ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH FREEBURG, ILLINOIS Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 St. Joseph Church Office 6 N. Alton Street Freeburg, IL 62243 Phone: 618-539-3209 Fax: 618-539-4772 Email: Website: Office Hours: 8:00AM - 4:00PM Monday - Thursday Rev. Mark D. Reyling, Pastor Mrs. Laura Wolf, Parish Secretary Deacon Corby Valentine, Permanent Deacon Mr. Rick Barthel, Maintenance Mrs. Jean Reinneck, Music Director Mrs. Carol Schlitt, Choir Director ____________ St. Joseph School Office 2 N. Alton Street Freeburg, IL 62243 Phone: 618-539-3930 Fax: 618-539-0254 Email: Web: Mr. Tim Queern, Principal Ms. Sara Keeley, School Secretary –––––––––––– Pastor’s Residence 618-539-3743 Mass Schedule Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:00 am Wednesday: 6:30pm Saturday (Sunday Vigil): 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:00 am and 10:00 am Holy Day Vigil Mass: 7:00 pm Holy Day Mass: 8:00 am Reconciliation Saturday: 4:30–4:45 pm (or by Appointment) Baptism Usually celebrated during the weekend Masses except during Advent and Lent–Please call the Pastor for an appointment. Marriage Please contact the Pastor as soon as you set your wedding date. Couples must be free to marry (no previous marriages) and are expected to be regularly participating in the practice of their faith. Bulletin Deadline Tuesday before 4:00 pm Sacrament of the Sick If you are sick and would like to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, please call the Pastor. Also, please have someone call should you be admitted to the hospital. Communion Calls Father brings communion to all the home bound on the First Friday of each month. If you would like to have someone bring you communion, please call the parish office. Tuesday, October 21 8:00AM Ordinary Weekday Bernard Demick Wednesday, October 22 6:30PM Ordinary Weekday Ronald Baldus Thursday, October 23 8:00AM Ordinary Weekday Norman & Vera Barthel Friday, October 24 8:00AM Ordinary Weekday Jesse Tinoco Saturday, October 25 5:00PM 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Clifford & Matilda Eitzenhefer Sunday, October 26 7:00 AM 10:00 AM 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Aloys Koesterer Adrienne Glauber & Paul Middendorf Sr. Francesca Riggio and family Adele Maurer Maureen Suchenski Mark Orlando Zoe Rhutasel Genevieve Jung Jean Luc Lemieux Erik Ray Anna Norman Pat Albers Alex Stephens Charlotte Heiligenstein The Family of Mark McAteer Rita Hill Ralph Cobbs Nicole Williams Lauren Linder Auna Louise Lindsey Al Baum Marian Brown Kim Wyman Shirley Thomas Don Rickert Charlie Sandheinrich Avery Thornsberry Kirk Reese Frank Srogus Ann Mezo Please contact the Parish Office to add or remove someone from the prayer list. Dear Parish Family The Sacrament of Confirmation. This weekend we will hear about this Sacrament that gives us the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit? Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Fortitude, Counsel, Reverence, and Fear of the Lord This Sacrament deepens our baptismal call and sends us out as missionaries into our neighborhoods, schools, homes, stores to bring the presence of Christ into those places by our presence. Confirmation is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation. So that when a person has received Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation – they are fully initiated into the Catholic Church. So much of the time it is mistaken for “graduation” in that people think they are done with learning their faith. The age of Confirmation is officially the “age of reason”. This is normally thought to be age 7. Dioceses in the United States celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation between age 7 and age 16. Each Bishop decides at what age the Sacrament should be celebrated. If you have been confirmed….are you using your gifts of the Holy Spirit? BE BOLD…..BE CATHOLIC® Have a good week, THE WEEK AHEAD…. Monday, October 20 8:00AM Yoga 6:00PM Quilting Weekend of October 11 & 12, 2014 Sunday Collection (4/5) Faith Direct (4) Sunday Collection (11/12) Faith Direct (15) Sunday Collection (18/19) Sunday Collection (25/26) Total (October Goal: $32,000) Parish Center Loan World Mission Sunday Cemetery Fund CSMA All Saints Day $5,233.75 $6,815.00 $4,362.00 Tuesday, October 21 8:00AM Mass 8:00AM Quilting 6:00PM School Board 7:00PM Prayer Hour Wednesday, October 22 6:30PM Mass 7:30PM Men’s Club Social Night $16,410.75 $1,537.00 $72.00 $197.00 $50.00 $20.00 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE INFORMATION (calculated on weekly envelopes only) Collections required to date: $116,666.66 Total Collected to date: $116,962.22 PRINCIPAL BALANCE—PARISH CENTER LOAN $492,914.20 Thursday, October 23 8:00AM Mass 8:00AM Tai Chi Friday, October 24 8:00AM Mass Saturday, October 25 8:00AM SJS Tots Trunk or Treat 4:30PM Confessions 5:00PM Mass Sunday, October 26 7:00AM Mass 10:00AM Mass PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS DEACON CORBY’S CORNER LEARN TO LOVE YOUR WORK by Howard E. Butt, Jr. There's an old story about two families moving to Plainsville on the same day. Both families met with a real estate agent who knew properties and people. The father of the first family asked the agent what the town was like. The agent said, "What kind of town did you come from?" The father replied, "Lousy place. We couldn't wait to leave." The agent said, "Plainsville is much the same." The father of the second family said, "We loved our last home and we hated to leave." The agent said," You're gonna love Plainsville, and you'll hate to leave it, too." The Talmud has a saying: "We see the world not as it is, but as we are. What is your view of the world...of your job? Have a great week, Deacon Corby <>< PARISH CHRISTMAS POTLUCK/SOCIAL As the retailers are quick to remind us, it is 68 days until Christmas…and it is an even shorter time until our Parish Christmas Potluck and Social. Please mark your calendars for this year’s event on Sunday, Dec 14th, beginning in the late afternoon in the Parish Center. Our parish family will get together to socialize, share a meal, visit with Santa, and have some good ole’ fun! The parish will provide the meat; everyone will be asked to bring a dish. We’ll be collecting attendance prizes ranging from $5.00-$15.00 for attendees of all ages (kids, tweens, teens, ladies and men), so keep your eyes open for those bargains as you Christmas shop. More information to come! If you have questions, contact Geralyn Erwin at 2779442 or WE NEED TRUNKS St. Joseph Catholic School is once again hosting a Trunk or Treat for the little ones of the area. We will set up outside on the parking lot and inside the gym on Saturday, October 25, 1011am. If you would be interested in opening up your trunk or setting up a table to pass out goodies or play a game, please let us know. Contact Melissa Reinhart (; 979-2412) or Amanda Morgan (; 410-4762) to reserve your spot. It is a fun way to meet the young families and build our community! HELP WANTED: LITURGICAL MINISTERS We are looking for Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, and Ministers of Hospitality (ushers). If you are interested, please sign your name on the list in the back of Church. Training for Lectors: 8:30AM November 15th Training for Eucharistic Ministers: 10:00AM November 15th Training for Ushers: TBA VOLUNTEERS NEEDED If you have considered volunteering your time for a very worthwhile cause, here’s an excellent opportunity. Due to an everincreasing number of clients to be served, Catholic Urban Programs is seeking volunteers to work in the food pantry or as a receptionist at the front desk in their East St. Louis Office which is located at #7 Vieux Carre Drive (Loisel Village area immediately off Route 157). Office hours are 9 a.m.-12 Noon and 1:00p.m. – 4:00p.m., Monday through Friday. Duties would include: Food Pantry Receptionist sorting food, stocking shelves, packing & distributing food boxes (must be able to lift 30 lbs). Front Desk answering phones, greeting people, assisting people, directing people to proper staff. No experience is required; however, you must enjoy working with the public and have great people skills. If you have a morning or afternoon or a day or two available to volunteer, please call Gerry Hasenstab at 618-398-5616, Ext. 203, for additional information. Thank you so much. COSMIC BINGO IS COMING TO ST. JOSEPH'S!! Mark your calendars for WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH AT 6:00 PM, (Thanksgiving Eve) for our first ever Cosmic Bingo event!! The St. Joseph's PTF will be hosting a night full of music, bingo, food and fun for all who attend! The event will be held in the gymnasium of St. Joseph Parish Center. Doors open at 6:00 pm, Bingo starts at 7:30 pm. There will be over $1,000 in cash prizes along with a 50/50 and Lottery Tree raffle! Guest are welcome to bring any snacks they are craving, while all drinks will be purchased at the event. Pre -registration is going on now!! The cost is $20.00 per person in advance, and $25.00 at the door, which includes your entry fee, 6 Cosmic Bingo Cards, Cosmic Dauber, and a Cosmic Hat!! Tables are filling up quickly, so contact Jennifer Hopfinger at 618-444-2626 or to make your reservations today!! THIS IS NOT YOUR GRANDMA'S BINGO!! (Must be 18 years of age to attend.) All proceeds benefit St. Joseph PTF!! We hope to see you there!! BICYCLES NEEDED Each year the Freeburg Food Pantry distributes bicycles to families in need for Christmas. As you are cleaning out your garage for the winter, we would be happy to “redistribute” those bikes that your family has outgrown to someone in need. We only ask that the bikes be in good condition or in need of minor repairs only. If you have a bicycle to donate, please call Tony Erwin at 277-9442 for pickup or drop off. Also, if you would like to make a monetary donation to help purchase parts for repairs or some new bikes, you can do so by making out a check to the Freeburg Food Pantry marked for the “Bicycle Program”…and drop it in the collection basket. WAY OF LIGHTS TREE DISPLAY VOLUNTEERS Volunteer for a shift or two during the Way of Lights greeting visitors to the Christmas tree display at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows from November 21 throught January 2. This is also a great opportunity for youth service hours. If interested, please email or call 618-397-6700. FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK On behalf of the St. Joseph Catholic School community, we would like to thank Jack and Anna Marie Crowe for their recent donation to our school. We also thank family and friends of Maggie Janssen who made memorial donations to our school. It is hard to believe we will conclude the first quarter of the school year on October 24. Thanks to all our volunteers, parents, faculty, staff, and students for all their hard work these first few months! This Saturday, SJS Tots will host their annual Trunk or Treat event from 10-11 AM in the parking lot. This is a great event geared towards 0-5 year olds. If you have a 0-5 year old in your family, I hope you can join us for some fun! Have a blessed week, Mr. Tim Queern School Principal “CHOOSE LIFE” BABY SHOWER It’s that time of year—The Knights of Columbus annual baby supply drive is coming this October, the month of our mother Mary. Throughout the month of October, the Freeburg Knights will be hosting a baby shower for the Loving Touch Pregnancy Center, which is located in Waterloo. The center provides exams, ultrasounds, supplies, and counseling to mothers who may not be able to provide for their child as an alternative to abortion. A playpen will be set up in the lobby of St. Joseph Church, where donations of new or gently used baby supplies can be collected. The center has requested several items that would be most beneficial based upon their current stock; these items include wipes, size 5-6 diapers, pull-ups in any size, baby juice, safety and childproofing items (cabinet locks, outlet covers, etc.), Enfamil baby formula (Infant or Gentle Ease) and sippy cups. Also, gift cards to Walmart would be GREATLY appreciated so the center can stock up on items they run low on (you can always purchase these cards through our Together We’re Better program to also benefit our school- WIN-WIN!) The Knights are grateful for donations of any kind, and have appreciated your support in all of their past and present events. Questions? Contact Renee Moeckel @ 618-520-3200. QUILT/BLANKET AND COAT DRIVE We will be holding our annual quilt/blanket and coat drive again this year. Items (gently used or new) can be dropped off on the porch of the "sisterless" house anytime until Nov 2nd. After Nov. 2nd, items can be taken to St. Paul's food and clothing bank. Please do not place items on Fr. Mark's porch. Any warm coats or blankets/quilts will be greatly appreciated. Because of the great need of these articles, our contributions are usually distributed the same week they are delivered. Thank you for your support in this ministry. SAVE THE DATE St. Joseph School Bi-Annual Dinner Auction. Roaring 20’s Dust off your flappers and join us on April 25, 2015. STEWARDSHIP GARDENS Brothers and Sisters in Christ: If you have been reading these columns you know how stewardship relies on a close relationship with God and hearing His words of instructions, guidance, encouragement and correction. In your hearts you know the drill... pray, read the bible, actively participate in frequent reception of the sacraments of reconciliation and the Holy Eucharist.. But, as with any “set of instructions” or cooking recipe getting it right requires much more than simply doing what is called for in the directions. Look at a parallel in the “real” world. Whether man, woman, young, adult or senior think of how you begin a project that is new to you. Charge ahead not reading or thinking about the instructions? Or do you spend some time thinking about the results, what must be done to achieve the objectives and give some thoughts to possible problems and how you might address them. Which approach do you think yields better results? Discerning the Word of God is like that. In the first approach, we are too busy, think we know it all and are simply not open to listening for God's voice. The second takes more time and the rewards are worth it. Some points to remember: Prayer is two way communication. Don't spend all your time talking. Listen... in silence. Adoration: An opportune time to sit at the feet of the Lord. Tell Him in your own words what is on your mind, then listen. Read the scriptures. If you ask sincerely, the Holy Spirit will give you the right passages. Then read with an open heart and you will get the message. The Eucharist: just think, Jesus is within you. As you thank Him, tell Him what is on your mind and listen to what He answers. The key: an open heart, give God time to respond and keep the junk out so you can hear. You WILL hear. You won't really understand how it is working, but you will hear the voice of God speaking to you. After all, He wants to speak with YOU more than you realize. May our Lord God bless, guide, prosper and make bountiful the work of all His stewards. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE The St. Joseph’s CYO will be hosting the American Red Cross Blood Drive on Monday, October 20th from 3 - 730pm. The drive will be held at the Carl L Barton School Cafeteria located on South Belleville Street. Donors must be 17 years or older, be in good health and will need a photo ID to donate. Donors 16 years of age can donate with parent consent. Contact to obtain a consent form in advance of the drive. To schedule an appointment, go online at and use the sponsor code of “Freeburgcomm” or schedule through the new Red Cross Blood Donor App on your smart phone – download today! PICNIC WRAP-UP MEETING Our picnic wrap-up meeting will be Thursday, Oct 23, at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. Please come prepared to go over the results of this year and discuss ideas for next year. KEYS FOUND A key ring was found in the church approximately one month ago. They include six keys and a Ford key fob. If they belong to you please contact the church office. SMALL FAITH (RENEW) GROUPS Small Faith Groups are now forming to start a series called Arise Together in Christ "In the Footsteps of Christ"! This resource provides six faith-sharing sessions to help us explore what it means to walk "In the Footsteps of Christ," and how this implies active commitment to charity and justice. The first session reflects on our fundamental belief that God in Christ chose to walk with us on our path through life, and that the risen Christ now walks with us daily. The second session focuses on how Christ himself, empowered by the Spirit, presented his mission; that mission is now ours. The third session reflects on our mission as being one of service to the world, to bring joy and hope; to promote a culture of life. Sessions four and five explore two aspects of love as the foundation of our mission; one focusing on marriage and family, the other on the true sense of being neighbor. The Season concludes with a session on Christ's challenging test of true discipleship: "as you did it to one of the least..."(Matthew 25:36,40). Sign up sheets are available in the back of church for you to register or you can register by email to We have 2 groups on Wed evenings after mass from 7:00-8:30PM (approximately). They run Oct 29th thru Dec 10 and are led by Sue Gass and Dave Biver in the parish center. Gene Racho is also leading a group on Thurs. afternoon at Cedar Trails Assisted Living Center from 2:00-3:15 pm. starting Oct. 30.-Dec. 11. If you would be interested in leading a group in your home at another time please contact Sue Gass at 410-4635 or email me at Joyfully, Sue Gass BIBLE STUDY Christ spoke in parables from this point forward in Matthew's gospel not to confuse listeners but to encourage people to find the hidden messages through further inquiry. Jesus was referring to Isiah 6 where God uses Isiah to pronounce judgment on Israel for spiritual deterioration and infidelity. Hearts were dull and calloused by sin. Jesus' use of parables was to reveal this and awaken the listeners. Parables are also a mirror to listeners. Are their hearts receptive to the Word of God or hostile to it? In verses 18-23 the seed in the path falls on hardend hearts. The seed among the rocks is received well but dies when faced with challenges. The seed among the thorns is strangled by worries of life or deception. Seed on good soil is a believing heart which bears much bounty. Learn more. Join us Sunday at the Parish Center, 8:00-9:30 AM Questions? Contact Leo Wolf at 539-3136, or Gene Racho at 475-2402. Another time or venue more convenient? What books of the Bible you would like to learn more about? HOLE-Y HAWKS MINI GOLF Saturday, November 1, 2014 starts at 12:00 PM from St. Joseph Parish Center, Freeburg and ends with dinner at Bull Pen, New Athens. $25/adult;$15/child if received by Oct. 19; $30/adult; $20/child at the door. This includes a day of mini-golf and dinner afterwards. Contact Tim Reinhart 972-8609 or Angie Garland 660-6012 or e-mail BULLETIN NOTICES FROM ELSEWHERE. • • • • • • • • • • • • Oct 19—St. Liborius Parish Wurstmarkt at the American Legion Hall dinners served 11AM to 5PM Oct 23—Elvis Themed Bingo Night St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Parish Center, Red Bud doors open at 6:00PM bingo starts at 7:00PM Oct 25—Teens Encounter Christ (TEC) Trivia Night at St. Luke's Catholic Church in Belleville, IL. Doors open at 5:30 pm, trivia begins at 6:30 pm. $20/person, $160/table of 8 Oct 26—Althoff Catholic High School Open House 12:00PM to 2:00PM Oct 26—New Athens Knights of Columbus Turkey Event at St. Agatha Parish Hall 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM Free fried chicken Oct 26—Edwards’ Cello Quartet at St. Paul UCC, Belle ville at 3:00PM Nov 1—St. Agatha School Auction & Dinner Nov 2—Fall Quilt & Cash Bingo at St. John the Baptist, Smithton. Sandwiches/Desserts/Refreshments served 10:30AM Bingo at 1:00PM Nov 2—Wurstmarkt at St. Augustine of Canterbury 11:00 AM to 6:00PM, music and dancing 1:00 to 3:00 Nov 2—Wurstmart and Meat Shoot at St. Patrick’s Parish Ruma. Pork Sausage Dinner 11:00AM to 3:00PM, meat shoot 11AM, homemade baked goods, apple butter, an country store and raffle Nov 2—St. Ann Quilt & Cash Bingo, Nashville IL doors open at 11AM Bingo at 1PM Nov 9—Quilt/Cash Bingo at St. Augustine Church, Hecker. Chicken & Pork Sausage plate served 10:30AM to 1:00PM Bingo at 1:30PM OCTOBER FOOD PANTRY NEEDS: Canned sweet potatoes, stuffing mix, canned cranberries, applesauce, gravy mix and bar soap. RESPECT LIFE CORNER End of Life – The proper response to end-of-life suffering is loving care and accompaniment on the journey towards death – especially with the help of palliative care – and not “actively assisted death.” (Pope Benedict XVI Address to public authorities in Learn, Act, Connect, Pray: Hospice is a philosophy of care. It treats the person Austria – September 7, 2007) rather than the disease and focuses on quality of life. It surrounds the patient and family with a team consisting of professionals who not only address physical distress, but emotional and spiritual issues as well. You can learn more about the services that hospice provides at You may wish to inquire about volunteering with a hospice organization. Pray for those families beginning or ending this journey with their loved ones. CHRISTMAS CASH RAFFLE It’s time to buy your tickets for the 12th annual Christmas Cash Raffle! Tickets are $35 and available after the weekend masses. There are 29 cash prizes with the top prize being $6000! You can buy your tickets from the school families or from the school office during school hours. (539-3930) Tickets are also available at Regions, Citizen North and South and the Tribune office. The drawing will be held at the December 12 fish-fry. SUN 4 SAT 3 COMMUNION CALLS FRI 2 8AM Tai Chi 7PM Theology on Tap 10 4PM Fish Fry 11 8AM Race Like a Hawk 1PM Wedding THUR 1 9 8AM Tai Chi 9AM SJS Tots 18 1:30PM Wedding WED October 2014 TUES 8 7:30PM Men’s Club Mtg. 17 16 8AM Tai Chi 7PM K/C Council Mtg. 7PM HS Youth Mtg. MON 15 7PM Parish Council Mtg. 23 8AM Tai Chi ADORATION: Tuesday after Mass until 7AM Wednesday. Prayer Hour Tuesday @ 7PM 6 8AM Yoga 6PM Quilting 7:30PM Big Band 14 8AM Quilting 6:30PM PTF 7PM K/C Assembly Mtg. 22 7:30PM Men’s Club Social Night Sundays@ 8:30AM Adult Bible Study PSR RCIA 5 11AM HS Youth Mtg 3:30PM-8:30PM Volleyball 13 8AM Yoga 3PM Girl Scouts 6PM Quilting 21 8AM Quilting 6PM School Board 29 30 8AM Tai Chi 7 8AM Quilting 12 3:30PM-8:30PM Volleyball 20 8AM Yoga 6PM Quilting 7:30PM Big Band 28 8AM Quilting 31 24 19 3:30PM-8:30PM Volleyball 27 8AM Yoga 3PM Girl Scouts 6PM Quilting 25 8AM SJS Tots Trunk or Treat 26 3:30PM-8:30PM Volleyball FREEBURG OLD MILL STORAGE 550 West Phillips CONSTRUCTION SALE! I-255 Exit 13 332-CARS GRAND OPENING ★★★ in Columbia Summer 2014 ★ ★ ★ AS LOW AS $30.00 FUNERAL HOMES R. S. DANFORD, R. PH. Phone: 539-5577 233-5400 Family Owned For All Your Real Estate Needs Call: 398-4175 558-2526 Office Space Available RENNER Freeburg Pharmacy 10 Southgate Center Freeburg, IL Georgia Huelsman Broker 618-781-7374 PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE 258 Lebanon Ave • Belleville 62220 Phone: 234-2056 $49.95 Complete Interior & Exterior Pest Control Belleville: 618-235-5281 Freeburg: 618-539-4801 TWO FREEBURG LOCATIONS NORTH 539-4704 SOUTH 539-5878 MEMBER FDIC 830 State St. (618) 539-9197 Mon - Sat 6am - 9:30pm • Sun 9am - 9:30pm Drive Through Open Until 10pm 490 Urbana Drive - Freeburg, IL 62243 (618) 539-9190 Email - Website - Knights of Columbus St. Joseph Council 13197 4th Degree Assembly 3151 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Gilded Lily Floral & Gift Shoppe Mexican Restaurant FREEBURG 539-9820 442550 St Joseph Church *First Three Months 539-9168 • GROCERIES • MEATS • PRODUCE • GUARANTEED QUALITY! • Great Food • 341 MARKET PLACE DRIVE TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 405 South State, Freeburg Carryouts Available Full-Service Catering Available 506 S. Main St., Smithton, IL • 233-3313 TEQUILA’S ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB Deli • Bakery and Café 369 Market Place Drive • Freeburg IL Store 539-3163 Pharmacy 539-3164 Daily Lunch & Sandwich Specials, Homemade Pies Breakfast Buffet $6.50 • Sat & Sun 7-10:30am Lunch/Dinner Buffet $7.50 • Sun 11am-7pm Weekly Dinner Specials Every Friday Cod Cut Ups, Salmon Patties & Whitefish • Sat 4-8pm 8oz. Strip Steak or Jumbo Shrimp Dinner $7.95 Most Dinners Served With Potato, Vegetable & Salad For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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