Pastor Associate Pastor: 109 Dixon St.

St. Bernadette RE Calendar &
Dawn Curtiss, Director of Religious
Pastor: Rev. Fr. Michael P. Darcy
Associate Pastor: Reverend Johnny Laura-Lazo
109 Dixon St.
Harrington, DE 19952
Patience Pierce, Coordinator of Youth
Office Hours:
Friday 10 am - 4 pm
RE Phone: 302-398-9517
Fax: 302-398-0253
Confirmation—Grade 9 Orientation August 4
Confirmation Retreat @ St. John’s —August 18th—10:30 am
Registrations are due by September 1, 2013
(a $10.00 per family fee will be assessed for late registrations)
You may register by coming in to the office
(Mon.—Fri. 10 am—4 pm) or via our website.
First Day of RE: for all Grades—September 22
Session 1 - Grades 7& 8 - 9:15 - 10:15 am
Session 1 - Grade 9 & 10 - Alternating Sundays
Session 2 - Grades K thru 6- 10:25 - 11:40 am
Youth Ministry - Tuesday Evenings (see calendar)
No RE on the Following Dates:
October 13 - (Ministry Day)
December 1 (Happy Thanksgiving)
December 29 (Christmas Break)
February 23 Spaghetti Dinner
April20 (Happy Easter)
Last Day of RE - May 4th
Class meets Sundays 10:25 - 11:40 am
beginning Sept. 22nd
Parent/Child Meetings
12 pm once a month :
October 20th
November 24th
December 15th
January 5th
February 9th
March 9th
April 27th
First Reconciliation Service - January 11 — 11:00 am
First Communion Retreat - April 5th - 1 - 5:30 pm
First Communion Practice - May 1st - 6:30 pm
First Communion Celebration - May 3rd —11 am
GRADES 9 & 10
Grade 9 - Orientation —August 7 — 7:30 pm
For Candidate & Parents
Confirmation Retreat—August 18—10:30 am @ St. John’s
Confirmation — February 16 — 9:30 am @ St. John’s
Classes begin 9:15 am - September 22nd & will be held
on alternating Sundays
(see calendar for exceptions)
Teen Challenge Retreat begins with Pilgrimage Cross Mass
10:30 am August 25 @ St. John’s followed by meeting
in St. John’s Hall, ending at 2 pm
Grades 7 & 8 Meet Sundays - 9:15 - 10:15 am
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry meets on Tuesday evenings (see calendar of events)
All Youth in Grades 6-12 are encouraged to join in the fun.
Calendar of Events
(subject to change – please contact the office for more information)
August 7—7:30 pm - Grade 9 Orientation
August 11—11:30 am—Catechist Training
August 18 - 10:30 am - Confirmation Pilgrimage Cross Retreat @ St. John’s
August 21—7:30 pm—Catechist Orientation
August 23— 2:00 pm—Youth Pool Party followed by Dance @ St. John’s
August 24—4:00 pm—Youth Ice Cream Social @ St. John’s
August 25 - 10:30 am - Pilgrimage Cross Mass & Teen Challenge Retreat @ St. John’s
September 10 – 6:30 pm - Youth Group Meets
September 14— 9:30 am - Youth at Veteran’s Home in Milford
September 15 – Catechetical Sunday
1:00 pm - Picnic
September 22— RE Begins for All Grades
8:00 am - K of C Breakfast
September 24 – 6:30 pm – Youth Group Meets
September 28 - 9:30 am—Youth Distribute Senior Food Boxes
October 1 - 6:30 pm – Youth Group Meets
October 4/5 - Oktoberfest @ St. John’s
October 6— 9:15 am Grades 9 & 10 Meet
October 12 — Catechist Workshop—St. Jude’s in Lewes
October 13—NO RE—Ministry Day
October 14 - Office Closed
October 15 - 6:30 – Youth Group Meets
October 20 – 8:00 am - K of C Breakfast
9:15 am Grades 9 & 10 Meet
11:45 am - Catechist Meeting
6:30 pm - Grade 2 Parent/Child Meeting
October 26 - 9:30 am - Youth Distribute Senior Food Boxes
October 27 - CHAOS—Grades 6 –8
1— 3:00 pm - Trunk or Treat & Youth Group Haunted Room
October 31 – 7:00 pm Mass of Anticipation of All Saints
November 2 -3:00 – 7:00 pm Polish Dinner
November 3 - 9:15 Grades 9 & 10 Meet
Youth Leadership Meeting
November 5 - 6:30 pm – Youth Group Meets
November 10 - 11:45 am Catechist Meeting
November 11 – Office Closed
November 17 - 9:15 Grades 9 & 10 Meet
12:00 pm — Grandparent Luncheon
11:45 am Catechist Meeting
November 19 - 6:30 pm—Youth Group Meets
November 23 - 9:30 am - Senior Food Box Distribution
November 24 - 12:00 pm — Grade 2 Parent/Child Meeting
December 1—No RE (Thanksgiving Weekend)
December 1 — First Sunday of Advent
December 3 - 6:30 pm – Youth Group Meets
December 8—Second Sunday of Advent
9:15 Grades 9 & 10 Meet
11:45 am Catechist Meeting
December 9 - 9:00 am—Mass for Immaculate Conception
December 15— Third Sunday of Advent
Youth Leadership Meeting
12 pm - Grade 2 Parent/Child Meeting
December 17— 6:30 pm—Youth Group Meets
7:30 pm—Parish Advent Reconciliation Service
December 21—9:30 am—Youth Distribute Senior Food Boxes
December 22 - 4th Sunday of Advent
Breakfast in Jerusalem
9:15 am—Grades 9 & 10 Meet
December 24 – Christmas Eve – Masses @ 4 pm & 6 pm
December 25 – Christmas Day – Mass @ 10 am
December 29—NO RE
December 31 – Anticipated Mass for Mary, Mother of God @ 7 pm
December 31 – 9:00 pm — K of C New Year’s Eve Dance
January 1 – 10:00 am - Mass for Mary Mother of God
January 5 – 9:15 am Grades 9 & 10 Meet
12 pm - Grade 2 Parent/Child Meeting
January 7 - 6:30 pm– Youth Group Meets
January 11 - 11 am - First Reconciliation
Youth Group Ice Skating
January 12 - Youth Leadership Meeting
January 19 – 8:00 am - K of C Breakfast
9:15 am Grades 9 & 10 Meet
11:45 am Catechist Meeting
January 20—Office Closed
January 21- 6:30 pm Youth Group Meets
January 22 - March for Life in Washington, DC
January 24 - 7:00 pm - Square Dance
January 25 - 9:30 am—Youth Distribute Senior Food Boxes
February 2 - 9:15 am Grades 9 & 10 Meet
February 4 - 6:30 pm – Youth Group Meets
February 9 - 12 pm - Grade 2 Parent/Child Meeting
February—Spaghetti Dinner (date to be determined)
February 16— 8:00 am - K of C Breakfast
9:30 am—Confirmation @ St. John’s
February 17 - Office Closed
February 18 – 6:30 pm – Youth Group Meets
February 22– 9:30 am—Youth Distribute Senior Food Boxes
February 23 – NO RE 12:00 pm – Spaghetti Dinner
February 28 – 7:00 pm - Coffee House – Family Sing a Long
March 4 - 6:30 pm – Youth Group Meets
Mardi Gras Party @ St. John’s
March 5 - (Lent Begins) ASH WEDNESDAY - Mass @ 7:00 pm
March 7 - 7:00 pm—Stations of the Cross
March 8 – Youth at Veteran’s Home in Milford
4:00 pm—Tricky Tray Basket Auction
March 9 - First Sunday of Lent
Youth Leadership Meeting
12 pm - Grade 2 Parent/Child Meeting
March 14 - 7:00 pm—Stations of the Cross
St. Patrick’s Dinner/Dance @ St. John’s
March 16 - Second Sunday of Lent
8:00 am—K of C Breakfast
9:15 am Grades 9 & 10 Meet
11:45 am - Catechist Meeting
March 18 - 6:30 pm – Youth Group Meets
March 21 - 7:00 pm—Stations of the Cross
March 22—9:30 am—Youth Group Distributes Senior Food Boxes
March 23—Third Sunday of Lent
March 28—7:00 pm Stations of the Cross
March 30—Fourth Sunday of Lent
9:15 am Grades 9 & 10 Meet
April 1 - 6:30 pm—Youth Group Meets
April 4 – 7:00 pm - Stations of the Cross
April 5 - 1—5:30 pm – First Communion Retreat
April 6 - Fifth Sunday of Lent
April 11 – 7:00 pm -Stations of the Cross
April 12 - Pilgrimage Cross Walk in Wilmington (this is a Class for Grades 7 & 10)
April 13—PALM SUNDAY—Holy Week Begins
April 15 - Chrism Mass—Holy Cross, Dover
April 17 – 7:00 pm – Mass of the Lord’s Supper @ St. J’s
April 18 – 7:00 pm – Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
April 19 – NO 4:30 pm Mass – 8:00 pm EASTER VIGIL @ St. J’s
April 20 – EASTER SUNDAY – Mass @ 9 & 10:30 am
No RE—Happy Easter
April 22 - 6:30 pm—Youth Group Meets
April 26 - 8:00 pm—Seamus Kennedy Show
April 27 - 9:15 am Grades 9 & 10 Meet
12 pm - Grade 2 Parent/Child Meeting
May 1 - 6:30 pm - Practice for First Communion
May 3—11:00 am—First Communion and May Crowning
8:00 am K of C Breakfast
May 6 - Youth Recognition Dinner
May 7 - 6:30 pm—Youth Group Meets
May 17—9:30 am Youth Distribute Senior Food Boxes
Parent/Child Handbook
Religious Education 2013-2014
Religious Education Office – 302- 398-9517
Class Times
-K - 6 10:25 - 11:40 AM
Grades 7, 8 & 9, 10 9:15 - 10:15 AM
Pastor: Rev. Fr. Michael P. Darcy
Associate Pastor: Rev. Johnny Laura-Lazo
Program Director: Dawn Curtiss, DRE
Coordinator for Youth Ministry: Patience Pierce
Looking into the future:
The life of a parish is dependent on its enrichment programs, volunteers, and parents. Your
involvement will clearly give us an indication of the needs in our community. I would like to
invite you to the following programs being
implemented in the coming year of Religious Education and Adult Formation.
We require each family to volunteer 4 hours per year. You may volunteer as a catechist, a
substitute catechist, a classroom volunteer, vacation bible school, or many of the various
family or fundraising activities.
Please check the church bulletin & parish web-site for activities and changes in the
Religious Education calendar throughout the year.
RCIA - (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Prepares un-baptized adults and baptized adults of other Christian Faith traditions for full
membership in the Catholic Church. There is a program adapted for children and youth who
have not received baptism as infants or Communion &/or Confirmation at the traditional age.
Adult Faith Formation - a group which meets to explore, understand, and increase the
knowledge of adult Catholics in matters of faith, morals, and church teachings.
Vacation Bible School - is a summer program for children ages Pre-K through 5th grade, Junior
High and High School students are welcome to participate as aides and volunteers.
Altar Server Training - is available for any child entering the 3rd grade. Servers will become
certified with active participation in class, mass attendance; monthly practicum with adult
Meet our Catechists:
Our catechists are vital to our Religious Education Program. Men and women, mostly parents
themselves, who know the importance of passing on a lived faith. Parishioners within our
community, who willingly share and teach the basic teachings of our Catholic faith. Thank them
for their time, dedication and commitment. Please help them by becoming
involved in your
child’s classroom activities. The parent/guardian is still the primary and most important person
in the formation process of a child; by example and word you will lead your child into deeper
understanding of who they are, in Christ. Please take an active part in your child’s Religious
High School Classroom aides are students who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation
and wish to continue to participate in our Religious Education Program. They assist catechists
in the classroom and work with the DRE as needed. They are encouraged to participate in our
Youth Ministry Program.
For the Sake of God’s Children
Safe Environment: It is diocesan policy that there will be two “cleared” adults in each classroom.
In the event that a second adult is not available, a parent may be asked to volunteer during
his/her child’s class period to satisfy policy requirements.
New Policies/Procedures:
All of the guidelines and policies for Religious Education and the preparation of the Sacraments
follow Diocesan guidelines and are approved by the Christian Formation Committee.
Preparing to Receive the Sacraments
Sacramental Preparation is part of the study in a Religious Education program in a parish and
separate from any Catholic school program. Mass attendance is a must.
Baptism - Parents who wish to have their child(ren) baptized must attend a Parent Preparation
class in which they explore the meaning and purpose of
Baptism and the commitment
they will be making to raise their child as a Christian. Children age 7 or older who have not
been baptized receive their preparation by making special arrangements with a Priest,
Deacon or DRE.
Reconciliation - All baptized children must be prepared to receive this sacrament before
beginning preparation for First Eucharist. Parents must take an active part in this
preparation process with their child. Children should be actively participating in this
sacrament as needed.
First Eucharist - Parents are also actively involved with the child in this preparation which is
celebrated in the Spring. Parents will take part in the retreat and monthly meetings. These
gatherings are mandatory during this year to help parents to understand the importance of
the sacrament. Children will not receive the sacrament if they have excessive absences or
parent is not actively participating.
Confirmation - Preparation begins in the Fall of 9th grade and the sacrament is celebrated in
the 10th grade. Parents and sponsors are expected to take an active role in the preparation
process by attending monthly gatherings. During the second year of preparation, students will
become actively involved in Community life. Hands on community activities and trips are
Rite of Christian Initiation Adapted for CHILDREN:
There is a program adapted for children and youth who have not received baptism as infants or
Communion &/or Confirmation at the traditional age. If you have an older child in need of sacraments
please make arrangements to meet with Dawn Curtiss 398-9517.
Celebrating liturgy with our parish family is our highest form of worship. A child must be
present to experience the most precious gift that God gave us, His Son, Jesus. Please pray
weekly with your child at Mass. Sunday Mass is an obligation for children 7 years and older,
especially if they are preparing to receive First Communion and/or Confirmation. A Mass
SIGN IN sheet is placed at the entrance of the church. The Mass SIGN IN sheet is used to
reinforce and encourage regular Mass attendance. Mass is very much a part of our Religious
Education program and children are expected to take part in Sunday Mass every week.
Children in grades Pre-K through 5th will not be dismissed without a parent/guardian. Parents
are to pick up children in their classrooms. If an older sibling is in the program, the child will
not be allowed to leave with the older sibling. This is strictly enforced to conform with the
Diocesan Guidelines put forth in the “For the Sake of God’s Children” Policies & Procedures.
We strictly adhere to the information on the dismissal form for all grades. If you have not yet
provided us with this information please do so. An adult must be present before a catechist
releases a child from the classroom.
Children’s behavior should reflect a Christian attitude. If, however, a student is disruptive the
Catechist will speak privately to the student. If misbehavior continues, the parent will be asked
to come in and speak with the DRE, Catechist, and student. Incident reports will be mailed home
and brought back the following week by the parent. These reports are kept in the child’s
permanent record.
Please note: Electronic equipment, i.e.: Cell phones, I Pods, etc., must be turned off during
class time. Their use is strictly prohibited by students , catechists and aides. Please see
Diocesan Form A - Annual Consent & Release.
Class Cancellations:
In the event of cancellations, messages will be left on voice mail of the RE offices as well as
announced on local radio & TV stations.
Special Needs Children:
It is up to the parent to inform the DRE if your child has any special needs.
Progress Reports:
Reports are issued at the middle of the year for grades 1– 6. This is not a graded report card, but
an evaluation of your child’s understanding of the material being taught, the child’s behavior and
his/her effort.
Because Religious Education through the years is cumulative and lays the foundation for a
lifetime of faith formation, regular attendance is critical for successful Christian Formation. This
policy has been established to help clarify the expectations of parents and students in their
participation and commitment to Religious Education at St. Bernadette Church.
On-time, consistent attendance in Religious
Education classes is expected. Lapses in
attendance cause a disruption in your child’s understanding and participation, especially during
years of Sacramental Preparation.
Attendance records are part of the child’s permanent Diocesan record. Diocesan policy 5112.1
states: “Any child or youth should participate in at least thirty (30) hours of formal religious
education each year.” An average attendance of 75% or greater is required.
When your child is absent, an absence note, phone call, or e-mail is requested. If we don’t hear
from you, we will follow up with an e-mail, and if necessary a phone call. If there is a pattern of
three or more absences and class work not made up, a parent /DRE conference will be requested.
The student is to work with the teacher to make up missed assignments in a timely manner.
Our attendance policy will be strictly enforced.
Materials and Supplies: Religious Education books are paid for by the tuition that you pay
when registering your child. We try to provide all materials for extra curriculum activities and
festivities, but sometimes we will ask that you help our program with your donations. This is the
cost of a student textbook
We must charge for lost or misplaced borrowed materials. If you have borrowed a video on
Reconciliation and/or First Eucharist or Echoes of Faith please return it so that another parent is
able to view it as part of the Sacramental Prep for their child or other Catechists may use for
If you have lost a video / DVD the replacement cost is $30.00.
Adult Formation Opportunities
History of the Church Classes:
Wednesday—10 am - Given by Deacon Bob Herzog. Please call Deacon Bob for details 786-2139.
Bible Discussion:
Saturday - Following the 4:30 pm Mass. This informal discussion is facilitated by Deacon Scott Landis. All
are welcome to attend. Bibles can be provided.
Women’s Prayer Group
Led by Jeannette Minner (222-0156), this program empowers women to fully embrace their God-given
identity. Ladies will meet monthly October thru June for prayer and study followed by a light lunch.
Parish Mission: Held during Lent at St. John’s. Watch your bulletin for details.
Prepares un-baptized adults and baptized adults of other Christian Faith traditions for full membership in
the Catholic Church. The program begins in October and ends at Pentecost. Sacraments are usually
received at the Easter Vigil. Please contact Jeannette Minner (222-0156) for more information.
RCIA for Adapted for CHILDREN:
There is a program adapted for children and youth who have not received baptism as infants or
Communion &/or Confirmation at the traditional age. If you have an older child in need of sacraments
please make arrangements to meet with Dawn Curtiss 398-9517.