Tishrei/Heshvan October 2014 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES FOR HIGH HOLY DAYS - 2014/5775 YOM KIPPUR SUKKOT First Day of Sukkot Friday Oct. 3 Kol Nidre Service 5:45 PM Candle Lighting 6:05 PM (candles should be lit before coming to Temple) Saturday Oct. 4 Shacharit 9:00 AM Torah Reading 10:15 AM Children’s Programming 10:15 AM - 1:00PM Sermon & Yizkor 11:15 AM Musaf 11:45 PM Ask the Rabbi 3:30 PM Mincha 4:30 PM N'eelah 5:30 PM Maariv & final Shofar blast 7:09 PM May the New Year bring all the blessings of peace, health, and happiness to you and your families. Wednesday Oct. 8 Candle Lighting 5:55 PM (candles should be lit before coming to Temple) Dinner at 6 PM (RSVP Req’d) followed by Evening Service at TBA Randolph 7 PM Thursday Oct. 9 Shacharit in Brockton 9:30 AM Second Day of Sukkot Ma’ariv Friday Oct. 10 Shacharit at TBA Randolph 6:30 PM 9:15 AM SHEMINI ATZERET Wednesday Oct. 15 Candle Lighting 5:43 PM (candles should be lit before coming to Temple) Evening Service in Brockton 6:30 PM Thursday Oct. 16 Shacharit & Yizkor Brockton 9:30 AM SIMCHAT TORAH Friday Oct. 17 Evening Service Brockton 6:30 PM Including singing, dancing and hullabaloo Morning Service TBA Randolph 9:15 AM More singing and danciing Blessing of the Animals October 19, 2014 on the portico 11:45AM Make plans to attend our first Blessing of the Animals ceremony. We will wish our pets good health in the coming year. This is the week of reading the story of Noah and we will thank God for the beauty of creation. Pets of all kinds are welcome to be part of this event as long as they are on leashes or in appropriate carriers. If you cannot transport your pet, you may bring a picture. Light refreshments will be served. TEMPLE BETH EMUNAH 479 Torrey Street Brockton, MA 02301 (508) 583-5810 Fax: (708) 778-5801 Ilana Foss, Rabbi H. David Werb, Rabbi Emeritis Stu Kirsch, President Beth Goldstein, B’yachad Educ. Director Deb Kirsch, Administrator Bulletin Aaron Riseman Editor Tom Robinson, Circulation November Bulletin Deadline: October 22, 2014 Articles must be submitted via e-mail to: ariseman728@comcast.net Services Shabbat Friday at 6:30 PM Saturday at 9:30 AM Daily Weekdays at 7:30PM Sundays at 9:00AM Unless otherwise announced Visit our website at www.templebethemunah.org From The Rabbi's Desk We have so much to celebrate at Temple Beth Emunah in the month of October. I hope to see you at some of these meaningful and exciting programs: Yom Kippur Services: Friday, October 3rd and Saturday October 4th: We join together as a community to ask forgiveness from one another and God. We will sing and pray that God inscribe us in the Book of Life. Succot- After the solemnity of Yom Kippur we have the festival of Succot. Whether at services at our Sukkah hop, at Scotch and Cigars in the Sukkah or Sangria in the Sukkah- it is a perfect way to mark fall and the harvest holiday Simchat Torah: We’ll be dancing all night on Thursday evening, October 16th. We’ll unroll an entire Torah to see all the different stories and laws. We’ll dance and sing our way into the New Year. Festivities will continue the next day in Randolph, for more singing dancing and fun. October 18th is Pink Shabbat- an opportunity to honor those affected by Breast cancer with special guest speaker, pink foods and fun. October 19th at noon we will have our first ever blessing of the animals. Many of us have pets that are important members of our families and lives. In honor of Parshat Noach, the story of Noah which we will read the following Shabbat we will have a special blessing of our pets. Bring your pets (leashed or in carriers please) for this furry fun event! We'll wrap up October with the Blood Drive and Keeper of the Flame events. The blood drive is one annual reminder of how important it is to give to others particularly when blood supply in Massachusetts is so low. Please give! The Keeper of the Flame dinner will see over 300 people dining with us celebrating men’s clubs from around the region. The Brotherhood will need all of our volunteer assistance to make this a successful event. As you can see, there is no shortage of ways to be involved at TBE. See you soon! L’Shalom Rabbi Ilana Foss FROM THE DESK OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD I close my eyes and easily recall the image of a tall slender man (giant like), bearded, deep voiced, giving instructions to the hundreds gathered on whose turn was next, how we should march, which lines to read and where the table was that held the drinks of celebration. The time and year, Fall, 1970. The place, Temple Beth Emunah, Cottage Street, Brockton. The man, Rabbi Isaac Moseson. The sanctuary was long, narrow and tall enough to reach the stars in this 10 year-old boy’s eyes. I recall thinking how odd that the Rabbi and the sanctuary were built the same. I recently drove by Cottage Street. This was my first shul. Upstairs and down there were dozens of places where my friends and I could play and hide. It was awesome. Then I walked. We all did. We walked through Brockton in a parade of euphoric celebration. We sang and danced at our new location at the corner of Torrey and Pearl Streets. Speeches, food, music and dance filled the air and our hearts. It’s been forty- three years since that parade. Many who marched are no longer here. They’ve grown up, married and all too many have died. However, as many have moved on, so many others have come, all with similar memories of their first shuls, their parades and their celebrations. And with those that are here we are planning our next parade. We may not walk this time (please let us drive) but the celebration will be just as grand and imprinted into the memories of the next generation of 10-year olds. This narrative walk down memory lane came to me as we are about to celebrate the holiday of Simchas Torah. We march, sing and dance as we have finished our year long journey reading the history of our ancestors and recalling why we have chosen to be Jews. We finish the story and can’t wait to begin to read it again. The beauty of Simchas Torah is not just in the celebration of finishing a good book (or five) and beginning to re-read it, but rather our sense of accomplishment in doing so. So too do we celebrate the years of our history here at the corners of Torrey and Pearl Streets. Even more so in writing new chapters of our Jewish journey as we seek to create a new community to provide for and fill our Jewish lives. I along with so many others that help lead our congregation are working to create the next chapters. We need writers. We need editors. We need publishers. Most of all we need readers. As we work to define how, where and whom we want the next chapter to be read by and about, we must always remember our parades. For those are the foundation, the preface of our congregation’s book, needed to write the new chapters. Like a good book, the beauty of Torah clings to you wherever you call home. So as we begin our celebration of the New Year, celebrate with me and those leading us into our next parade. Help us plan, create and write our next chapters. B’Shalom, Howard Shore B’Yachad South Area Religious School. During the Days of Awe, we think about the past year, make amends, and promise to do better in the year ahead. This time of year we feel introspective and also sometimes sad as we focus on the ways in which we need to improve. And, yet, at this High Holiday season it is also important to look back on the past year and recognize the ways we grew as individuals and families, and also the many things for which we have to be proud. Especially as parents, the High Holy Days are the perfect time to ask your children not only about the ways they hope to improve in the coming year, but also about the good things they would like to continue to do in their lives. This will help them and us to use the inspiration from this past year’s growth to foster future growth and development. In the religious school we are looking towards the future, learning and having a great time while we are doing it. We are excited to share that we have welcomed 10 new students at B’yachad!!! School opened on September 7th with a mixer and fun activities for the whole family. We also welcomed Bonnie Benford from the Plymouth County Beekeepers Association who spoke with us about bees and honey in preparation for Rosh Hashanah. This year the school will be learning about what Judaism says about protecting the environment. To kick off our theme, each student received a water bottle with the school logo on it. Please consider bringing this water bottle to school as we work to cut down on our use of plastic bottles. There are water fountains available to fill up your bottles! The month continued with our first Jr. Congregation of the year at Temple Beth Am on Saturday, September 20th. The group sang some new fun tunes, learned about prayer and the high holidays. In addition, we had our first PJ Library event for children 2-6 years old! They also explored the theme of Rosh Hashanah through stories, art and music. Wow! What a great first month. During October there is even more learning and excitement to look forward to. On Sunday, October 5 the Kindergarten and 1st grade class will have their family education morning from 9:00-Noon. Also, please join us on Wednesday, October 8th at Temple Beth Am for Pasta and Pizza in the Hut prior to Erev Sukkot Services. Dinner is $15 per family and reservations can be made by emailing byachad.bgoldstein@gmail.com. On October 26th we will hold our second B’Yachad Story Time with PJ Library for children 2-6 years old and their families. th For questions about B’Yachad South Area Religious School, please feel free to email Beth Goldstein at byachad.bgoldstein@gmail.com. OUR B’YACHAD STUDENTS LEARNING Do you know someone who has an upcoming Birthday or Anniversary? Who just got a new job? Could use some well wishes during an illness? Consider sending a Nedorim card! (Cards start at $5) Contact the Temple Office for more details. RABBI H.DAVID WERB MEDITATION GARDEN AND TEMPLE BETH EMUNAH HONORS WALKWAY Would you like to commemorate a special occasion, such as a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, wedding, anniversary, or birthday; or honor or memorialize your loved ones? You can purchase a personalized, laser engraved brick to be placed in the Rabbi H. David Werb Meditation Garden or the Temple Beth Emunah Honors Walkway, both located in the Temple’s Korim Courtyard. The net proceeds go towards the Temple’s Endowment Fund, which helps our Temple and Religious School. Your purchases will keep Temple Beth Emunah strong for many years to come, and also add to the beauty of the garden - an area for reflection, relaxation and enjoyment. Please be sure to visit it when you’re at the Temple. 4” x 8” and 8” x 8” bricks are available, and are permanently laser engraved with your special inscription. Please pick up an order form at the Temple office, or call for more details. How Can YOU Help? Donate with an impact When we’ve needed something (heating repairs, painting and new doors, to name but a few) our members have been there! The call is going out again for your help. Could you pay a month’s worth of the electric bill? Or perhaps a week’s worth? Maybe you’d rather pay the Insurance bill? Below are a few ideas, but all donations welcome! Electric Bill $2,400 for a whole month or $600 for a week Gas Bill $1,000 for a whole month or $250 for a week Insurance $2,000 for a whole month or $500 for a week Trash Collection $260 for a whole month or $65 for a week Alarm Monitoring $240 for whole year or $20 for a week SAVE THE DATE Sunday, November 2nd - Brockton Train Show Sundays, Nov 16th & Dec 7th - Brotherhood Flea Market & Craft Show Rabbi Werb Named Brotherhood Keeper of the Flame Every year, the New England Region Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs honors a member of the Brotherhood from each Temple that belongs to the Federation. Honorees are chosen for long and distinguished service to their Brotherhoods, Temples and communities. The Brotherhood of Temple Beth Emunah takes great pride in the service it does for the Temple and the community. We are proud to announce that this year’s honoree is Rabbi H. David Werb. For over forty years, Dave and Linda Werb have been a leading part of the fabric that makes up Temple Beth Emunah, its Brotherhood and Sisterhood. They came to Brockton in 1971 with two small children and one on the way. Their fourth was born later on. Even though, as our Spiritual Leader, Rabbi Werb helped shape the direction, goals and activities of the Temple, this honor is more for Dave, the person. The Werbs immediately became part of our community upon their arrival. They grew as friends and parents with all of us. Their children grew up with our children. Their grandchildren were friends with our grandchildren. Even as Rabbi, he shared the joys and sorrows of all of us. He named many of us, officiated at our children’s B'nai Mitzvah, and then married our children. He even followed the cycle for their children. He officiated at the funerals of our parents. In turn, we shared the joy of his family’s joys and the sorrows of his family’s sorrows. With Dave Werb, he treated all members of the congregation as family. Yes, being a Rabbi is a job, but Dave Werb made it a family affair. As Rabbi, David Werb was innovative. Long before Keruv was a popular program for congregations, Temple Beth Emunah was a leader. The program he set up at Temple Beth Emunah was a model later followed by FJMC. Rabbi Werb was also a founding member and a vital mover in BIC, the Brockton Interfaith Community. This led to a greater understanding of our relationships with Christians, Blacks and other ethnic groups in the city. He helped establish our annual Martin Luther King Luncheon long before it was fashionable to do so. Even today, it is the highlight of the Brotherhood calendar. Every year there is a “greetings from sunny Florida.” Rabbi Werb is still a very active participant in the Catholic-Jewish Dialogue program at Stonehill College, which he helped start in the early ‘90’s. Serving consecutively as President of the Massachusetts Board of Rabbis and the New England Region Rabbinical Assembly his executive abilities came to the fore. The South Area Solomon Schechter Day School, which Rabbi Werb helped establish, has honored him on two separate occasions. In 1992 Rabbi Werb received an honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree from the Jewish Theological Seminary for 25 years of devoted service to the Jewish Community. Even in Florida in the winter months, Rabbi Werb continues to serve. He is still an active member of our Brotherhood, being a part our programs when in Brockton. Living in Florida, along with many other transplanted Brocktonians, he is looked up to both spiritually and socially. Everything he does, he does 100%. Since retirement, David Werb has made himself an authority on exotic bird species at a bird sanctuary in Florida. Visitors from Brockton that go there are amazed at Dave’s expertise. Dave will be honored at a dinner on Sunday, October 26 here at Temple Beth Emunah in Brockton. Watch mail & October bulletin for details. Electric Wire Recycling Fundraiser We can turn obsolete, no longer used electric wire of all types and in any condition into cash. $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ Do you have a smartphone or a cell phone that you no longer use? Please donate any unneeded phones to Temple Beth Emunah as we can recycle these items for C$SH. Old, cracked, or no longer used or needed electric wire can be recycled for ca$h. Check your cabinets, closets and basements…time to clean up, recycle and Temple Beth Emunah will benefit! Bring your phones and leave them in the main office. If the office is closed just place them in the open window. Please bring to the Temple any and all electric wire that you no longer use: Computer, audio and TV cables Equipment power cords and chargers Appliance and lamp power cords (cords only) Telephone and speaker wire Cell phone chargers and wire House and building wire Extension cords Temple Beth Emunah 479 Torrey Street Brockton, MA 02301 Phone: 508.583.5810 All types of electrical wire accepted. Place in basket located on main floor in the school hallway. Electrical wire can be recycled for ca$h. Please send any questions to Alan Castaline at acastaline@comcast.net The letter ‘shin’ is based on a pictogram of teeth ש We know Orthodontics from aleph to tav. See us for AMAZING SMILES, INCREASED CONFIDENCE, NEWFOUND HAPPINESS. Dr. Robert Chavez Dr. Andrew Chase ARCH Orthodontics FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION 1 (800) 28- SMILE www.archorthodontics.com Sisterhood Judaica Shop Do you need that special Gift ? Start your shopping at the Sisterhood Judaica Shop. Come in and see all of the new merchandise. We have everything for that special Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Bride- tobe, & Housewares for the new home owner and, we are in the process of restocking the gift shop with all new merchandise. From tzedakah boxes to beautiful Shabbat candle sticks. Our prices are very reasonable. Don’t miss out on the beautiful selections. Don’t forget all of your Bar/Bat Mitzvah needs Yarmulkahs can be ordered in your special colors Hours: Sunday 9-11am & by appointment: Heidi Bourque 508-828-9515 Robin Ekpunobi 781-424-3276 Sharon Wolf 508-238-1507 I address this note to EVERYONE who attended the Temple on the evening of 8/22/14. You made it a memorable Shabbat and 90th birthday celebration for me. I want to give an extra special Thank You to Rabbi Foss, Rabbi Werb, Stan Marcus, and Stu Kirsch for the Service which my friends and relatives enjoyed tremendously. I also want to thank everyone who called me, sent beautiful notes, gifts and gave donations in my honor. Also, I received 2 lovely gifts with no cards. PLEASE call me if you think they might be from you s I can thank you. Sincerely, Rena Hurwitz SISTERHOOD Remember: It’s not hard, To Send a Card Just give us a Call, And we will help you all. Call Selma at (508)587-4278 or Marge at (508)588-5516 at any time except Shabbat. We are at your service to send the Simcha. New Baby, Mazel Tov and Get Well Torah Fund Cards. Recycle for a Profit! Bring in your used printer and toner cartridges and the Temple earns from $2-$4 per cartridge! Don’t have curbside recycling? Bring your paper to the Temple and earn us even more $$...and save a tree and landfill space while you’re at it! ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺ Did you know…….? That many of the things you do every day can earn the Temple money? Use www.goodsearch.com for every internet search and earn a penny a search for the Temple. Use www.goodshop.com before you go to websites such as Amazon or Ebay (and dozens of others) and the Temple earns up to 37.5% of what you spend. Think it doesn’t add up? Last quarter we earned over $200! Use a Gift Card and increase our profit! new new new new new new new new new new Go to www.gooddining.com and register whatever credit card you typically use when you go out to eat. Then enjoy a night out at one of the restaurants listed on the GoodDining website, use your registered credit card to pay, and the Temple gets a percentage! PRIDE OF BROCKTON CEMETERY We Now Have Whole Foods!!! L’DOR V’DOR (From Generation to Generation) A Temple Beth Emunah Cemetery, located Are you attending a… Wedding or B’nai Mitzvah? One stop shopping! Get your Gift Cards in the Temple Office! On South Street, Stoughton,Ma. Plots are available for purchase, to anyone of the Jewish Faith. Directions to the cemetery from Brockton: Take Pearl Street north into Stoughton (Route 27), Many cards in stock! If we don’t have it, we’ll order it! For Daily Use Or Gifts! These stores and a whole lot more! After the T.J. Maxx Plaza, take your next right, this is South Street. The cemetery is 1/2mile down on the left side, it has a white stone wall in the front. For more information please contact:Harriet Robie 508-587-3250 The Temple Beth Emunah section of Plymouth Rock Cemetery offers families an affordable, wellmaintained location as a final resting place. We offer our community two options: the Temple Beth Emunah section and Shaarei Emunah: the Gates of Faith Interfaith section. The cemetery is located on Pearl Street (west side) just south of Belmont Street (route 123) in Brockton. For more information please contact Mort Saftler (508) 587-2470 Nedorim NEDORIM FUND In Memory of: Herman B Steinberg Reva Stickler & Family Albert Hunt Jonathan & Carol Braverman Suzanne & Robert Wyman Jack & Barbara Lappin Leslie & Elliot Schwartz Selma & Bill Kracoff Roberta Levin Marlene Shrago Bob & Judy Fishman Sylvia Aven Miriam Green Sydney Block Judy & Irwin Miller Robert Berks Alan & Debbie Osheroff Ruth & Harry Berg Gloria Packer Ed & Deb Baron Catherine Auger Barbara Brink Sheila & Ed Doctoroff Andrew & Beverly Olem Pat J. Davis George & Judith Small Linda Webber Grandfather of Hannah Finger Robert & Marie Finger Mary Green Bob & Judy Fishman RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE FUND In Memory of: Albert Hunt The Skerker Family THE SAFTLER FAMILY FUND In Honor of: Rena Hurwitz’ 90th Birthday Morton Saftler Bob, Judy & Emily Fishman Steve Raphaelson’s Engagement Ed & Debbie Baron Congratulations to Carmela Caplain on her son’s Aufruf Ed & Debbie Baron In Memory of: Al Hunt Morton Saftler THE YAHRZEIT FUND In Memory of: Milton Winnerman Morris & Ina-Lou Cohen THE BUILDING FUND The Temple thanks you for In Memory of: your support Edward Salomons Nedorim donation – $5.00 Howard & Jennifer Salomons Minyan Circle Donation - $10.00 Chai Circle Donation $18.00 Silver Circle Donation - $25.00 Special Gifts Donation - $50.00+ THE CRAIG MENDELSON FUND In Memory of: Josephine DeGirolimo Robert & Marie Finger Please help us expedite matters by making all requests in writing, with THE DAVID LICTER SCHOLARSHIP complete names and addresses, FUND including zip codes. In Memory of: Elizabeth Sher Marjorie Fleisher OTHER FUNDS YOU MAY DONATE TO: THE STEPHAN AND MICHAEL WOLFE Hachnasat Orchim FUND Aliyah Fund In Memory of: Herbert Cohen Fund Brenda Gentile Rabbi H. David Werb Andrew, Arlene. Skyler, Meditation Garden Gemma & Jayden Wolfe Rabbi H. David Werb Youth Carol & Steve Wallach Endowment Fund Schmuel Purlwurmacher Harry Belinsky Fund Frances Wolfe Dr. Stuart Birnbaum Defibrillator Fund TEEN AIDE SCHOLARSHIP FUND Lawrence Liberman Fund In Honor of: Stuart Koretz Fund Adam Kramer’s Bar Mitzvah Bella Kovick Fund Phyllis Paulive Richard Rosen Learning Series Schair Memorial Lecture Fund Hilary Schutt Fund Edward Teller Fund Louis and Ruth Zax Fund Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Jacob N. Lipman Religious School Michelle Goldstein Bornstein Fund Harry and Bessie Lemelman October 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 2 3 BINGO 6:30 PM 5 6 7 Build Sukkah 7 AM B’Yachad 9 AM Membership 11 AM SAUCY event at Launch 2:30—5:15 PM 13 20 B’Yachad 9 AM Brotherhood Breakfast 9 AM Blessing of Animals 12 PM Saucy Quidditch 1 to 4 PM B’Yachad 9 AM Story Time at PJ Library 9:30 Keeper of Flame 4 PM 14 Scotch & Cigars in the Sukkah 8 PM Sangria in Rabbo’s Sukkah 8 PM 19 26 8 B’Yachad 3:45 PM NO BINGO Brotherhood Meeting Erev Sukkot 7:30 PM dinner 6 PM Services 7 @ TBA 12 B’Yachad 9 AM Sukkah Hop 10 AM Ritual Committee 7 PM 15 B’Yachad 3:45 PM 21 NO BINGO Erev Shmini Atzeret 22 9 Sukkot Services Brockton 9:30 AM Evening service 6:30 PM 28 B’Yachad 3:45 PM 11 Shabbat Service w/ Bar Mitzvah of Jared Moser 9:30 AM 17 Shmini Atzeret 9:30 AM Simchat Torah 6 PM SimchaT Torah Randolph 9:15 AM Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30 pm Candle light 5:42 pm Pink Shabbat 9:30 AM Tot Shabbat 11 AM Community Shabbat 6 pm in Stoughton Candle light 5:32 pm Community Shabbat 9:30 AM in Stoughton Jr Cong at TBA 10 AM 23 BINGO 6:30 PM 27 10 Sukkot Services Randolph 9:15 AM Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30 PM Candle light 5:54 pm 4 Yom Kippur services 9 AM Ask the Rabbi 3:30 Mincha/Neellah 4:30 16 Blood Drive 2—7:30 B’Yachad 3:45 PM Board of Directors 7 PM Kol Nidre 5:45 PM Sat 24 29 30 31 BINGO 6:30 PM SAUCY lounge in Stoughton 6:30 to 8:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30 pm Candle light 5:22pm THE LAW OFFICES OF ILENE B. BELINSKY, P. C. Providing legal services to and for Individuals, Families and Small Businesses Concentrating in Family Law, Business Matters and Organization, Wills, and Estate Administration Metro South Executive Park // 1115 West Chestnut Street, Suite 206 Brockton, Massachusetts 02301-7501 (508) 587-2929 // www.belinskylaw.com 18 25
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