Cabin Fever Weavin’ Marlys Sowers & Pam Ihle January 10 & 11

Cabin Fever Weavin’
Marlys Sowers & Pam Ihle
January 10th & 11th , 2015
Saturday 8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. ; Sunday 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Steele County Community Center - 1380 S. Elm (Fairgrounds) -- Owatonna MN
Contact: Deb Mather 507-451-8571
You are invited to join us for a weekend of weaving to break the Cabin Fever of midwest winter. Pam will be teaching her Viking
Knit Bracelet on Saturday (you can complete on Sunday if need be), and Marlys will be teaching 3 different baskets. You choose
the basket and choose the day to weave. Registration fee is $22 per day. Lunches are available or you may bring your own.
Classes with
Marlys Sowers:
Choose your basket – Choose the day to weave it
Classes Start at 8:30 a.m.
B Basket
8 hour class (Can weave all on Saturday or
choose to come back on Sunday to complete)
Students taper reed staves and glue
them into a walnut wood base and
weave with cane around a puzzle
mold. The walnut rim is glued on
and top it with a flat walnut lid.
Approx. 6” H x 4” at opening x 5 ½”
at widest area.
All weave levels
Class, prep & material fee $80
8” Plaid Basket
8 hour class
Students taper natural and dyed brown reed staves and insert them
into a walnut wood base and weave with natural hamburg cane and
dyed brown hamburg cane to create the plaid pattern on the bowl.
A walnut rim will be glued on. Approx. 8”across x 6” tall
All weave levels
Class, prep & material fee $90
6 hour class
Students taper reed staves and glue
them into a walnut wood base and
weave with cane over a mold. The
walnut wooden rim will be glued on.
Marlys will have clock inserts that go
with the class. Please indicate if oak
or cherry wood is preferred.
Approx. 7” W x 3” H
All weave levels
Class, prep & material fee $80
Cabin Fever Weavin’
Class with
Pam Ihle
Saturday January 11th -- Viking Knit Bracelet
Viking Knit Bracelet
6 hour class
(Pam will be available on Sunday if you don’t finish on Saturday)
A chance to try something new! Make a beautiful bracelet by weaving with wire. The wire is copper core, non-tarnish
wire and there will be many colors to choose from. You will have the option of making your bracelet in 1, 2, or 3 colors
and there will be several base metal choices as well. This is small work, so if you need to wear reading glasses, you will
want to bring them and if you have a desk OTT light, it will be helpful. You will be provided with a mandrel that you do
the weaving on and there will be drawplates available for your use in class. If you want to keep them, you can purchase
one from the teacher. You can also purchase additional materials if you want to make more bracelets outside of class.
Class, prep & material fee: $40
Classes with Marlys Sowers (Choose the basket and choose the day) and Pam Ihle (Saturday – can finish
on Sunday)
January 11th & 12th , 2015 - Cabin Fever Weavin’ Registration (Weaving 8:30-7:00 on Saturday & 8:30-3:00 on Sunday)
Steele County Community Center - 1380 S. Elm (Fairgrounds) – Owatonna MN 55060
Contact: Deb Mather 507-451-8571 Cell: 507-456-6532
Name: ______________________________
City: _______________________
Registrations accepted on a 1st received basis.
Address: __________________________________
State: _____________ Zip: __________
Phone Day: ____________________ Evening: _______________________ E-mail: _________________________________________
Payment: Please send checks with registration. One for meals and daily fee which will be cashed on January 3rd made out to Ferggie’s Basket Case,
and individual checks for classes made out to the teacher.
Please Mail to: Deb Mather 2075 Edgewood Dr NE, Owatonna
MN 55060
Coffee, tea, juice, and breakfast snack will be provided in the morning. Lunch is available or you may bring your own sack lunch-refrigerator is available.
I will have water and pop available for a small fee during the day.
** Choose your basket and indicate 2nd choice if desired **
All classes start at 8:30 a.m.
Please make class checks payable to the teacher - a separate check for each class. Thank you!
Marlys Sowers Classes
B Basket (8 Hr Class)
Clock (6 Hr Class)
8” Plaid Bowl (8 Hr Class)
(please indicate day of weaving)
Walnut wood
Walnut wood - Indicate if prefer oak or cherry
Walnut wood
Pam Ihle Class
Viking Knit Bracelet (6 Hr Class)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REGISTRATION FEE: $22 per day (If attending on Sunday only to finish a basket started on Saturday, registration fee for Sunday is $10.00)
Saturday _______
Sunday _____
If you would like to order lunch - meals will include beverage and dessert. If you have special diet restrictions, please advise.
$9.00 _________
Sunday – Baked Potato Bar
$9.00 __________
Saturday evening: Soup & sandwich $9.00 __________
TOTAL Meals & Registration
Please make this check out to Ferggie’s Basket Case
I understand that if I am unable to attend, I will receive a kit for the basket unless there is someone to take my place in the class.
Signature _____________________________________