36 From the Principal 20 November 2014

20 November 2014
From the Principal
Friday’s Arrangements - Dreamworld Visit
I would like to give a final reminder to parents regarding the
school trip to Dreamworld this Friday. Students have been
briefed regarding their responsibilities for the day, including
issues about personal safety and ways to deal with any problems on the day, the need to stay in groups for the whole day,
the need and timing of roll calls, sun safety issues and general
behaviour expectations. The boys have been told that they
must wear their house sports t-shirt to assist us in identifying
them on the day, and similarly they must wear a broadbrimmed hat and have closed shoes to participate in all the
activities on the day. It is our aim to leave in the morning at
8.30am and if we have students arrive at school around
8.00am this will assist to achieve this 8.30 am departure. We
will aim to leave Dreamworld by 3.00pm and we would hope to
be back at the College around 4.30pm. The two College bus
services will run as normal to school and these two services
will operate on arrival back the College in afternoon.
College Annual Magazine
Next week the 2014 school magazine will be distributed to students to take home. From a sneak preview of this year’s magazine and its new look, I feel that it will once again capture the
feeling and account of the year at the College. I would like to
congratulate Ros Peters (Editor) for her great work in producing such a wonderful record of 2014, the final year of Nudgee
Junior College. The school magazine is an important publication to capture the tone of the year for history to relive in future
generations and I congratulate Ros for her diligence and creative flair that she has brought to this year’s book. Ros has been
editor for our magazine for countless years and I would like to
thank her for her willingness to take on this important responsibility, thousands of NJC families have certainly been beneficiaries of her commitment; the pride she takes in this important
role is very evident each year. Should any family like an additional copy of the annual magazine, a copy can be purchased
for $25 a copy. Orders can be given to the front office.
I would ask the community to please remember the Ensafpour
family in your prayers following the passing of Kaleb (7 Bodkin)
and Bijaan (6 Nolan) Aunt, Lynette Gordon. The death of
loved ones is always difficult, and I would ask the NJC community to keep the Ensafpour family in your prayers and thoughts
in this challenging time. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord, and
may perpetual light shine upon her, may she rest in peace
NJC Cook Book
I know a large number of NJC families have been eager to get
their hands on a copy of the NJC Cook Book. I have just heard
that the books are expected to clear customs today. As I have
previously shared, the NJC Cook Book is a wonderful publication that celebrates more than a cook book but rather a warm
connection with the NJC community. As it is our last year of
NJC it would be a great memento to keep to share memories
of the College. I would once again congratulate Fiona Wright
and her great team of helpers for the time, dedication and
commitment they have selflessly given to produce this book.
As with a lot of cases it has been a labour of love; I hope Fiona
and her team (names listed below) are justifiably proud of the
end product. I think it is fantastic and I look forward to taking
time over Christmas to thoroughly go through the book; I would
encourage others to think of it as a possible Christmas gift for
family. (I have a couple of copies on order as a part of my
Christmas shopping!) Pre-ordered copies of the book will be
distributed next week.
Grant Parker, Lois Smith, Andrea McAvoy, Deann Rabbitt,
Michelle Partridge, Caroline Haritonoff, Catherine Aboud, Shelley Duffy, Prue Moloney, Therese Reid, Trishelle McCarthy,
Laurita Brown, April Hickey, Tric Gotley, Gio Silanesu, Nerrida
Tippett, Judith Solomon, Siobhan Barter, Clarissa Wynne,
Sharon Doyle, Emma Boddington Stubbs, Tamara Andrijich,
Kelly Crookes, Libby Pahholski, Kate Curran, Jodi Clifford,
Georgie Josephson, Vicki Keyworth and Sarah Day.
With best Wishes
Mike Senior
On Tuesday evening it was pleasing to share the Night of Excellence with so many families. The Night of Excellence is a
night for the community to gather and celebrate the year and
recognize the achievements of students across leadership,
academic, sporting and cultural pursuits. Many students have
achieved excellent standards in each of these dimensions and
the awards were a fitting reward for the effort they have put
into their studies. As a significant College event, I would also
like to acknowledge the presence of our special guests, Mr Jim
King (EREA Regional Director) Councillor Julian Simmonds
(our Local City Council Member) and Mr Matthew Buckley
(College Board Chair) who assisted in the distribution of
awards; their presence on the evening helped raise the profile
of the students achievements. With the backdrop of the College’s imminent change to Ambrose Treacy College, the night
had a wonderful feel and I have received a number of congratulatory messages from parents who felt the evening was an
uplifting occasion for them. For me, as Principal, it was an occasion to sit back and feel proud to be a part of a community
that has a special spirit of belonging and inclusion. Certainly
the many performances from our students were outstanding;
from the year 4 dance to the wind symphony to the choir to the
taiko drummers to the handbells, the performances oozed enthusiasm, passion and enjoyment.
At a recent College function, one of our fathers commented to
me on how fast the year is passing and he always felt that
once the Melbourne Cup has been run, the end of the year is
only just around the corner. This is certainly the case in life at
NJC and I feel as if we had just welcomed our year 4’s and yet
the reality is we will be farewelling some of our year 7’s in a
week at their Valedictory Celebration. The end of the year
doesn’t stop us being very busy at the College with students
engaged in a variety of different activities. Without boring you
with stories of yesteryear, my memory of my days at school
would not have included events like a Dreamworld visit, or a
Go-Kart Derby Day (Year 7). The opportunity to be engaged in
a variety of stimulating and enjoyable activities certainly enhances learning and I’m grateful for the effort our teachers put
into exploring varied options for our students; without their energy all this would not be possible.
Ph: 3878 0500 I Wet Weather Line: 3878 0511 I Email: admin@njc.qld.edu.au
20 Nov
27 Nov
27 Nov
28 Nov
28 Nov
Summer Music Concert
Global Summit Year 7 Handbells
Year 7 Valedictory Mass
Last day of Term 4
Yr 8 Leadership Camp
From the
Assistant to the Principal-Curriculum
Karen Madden—maddenk@njc.qld.edu.au
The Nudgee Junior community enjoyed a fabulous
evening at ERPAC celebrating our Night of Excellence.
Here are some of the memorable moments:
From the
Assistant to the Principal - Identity
Conor Finn– finnc@njc.qld.edu.au
“For we're the boys from Nudgee Junior NJC. For justice,
kindness, excellence, we stand firm you and me. And when you
speak of Nudgee, wherever you may be. You may tell them all
that we stand for God and Nudgee, NJC” NJC School Song.
As we conclude this extraordinary chapter of our
history I believe our Foundation Principal, Br John
Michael Wynne cfc would be proud that our community can stand firm and “tell them all that we stand
for God and Nudgee, NJC”. But where do we stand
for God (love) and our school? The lens through
which we construct and interpret our experience of
God is through our school motto ‘Signum Fidei’
which is Latin for ‘Sign of Faith’. Br Wynne would be
extremely proud of our community not because of
our curriculum or co-curricular opportunities but because of the character of our community. It is the
staff, students and parents who, as Signs of Faith
for each other and our world, prove that God is not a
dogma, a creedal statement or a metaphysal puppeteer. Indeed, staff like Ros Peters and Paul
Smith, students like Max Bennett and Paul Clarke,
and parents like Lisa Morris and Brendan Newell
teach us that we stand for God (love) through a flow
of living relationships that we can enter into in order
to liberate us from fear and fragility.
This is nothing new as God has been known and
experienced in the love, friendship and service that
has surrounded the thousands of members of our
NJC community down through the years. The high
ideal of a holistic education of head, heart and
hands has liberated generations of our community
to know that, in order to make God (love) real in our
lives we don’t need to prostrate ourselves in front of
an altar nor lock ourselves away in solitude. No. We
continue to grow towards maturity and know that
God, or any Sign of Faith, has been the flow of relationships experienced in 76 years of faith, hope and
As we conclude this chapter now is the time for
striving to continue to honour the humble beginnings
of Br Wynne and his Christian Brothers. The vast
majority of their hearts were strong as their selfless
sacrifice and extraordinary success was in the honourable pursuit of being authentic disciples of Jesus
and Edmund. We are called to be disciples and enable the survival not of the fittest but of the weakest.
In this way, the future demands that we all walk a
disciples journey with our friends, family and colleagues where each step we are willed by love to
honour the service of those who have gone before
us. This journey of change will require renewed
learning, leadership and service.
Learning Enrichment
From the
Uniform Shop
Gail Northcote—northcoteg@njc.qld.edu.au
Julie Ebbage—Convenor ebbagej@njc.qld.edu.au
Defy Dyslexia
Mission Statement
Defy Dyslexia’s vision is that the Australian education
system, employers and the broader community understand and accommodate the specific needs of people
with dyslexia so that they can achieve their true potential. www.defydyslexia.com.au
5 Facts for Kids:
* Having dyslexia means you learn differently from
many children. That’s not a bad thing. You learn best
when you can touch, feel, hear and see what you are
learning a few different ways.
* People with dyslexia usually have average or above
average intelligence so never let any one tell you anything different.
* People with dyslexia are often really good at things
like art, performing, design, sport and business.
* Famous people with dyslexia like Leonardo Da Vinci,
Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison and Steve Jobs were
big picture, out of the box thinkers, which means they
worked things out in a clever way.
* About 40% of successful entrepreneurs or millionaires have dyslexia. Would Richard Branson, Bill
Gates or Dick Smith be where they are today if they
didn’t have to work hard at finding new ways of doing
New College Crest for suit coats
The badges are now available for collection
from the Uniform Shop.
If you are intending to continue to use your current
navy suit coat in 2015, it will be necessary for you
to purchase an Ambrose Treacy College patch
We are offering two options:
1. Patch crest only to be affixed by you - $7.50
(can be collected from Uniform Shop after payment)
2. Patch crest including affixing $17.50
(Coat to be delivered to Uniform Shop)
Payment can only be made through the NJC
website via the ‘Make a Payment’ link.
If you choose the second option, your son’s navy
suit coat must be brought in to the Uniform Shop
no later than 3 December.
Uniform Shop helpers needed
Volunteers are still required for uniform fitting appointments. Please click here to use the Volunteer
Local link.
If you have not made your appointment for a uniform fitting please do so immediately by clicking here: sobs.com.au
Attach this tag to your jacket before dropping it
into the Uniform Shop for badging.
Parent’s Name:
Student’s Name:
As the tuckshop is winding down
stock for the end of term, some items
on the menu might not be available.
When ordering, please write down a
2nd option so your son receives his
Tuckshop roster
Julie O’Neill -0408733771
Mon 24th Nov: Kathy Ducker, Fiona Corkhill
Wed 26th Nov: Kylie Thynne, Shannon Neil, Chris Baartz, Prue Long
Fri 28th Nov: CLOSED
Year Level 2015: ……………..…..…….
Contact Number :
Uniform shop roster Julie Ebbage – 0419772664
Mon 24th Nov: Janette Jones
Wed 26th Nov: Tanya Moltoni
Fri 28th Nov: CLOSED
Acting Instrumental Music Co-ordinator boltj@njc.qld.edu.au
Classroom Music, Choral and Handbells
What a fantastic evening the Night of Excellence was. Congratulations to our outstanding performers! For so many,
this was your final performance as a Nudgee Junior College student. Thank you for your wonderful contribution to
our music program, your enthusiasm and passion for music
is a huge part of what makes NJC such an amazing community to be a part of!
Summer Music Concert
The Summer Music Concert is tonight - Thursday 6.30pm
in the Hall. This will involve the Junior & Senior Concert
Bands, Saxophone Ensemble, Brass Ensemble and
Percussion Ensembles 1&2. This is our final evening performance for the year. Please arrive by 6.15pm at latest
with instruments and in formal uniform. There will be a sausage sizzle from 5.30pm $2 sausage in bread.
Music Break-up Breakfast
We are having a breakfast BBQ to celebrate a wonderful
year of music making next Tuesday morning from 7.15am
outside the staffroom. All students involved in our music
program are welcome to attend; it will be fantastic to see
everyone there to celebrate our musical achievements together!
ATC 2015 Auditions
Most auditions for the 2015 ATC bands and ensembles are
now complete. We will have ensemble lists completed early
next week which will be posted on the noticeboard outside
the music department
Thank you!
The Vocal Ensemble, Choir and Handbell Ensemble
performed brilliantly at the Night of Excellence, as did
the Wind Symphony, Jazz Ensemble, Taiko Drums
and Opening Ceremony and Prayer, and it was an outstanding performance to mark such a notable evening
in the school calendar. Thank you to all the students
involved and their parents. Thank you to my back up
team of Mary McGuiness, Janet Black and Julie Ebbage. Thank you to all of the NJC staff who helped
make the night such a success.
A huge thank you to the Years 4, 5 and 7 choristers
and Year 7 ringers who supported the Year 6 students
at their Graduation Mass last Thursday night. Choristers and ringers are a wonderful group of young men
who are always there for your school community and I
thank you sincerely.
An email was sent home with details of the World
Arts Summit (Year 7 ringers) and Year 7 Graduation
Mass (choir and Year 5 ringers). Please contact me if
you haven't received this email.
NOTE: Dr Ralph Morton, St Stephen's Cathedral
Choral Director, will be visiting our Monday morning Choir practice. Please be on time for his visit at
Music Supporters Group:
Please come along tonight for our Summer/Christmas Concert. The Hall is decked with great Christmas treats and we
will have a sausage sizzle for everyone. The bar will be open of course! help and make our concerts so fantastic. (and
to everyone who has brought along a plate and helped serve of course) Please bring along $2 for a sausage in bread
and $$$ for drinks. Food will be available from 5.30 pm Thanks so much to the ladies on the MSG committee: Lisa
Morris; Karen Sherlock; Nicole Whitfield and Helen Davidson for all they have done this year to and make our concerts
so fantastic. Thanks everyone who has brought along a plate and helped serve of course)
Week 8 Performing Arts Practice Times
7.15 - 8.15am
Break up Breakfast
7.30 - 8.00am
8.00 - 8.45am
Choir Years 4,5 &6
Choir Years 4.5.& 6
12.30 - 1.15pm
Year 5 Handbell Ens
12.40 - 1.20 pm
3.15 - 5.00 pm
Handbell Ensemble
Year 7
Final week of Term —Events Calendar for Performing Arts
Note: break up party Tuesday 25th at 7.15am
Week 7
Thu 20
Summer Music Concert
NJC Hall
Junior, Senior Concert Bands, Saxophone Ens, Brass Ens, Percussion Ens 1&2
Week 8
Tue 25
Break up breakfast
Outside staff
Thu 27
Arts Education Global
Griffith University
Year 7 Handbell Ensemble
Thu 27
Year 7 Graduation
NJC Hall
Choir 4.5.& 6 boys and Yr. 6 2015
Handbell Ensemble ( current yr 5)
All Performing Arts students
From the P&F President- John Messenger
Community News
Entertainment Books - A huge thanks to everyone who
purchased an Entertainment Book earlier this year. We
raised just over $1,150, which is a fantastic effort. Special
thanks to Linda Herden for organising this.
Cookbooks - There are only a few weeks left to purchase
the NJC cookbooks, which would make for a fantastic
Christmas gift for all the family, and a memento for your
son. Click here to purchase your copies today. $30 each or
two for $55.
Planning - Last week, I met with a number of our P&F
committee members and interested parents and carers to
start allocating dates for our 2015 events. Suffice to say it
was a very productive meeting, and I hope to be able to
share those dates with you in the not too distant future.
P&F meetings - Please note, there won't be any more formal P&F meetings for 2014. The minutes from the last few
meetings will be posted on the P&F section of the NJC
website soon. I encourage you to read them and let me
know any queries.
Ms Barbara
Not Just a Cookbook is a fantastic Christmas gift
idea. Only $30 or 2 copies for $55. Please order
online by clicking here or fill out an order form in
the College office. For more information please
contact Fiona Wright: always_wright@bigpond.com
McGeever will
be conducting
the Brisbane
From the Director of Sport
Dave Capra —caprad@njc.qld.edu.au
Brisbane International Primary Schools Tennis Challenge
Last Sunday the MetWest trials for the Brisbane International Primary Schools challenge were held at the Queensland
Tennis Centre at Tennyson. Two teams from NJC had been training all term for their opportunity to qualify to play in this
great event held alongside the main Brisbane International ATP/WTA Tennis event in January. The boys all arrived early
for a warmup with coach Sam Ward from LifeTime Tennis and were all very excited about the day. The format for the day
was to be two pool matches each with the top team in each pool to playoff for the final two MetWest positions. The NJC
Aces team made up of Joseph Lim, Bailey Gunther, Owen Griffin, Liam Smith, Matthew Schoutrop and Ned Aboud made a
strong start by winning their first match against Stretton State College. First place in their pool was now to be determined
by their second pool match against BBC Team 1. The boys played some great tennis particularly in the doubles where
they prevailed but unfortunately went down by a few games overall. Despite not qualifying the boys had a great time and
will back next year for another crack at the big time. The NJC Legends team comprising Finn Macnamara, Matthew Harper, Xavier Lim, Dominic Anderson, Lachlan Ford and Joshua Molachino began their campaign against the #1 team from
Brisbane Christian College followed by BBC Team 2 and had very solid wins against both schools to top their pool with all
boys putting in solid performances. With the temperature soaring to over 40 degrees in the shade the conditions were extreme but with a place in the finals beckoning the boys were keen to push on. The first play-off match was against BBC
Team 1. The NJC boys were extremely focussed and played some of their best tennis despite the heat and had their
strongest win of the day. With one win left to qualify the team managed to scrape together their last reserves of energy to
post another strong win over Fig Tree Pocket State School to finish in first place. The boys will now represent NJC at the
Brisbane International from January 8-11 in what will possibly be the very last official NJC team event. Best of luck to all
the boys for your shot at the title of #1 Tennis School in Queensland at the Brisbane International!
Term 1 Cricket 2015
With the first stage of the trials process now completed for our Term 1 Cricket Season, we will be in a great position to get
started in our first round of games on Saturday 31 January. For boys in Year 5 – 8, we will be playing against a number of
schools within the greater Brisbane area. If boys did not trial during this term but would still like to play cricket next term,
they can join in the final part of the trials process in the first week back next year.
Boys in Year 4 have the opportunity to play in the Brisbane North Club Competition as we have this term. If your son
would like to be involved in playing Year 4 Club Cricket, please email Mr Brett Henschell henschellb@njc.qld.edu.au to
register your interest. Best of luck to everyone involved in NJC and ATC sport this weekend!
Yours in sport,
Dave Capra
ATC Cricket
Brett Henschell —henschellb@njc.qld.edu.au
The G20 Summit caused some disruption to Week 6 of junior club cricket fixtures on Saturday. Two U10 matches were
cancelled due to a lack of numbers in opposition teams and a few ATC teams played with less than full numbers. Despite
this, and a very hot day, ATC teams and individuals posted some very good performances. Skills continue to be developed, a broader knowledge of the game is being achieved, and camaraderie is on display.
The Draw in U13 was changed some time ago to accommodate the Year 7 Leadership Camp . The much awaited clash between ATC U13 Blue and ATC U13 Green in a One Day match finally arrives this Saturday. Many are keen to see how the
boys go against each other in a formal match, played in the right spirit of course.
Players and parents are reminded that Term 4 junior club cricket fixtures will be played right up to Saturday 6 December 2014, despite the NJC school year concluding 28 November 2014. Please make sure you are available for Saturday
29 November 2014 (not U13) and Saturday 6 December 2014 so that your team is not forced to play short or forfeit.
U10 Blue
U10 Green
U10 White
U10 Gold
U10 Red
U11 Blue
U11 Green
U11 White
U12 Blue
U12 Green
U13 Blue
U13 Green
No match
Wilston North Gold 96 v ATC 177
Toombul Gold 128 v ATC 181
No match
Wilston North Red 297 v ATC 38
Valley Yellow 8/222 & 2/68 v ATC 146 & 123
Valley White 4/279 v ATC 9/189
Wilston North Yellow 7/319 v ATC 159 & 5/48
Sandgate Redcliffe 228 & 2/81 v ATC 6/241 declared & 4/71
Toombul Red 136 & 68 v ATC 179 & 1/47
Everton 8/209 v ATC 191
Albany Creek Hawks 108 v ATC 155
Jack Sadler
Harrison Ott
Charlie Gardiner & Harry Ricketts
Henry Bell
Sami Walsh
Harry Hopkins
Fergal Apps
Harry Ebinger
Jared Gardner
Ally Orlando
Don’t be bored on the holidays
HENSCHELL CRICKET ACADEMY PTY LTD will be conducting Cricket Coaching Clinics during the
Summer School Holidays exclusive to 2015 Ambrose Treacy College students. Boys of all standards
are welcome.
The December Clinic will build on the skill base established during Term 4 junior club cricket whilst having fun and enjoying the game of cricket. The January Clinic will concentrate on preparing players for
the Term 1 school and junior club cricket seasons.
Attendees will be arranged with others of like ability and age, in groups small enough to ensure individual tutelage is provided. A Cricket Australia accredited coach will be allocated to each group for the duration of the Clinic to enable a structured program to be delivered and a comprehensive written report will
be provided post Clinic conclusion.
A Senior First Aid Officer will be in attendance in case of illness or injury.
At each Clinic, one lucky player will win a Gabba cricket bat
valued up to $175.00 (depending on size) simply by attending!
Ambrose Treacy College, Twigg Street, Indooroopilly.
Week 1 – Tuesday 2 to Friday 5 December 2014 inclusive
Week 2 – Monday 19 to Thursday 22 January 2015 inclusive
Week 1 – 8:30am to 12:00pm/Week 2 – 2:00pm to 5:30pm
What to wear:
Cricket whites (white shirt minimum), sunscreen and hat/cap
What to bring:
Personal cricket gear (if owned), water, snack, positive attitude
$199.00 (Incl. GST) per Clinic
To book your place at these
(family rates available)
FOUR day Clinics, or for further
information, please
Brett Henschell via email
or by mobile 0458026224.
Celebrating the end of Nudgee Junior College, Indooroopilly,
‘Recollections –A Journey’ embraces the essence of what makes
NJC such a unique place. With hundreds of intriguing photographs capturing the journey of the school over 76 years, this
publication is a wonderful souvenir for anyone who has been
associated with the college.
$40 each
2 copies for