Capaldo; Devon Kantz (Lieutenant, U.S. Navy), grandson of Rose Kantz; Gregory Kantz (Captain, U.S. Air Force), grandson of Rose Kantz; Stephen Kantz (Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy), grandson of Rose Kantz, Matthew McNulty (Warrant Officer U.S.M.C.),son of Irene McNulty, and John Orendorff (Captain, U.S.Army), grandson of Ed & Gertrude Connor, Jonathan D. Palmer(Sergeant, U.S. National Guard), Grandson of Peg Palmer; Lawrence H. Palmer, Jr.(Sergeant, U.S. National Guard), Grandson of Peg Palmer. #143 Page 5 – Sacred Heart Our Parish Office Information Sacred Heart Rectory 120 Jefferson Street Swedesburg, Pennsylvania Sacred Heart Rectory office is open: Monday through Friday: 9:00am – 5:00pm Saturday: 9:00am – 12 Noon Sacred Heart Rectory Telephone: 610-275-1750 Sacred Heart Rectory Fax: 610-275-0480 Contact us by e-mail: FOR OUR FORTY HOURS DEVOTIONS: Sunday, November 23rd to Tuesday, November 25th Our Parish will celebrate our First Forty Hours this November. Father O’Sullivan and Monsignor Majoros would like to invite any parishioners willing to help plan our Forty Hours Devotions to join them for a meeting on Wednesday, October 29th. Please call the rectory and let Joanne know you are willing to join us to help plan our Forty Hours Devotions! Our Parish offers several opportunities for parishioners to remember loved ones in our Parish. In addition to having Mass offered for a deceased relative or friend, parishioners may sponsor our sanctuary lamp for their intentions, or commemorate the memory of a loved one by donating the Bread and Wine used in our Parish for the week. Parishioners are welcome to stop by the rectory to make these arrangements. The Sanctuary Lamp burns this week in our Parish In Memory of Karen Kelly Johnson Requested by Her Family The Bread & Wine used in our Parish this week was donated In memory of wanda Smith By her friends Let Us Serve The Lord With Gladness! The following Ministers are scheduled for our Parish Masses. Saturday evening, October 25th: 4:00pm in Sacred Heart Church Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: John Simmons, Mary Ellen Kester, Sheila Sargent, Pat Moletzsky Lector: Peter Wisniewski Music: Theresa Mann & Lori Warring Servers: Ania & Asia Niemiec & MaryCatherine Murphy 5:30pm at Our Mount Carmel Worship Site Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Terry Kelly, Barbara Fromm, Tom Kavanaugh, Karen Hinchey Lector: Connie Capaldo Music: John Bednar & Jan Krueger Servers: Estefania Cabrera & Ysalane Rojas Sunday, October 26th: 8:00am at Our Saint Augustine Worship Site Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Larry Kilian, Joseph Saboe, Tom Krizovensky, Janet Kita Lector: Joseph Saboe Music: Mary Estright & Stephanie Iaccarino Servers: Evan & Preston Smith 10:00am in Sacred Heart Church Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Shirley Funhouser, Dolores Burton, Margie Pruskowski, Greg Philips Lector: John Kolcun Music: Theresa Mann & Janice Sbei Servers: Jessica Poley, Trish Smith & MaryCatherine Murphy 5:00pm in Sacred Heart Church Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Richard McVoy, Mary Ellen Kester, Tom Krizovensky, Mary Eads Lector: Danielle Cantando Music: Theresa Mann & Cathy Middleton Servers: Tyler Klicka & MaryCatherine Murphy Come, Let Us Worship The Lord! On the Weekend of September 27-28st, 317 people joined us for Fr. O’Sullivan’s Installation Mass at 4:00pm; 105 people joined us at our 5:30pm Mass; 110 people joined us at our 8:00am Mass; 201 people joined us at our 10:00am Mass; and, 57 people joined us at our 5:00pm Mass. #143 Page 5 – Sacred Heart Our Parish Financial Information Sunday Collection for Sept. 27-28, 2014 .. ….$7,859 Collection for Sept. 28-29, 2013* ................. .$9,697 (*This amount reflects a combined total of the Sunday collections for this weekend from Sacred Heart, Saint Augustine and Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parishes.) THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF OUR PARISH! Our Upcoming Second Collections: In your generosity, please remember: October 25-26, 2014 All Soul’s Day Remembrance November 1-2, 2014 Our Church Heating Fund EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS UPDATE INFORMATION All of the Extraordinary Ministers of our three former parishes should have received a phone call recently asking if they would like to continue their ministry in our new parish. The Extraordinary Ministers who expressed a willingness to serve at all three of our worship sites were invited to a retraining session with Father O’Sullivan over the last week. If any of our former Extraordinary Ministers who are willing to continue in their ministry at our three worship sites did not receive a phone call, please call the rectory at your earliest convenience. There is a possibility that some Extraordinary Ministers somehow did not get transposed to our new listing of Extraordinary Ministers and Father O’Sullivan wants to make sure that all of our former Extraordinary Ministers who wish to continue in this ministry at all three of our worship sites have the opportunity to do so in our new Parish. RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL TRIP! Any parishioners and friends who signed up to join us on our trip to see the Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall in New York City on Thursday, December 11th, is reminded that payment is now due. Please send your final payment, made out to “Sacred Heart Parish” to the rectory! In Your Kindness, Please Pray For Our Family & Friends Who Are Sick… Baby Michael Yi (Great-nephew of Joan McKiernan), Baby Ryan VanBuskirk, Tom Burke, Baby Theodore Kocher (Great-Nephew of Michael & Eileen Bralski), Baby Madelyn Grace Kavanagh (Granddaughter of Denise & Tom Kavanagh),Rosemarie Grabowski (Cousin of Floyd Pachella), Crystal Fiorentino, Teresa Fiorentino, Alberta Hamaday, Dora Delmoro, Armando Delmoro, Antoinette Hildebrand, Dolores Simmons, Philomena Pishock, Madeline Dobbs (Granddaughter of Joseph & Dolores Saboe), Patricia McGee, Marion Raup, Kay Bolger,Vern Krueger(Husband of Jan Krueger), Baby Zander Castillo (Family friend of the Moser Family),Paul Dougherty. We are happy to keep your loved ones on our Parish prayer list for four weeks. If they would benefit from remaining on our prayer list after this period of time, please call the rectory and we will happily keep them on our prayer list. ETERNAL REST, GRANT UNTO THEM O LORD! In your kindness, please pray for the happy repose of the souls of: PATRICK J. TERPOILLO, JR. (Former Parishioner of St. Augustine Parish) Who passed away on October 6, 2014 ELIZABETH (“BETTY”) DAVIS (Mother of Joseph Davis) Who passed away on October 10, 2014 DOROTHY FREED Who passed away on October 10, 2014 CONGRATULATIONS! To Cory Weiss and Jessica Wetzel Who were married in our Parish on October 11, 2014. CONGRATULATIONS AND WELCOME, SISTER AUGUSTINE MARIE! This past Monday, the Sacred Heart Sisters accepted a new novice - Sister Augustine Marie, who received the habit of the novice in our convent on October 13th. Sister will join with Sister Angela Marie in her Novitiate studies. Please welcome Sister to our Parish when you see her! #143 Page 5 – Sacred Heart Dear Friends, On September 23rd, I held my fourth meeting with our Parish’s Transition Team. At this meeting we were able to continue discussions on several issues, as well as discuss new issues related to our Parish. We began our meeting by welcoming Tom Kester as a new member of the Transition Team. Tom replaced an original member of the Transition Team who resigned in June. With Tom’s acceptance of this position, our Team is, once again, comprised of six representatives of our three former parishes, who have, in actuality, become eighteen representatives of our new Sacred Heart Parish. The first agenda item was welcoming Gene March and Robert Koochagian from the O’Donnell & Naccarato Structural Engineering Firm. (This is the firm whom the Archdiocese commissioned to assess the physical structures of all the buildings of our three former parishes as part of the Pastoral Planning Initiative (PPI) that was begun in September 2013.) I invited these gentlemen to our meeting so they could offer insight into the evaluation process of our buildings that was part of the PPI process. As I explained to the Team members before I introduced Gene and Robert, they were not with us for us to ‘second guess’ their professional evaluations; nor were they with us to ‘justify’ their work. At a previous Transition Team meeting, the members felt it would be a good idea for representatives from O’Donnell & Naccarato to join us to share ‘first hand’ their knowledge of the work they carried out. In the course of their presentation Gene and Robert explained that their work was exclusively to assess the physical plant of each parish and to report to the Archdiocese their findings. (Gene performed the assessment of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Sacred Heart properties, while Robert performed the assessment of the Saint Augustine property.) After explaining some specifics of the property (roof, electrical system, etc.), Gene stated that Sacred Heart Parish facilities, given the age of the buildings, were ‘as-good-as-you-can-get’ structurally. He estimated that, over the next several years, it may cost approximately $25,000 in physical repairs to the Parish. When he discussed Our Lady of Mount Carmel’s property, he stated that, given the age of the buildings, the overall plant was in ‘very good’ shape. He estimated that over the next several years, it may cost approximately $90,000 in physical repairs to the Parish. Robert spent some time explaining some of the difficult challenges at Saint Augustine, in regard to the buildings. Given the age of the buildings, there is significant repair needed in most of the buildings. Age, water damage and much-needed pointing of the buildings have affected many parts of Saint Augustine’s property. Robert estimated that over the next several years, it may cost approximately $800,000 to repair the damage in several of the buildings. (It should be noted that there is no present danger in using Saint Augustine Church.) At the end of their presentation, Gene reminded the Team that their only responsibility was to assess the buildings from an engineering point-of-view. They were not asked, nor did they offer, any recommendation to the Archdiocese in regard to parish selection. The Team felt their presentation was enlightening and informative. The Team continued the meeting by discussing several ‘new’ traditions for our Parish. In November (nearing Thanksgiving) our parish will sponsor a food drive. All foods collected through this drive will be donated to the Patrician Society of Norristown to help them continue their good works. (Watch for more information in upcoming bulletins!) In November /December (as had been a tradition in all three of our former parishes), our Parish will participate in an Advent Giving Tree to help those in need at Christmas time. After discussion, we agreed that our program will be called “Gifts from the Heart” and our gifts will benefit children through Catholic Social Services, as well as bring gifts of cheer to our homebound parishioners. (Watch for more information in upcoming bulletins!) The Team also discussed that in December, our parish host a Christmas Dinner that would offer the Christmas ethnic foods of our Parish community. So, watch the bulletin for more information about, Sacred Heart Parish’s Christmas Eve Dinner - Bringing Traditions Together, scheduled to be held in our School hall on Sunday, December 21st at 11:30am. Also discussed at our meeting was our Parish offering Oplatki – a traditional Christmas custom from Eastern Europe. Oplatki will be available at our Rectory beginning Monday, December 1st, until our supply runs out. In January, blessed chalk and incense will be available in the lobby of Church on Epiphany weekend. Throats will be blessed through the intercession of Saint Blaise after our morning Mass on Tuesday, February 3rd. At our October meeting it is slated for us to discuss some possible events for February and Lent. As we ended our meeting, each Team member was asked how they thought the meeting went and all indicated that it was a good and productive meeting. Through the intercession of Saint Augustine and Our Lady of Mount Carmel, may we always be United in the Sacred Heart of Jesus! Fr. O’Sullivan #143 Page 5 – Sacred Heart Serving the community since 1941 Keith J. Murphy Supervisor Funeral Director Bernard S. Gutkowski Funeral Home Bernard S. Gutkowksi Funeral Director 305 Jefferson Street • Swedesburg, PA 19405 610-275-6385 Founders Bernard S. Gutkowski, Sr. Pauline H. Gutkowski 1915-1966 Walter Gutkowski 1911-2007 1941-2012 Little Sicily Pizza Gregory W. 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