October 19, 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Matthew 17:4 Welcome to the Church of the Transfiguration! We are a Roman Catholic Christian Community; We see ourselves as a unique expression of the People of God whose faith in Jesus Christ is rooted in the Roman Catholic tradition. We invite you to come and see what we do at worship, at work, at service and at play. Weekday Mass Schedule Monday, Wednesday & Thursday- 6:45 AM Tuesday - 9:00 AM Saturday– 4:30 PM Weekend Mass Schedule Sunday– 9:00 & 11:30 AM Page Two Church of the Transfiguration, Pittsford, New York Masses & Scriptures for the week Monday, October 20, 2014 ***Eph 2:1-10 6:45 am: Joseph Michael Burns, III by the prayer Group Tuesday, October 21, 2014 ***Eph 2:12-22 9:00 am: Ann Kirchoff by The Conner Family Wednesday, October 22, 2014 ***Eph 3:2-12 6:45 am: Irma Zangrando by Devon & Lisa VanVechten Thursday, October 23, 2014 ***Eph 3:14-21 6:45 am: For Peace & Justice in the World Friday, October 24, 2014 ***Eph 4:1-6 Saturday, October 25, 2014 ***Eph 4:7-16 4:30 pm: Evelyn Judd by Suzanne Sovocool Sunday, October 26, 2014 ***Ex 22:20-26, 1 Thes 1-5c-10,Mt 22:34-40 (148) 9:00 am: Dorothy Harris by Terry & Shelia Klee 11:30 am: Felix Casaceli by JoAnne Ponticello ◊ Altar Linens – Diane Erdle ◊ October 19, 2014 Happening this week... Monday, October 20 10:00 to 11:00 am: Chair Yoga– Ed. Ctr. 4:30 to 5:30 pm: Christian Formation Classes Tuesday, October 21 12:30 to 2:00 pm: Women’s Bible Study-Ed. Ctr. U.L. 4:30 to 5:30 pm: Christian Formation Classes 7:00 to 8:30 pm: Destiny-Teen Room 7:00 to 8:30 pm: Choir Rehearsal-Church 7:00 to 8:30 pm: Joe Kelly Eucharist Series-Ed. Ctr. U.L. Wednesday, October 22 1:00 to 2:30 pm: Bereavement Support Group—PLC Dbl. Room 4:30 to 5:30 pm: Christian Formation Classes 5:30 to 6:30 pm: Yoga-Ed. Ctr. U.L. 6:00 to 6:50 pm: Morning Star Rehearsal-Church 7:00 to 8:00 pm: Bell Choir Rehearsal-Church Thursday, October 23 6:00 to 8:00 pm: Work of our Hands Knitting-Ed. Ctr. U.L. Friday October 24 4:30 to 6:00 pm: CSA– Ed. Ctr. L.L. Saturday, October 25 10:15 am: JTYM– Teen Room 9:00 am to 10:30 am: Teresa of Avila-PLC Dbl. Room. Sunday, October 26 10:00 to 11:00 am: Reconciliation Session #1- Ed. Ctr. 10:15 to 11:15 am: JTYM– Teen Room Merry Martha’s & Muscles Team 2 N. Incavo, B. & E. Dodd, J. & J. Eckhardt, S. Chang, B. Flynn We Welcome our newly baptized Flowers for the Altar Joseph Michael Burns III Dedicated by his sister, Meg Kastner Jocelyn Caroline Wisniewski The Sanctuary Candles burn this week In Loving Memory of Peter Bausch Dedicated by the Ilardo Family Memorial Flowers HOSPITAL VISITATION Due to federal regulations, hospitals "can no longer" provide individual patient information to the Parish Office. Therefore, you, a friend or family member MUST call the Parish Office if you wish to have a pastoral visit from a member of the parish staff. This is the only way we will know you are in the hospital. Reserve a weekend for remembering your loved ones with our “Memorial Floral” program at Transfiguration. A fresh floral arrangement will be placed in front of the altar table with prayers of remembrance at the weekend Masses. For more information or to schedule your memorial flower call Rose at the Parish Office 248-2427. Page Three Church of the Transfiguration, Pittsford, New York From The Corner Office! Dear friends, One of the most disturbing statistic I have heard about religious practice in the United States is that the largest religious group in the country consists of active Roman Catholics (31 million), with the second largest group being nonpracticing Roman Catholics (21 million, or 41% of those who identify themselves as Catholic)! The Southern Baptists come in at a distant third with an estimated 16 million members. Similar to most local Catholic parishes I believe these statistics are borne out here at Transfiguration as well. Our parish census comprises 1539 households; we hear from approximately 52% of the households regularly. Our average weekend Mass attendance hovers around 1400 (which has not changed drastically over the last 10 years) out of the over 5500 individuals that make up our Parish Registry. Even on the great church-going feasts of Christmas and Easter, we have less than 2600 attending Mass. In others words, about one-half of those who consider themselves members of Transfiguration, seldom walk through the door. In addition, we receive very little, if any, financial support from them. This is not an unusual statistic for any U.S. Catholic parish these days. But, for me, it is still a very sad statistic. It makes me wonder what we are doing wrong. Why do so many Catholics consider attending Mass unimportant? What does it mean to belong to a parish? What makes a Catholic Catholic? You may have some insight to share with us in this regard. I invite you to talk about this frankly at home, and in informal gatherings with your nominally Catholic relatives, neighbors and friends. See if you can get a better handle on why the church these days fails to attract so many of those who have been baptized into Christ. Is there anything we can do as a parish community to turn that around? Please share those reflections with us. Speak to me or any member of the Parish Staff or Pastoral Council (a contact list is available on our website and in the Bulletin) or send us an e-mail to the address given on website. How can we be a more evangelizing community, living and sharing the Good News with those who most need to hear it? I believe our enthusiasm for our faith can be contagious. We just need to invite, invite, invite and then truly welcome all who come through our doors. This is not just the job of the greeters, the staff and me. Take the time to introduce yourselves to those sitting near you at Mass. Learn their names, and allow them to get to know you as well. As for those who attended the Leadership Day, held on October 4, and the Pastoral Council, they know one of my goals is to have 50% of those not participating now, back with us before I retire in 2019. I cannot achieve this alone, nor should I. It is a goal that requires all of us. I believe it is a worthwhile goal if we believe God truly loves us and that we are excited about God’s love for us. You are responding at a nice pace to your annual invitation to support the Catholic Ministry Appeal, please respond October 19, 2014 as soon as you can. If you did not receive the materials, there are plenty of pledge forms in the Gathering Area of Church. Thank you for your quick response! Let us continue to pray and sacrifice for peace in our world! In peace and courage, CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL Our goal is: $172,193 139 parishioners (8.7%) have pledged $60,526 (35.2%) of our goal THANK YOU If you have not returned your Catholic Ministries Appeal Pledge Card, please do it, it is needed. Find information: http://dor.org/sd/appeal.htm Remembrance Mass November is the month in the Roman Catholic tradition when we remember in a special way our deceased loved ones. Again this year, we will celebrate a Remembrance Mass on Saturday, November 1st at 9:00 a.m. for all who have died since October 1, 2013. As part of the liturgy we will read the names of the deceased. The Parish Staff has tried to keep an accurate record of parishioners’ relatives who have died since October 1, 2013, but our list may be incomplete. If you have had a relative pass away in the last year and would like that person’s name read during the Remembrance Mass, please call the Parish Office before October 22nd. "Show me the coin that pays the census tax." Then they handed him the Roman coin. He said to them, "Whose image is this and whose inscription?" They replied, "Caesar's." At that he said to them, "Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God." - Mt 22:19-21 Page Five Church of the Transfiguration, Pittsford, New York October 19, 2014 Youth Ministry News Formation Moment Senior High: Our weekly youth group for senior high, Destiny, meets on Tuesday from 7-8:30 PM in the youth room in the lower level of the Education Building and meets most Tuesdays during the school year except during school breaks. All 9th-12th graders are welcome to come and bring a friend! Here in the Diocese of Rochester there has been quite the stir around the renewed Sacramental Policies. In an effort to help us all understand them better, watch the bulletin over the next couple weeks for information. Reconciliation Reconciliation (also known as Penance or Confession) is a Sacrament first and foremost centering around forgiveness. It is a celebration of God’s mercy. It also prepares us to more fully celebrate the Eucharist. For this reason, Bishop Matano has asked us to assure our young friends celebrating Eucharist for the first time in second grade have had the opportunity to prepare with the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Anyone seeking Communion for the first time should also be enrolled in Reconciliation this fall. Please call Don in the Formation office for more details. Junior High: Our youth group for junior high begins on meets Sundays from 10:15-11:15AM in the youth room in the lower lever of the Education Building and meets most Sundays during the school year except during holiday weekends and school breaks. All 7th-8th graders are welcome to come and bring a friend! Junior High Fall Retreat: Save the date now for our Fall Retreat – Sunday, November 9 from 11:30 until 4:00. Parents are invited to join us for Mass at 11:00. Youth Ministry Adult Leaders Needed! We are looking for a few good adult volunteers to be present with our junior high and senior high youth at their weekly gatherings. This is a very rewarding, FUN, and inspiring ministry! See Anne for details! Contact Anne Gallagher at transfigurationym@gmail.com or 248-2467x239 with any questions about youth ministry. I love to hear from you! Thank You! Dear Parishioners, Thank you so much for the lovely school supplies. The families were so please. I wish you could have seen the smiles on the children’s faces. Gratefully, Sr. Julia Norton Ministry Fair JOIN US FOR THE MINISTRY FAIR Please join us as we highlight and celebrate our ministries at Transfiguration on the weekend of 10/18-19 after all Masses in our Parish Life Center. All ministries at Transfiguration are vital to living out our gospel values and offering hospitality to our brothers and sisters in Christ. Please consider offering your gifts and talents in one of our many ministries. Stop by and find out more information, enjoy some coffee and donuts and meet your fellow parishioners! Elsewhere — ROME You may have seen in the newspaper this past week news from the Vatican. Pope Francis has convened bishops and cardinals from around the globe along with lay men and women, married couples, and other experts to discuss issues surrounding the family. To start the synod, Pope Francis asked those present to speak honestly without worry about how others may react. He then participated by listening to all that has been said. This past week he reminded us to look beyond only the law and to what brings people closer to Jesus. He described God as the God of the law, but also the God of surprise and encouraged everyone to remain open to the surprises God has in store. In Pope Francis words: Am I attached to my things, my ideas? Am I closed? Am I at a standstill or am I a person on a journey? Do I believe in Jesus Christ and what Jesus did? Am I able to understand the signs of the times and be faithful to the voice of the Lord that is manifested in them? Babysitting Coop If your child needs a break during Mass they are welcome to come play and socialize in our babysitting co op at the 9am Mass on Sundays in the babysitting room. For questions or further details, please contact Marisa Leitner-474-9125 or email mocilento@gmail.com Page Four Church of the Transfiguration, Pittsford, New York October 19, 2014 Peace & Justice Elsewhere WINTER CLOTHING DRIVE weekend of November 1st and 2nd Please drop off your donations After all Masses this weekend! Notre Dame Retreat House Sacrament of Healing & Forgiveness To assist those in need the following items are needed: Gently worn, clean spring & summer clothes, lightweight sweaters & jackets, shoes for men, women, children and infants; women's career clothes & accessories (purses, jewelry, belts); maternity clothes; men's dress clothes; children's books (infants to age 12), parenting books; bedding, towels, washcloths, curtains & linens pots & pans, dishes, silverware. Please sort your donations into categories (women’s, men's, girls, boys, infants, teens, maternity, accessories, bedding, linens) and label with categories & sizes. SPECIAL REQUESTS: SOCCER uniforms & equipment – please keep separate FURNITURE and household furnishings: - please donate furniture/household items in good repair (no tears or stains) - bring what you can to the PLC on November 1st or 2nd - for large items, call Peter Schaad @ 748-1891 to arrange a home pick-up on Mon. Nov. 3rd or to arrange a different pickup date at your home Perhaps you have nothing to donate. Please consider purchasing new underwear or socks! There is a GREAT need this time of year for men, women and children, boys and girls socks and underwear. Tax donation forms will be available Questions - call Judy Herlihy at 334-0229 Presented by: Sr. Carole Proia, SSJ Day of Prayer conference to be held Tuesday, October 21, 2014 9:00am – 3:00pm (ending with mass at 2:00pm) (5151 Foster Rd., Canandaigua, NY) Please call 585-394-5700 to make a reservation for this day. The fee is $25.00 which includes conference and lunch. Mercy Spirituality Center Christian Meditation Group Thursdays, November 6, 13, 20, 5:30 - 6:30 pm 65 Highland Ave., Rochester, NY 14620. Join with other pilgrims on the inner journey to silence, stillness, and simplicity. Newcomers are always welcome. Presenter: Karen McNamara. Free will offering. Call 585-473-6893 to register. A Day to Call Your Own Tuesday, November 18, 9 am – 4 pm An opportunity to step back and refresh your mind, body and spirit. Fee: $25 per session. Call 585-473-6893 to register. Walk Your Own Labyrinth Thursday, November 13, 9 am – 11 am OR 7 pm – 9 pm Join us for this time of prayer and learn about the history of the labyrinth. Facilitator: Nancy Grear. Fee: $25. Call 585-473-6893 to register. Green Corner 2014 CHILDRENS INTERFAITH WEEKEND Join in the Children’s Interfaith Weekend This weekend Transfiguration joins other congregations from many faith traditions in the greater Rochester area and around the nation in celebrating the Children's Interfaith Weekend. This is a special opportunity to pray for our children, especially those who are most vulnerable, and to take action on their behalf. We live in a community with unconscionable levels of poverty and school failure, and we can all be part of making life better for Rochester's children and families. Unfortunately we only received the information about Children’s Interfaith Weekend as this Bulletin was going to press, we will share more about this issue in weeks to come, thanks for your understanding. Bag the Habit. Globally we use as many as 1 million plastic bags every MINUTE at a cost of 2.2 billion gallons of oil per year. Recycle your bags, but better yet use cloth reusable bags whenever and wherever you can. “Green Corners” are brought to you weekly by the Care of God’s Creation Ministry. If you have suggestions please e-mail us at onegreendoc@aol.com. Minister Schedule October 25 and 26 MINISTER Coordinators Greeters Commentator Lector 1 Lector 2 Min of Communion Cross Candle* Candle Hospitality Sat 10/25 4:30 PM Place B-1# B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 C-1* Sun 10/26 9:00 AM Sun 10/26 11:30AM Leonard Beeaker L. Calarese L. Burruto T. Wojick Wahl Martin B. O' Riordan D. Van Vechten C. Rand Morris Burke R. Hutchison T. Bonosky D. Coggins P. Roman Fr. Mike K. Russell A. Shelp J. Goonan L. Tschiderer Jim Brayer Alex Brayer Hannah Brayer L. Beck Fr. Mike L. Fredette J. Zuniga J. Fredette P. Hettrich Jessica Boss Chase Boss Sydney Boss Blasko/Seeler P. Kehoe Fr. Mike M. Kastner M. Finn A.M. Guerra J. Hammele Katrina Nicholas Sarina Diaz Sergio Valezques Pastoral Council Members-at-Large: Laura Cutter ( Moderator & Trustee), Craig Rand, Dave Donnelly, Gerry Gacioch, Maria Herrera, Shannon Kozarits, G.A. Sheller, Jane Vallely and Charlie Zinn. Faith Formation – Lori Goorman, Alternate – vacant Evangelization – Vacant Peace & Justice – Bob Fien, Alternate – Trish Goodman Worship – Vacant Youth – Megan Tremaine, Alternate - Ted Rohrer. Staff – rotating among all staff members New Parishioners Welcome to our Community of Faith! You may register as part of our Community by contacting the Parish Office by phone in person or our website. Please introduce yourself after Mass to one of the parish staff members. Church of the Transfiguration 50 West Bloomfield Road, Pittsford, New York 14534 Parish Office Phone: 585-248-2427 Fax: 585-385-9870 Email: Transfiguration@dor.org Finance Council Larry Buckley, Bill Burke, Peter Deckman (Chair & Trustee) Larry Filipski, Koen Goorman, Patty Lovallo, Sarah Pickhardt and Rich Spencer Pittsford-Mendon Planning Group Representatives Lisa Morris and Fr. Mike Bausch Parish Staff Youth Minister ..............................................................Anne Gallagher transfigurationym@gmail.com Secretary/Office Manager..................................................Rose Volker transfiguration.parish336@gmail.com Pastoral Associate.................................................................Tim Smith timsmith@dor.org Pastoral Associate……....................................................Margie Benza margie4@frontiernet.net Peace & Justice Coordinator………………………………….….. Vacant Fr. Mike and Margie Benza covering Pastor............................................................................Michael Bausch bausch@dor.org Music Minister....................................................................Sue Wallace choirsue@gmail.com Maintenance Supervisor...........................................Chris Washington miftt@aol.com Christian Formation Director.............................. ………..Damian Zynda dzynda@dor.org Christian Formation Associate Director........................... Donald Smith transfigurationcf@gmail.com Administrative Assistant for Formation………………...…. Meg Kastner mkastner@dor.org Business Manager ..........................................................Sandi Lazzaro transfigurationbusiness@rochester.twcbc.com Deacon......................................................................... Patrick DiLaura Deacon………………………………………………….….…Eric Bessette www.transfigurationpittsford.org Christian Formation Phone: 248-2467 TransfigurationCF@gmail.com Education Center: 585-248-3922 (during classes) Emergency Pastoral Care: 248-2427 wait for prompt and press 9. Pastoral Care: If you know of someone who is homebound, hospitalized, or in a nursing home and he or she would appreciate a visit from the Pastoral Staff, please contact the Parish Office. Your assistance will help provide care to all our parishioners. Sacraments Eucharist: Please check page 2 of this bulletin for Sunday, weekday and Holy Day Mass schedules. Anointing: In any emergency, at anytime, please call 248-2427 wait for prompt and press 9, or at your convenience or after any weekend Mass. Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30 p.m. or by appointment. Baptism: Please contact Tim Smith at the Parish Office three months in advance to register for the Baptismal Preparation Program. Marriage: Please contact Fr. Mike, Deacon Pat or Deacon Eric nine months in advance to arrange a tentative date. Catechumenate: Adults interested in joining the Roman Catholic Church, please contact Damian Zynda at the Parish Office.
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