University of the Western Cape Private Bag X17 Bellville 7535 South Africa Telegraph : UNIBELL Telex: 526661 Statistics and Population Studies Department Faculty of Natural Sciences Telephone: Fax: e-mail: (27) (21) 959-9565 (27) (21) 959-2909 Introductory Statistics Module Outline Business Statistics BUS 132 nd 2 Semester 2014 Page Table of Contents Part A. General Information 2 1. Teaching Staff and Contact Details 2 2. Timetable and Venues 3 3. Module Overview 3 4. Module Descriptor 4 Part B. Teaching and learning 5 5. Teaching and Learning activities 5 6. Module Schedule 5 7. Notice Board 5 8. Materials 6 9. Hot seat 6 10. Graduate Attributes, Learning outcomes and Assessment Criteria 6 10.1. 10.2 11. 12. BUS132 Types of assessment 6 Description and explanation of assessment activities 7 Evaluation of the learning and teaching 8 Part C. General Information 8 Academic Honesty 8 -1- 2014 Part A. General Information Welcome to the Department of Statistics and Population Studies. BUS 132 is an introductory statistics course and we hope that you will enjoy this field of study. You can make use of the guide to success to obtain excellent results! It is your responsibility to ensure that you are registered properly for this course. 1. Teaching Staff and Contact Details Coordinator: Name Room and building Phone number Email Consultation hours Mrs. Rechelle Jacobs Office 3.16 – New Sciences Building +21 959 9565 Please see office door for availability. Lecturers: Group 1 Name Room and building Phone number Email Consultation hours Mr Innocent Karangwa Office 3.19 – New Sciences Building +21 959 3039 Please see office door for availability. Group 2 Name Room and building Phone number Email Consultation hours Mr Brian Meki Office 3.19 – New Sciences Building +21 959 3199 Please see office door for availability. Name Room and building Phone number Email Consultation hours Mrs Chinelo Ogujiuba Office 3.17 – New Sciences Building +21 959 3370 Please see office door for availability. Group 4&5 Name Room and building Phone number Email Consultation hours Mr Tongai Foto Office 3.17 – New Sciences Building +21 959 3370 Please see office door for availability. Group 3 Group 6 Name Room and building Phone number Email Consultation hours BUS132 Mrs Rechelle Jacobs Office 3.16 – New Sciences Building +21 959 9565 Please see office door for availability. -2- 2014 2. Timetable and Venues Period 1 Monday G1 (B1) (8:30 – 9:30) G6 (S/Hall) Tuesday 2 (9:40 – 10:40) 3 (10:50 – 11:50) 4 Thursday Friday G2 (GH1) G2 (S1) G3 (C5) G2 (GH1) Tut G3 (GH3) H G3 (C5) G2 (B2) G1 (B1) (12:00 – 13:00) G6 (L20) L U N C G4 + G5 (C5) G4 + G5 (DL3) G1 (A2) Tut G6 (SC3) G3 (C5) Tut G4 + G5 (SC5) G4 + G5 (DL1) Tut (13:00 - 14:00) 5 (14:00 – 15:00) Tuesdays (14h45 – 15h45) 6 Wednesday (15:10 – 16:10) Tuesdays (15h55 – 16h55 G1 (B1) G6 (L20) Tut 3. Module Overview The key focus or purpose of this module How this module relates to previously studied modules How this module prepares students for subsequent modules How this module relates to the degree/discipline/ programme/s BUS132 Introduce students to Statistics: to recognise the importance of Statistics in both private and public sectors, data summaries (e.g. mean and standard deviation), perform simple statistical analysis and use a computer to analyse data. This module is an entry level course which uses basic mathematical tools learnt at secondary school. Some concepts may be new while others are known. This full time module is a service level course for the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences (EMS). It provides a sound statistical foundation to the student who wishes to continue with second year Statistics (provided they successfully complete first year Mathematics) as well as the student who continues with business related modules (Economics, Accounting, Finance, etc.). This module will enable the student to use the basic statistical tools learnt and apply them to their business environment. -3- 2014 4. Current module descriptor Home Department Statistics Module Topic Introductory Statistics Generic module name Numeric Code Alpha-numeric code Credit Value Business Statistics 132 Duration and semester Offered Semester and 2nd Semester Programmes in which the module is offered. All BCom programmes except BAdmin Level 5 Main Outcomes Pre-requisites To be able to: Recognize the importance of statistics in both private and public sectors Summarize data into summary measures (e.g. mean and standard deviation) Do simple statistical analysis Use a computer to analyze data Descriptive statistics Simple linear regression analysis Probability Sampling distributions Inferential Statistics Index numbers Time Series Anova Chi-square QSC131/132/MAM126 Co-requisites None Prohibited Combinations STA 111/125/141/142/151/BUS 131 Main Content A. Breakdown of Learning Time Contact with lecturer / tutor: Assignments & tasks: Assessment Practicals: Selfstudy Other: Please specify Total Learning Time Assessment methods BUS132 BUS132 15 Current Hours 56 20 10 64 150 B. Time-table Requirement per week Lectures p.w. 4 x 1 hours Practicals p.w. Tutorials p.w. Assignments and tests: 60% Final examination: 40% -4- 2014 Part B. Teaching and Learning 5. Teaching and learning activities The mode of teaching is face-to-face in weekly classes for one semester. Activities include a lecture with a discussion forum, weekly tutorials, extra reading/research for self-study and four written tests. Attendance for lectures AND tutorials are compulsory and contributes to your semester mark. A take-home, Excel based assignment will also be given. 6. Module Schedule Week Date Chapter 1 14 July - 18 July 1 Introduction Tut 1: Ch 1 2 21 July - 25 July 2 Graphical representation of data Tut 2: Ch 2 3 28 July - 1 Aug 3 Measures of location and dispersion Tut 3: Ch 1 & 2 4 Aug - 8 Aug 3 Measures of location and dispersion Tut 4: Ch 3 4 9 Aug - Public Holiday Topic Tutorials 5 11 Aug - 15 Aug 4 Probability Tut 5: Ch 4 6 18 Aug - 22 Aug 4 Probability Tut 6: Ch 3 & 4 7 25 Aug - 29 Aug 5 Distribution of random variables Vacation 1 Sept - 5 Sept 8 8 Sept - 12 Sept 10 7 Sampling distributions and estimation Interval estimation 15 Sept - 19 Sept 7 Interval estimation Tut 9: Ch 5, 6, 7 22 Sept - 26 Sept 8 Hypothesis testing Tut 10: Ch 8 9 Correlation and Regression Tut 11: Ch 9 10 Analysis of Variance & experimental design Chi-square test Index Numbers Time series analysis 29 Sept - 3 Oct 12 6 Oct - 10 Oct 13 13 Oct - 17 Oct 11 12 13 14 20 Oct - 24 Oct Revision BUS132 Test 2: Ch 3 & 4 Tues, 26 Aug Tut 8: Ch 6 & 7 24 Sept - Public Holiday 11 Test 1: Ch 1 & 2 Wed, 13 Aug Assignment: Excel worksheet 6 9 Tut 7: Ch 5 Tests Test 3: Ch 5, 6, 7 Fri, 26 Sept Tut 12: Ch 8, 9, 10 Tut 13: Ch 11, 12, 13 Test 4: Ch 8,9,10 Fri, 17 Oct Marks Finalisation -5- 2014 7. Notice Board Consult the notice board frequently for any other details pertaining to the course. These notice boards are situated on the third level of the New Sciences Building. (Opposite the stairway on the 3rd level at the rear entrance where the Computer Science laboratories are in the New Sciences building.) 8. Materials Recommended Calculators: Casio FX 82ES Sharp EL 531VH Prescribed Text: Introductory to Statistics. A course reader which can be purchased at the front office of the Statistics department (3rd Floor). Recommended Text Books: Most basic or introductory statistics books can be used for extra reading. Below are a few examples thereof. 1. Statistics for management and economics by G. Keller & B. Warrack 2. Introduction to business statistics by R.M. Weiers 3. Applied Business Statistics by Trevor Wegner 9. The Hot seat The department has made available tutors to assist you. These tutors can be found at a desk next to the notice board, level three, of the New Sciences building. Please consult with them whenever you have a problem. Hot seat tutors will also be available in the ADM lab to provide assistance with Excel during certain periods only. Please consult the notice board for the hot seat and ADM lab schedule. 10. Graduate Attributes, Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria 10.1 Types of assessment Attendance, class tests and tutorials are compulsory. The best three results of the four tests will be used in the calculation of the semester mark. The tests contribute towards 60% of your semester mark. Tests are written under examination conditions. Under no circumstances will any re-evaluation of the tests (sick tests) take place. Please check deadlines for mark/test queries, as no queries will be accepted after the due date. All four tutorial marks will be used to calculate your semester mark. An Excel based, take-home assignment will also be given and constitutes 5% of the semester mark. Attendance for lectures AND tutorials will count towards 5% of your semester mark. A daily attendance register will be taken. Semester mark: BUS132 60% of the average of the best three test marks 30% of the average of four tutorial marks 5% take-home written assignment 5% attendance for lectures and tutorials -6- 2014 Final mark: NB: 60% of the semester mark 40% of the exam mark Please read rule A.5 in the General Calendar with regard to Continuous Assessment, Pass Requirements and Re-evaluation. UWC Graduate Attributes Learning outcomes Teaching/Learning activities Assessment tasks and criteria Understand and use descriptive and inferential statistics. Inquiry focused (Researching) Class discussion In-class exercises Pre-reading and preparation Solve quantitative statistical problems. Self-study exercises Tutorial exercises Tests and exam questions Tutorial questions Tests and exam questions Tutorial questions Reading with understanding; Critically and relevantly literate (Solving problems) Develop a sound statistical foundation. Apply statistical tools to business scenarios. Multiple choice questions Tutorial exercises Reading and writing tasks Computer skills Use the Internet, MS Word and MS Excel. Tak e-home exercise Ethically, environmentally and socially aware and active Discuss ethical requirements when using data Autonomous and collaborative Begin to develop life-long learning capabilities and to see one’s discipline Reading and writing tasks in a wider context. Skilled communicators Present clear, well-structured statistical calculations, analyses and interpretations Develop statistical skills Interpersonal flexibility and confidence to engage across difference Work productively in co-operative learning groups Group discussions 10.2 Class discussion Take-home exercise Take-home exercise Tests and exam questions Tutorial questions Take-home exercise Description and explanation of assessment activities Written tutorials • • • Develop understanding and calculation skills of basic statistics. Interpret the results of basic statistical calculations. Preparation for written tests and the final exam. Written tests • Develop skills to help prepare for the final examination. Take-home written Assignment • • • • BUS132 Develop a basic understanding of MS-Excel. Use Excel to do basic statistical calculations and graphical representations. Analyse and interpret the outcomes of the statistical procedures. Report on those findings. -7- 2014 Feedback on assessment Feedback for both written tutorials and written tests will be available to the student during the week following the week in which the tutorial or test is written. For example: If a tutorial is written during week 3 of the second semester, feedback will be available during week 4. The same rule applies for the written tests. Penalties for late assessments Absolutely NO late submissions will be accepted for grading. Special Consideration and additional assessments to be made explicit to students There are NO sick tests for this course. Please ensure that you are aware of the four test dates but only the best three results will be used to calculate an average test mark. Consult the General Calendar, SECTION B: ASSESSMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES and A.5.2 ASSESSMENT: FIRST DEGREE STUDIES. 11. Evaluation of the learning and teaching on the module This module will be evaluated by students who will complete an anonymous questionnaire at the end of the semester. Student comments will also be collated and summarized to assist with the improvement of the presentation of the module in future. 12. Website Please consult the department website regularly for any additional notes and/or exercises that the lecturers may upload for you to download and work through in your own time. The website is: Part C. General Information 13. Academic honesty Please take the time to read Section 3. STUDENT DISCIPLINARY RULES in the General Calendar. It deals with matters of plagiarism and academic dishonesty. BUS132 -8- 2014
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