801 Broad Avenue ~ Belle Vernon, PA 15012

St. Sebastian Catholic Church
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time—October 19, 2014
A Pennsylvania
A Parish of the
Diocese of
801 Broad Avenue ~ Belle Vernon, PA 15012
Parish Staff
Rev. Msgr. Roger A. Statnick ........................ Pastor
Mr. Daniel F. Lisovich... .............. Business Manager
Mrs. Christy Cabaniss ...................... Parish Minister
Mr. Christopher Manderino
............................... Coordinator of Youth Ministry
Mr. Eugene Lancas Coordinator of Liturgical Music
Mrs. Linda Drury ........................... Parish Secretary
Mrs. Darleen Koury...Bulletin/Faith Formation Secretary
Parish Telephone Numbers:
Parish Center/Office: ..................... 724-929-9300
Parish Fax: ........................................ 724-930-7611
Faith Formation Office: .................. 724-930-8504
Parish Hall: ....................................... 724-929-9982
Ministry to the Homebound: To arrange for the
Sacraments of the Eucharist, Reconciliation or
Anointing of the Sick, call Christy Cabaniss. Extraordinary Ministers are available for Communion to the Homebound on Sundays.
Catholic Charities: Counseling is available
through the Diocesan Catholic Charities Office
located in our Parish Center. Call 724-929-4699.
Religious Education/Formation: Please call the
Faith Formation Office at 724-930-8504.
(RCIA) Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults:
Anyone interested in information on the Catholic
Church or in becoming a Catholic, please contact
the Faith Formation Office.
Sacrament of Marriage: Arrangements are to be
made at least six months in advance. Couples
must participate in Marriage Preparation sessions.
Sacrament of Baptism for Infants: Please contact the Faith Formation Office to schedule Baptism. Parents must attend a Baptism Preparation
Parish Website: www.saintsebastianchurch.org Session prior to their child’s Baptism.
Weekend Masses:
Saturday 4:30 p.m.; Sunday 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m.
Sacrament of Penance: Saturday 11:30 a.m.
Parish Office Hours:
Sunday—8:00 a.m.—8:45 a.m.; 10:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon
12:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saint Sebastian Regional School
Mr. Steven J. Dorko .................................... Principal
Mrs. Connie Simboli ........ School Office Manager
School Telephone ............................ 724-929-5143
School Fax ....................................... 724-929-3038
Website ............................................ www.sssbv.org
Bulletin Deadline: 9:00 a.m. on Monday. Please
print or type all announcements.
MISSION STATEMENT We the Parish Family of
Saint Sebastian, Belle Vernon, serve people in
Westmoreland and Fayette Counties. We are Roman
Catholics of various ethnic backgrounds with strong
family values demonstrating a variety of skills, trades and
professions. The purpose of the parish is to glorify God
by assisting the community on the “Journey of a Lifetime”
through the Liturgy and Sacraments, teaching and
preaching the Word of God, and witnessing to our faith.
As a community of faith, we are committed to love of
God and neighbor through worshiping together and
serving others in caring for their spiritual, emotional and
physical needs. Each of us is called to strengthen and
reach beyond our parish through being responsible
stewards of our time, talent and treasure in the spirit of
our patron, Saint Sebastian.
OCTOBER 19, 2014
St. Sebastian Church Weekly Report
for Period Ending October 13, 2014
Beginning Checking Account Balance October 7, 2014:
Sunday Collection October 11/12
Special Collection (Utilities & Maintenance)
Autumnfest Weekend receipts
Transfer from Savings
Miscellaneous Receipts
Expenses for Period
Closing Checking Account Balance October 13, 2014:
Less holding accounts:
Those in Need
Collections owed Diocese
Athletic Association
Roof Fund
Balance for daily operating expenses
+ 7,478.70
+ 1,697.00
+ 11,061.05
+ 10,000.00
+ 7,472.00
- 23,908.84
$ 45,065.80
$ - 2,611.80
- 3,699.34
- 1,368.00
$ 37,212.66
2014 Roof Fund to Date: $42,747.15—(includes $20,019.30 from 2014 DLA)
2013 Roof Fund final proceeds: $ 74,343.86—2012 Roof Fund final proceeds: $ 60,592.73
Finance Council Members: John Ciccarelli, Mark Ramsier, Louis Toth, Carol Shernisky, Lawrence Bender, David Free,
Richard Triggiani.
astoral Council Members: Cliff Gorski, Sandy Wawro, Joan Ciccarelli, Michael Couser, Mary Anne McMillen, Steve
Zolock, Karen Johnson.
Second Collection
The second collection this weekend is
the annual Mission Sunday collection.
World Mission Sunday, organized by
the Propagation of the Faith, is a day
set aside for Catholics worldwide to
recommit themselves to the
Church's missionary activity through
prayer and sacrifice.
As described by Pope John Paul II,
World Mission Sunday is "an important day in the life of the Church
because it teaches how to give: as an
offering made to God, in the Eucharistic celebration and for all the missions of the world".
Unclaimed Festival Prizes
Child’s Christmas #907528
Roses & Betsy #907483
Lottery Tree—#632431
Please bring you ticket stub to the
Parish Office to claim your prize.
A Great Success!
Once again, our Autumnfest last weekend was a great success. Our thanks go
out to all who gave of their time, donated, and/or attended. Along with the list
of sponsors, special thanks go out to
Valley Tire Co. & Max Chywski State
Farm Insurance for sponsoring the raffle tickets. Culligan Water donated the
bottled water, and Aaron’s provided our
TV screens for the game. We are grateful to those who donated baked good,
lottery tickets, and basket goods, along
with the pierogi makers, sweet shop
creators, youth and scout masters. The
Autumnfest committee worked long
and hard planning and executing the
details of the weekend for months in
advance. To all involved, we say
thanks and pray for blessings. A report
of the financial results of the weekend
will be forthcoming in next week’s
Pies for the Annual
Friendship Dinner
At all Masses this weekend, students from St. Sebastian’s School
will be collecting change to purchase pies for the Annual Friendship Lunch held here at St. Sebastian’s Social Hall on Thanksgiving
Day. Not only will your donations
help local residence have a bountiful Thanksgiving, but the
pies ,which are purchased through
Market Day, also provide the
school with a profit for every pie
purchased. If you would like to
purchase a pie as your dessert donation for the Friendship Lunch,
you may fill out a form that will be
available at
the Masses.
Thank you
for your generosity!
Ministries of Lector and
Holy Communion
If anyone is interested in serving
as a Minister of Holy Communion, please contact the parish
office with your name and contact information. We will have
to submit your name to Bishop
Brandt for his appointment and
then have a training session, so
it will take a number of weeks
to get new ministers in place. If we can expand the
ranks of those involved in this ministry, we can lighten
the scheduling frequency for everyone. Please consider
taking on this responsibility, which is so vital to the celebration of the Eucharist.
We are also open to anyone who would like to serve as
a Lector at the Sunday Eucharists. If you are interested
in this ministry, please contact the Parish Office and we
will arrange a time for training.
Sympathy and Prayers
Mass Schedule
for the Week
October 19—29th Sunday in Ordinary
4:30 pm
Sat. (Date of Birth) Helen Zolock—
Jackie & Stan Koliscak
9:00 am
For All the People of Saint Sebastian Parish
11:00 am
(Date of Birth) Robert Trilli—Family
Monday, October 20
8:00 am
Justine Hixson—Jackie Suppa & Children
Tuesday, October 21
No Mass Today
Wednesday, October 22
No Mass Today
Thursday, October 23
(Date of Birth) Joseph Smith—Wife & Family
8:00 am
Friday, October 24
No Mass Today
Saturday, October 25
11:30 am
Sacrament of Penance
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
4:30 pm
Clara Tonarelli—Ruth Melnick
Sunday, October 26
9:00 am
Joseph & Catherine McGaughey—
Daughter, Sandra Gaudio
11:00 am
For All the People of Saint Sebastian Parish
Please remember in your prayers those who have died:
Eleanor M. Davis. We extend our sympathy to her family.
May she rest in peace.
Liturgical Ministers—Servers
Saturday, Oct. 25 4:30 pm E. Claybaugh, N. Ryckman
Sunday, Oct. 26 9:00 am J. Rabe, L. Dimpel
11:00 am M. Perozzi, E. Breckenridge
Baptism Congratulations
Lorey Elizabeth Buretz, daughter of Gregory and Melissa
(Spoto) Buretz ,was baptized in Christ last weekend.
We welcome Lorey into the Church and into our Parish
Family. God bless her and her family.
Lit. Coordinators
Saturday, Oct. 25
4:30 C. Gorski RJ Kozura M. Moody, C. Farrier, M. Free
J. Wiggins, M.A. Cialone, G. Myrga, S. Wawro
Sunday, Oct. 26
9:00 B. Moskovitz A. Osiol M.A. McMillen, S. Battaglia
D. Seman, J. Russell, D. Russell, D. Atkinson, L. Turcheck
Priest’s Convocation
11:00 M. Patterson T. Beeler E. Studnicki, M. Strickland
G. Rush, M. Druciak, D. Cooper, R. Couser, D. Stasko
All priest’s of the Diocese of
Greensburg are required to participate in the annual Priest’s
Convocation this week, October 20, 21, 22. The Convocation begins at Noon on Monday,
so there will be Mass on Monday morning. There will be no
Mass on Tuesday, October 21 nor Wednesday October
22. Mass will again be celebrated on Thursday, October
23 at 8:00 a.m.
Hearing Assistance
Our parish has special hearing assistance technology.
Please see Msgr. Statnick, in the sacristy, at least 15
minutes before Mass.
Altar Candle Ring Flowers this weekend are
in celebration of the 80th Birthday of John Baker, Jr. by
his family.
November 4
Election Day
As Catholic citizens,
we have a moral obligation to participate
in the political process. There are many resources that
serve to educate voters about the
issues and allow us to inform our
consciences about which candidate
will act in the best interest of the
common good. To learn more about
the election and the candidates running for governor, go to
www.pacatholic.org. To learn more
about the U.S. bishops’ document,
“Forming Consciences for Faithful
Citizenship,” go to http://
faithful-citizenship/index.cfm. For a
voter guide about the races for the
U.S. House of Representatives and
the Pennsylvania General Assembly
in the diocese, watch The Catholic
Accent and the diocesan website: www.dioceseofgreensburg.org.
New Evangelization for
The New Millennium
A Conference will be held on All
Saint’s Day, Saturday, November 1,
at the Monroeville Convention Center. Listen to six guest speakers talk
on Faith, Intercession, Repentance
& Evangelization (FIRE).
“I have come to set the earth on
fire, and how I wish it were already
blazing!” (Luke 12:49).
The cost to register is $10.00. Go
to: www.namcathlicchurch.org or
Woman to Woman
Retreat The Sacraments:
Seven Steps to Heaven
All women are invited to this retreat. Stay at St. Emma’s Retreat
House, Greensburg from Friday
thru Sunday November 7-9. (For
more information and to register,
contact: Jill Mazowiecki at 724-8798413 or Kristina Davies at 724-5398629, ext 19.
Confirmation Reception
October 29, 2014
Parish Hall
After the Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated, there will be a
reception for those who were Confirmed, their sponsors, and families.
Donations of cookies are needed
for this reception. If you are willing
to donate cookies for this celebration, please call Christy Cabaniss at
Senior Dinner
Thank You
The parish would like to extend a
heartfelt thank you to all who
worked to make the Senior Parishioner Dinner a success! From the
delicious food to the beautiful atmosphere a wonderful time was had
by our seniors. Thank you to all
the workers who decorated, prepared, and cleaned up, we sincerely
appreciate you!
Drive St. Vincent de Paul /
St Sebastian
We hear Jesus say to
us, “For whoever wishes to save his
life will lose it, but whoever loses
his life for my sake will find it.” The
challenge is to let go so God can
lead us.
Have you considered answering the
call to help serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de
White Mass
For All
Care Personnel
The White Mass for all Health Care
Personnel will be held 11:30 a.m. on
Sunday, December 7, 2014, at the
Blessed Sacrament Cathedral,
Greensburg. Bishop Lawrence E.
Brandt will be the celebrant. All
health care personnel are invited to
Travel Group:
Church Basement Ladies
On March 5, 2015—“The Last
(Potluck) Supper”.
For more information, email Sandy
at samiam2@zoominternet.net or
call 724-938-0865.
Getting “Real” About
Reality Tour (RT) is a national parent and child drug education and
prevention program. For more information, call BVA Reality Tour
Director, Celeste Trilli Palamara, at
724-797-0955 or email
Winter Coats Needed
A winter coat and blanket drive will
be held at Geibel Catholic JuniorSenior High School in Connellsville,
during the last two weeks of October. Items can be dropped off at
Geibel during regular school hours
(7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.mFor more information, contact Marian Cadwallader at, 724-628-5600 or email
OCTOBER 19, 2014
Understanding Splashing
When Baxter drinks
from his water dish he makes
a mess. He doesn’t politely
lap up a portion until he is
satisfied. He first has to paw
the water to make it move.
Of course, this action splashes it all over the floor, leaving
puddles to mop. For the
longest time, I thought Baxter
did this to be ornery. It was
his way to get back at me for
having him neutered or limiting his food intake. However,
just recently, I read that cats
do this for another reason.
They are farsighted,
and consequently, they cannot see where the surface of
the standing water in a bowl
begins. They don’t like to get
their noses wet by misjudging
the water level, so to avoid
this discomfort, they paw at
it. Cats can better see the
moving surface, and so have a
wet tongue but a dry nose. I
gained a new respect for Baxter’s intelligence and a better
understanding of his ways by
this simple bit of information.
I also solved the problem of
the wet floor. I just place a
pie plate under Baxter’s bowl
to catch the splash, and the
wave action is contained. Because we understand each
other better, we can live together with less aggravation
and harsh judgments levied
against each other.
The same holds true for
human beings. We sometimes
come to conclusions about
each other without really
knowing what is going on. We
assume the worst and act accordingly. We think people
won’t, when maybe they can’t
or were never asked. We impute motives on others’ actions which may have nothing
to do with the real reasons.
We can lay on others our way
of thinking when actually they
see things totally differently
and act with that interest in
mind. Actions can hold different meanings from different
viewpoints and backgrounds.
And we may feed misconceptions about each other. One
person tells another, “Look at
him or her, doing thus and so,
for such and such a reason.”
We help each other be misinformed so that we can misjudge each other and dismiss
those who aren't like us for
our own reasons.
What if God acted that
way? We would all be out in
the cold, relying upon our
“friends” to watch our backs,
but worried that they might
abandon us when the popular
word about us changes its
stripes. Our lives would be
splashing back and forth led by
the most recent rumor someone concocted about us. We
would soon feel lost and wonder if there is any recourse to
the truth about ourselves.
But God is faithful and
true. While others may jump
to conclusions, God knows
our hearts, minds and spirits.
He knows that our motives
are usually mixed for what we
do, but He takes the best in
the mix and builds upon it.
He encourages us to do good
for others and ourselves. He
gives us the benefit of the
doubt when the path we have
taken is unsure. He sends
others who have our best interest in mind to offer advice
and guide us. We see all of
this in the way Jesus treated
He wants to know a
person’s story from his or her
perspective. He looks to help
others drink of God’s goodness rather than punish them
for spilling some water. He
tells them to go forward with
their lives, learning from their
mistakes, accepting forgiveness and offering others
what he gave them. Jesus is
short on judgment and long
on understanding another person’s viewpoint.
So go ahead, Baxter,
splash all you like. It won’t
harm anything, and it will keep
your nose dry. Good advice
for all of us.
Monsignor Statnick
Archived reflections can be found
at: http://sschurchbv.blogspot.com.