March 1, 2015 2nd Sunday of Lent Matthew 17:4 Tri– Parish Lenten Retreat St. Louis/Church of the Transfiguration/St. Catherine’s of Siena March 2nd—4th , 2015 The Call to Discipleship: Daily challenge Presented by: Bishop Emeritus Matthew Clark Using Pope Francis as an example, Bishop Emeritus Matthew Clark will guide and encourage us to be in touch with the dynamism of our spiritual journey and the ways in which God has shaped and molded us through the years. Pope Francis is a great example since he has dealt so honestly and humbly with issues all of us face in some way or other and keeps an optimistic spirit in the midst of all. We hope you will join us for this wonderful opportunity for personal and spiritual reflection! Monday, 3/2 Tuesday, 3/3 Wednesday, 3/4 St. Catherine of Siena Church of the Transfiguration St. Louis 26 Mendon-Ionia Road, Mendon 50 West Bloomfield Road, Pittsford 64 South Main Street, Pittsford 9am Morning Mass followed by discussion and refreshments 7pm Presentation followed by refreshments 9am Morning Mass followed by discussion and refreshments 7pm Presentation followed by refreshments 11am Morning Mass followed by discussion and lunch 7pm Presentation followed by refreshments “Do not be content to live a mediocre Christian life; Walk with determination on the path of Holiness.” —Pope Francis Weekday Mass Schedule Monday, Wednesday & Thursday- 6:45 AM Tuesday - 9:00 AM Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday– 4:30 PM Sunday– 9:00 & 11:30 AM Page Two Church of the Transfiguration, Pittsford, New York Happening this week... Masses & Scriptures for the week Monday, March 2, 2015 ***Dn 9:4b-10/Lk 6:36-38 6:45 am: Kenneth DeJourdan by Bob & Lynne Huot Tuesday, March 3, 2015 *** 1:10, 16-20/Mt 23:1-12 9:00 am: For the People of Transfiguration Wednesday, March 4, 2015 ***Jer 18:18-20/Mt 20:17-28 6:45 am: For Men & Women in the Military Thursday, March 5, 2015 ***Jer 17:5-10/Lk 16:19-31 6:45 am: Rosemary Hennessy by John & Barb Hennessy Friday, March 6, 2015 ***Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a/Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 Saturday, March 7, 2015 ***Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 4:30 pm: Reginald & Marcella Bold by the Bold Family Sunday, March 8, 2015 ***Ex 17:3-7/Rom 5:1-2, 5-8/Jn 4:5-42 or 4:5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42 9:00 am: Dinah Mullard Needham by Bev Young & Family 11:30 am: Sue Benzoni by the Chang Family ◊ Altar Linens – Joan Atwell ◊ Monday, March 2 10:00 am: Chair Yoga– Ed. Ctr. U.L. 4:30 pm: Children’s Formation Classes-Ed. Ctr. 7:00 pm: Tri-Parish Retreat at St. Catherine of Siena Tuesday, March 3 12:30 to 2:00 pm: Women’s Bible Study-Ed. Ctr. U.L. 4:30 pm: Children’s Formation Classes-Ed. Ctr. 7:00 pm: Tri-Parish Retreat at Transfiguration Wednesday, March 4 4:30 to 5:30 pm: A Lenten Prayer Experience-Church 5:30 to 6:30 pm: Yoga-Ed. Ctr. L.L. 6:00 to 6:50 pm: Morning Star Rehearsal-Church 7:00 pm: Tri-Parish Retreat at St. Louis Thursday, March 5 6:30 to 8:30 pm: JustFaith-PLC-Room 3 7:00 to 8:30 pm: Wisdom of Pope Francis with Joe KellyPLC Dbl. Room Friday March 6 7:00 pm: Empty Nesters Bridge-PLC Dbl. Room Saturday, March 7 Spaghetti Supper Sales in Gathering Area this weekend after all Masses Sunday, March 8 10:00 to 12:00 pm: 19th Annotation Reunion– PLC Living Room 10:30 to 11:30 am: Bell Choir Rehearsal-PLC Dbl. Room Merry Martha’s & Muscles Team 1 A. Gorman, P. Hettrich, B. Berry, N. Winfree, B. MacClean, K. Caren On Eagle's Wings Please remember the Rinefierd Family in your prayers for the passing of Brett Rinefierd, father of Jim Rinefierd and father in law of Karen Rinefierd. And he will raise you up… and hold you in the palm of his hands. Please pray for our teens who will be going on their Search Retreat Weekend this coming Friday, March 6th. God Bless Them! March 1, 2015 A Lenten Prayer Experience Wednesdays at 4:30 You are invited to join us for a 45-minute prayer experience each Wednesday of Lent. We will learn where different prayer traditions in our Catholic faith come from and experience each. Everyone is welcome, no matter their ages. March 4—Lectio Divina March 11—Liturgy of the Hours March 18—Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament March 25—Centering Prayer April 1 (Holy Week)—Stations of the Cross Financial Corner February 21 & 22 Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Week #34 Annual Collection/Budgeted Goal: The 2nd Sunday of Lent Jesus took Peter, James, and John and led them up a high mountain apart by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became dazzling white, such as no fuller on earth could bleach them. - Mk 9:2-3 Weekly goal: Actual: Monthly EFT Budget Goal: Actual EFT for February: Goal to date: Actual to date: Variance / Deficit $1,036,000.00 $ 13,000.00 $ 10,516.00 $ 31,083.33 $ 31,800.50 $690,666.64 $684,144.85 <$ 6,521.79> “Lord, how good it is for us to be here…” Page Three Church of the Transfiguration, Pittsford, New York From the Corner Office! Dear friends, Return to Me with all your heart! We are now beginning the Second Week of Lent and the highlight this week is our annual Tri-Parish Lenten Retreat with Bishop Emeritus Matthew Clark. Details are on the front of this Bulletin and I hope to see you there. GIVING UP INDIFFERENCE FOR LENT “Usually, when we are healthy and comfortable, we forget about others (something God the Father never does): we are unconcerned with their problems, their sufferings and the injustices they endure…Today, this selfish attitude of indifference has taken on global proportions, to the extent that we can speak of a globalization of indifference. It is a problem which we, as Christians, need to confront.” Pope Francis, Message for Lent 2015 While you may be giving up candy, TV or some other small pleasure this Lent, the Holy Father challenges us to go even bigger. Consider giving up indifference. Think of the good we could do if, as our Lenten discipline, all of us put our energies towards caring about and then acting to end suffering and injustice. Here are some ideas on how to begin: Do you care about people killed or made homeless by typhoons, coastal flooding and drought? The greenhouse gasses produced from the burning of fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas) and from agricultural practices and deforestation are the main causes of climate change. The extreme weather caused by climate change is already producing enormous destruction and suffering. If you care about the people affected, take action: Drive less, carpool more to work and school, turn down the thermostat even a couple degrees and weatherize your house; plus with all this you’ll save money. Divest from the fossil fuel industry invest your money instead in solar and wind power and businesses that view protecting the environment as part of their purpose. Join the Lent Fast for Climate Justice on March 16, sponsored by the Global Catholic Climate Movement. Fast in solidarity with the victims of climate change, to urge political leaders to commit to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. You can fast from food (during a whole day or at least one meal) and/or from activities that produce carbon dioxide (reducing your use of fossil fuels, electricity, plastic, paper and toxins). For more go to: http://catholicclimatemovement. Global /fast/ Do you care about babies in utero who are in danger of being aborted? If so, then take action: Current proposals in our State legislature would allow abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. Contact your New York State Assembly member about opposing the abortion expansion provision, which is the 10th point of the Women’s Equality Agenda. The first nine points of the bill the Church supports because they are life-affirming provisions and defend the dignity of women. To find your assembly member go to http://assembly.state.ny. us/mem/search/ THE OPPOSITE OF LOVE IS NOT HATE IT’S INDIFFERENCE Return to Me with all your heart! Let us continue to pray and sacrifice for peace in our world! In peace and courage, Fr. Mike March 1, 2015 First Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament March 6 Visit the Eucharistic Presence of Jesus in the Chapel from 8 AM -- 4 PM. Spend time with Jesus by reading the Bible, saying the Rosary, in silent prayer or with other religious readings. Speak to Jesus heart to heart. Or sit and relax and enjoy the peace of the Lord. For more information, call Joyce Albert, 248-5973 or Jan Maguire, 248-2286. 15th ANNUAL SPAGHETTI SUPPER Hosted by Men’s Fellowship & Youth Ministry Proceeds go to benefit Parish Youth Ministries Saturday. March 21st SEATING TIMES: 5:30 & 7:00 PM PARISH LIFE CENTER RESERVATION REQUEST NAME_______________________________________ PHONE _____________________________________ # ADULTS________ @$10.00_______ CHILDREN: #5-12 YEARS_______@ $5.00_____ # UNDER 5_______FREE (we do need the #) TOTAL #__________ AMT Enclosed $_______ PREPAYMENT ALLOWS SELECTION OF SITTING Choice cannot be guaranteed. We’ll do our best until maximum legal capacity is reached. CHOICE OF SITTING 5:30______OR 7:00_____ Make check payable to: “Transfiguration Spaghetti Supper” and place in an envelope marked Spaghetti Supper along with this form. Drop it in the collection or mail to the Parish Page Four Church of the Transfiguration, Pittsford, New York March 1, 2015 Adult Formation Men in the Spirit 4 Week Series "Men In The Spirit will hold its monthly meeting for March on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 6:00PM in the double room in the Parish Living Center. We will have our usual light supper and refreshments, then go as a group to the second session of the Tri-Parish retreat in the Church at 7:00. We will enjoy the second night of Bishop Emeritus Matthew Clark's talks on "The Call to Discipleship". We hope to see you there, as well as at the first and third nights! Note that Monday's TPR will be at St. Catherine's and Wednesday's will held at St. Louis." The Wisdom of Pope Francis Facilitator: Dr. Joseph Kelly Thursday Evenings—Feb. 26, Mar. 5, 12, 19, 2015 7:00pm—8:30pm Parish Life Center—Double Room Course Overview In his short time Pope Francis has electrified the world with his personality, his way of life and his wise teaching. In these sessions, we will examine some of this teaching as we find it in his interviews with major magazines, his talks and homilies on his various trips, especially to the Middle East and his important Apostolic Exhortation called “The Joy of the Gospel”. These amazing insights so vital to the Church and our Christian life together will certainly lead to lively discussion. 8 Week Series Discernment: Cultivating a Vision and Horizon For Leadership in the Footsteps of Pope Francis Facilitator: Damian Zynda, ThD Saturdays March 7, 14, 21, 28; April 11, 18, 23 and May 2, 2015 9:00 AM—10:30 AM Course Overview This eight week course will probe the depths of discernment as a means for growth toward greater intimacy with God (holiness) and as a tool for cultivating spiritual leaders in the world today (service). Examining the formative role of discernment in the life and ministry of Pope Francis this course offers a new horizon to help better appropriate and appreciate our call as disciples and leaders in the church and the world. Required books for this course: The Discerning Heart: Exploring the Christian Path. Au, Wilkie and Noreen Cannon Au. New York: Paulist Press, 2006 Pope Francis: Why He Leads the Way He LeadsLessons from the First Jesuit Pope; Lowney, Chris. Chicago: Paulist Press, 2013 God’s Voice Within: The Ignatian Way to Discover God’s Will, Thisbodeaux, Mark, Chicago: Loyola Press, 2010. Please purchase these books prior to the beginning of the course. Women’s 2015 Kentucky Retreat April 25 thru May 2nd “I have called you by name. You are mine.” Isaiah 43:1 Is this the year that you are called to go? Contact Meg Kastner 248-2467 or 703-4965 Transfiguration Library READ A ''GOOD BOOK' FOR LENT Stop in the TRANSFIGURATION LIBRARY to find a good Lenten read! No library cards –- find a book, take it home and bring it back when you are finished. Or stay to look at books, there are chairs and a table. Library topics range from Angels and Saints, Children's, Prayer, Spirituality and many more to Women's and Men's Issues. No fiction, just good Catholic current and historical reading. WHERE is the LIBRARY? In the PLC, opposite he water fountain, next to the Rest Rooms. Library Hours Mon. - Thurs. 8am – 4pm; Fri. 8am – 12:00 pm Sat. 3:30 – 5:30pm; Sun. 8:30am – 12:30 pm (Mon. - Fri., enter through the Walkway) Other times – during scheduled PLC events, meetings, lectures, games and practices. Any Interest? We are considering hosting a Weight Watchers Group Meeting here at Transfiguration. If you have interest, would you please call the parish office and talk to Rose– 248-2427 or email Thank You. Page Five Church of the Transfiguration, Pittsford, New York Peace & Justice In pursuit of the Common Good........ Transfiguration parishioners are known for their outstanding charitable works. But when we deliver our Christmas baskets, turkeys, and clothing, we are often saddened by the conditions we encounter. We see poverty, hunger, broken families, educational failure, unemployment, and other symptoms of a wounded society. We are forced to ask: How do these things happen? Are they an accident? Result of bad choices? Are these conditions permanent, unfixable? Or is something deeper going on? Are there things in our societal systems and institutions that may be creating, contributing to, or perpetuating these conditions? As we ponder these important questions, we can seek guidance from our long and rich tradition of Catholic Social Teaching (CST) (which is integral to our faith, not an optional add-on.) CST sharpens our Christian vision, and enlarges the stage of our activity. It urges us to pursue justice and peace by engaging in the public arena. Catholic Social Teaching tells us that, in this world, our Christian responsibility ranges a full spectrum from charity to advocacy and action in the public arena. In addition to charitable works, our faith tradition exhorts us to work vigorously to change unjust or flawed structures, policies, laws, or institutions that systematically contribute to poverty, indignity, violence, or marginalization. We are especially called to advocate for the weak, powerless, vulnerable, and the voiceless - to not accept any assault on human respect and dignity. Our political, economic, and social systems should work for everyone, not just a few. Deep societal inequalities invite us to deeper reflection during this Lenten Season. “Certain Women: Prophets and Martyrs for Justice” As Presented by “Women of the Well” A Unique Stations of the Cross, with Storytelling and Music In Jesus’ day, there were “certain women” who followed him from Galilee, all the way to the Cross… the empty tomb… the Upper Room… and beyond. So says Luke, the Evangelist. In our day, four “certain women” also followed Jesus... to their own cross… and beyond. Their names are Jean Donovan (the youngest), Maryknoll Sisters Maura Clarke and Ita Ford, and Ursuline Sister Dorothy Kazel (from Cleveland). On December 2nd of this year, we will th honor the 35 anniversary of their death in El Salvador. The “Women of the Well” have been profoundly moved by the stories of these seemingly “ordinary” women. For, along the way, they were transformed into courageous prophets of justice, in love with the spunky people of El Salvador. “Certain Women” is their story, complete with music and a Stations of the Cross in the words of the women themselves. Come, join us. And be inspired by these four “Certain Women.” When? Friday evening, March 13th, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Where? St. Catherine of Siena Church, 26 Mendon-Ionia Road, in Mendon Come, be inspired by these contemporary “Certain Women.” March 1, 2015 Save the Date! Our Annual Vacation Bible School will be July 6-10. Registration materials will be mailed in the spring. Join us this year for Mystery Explorers as we delve into mystery and fun! Youth Ministry News-Winter 2015 Senior High: Our weekly youth group for senior high, Destiny, is held on Tuesdays from 7-8:30 PM in the youth room in the lower level of the Education Building. All 9thth 12 graders are welcome to come and bring a friend! No meeting 2/17). Junior High: Our youth group for junior high meets most Sundays from 10:15-11:15AM in youth room in the lower level of the Education Building. All 7th-8th graders are welcome to come and bring a friend! Senior High SEARCH Retreat! Save the date for our annual retreat weekend March 6-8, 2015. This retreat is a chance to get away from the pressures of your normal life to spend quality time with God, with our faith community, and getting to know yourself better. Ask a teen who has attended in the past, and they will tell you to come. Registration forms can be found in the youth room, at the youth ministry kiosk outside church, or on the parish website and are due by 2/22. Contact Anne Gallagher at or 248-2467x239 with any questions about youth ministry. I would love to hear from you! Elsewhere Mercy Prayer Center Christian Meditation Group, Thursdays, March 5 – March 26, 8 am – 8:50 am at Mercy Spirituality Center, 65 Highland Ave., Rochester, NY 14620. Join with other pilgrims on the inner journey to silence, stillness, and simplicity. Newcomers are always welcome. Presenter: Lucien A Day to Call Your Own, Thursday, March 19, 9 am – 4 pm at Mercy Spirituality Center, 65 Highland Ave., Rochester, NY 14620. An opportunity to step back and refresh your mind, body and spirit. Fee: $25. Call 585-473-6893 to register. Thank You Just a short note of thanks for all who came out for a evening full of friends sharing a simple meal. We had a great turn out at the Annual Potato Supper and so many of you helped with the shopping, cooking, serving and cleaning up! Where would we be without all of you? I sure does take a village. Thank you and we look forward to next year. Lorey Beck and Margie Benza Minister Schedule March 7 & 8 MINISTER Coordinators Greeters Commentator Lector 1 Lector 2 Min of Communion Cross Candle* Candle Hospitality SAT 3/7 4:30 PM Place B-1# B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 C-1* SUN 3/8 9:00 AM SUN 3/8 11:30AM Cutter Brayer J. Baldino G. Crissy D. Dey Gangemi Burruto L. Filipski J. Fletcher K. Goorman Morris Coggins S. Campanelli J. Brawley H. Campanelli J. Wojick Fr. Mike C. Clarke P. Bomba M. Collins T. Wojick J. Brayer A. Brayer H. Brayer B. DeVencenzo Fr. Mike A. DiMarco R. Benza M. Bessette L. Beck J. Boss S. Boss C. Boss Pegan C. Rudmann Fr. Mike M.A. Corea R. Corea JA Shaughnessy MB Sullivan M. Brennan M. Arrikat N. Campanelli Pastoral Council Members-at-Large: Laura Cutter ( Moderator & Trustee), Craig Rand, Dave Donnelly, Gerry Gacioch, Maria Herrera, Shannon Kozarits, G.A. Sheller, Jane Vallely and Charlie Zinn. Faith Formation – Lori Goorman, Alternate – vacant Evangelization – Vacant Peace & Justice – Bob Fien, Alternate – Trish Goodman Worship – Vacant Youth – Megan Tremaine, Alternate - Ted Rohrer. Staff – rotating among all staff members Finance Council Larry Buckley, Bill Burke, Peter Deckman (Chair & Trustee) Larry Filipski, Koen Goorman, John Hennessy Patty Lovallo, Sarah Pickhardt and Rich Spencer Pittsford-Mendon Planning Group Representatives Lisa Morris and Fr. Mike Bausch Parish Staff Secretary/Office Manager..................................................Rose Volker Peace & Justice Coordinator………………………………….….Vacant Fr. Mike and Margie Benza covering Pastoral Associate.................................................................Tim Smith Pastoral Associate……....................................................Margie Benza Pastoral Associate for Youth ..................................... Anne Gallagher Pastor............................................................................Michael Bausch Music Minister....................................................................Sue Wallace Maintenance Supervisor...........................................Chris Washington Deacon......................................................................... Patrick DiLaura Deacon………………………………………………….….…Eric Bessette Christian Formation Director.............................. ………..Damian Zynda Christian Formation Associate Director........................... Donald Smith Business Manager ........................................................Sandi Lazzaro Administrative Assistant for Formation……………..…….. Meg Kastner New Parishioners Welcome to our Community of Faith! You may register as part of our Community by contacting the Parish Office by phone in person or our website. Please introduce yourself after Mass to one of the parish staff members. Church of the Transfiguration 50 West Bloomfield Road, Pittsford, New York 14534 Parish Office Phone: 585-248-2427 Fax: 585-385-9870 Email: Christian Formation Phone: 248-2467 Education Center: 585-248-3922 (during classes) Emergency Pastoral Care: 248-2427 wait for prompt and press 9. Pastoral Care: If you know of someone who is homebound, hospitalized, or in a nursing home and he or she would appreciate a visit from the Pastoral Staff, please contact the Parish Office. Your assistance will help provide care to all our parishioners. Sacraments Eucharist: Please check page 2 of this bulletin for Sunday, weekday and Holy Day Mass schedules. Anointing: In any emergency, at anytime, please call 248-2427 wait for prompt and press 9, or at your convenience or after any weekend Mass. Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30 p.m. or by appointment. Baptism: Please contact Tim Smith at the Parish Office three months in advance to register for the Baptismal Preparation Program. Marriage: Please contact Fr. Mike, Deacon Pat or Deacon Eric nine months in advance to arrange a tentative date. Catechumenate: Adults interested in joining the Roman Catholic Church, please contact Damian Zynda at the Parish Office.
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