Orland Park, IL 60467 October 12, 2014 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Pastor’s Morsels and Tidbits Notes on the Scripture Jesus tells perhaps none more masterful a parable than the one about a wedding feast. Parables compare something in a story to something outside the story. As a parable unfolds, the comparison becomes clear and listeners realize they are being challenged to change their behavior or outlook. The parable of the wedding feast has not one but two such moments. First, Jesus’ hearers realized He was pointing out how their rejection of Him meant rejecting the Father and the prophets as well. The lucky new invitees to the feast, however, don’t have it much easier, as they find out that merely showing up isn’t enough. What gets you a seat at the table is not who you are or aren’t, but whether you have faith and live it. Stewardship The St. Francis of Assisi community is a welcoming Christian family. We believe in Jesus Christ and are guided by the Holy Spirit and the example of St. Francis. We gather to celebrate, to grow in the knowledge of our faith rooted in the Catholic tradition, and to recognize our responsibility to reach out to the world. October 12, 2014 Last week, we celebrated our Stewardship Weekend. We were encouraged to renew the spirit of gratitude in our lives and consider sharing time, talent and treasure with others. A good number of parishioners signed up for different ministries, but I still want to encourage others to try volunteering at the parish. We have different options and it doesn’t have it be a huge commitment. Please fill out the form from a pew and return to the information desk in the narthex. Thank you in advance for your willingness. Information Desk Beginning last Sunday, we introduced an Information Desk in the narthex. This is a place of welcome and opportunity (to get Mass Cards, Registration Forms, sign up for ministries and many other things like that.) I hope this will enhance the experience of all who celebrate with us on Sundays. St. Francis of Assisi Facebook Page I am happy to announce that, in addition to our website, we have a Facebook page now. I encourage you to check it out and make sure you like us. This is yet another way of staying connected with our great parish family. Grand Raffle Closer, closer, almost there. $30,000 could be yours. We have two more weeks before our Grand Raffle drawing on October 25th and I encourage you to support the parish by buying an extra ticket. In Prayers, 2 St. Francis of Assisi Parish Parishioners now have a place for information, mass cards, Electronic Giving signup, registrations, etc., in the Narthex. You will not have to go downstairs anymore. The desk will be located under the Great Room window. Monday, October 13 Columbus Day - Parish & RE Offices Closed 8th Grade Confirmation Retreat, 9:00 am (SFC) Special RE (A) Adults, 6:00 pm (SFC) Prayer Group, 7:30 pm (MP) Tuesday, October 14 The team for The Parish Transformation Initiative didn’t meet this week. Next week, I should have more to report, as we await the results of the survey. Wednesday, October 15 I want to take this opportunity to say Thank You to all who took time to reflect and share some of your thoughts about the parish. This was an important part of the initiative and I know it will help us to have more honest and open discussion of the strengths we should celebrate in our parish, as well as the changes we may need to make for our parish community to be even better. I will continue to share the progress of those meetings as we move forward. Also, I invite you to pray for the success of this program. Religious Ed (A), Gr. 1-8, 4:30 pm (SFC) Parish Transformation, 6:30 pm (SFC) Scripture Study, 7:00 pm (GR) Thursday, October 16 Seniors Club, 1:00 pm (SFC) Religious Ed, Grades 1-8, 4:30 pm (SFC) Adult Choir, 7:00 pm (RR) St. Vincent DePaul, 7:00 pm (MP) Friday, October 17 Prayer for God’s Blessing on Parish Transformation Almighty and eternal God, in Christ your Son you have manifested your love for all people. Guide the work of our parish; help us to proclaim your name, to persevere in faith, and to remain united in charity and peace. Let our commitment to Parish Transformation renew the mission of your Church and give glory and praise. Through Christ our Lord. Amen Orland Park, IL 60467 Needles/Things & Prayer Shawl Ministry, 12:30 pm (SFR) Children’s Choir, 4:30 pm (RR) Youth Choir, 5:30 pm (RR) Handbell Choir, 6:15 pm (SFR) Catechist Meeting & Potluck Dinner, 6:30 pm (SFC) RCIA, 7:30 pm (GR) A.A. Meeting, 8:00 pm (MP) Saturday, October 18 Religious Ed, Grades 1-8, 8:30 pm (SFC) Wedding Workshop, 11:00 am (CH) 7th Grade Invitation Mass & Coffee And…, 5:15 pm (CH, GR) Sunday, October 19 3 Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 9:00 & 10:30 am Masses (UH) 7th Grade Invitation Mass & Coffee And…, 9:00 & 10:30 am (CH, GR) Xtreme Youth Ministry, 7:00 pm (SFR) October 12, 2014 July 1, 2014 thru October 5, 2014 October 5 Year to Date Budgeted $23,125 $323,750 Collected $28,171 $320,494 Under Budget ($ 5,046) ($ 3,256) Please consider signing up for Electronic Giving. Ways to sign up: Go to our website, www.sfaorland.org and press the “Donate Now” button or You can also use the yellow form in your envelope packet or Call the office to sign up: 460-0042 Catechist Pot Luck Dinner September is behind us. We have nearly all of our Catechists in place! We are so blessed and grateful for all that you do! Last year, our October Catechist Potluck Dinner was such a success, that we are making it an ANNUAL EVENT! Details are below. We hope you can join us! RSVP by October 12, so we can order food, 708-460-0155! When? 708-460-0155 Children's Liturgy of the Word Sundays at 9:00am & 10:30am Masses. Where? What Do I Bring? Tuesday, October 14 at 6:30 pm St. Francis Center Grades K-3 Grades 4-6 Grades 7-8 Special RE Appetizers Desserts Salad or Side Dish Salad, Side Dish or Appetizers A 6th grade catechist on Wednesday A and an 8th grade on Tuesday B afternoons. Please look at your schedules. Make a difference in a child's life - share your faith! The Juvenile Diabetes Walk for the Cure was a great success! Our very first community event for a great cause! Can't wait to start planning for next year! For all children ages 4yrs to 4th grade - No need to register. If you are at Church just come with all of the other children. Congratulations and much gratitude to the Confirmation candidates, sponsors and family members who turned out for the walk. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of those afflicted with diabetes! OCTOBER 12 19 26 October 12, 2014 Still in need of catechists: 4 St. Francis of Assisi Parish Juvenile Diabetes Walk for the Cure Sunday, October 5, 2014 Autumn changes the landscape. Fall colors reminds us of the beauty of nature that surrounds us. The changing leaves and the changes in the weather invigorate our lives. The gusty winds and cooler temperatures let us know that summer has gone and winter will soon be upon us. During this autumn season let your prayer and Mass attendance change the spiritual landscape of your soul. Come with your family and join us in prayer...Coffee Ands offer a sweet treat and a hot cup of coffee...Meet new people...Learn about your parish family. Change your hearts! UPCOMING EVENTS Journey #2 : October 12, 7:00-9:00 In the St. Francis Room Fright Fest October 17, 3:30-12:30 8th Grade + High School Students Calling for Chaperones need 1 adult per 10 teens. Register forms sent via e-mail Orland Park, IL 60467 5 October 12, 2014 “God’s infinite love for each one of us helps us to grasp our identity and our worth. The recognition of this dignity leads us to respect and protect each person’s life…” Xtreme St. Francis Ministry, cont. Information Meeting Sunday November 2, 2014 11:30 in the St. Francis Room Over the next two years, there will be three very Big once in a lifetime events offered through Xtreme Youth Ministry. There is a brief description below, more can be found on the Youth Ministry Website. Down Payments for Mission trip and WYD will be collected on Nov. 2 2014 Respect Life Program pamphlet, Advance Medical Directives: Planning for Your Future, USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities Mission Trip June 2015 Cost: $250 Each We will go with Young Neighbors in Action for the first time since 2011. We are hoping to go to Neopit, WI, and have Detroit, MI as a back up. (Open to Current Freshmen through Seniors) MULTI-PARISH RESPECT LIFE Knowledge & Prayer Series 2014 DOES FAITH STILL HAVE A PLACE IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE? Bob Gilligan NCYC Executive Director Catholic Conference of Illinois President, National Association of State Catholic Conference Directors (National Catholic Youth Conference) November 21-23 2015 Indianapolis Indiana Lucas Oil Stadium and Indianapolis Convention Center (Current Freshmen through Juniors) Cost: Approx. $350 Each October 16, 2014 at 7:00 PM Our Lady of the Woods Church 10731 W. 131st, Orland Park, IL World Youth Day Krakow Poland All are welcome! Bring a friend! All are welcome! Bring a friend! July 24– August 2, 2016 (Current Freshmen and up) The international Celebration of World Youth Day takes place every three years. Pilgrims from all over the world attend. Cost: $3495.00 Includes: World Youth Day fee, Air Fare, Hotel, meals, transportation and admission. More information can be found on the Youth Ministry Website under Retreats and Conferences. October 12, 2014 St. Francis of Assisi Respect Life Ministry St. Michael Respect Life Ministry 6 St. Bernard’s Respect Life Ministry Our Lady of the Woods Respect Life Ministry Annunciation Byzantine Church Respect Life Ministry St. Francis of Assisi Parish Our Ministers of Care are here to assist our homebound parishioners by bringing the Eucharist on a schedule that meets individual needs. Please contact Sr. Bernard (4600042) for questions or to request a visit. St. Francis is once again having a coat drive weekend of October 25/26,2014. We are looking for donations of coats (men, women & children) in good condition no longer being used. Please drop off your donations before any of the masses on October 25/26 at the church van where Helping Hands members will assist you. Any questions, please contact Lee Knapik at 301-9706 or Jerri LaRoche 403 2927 or Grace McGuire 4790771. Orland Park, IL 60467 7 October 12, 2014 Toiletries for RMHC FRIENDS OF ST FRANCIS CLUB OCTOBER 2014 The Helping Hands Committee collects toiletries for Ronald McDonald House Charities. Hotel/travel size donations of shampoo, conditioner, soap, body lotion, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shower caps, combs, etc. are donated to the Ronald McDonald House in Oak Lawn. The items will be used by families staying at the House while their child is hospitalized at Advocate Children’s Hospital. The October club will be meeting on Thursday, October 16th at the St Francis Center up on the hill, beginning at Noon. This month we are asking for donations of food items that will be donated to the Orland Township Food Pantry. We will have a collection box set up by the sign in table. You can place your unopened toiletries in the plastic bin, which is located off the narthex in the coat room. The Ronald McDonald House and the families staying there appreciate our donations. Any questions, call Roxanne-708-2126395. Suggested items are listed below: Cereal Tuna Oatmeal Canned Beef Stew / Canned Chicken & Dumplings Stuffing Mix Instant Potatoes Peanut Butter/Jelly/Jam Rice/Pasta Warm Apple Cider makes it return! As always we welcome donations of desserts or snacks to share. Hope to see you there! Cindy Bennecke 708-912-0524 Dolores Grekowicz 708-403-4135 October 12, 2014 8 St. Francis of Assisi Parish Small Faith Group Discussions Are Back! Tuesday Mornings... after Mass... in the Great Room... The original “Small Faith Discussion Group” meets by the Sea of Galilee, circa 32 AD. Moderator, Marian Ward For information, contact Deacon Dan Carroll dcarroll@sfaorland.org 708-388-1078 x30 The St. Francis Book Club meets at 1:00 pm on the third Tuesday of every month in the Multi Purpose room. THIS MONTH: October 21 “Enrique’s Journey” By, Sonia Nazario Orland Park, IL 60467 Doors open at 6:15pm 9 October 12, 2014 Sunday, August 17th, 2014, was our annual Parish Picnic. Everyone had a wonderful time. We had over 400 people in attendance! It is a such a great day to share with family and friends. We started with mass under the tent, followed by a fabulous grilled lunch. There were kids games, bingo, pony rides, a fabulous band and a pie eating contest. There was such a wonderful group of volunteers again this year. We want you to know that the picnic could not have happened without all of your efforts. Let us start by thanking the Social Committee members and their families for all their help. Thank you Lee Knapik, Teri and Joe Sankey, Grace McGuire, Ron and Kathy Craven, James, Mikaela, and Miranda Arredondo, Chuck and Jackie Clifford, Jan Ota, Jeff and Paula Belski, Sharon and Greg Moe and Ally McCormick. Thank you to all our additional volunteers who made the picnic a success. Thank you Greg Gervais, Bob and Helen Przybysz and their grandaughter, Rose and John Prohaska, Chuck and Maria Steffens, Annette Pletcher, Jim and Marilyn Ward, Henrietta Mazich, the parish teens – Rachel and Lauren Hernandez, Josh Zubik, Mike Higgins, Carly Whiteford, Ricky, Cali and Jacob Klein, Evan Tenuta, Ryan Duffy, Nick, Hannah and Haley Spirakis, Reilly Ruzella, Maddie Wikstrom, Meghan Mokate, Shane and Matt Prendergast and Ellen Lebert. Thank you to Ron Longala for financially sponsoring the band “Bernie Glim and the Country Roads”. The band was wonderful again and I believe everyone enjoyed listening to them. Thanks again Ron! Lastly, a big Thank You to Dennis Gardner and his assistants, and thank you to the office staff and Father Artur and Father John for all their assistance and patience throughout the process. As always, in the event that we forgot to thank someone by name, please know that it was unintentional, and we sincerely thank you! Laurie Arredondo and Tim McCormick Social Committee Chairpersons October 12, 2014 10 St. Francis of Assisi Parish Dominican Laity Vocation On September 28, 2014, parishioner Jim Walsh was formally received into the Lay Dominicans of the Province of St. Albert the Great. He was invested with the Scapular of the Order and presented with the Medal of St. Dominic and the Rule of the Order. As full members of the Dominican Order, Lay Dominicans are ordinary people who strengthen their faith life by a formal commitment to regular prayer, study, meeting and sharing their faith with others. Jim has completed the Initiate Phase and now moves into the Candidacy Phases of formation. Prior Provincial, Charles Bouchard, O.P. and Fr. Doug Greer O.P. were on hand along with Jim’s wife, Carmen and daughter Anna. Anyone interested in learning more about Lay Dominicans, Secular Franciscans, or other Third Order vocations should contact Jim at 708-364-1005; Dave Drown or Sr. Bernard. Seekers’ Retreat For Young Adults, Saturday, November 1, 2014 St. Ignatius College Prep, Chicago, IL Too much going on? Pulled in a million directions? You’re not the only one. In the craziness of life, it doesn’t hurt to pause and take a look at the big picture: What’s important in my life? Where does God fit in? Join other young adults for this daylong retreat at St. Ignatius College Prep. Take time to listen to peers share how they find God in their lives, have conversations in small groups, enjoy some quiet time, and explore your faith life. Register by October 15 for the early bird discount. Visit www.charisministries.org for info and registration! Charis Ministries is a Jesuit ministry to those in their 20s & 30s. A ministry of the ChicagoDetroit Provinces of the Society of Jesus, Charis offers retreats, service, leadership, and speaker opportunities that bring the gifts of Ignatian Spirituality to the lives of young adults. Orland Park, IL 60467 11 October 12, 2014 Please pray for all who are sick and in need of healing, especially: Barbara Bradlo Ben Camacho Camille Clavio Cathy Crowly Thomas Fangman Gary Ferrai Helen Floodas & Family Brian Foster Rochello Gonzalgo Tim Jung Marilyn Kane Shaun Kane Mary Kelly Saturday, October 11 5:15 PM Ceil Borvene, rq. by The Grekowicz Family and Julia Czuk, rq. by Czuk Family and Robert Gorz, rq. by Family Henry Kielbowicz Margaret Kulovitz Marlene Massina Robert Morgan Patricia Nize Joan O’Sullivan Cathy Paolella Rosemary Rissler May & Dave Rook Marianne Vancina Theresa Winters Frank Zito Sunday, October 12 7:30 AM Erna Sejba, rq. by Thomas Doyle and Daniel Curley, rq. by Mike Foley and Jozef Sproch, rq. by Family 9:00 AM Schweiger & Norris Families, rq. by Joe & Judy Schweiger and Alice & James Murphy, rq. by Family and Mary Januszyk, rq. by Family 10:30 AM Cecilia & Earl Hartwig, rq. by Family and Joseph Larry, rq. by Skarabis Family and Carol Ann Kane, rq. by Janet Detterline 12:00 PM People of St. Francis Monday, October 13 7:45 AM People of St. Francis Tuesday, October 14 7:45 AM Thaddeus Grekowicz, rq. by The Grekowicz Family and Romeo Rebollido, q. by Renweick & Sheila Rebollido Brice Bertalmio Jane Caliendo Donna Venezia Wednesday, October 15 7:45 AM Brice Bertalmio, rq. by Marge Ford Thursday, October 16 7:45 AM People of St. Francis Friday, October 17 7:45 AM Erin Kozarewicz, rq. by Mom, Dad & Adam and Joyce March, rq. by Joe March Saturday, October 18 5:15 PM Sandra LaFauce, rq. by Diane LaFauce and John Severino, rq. by Diane Ruedel and Nickolas Kuzik, rq. by Maureen Dimonte Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 -- 5:1; Ps 113: 1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48; Lk 11:37-41 Sunday, October 19 7:30 AM Daniel O’Rourke, rq. by Sally O’Rourke and Joseph Szymanski, rq. by Osmelak Family and Patti Hoffman, rq. by McGovern Family Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11: 42-46 9:00 AM Arlene Malak, rq. by Family and Jerry O’Connell, rq. by Linda & Richard Misiorowski and Jim Deffinger, rq. by Carlo Family Thursday: Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1-6; Lk 11:47-54 10:30 AM Friday: Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lk 12:1-7 Larry Pecor, rq. by Ray & Marian Peregoy and Mary Sears, rq. by CRHP and Mary Moskal, rq. by Mike & Barbara O’Brien Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 12:00 PM People of St. Francis Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 7-10; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 October 12, 2014 12 St. Francis of Assisi Parish SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 - 12:00 PM Please visit the Saint Francis Liturgical Minister Web Terminal for the most up to date schedule or to volunteer. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 - 5:15 PM Presider E, Upton Deacon D. Carroll Altar Servers D. Donlevy R. Toppi O. Toppi Eucharistic Ministers D. Carroll P. England G & J Fifer M. Nicholson K. Nicholson V & P Piazza Readers J. Walsh S. Zubik Sacristan P, England Ushers F. Burkiewicz R. Farrell R. Repta J & T Sankey N. Sullivan A. Sweeney J. Zubik A. Sowa Deacon M. Pindelski Altar Servers K. Piko N. Quinn N. Quinn Eucharistic Ministers D. Budz S. Gibson T. Kasper R. Long M. O’Brien N. Palacz L. Pietranczyk M. Pindelski D. Powers D. Trzesniewski T. Wieczorek Readers T. Governale B. Whiteford Sacristan L. Pietranczyk Ushers D. Hodson B. Gibson R. Hodson J & J Ondrus Presider J. Zurek Deacon J. Truesdale Altar Servers M. Cannon S. Cannon E. O’Connor Eucharistic Ministers M. Basila K. Boland V. Danapilis P. Goldberg P. Grasso L. Martenson S. McCaffrey M. Niswonger J. Truesdale Readers T. Molyneaux A. Rzeszutko Sacristan C. Bennecke Ushers C. Bennecke Joyfully, we recently welcomed the following children into our Christian Community on October 05, 2014: Lia Marie Longo Daughter of Gary Longo and Mary Akey Longo M. Molyneaux With joy, we announce the marriage of... SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 - 9:00 AM Presider A. Sowa Deacon J. Truesdale Altar Servers M. Bonaminio K. Pytel R. Reid Eucharistic Ministers D. Burns B. Devine P. Flynn J. Gaskill P. Gervais R. Januszyk B. Johnson C. Pytel J. Truesdale B & J Turcich Readers J. Pacholski S. Pacholski Sacristan P. Gervais Ushers G. Gervais D. Mackowiak J. Malwitz O. Pagnucci Anthony Marasco & Kristina Zajeski October 04, 2014 May your lives always be blessed with God’s love! P. Walsh D. Zambuto Moving? Please let us know! Each month we must pay for envelopes returned by the post office when families move and fail to notify us. 708-460-0042. If you are moving, please call the office to let us know. Similarly, if you have a neighbor who is moving, please remind him/her to let us know. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 - 10:30 AM Presider J. Zurek Deacon M. Pindelski Altar Servers M. Kohler M. McCormick K. Snaidauf Eucharistic Ministers W. Freer M. Greenan L. Kaspar J. Kohler C. Lucio B. McCormick R. McGuire A. Mitrovich J. Ota M. Pindelski K. Pryor Readers G. Kaminski V. Pryor Sacristan C. Lucio Ushers K. Kasper J. Glass Orland Park, IL 60467 M. Gorak T. Harris MINISTER NEEDED L. Springer SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 - 7:30 AM J & P Belski Presider M. Toohill J. Winters 13 October 12, 2014 St. Francis of Assisi Parish Community 15050 South Wolf Road, Orland Park, Illinois 60467-3028 Visit our web page: http://www.sfaorland.org; Our parish office e-mail address is: parishoffice@sfaorland.org REV. ARTUR SOWA, Pastor REV. JOHN J. ZUREK, Associate Pastor (asowa@sfaorland.org) (jzurek@sfaorland.org) SR. BERNARD LYNCH O.P., Pastoral Associate DEACON DANIEL CARROLL, Permanent Deacon (blynch@sfaorland.org) (dcarroll@sfaorland.org) DEACON MICHAEL J. PINDELSKI, Permanent Deacon DEACON JOSEPH N. TRUESDALE, Permanent Deacon (mpindelski@sfaorland.org) (jtruesdale@sfaorland.org) REV. EDWARD F. UPTON Pastor Emeritus (edfupton@aol.com) MASS SCHEDULE: SATURDAY: 5:15 PM SUNDAY: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 , AND 12:00 AND MONDAY - FRIDAY: 7:45 AM Religious Education Religious Education meets on alternating Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays for Grades K-8, and on Saturdays for Grades 1-8, at the Religious Education Center. Grades K-4 meet from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. and grades 48 meet from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday sessions meet from 8:30—10:00 a.m. Children's Liturgy of the Word meets on Sundays during the 9 & 10:30 a.m. masses for children 4-years-old to 4th grade, September-April. The parish offices are located in the lower level of the church. Entrance is via the walkway at the west side of the church building. The parish offices are open from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday and 7:30 a.m.— 1:00 p.m. on Sunday. Evenings and weekends are by appointment. The Religious Ed offices are located in the R.E. Center, 15010 Wolf Rd.—west of the church. Religious Ed office hours are Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Religious Ed offices are closed on Fridays. The Eucharistic Chapel is open for prayer twenty-four hours a day. The Chapel is located at the northeast corner of the Church. The Joseph Cardinal Bernardin School, located on the campus of St. Elizabeth Seton parish at 167th and 94th Ave., is the elementary Catholic regional school for parishioners of St. Francis. For registration and information not found in the bulletin, contact the school at 410-6525. ADMINISTRATION Phone: 460-0042 Fax: 460-0136 Administrative Assistant: Barbara Gardner (bgardner@...) Business Manager: Diane Niehaus (dniehaus@...) Receptionist: Marje Curran (mcurran@...) Website Coordinator: Paula Belski (pbelski@...) Facilities Director: Dennis Gardner (dgardner@...) Facilities Maintenance: Monika Czajczyk P.T./Weekend Maintenance: David Ciezczak, Steve Novorita, Tom Paluch R.C.I.A. - The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. Anyone interested in becoming a Catholic, please contact Deacon Joe Truesdale. at 4600042. Anointing of the Sick The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is celebrated every Monday, immediately after the 7:45 a.m. Mass. Those of advanced age or suffering from a chronic or serious illness are invited to be anointed. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Phone: 460-0155, The priests are available to offer the Sacrament whether the ill person is at home or in the hospital. Please call 460-0042. Fax: 460-5086 Director: Mary Kay Burberry, ext. 240 (mkburberry@...) Coordinator: Jackie O’Malley, ext. 242 (jomalley@...) Office Manager: Maureen Krzyminski, ext. 244 Baptisms Baptisms usually take place on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month at 1:30. Prior to the Baptism, parents need to call the office to make arrangements. A baptismal conference will be set up with the parents. (mkrzyminski@...) Marriages Weddings need to be scheduled at least four to six months in advance upon approval of a priest. Couples are reminded to secure the church date before the reception hall. Weddings are celebrated for registered members. CARDINAL JOSEPH BERNARDIN SCHOOL Phone: 403-6525 Principal: Mary Iannucilli Web page: www.cardinaljbschool.com MUSIC Phone: 460-9831 Director: Leanne Stoterau (music@...) Accompanist: James Draudt Children's Choir Co-Director: Anne Hayes Religious Education Cantor: Angela Reynolds (remusic@...) Cantor for Parish Funerals, Weddings: Gina Vitucci Sacrament of Reconciliation Communal celebration of the Sacrament will be held during Advent and Lent. Individual confessions are heard on Saturdays at 11:30-12:00. PARISH LIBRARY In the Great Room there is a “SELF-SERVE” parish library Boundaries North: 135th St. South: 183rd St. West: Will-Cook Road East: 108th Ave. - 135th St. - 153rd St. 104th Ave. - 153rd St. - 183rd St. October 12, 2014 Registration You may become a registered member of the parish by completing a registration form which is found in Church. YOUTH MINISTRY Matt Toohill (sfyg@sfaorland.org) 16 St. Francis of Assisi Parish
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