9th October 2014 EDITION 30 From the Principal Welcome back to the start of term 4. I hope that the holidays were restful times for many of you. If the holidays were a hive of activity in your household I hope then that the return to school allows you to return to some degree of normality. The start of a new term always brings with it a great deal of renewed energy and vigour and this term is no different. My feelings over the first few days have been that the recent holidays have been an ideal opportunity for reenergising the batteries for staff and students alike and I am looking forward to what is always a busy last term at the College. I have appreciated the warm welcome back I received following my recent short break at the end of last term; I had a great time and I feel very rested and full of energy for this last term. In my absence, a number of staff members took on additional responsibilities to cover me and I appreciate everyone’s efforts in this regard. In particular I would like to thank David Gardiner, Glynis Galletly and the rest of the College Leadership Team who all accepted additional responsibilities in my absence. It is always reassuring that you can take time off and everything sails along smoothly and in many ways your absence is not missed. Mental Health Week This week, Mental Health week aims to raise community awareness about mental health issues. Mental Health is potentially one of the greatest challenges facing our society as people of all ages and all genders grapple with the rapidly changing world that we now face. In years gone by, life was simpler and the rate of change was snail like compared to today’s society. Specifically the aim of Mental Health Week is to promote social and emotional wellbeing to the community, encouraging people to maximise their health potential, enhancing the coping capacity of communities, families, individuals and increasing mental health recovery. The theme of the week is Celebrate, Connect, Grow. Celebrate: the positive events in your life, as well as the strengths and values that have helped you through more challenging times Connect: with others by paying attention to your close relationships, or by reaching out and making new friends Grow: by expanding your horizons and trying something new that creates meaning and purpose for you. Date Claimers The start of term four always heralds the start of a particularly busy period of College life. This term sees an added layer of complexity with the significant changes that will Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Ph: 3878 0500 I Wet Weather Line: 3878 0511 I Email: admin@njc.qld.edu.au occur at the end of the year. To prepare families for this busy period I thought I would note a number of these community gatherings and celebrations. In particular I would like to draw to your attention the End of NJC Celebration Mass on Friday November 7 at Stephen’s Cathedral in the City. This will be a significant gathering for our present and past College communities. It heralds a symbolical end to a wonderful 76 year journey as a Catholic College that can proudly holds its place as a leading provider of Catholic Boys education in Brisbane. I would hope that as many of our community can gather with us on this evening to mark this special occasion. Looking across my diary I have noted some of the following events: Friday Oct 10 Saturday Oct 11 Sunday Oct 12 Tuesday Oct 14 Thursday Oct 16 Friday Oct 17 Monday Oct 20 Monday Oct 20 Year 4 Mass Start of the ATC Club Cricket Season ATC AFL Presentation Breakfast P&F Meeting Orientation Day new Yr7 & 8 students Orientation Day new Yr 4, & 6 students Ministerial Pupil Free Day Placement tests for all year 4, (new Yr 5 & 6) 7 and 8 ATC students 2015 Wed Oct 22 Treacy Trail Melbourne Tuesday Oct 28 Formation evening for all Year 8 ATC students and parents Wed Oct 29 Formation Evening for all Year 7 ATC students and parents Friday Oct 31 Year 7 Disco Monday Nov 3 P&F Meeting Friday Nov 7 Celebrate End of NJC Mass St Ste phen’s Cathedral Saturday Nov 8 Cultural Trail Back to NJC weekend Thursday Nov 13 Year 6 Graduation evening Friday Nov 14 G20 Summit Public Holiday Tuesday Nov 18 Night of Excellence Thursday Nov 20 End of year Music Concert Thursday Nov 27 Year 7 Valedictory Mass As you can see by this brief listing of the main events for the term it will be both a busy and an important term for our community. I would encourage you to look at ways in which you can join in with us in this time of endings and beginnings. With best wishes to all Michael Senior Service and Action Awards Oliver Dussin, Harry Walsh, Jack Hardiker, Matthew Hiley Patrick O’Donoghue, Lachlan Reid, Dan Raguse, Lucas Roach Charlie Gordon, Cale Perrie, Doug Rodgers, Dylan Thorton Will Feather, Patrick Thygesen, Harry Walsh, Henry Hughes From the Assistant to the Principal-Curiculum From the Assistant to the Principal - Identity Karen Madden –maddenk@njc.qld.edu.au Conor Finn– finnc@njc.qld.edu.au 7 Characteristics of Good Learners When I first came across Maryellen Weimer’s seven characteristics of good learners, I felt it was quite an accurate list. However, I resisted point number 3, the idea that a lot of learning isn’t fun. Given we spend so much energy on trying to make the learning process as fun for the boys as possible, I initially wondered why Weimer would claim that good learners recognise that a lot of learning isn’t fun. Her point in full is: Good learners recognise that a lot of learning isn’t fun. That doesn’t change how much they love learning. When understanding finally comes, when they get it, when all the pieces fit together, that is one special thrill. But the journey to understanding generally isn’t all that exciting. Some learning tasks require boring repetition; others a mind-numbing attention to detail; still others periods of intense mental focus. Backs hurt, bottoms get tired, the clutter on the desk expands, the coffee tastes stale—no, most learning isn’t fun. I started to ponder the importance of endurance for learners. The necessity to continue to focus when the novelty wears off. The initial spark of curiosity is fun and the experience of mastering something new is beyond fun. It is the in-between stages of thorough investigation and committing to memory through repetition, that are less about fun and more about grit. After reflection, I can see the importance of letting our boys know that to be successful learners, they need to exhibit endurance. I want our boys to become confident that if they endure when the fun wears off, there is an even more satisfying reward than simply having fun. The deeply satisfying experience of mastering something is far more rewarding and worth working hard for. 1. Good learners are curious 2. Good learners pursue understanding diligently 3. Good learners recognise that a lot of learning isn’t fun 4. Failure frightens good learners, but they know it’s beneficial 5. Good learners make knowledge their own 6. Good learners never run out of questions 7. Good learners share what they’ve learned Maryellen Weimer Tuck shop roster “Beneath our radiant Southern Cross we’ll toil with hearts and hands; To make this Commonwealth of ours renowned of all the lands; For those who’ve come across the seas we’ve boundless plains to share; With courage let us all combine to Advance Australia Fair” Advance Australia Fair TEAM AUSTRALIA It's during these times of fear (or any time for that matter) that I wonder what Jesus and Edmund would think of us? I don't know for sure but I do know that they wouldn't give up on us. The concept of the resurrection assures us that God (love) never gives up on us even if we give up on ourselves. What people like Jesus and Edmund promised their followers was that nothing is irrevocable and it’s never too late to begin again. What people like Jesus and Edmund promised was that no loss can't be redeemed nor sin unforgivable. What people like Jesus and Edmund promised was to forgive those who betrayed them. What people like Jesus and Edmund promised was that our future is forever pregnant with hope and possibility. Unfortunately, what people like our politicians and policy makers promise is too often the opposite of these things. Whoever we construct ‘the other’ to be either now or into the future e.g. someone who is Muslim, homosexual, Aboriginal, a refugee, an asylum seeker, an immigrant, an extremist, homeless, poor, disabled, black, unemployed, criminal… the list goes on, my hope is that as individuals and as a nation we continue to pray (how we live our values and beliefs) to be resurrected. I think that if Jesus and Edmund were taxpaying co-captains of Team Australia they would appeal to their neighbours over the fence (and even to themselves) to practice resurrection in the following ways: Refuse to identify with negative, blaming, antagonistic or fearful thought. Apologise when you hurt another person or situation. Undo your mistakes by some positive action toward the offended person or situation. Do not indulge or believe in your false self (that which is concocted by your mind and society's expectations). Choose your true self (your courageous union with God) as often as possible throughout the day. Always seek to change yourself before trying to change others. Choose as much is possible to serve rather than be served. Whenever possible, seek the common good over your mere private good. Give preference to those in pain, excluded, or disabled in any way. Seek just systems and policies over mere charity. Make sure your medium is the same as your message. Never doubt that it is all about love in the end. Enjoy, as I reckon you'll be rewarded if you have a crack! Roster times - 9.30 - 1.30 pm Mon 13th Oct: Megan Newell, Tric Gotley Wed 15th Oct: Bec Tweedy, Maddy Briscoe, Margie Nasser, Di Hall Fri 17th Oct : Rebecca O’Donoghue, Annie Bell, Julie Osbourne, Gaye Buchanan, Ali Courbrough If you are unable to fulfil your roster duties, could you please try to arrange a swap with another person on the roster, if this is not possible then contact the Tuckshop Convenor - Julie O’Neill 0408733771. From Student Services NJC Masterchef The Live Cook Off Gail Northcote– northcoteg@njc.qld.edu.au Rebecca Edwards– edwardsr@njc.qld.edu.au Free Parenting Workshop Feel prepared for the holiday period! The team from the Triple P- Positive Parenting Program are inviting separated or divorced parents to participate in a free, half-day parenting workshop. The workshop targets concerns such as how to improve personal coping skills, reduce conflict between parents, improve family relationships, and best support children during this time. Parents accessing the workshop will be asked to complete a study survey. If you are interested please access the study webpage here https://exp.psy.uq.edu.au/ familytransitions. The first workshop parents may be allocated is on Saturday the 25th of October. For further information or any questions, please email familytransitions@uq.edu.au Eight eager and excited Nudgee Junior Chefs took to the stage at 8:15am on the last day of Term 3 ready to compete for the title of ‘NJC Masterchef Champion’ for 2014. NJC Chess Competition Sue Goonan– Coordinator—goonans@njc.qld.edu.au An all day Chess competition on 12th September saw sixty four boys compete for the title of School Chess Champion. The intra-school event was held in the library and the atmosphere was intense. Congratulations to the Year Level winners: Year 4 James Ellis Year 5 Joe Lim Year 6 Yujin Seki Year 7 Xavier Lim An overall school champion award was given to Xavier Lim from Year 7 Nolan. Congratulations Xavier and to all the boys who participated. Our finalists: Sebastian Silenaseu, Oliver CooperWhite, Will Burton, Ed Balkin, James Baker, Tommy Dutton, Tom King Koi & Jamieson Parkin had 30 minutes on the clock to prepare, cook and serve four guest judges a savoury or sweet pancake and a smoothie of their choice. All competitors finished just in time to plate up some extraordinary dishes. Our guest judges, Olympic basketball player Sam Mackinnon, Olympic water polo player Gail Miller, owner of Shouk Café Paddington Guy Frawley and our resident adopt-a-cop Constable Will Pattie had one big task ahead of them – taste testing 8 pancakes and 8 smoothies! Luckily they were all warned not to have breakfast! The voting was tight and the judges had a tough time deciding on the top 3 chefs. I am proud to announce that Tom King-Koi (year 7) came away with the title, closely followed by Will Burton (2nd place) and Sebastian Silenasue (3rd place). Tom walked away with an iPod and iTunes voucher to boot! A photographer from the Catholic Leader was there to photograph and witness the Cook Off and a journalist is currently compiling a story on the competition that will be featured in an upcoming Leader edition. I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thankyou to all the boys who entered the Cook Off, your enthusiasm, dedication and amazing cooking skills were so wonderful to witness. In my eyes, you are all winners! Also a heartfelt thank you to our guest judges who added to the excitement of the morning and offered some very encouraging advice to our young chefs. It has been an amazing experience being involved with the NJC Masterchef series over the past few years and I encourage the boys to continue on their culinary journey. Until next time...keep calm and cook on! Uniform shop roster Julie Ebbage – 0419772664 Email - ebbagej@njc.qld.edu.au Whilst the shop is closed for normal business, Julie would appreciate any assistance on your rostered day in Term 4 Please call Julie if you can assist Mon 13th Oct: Anna Dittmar Wed 15th Oct: Tanya Moltoni, Alicen Warriner Fri 17th Oct: Paige Lumb Performing Arts CHOIR, HANDBELLS, VOCALS -Barbara McGeever—Classroom music, Choral and Handbells -mcgeeverb@njc.qld.edu.au MOZART MUSICIANS - Jonathon Bolt - Acting Instrumental Music Co-ordinator music@njc.qld.edu.au Welcome back with energy to our final NJC term. As you can see on the timetable below it is jam packed with performances. Please keep checking your email and the newsletter for updates each week. Jonathon Bolt will be acting Music Director and all queries should be directed to him at boltj@njc.qld.edu.au. I would also like to congratulate Jonathon Bolt on his new position for 2015 as Instrumental Middle School Music Coordinator for ATC. He brings with him experience, zest and excitement as we lead our students further in the music program. Spring Concert 2014 Spring Concert: Firstly thank you to our amazing team of parents; Natalie Scalia, Lisa Morris, Karen Sherlock, Helen Davidson and Nicole Whitfield who helped to ensure the Hall looked so colorful for a spring theme, from kites to lighting and refreshments on the night. The students were also fabulous. Sometimes it is hard to believe that primary aged students are performing. It was a very impressive performance and a good note to finish on before we head into this terms big season finale of performances. To our comperes a big thank you and congratulations for a great job in the smooth running of the night to Andrew Coogan, Tim Bennett, Lachlan Bell and Nathan Hiller. Terrace Jazz Night at The Tivoli In term 4 the NJC Ensemble will also be featured at the Terrace Jazz night, performing at the Tivoli. This is also another incredible opportunity for the students to perform at a high profile venue. For ticket purchases please contact natscalia@gmail.com You may also register on the link under the name of Nat Scalia and NJC. Please go to http://www.terrace.qld.edu.au/college-events/jazz-night to book. Term 4 Events Calendar for Performing Arts WEEK TIME ACTIVITY VENUE UNFORM GROUPS 8.30am Thurs 16 Oct Orientation Day Yr 7&8 NJC Hall Formal Choir, Vocal Ensemble, Handbell Ensemble, Wind Symphony and Jazz Ensemble 8.30am Fri 17 Oct Orientation Day Yr 4 NJC Hall Formal Choir, Vocal Ensemble, Handbell Ensemble, Wind Symphony and Jazz Ensemble 8.30am Wed 15 Oct Assembly performance 2.30—4.30pm Mon 20 Oct Pupil Free Day Handbell Practice Music Room Free Dress 8.30am Tue 21 Oct Activity Photos NJC Hall Formal 6.00pm Thurs 23 Oct Chamber Music Concert NJC Hall Smart casual Terrace Jazz Night Tivoli Formal Assembly performance NJC Hall Saxophone Ensemble Assembly Performance NJC Hall Senior Concert Band Week 2 Week 3 DATE Fri 24 Oct 5pm own t/port 8.30am Wed 22 Oct Brass Ensemble Handbell Ensemble All Performing Arts Students A.M.E.B students Jazz Ensemble Week 4 8.30am Week 5 6.30pm Fri 7 Nov End of NJC Mass Cathedral of St. Stephen Formal Choir and Handbell Ensemble 1.30pm Sat 8 Nov Cultural Trail NJC Formal Jazz and all chamber music groups Choir, Vocal Ensemble, Handbell Ens. 8.30am Assembly performance NJC Hall TBC Thursday 11 Nov Remembrance Day NJC Hall TBC Senior and Junior Concert Brass Ens. 5.30pm Thu 13 Nov Year 6 Graduation Mass NJC Hall Formal Choir and Year 7 Handbell Ensemble Assembly performance NJC Hall Night of Excellence Rehearsal during day St Lawrence's College (ERPAC) Audition 2015 Instrumental Music groups Tue-Thu NJC All continuing students Break up party NJC All Performing Arts students Year 7 Graduation Mass NJC Hall Week 6 8.30am Week 7 Evening arrival time TBC Tues 18 Nov School time Week 8 Lunchtime Tuesday 5.30pm Thu 27 Nov Clarinet Ensemble Junior Band Formal Formal Choir, Vocal Ensemble, Handbell Ensemble, Wind Symphony and Jazz Ensemble Choir and Yr 6 2015 Handbell Ensemble Term 4 Rehearsal times for Performing Arts Time Monday 7.15 - 8.15am Tuesday Percussion Ens 1 Saxophone Ensemble Brass & Flute Ensemble 7.30 - 8.00am Vocal Ensemble 8.00 - 8.45am Choir Junior Concert band Jazz Ensemble Thursday Clarinet Ensemble Percussion Ens 2 12.40 - 1.20 pm Vocal Ensemble Handbell Ensemble Friday Senior Concert Band Wind Symphony Choir 12.30 - 1.15pm 3.15 - 5.00 pm Wednesday Parents and Friends John Messenger President – johnmess7@gmail.com Thank you to all the wonderful members of our community who are taking on the responsibility of a position on the P&F committee for 2015. It should be an exciting Foundation Year for the ATC P&F. There are still various opportunities to become involved and if you feel you can help with an of the vacant positions listed below please don’t hesitate to contact me to discuss. Our next meeting is on Tuesday 14 October, 6.30-8.30pm in the staff room. Everyone is very welcome to come along! NAME POSITION John Messenger Helen Hicks President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Communications Coordinator Communications Deputy Technology Coordinator Technology Deputy Care & Concern Grants Coordinator Y4 Coordinator Y4 Coordinator Deputy Y5 Coordinator Y5 Coordinator Deputy Y6 Coordinator Y6 Coordinator Deputy Y7 Coordinator Y7 Coordinator Deputy Y8 Coordinator Y8 Coordinator Deputy Emma Boddington-Stub Damian Moloney Kaylene Perrissinotto Megan Clifford Paige Maguire Kaylene Perrissinotto Megan Clifford Catherine Woodward Sandy Nasagavesi Therese Reid Alicen Warriner Anda Bakker Therese Reid Steve Davidson Year Coordinators Paige Maguire Fiona Wright Steve Davidson Year 5 Coordinator Paul Gleeson Parent Directory January Working Bee Welcome Night Yr 4,5,6,7,8 Welcome Event Dad’s Welcome Event Boy's Day Out Rugby Boy's Day Out AFL Saturday Sport BBQ Anzac Day Camp Out Mother's Day Stall Mother's School Event Trivia Night July Working Bee Dad’s Mid Year Event Year 5 Grandparents Day Father's Day Stall Father's Day BBQ Car Show NJC Cookbook To order your Cookbook go to the NJC P&F Try Booking page by clicking here. Delicious and simple, the book is full of favourite and soon to be famous, recipes from the NJC Community. Only $30.00 per book or two for $55.00. *This is a great gift idea for Christmas* For any further information please contact Fiona Wright at always_wright@bigpond.com Melbourne Cup Day Set 4th November aside in your calendar ladies! The NJC Melbourne Cup Day function is being held at local stylish bistro ‘The Kenmore’. For early enquires and table bookings please contact Danielle Milne via email: milnedm@optusnet.com.au Boy's Day Out Soccer Year Coordinators Year 4 Coordinator Year 7 Coordinator Year 5 Coordinator Year 4,5,6,7,8 Mass Year 4 Orientation Day Year 7 Orientation Day Melbourne Cup Lunch Year 6 Graduation Year 6 Parents End of Year Dinner and Drinks All parents are invited to join a celebration, as our boys finish their primary years journey at Nudgee Junior. The dinner will be held on Friday 31 October from 7pm at Regatta Hotel (upstairs function room). The $45 ticket includes 2 drinks tickets, canapes & a ‘Grazing Box’. Please contact Helen Hansen 0400 336 227 or Kaylene kaylene@perissinotto.com End of NJC Celebration Day Saturday 8th November STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES TRAVEL REBATE Semester 2, 2014 Does your child have a verified disability that requires transport assistance to and from school? Has your school’s learning support teacher assessed your child’s travel capability rating as ‘semiindependent’ or more dependent? Visit our website to see if you qualify for financial assistance to help with the cost of transport and apply at www.schooltransport.com.au by 31 October 2014 NJC Bus Ticket Order Form Term 4 Please order Term 4 bus tickets asap by clicking here, completing the form and returning it to the office End of NJC Mass NJC Photography Competition Do you enjoy taking photos? Are you creative? Do you want to win prizes? There will be winners from each category and one overall NJC champion! So grab a camera and get snapping! Entries close on Friday 24 October 2014 Happy Shooting! Mass On Friday 7th November a Mass will be celebrated at the Cathedral of St. Stephen in the City We invite you to join us in acknowledging all who have contributed to our wonderful story over the past 76 years. Mass commences at 7.30pm. The Canterbury Clothing Sale The Annual Warehouse Sale is being held on Friday 10th—Sunday 12th October and all NJC students have been offered a VIP entry ticket for the opening night Thursday October 9th 4pm-7pm at 836 Boundary Road Coopers Plains. For further details click here to go to their website. The NJC Community Mass that was scheduled for 25th October has been cancelled due to the enormous number of commitments and events this term. We look forward to celebrating the Eucharist with you all at The Cathedral of St. Stephen on November 7th. Parent Treacy Trail Following the success of the initial Parents Treacy Trail we are scheduled to run our next one on Saturday 18 October from 10:00am to 3:00pm. The trail visits the sites that Ambrose Treacy walked such as Custom’s House, St Stephen’s Cathedral, St Joseph’s College Gregory Terrace, St Joseph’s Nudgee College as well as his grave at Banyo Cemetery. Places are filling fast so if you wish to be a part of this experience please email Mr Conor Finn (finnc@njc.qld.edu.au) by Saturday 11th October. Bush Dance Graceville Presbyterian Church is hosting a bush dance on Saturday 18 October at 6pm at 12 Bank Road Graceville at 6pm at 12 Bank Road, Graceville. Free entry, free BBQ & jumping castle. All Welcome! Drinks for Dave NJC Old Boy Max Campbell’s father, David, was recently diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease. To support Dave and his family, a community fundraising night will be held with a live band, drinks, paella, auctions & raffles. The cost is $95 per person. Please email info@drinksfordave.com.au or contact Megan Cricket Henschell Cricket Specialising in Cricket Clinics and Personal Coaching Sessions Catering for: Male and female cricketers ages 6-60 years from in2CRICKET to Brisbane First Grade standard. The Clinic covers the following: Batting Theory Captaincy Catching Throwing Bowling Fielding Injury prevention Running between wickets Etiquette Places for Term 4 are available now! Commences Tuesday 7 October and concludes Friday 5 December 2014 (9 weeks) held at Fig Tree Picket State School, Cubberla Street Fig Tree Pocket Highlights of the clinic include: Hour long sessions after school week days Players of like ability grouped to a maximum of 4 Regular reports to players and parents Personal footage filmed for analysis and historical viewing Term commitment (1 session per week) - $55 per session Term commitment (2 sessions per week) - $49.50 per session To book a place for Term 4 or for further information please contact Brett Henschell via email or his mobile. henschellcricket@bigpond.com Mobile 04580COACH or 0452026224 ATC Cricket Season This weekend will see the opening round of the ATC Term 4 Cricket Season. With 140 players and 12 teams in the Brisbane North Competition we are looking forward to a great start to cricket for ATC. I would like to thank Mr Brett Henschell, our Cricket Coordinator for the huge amount of work that he has put into cricket so far; from organising kits, draws, fields, coaches and putting the boys into teams it has been a mammoth task to get the season up and running and he is looking forward to the first ball of the season on Saturday morning even more than the boys! ATC Cricket Brett Henschell—henschellcricket@bigpond.com The draw for this week is below and please be aware that all games commence at 8.15am, with boys needing to be at their venue ready to warm up at 7.45am. After this Saturday’s games we will be having our season launch at 12.30pm at NJC on the ovals, our Cricket Support Group will be running a cash bar and BBQ – all players and parents are invited to join us to celebrate the start of the new season! For your information, Mr Brett Henschell will be directly overseeing the Under 10 and Under 11 teams, and Mr Dave Capra will be overseeing the Under 12 and Under 13 teams. Team ATC U10 Blue Coach Address Gary Jones 11th October Hopgood East NJC ATC U10 Green Mark Fletcher Hopgood West NJC ATC U10 White Alex Benstead Hopgood West NJC ATC U10 Gold Josh Paige Jack Bowers South NJC ATC U10 Red Michael Paige Jack Bowers South NJC ATC U11 Blue Angus Stockley Regan Harney NJC ATC U11 Green Hayden Bertoli-Simmonds Shaw Road Middle Shaw Rd, Kalinga ATC U11 White Kieran Daymon Jack Bowers North NJC ATC U12 Blue Mark Sampson Jindalee SS Wongaburra St, Jindalee ATC U12 Green Paddy Behan Corramulling Park 1 Yooralla St, The Gap ATC U13 Blue Matt Ribeiro Brookfield Showground Brookfield Rd, Brookfield ATC U13 Green Jordan McDonald Col Westaway Turf Priors Pocket Rd, Moggill Sport News Welcome back to our final term of NJC. I hope you had a restful break and are ready for what will no doubt be a very busy eight weeks. I would like to congratulate Mr Paul Jones for running a very successful swim camp over the holidays. The boys had a great time the level of improvement shown by the boys over the two weeks is a credit to their hard work and commitment. ATC Aquatics Paul Jones—aquatics@njc.qld.edu.au A new era of swimming at Nudgee Junior College has started and the spring holiday swim camps were a great success. More than 70 students participated in these camps and we were very impressed with the dedication and commitment the swimmers put into their swimming. A mixture of swimming technique and activities with land based games kept the swimmers entertained each day. To participate please contact Paul Jones directly via email or phone 38780528. The term program is now underway and it is great to see the numbers of students participating in swimming. As we move forward, we will be moving some swimmers to a 4.30pm start time in the afternoon session. This will create more space in the pool and a more efficient learning environment for all levels of swimmers. We will also introduce an afterschool program for these students to keep them engaged until their swim session starts Afternoon Homework Program 3.15pm-4.15pm Monday and Tuesday afternoon will see the introduction of supervised homework sessions in the library. They will meet at the library at 3.15pm wearing school uniform and must have their homework books with them as there will be no use of the iPads or other electronic devices. At 4.15pm they will be walked over to the pool to get changed and begin the session. Afternoon Strength Program 3.15pm-4.15pm Wednesday and Thursday will have the students participating in an age related core strength and flexibility program. Students will need sports uniform including shoes for this activity. These programs will be a positive step forward for the overall development of the swimming boys in the college. Boys are to get changed into sports gear and go directly to the pool area to meet the program facilitators by 3.15pm. As we move forward into the term, we are working on the development of a competitive swimming club and also a competitive program for term 1, 2015. There are a number of interschool meets being planned and the finalisation of the competitive pathway for our competition swimmers should be completed in the coming weeks. Thank you for your support. 3x3 Basketball Fee Hannan—basketball@njc.qld.edu.au 3x3 is a dynamic and entertaining sport and we encourage you to come and watch the boys. Last Days to Register for Nudgee Junior Term Four 3on3 Basketball Please email basketball@njc.qld.edu.au with your childs name, date of birth, class, previous basketball experience and your email contact. Competition Details Training starts next week at the following times: Tuesday 3:15 to 4:30pm Year Six and Year Seven Thursday 3:15pm to 4:30pm Year Four and Year Five Saturday games start on the 18th of October and the last week of the competition is 8th November (only four Weeks) 8am to 10am at NAB Stadium, Dixon Street Milton Uniforms The boys are required to wear Nudgee Junior Sports Uniform (Bibs will be provide to differentiate the teams) Game days will involve 30 mins of skill development and then 90 mins of games. Boys will be placed into teams for the five weeks of games and we encourage you to ensure your son attends all games as their team may be unable to compete if there are boys missing. We will look forward to seeing the boys next week at training. Water Polo Training has begun in preparation for our first round of games this weekend. There are still places left in teams, please contact Mr Paul Jones jonesp@njc.qld.edu.au if your son would like to get involved. At the time of writing we had not been given game details, however we will communicate these to boys involved as soon as they are available. Year 6 Canoe Polo Notes were sent home with Year 6 boys who are interested in playing, please return these by this Friday in preparation for next week. Golf A note will be distributed to boys after assembly on the last day of term. The program commences next Wednesday 15 October, and permission notes will need to be returned and payment finalised by Tuesday afternoon 14 October. Have a great weekend! Dave Capra ATC Juniors are proudly sponsored by BMW Westside and O T H E R M U S I C S W I M S P O R T Enviro Club 7.00am to 8.00am Taiko Drumming 3.15pm to 5.00pm Rainbow Reading 8.00am to 8.30am 3.00pm to 3.30pm Art Club 3.00m to 4.00pm Vocal Ensemble 7.30am to 8.00am Choir 8.00am to 8.45am Handbells 3.15pm to 5.00pm ATC Swim Squads 3.30pm to 6.30pm Triathlon Training 7.00am to 8.00am Monday Opti-Minds 3.15pm to 4.30pm Rainbow Reading 3.00pm to 3.30pm Percussion Ensemble 1 Saxophone Ensemble Brass Ensemble 7.15am to 8.15am Choir 8.00am to 8.45am Vocal Ensemble 12.45pm to 1.20pm Flute Ensemble 7.15am to 8.15am ATC Swim Squads 5.30am to 8.00am 3.30pm to 6.30pm BI Tennis Training 7.00am to 8.10am @ NJC NJC Water Polo Training 7.30am to 8.30am *Year 5 and 6 - 2015 Cricket Trials 3.30pm to 4.45pm NJC 3 on 3 Basketball Training Year 6 and 7 3.15pm to 4.30pm Tuesday ***Breakfast Book Club 7.15am to 8.10am Rainbow Reading 8.00am to 8.30am 3.00pm to 3.30pm Jazz Ensemble Junior Concert Band 7.15am to 8.15am ATC Swim Squads 3.30pm to 6.30pm Triathlon Training 6.30am to 8.00am Year 6 Canoe Polo 6.00pm to 7.30pm *Year 6 and 7 2015 ATC Cricket Trials 3.30pm to 4.45pm **NJC Golf Program @ Brisbane GC 4.00pm to 4.30pm Wednesday Rainbow Reading 8.00am to 8.30am 3.00pm to 3.30pm Cooking Club 3.00pm to 4.00pm Debating 3.00pm to 4.00pm Senior Concert Band 7.15am to 8.15am Clarinet Ensemble 12.30pm to 1.15pm Percussion Ensemble 2 12.30pm to 1.15pm ATC Swim Squads 5.30am to 8.00am 3.30pm to 6.30pm BI Tennis Training 7.00am to 8.10 @ NJC NJC Water Polo Training 7.30am to 8.30am ATC Club Cricket Training 3.15pm to 4.45pm NJC 3 on 3 Basketball Training Year 4 and 5 3.15pm to 4.30pm Thursday Enviro Club 7.00am to 8.00am Rainbow Reading 8.00am to 8.30am Chess Club Training 12.30pm to 1.30pm NJC Rosary Group – Chapel 12.45pm to 1.10pm Wind Symphony 7.15am to 8.15am ATC Swim Squads 5.30am to 8.00am 3.30pm to 6.30pm Triathlon Training 3.15pm to 4.30pm Friday ATC Swim Squads 6.00am to 8.00am NJC 3 on 3 Basketball Comp @ Auchenflower 7.45am to 10.00am ATC Zone Cricket Fixtures 8.00am to 12.00pm ATC Water Polo Fixtures 1.00pm to 4.00pm Saturday NJC Whole School Co-Curricular Timetable: Term 4 2014
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