HYDRO 2014 INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION HALLS Exhibition space is sold in minimum units of 6 m2. For HYDRO 2014, additional unit sizes are available. The stand space sold includes the standard booth with white panelling, a table and two chairs, a name sign, spotlights and an electricity supply. Prices include one full delegate registration per 6 m2, plus discounted rates for additional colleagues. All exhibitor registrations include the full technical and social programmes (including valuable evening networking opportunities) and lunches each day. All lunches and refreshments will be served in the exhibition halls, and there will be extended opening of the exhibition, with drinks and snacks, on 14 October. The layout of Villa Erba is exceptionally favourable: the halls are on the same level, facilitating access to all areas by conference participants. 3 x 2 m (6 m2) = € 2975 1 = Sold = Catering = Fixed seating = Internet LARIO WING CONFERENCE CONFERENCE REGISTRATION WC BAR MAIN ENTRANCE 2 2 REGINA WING 1 REGINA WING LARIO WING OPENING CEREMONY MAIN ENTRANCE 3 3 CERNOBBIO WING CONFERENCE BAR WC CONFERENCE CERNOBBIO WING EXHIBITORS (booked by January 2014) ABB Adams Schweiz AG, Switzerland Alsia, France Alstom, France Amiantit, Germany Andritz Hydro GmbH, Austria AquaVision Engineering Sàrl, Switzerland ASL AQFlow Inc., Canada ATB Riva Calzoni SpA, Italy Bilfinger VAM, Austria Braun Maschinenfabrik, Austria British Hydropower Associaton, UK Bruel & Kjaer Vibro, Austria Camuna Idroeletrica SPA, Italy Carpi Tech, Switzerland CG Electric Systems, Hungary China Valves Technology Inc., China CNC Tvar s.r.o., Czech Republic ConCool, USA Copperleaf, Canada D2FC Energy Valves, France Deublin, Austria DFME Sp zoo, Poland DSD Noell GmbH, Germany Dyrhoff Ltd, UK Eisenbeiss GmbH, Austria Elledi, Italy Emerson, Europe EPFL-LMH, Switzerland Ergon Bluenergy, Italy European Small Hydro Association Farab Co, Iran Federal Mogul Deva GmbH, Germany Ferry Capitain, France FGTI, France Flame Spray S.p.A., Italy Gamesa Electric, Spain GEI Gruppo Energia, Italy Geppert Hydropower Austria GGB Bearing Technology, Brazil GIBB, South Africa Global Hydro Energy, Austria GTC Kappelmeyer, Germany Hans Kuenz, Austria Hawe Hydraulik, Austria Hef-Durferrit, France Hibbard Inshore, USA Hongcheng Valves, China Hydro Energia srl, Italy Hydro Exploitation SA, Switzerland Hydrolox, The Netherlands Hydroplus, France HydroVision GmbH, Germany International Commission on Large Dams IDG, France Idreco, The Netherlands IHB Electric, Bulgaria IMHP, Spain Indar Electric, Spain INTPOW (Norwegian Pavilion), Norway Italian Industrial Agency, Italy www.abb.com www.adams-armaturen.ch www.alsia-regulage.com www.hydro.power.alstom.com www.amiantit.com www.andritz.com www.aquavision-eng.ch www.aqflow.com www.atbrivacalzoni.com www.vam.bilfinger.com www.braun.at www.british-hydro.org www.bkvibro.com www.alpiah.eu www.carpitech.com www.cgglobal.com www.cvvt.com www.cnctvar.cz www.concool.com www.copperleafgroup.com www.d2fc.com www.deublin.com www.dfme.pl www.dsd-noell.com www.dyrhoff.co.uk www.eisenbeiss@com www.elledi.vi.it www.emerson.com www.epfl.ch www.cesarihydro.com www.esha.be www.farab.com www.deva.de www.ferrycapitain.fr www.fgtindustrie.fr www.flamespray.it www.gamesaelectric.com www.geivalvole.it www.geppert.at www.ggbearings.com www.gibb.co.za www.hydro-energy.com www.gtc-info.de www.kuenz.com www.hawe.de www.hef-group.com www.hibbardinshore.com www.hbhc.com.cn www.hydroenergia.it www.hydro-exploitation.ch www.intralox.com www.hydroplus.com www.hydrovision.de www.icold-cigb.org www.idg-gmbh.com www.idreco.nl www.ihbelectric.com www.imhp.es www.indar.net www.intpow.com www.iia-tech.com 312 307 372 322 225 308 366 TBC 351 231 222 148 389 200 140 354 386 258 138 361 321 374 367 238 145 363 153 244 366 117 371 216 303 338 163 168 232 368 300 221 175 357 237 133 111 205 136 256 365 318 340 364 345 362 163 167 257 376 208 177 119 James Walker, UK Jeumont Electric, France Kinemetrics Inc, USA Kon˘car, Croatia Kovosvit mas a.s, Czech Republic Landsvirkjun Power, Iceland Litostroj Power, Slovenia Mannvit, Iceland Mavel a.s., Czech Republic MC -Monitoring SA, Switzerland Meggitt, Switzerland Meloni, Italy Metso Automation, Austria Metso Minerals , Lokomo Steel Foundry, Finland Montech, Germany Moret SRL, Italy Mott MacDonald, UK Muhr, Germany National Electric Coil, USA Nidec ASI Spa, Italy Nord-Lock, Switzerland Numeca International, Belgium Obermeyer Hydro Inc, USA Oiles Deutschland GmbH, Germany Pan Italia, Italy PAN Metallgesellschaft, Germany Power Machines, Russia Power Vision Engineering Sàrl, Switzerland PXL Seals, France Repack-S, France Rittmeyer AG, Switzerland Rubberart Ltd, Brazil Ruhfus Systemhydraulik GmbH, Germany Schmiedewerke Gröditz GmbH, Germany Sedicon AS, Norway Siemens, Austria SKF Sealing Solutions, Austria Stahlhandel Gröditz GmbH, Germany STE Energy, Italy Stucky, Switzerland Talleres Aratz, Spain Tamanini Hydro, Italy TES Vsetin, Czech Republic Thordon Bearings Inc., Canada Troyer AG, Italy TU Graz, Austria Ultraflux, France Veidekke, Norway Verkis, Iceland Veski, Croatia Voestalpine Böhler Welding, Austria Voith Hydro, Germany Walo Bertschinger AG, Switzerland Water Gen Power, Italy Wikov, Czech Republic Worthington Products Inc, USA WWS Wasserkraft GmbH, Austria Yapi-Tek Group, Turkey Yooil Engineering, Korea Zeco srl, Italy Bold type denotes a Conference Sponsor HYDRO 2014 INDUSTRY SPONSORS www.jameswalker.biz www.jeumontelectric.com www.kinemetrics.com www.koncar.hr www.kovosvit.cz www.lvpower.is www.litostrojpower.eu www.mannvit.is www.mavel.cz www.mc-monitoring.com www.meggittsensingsystems.com www.meloni.it www.metso.com www.metso.com www.montech.com www.moretlavorazioni.it www.mottmac.com www.muhr.com www.national-electric-coil.com www.asiansaldo.com www.nord-lock.ch www.numeca.com www.obermeyerhydro.com www.oiles.de www.panitalia.com www.pan-metall.com www.power-m.ru www.powervision-eng.ch www.pxlseals.com www.repack-s.com www.rittmeyer.com www.rubberart.com.br www.ruhfus.com www.stahl-groeditz.de www.sedicon.no www.siemens.com/hydro www.skf.com/seals www.stahlportal.com www.ste-energy.com www.stucky.ch www.talleresaratz.com www.tamanini.it www.tes.cz www.thordonbearings.com www.troyer.it www.tugraz.at www.ultraflux.net www.asfaltcoredams.com www.verkis.is www.veski.hr www.boehler-welding.com www.voithhydro.com www.walo.ch www.watergenpower.eu www.wikov.com www.tuffboom.com www.wws-wasserkraft.at www.celiksanayi.com www.yooileng.co.kr www.zeco.it 264 385 120 326 172 134 346 134 330 349 306 146 105 157 375 369 204 350 144 305 336 304 174 139 155 156 343 366 223 207 159 154 220 331 230 301 171 331 316 339 333 334 229 370 359 165 162 137 134 375 353 252 161 240 387 142 152 166 147 206 2014 HYDRO 2014 EXHIBITION BOOKING FORM The price for a basic stand 6 m2 (3 m long by 2 m wide) is €2975. This includes: • Carpet surface • Frame with white panelling suitable for mounting posters (1 m wide x 2.4 m high) • One table (with table cloth) and two meeting chairs • Name sign, in black text • Four spotlights per stand, including electricity supply • Wastepaper basket. Additional items can be ordered direct from our sub-contractor. The stand booking will also include one free registration for the conference (normally priced at around €1100), and a discounted rate for up to two additional people. Full details will be published in the Final Bulletin. I would like to reserve stand(s) .............. Stand price (€) ..............¶ If not available, my second choice would be stand(s) .............. Stand price (€) .............. Full company name: .......................................................................................................................................... Company name exactly as it should appear on stand signage: Postal address: ................................................................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... Contact name: .......................................................... Position: .................................................................. Tel (inc country code): ..................................................... Mobile: ................................................................... Fax (inc country code): ................................................... (For our possible use only) Email address: .......................................................... Website: ................................................................. Short description of company activity: (Up to 100 words describing your company’s services/products, along with your company logo in EPS format, should be emailed to: Heather.Gordon@hydropower-dams.com Signature: .................................. Date: .................................... CONTACT DETAILS The International Journal on Hydropower and Dams Sales Team Tel: + 44 20 8773 7250 • Fax: + 44 20 8773 7255 Email: sales@hydropower-dams.com Aqua~Media International Ltd, PO Box 285, Wallington, Surrey SM6 6AN, UK Web: www.hydropower-dams.com ✁ Stand booked by: ................................................... (Print name) EXHIBITION BOOKING CONDITIONS International Conference and Exhibition HYDRO 2014 Villa Erba, Cernobbio, Lake Como, Italy 13th – 15th October 2014 Payment Conditions The price of a stand is €2975 per 6 m2. Larger stands are multiplications of this rate. A deposit of 50% or the full amount will be required on receipt of the invoice. Until payment is received, your booking is considered provisional. The full balance must be paid by 1 June 2014. If payment is not received by this date, your stand position could be offered to another company. Liability Neither the event organiser nor its agents or representatives will be responsible for any injury, loss, or damage that may occur to the exhibitor or to the exhibitor’s employees, invitees, licensees, or guests, or exhibitor’s property, from any cause whatsoever. Under no circumstances shall the event organiser or its agents or representatives be liable for (i) any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential loss or damage whatsoever, or (ii) any loss of profit, loss of use, loss of opportunity, or any cost or damage resulting from any such loss. The exhibitor acknowledges that the risk allocations of this section are reasonable based on the understanding that exhibitor shall obtain, at its own expense, adequate insurance against any such injury, loss, or damage. The event organiser shall not be liable for failure to perform its obligations under the agreement as a result of strikes, riots, acts of God, or any other cause beyond its control. Anyone visiting, viewing, or otherwise participating in exhibitor’s booth or exhibit is deemed to be the invitee, licensee, or guest of exhibitor, and not the invitee, licensee, or guest of the event organiser. Exhibitor assumes full responsibility and liability for the actions of its agents, employees, independent contractors, or representatives, whether acting within or without the scope of their authority, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold Aqua-Media International, the exhibition hall, and their respective privies, harmless from and against claims resulting directly or indirectly from the actions or omissions of exhibitor and/or exhibitors agents, employees, independent contractors, or representatives, whether within or without the scope of authority. Exhibitors need to ensure that stand material and exhibition stand must be made of fire-proof materials, which conform to normal European class one standards. Force Majeure In case the exhibition hall is damaged or destroyed by fire, the elements, or any other cause, or if circumstances make it unreasonably difficult for event organiser to permit exhibitor to occupy the assigned space during any part or the whole of the exhibition, then during such circumstances event organiser, the building management, and their respective privies will be released and discharged from the obligation to supply space, and the exhibitor will be reimbursed a proportionate share of the booth rental previously received by the event organiser from the exhibitor. Aqua-Media International reserves the right to cancel, re-name, or relocate the exhibition or change the dates on which it is held in the unlikely event of a major local incident. If Aqua-Media International changes the name, relocates to another facility within the same city, or changes the dates for the exhibition to dates that are not more than 30 days earlier or later than the dates originally scheduled, no refund will be due to exhibitors. Cancellations In the event that an exhibitor wishes to cancel some or all of its allotted exhibit space, the exhibitor may request and the event organiser may grant such cancellation, but only with the following understandings; (i) all cancellations must be requested in writing and addressed to Aqua-Media International at the address above; and cancellation charges conditions (listed in the table below will be applied). The event organiser assumes no responsibility for having included the name of exhibitor in the exhibition catalogue, brochures, news releases, or other materials. Our policy for cancellation charges is set in the table below: From now until 1 June 2014 2 June to 31 August 2014 On and after 1 September 2013 up to the event No cancellation Charges 50 % cancellation charges of the total cost 100 % cancellation charges – no refund possible Aqua-Media International reserves the right in consultation with the exhibitors to change the stand position if necessary to respect health & safety regulations and final exhibition design. All efforts will be made to avoid such a necessity. Aqua-Media International reserves the right to refuse participation of a company and its employees as exhibitors and delegates, if it perceives a conflict of interests between the companies or individuals, or any potential conflict with the mission of the event, or policies of the host country/co-hosts. Company Name: ........................................................................................................................ Stand No: ............................. Stand booked by:.......................................................... (Print name) Signature:................................................. Date:....................................
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