HamptonRoads EngineeringSocietiesCalendar October2014 h p://va‐pec.org/events/HREE_calendar.pdf Inthisissue: MeetingannouncementsfromASMInternational(8‐10),HRGBC(5),JointSocieties(6),PMIHR(16‐17),SMEHR(18),andWTS(7). Conference:(https://www.hrsustainablelivingexpo.com/);HRA‐INCOSE“SystemsEngineering—NowandintheFuture(11‐15) HolidayParty:ECHR,ASCE,andVSPE(19) William LaBelle HR Engineering Society Calendar Editor e: w.labelle@ieee.org October 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 5:30p PMI HR Thursday 2 7:45a SAME VP Industry Day Friday 3 6 7 11:30a ASHRAE 8 6p ECHR Mtg 9 10 11 14 12p HRGBC LEED V4 15 6p ASNE 16 6:30p IEEE HR Student Papers 17 12p HRGBC Brd 18 21 22 11:30a Joint Socie es Luncheon 23 24 25 28 29 30 31 5:30p PEC 12 13 19 20 26 27 12p HRGBC LEED V4 1p WTS Webinar ASM FEM 4 Virginia FIRST ‐ Rumble in the Roads, Menchville, HS 5:30p THR Cri cal Mass 5 Saturday PMIHR Profes‐ sional Develop‐ ment Day 2014 HRA‐INCOSE Workshop , Systems Engineering—Now and in the Future PMP Exam Prep Course Hampton Roads Engineering Societies Calendar October 2014 Sunday Monday November 2014 Wednesday Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday 30 1 FRC HR Summit GirlsScout PatchDay 2 3 9 4 11:30a ASHRAE 6p ECHR Mtg 6 11:30a SAME VP Mee ng 6p SME 12 7:30a HRGBC Morning Buzz 13 14 15 FIRST LEGO League Tournament ‐ Norview HS 18 12p HRGBC LEED V4 19 6p ASNE 20 6:30p IEEE HR 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 10 5 5:30p PMI HR 11 Veteran’s Day 5:30p PEC 7 8 FIRST LEGO League Tournament ‐ Cri enden MS 16 17 23 Sunday Monday 1 7 8 December 2014 Wednesday Tuesday 2 11:30a ASHRAE 3 5:3op PMI HR 1p WTS Webinar 6p ECHR Mtg 9 5:30p PEC Thursday Friday Saturday 4 6:30p SAME VP Holiday Party 5 6 10 11 7p ECHR Holiday Party 12 13 14 15 16 17 6p ASNE 18 19 20 21 23:03 UTC 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Page 2 Hampton Roads Engineering Societies Calendar October 2014 SocietyAnnouncements,Events,Meetings,etc. h p://hamptonroads.ashraechapters.org/ Mee ngs: Chapter mee ngs are held the 2nd Monday of the month at 11:30am at: Tabb’s at Riverview 4019 Grandby Street Norfolk, Virginia Upcoming mee ngs: November 7 “Building Informa on Modeling for the Mechanical Design,” Dennis Knight, Society Dis nguished Lecturer Dinner Mee ngs: Springhill Suites, Newtown Rd. Virginia Beach, VA (except as noted) 3rd Wednesdays: 1800‐1900 Social Hour 1900‐2030 Dinner and Program h p://www.asne‐tw.org/ Upcoming Events: Upcoming Mee ngs: October 28 LEED V4 Brownfield Remedia on & Redevelopment, Peninsula November 12 Morning Buzz SWE Hampton Roads h p://www.hr‐swe.org/ Upcoming mee ngs: November 1 Girl Scout Patch Day Page 3 Hampton Roads Engineering Societies Calendar October 2014 SAME Hampton Roads Post h p://samehr.com/ Most mee ngs are held at the Wes n Virginia Beach Town Center, the programs begin at 11:30a. Upcoming mee ngs: SAME Virginia Peninsula Post h p://posts.same.org/VApeninsula/ Mee ngs: Most mee ngs are held at the Joint Base Langley‐Eus s (JBLE) Club, the programs begin at 1200. If you plan to eat lunch during the mee ng, try to arrive around 1130 so you have plenty of me to grab a seat and get your meal. DOD ID required for Joint Base Langley‐Eus s access. Contact Ms. Christy Gardner, 757‐764‐9416 or christy.gardner.4@us.af.mil to be sponsored on base. Upcoming mee ngs: November 6—”Standing Down the US Mission in Afghanistan”. Capt. Drew Myers, HQ Air Combat Command Engineering Division Page 4 Hampton Roads Engineering Societies Calendar October 2014 LEEDV4Brown ieldRemediation&Redevelopment Con nuing Educa on: 1.5 GBCI CEU for LEED Accredited Professionals: Category I: Project Site Factors and LEED Specific; AIA credit This program is appropriate for architects, specifiers, professional engineers, building owners, building managers, corporate accounts and building inspectors. This program is basic and meets the needs of professionals at every When: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm Where: Newport News Police Headquarters 9710 Jefferson Avenue Newport News, VA Lunch will be served. Registra ons must be received by noon on Oct. 24 to provide an accurate lunch count. Please email any ques ons to Donna Wilgus, HRGBC Administra ve Assistant, at admin@hrgbc.org Registra on and details: h ps://www.eventbrite.com/e/leed‐v4‐brownfield‐remedia on‐redevelopment‐ ckets‐11973096855 StormWaterRetro itandLocalPolicies Con nuing Educa on: 1.5 GBCI CEU for LEED Accredited Professionals: Category VII: Project Surroundings and Public Outreach; AIA credit This program is appropriate for architects, specifiers, professional engineers, building owners, building managers, corporate accounts and building inspectors. This program is basic and meets the needs of professionals at every experience level. When: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm Where: ITT Technical Ins tute Robin Hood Road Norfolk, VA Lunch will be served. Registra ons must be received by noon on Oct. 24 to provide an accurate lunch count. Please email any ques ons to Donna Wilgus, HRGBC Administra ve Assistant, at admin@hrgbc.org Registra on and details: h ps://www.eventbrite.com/e/storm‐water‐retrofit‐and‐local‐policies‐ ckets‐11973104879 Page 5 Joint Societies Luncheon Invitation OCTOBER 22ND JOINT SOCIETIES LUNCHEON The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the Engineers Club of Hampton Roads (ECHR), and the Virginia Society of Professional Engineers (VSPE) cordially invite you to the Joint Societies Luncheon to be held on Wednesday, October 22, 2014. Topic: Guest Speakers: Regional Transit Connectivity in Hampton Roads Julie Timm, AICP, CEP & Brian Solis, AICP, LEED Green Associate Ms. Julie Timm is the Transit Development Officer for Hampton Roads Transit. She manages transit development studies for the Hampton Roads Region including Transit Extension Studies for Virginia Beach and Naval Station Norfolk. Ms. Timm has nearly 20 years of experience in transportation project management and she holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from Old Dominion University in biology and fisheries. Mr. Brian Solis currently serves as the Transportation and Transit Manager in the City of Virginia Beach’s Strategic Growth Areas Department. He focuses on connecting Virginia Beach and the Hampton Roads community through smart, strategic and sustainable urban planning and operational practices. Mr. Solis holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from Old Dominion University in geography and public administration. Both Ms. Timm and Mr. Solis serve on the Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization’s (HRTPO) Transportation Technical Advisory Committee as well as several other HRTPO subcommittees related to long range transportation planning, passenger rail service and transportation demand management. The presentation will focus on Regional Transit Connectivity, including current and upcoming studies and engineering efforts throughout the Hampton Roads region. There will also be a focus on transit oriented development potential related to the Town Center Fixed Guideway Transit Extension Alignment Alternative in Virginia Beach. Host: VSPE – Tidewater Chapter Time: 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon (Sign-In); 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. (Lunch & Presentation) Location: The Westin Virginia Beach Town Center (Located at 4535 Commerce St., Virginia Beach, VA 23462) $25.00 – Joint Society members, $30.00 – all others. Credit cards accepted online. Cash and checks (payable to Tidewater VSPE) accepted at the door. Cost: Seating is limited, so please email or visit http://october2014jsl.eventbrite.com to register today. Registration ends on Monday, October 20th. For additional information, contact Katie Shannon by e-mail at TidewaterVSPE@gmail.com. PDH Certificates will be presented to attendees. If you have any special needs (dietary, disability, etc.), please specify them with your reservation. Changes to reservations and cancellations will be accepted until Monday, October 20th. Sorry, but no shows will be billed. Hampton Roads Engineering Societies Calendar October 2014 Emerging Women Leaders Webinar Series: Management Methods for Sticky Situations October 28, 2014 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Registration closes October 27 at 7:00 pm. Hampton Roads District Training Center 1700 North Main Street Suffolk, VA 23434 WTS Hampton Roads Chapter is sponsoring Professional Development Mentorship/Webinar Sessions by par cipa ng in the 2014 Emerging Women Leaders Webinar Series and providing an informal mentorship opportunity in associa on with each webinar. Guest Speakers: Toni Pavlovich, Vice President, Support Services, Technical Services, Symantec Corpora on and Linda Newborn, Member of the Board of Directors, UnityPoint Health. Let’s face it – we’ve all had days where we felt overwhelmed by our workload. Could you use some ps for keeping yourself and others mo vated and engaged? We’ll cover how to maintain high performance during stressful mes, and ways to bounce back a er you hit a wall. THE WEBINAR IS PROVIDED FREE OF CHARGE! Register Now! http:/ / w tsevents.org/ chapter/ HamptonRoads/ Contact for learning more about Emerging Women Leaders Webinar Series: Management Methods for S cky Situa ons Salvija Ho eimer, President. Phone: , Email: ho eimers@pbworld.com Page 7 SUSTAINING MEMBERS NONLINEAR ENGINEERING, LLC Eastern VA Chapter ASM C/O Steven J. Gentz 2252 Towne Park Drive SW Huntsville, AL 35803 HUNTINGTON INGALLS - NEWPORT NEWS SHIPBUILDING Eastern Virginia Chapter A Joint Meeting with the Central Virginia Section of ASME Technical Presentation Finite Element Methods (FEMs) and Real World Engineering Tuesday, October 28, 2014 IMPORTANT NOTICE: To continue receiving your chapter’s event notifications, please be sure your email and postal addresses are up to date on the ASM web site: www.asminternational.org We will continue to send the hard copy to members who do not have email or have requested email not be sent. Be sure to visit the chapter websites at: EasternVA.asminternational.org asmeasternvirginia.tripod.com Virginia Commonwealth University Engineering West, Room 301 601 West Main Street Richmond, Virginia 23284 6:30 – 7:00 PM: Social time and dinner 7:00 – 8:00 PM: Technical Presentation Dinner: Pizza and soft drinks will be provided at no charge courtesy of the ASM Chapter and the ASME Section. Reservations: Please notify Jeff Wiese at 804-421-7897 or wiese@nleng.com by Friday, October 24 on your planned attendance. Everyone is welcome. Chairman’s Message: This month’s presentation is the first of three technical talks jointly sponsored by our chapter and the Central Virginia Section of ASME, the other two being “Aluminum Bridge Deck Structures for Highway Use” to be held in January in Richmond, and “Equilibrium Phase Diagrams” to be held in the Williamsburg area in April. All three of these technical presentations are educational in nature and will be worth one (1) Professional Development Hour (PDH) each toward a Virginia Professional Engineer license. 16 PDHs are required during each two year license renewal period in Virginia, and three of those could be covered by these technical talks at no cost to the attendee. Please note that everyone is welcome to these events, and we hope to see you there. Jeff Wiese About the Presentation: The objective of the talk will be to give the attendee a conceptual understanding of the finite element method (FEM) rather than a detailed description of the mathematical underpinnings. Some of the questions to be answered are: • • • • • • How is the finite element method different from other forms of mathematical modeling? What is finite about the elements? Why do we need elements? When is the use of the FEM appropriate? What are some of the different flavors of FEM? What are the responsibilities of the finite element analyst? This talk will be valuable to practicing engineers who are curious about the FEM, managers who would like some understanding of the method to better allocate resources, students who might be interested in studying the subject, or anyone else who might be curious. About the Speaker: Jeffrey Wiese received his doctorate in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He worked in research and development at Reynolds Metals Company in the Richmond area for 12 years. In 2000 he founded Nonlinear Engineering, an engineering consulting firm, and has worked with companies both large and small in the United States and Europe. His areas of interest include product and process simulation, optimization, and design, typically using highly nonlinear numerical tools such as the finite element code LSDYNA. Directions from Hampton Roads Area: Heading West on I-64: 1. Take exit 76A toward Chamberlayne Avenue 2. Turn left onto Chamberlayne Avenue and prepare to turn after passing under the overpass 3. Turn right onto St Peter Street 4. Turn right onto West Leigh Street, Go 0.2 mile 5. Turn left onto North Belvidere Street, Go 0.5 mi 6. Turn right onto West Main Street with the VCU Engineering West Building on your left. Parking: Street parking is limited. The nearest public parking is in the West Street Parking Deck at 801 West Main Street with the entrance off of North Laurel Street. Evening parking is $1 for first hour and $2 for each additional hour. Please use the main entrance to the Engineering West building on West Main Street near North Belvedere Street. Upcoming Events: November 14: Students’ Night with Dr. Robert Pond, Jr. (Virginia Beach) January: Aluminum Bridge Deck Structures for Highway Use* (Joint Meeting with ASME in Richmond) February: Engineers' Week Activities (Tidewater and Richmond) RJEC Engineers Week Banquet – February 26 (rjec.org) PEC Engineers Week Banquet – February 28 (va-pec.org) March 14 (Π day): CO2 Dragster Contest at Celebrating Engineering Ingenuity Day (Richmond) April: Equilibrium Phase Diagrams* (Williamsburg) May: Spring Social: All You Can Eat at Bottoms Up Pizza (Joint Meeting with ASME in Richmond) * 1 PDH credit will be awarded for each technical presentation Chapter Officers: Chairman: Jeff Wiese wiese@NLEng.com Vice Chairman: Open Position Secretary: Kurt Thompson kurtthomps@aol.com Treasurer: Don Geisler drgeisler@verizon.net Web Master: Jim Hurst bricks59@cox.net Program Chair: Steve Gentz steven.j.gentz@nasa.gov 2014 HRA-INCOSE Workshop Systems Engineering – Now and in the Future CHAPTER SPONSORS October 31st 8am – 4:30pm Workshop Details Scope The scope for the workshop includes five key themes, which will tie back to the theme of SE Now and in the Future: INCOSE Related Certifications Industry/Business Government Universities When & Where Date/Time: Friday October 31, 2014 8am – 4:30pm Location: Reed Integration, Inc. 7007 Harbour View Boulevard, Suite 117 Suffolk, VA 23435 Registration Registration is now open. Please visit: https://www.eventbrit e.com/e/2014-hraincose-workshoptickets-13205065707 Fees: Members/Speakers: $65 Non-Members: $75 Workshop Agenda - Draft INCOSE Related Certifications Industry / Business Government Universities Start End Duration Topic i 8:00 AM 8:30 AM 0:30 Registration/Breakfast Panera (catered) ii P1 P2 P3 P4 iii P5 P6 P7 P8 8:30 AM 8:50 AM 9:10 AM 9:30 AM 9:50 AM 10:10 AM 10:25 AM 10:45 AM 11:05 AM 11:25 AM 8:50 AM 9:10 AM 9:30 AM 9:50 AM 10:10 AM 10:25 AM 10:45 AM 11:05 AM 11:25 AM 11:45 AM 0:20 0:20 0:20 0:20 0:20 0:15 0:20 0:20 0:20 0:20 iv 11:45 AM 12:45 PM 1:00 P9 P10 P11 P12 v P13 P14 P15 12:45 PM 1:05 PM 1:25 PM 1:45 PM 2:05 PM 2:20 PM 2:40 PM 3:00 PM 1:05 PM 1:25 PM 1:45 PM 2:05 PM 2:20 PM 2:40 PM 3:00 PM 3:20 PM 0:20 0:20 0:20 0:20 0:15 0:20 0:20 0:20 BREAK Informs – Certified Analytics Professional (CAP) Project Management Institute – Project Management Professional (PMP) CISSP / ITIL Expert / Certified Cloud Professional and Architect TBD LUNCH Egg Bistro (catered) Riverside TBD TBD Jacobs BREAK Decision and Risk Analysis Methods for Aerospace Portfolio Assessment at NASA NASA Langley Research Center Systems Engineering and Engineering Methods TBD P16 3:20 PM 4:05 PM 0:45 Local Colleges/Universities vi 4:05 PM 4:25 PM 0:20 Closing Remarks Opening Remarks Hampton Roads Chapter Central Virginia Chapter SE Handbook Changes/Updates Road from CSEP to ESEP Directions & Map From the Peninsula 1. From I-64 W, take exit 264 to merge onto I-664 S toward Downtown Newport News / Suffolk 2. Take exit 8A to merge onto VA-135 N / College Drive 3. Turn left onto Harbour View Blvd 4. Turn Right onto Bridgeway Drive 5. Turn left into the building parking lot, the entrance is at the right rear corner of the building From Downtown Norfolk, Portsmouth 1. Take I-264/US 58 ramp to Midtown Tunnel / Portsmouth (toll road) 2. Merge onto US 58 W (partial toll road) 3. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for VA-164 W / I-664 / Suffolk / Newport News and merge onto VA-164 W 4. Take the VA-135/College Drive exit toward US-17 S 5. Turn right onto VA-135 N / College Drive 6. Turn left onto Harbour View Blvd 7. Turn Right onto Bridgeway Drive 8. Turn left into the building parking lot, the entrance is at the right rear corner of the building From Chesapeake, Virginia Beach 1. From I-64 E, take exit 299B on the left for I-664 toward US 13/US 58/US 460 / Suffolk / Newport News / Richmond 2. Merge onto I-664 N 3. Take exit 8A to merge onto VA-135 N / College Drive 3. Turn left onto Harbour View Blvd 4. Turn Right onto Bridgeway Drive 5. Turn left into the building parking lot, the entrance is at the right rear corner of the building Parking Reed Integration, Inc. 7007 Harbour View Boulevard Suite 117 Suffolk, VA 23435 For additional information on how to get to the Workshop site, please visit: http://www.reedintegration.com/contact/contact_tea m-reed.php Contact Info If you have questions, please contact the Past President for the HRA-INCOSE Board of Directors at michele.king@incose.org Hampton Roads Engineering Societies Calendar October 2014 Guerilla Social Media Strategies for Project Managers Dates: November 5, 2014 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM Location: Crown Plaza Hampton-Marina 700 Settlers Landing Rd Hampton, VA 23669 Registration: https://www.pmihr.org/meet-reg1.php?id=28 Fee: $30 Member registration, after Oct. 31 $40 $40 Non-member registration, after Oct. 31 $50 Guerilla Social Media Strategies for Project Managers featuring Sultan Camp Join us for an evening of networking, learning, and socialization at the Crowne Plaza Hampton Marina. Our program starts with time to network with colleagues, learn about one another regional professional organization, and enjoy the cash bar. After some brief chapter business and introductions, we'll enjoy our dinner. Over coffee and dessert, we turn our focus to the featured presentation, followed by a door-prize drawing. We look forward to seeing you there! Project Managers–ever think about all of this Social media hype for business development, recruitment and strategic networking? Do you even need a Social Media Strategist? Times have changed; career management as a Project Manager and marketing online has hit a revolution era. Marketing is no longer about one-sided conversation where you push your sales message at your target market or employer. Rather, successful career management and business development is dependent upon your ability to build relationships and have conversations with your consumers using social media. The Internet and social media is not going away and it is certainly not a passing fad. Social media is only going to get bigger and if you are not on board chances are the competition is going to pass you by. Objectives: Learn how to use Social Media for Marketing Adopt Social Media Management techniques Utilize Social Media For Businesses Craft Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook for Businesses strategy LinkedIn Tips for an effective profile Facebook Ads Tips Brainstorming Social Media Strategies Develop Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook Strategies Page 16 Hampton Roads Engineering Societies Calendar October 2014 Join us to learn how to shorten the learning curve and gain invaluable insight on a strategic social media path to success on many of the popular social media platforms including, but not limited to LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc. So, if you are serious about creating a community of engaged, loyal brand followers, or managing your career as a Project Manager more effectively save your spot today! PDUs Available: 1 PDU for Certified PMs About The Speaker Sultan Camp is a proud Navy Veteran, Graduate of The George Washington University and a Social Media Expert. He is the author of “Congratulations on Your Military Service…Now Here are 9 Reasons I Won’t Hire you” featured on Business Insider with 500,000+ views and he speaks and trains business owners & professionals nationally. He is also a Military Talent candidate recruiter with Orion International Sultan has been recognized by LinkedIn as one of the Top 2% of LinkedIn Experts and was named one of the top 10 social media and career bloggers at Career Attraction and Every Veteran Hired blog websites. He helps companies identify and build their personal brand online; incorporating the social media aspects and obtaining REAL results for your business in a social world. Consider joining his nearly 2,300 Twitter followers (@careersultan); connect with him on LinkedIn; and you can also find Sultan on Facebook at http://www.fb.com/careersultan. Page 17 Chairman John Edwards Chair-Elect & Bulletin Editor Michael Petrice Treasurer Rick Schrim Secretary Carlyn Swanson Webpage Carlyn Swanson Society of Manufacturing Engineers Hampton Roads Chapter 217 SME Meeting & Dinner Announcement Presentation: Appreciative Lean Where: Knights of Columbus Hall 100 Columbus Way Newport News, VA 23608 When: Wednesday, 05 November at 6:00 p.m. Schedule of Events: 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. - Cocktails 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. – Dinner Presentation to Follow Cost: Members and Guests - $15 Students and Seniors - $10 Dinner: Garden Salad with house dressing, Sliced Ham with Raisin Sauce, Mashed Potatoes, Corn, Pasta Primavera, Pineapple and Cherries, Rolls with Butter, and Peach Cobbler. (Special menu is available upon advanced request.) Reservations: Please have your reservation in by Monday, 03 November 2014 to: John Edwards Smechapter217@gmail.com (757) 876-8386 Appreciative Lean: A Positive Lens for Enduring Results. Appreciative Inquiry is an organizational process that generates sustainable results, engaging the whole system, utilizing organizational strengths to create a positive environment. Applying Appreciative Inquiry to LEAN Management is a natural step to engage front-line employees to continually improve business processes through creativity, innovation and amplification of success. Linda Berardi is a Principal of Corporation for Positive Change, a global business consulting firm and Founder and Principal of WillowOak Center for Positive Change. Linda focuses her consulting engagements on the use of Appreciative Inquiry-based methodologies with clients from a broad spectrum of business, healthcare, government and education. Linda is especially known for her ability to enliven and reframe talent management challenges into engaging opportunities for positive change through public speaking and to drive enduring results with her clients. Linda’s professional background includes over twenty five years’ experience within the behavioral healthcare industry where she has led the design and delivery of successful statewide initiatives related to talent management and cultural transformation. Linda’s areas of expertise include organizational learning, strategic planning, human resources and strength-based performance management. Her education/certifications include, a Master in Public Administration degree from Old Dominion University, Senior Professional in Human Resources Certification through the Society of Human Resource Management and certification as an Appreciative Leadership Development Program© facilitator. Linda can be reached at lindaberardi@positivechange.org. Web Address: http://i.sme.org/HamptonRoadsNo217/Home/ Engineer’s Annual Holiday Party Date: Time: Place: Cost: Thursday, December 11, 2014 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. Tautogs Restaurant 205 23rd Street, Virginia Beach $35 per person, payable at the door (Includes: 1(one) beverage ticket and Heavy hors d’oeuvres RSVP to: Gary Heisler (AECOM), 757.306.6842, gary.heisler@aecom.com Bill LaBelle (SPAWAR), 757.619.9050, william.labelle@navy.mil Online: http://www.acteva.com/ Hors d’oeuvres include: Oysters Rockefeller Oysters Benny Steamed shrimp Shrimp & Vegetable Quesadillas Black Bean & Corn Wonton Cups Crab Dip Roasted Vegetables Chicken Teriyaki Skewers Tuna Rounds Smoked Salmon With Capers Chicken Wings Petit Fours Holiday Cookies Hampton Roads Engineering Societies Calendar October 2014 LastWord TheHamptonRoadsEngineeringSocietiesCalendarisafreee‐mailcalendarofengineeringsocietyeventsfortheHampton Roadsarea.Itisopentothepublicandallsocietiesareinvitedtoadvertisetheirevents. Anysocietymaysendinannouncements(monthlymeetings,EXCOMs,conferences,…)fordistribution.Theycanbeascolor‐ fulasyouwish.Iacceptmostanyformat.AnnouncementsaredistributedviaemaileachmonthinPDF(alinktothedown‐ load ile)andASCII/textformats.PDF ilesallowforruf lesand lourishes,suchassocietylogos,banners,etal.Icanconvert theessentialdetailsofanannouncementforthetextversionofcalendar.Pleaseforwardyoursociety’sannouncementtome bythe20thofthemonthandincludecontactinformationforyourfellowengineerandincaseIhavequestions. Listmembersreceiveamonthlytext‐onlye‐mailcalendarofevents.ThelatestPDFversionofthis ileisavailableonthePen‐ insulaEngineersCouncilwebsitehttp://www.va‐pec.org/events/HREE_calendar.pdf.Sendanemailtow.labelle@ieee.orgif youdesiretobenoti iedwhennewPDFversionsareavailable. Calendaruserscan: *Jointhelistbysendingablanke‐mailtosname‐subscribe@yahoogroups.com[textversion],or *ReceivenoticeswhenthePDFversionisavailablebysendingamessagetow.labelle@ieee.org.. Engineeringsocietiesareencouragedto: *PromotetheHRESCtoyourmembership. *UpdateyourlinkontheHRESCsitebysendinge‐mailtosname‐owner@yahoogroups.com *AddalinkfromyoursitedirectingvisitorstolearnmoreabouttheHRESCatthePECsite http://va‐pec.org/. Thekeyemailaddressesarelistedbelow. Subscribe: SNAME‐subscribe@yahoogroups.com Unsubscribe: SNAME‐unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com Listowner: SNAME‐owner@yahoogroups.com AnnouncementsandPDFversionnotice: w.labelle@ieee.org. SocietyList AIAA American Ins tute of Aeronau cs and Astronau cs SNAME Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers ASHRAE American Society of Hea ng, Refrigera ng and Air‐Condi oning Engineers SWE Society of Women Engineers THR Technology Hampton Roads ASNE American Society of Naval Engineers VSPE ECHR The Engineers Club of Hampton Roads Virginia Society of Professional Engineers ECVP Engineers Club of the Virginia Peninsula USGBC United States Green Building Council IEEE Ins tute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers WTS Women Transporta on Society HRGBC Hampton Roads Green Building Council INCOSE Interna onal Council on Systems Engineering LEED Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design PMI Project Management Ins tute SAME Society of American Military Engineers SMRP Society of Maintenance and Reliability Professionals Page 20 Hampton Roads Engineering Societies Calendar October 2014 CareerOpportunities Do you have a job opening? Consider pos ng your announcement here. Send your posi on announcement to me at w.labelle@ieee.org. Posi ons must be resubmi ed once a month else it is assumed the posi on is filled. Page 21
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