GROUP NEWS October 2014 JOTI and JOTA We are holding again this year at our Scout Hall International JOTA - Jamboree on the Air & JOTI – Jamboree on the Internet Date: Saturday 18th Oct. 10am to Sunday 19th Oct. approx. 2pm If you are passing our hall pop in anytime throughout the weekend. Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Leaders, plus parents and friends are all welcome to take part. Cubs and Scouts can do an activity badge on Saturday 10am &5pm. Sunday 10am We are looking for help early Saturday Morning 8.30am onwards, setting up the aerials on the green, offers to Simon please email 57th Jamboree on the Air - 18th-19th October 2014 It is time for PG to join the annual Jamboree-On-The-Air (JOTA), using our special call sign GB0PG. For new members JOTA gives ALL our members, parents and friends the opportunity to talk to other Scout Groups around the world - just like a real Jamboree but without the travelling! We will have Pete Roberts and a team of Radio Amateurs, who will be setting up a number of stations at the Scout Hall and we hope to make some very interesting contacts during the weekend. At previous JOTA's we have been able to talk to stations as far away as USA, Canada, Australia and Falkland Islands. We will have a number of Radio Games operating during the weekend. Cubs & Scouts from PG and other groups in Maidenhead will have the opportunity to pass their Communicators Badge, on Saturday. Everyone is welcome to come and join in the fun. The Jamboree on the Air in which half a million Scouts and Guides all over the world make contact with each other by means of amateur radio. Short-wave radio signals carry their voices to virtually any corner of the world. The use of amateur radio means that many Scouts get the opportunity to discover the skills of wireless radio techniques and electronics. JOTA is also the only event that offers each individual Scout the opportunity to speak to other Scouts across the world. 17th Jamboree on the Internet - - 18th-19th October 2014 The 2014 Jamboree On the Internet event is the 18th JOTI since the World Scout Committee's decision that JOTI should become an official international Scouting event. PG has taken part every year since it started. Jamboree on the Internet connects Scouts across the world in a similar way to JOTA, but using the internet. Volunteer organisations like Scoutlink and Scoutnet provide the necessary technical support and server capacity. Visit to find out more JOTI is an annual event when Scouts and Guides all over the world make contact with each other by means of the Internet. It is a real Jamboree during which Scouting experiences are exchanged and ideas are shared, thus contributing to the world brotherhood of Scouting. JOTI is a world-wide event mainly for Scouting groups in all sections. The object is to use the Internet to communicate with Scouts around the world. We used, Internet chat, Web site browsing and E-mail to exchange with Scouts in countries all over the world (Over 200 Countries were taking part) we didn’t make contact with all the countries but we did manage to talk to, contact and with Scouts from 26 foreign countries some of which were, New Zealand, Australia and the USA. It was an impressive feeling when you were actually looking at and chatting with Scouts from the other side of the world! If you can’t attend this year’s event you can send us an email to our special email address If you have time pop into our Scout hall over the weekend and have a go your self During the weekend we will be updating PG web Site with Photos of these events First World War – PG Scout As we have been commemorating the start of the First World War I thought this may be of interest to members of PG. My grandfather, Harry Distin, was a Pinkneys Green Scout at the time. He spent time, along with other Scouts, patrolling the beaches in Norfolk during this war. He would travel there to spend a few weeks at a time serving. He was to look out for anything that had been lost at sea being washed ashore. Unfortunately I never asked him any more details. It seems such an incrediable task for someone of that age. Evidently Sheringham Norfolk was the first place on the British mainland to be hit by a bomb in WW1 in 1915 Avril Broadley (Chil) -1- PG Tips October 2014 Are you able to help with any of these repairs? NEW CHAIR PERSON We call our Executive committee the PG Parent Support Group as we feel that's what you do. (PGPSG) and WE NEED A NEW CHAIR PERSON!!. So what does this involve in reality! You become part of a team!!! That meets on the first Monday of the month (except Aug). The Chairperson's role is to work in partnership with the GSL. The main aims of the PSG are to provide sufficient resources for scouting to operate. This includes, but is not limited to, Protect and maintain any property and equipment owned by and/or used by the Group. Manage the Group finances, support recruitment, fundraising activities. You are not expected to do everything but help find other parents who are able to specific things, repairs, electrics, woodwork, fundraising ideas. We have a secretary and a new treasurer and others that do specific things Subs, Jumbles, Raffles, Cleaning rota. The chair person has to be nominated by the GSL, that's me!, so if you are interested in being our new chairperson or a committee member please let me know. Tomlin room door handle Wooden door of “Music” cupboard Door of top cupboard above Table cupboard Batten to hold wooden panelling by radiator left of Office door. Fill hole in skirting board (right of Office Door) Varnish Outside notice board. Make a trap door in stores ceiling to access roof void. Welding – Fire Extinguisher trolley Strim the grass bank opposite hall – (we have a petrol strimmer) Fit daylight sensor on roof above porch and run cable, Drill hole in wall to pass cable through. Our kitchen doors are looking very shabby as well as 2 needing adjustments? Do you have any Kitchen cupboard doors that we can replace the existing ones, have a look and see what we need Jamboree – Japan 2015 Race Night Saturday 15th November 2014 7.00pm racing starts at 7.30pm CHRISTMAS TREES 2014 Details to follow Delivery: Free to Maidenhead/Littlewick Green area Order Form will be with Novembers PG Tips or on web Printing Pantomime Script Next year’s Pantomime is Sleeping Beauty, we are looking for someone to type the script for us. For more details, please contact Simon, email: PHOTOCOPYING We are looking for some help photocopying our Christmas Tree Flyers If you can do 50 / 100 / 150 or 200 copies please contact Simon Our Christmas trees are one of our major fundraising activities we do every year BEAVER NEWS Winter Hill Colony We've got off to a fantastic start at Winter Hill beavers. We started the term with an evening of games, where we all got reacquainted with one another and had lots of fun. We then had an evening if bug hunting. This term we are going to try to earn our experiment and space knowledge badges so will be completing activities and tasks needed for those. We sadly say goodbye to two of our eldest beavers: Joshua Keane and Kyle Dixon as they move up to cubs. We wish them lots of fun in cubs and hope to see them around at family camps and group events. We also welcome six new beavers: Charlie De Jager, Ben Middleton, Euan Parsons, Sam Wolfenoen, Will Tyrrell and Ben Phillips Who we hope have enjoyed their first few sessions with PG Beavers! Also welcome to Tom Beynon as a new Beaver Leader. Please remember as the evenings get darker that the road outside the Scout hall can get very busy and to always be careful when picking up or dropping off. Hathi (Catherine Weeks). -2- PG Tips October 2014 Littlewick Colony First of all, I would like to welcome all of the 7 new Beavers and their families who have joined us this term. So a big welcome to Emma Mc Guinness, Janek Czarnomsui, Alice Parsons, Thomas Gear, Sam Cranch and Harry Roberts. We also have 5 Beavers Swimming up to Cubs Matthew Bradshaw, Connor Wilcock, Matthew Alvey, Charlie Ford and Chelsea Rose Herbert-Green. We wish you all the best of Luck! Also one of our leaders Rusty (Kieran Patel) is off to University. I would like to wish him all the best and luck in his new life and a big thank you for all the time and support he has put into Beavers over the last Year. We are only a few meetings into a new term and the Beavers have done so much already. They have learnt about what Beavers are and the Beaver story. We have also been on our first hike around the grounds of the BCA College taking in the county side. Where we learnt about the animals that habitat on the grounds. This term the Beavers will be working towards lots of badges. Including Animal Friend Activity and Space Activity Badge. We have lots planed this term!! Please make sure Beavers are in full uniform to all meetings. Beaver Scout jumper, Scarf, PG T-Shirt and blue Scout trousers or shorts. I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all the parents who have put their name down to help at the meetings. We can’t do it without you so thank you! If you are yet to help or put your name down please email me ASAP. Till next time…… Hawkeye (Veronica Martin) CUB NEWS Littlewick Pack Already we have had an activity filled September and there is plenty more planned for this term. In the first week back we pitched our tents for cub camp and by making a few mistakes we quickly learnt vital skills for next time, such as doing the tent doors up before securing the guy ropes so that the doors can actually close! It was great to see 11 of our cubs at Cub Camp this year. Well done to Abby Jones, Ava Neeves, Martha Leach , Manasi Athwal, Eva Murray, Charlotte Wilkinson, Joseph Henwood, Brandon Newport, Finley Roberts, Sam Packham, Jude Taylor. All cubs seemed to enter into the spirit of the WW1 theme especially when handing over their ration stamps in return for their sweets A very big thank you to all those that helped and contributed to its success from Leaders, Parents and also to the Littlewick Green Cricket Club and Cricket Performance who organised the fantastic cricket training and games on Sunday. So far we have also worked towards the My Faith Activity Badge where we learnt about different religions, wrote our own prayers and sung a united ‘All Things Bright and Beautiful’ which resulted in a comment from a local Littlewick neighbour on how nice it was to hear! We also had a fun night in the Woods learning to cook a meal on the camp fire using Billy cans. Don’t forget on the weekend of the 18th & 19th October we have our Jamboree on the Air/Internet Day where cubs will learn about different forms of communication and communicate with Cubs around the world. This is held at the Winter Hill Scout Hall. Finally a quick reminder, if your cub is unwell or unable to attend a pack meeting please text or email Akela or myself, this is especially important when we are doing outside hikes and events. Until next time Rama (Sarah Jones) 2014 Cub Camp – BCA 5th-7th September 2014 Winter Hill Pack Our autumn term has started off with a fun-packed weekend of camping at Berkshire College of Agriculture where 31 Cubs from the two packs spent two nights under canvas. They even managed to sleep for some of the time, although we do have some very early rising Cubs! Despite the early starts, seeing the sense of achievement that the Cubs have at the end of camp is certainly one of the most rewarding points of my Scouting year. There are too many people that made camp happen to thank them individually except to mention Nathalie Watson for the activities, Simon Wheeler for sorting equipment, Lizzie Rhodes-James and Tom Beynon for cooking and Sarah Hollingworth at BCA for letting us use their land again. Special thanks also to Kieran Patel for helping Simon and me load the van on the Thursday before camp. -3- PG Tips October 2014 I am delighted to be able to welcome some new members to the pack this term - Joshua Keane and Kyle Dixon have swum up from Beavers and Louis Davies and Charlie Shervell have joined the Group and the Pack - welcome to PG! We also welcome Kate Marshall as a new Assistant Cub Scout Leader - having been a Guide and Brownie leader I am sure Kate is well aware of what's has let herself in for! Meantime Niall Parsons move on to Scouts for more fun and adventures! Finally, the nights get darker this term, so please drop off/collect Cubs at/from the Scout Hall door. Happy Scouting WH Akela (David Barnes) SCOUT NEWS PLs & APLs – the District are running a training course for PLs and some APLs. At Cookham Scout hall on Saturday 4th October They course will help them with their role as a PL or APL. District Cycle Event – Sunday 12th October, 1.30am-1pm in the Shottlesbrook area. Any Scout who has a roadworthy bike and cycle helmet can take part. Thank you goes to the dad who has offered to help. We Still are looking for HELP with this event – Please contact Simon as soon as possible for more details. Scouts will take part in groups of 2 / 3. They will have a parent or Young Leader go round with them. Note that YL / Adult also require a roadworthy bike and cycle helmet. New Scout We would like to welcome, Niall Parsons from Cubs to the Troop the will be invested at in October as members of PG Scouts Halloween Party We are looking for help from Scouts running the Cubs Halloween Party, during half term, on Wednesday 29th October. If any Scout or Young Leaders can help please let Simon know. JOTI / JOTA Plans are underway again to hold this event again at the Scout Hall over the weekend 18th – 19th October 2014. We are looking for older Scouts and Young leaders to help organise this event as well as parents and friends – if you are able to help please contact Simon ASAP. Any Scout, who would like to stay over on the Saturday night, please let Simon know that you are interested. We will be surfing the Net over the weekend talking to over Scouts on the Internet as well as on the Radio District Night Hike This year the District is holding a Night Hike. The event will take place on Friday 14th November, 8pm and finish in the early hours of Saturday Morning 15th November. We are looking for as many (ALL!) scout to take part. The object is to walk a course using footpaths, and completing activities at bases. Parents we need your help We are looking for at least 2 / 3 parents to walk with each group of Scouts. If you would like more details or are able to help us out please contact Simon Activity Badge Evenings If any Scout wishes to do some activity badges, we are holding extra evening to go through them with you and find someone to teach or test you. Scouts could have already reached the requirements of some of the badges, with a hobby you have or have done at school. There is a choice of over 70 Activity Badges, plus 5 staged Activity Badges (Blue badges: Nights Away, Hikers, Swimmers, Musician & Emergency Aid) Full details are in badge book - ALL Scouts should have a copy or on web,135,156 To book a place - please email Simon ASAP, places limited Land Activity Event The District organised an activity event, where Tom Knott, Nicholas Conacher . Josef Basarab, Matthew Miller, Alex & James Garitty,, Daniel Wallace, Edward, Toby& Nicholas Lattimer and Edward Bennett took part in climbing, shooting and archery activities. Thank you goes to Rob Ayre for sorting out the activities, Ray Tucker for organising the Archery, Duncan Cribb for organising the shooting. . Simon Wheeler (Scout Leader) General Building and Home Maintenance Andrew Jones 01628 783401 07765 972911 SPECIALIST BRICKWORK Produced monthly by Pinkneys Green Scout Group, Winter Hill Road, Maidenhead, Berks SL6 6NS Tel: (01628) 771 991 Sketches by Scouting Web Site: Copy to Simon email: -4- Registered Charity Number 3005015 PG Tips October 2014
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