ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH FREEBURG, ILLINOIS November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe St. Joseph Church Office 6 N. Alton Street Freeburg, IL 62243 Phone: 618-539-3209 Fax: 618-539-4772 Email: Website: Office Hours: 8:00AM - 4:00PM Monday - Thursday Rev. Mark D. Reyling, Pastor Mrs. Laura Wolf, Parish Secretary Deacon Corby Valentine, Permanent Deacon Mr. Rick Barthel, Maintenance Mrs. Jean Reinneck, Music Director Mrs. Carol Schlitt, Choir Director ____________ St. Joseph School Office 2 N. Alton Street Freeburg, IL 62243 Phone: 618-539-3930 Fax: 618-539-0254 Email: Web: Mr. Tim Queern, Principal Ms. Sara Keeley, School Secretary –––––––––––– Pastor’s Residence 618-539-3743 Mass Schedule Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:00 am Wednesday: 6:30pm Saturday (Sunday Vigil): 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:00 am and 10:00 am Holy Day Vigil Mass: 7:00 pm Holy Day Mass: 8:00 am Reconciliation Saturday: 4:30–4:45 pm (or by Appointment) Baptism Usually celebrated during the weekend Masses except during Advent and Lent–Please call the Pastor for an appointment. Marriage Please contact the Pastor as soon as you set your wedding date. Couples must be free to marry (no previous marriages) and are expected to be regularly participating in the practice of their faith. Bulletin Deadline Tuesday before 4:00 pm Sacrament of the Sick If you are sick and would like to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, please call the Pastor. Also, please have someone call should you be admitted to the hospital. Communion Calls Father brings communion to all the home bound on the First Friday of each month. If you would like to have someone bring you communion, please call the parish office. Tuesday, November 25 8:00AM St. Catherine of Alexandria Deceased Family Members Of Joseph Krupp Wednesday, November 26 6:30PM 7:00PM Ordinary Weekday No Mass Ecumenical Service Thursday, November 27 8:00AM Thanksgiving Day Maggie Janssen Friday, November 28 8:00AM Ordinary Weekday No Mass Saturday, November 29 5:00PM First Sunday of Advent Donald & Agnes Muren Sunday, November 30 7:00 AM 10:00 AM First Sunday of Advent Jesse Tinoco Gene Albers Francesca Riggio and family Adele Maurer Maureen Suchenski Mark Orlando Zoe Rhutasel Genevieve Jung Jean Luc Lemieux Anna Norman Pat Albers Alex Stephens Charlotte Heiligenstein Rita Hill Jake Houston Don Rauch Joe D. Shaffer Jack Crowe Larry Cook Richard Reyling Nicole Williams Lauren Linder Auna Louise Lindsey Al Baum Marian Brown Kim Wyman Shirley Thomas Charlie Sandheinrich Avery Thornsberry Kirk Reese Frank Srogus Ann Mezo Pellagia Beckfeld Gary Campbell Charlie Reyling Jared Emig Sister Miriam Wesselmann Jenny Wesselmann Please contact the Parish Office to add or remove someone from the prayer list. Dear Parish Family With the Feast of Christ, the King, we come to the end of another liturgical year. We distribute the candles of those who have been called home to God the previous year and we continue to wait in prayer for the coming of Christ in his glory. With next Sunday, we will begin a new year….with all it hopes and dreams. What will the new year bring us? How many baptisms? Weddings? Funerals? Will more families choose to live out their faith by choosing to be part of the parish community by attending Mass and helping in the life of the community? We never know what lies ahead. What we do know is that if we are faithful to the Lord, then the Lord will be faithful to us. When the unknown lies ahead, it is only your faith that you have to hold on to. The faith that reminds us that God is in charge…that the Lord is ever present to his people…and that we will one day be called from this place to be with Him in heaven. As we transition into a new liturgical year, let us resolve to journey together as the Parish family of St. Joseph and let us strive to include and invite anyone we meet to join us in this journey of faith. BE BOLD…..BE CATHOLIC® Have a good week, THE WEEK AHEAD…. Monday, November 24 8:00AM Yoga Weekend of November 15 & 16, 2014 Sunday Collection (1/2) Faith Direct (4) Sunday Collection (8/9) Faith Direct (15) Sunday Collection (15/16) Sunday Collection (22/23) Sunday Collection (29/30) $5,192.00 $7,450.00 $5,254.85 $4,341.00 Total (November Goal: $40,000) All Saints Day Parish Center Loan World Mission Sunday Campaign for Human Development $50.00 $675.00 $50.00 $262.00 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE INFORMATION (calculated on weekly envelopes only) Collections required to date: $154,444.43 Total Collected to date: $152,455.58 PRINCIPAL BALANCE—PARISH CENTER LOAN $489,914.20 Tuesday, November 25 8:00AM Mass 7:00PM Prayer Hour Wednesday, November 26 6:30PM No Mass 7:00PM Ecumenical Service at St. Paul’s 6:00PM Cosmic Bingo doors open 7:30PM Bingo begins Thursday, November 27 8:00AM Thanksgiving Mass Friday, November 28 8:00AM No Mass Saturday, November 29 4:30PM Confessions 5:00PM Mass Sunday, November 30 7:00AM Mass 10:00AM Mass PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS DEACON CORBY’S CORNER *************************************************** Father Mark The goodness of God is obvious in that he shares you with the rest of us. Happy Birthday! From Your Parish Family *************************************************** CROWE 60TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY John “Jack” and Anna Marie Crowe are celebrating their 60th anniversary. Jack and the former Anna Marie Klein were married on November 24, 1954 at St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Paderborn, Illinois by Reverend Edmund Sense. They are having a celebratory Mass on Sunday, November 23, 2014 at 10:00am at St. Joseph’s Church in Freeburg, Illinois. Their Children are hosting an open house following mass at St. Joseph’s Parish Center from 11:30 until 2pm. All are welcome to come help celebrate. RESPECT LIFE CORNER Homelessness – As the winter chill is now upon us, the concern for people who do not have a place to call home is more immediate than ever. There are many circumstances that can lead to people facing this crisis. Learn, Act, Connect, Pray: Facilities that can accommodate those in need, particularly families, are in short supply. Catholic Urban Programs (CUP) work to assist persons who are in need of basic services. CUP is in need of volunteers to help assist those in need. Consider helping those who are without a place to call home. Pray that they can find the help they need. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Volunteers are needed for the Thanksgiving Mass. There will be sign-up sheets on the registers in the back of church. BICYCLES NEEDED Each year the Freeburg Food Pantry distributes bicycles to families in need for Christmas. As you are cleaning out your garage for the winter, we would be happy to “redistribute” those bikes that your family has outgrown to someone in need. We only ask that the bikes be in good condition or in need of minor repairs only. If you have a bicycle to donate, please call Tony Erwin at 277-9442 for pickup or drop off. Also, if you would like to make a monetary donation to help purchase parts for repairs or some new bikes, you can do so by making out a check to the Freeburg Food Pantry marked for the “Bicycle Program”…and drop it in the collection basket. ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL ANNUAL FUND The annual fund drive is off to a great start. A total of $15,347 has been donated, representing 51% of our goal. Every donation, large and small, helps to ensure that our current and future students receive a high quality Catholic education at St. Joseph Catholic School. A huge thank you to all who have donated. If you haven't had a chance to make your donation, there is still time. Donation envelopes are in the back of church for your convenience. PARISH CHRISTMAS POTLUCK/SOCIAL Our Christmas Social is December 14th starting at 3:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. Santa arrives at 4:00 with dinner at 5:00. St. Joseph’s provides the chicken, ham, brats, lemonade, tea and coffee; each family is asked to bring a dish that day based on the first letter of your last name (A-H: side dish; I-P: salad; QZ: dessert). RSVP Please: Please RSVP if you plan to attend so we can plan the food accordingly. Additional flyers are on the registers in church. Drop the form in the collection basket or call/e-mail Geralyn Erwin before Dec 5. Helpers: We will need a few volunteers the day of the social to put the event on. There is a sign-up sheet on the back register on Mary’s side listing the helpers we need - chicken fryers, bartenders, kitchen help [cutting desserts, setting out food, making lemonade, etc], and kitchen cleanup. Please consider helping out a couple hours! Attendance Prizes: There is a box in the entrance of church for donated attendance prizes in. We need prizes for “winners” of all ages…kids, tweens, teens, ladies, men…all ages! Prizes should cost no more than $15. Please consider donating an item or two so that we will have plenty of prizes for those who attend. Questions? Contact Geralyn Erwin at 277-9442 or MARRIAGE CHALLENGES? Retrouvaille (a French word meaning rediscovery) is a program to help couples heal & renew their marriages it offers tools needed to rediscover a loving marriage relationship. It has helped thousands of couples with marital problems & crises, even couples who are separated and divorced. The next program begins with the weekend of February 6-8, 2015. For further information, call 1-800-470-2230 or visit FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK This weekend we would like to send out special birthday wishes to our favorite Pastor, Fr. Mark! We wish you a very happy birthday this Sunday. On behalf of St. Joseph Catholic School, we would like to thank everyone who participated in this week’s Competition for Cause canned food drive event. Each year, St. Joseph Catholic School and St. Agatha Catholic School compete to see which school can bring in the most food items for donation. Thanks to your help, we were able to provide another substantial donation to our local food pantry. This Wednesday, St. Joseph Catholic School’s P.T.F. organization will host a Cosmic Bingo event at the Parish Center. If you have questions about this event, or would like to reserve a spot or table, please contact Jennifer Hopfinger at Christmas Cash raffle tickets are available in the main office. They are $35 a piece for a chance to win up to $6,000. Only 800 tickets are sold during this raffle so get those tickets while you can. Winners will be drawn at the December Parish Fish Fry on Friday, December 12, around 6:30 PM. On behalf of the faculty and staff at St. Joseph Catholic School, we wish you all a happy Thanksgiving! Have a blessed week, Mr. Tim Queern School Principal CHRISTMAS CASH RAFFLE It’s time to buy your tickets for the 12th annual Christmas Cash Raffle! Tickets are $35 and available after the weekend masses. There are 29 cash prizes with the top prize being $6000! You can buy your tickets from the school families or from the school office during school hours. (539-3930) Tickets are also available at Regions, Citizen North and South and the Tribune office. The drawing will be held at the December 12 fish-fry. FAITH DIRECT With the busy times of Thanksgiving and Advent season right around the corner, enrolling in Faith Direct today is a great way to ensure your gifts of treasure to St. Joseph Catholic Church are received even if you may be out of town. Please pick up an enrollment form from the parish office today or enroll online at - our Church Code is IL505. Already using Faith Direct? Don't forget to add your Christmas or End-of-Year contributions to your account this fall. Thank you in advance for your support and for using Faith Direct! STEWARDSHIP GARDENS Brothers and Sisters in Christ: A true story about parental stewardship. This is a typical family, kids in middle school with favorite and not so favorite classes; do well in some and not so well in others; and are active in extra-curricular activities. After a recent Parent-Teacher conference the parents decided to encourage the children to focus on improving their grades. To accomplish this, phone (text, iphone, etc.) communication, TV and video games were curtailed for the evenings before dinner and on Sundays. Extracurricular activities were also cut back. A courageous stance with anticipated reaction but they stood firm. After a period of silence, everyone started talking to each other, listening and discussing the good and not so happy events of the day; for the parents as well. Homework came out of the bedroom into the kitchen. Parents learned a bit about modern day math and what was being taught, the children began to appreciate that the parents were not all that dumb. The family watched videos together, laughed and talked about them. Going to a restaurant on Sunday was a happy time: talking, building good relationships with both parents and siblings. Yes, grades did get better. The phones still are off from choice, not law. The family is stronger. It was a challenge for the kids but the parents had to make changes to be there with and for their children as well. That is what stewardship and parenting is all about. Last Sunday I am sure all of you saw the first Confirmation poster (Seth Dean). This brings up the subject of the role of the sponsor as steward. More about the roles and responsibilities of both parents and sponsors as stewards next time. May our Lord God bless, guide, prosper and make bountiful the work of all His stewards. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. SNOW REMOVAL If anyone is interested in helping out with snow removal please contact Rick. Any and all hands are appreciated. A TASTE OF CHRISTMAS The Christmas season is gloriously heralded in a delightful celebration that encompasses the joy, laughter, love and beauty of the holidays! Gather with family and friends at this “feast for the senses” – a memorable evening of fabulous food and entertainment to experience the spirit of Christmas in an exciting new way! Songs and carols, dances, stories, comedy, touchingly re-enacted holiday scenes and more, all while you feast on a sumptuous dinner! The banquet is set in the grandeur of a magnificent Great Hall; the performers are 50 very talented singers, dancers and orchestra musicians from 16 metro-area parishes. Dec. 6 & 7 at 7:00 p.m., Gateway Banquet & Convention Center in Collinsville. Bed & breakfast rates at Shrine Hotel for overnight guests to combine with Our Lady of the Snows WAY OF LIGHTS event. An evening of entertainment, a four-course gourmet meal with dessert & beverages, taxes and gratuities only $30 inclusive for adults; special menu & pricing for children. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Order soon to reserve the best tables. Call 618-409-0015 or email: BIBLE STUDY We concluded our study and discussion of Chapters 14 and 15. Compared the feeding of the four thousand (Mt15:29-39) in with the feeding of the 5000. First was directed to the Jewish community; the feeding of the 4000 focused on the Gentiles. Jesus' healing of the lame, blind, cripled and mute led to the crowds glorifying the God of Israel. Didn't happen in the first story. It shows Jesus' reception in Nazareth, the stories of the Scribes and Pharisees (Mt15:1-20) concluding with this event revealing the transition from old (Israel, Laws, Blood Sacrifice) to the new (World, Charity, Sacraments) This week the class will watch the accompanying video and gives addiational insight to the class review. BULLETIN NOTICES FROM ELSEWHERE. • • Nov 23—St. Agatha Church New Athens Annual Basket Bingo doors open at 12:00PM Bingo at 1:00PM all baskets valued at $50 Nov 21—Holiday Game Night (formally known as Noel Card Party) at St. Teresa’s School Gym doors open at 6PM homemade chicken salad sandwich included in $8 admission. NOVEMBER FOOD PANTRY NEEDS: Hamburger helper, spaghetti sauce, pasta, cornbread mix, cake mix, and bar soap. CURSILLO WEEKEND Join us every Sunday in the Parish Center, 8:00-9:30 AM as we look at the word of our Lord in more depth. Are you wanting a closer and more personal relationship with Jesus? Come and join us for a week-end and experience a “little bit of Heaven” held in Ruma at the motherhouse. COSMIC BINGO IS COMING TO ST. JOSEPH'S!! Women’s weekend: Feb 26—March 1 Men’s weekend: March 5—March 8 Mark your calendars for WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH AT 6:00 PM, (Thanksgiving Eve) for our first ever Cosmic Bingo event!! The St. Joseph's PTF will be hosting a night full of music, bingo, food and fun for all who attend! The event will be held in the gymnasium of St. Joseph Parish Center. Doors open at 6:00 pm, Bingo starts at 7:30 pm. There will be over $1,000 in cash prizes along with a 50/50 and Lottery Tree raffle! Guest are welcome to bring any snacks they are craving, while all drinks will be purchased at the event. Preregistration is going on now!! The cost is $20.00 per person in advance, and $25.00 at the door, which includes your entry fee, 6 Cosmic Bingo Cards, Cosmic Dauber, and a Cosmic Hat!! Tables are filling up quickly, so contact Jennifer Hopfinger at 618-444-2626 or to make your reservations today!! THIS IS NOT YOUR GRANDMA'S BINGO!! (Must be 18 years of age to attend.) All proceeds benefit St. Joseph PTF!! We hope to see you there!! CONFIRMATION CANDIDATE OF THE WEEK In preparations for the Sacrament of Confirmation, the candidates will be presenting a weekly information poster in the back of church. One candidate will be featured each week. The poster will contain information about the candidate complete with a photo. Please take a moment to check out the poster. Also keep the candidates in your prayers as they prepare for this Blessed Sacrament. This week’s candidate is Molly Delaney. COOKIE WALK Bakers of St Joseph’s – we need you!!! The 5th annual cookie walk will be on December 6th in the Parish Center from 9 AM to 12 Noon. We ask everyone in the Parish to join in the fun of baking as we need hundreds of dozens of a variety of Christmas cookies to make this event a success. Sign-up sheets for bakers listing the amount and type of cookie as well as worker sign-up sheets, can be found on the radiators in the back of church. Workers are needed on Friday, Dec 5th (10AM to 6PM) and on Saturday, Dec 6th during the walk. Proceeds from the cookie walk will be applied to the principle on the debt of the Parish Center. Call Fran Davitz 235-3929 if you have questions. For further information please contact: Alex Nast 618-539-3264, Margie Reaka 618-539-3765 or John Tolan 618-410-8224. PLEASE PRAY FOR MORE PRIESTS What are You doing to get more Priests for our Diocese? Come and join the Sierra Club in praying the rosary for vocations. All of St. Clair County is invited to Corpus Christi Church on Sunday December 7th at 2PM for “Rosary for Vocations”. The prayer service will include the rosary, adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, and Benediction for the intention of more Religious Vocations. Don’t complain about not enough priests, come and pray with us. Thanks. Serra Club of St. Clair County SAVE THE DATE St. Joseph School Bi-Annual Dinner Auction. Roaring 20’s Dust off your flappers and join us on April 25, 2015. TEENS ENCOUNTER CHRIST Teens Encounter Christ (TEC) is a three-day experience in Christian Living. It is designed for high school juniors through adults who are searching for goals, for acceptance, for meaning, for community, for values, for God. Parents, those who work or volunteer with youth, and interested adults are also encouraged to participate in this renewal weekend. The next weekend will be January 17-19, 2015 at Mater Dei HS, Breese. More information about TEC can be found on their website at http:// or Email questions to THANK YOU On Behalf of Donald Averbeck Sr. and our family we would like to say thank you to all those who came to the benefit and all the donations. And especially for all the thoughts & prayers. From the bottom of our hearts we thank you… The Averbeck Family 2014 Parish Picnic Results FREEBURG OLD MILL STORAGE 550 West Phillips CONSTRUCTION SALE! I-255 Exit 13 332-CARS GRAND OPENING ★★★ in Columbia Summer 2014 ★ ★ ★ AS LOW AS $30.00 Freeburg Pharmacy 10 Southgate Center Freeburg, IL R. S. DANFORD, R. PH. Phone: 539-5577 FUNERAL HOMES 233-5400 Family Owned For All Your Real Estate Needs Call: 398-4175 558-2526 Office Space Available RENNER Georgia Huelsman Broker PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE 618-781-7374 Funk Heating & Cooling Inc. 201 W. High St. • Freeburg, IL 618-539-5513 2607 Main Ave. Fayetteville, IL 62258 Office (618) 677-2722 Cell (618) 973-7828 Brian Funk President American Standard HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Come to my 1st Annual $49.95 Complete Interior & Exterior Pest Control Christmas Sneak Peek Open House Thursday, November 13th 5:30 - 8:00 Belleville: 618-235-5281 Freeburg: 618-539-4801 NIEBRUEGGE INSURANCE AGENCY Cindy Niebruegge, Independent Agent, Parishioner 117 South State Street • Freeburg, IL 62243 Phone: 618-539-6000 OFFERING COMPETITIVE QUOTES Don’t forget to preorder your Thanksgiving Center Pieces while supplies last 830 State St. (618) 539-9197 Mon - Sat 6am - 9:30pm • Sun 9am - 9:30pm Drive Through Open Until 10pm 490 Urbana Drive - Freeburg, IL 62243 (618) 539-9190 Email - Website - Knights of Columbus St. Joseph Council 13197 4th Degree Assembly 3151 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 AFFORDABLE AUTOMOTIVE 715 N. State St. Freeburg, IL 62243 Complete Auto Care 302 North State Street Freeburg, IL 62243 618-539-3500 Ken Woolford an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 258 Lebanon Ave • Belleville 62220 Phone: 234-2056 Paintless Dent Repair (618) 539-3069 TWO FREEBURG LOCATIONS NORTH 539-4704 SOUTH 539-5878 MEMBER FDIC Gilded Lily Floral & Gift Shoppe 405 South State, Freeburg Carryouts Available Full-Service Catering Available 506 S. Main St., Smithton, IL • 233-3313 TEQUILA’S Mexican Restaurant • GROCERIES • MEATS • PRODUCE • GUARANTEED QUALITY! • Great Food • 341 MARKET PLACE DRIVE FREEBURG 539-9820 442550 St Joseph Church 539-9168 Deli • Bakery and Café 369 Market Place Drive • Freeburg IL Store 539-3163 Pharmacy 539-3164 Daily Lunch & Sandwich Specials, Homemade Pies Breakfast Buffet $6.50 • Sat & Sun 7-10:30am Lunch/Dinner Buffet $7.50 • Sun 11am-7pm Weekly Dinner Specials Every Friday Cod Cut Ups, Salmon Patties & Whitefish • Sat 4-8pm 8oz. Strip Steak or Jumbo Shrimp Dinner $7.95 Most Dinners Served With Potato, Vegetable & Salad For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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