16th October 2014 EDITION 31 From the Principal There is a saying “never talk about politics or religion”. In many ways if there is a way to create division of opinion it certainly holds true that politics or religion is one way to create divisions. Today I wanted to raise a topic that I think has the potential to challenge these boundaries particularly political boundaries. While it is not essentially a political issue, immigration detention has become a political football that wins and loses votes. The power of office and therefore politics is often a vehicle to blur the lines of ethics and principles. There are many aspects of what is happening with immigration detention that defies logic and crosses ethical boundaries for most reasonable people. As a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition, one hope we would have, would be to open the eyes and the hearts of our community to the world around them. Yesterday on our assembly we talked to the boys about immigration detention and in particular the plight of children caught in the web of this political football. The reality is: Australia is today locking up at least 776 children. 193 children are detained on Nauru. They will never be resettled in Australia, even if found to be refugees. 169 of these children are detained on Christmas Island 1525 are detained in the community under residence determinations, a system referred to as Community Detention. 1870 children are living in the community on Bridging Visas which mean their parents have no work rights and very limited access to any Government support. Australia is the only Refugee Convention signatory to have a policy of mandatory, indefinite detention for asylum seekers. Australia is one of 147 countries to have signed the Refugee Convention which states refugees should have the right to choose their place of residence and to move freely within its territory, and that asylum seekers should not be penalised, including being arbitrarily put in detention Australia is the only Refugee Convention signatory nation to have a policy of indefinite detention for asylum seekers, no matter what their age. The aim we have, to introduce students to these situations is to challenge them to understand the implications of what is happening in terms of a social justice viewpoint. It is aiming to awaken their social conscience and be aware of those in a position who have no voice. This Friday we have invited students to take the option to stand in solidarity with students from over 30 other EREA Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Service and Action Awards (presented at Wednesday’s assembly) Dominic Richards, Ben Stark, Zach Smith, Harrison Ott Joshua Roach, William Thomson, Miles Bojorge, Alistair McGahon Harrison Ebinger, Jozsef Csincsi, Louis Bickle, Dylan Thornton Angus Herbertson, William Reiher, Henry Hughes, Lachlan Hill Ph: 3878 0500 I Wet Weather Line: 3878 0511 I Email: admin@njc.qld.edu.au schools across Australia in the “Detention for Detention” event. This show of solidarity with an advocacy for the over 1000 young people and their families who are victims of our Federal government’s policies on mandatory detention of asylum seekers, was initiated by ‘ERA for Change’, a grassroots advocacy movement initiated by passionate young staff and students. At lunch time students have the opportunity to show their support by sitting silently in the tennis courts “on detention” and “in detention”. This simple act will co-ordinate with formal petitions for change being sent to Government in line with the stance of the Australian Catholic Bishops. I have a belief that most of the world’s problems can be traced back to ignorance and apathy. Our small gesture on Friday hopefully helps students to gain a fuller understanding of the situation of these young refugee children who are left with a crippling situation with little hope for the future. I would invite parents to look up the web page http://www.eraforchange.com/detention-for-detention.html for more information on this EREA initiative. Prayers I would ask the College community to please keep Cath and Brad Esbensen in your thoughts and prayers following the sad passing of Brad’s father, Neil earlier in the week. Neil’s passing leaves 3 children, 5 grandchildren and family with a large void in their lives. We hope and pray that this challenging period can be negotiated as gently as possible. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord. May Perpetual light shine upon him, May he rest in peace. Amen. Staff It is with a little sadness this week that I have accepted the resignation of Helen Baran, our College Business Manager effective from January next year. Helen has been a wonderful employee at the College for over 13 years; her work as Business Manager has been meticulous and much of the strong position that the College finds itself in today is the result of her astute financial leadership. Whilst there will be an opportunity to more formally acknowledge Helen’s contribution to the College community later in the year, I wanted to ensure that our community was aware of Helen’s decision. Helen will be moving into a semi-retirement phase of her life and while I know that she won’t be idle, I hope that the new found time will allow her more time to have with her family and in particular her granddaughter. An advertisement will be in the weekend papers to start the process to appoint her successor. With best wishes Mike Senior Academic Awards (presented at year level assembly) Year 4 Oscar Warren, Charlie Gardiner, Jamieson Parkin, Jasper Malouf Year 5 Campbell Wright, Dom Thygesen, Elliot Hewett, Daniel Kemp Year 6 Matthew Gouveia, Josh Ryan, Sean Coman and Joshua Nowland Year 7 Lachlan Steains, Joseph Baartz, Michael Bruce, Emerson Treasure From the Deputy Principal From the Assistant to the Principal - Identity David Gardiner –gardinerd@njc.qld.edu.au Conor Finn– finnc@njc.qld.edu.au One aspect I have been really impressed with this year has been the sense of community at NJC. It is a characteristic that is often spoken about and one that is obvious in many aspects of the NJC daily life. We spoke at the beginning of the year of making this year the best ever in the history of NJC. That era is fast coming to an end. It also will signify the final involvement of a number of students and families as direct members of the NJC community. I often talk to boys about finishing well. Whether it is finishing a term, a semester, a game, a test, or the year. That message is extra important this year. We finish the 2014 school year as well as the journey of NJC. In last week’s newsletter, Mr Senior highlighted the many significant celebrations that are scheduled for this term. Some are focused on the Year 6 and 7 concluding their time at Primary school, some celebrating the end of our year together, and some focusing on the NJC story. All of the have an importance of closure. The rituals and significance of celebration closure is an important component of our emotional journey. Celebrations also bring fun, excitement and a stronger sense of family and community. I hope every boy is doing his very best to finish the year the best he can. Due to it being the end of the NJC time, this year’s Cultural Trail will be expanded to provide the community an opportunity to celebrate the story and the achievements of the College. The End of NJC Celebrations will be held at the College on Saturday 8 November for 2pm to 7.00pm. The aim to celebrate the end of NJC and showcase the activities and work of the boys. Some details are included below:Cultural Trail 2-4pm Art displays in the renovated classrooms in the Edmund Rice Building Music at different locations including large bands in Hall/River stage Tours 2-4pm Led by Year 7 boys Official Ceremony 4.00pm Official Welcome History of NJC book launch in Hall /naming of Hall Naming of NJC Garden and burying of time capsule. Fair/Carnival 4.00pm to 6.30pm Laser show and Fireworks Display Refreshments Tea and Coffee Bar operating 5.00 pm - 7.00pm on oval BBQ throughout the afternoon As we plan significant celebrations to end the NJC era we continue our preparations for the commencement of ATC. One more step in this journey is the launch of the new ATC website. This will continually be updated to provide prospective new families information about Ambrose Treacy College. It will go live tomorrow. Check it out at www.atc.qld.edu.au Tuck shop roster Roster times - 9.30 - 1.30 pm Mon 20th Oct: Tuckshop Closed—PUPIL FREE DAY Wed 22nd Oct: C Montwill-Griffin, S Doyle, J. Plumridge, A. Walsh Fri 24th Oct : N. Davis, K. Baker, J. Sharkey “One third of young people have had an episode of mental illness by the age of 25, with depression and anxiety the most prevalent disorders experienced by Australians” Australian Bureau of Statistics MENTAL AS It’s a fantastic feeling when you are truly proud to be Australian. I'm not talking about when our sporting teams or talented individuals receive international acclaim but those rare times when our nation goes against the status quo and champions the cause of those on the margins. I felt it during Kevin Rudd's Apology to Australia's Indigenous Peoples and I had the same wonderful feeling as I watched the ‘Mental As’ campaign that the ABC recently ran. Mental illness is an issue that has been neglected and stigmatised for far too long. The ‘Mental As’ campaign allowed the issue to emerge from the dark and enter the heart of the nation as almost every family and household will encounter it in some way. The ‘Mental As’ campaign allows us to understand that we have to see people with mental illness, not who they are at their low point, but as their ‘longitudinal’ self. This is the person not where they are but where they can be with the right treatment and support. There has been no doubt that there has been a strong correlation between mental illness and those involved in the recent spate of police stand-offs. I wonder, despite our arsenal of security, that if police, hospitals and community agencies were better prepared we could avoid deaths such as the recent stand-off in Inala. In these situations everyone is a victim: the deceased and his family as well as the police officers involved and their families. The most common ailment “healed” by Jesus was mental illness. However Jesus’ healing was and is about becoming awake to the fact that we are loved and valued. Healing is about being made whole in God’s healing embrace even if we are not cured. Jesus did not promise to fix everything - he promised to be with us always – a presence of love if you like. When Jesus healed (loved) the people with mental illness he showed us how he restored people to life and wholeness by drawing them into community and acceptance. Those who experience mental illness may never be healed in the literal sense. But like Jesus, we can lessen their distress by drawing them into our community and walking with them in their distress. Many people with mental illness search for someone who understands their plight and who will listen. For far too long our nation has not been prepared to talk about it. The ABC ‘Mental As’ campaign was like your partner coming in with the confronting conversation starter ‘We need to talk!’. If we are to move forward our collective response may need to be similar to other relationship favourite (usually before a breakup!) ‘It's not you, it's me.’ If you are unable to fulfil your roster duties, could you please try to arrange a swap with another person on the roster, if this is not possible then contact the Tuckshop Convenor - Julie O’Neill 0408733771. From the Assistant to the Principal - Curriculum Karen Madden– maddenk@njc.qld.edu.au ICAS High Achievers From Student Services Gail Northcote– northcoteg@njc.qld.edu.au Strictly Parenting The International English Competitions and Assessments for Schools, ICAS, high achievers for 2014 are as follows. All boys who participated in the English and Mathematics competitions will receive a certificate this week. Science certificates were distributed last term. A new award this year is the Principal’s award. The Principal nominates a student that he would like to acknowledge for a particularly outstanding effort and/or performance. Our congratulations to these boys on their outstanding achievement. Science – compulsory participation for Years 4 & 6; optional Years 5 & 7 High Distinction Year 6: James Cameron, Thomas Perissinotto Distinction Year 4: Dane Ball, Santiago Ferrando Ovenden, Patrick Keogh, Thomas Musgrave, Thomas Tracy, Reuben Waugh, Oliver Bradshaw, Oliver Dussin, James Ellis, Joseph Newell, Haydn Roberts, William Sharkey; Year 5: Jed Duffy, Bailey Gunther, Sasha Haritonoff; Year 6: Toby Hannan, Thomas Kearney English – option al participation for all students High Distinction Year 6: Thomas Kearney Distinction Year 4: Joshua Sullivan Year 5: Jed Duffy, Alexander Fay; Year 6: Jack Bennett, Thomas Bunzli, Archie Hanson, Thomas Perissinotto Dr Michael Carr-Gregg is one of Australia’s high-profile psychologist and an internationally recognised authority on child and adolescent behaviour. He is currently a consultant psychologist to many national organisations including ReachOut and beyondblue. Dr Carr-Gregg is the author of numerous bestselling books on parenting. His most recent book, Strictly Parenting covers many of the trickly issues that parents encounter over the years from birthday parties to bedtimes and drugs. It offers many practical, evidence-based solutions that may assist in your parenting over the schooling years. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES TRAVEL REBATE Semester 2, 2014 Does your child have a verified disability that requires transport assistance to and from school? Has your school’s learning support teacher assessed your child’s travel capability rating as ‘semi-independent’ or more dependent? Visit our website to see if you qualify for financial assistance to help with the cost of transport and apply at www.schooltransport.com.au by 31 October 2014 Do you want to enter the NJC photo competition? Do you want to win prizes? Mathematics - compulsory participation for Years 4 & 6; optional Years 5 & 7 Distinction Year 4: Patrick Keogh, Flynn Marsh, William Sharkey; Year 5: Sasha Haritonoff, Joseph Lim; Year 6: Angus Mohr, Yujin Seki, Nicholas Chapple, Thomas Perissinotto Principal’s Awards Science Thomas Perissinotto (Year 6) English Joshua Sullivan (Year 4) Mathematics Joseph Lim (Year 5) Uniform shop roster Julie Ebbage – 0419772664 Email - ebbagej@njc.qld.edu.au There will be winners from each category and one overall NJC champion! Grab a camera and get snapping! Entries close on Friday 24 October 2014 Thank you to all the ladies who have spent hours helping to unpack the new ATC uniforms. If you can help on your rostered day this term please come to the shop at the usual time. Mon 20th Oct: CLOSED PUBLIC HOLIDAY Wed 22nd Oct: Tenae Currie, Tracy Mulloni Fri 24th Oct : Danielle Thygesen Performing Arts CHOIR, HANDBELLS, VOCALS -Barbara McGeever—Classroom music, Choral and Handbells -mcgeeverb@njc.qld.edu.au MOZART MUSICIANS - Jonathon Bolt - Acting Instrumental Music Co-ordinator music@njc.qld.edu.au World Alliance for Arts Education Global Summit 2014 The Handbell Ensemble will perform at a World Summit focussing on innovation in arts education. This summit will focus on traditional indigenous and contemporary innovations in arts education practice across the globe. The invitation is a great privilege for Nudgee Junior College as more than two hundred International arts educators will be introduced to the unique sound of handbells. The summit will be held at Griffith University (Mt Gravatt Campus) on 27th November. Further details will be emailed to parents. More information can be accessed on their website: http://m2.edcp.educ.ubc.ca/waae/?page_id=63 Monday 20th October is a Pupil Free Day and there will be a special rehearsal for Year 7 Handbell Ensemble from 2.30pm to 4.30pm in the Music Room. Please remember to bring afternoon tea. Free dress. We are well into what is going to be a very busy and exciting term for our fantastic NJC musicians! Thank you for your continued support of your sons in their practice and for getting them to school bright and early every week for rehearsals. All of the hard work is paying off, our bands and ensembles are sounding amazing! Orientation Days This week we have performances on both Thursday and Friday for the orientation days. Please take note of the following important points for those boys involved in the Wind Symphony and Jazz Ensembles: Wind Symphony is performing on Thursday and Friday mornings this week from 8.30am to 9 am On Thursday please meet in the Hall by 8.10 am at the latest and on Friday we will perform after normal rehearsal. Formal Uniform is required for both days (please remember to bring normal uniform to change into afterwards though as Friday afternoon sport will be on and we would hope that the white shirt might survive if changed out of after Thursday’s performances). Jazz Ensemble is also performing both days. Performance time is 10.30 – 11 am at the River Stage area. Set up time is from 10 am and Formal Uniform is also required. (again, please pack sports uniform on Friday to change into & have a big breaky as you may not get a break until after you perform) Auditions For 2015 ATC Ensembles In the next week or so those boys continuing on to ATC next year will begin to receive their audition music from their instrumental music teachers. All boys who currently learn an instrument at NJC continuing on to ATC next year will undertake an audition. Auditions are an important way for us to determine the most suitable ensembles for your son to play in so that they are able to make a good contribution to their group but also feel challenged. The specific time of their audition will be communicated to them directly by their instrumental music teacher and will happen during usual lesson times in weeks 5 and 6. Please support them in practicing their audition music. 2015 ensemble lists will be posted outside the music rooms in the last week of the school year Wednesday assembly performance Thank you to our Brass Ensemble for their performance of Frosty to Snowman yesterday morning. The whole school was clapping along and it was a great start to a Wednesday morning! Terrace Jazz Night at The Tivoli In term 4 the NJC Ensemble will also be featured at the Terrace Jazz night, performing at The Tivoli 52 Costin Street Fortitude Valley. This is also another incredible opportunity for the students to perform at a high profile venue. Thanks to all the families who have already booked and registered for the event. There is still time to come along and join us. Tickets are $65 adult and $35 children. The evening starts at 6.30 and ends at 10.30pm For enquiries please contact Natalie Scalia nataliescalia@gmail.com. For ticket purchases register on the link under the name of Nat Scalia and NJC. Please click here to follow the link to registration. RSVP is by Wednesday 22nd October. Week 3 Choir/Vocal Ensemble/Handbell Ensemble Practices Time Monday Pupil Free Day 7.15 - 8.15am Tuesday Percussion Ens 1 Saxophone Ens Brass & Flute ens Wednesday Junior Concert band Jazz Ensemble Thursday Senior Concert Band 7.30 - 8.00am 8.00 - 8.45am Choir 12.30 - 1.15pm Clarinet Ensemble Percussion Ens 2 12.40 - 1.20 pm 2.30pm-4.30pm 3.15 - 5.00 pm Vocal Ensemble Handbell Ensemble Special rehearsal Year 6 2015 Handbell Ens Friday Wind Symphony Term 4 Events Calendar for Performing Arts WEEK TIME DATE ACTIVITY VENUE UNFORM GROUPS Choir, Vocal Ensemble, Handbell Ensemble, Wind Symphony and Jazz Ensemble Week 2 8.30am Fri 17 Oct Orientation Day Yr 4 NJC Hall Formal Week 3 2.30—4.30pm Mon 20 Oct Pupil Free Day Handbell Practice Music Room Free Dress 8.30am Wed 22 Oct Assembly performance NJC Hall Saxophone Ensemble Assembly Performance NJC Hall Senior Concert Band Chamber Music Concert NJC Hall Smart casual Terrace Jazz Night Tivoli Formal Jazz Ensemble 6.00pm 5pm own t/port Thurs 23 Oct Fri 24 Oct Handbell Ensemble A.M.E.B students Week 4 8.30am Mon 27 Oct Activity Photos NJC Hall Formal All Performing Arts Students Week 5 6.30pm Fri 7 Nov End of NJC Mass Cathedral of St. Stephen Formal Choir and Handbell Ensemble 1.30pm Sat 8 Nov Cultural Trail NJC Formal Jazz and all chamber music groups Choir, Vocal Ensemble, Handbell Ens. 8.30am Week 6 Assembly performance NJC Hall TBC Thursday 11 Nov Remembrance Day NJC Hall TBC Senior and Junior Concert Brass Ens. 5.30pm Thu 13 Nov Year 6 Graduation Mass NJC Hall Formal Choir and Year 7 Handbell Ensemble Assembly performance NJC Hall Night of Excellence Rehearsal during day St Lawrence's College (ERPAC) Audition 2015 Instrumental Music groups Tue-Thu NJC All continuing students All Performing Arts students 8.30am Week 7 Evening arrival time TBC Tues 18 Nov School time Week 8 Lunchtime Tuesday Clarinet Ensemble Junior Band Formal Choir, Vocal Ensemble, Handbell Ensemble, Wind Symphony and Jazz Ensemble Break up party NJC Griffith University Formal Year 7 Handbell Ensemble NJC Hall Formal Choir and Yr 6 2015 Handbell Ensemble 6.45am Thu 27 Nov Arts Education Global Summit 5.30pm Thu 27 Nov Year 7 Graduation Mass Year 7 students Jacob Forster and Charlie Stanley giving a guided tour to new ATC students at Orientation Day 2014 Parents and Friends NJC Cookbook To order your Cookbook go to the NJC P&F Try Booking page by clicking here. Only $30.00 per book or two for $55.00. *This is a great gift idea for Christmas* For any further information please contact Fiona Wright always_wright@bigpond.com NJC Ladies Melbourne Cup Luncheon Tickets $40. Please RSVP by Thursday 30th October by clicking here. If you have any items you would like to donate for the raffle please contact Danielle. ANZAC Camp Out To commemorate the 100th anniversary of Gallipoli we are planning our own ANZAC camp-out at school. Save the date 24th -25th April 2015! Calling for volunteers to join the organising committee. If you would like to help plan this special event please email Paige Macguire at p.maguire@qut.edu.au Year 6 Parents End of Year Dinner and Drinks All Year 6 parents are invited to join a celebration as our boys finish their primary years journey at Nudgee Junior. The $45 ticket includes 2 drinks tickets, canapés & a ‘Grazing Box’. RSVP by 23 October by clicking here. Year 6 Parents are invited to The Regatta Hotel Function Room Friday 31st October at 7pm Tickets $45 Year 6 EnD of YeAr DinNeR & DrInKs *Enquiries: Helen Hanson chhanson@bigpond.com or Kaylene Perissinotto kaylene@perissinotto.com End of NJC Mass End of NJC Celebration Day The End of An Era! Please volunteer to make this once in a lifetime day special for everyone... Many people within the community are rallying around to provide entertainment, food and activities for this one off celebration. Along with the Mass on Friday 7th November there are a host of activities happening on Saturday 8th November at the school from 2pm - 7pm. We require hands on help to run this event so please click on this link http://njc.volunteerlocal.com/volunteer/ to volunteer even a half hour of your time. If you can spare any more that would be great too! Together we will make this a day for our boys to remember for years to come. If you have a talent for some desktop publishing or simple graphic design then we could use your help with signage and promotion. If you would like to engage the boys in some good old fashion fun then we also need a handful of Dad's to run some activities on the oval during the afternoon. Please contact Helen Hicks helenhicks@optusnet.com.au or John Messenger johnmess7@gmail.com if you are able to help in either of these capacities. Mass On Friday 7th November a Mass will be celebrated at the Cathedral of St. Stephen in the City We invite you to join us in acknowledging all who have contributed to our wonderful story over the past 76 years. Mass commences at 7.30pm. Tech Club Tech Club will not be running this term. Thanks techies for all the hard work and contribution made this year! The NJC Community Mass that was scheduled for 25th October has been cancelled due to the number of commitments and events this term. We look forward to celebrating the Eucharist with you at The Cathedral of St. Stephen on Friday November 7th. Term 4 Activities photos have been postponed and will now be held on Monday, 27th October. October—The Month of the Rosary Rosary means ‘crown of roses’. In the first Century of Christianity when Christian women were condemned to death (martyrs) they were dressed in a white dress and a crown of roses. After death, the Christian people collected the crowns offering a prayer for each rose to Mary for the souls of the new martyrs. In October 1571 the Battle of Lepanto was won by the Christians who defeated the Turkish, avoiding the advance of Islam into Europe. The Christian troops at one stage were at a disadvantage and began praying the Rosary to the Virgin Mary asking for victory. Their prayers were answered. Since then the Catholic Church has dedicated 7th October as the day of our Lady of the Rosary. Praying the Rosary frequently and with devotion brings to us the grace of Mary. She loves us more than anyone on earth so what are you waiting for? Every time we pray the Holy Rosary, Mary watches over us with love, she listens and she is close to us. Mary will never abandon us. Are you ready to say thank you during the month of October? Parent helpers required in the Art Room Year 5 are doing printmaking each Monday this term and parent helpers are required to assist in the classroom. If you have any time available between 11am and 3pm on Mondays including 27th October, 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th November please contact Ms. Bianca Herbert via email to volunteer. herbertb@njc.qld.edu.au. Uniform Shop—Volunteers and Appointments Can you help out by volunteering to assist with uniform fittings in October, November and December? (NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY) Volunteer with a group of friends—five helpers per shift. Please click here to use the link. All families must make a uniform fitting appointment by going to this website: www.sobs.com.au Online bookings open Saturday 18th October From the Head of Sport and Activities Dave Capra –caprad@njc.qld.edu.au Athletics Nudgee Junior College was well represented at the State Championships over the past two days, amongst many great performances, Andrew Kimmins placed second in QLD breaking the NJC record again, setting the new standard at 1.66m and Patrick Thygesen ran a blistering 2.13 mins in the 800m to claim first place as Captain of the Met West Team. Both Andrew and Pat are off to Nationals in Penguin, Tasmania at the end of November. Bryce Belcher made the 100m semi-finals and his U11 relay team won bronze in the 4x100m event. Joe Newell placed 6 th in the 800m event and 4th in the multi-event (combined results of 100m, 800m shot put and long jump) and Zach Beachy-Head ran a good 800m heat but missed out on qualifying for the finals. Joe Maranta jumped well to place 12 th in the U11 high jump. Well done boys! Golf Our annual golf program started yesterday afternoon with the boys heading out to Brisbane Golf Club with Mr Drew to enjoy coaching clinics with BGC golf pros. Having returned specially from Canada via the Sunshine Coast to oversee the development of golf at NJC, Mr Drew was very pleased with the progress the boys made and is looking forward to seeing the boys develop over the coming weeks. Cricket Last weekend saw 12 Ambrose Treacy College teams featuring 145 players, compete in the Brisbane North Cricket Competition for the first time. This was the culmination of a great pre-season and preparation with all boys enjoying representing ATC on the cricket field for the first time. Comprehensive cricket information including team lists, venues and awards are below. 2015 Cricket Trials Term 4 at NJC traditionally sees the start of cricket trials for the following years school season and 2014 is no exception. Trials will begin next Tuesday for boys enrolled in Year 5 and 6 in 2015 for ATC and on Wednesday afternoon for boys enrolled in Year 7 and 8 for ATC. Trials will run from 3.15pm to 4.45pm and boys who wish to play school cricket in Term 1 2015 are expected to attend as many as possible if they wish to be considered for selection. Boys have indicated in year level meetings if they wish to trial for cricket at ATC in 2015, however if they did not have the opportunity to do so they can just attend trials on the appropriate day. Boys are to wear appropriate training gear and can bring their own cricket gear if they wish, however all gear will be provided if they do not have their own. Trials will be conducted by ATC Cricket Coordinator Mr Brett Henschell, our school coaches and ATC teaching staff. Teams will not be finalised until early 2015, however this process will allow us to thoroughly assess each students and ultimately place each boy in the best possible context for them to enjoy their cricket and develop as an individual and as a member of a team. Please note that school cricket trials and team selection are separate to ATC Club Cricket that many boys are currently involved in. 3 on 3 Basketball This Saturday our 3 on 3 Basketball Competition will commence at the BBI Stadium at Auchenflower. This promises to be a great opportunity for boys to play more basketball, and work with our basketball coaches to develop their skills. All boys need to be at the Auchenflower Basketball Stadium at 8.00am wearing their sports uniform and ready for two solid hours of basketball! Please see further details from Fee Hannan below. Triathlon Our triathletes are well and truly into their season and if you are any where near the NJC pool on a Monday and Wednesday morning or a Friday afternoon you will see our squad, swimming, running and cycling under the guidance of our specialist coaches Brett Travis and Greg Scanlon and our head swim coach and Aquatics Coordinator Mr Paul Jones. The next couple of months are a busy time for these boys with the Robina Gatorade Tri this weekend, the Noosa Superkidz Triathlong at the end of the month and the QLD State Triathlon Trials at Kawana in mid November. Over the past 2 years we have developed a large group of boys who love training and competing in triathlons. Regardless of whether they are competing at a recreational, competitive, advanced or elite level, each boys is finding his own personal excellence and is having a great time doing it! See Mr Finn if you would like to get involved! Best of luck to these boys over the coming months and for this weekend at Robina in particular. Tennis The JDS tournaments are run through Tennis Brisbane and are a fantastic way for young players to be introduced to tournament play. The standard of tennis is similar to what the boys experienced during the CIC season. The format of play used is a compass draw which is the same as that used for the NJC school championships. This provides all players with the opportunity to play the same number of matches regardless of whether they win or lose which is one of the great things about the JDS tournaments for younger less experienced players. For more information please contact Lifetime Tennis I don’t think there is any truer saying than the old adage of ‘getting out what you put in’. After a great weekend of ATC Sport with our cricket season launch, our water polo players starting their first round of the season, our AFL community celebrating the end to a great season and our athletes performing with excellence at the state level (to name just a few), it is fantastic to see the parents, staff and students of our College putting in great efforts to get great outcomes. Sport is a great part of our community life, and regardless of the school, club or community setting in which we experience sport, great things can be achieved when we all work together. Well done to everyone for a great start to Term 4 and yet another chapter in our College sporting life. Yours in Sport Dave Capra Sport News ATC Aquatics Paul Jones NJC Aquatics Coordinator —aquatics@njc.qld.edu.au Aquatics at NJC has moved quickly into summer with all activities in full swing. It has been great to see the high participation rates in all aquatic activities and if you are interested in being involved in any of the below aquatic activities, it is not too late. Please send any inquiries to aquatics@njc.qld.edu.au Swimming The participation levels in squad training have been very good and we have now moved forward in running 2 sessions each weekday afternoon. The recreational squad goes from 3.30pm to 4.30pm and the advanced swimmers are now training from 4.30pm to 6pm. We have started the afternoon program for our advanced swimmers and found that it has been very successful. On Monday and Tuesday afternoons between 3.15pm and 4.15pm, the boys are going to homework tutoring in the library and Wednesday and Thursday afternoons the advanced swimmers are working on a land program of strength and flexibility. This has been a great way for our students to fill in the time between school and training in a fun and productive manner. The learn to swim program is now operating and we have seen a positive increase in the number of children enrolling for classes. We have employed some great ‘learn to swim’ teachers and look forward to continued growth in this area. Remember that these swimming programs are not just for the NJC community but open for everyone. Please pass on our information to anyone who might be interested in swimming. Water Polo Both training and first round of competitive games started last week. We have two teams registered in the Brisbane Water Polo competition and week 1 had NJC teams achieving 1 win and 1 loss. We are always happy to see more people involved in water polo. If you are interested, please contact the above email. Canoe Polo The Year 6 canoe polo competition started this week with the first round of games. We have four teams playing and it is great to see the level of excitement as the boys paddle head first into a sport that you won’t see at other schools. Canoe polo is played on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday nights at the college pool for anyone who may be interested in getting involved. Please come along and have a look at one of the most interesting sports invented. It is great for fun and fitness. Numbers have been finalised for the Year 6 Canoe Polo and the boys have been placed into teams as per below. Please note that the groups in the time slot of the first game each week will need to assist with set up and the second group will be asked to assist with pack up. Mr Paul Jones will be overseeing this activity with Brothers Canoe Polo coaches, Mr David Peters, Ms Libby Anderson and Mr Donald Lee facilitating games and providing coaching and expertise in Canoe Polo. Please email Mr Paul Jones aquatics@njc.qld.edu.au if your son is unable to make any evenings. 1 2 3 4 Angus Mohr Angus Murray Archie Esler Christian Hiley Dominic Winter Ed Balkin Callum Sharkey George Mathiou Harry Ebinger Harry Mills Jack Hewson Jake Rennie James Baker Jack Mills Josh Booth Lachlan Shanahan Levi Morris Liam ClaydenBracken Marty RavenBeets Matthew Messenger Nick Parker Patrick Muller Thomas Coe Thomas King-Koi Dario Anrijich Rory Chowdhury Tom Perisinotto Tedo Wraight Wednesday 15 Oct Wednesday 22 Oct Wednesday 29 Oct Wednesday 5 Nov 6.00pm to 6.45pm 1 vs 2 6.45pm to 7.30pm 3 vs 4 6.00pm to 6.45pm 1vs 3 6.45pm to 7.30pm 2 vs 4 6.00pm to 6.45pm 1vs 4 6.45pm to 7.30pm 2 vs 3 6.00pm to 6.45pm 6.45pm to 7.30pm Will Groenland Wednesday 12 Nov Semi Finals Semi Finals 6.00pm to 6.45pm Finals 6.45pm to 7.30pm Finals 3 on 3 Basketball Fee Hannan—basketball@njc.qld.edu.au We are all set for our first week of Nudgee Basketball 3x3 starting THIS Saturday! 8:00am to 10:00am NAB Basketball Stadium Dixon St, Milton Please bring a drink bottle and shoes suitable for an indoor court. Boys are to wear Nudgee sports uniform and we will provide bibs for teams. Please ensure you son attends all Saturdays as teams will not have numbers to play their rostered game if multiple boys are missing. Boys have been divided into two divisions so that they will play against similarly skilled players. The first 30 min of the session will be focussing on skill development then we will be into the games. The canteen will be open and they serve a fabulous bacon and egg toasted sandwich that I highly recommend. Don't forget to come and watch as the 3 on 3 Basketball format is dynamic and a lot of fun! Boys who are still interested but have not yet registered please email basketball@njc.qld.edu.au and provide Your sons date of birth, class and playing experience…...and then we will place you in a team! Des Connor 5 Hopgood East (NJC) Des Connor 7 25-Oct Jack Bowers North (NJC) Hopgood West (NJC) Des Connor 9 18-Oct Angus Stockley Hayden BertoliRegan Harney Shaw Road Middle Shaw Road Middle Simmonds (NJC) ATC U11 Green Paddy Behan Matt Ribeiro Jordan McDonald Col Westaway Turf Col Westaway Turf ATC U12 Green ATC U13 Blue ATC U13 Green Brookfield Showground Corramulling Park 1 Nundah SS Brookfield Showground Nundah SS Brookfield Show- Brookfield Showground ground Col Turf Jindalee SS Jack Bowers North (NJC) Corbie Park The Gap SHS Jindalee SS Jack Bowers North (NJC) Corbie Park The Gap SHS Jack Bowers South Wilston SS (NJC) Hopgood West (NJC) Virginia SS Jack Bowers South (NJC) Wavell SHS 15-Nov Albany Hills SS Col Westaway Turf Albany Hills SS Col Westaway Turf Aspley SS 29-Nov Jindalee SS Jack Bowers North (NJC) Boondall SS Col Westaway Turf Brookfield Showground Harney Shaw North Road Brookfield Showground Regan (NJC) Col Westaway Turf Col Westaway Shaw Road South Turf Brookfield Showground Regan Harney Stafford SS (NJC) Jindalee SS Jack Bowers North (NJC) Boondall SS Melrose Park South Melrose Park South Jindalee SS Hopgood West Jack Bowers South (NJC) (NJC) Hopgood West Stafford Heights SS (NJC) Sth Hopgood West (NJC) Hopgood East (NJC) 6-Dec Jack Bowers North (NJC) Hopgood East (NJC) Ashgrove SS Jack Bowers South (NJC) Hopgood West Jack Bowers (NJC) South (NJC) Des Connor 9 22-Nov Jack Bowers South Westaway Brookfield Show- Brookfield Show- Regan Harney ground ground (NJC) Highvale Jindalee SS Regan Harney (NJC) Heiner Park Wavell SHS Jack Bowers North Des Connor 7 (NJC) 1-Nov 8-Nov Hopgood East Shaw Road North (NJC) Hopgood East Jubilee Park (NJC) Melrose Park Hopgood West South (NJC) Westaway Col Turf Highvale Corramulling Park 1 Jindalee SS Mark Sampson ATC U12 Blue Jindalee SS Kieran Daymon ATC U11 White Jack Bowers North Jack Bowers North Jindalee SS (NJC) (NJC) Regan Harney (NJC) Regan Harney (NJC) Heiner Park Hopgood West (NJC) ATC U11 Blue Jack Bowers South Bardon SS (NJC) Michael Paige ATC U10 Red Jack Bowers South Jack Bowers South Des Connor 8 (NJC) (NJC) 11-Oct Hopgood East (NJC) Hopgood West (NJC) Hopgood West (NJC) Josh Paige Alex Benstead Mark Fletcher Gary Jones Coach ATC U10 Gold Team ATC U10 Blue ATC U10 Green ATC U10 White ATC Cricket Draw for Term 4 Cricket Brett Henschell—Henschellb@njc.qld.edu.au Ambrose Treacy College stepped out for Term 4 junior club cricket for the very first time on Saturday. Twelve teams took part in Brisbane North fixtures Round 1 and, judging by the happy, smiling faces, everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Seven ATC teams played on the NJC school ovals and the atmosphere around the grounds and canteen was terrific. Well done to the canteen volunteers and Cricket Support Group parents for their amazing efforts on the day. We look forward to lots of fun with our mates over the next eight weeks, along with some good cricket being played. Week 1 Awards TEAM U10 Blue U10 Green U10 White U10 Gold U10 Red U11 Blue U11 Green U11 White U12 Blue U12 Green U13 Blue U13 Green RESULT Everton 140 v ATC Blue 121 ATC White 93 v ATC Green 45 ATC Green 45 v ATC White 93 ATC Red 70 v ATC Gold 72 ATC Gold 72 v ATC Red 70 Valley Grey 151 v ATC 9/148 Day 1 Wilston North Gold 73 v ATC 3/95 Day 1 Valley Black 9/105 v ATC 7/94 Day 1 One Day match next week Valley Orange 8/129 v ATC 7/143 Day 1 Valley Orange 0/14 v ATC 162 Day 1 Valley Yellow 6/243 v ATC 0/0 Day 1 SPIRIT OF CRICKET AWARD Dylan Denny Patrick Keyser Toby Rose Archie Molloy Hamish Snowden Ryan Forrester Joe Newell Lukas Daly N/A Josh Ryan Matt Rosolen Jack Hewson ATC Final Team List ATC U10 Blue ATC U10 Green ATC U10 White ATC U10 Gold ATC U10 Red Coach Gary Jones Coach Mark Fletcher Coach – Josh Pige Coach Michael Paige Manager Helen Davidson Manager Megan Clifford Coach – Alex Benstead Managers Peter Loch and Shaun Pandy Manager Steve Morton Manager Andrew Walker Umpires Neroni, Davidson Umpires - White Umpires - Ott, Loch, Pandy Umpires – Gordon Umpires - Scorers Sutherland Scorers Roach, Gardiner Scorers Ott, Pandy, Williams Scorers Khoo, Gordon Kyle Jones Noah Clifford Sam Pandy Haydn Roberts Scorers Gardiner, White, Johnson Rob White Matthew Neroni George White Tom Musgrave Sam Gordon Hamish Snowden Will Baker Henry Gardiner Harrison Ott Oliver Bradshaw (wk) Linus Borger Sam Miley (wk) Patrick Keyser Toby Rose (wk) Archie Molloy (wk) Ted Borger Jo Lindenburg Will Keyser Josh Cannane Darcy Molloy Connor Craig Oscar Holt Ben Roach Zac Williams Patty Morton Nathan Xavier Cuolahan Jack Scott (wk) Max Stevens Harry Ricketts Charlie Gardiner Sam Hewson Zac Colburn Atti Armstrong Alex Khoo Ethan Marsh (injured) Dylan Denny Daniel Robbins Sam Loch William Voltz Oliver Jackson (wk) Sebby McCormack Seamus Duell Ben Nugent Zac Allan Alex Sherratt Tate Davidson Jack Sadler Tom Nugent James O'Connell Hugh Bradshaw Jack Sutherland Harry McAvoy Rory Wells Lachlan Johnson Hugo Walker Oscar Barry Dan O'Shannessy McCarthy
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