PARISH WEB October 2014 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 , and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6.8 Rector The Reverend Judy Taylor 0411 705 224 Centres of Worship St James’ Byabarra St Cuthbert’s Ellenborough St Matthew’s Wauchope All Saints’ Pappinbarra Contact 53 Cameron Street (PO Box 71) Wauchope 2446 Office Ph 6585 2019 Rectory Ph 6585 2841 Email Web site Parish Service Times Wauchope Sunday Eucharist 8am Morning Tea Informal Communion 9.40am TAIZE 4th Friday 7pm STAND (Youth) 1st/3rd Sunday 5pm Wednesday Eucharist and Healing Prayer 10am Morning Tea Byabarra 1st Sunday of the month 11.30am Morning Tea before Ellenborough 2nd Sunday of the Month 11.30am Informal Family Service 3rd Sunday of the month 11.30am then Lunch Pappinbarra th 4 Sunday of the month 2pm Afternoon Tea Bundaleer Nursing Home 1st Friday 11am Bundaleer Gardens 2nd Friday 10.30am From the Rector Recently I underwent a personal review of my ministry within the context of the promises I made at ordination. I was encouraged to reflect on my relationship with God, my lifestyle, growth in my professional ministry, the way in which I equip the people of God to fulfil their ministry and mission, development of the gifts that God has given me, my relationship with the structures of the church and my plans for the next twelve months in ministry. By its very nature this experience was quite personal and challenging, but the potential for growth was amazing. So often we continue in ministry without even asking what God is calling us to be and do and seeing how that might change from time to time. It was great to reflect on God’s purposes for me and how I am growing into them, to look at areas where I need to focus my attention, and to affirm my strengths whilst seeing challenges for the future. I feel passionate about yearly review and I have committed to this in order to be accountable to God and to you. Through baptism each of us is called into mission and ministry in the world and we are accountable to God and each other for how we go about this. I want to encourage us to ask ourselves questions about the opportunities that we have to use our gifts to be part of God’s purposes. How can I better grow relationships with trust and care? Is my belief in Jesus reflected in the priorities I chose in my life? What is my relationship with God really like and how do I experience God’s grace? How well do I respond to Paul’s words in Thess 5:16-18? Am I able to share a story with someone else about what God is doing in my life right now? How can I better show God’s love and forgiveness to others? What new thing is God calling me to be part of? What skills might I need to undertake this and how is God equipping me? These are just some of the questions that may be helpful in regularly assessing our journey as Christians (our mission and ministry) in the church, with our families and in our local community. I want to share with you one thing that God is doing in my life right now. Over the last three months my heart has been breaking for my son’s wellbeing. At first I was devastated and his circumstances took me back to a very dark place in my own life. I did everything within my power to try to make things better for him, but to no avail. I was angry with God and lamented the injustice of it all. The turning point came for me, when I realised I had no control over what had happened to him and I acknowledged my deep need for God, and the prayerful support of God’s people. As we committed to prayer, not just for my son but for several others in similar situations, I began to feel an empathy with God as I imagined God’s heart breaking for us when we fail to love God and others. During this time my faith and trust in God have been strengthened. I am starting to recognise God’s peace and see God’s hand at work in my son’s life. More than that, I am learning (yet again!) what it is to rely on a loving and gracious God, and that ‘all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.’ Romans 8:28 Baptism is a lifelong call and we are never too old to be used by God in new and exciting ways. You are part of God’s purpose, just discover how! Blessings Judy MU (Mothers Union) Our September meeting was almost a non event with illness and holidays causing a low attendance. Nevertheless there were enough members to discuss and make decisions about the business at hand. It was unanimously decided that the Wauchope MU Branch Project would be the provision of Emergency Packs to the hospital up to the value of $300 per year. Our Branch is already regularly providing these packs which are put together by Pam Dein and given to the Hospital Volunteers when required. By giving the Emergency Packs the status of a branch project it becomes a focal point for our connection with the community, along with our involvement in the Baptism ministry. It was decided to postpone the much anticipated Nautical Tales talk by Helen Hoare till our next meeting, so please put the date in your diary – 8 October at 1pm – it is also our AGM, the regular battle for positions!!! Visitors are very welcome – do come along to listen to Helen and share afternoon tea with us. Beth Scaysbrook, President MU International Day of Older People - Wednesday 1 October is the International Day of Older People. Help us to overlook the limitations that come with age and to see the whole person that God made and loves. Show respect to the elderly, and honour older people. In this way you show respect for your God. (Leviticus 19:32) We give thanks for the contribution of so many older people to their community. We praise God for their knowledge and wisdom. We pray for our members throughout the world, that they may be strengthened in heart and purpose. New Kids on the Block!!! On Sunday 7 September, we welcomed Lorraine Kirkman to the Sanctuary team. Lorraine has willingly served in many ways within the Parish and we know she will honour God’s call to this new ministry with dignity and commitment. On the same day another busy and well known Sanctuary team member began training for a new role. It is hoped that when the process is completed, Robert Drysdale will be licensed as a Lay Minister. Congratulations and blessings to you both. Now, young master Bailey! Ruth Currey’s grandson was last seen training as an accountant in a previous issue of The Parish Web, but now we suspect he wants to join the Sanctuary team too!!! PARISH STREET STALL – 3rd Oct CHURCH MISSION STALL – 2nd Nov IGA SUPERSTORE, WAUCHOPE St Matthew’s Hall after the 8am Service and at St James, Byabarra 9am to 1pm Funds raised will be added to the Parish contribution to Scripture in Schools. Please send along jams, pickles, cakes, craft items, flowers, plants, books, and unwanted treasures – any saleable items. There will be a raffle of a box of fruit and vegetables – goods from IGA. Come along and support this wonderful cause and our Parish Scripture teachers. Funds raised at this stall will be donated to The Church Army and SPCKA (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Australia). Each year we support six very worthy missions within Australia, each doing their own unique work in the community. Once again we request your generous support to make the stall a success. MU Christmas cards will be on sale. STRENGTHENING OUR MISSION FOCUS The Parish Council meetings now begin with a twenty minute Mission and Ministry focus. We are continuing to review the Diocesan Mission and Ministry Overview Document and ask the questions - how are we as a ministry unit, living into this document? What more could we do? This month we looked at the following section Attending to our Governance The lack of policy and procedure for everyday duties and procedures around the church, e.g. money count, first aid, maintenance, hospitality, job descriptions and the like, was identified and Parish Council resolved to develop a comprehensive Policy and Procedure Arch File to which documents can be added as they become available. To this end parishioners are being asked to draft descriptions of what they do regularly as part of church life. These will provide a starting point for a working group to develop policies and procedures. The need for a Communications Day Book in which the general happenings around the office are recorded, instructions given, messages relayed, and enquiries and contact details noted, was also discussed. There was a discussion about the increasing administrative demands placed on the parish infrastructure and the way in which the parish office serves the needs of the Parish and, by extension, the Diocese. How can Parish Council better support staff in meeting these needs? How can we better utilise the parish website to advertise special events and promote the pastoral care which is available? Is training required in putting material up on the site? Time of Grief Sybil Odd Freda Howe Our condolences and prayers for the families of Sybil Odd and Freda Howe who died recently. National Ultreya will be held on 2426 October, 2014, at Coffs Harbour. For registration & information go to www.coffsharbouranglicanchurch.or g/cursillo-2014-national-gathering/ or Email: What an amazing week in the Women’s Correctional Centre at Kempsey! Rae Layton from Port Macquarie led an inside team of twenty four committed Christian women who were supported by an equally committed outside team of eleven men and women including our own Hilary Ellis. We came together to share a five day short course in Christian living with eighteen participants. This is the first time a Women’s Kairos team has been allowed into Kempsey and it was a very powerful time of sharing and witnessing to God’s forgiveness and grace. Lives have been changed by people experiencing Jesus’ unconditional love for them for the first time. This love was powerfully expressed in the encouraging letters and the gifts of biscuits received from so many of you. Although physically imprisoned, some have come to understand that they can be spiritually set free. It has been an incredible privilege for me to have served as a spiritual advisor on the team, and to have met some very courageous women. I ask you to continue your prayers for them as they seek to live out Christian lives in a predominantly unchristian environment. I praise God for the work of the Holy Spirit through this special ministry. Thankyou for releasing me from the parish to be part of it. I went thinking I would be ministering to prisoners. They ministered to me! Rev Judy Treatment of Asylum Seekers At the recent Synod of the Diocese of Grafton, the following motion was passed after an energetic debate over whether th Church had the right to speak publically on political issues. While some argued the risk of the Church becoming a political lobby group, others wholeheartedly expressed the view that the Church was called to be God’s voice for justice in the world. It is interesting that at no time was the issue of injustice or the biblical imperative for caring for the alien in the land, questioned or challenged. R39/14: That this Synod, while recognising that the policy in regard to asylum seekers is morally, and practically, complex, expresses its grave concern regarding the inhumane treatment of asylum seekers, and calls on the Australian Government to change the present policy in the following ways: To discontinue the use of the term "illegal" in relation to asylum seekers (Article 31 UN Refugee Convention 1954, to which Australia is a signatory, states " is incorrect to refer to asylum seekers who arrive without authorisation as illegal..." 2. To prioritise the release of children from detention centres and to ensure that there are community groups willing to care for them (such detention being in contravention of the UN Charter on the Rights of the Child which came into effect on 2nd September 1991 and which Australia ratified). 3. Increase resources to facilitate processing of asylum seekers' applications, recognising that periods of detention greater than three months put detainees at clear risk of serious mental illness. 4. Make transparent the processing of asylum seekers, both in Australia and in overseas detention centres, as they apply for protection as refugees (Article 31 of the Refugee Convention 1954 'This article recognises that refugees have a lawful right to enter a country for the purpose of seeking asylum, regardless of how they arrive or whether they hold valid travel or identity documents"). 5. Abandon plans to relocate asylum seekers to PNG, Nauru, Cambodia or another country against their will. 6. Increase the number of asylum seekers who can be resettled into Australia. 7. Recognise it is inappropriate to hand over asylum seekers to the authorities of the country from which they have fled. 1. The Synod requests the Registrar to write to the Prime Minister and Minister of Immigration and Border Protection to convey the contents of this resolution and to report back to the next session of Synod. The Synod also endorses the efforts of Ministry Units and Anglicare North Coast in publicising this issue and providing practical assistance for refugees. Synod requests Bishop-in-Council to form a working group to resource Ministry Units on this issue and to continue to respond to this issue on behalf of the diocese. PARISH COUNCILLOR PROFILE - Robert Drysdale, Warden Born in Balmain, I moved to Putney when I was nine years old. My parents owned a holiday home at Long Jetty were we spent school holidays and a lot of weekends during my school years. I started school at Rozelle and then continued at Putney and then Meadowbank Boys High. When I finished school, I started work at Cockatoo Island where I did my trade, and went to work at sea as an Electrician. During this time I trained as a Marine Engineer. For thirty five years I remained at sea. This included twenty two years in the Offshore Oil Industry. In 2005 I had a small accident which stopped me from returning to work so I retired. I Met Frances on the Central Coast when we were quite young and became close friends. We married and had four children. We are now the proud grandparents of seven grandchildren. We bought our first house at Killarney Vale in 1969 and then our farm at Rollands Plains in 1991. I was raised as a Baptist and Frances, an Anglican. I was baptised and confirmed in an Anglican Church as an adult and have attended church at The Entrance, Bateau Bay and Wauchope. After I retired, I was elected to the Parish Council at Wauchope in 2006, took a couple of years off and went back on in 2010. This year is my second year as a Warden. Sport and Interests – Well, I started swimming very young and, as a member of Ryde ASC, did my Bronze Medallion. I also played water polo, took up diving with Frances, sailed in VJs and 16 footers, played tennis, soccer, Ruby League football, and boxed with Parramatta Police Boys Club. I had a few fights in Jimmy Sharman’s and Roy Bell’s fight tents. I took up motor bike riding and got my Private Pilots’ Licence and flew light planes. Now I enjoy the outdoors and playing around with our Red Poll Cattle. Robert Bishop Sarah’s inaugural address to Synod Bishop Sarah began by referring to the results of the Discernment Synod in which the people of the Diocese described the Diocese as ‘theologically diverse’ and ‘in trouble financially, numerically and in (its) reputation’. She noted that ‘the financial crisis precipitated by uncontrolled debt and the shame and distress that followed the revelations about inadequate response to victims of abuse’ …. ‘had left members of the Diocese shocked and uncertain. This combined with ageing congregations, demographic shifts and a rapid changing society, contributed to an awareness of a need to change but uncertainty about how to go about that change.’ She affirmed the ‘good ministries’ that are happening and the ‘many connections made with people outside the church’, but reminded us that the challenge we had identified and live with, is that these are ‘not leading into vibrant communities of faith’. “We believe that we have the words of life, we drink from the living water, we know Jesus. How do we communicate this? How do we offer this to others in ways which will touch them and lead them to God?’ The challenge, she said, was a dual one – first, working out how to ‘do church in the 21st century’, and, secondly, operating from a central administration which is ‘efficient, transparent and responsive’. Bishop Sarah encouraged us by reminding us that the answers lay in our confidence in God’s faithfulness, our prayerfulness and an ability to listen to God’s leading, our willingness to change, our generosity, and, finally, an acknowledgement that ‘perhaps our way is not the only way, or even the best way’. She emphasised resources that we already have at our disposal and she noted that in the future there would be many and varied expressions of Anglican community, ‘some of which we cannot even imagine at the moment’. In speaking of the journey through change, Bishop Sarah pointed out that, ‘If we try too hard to protect and maintain the church as we know it, we run the risk of stifling the very change that needs to happen’. Another aspect of Bishop Sarah’s address to Synod was her reference to the need for strong leadership from the parish level onwards, the key elements of which included, understanding context, building a shared vision, having clear values, thinking strategically and working as a team as ‘we journey with each other and with God’. Bishop Sarah concluded her address with the following. ‘If we, Jesus’ disciples, cannot be courageous, who can? If we do not step out in faith, who will? We have nothing to fear: the victory has been won. We have oil in our lamps. In the encounter with Jesus, scarcity becomes abundance, the broken become whole, and the alienated are brought back into relationship. Our God goes with us, before us and after us. Let us, therefore, lead lives worthy of the calling to which [we] have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love’. (Ephesians 4:1-2) It was a delight to welcome Ebony Rose Wallace into God’s family on Sunday 14 September. Although Ebony was beautifully dressed for the occasion she was not impressed with Rev Judy messing up her hairdo! Older brother Beau had already tested the water while Mum, Joanne, looked on. All was well in the end and Ebony posed for the group photo with Mum and Dad (Trevor), godparents, Terri-Anne, Michael, Leonie and Peter, Rev Judy, Parish Sponsor, Helen Hoare, and MU Sponsor Beth Scaysbrook. OPEN 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday, except Public Holidays Congratulations to a team of exceptionally hard working volunteers who have supervised the biannual ‘change of season’ turnover. As a result we have plenty of women’s summer gear but are running a little short on men’s wear. Are you able to help? Please ensure the garments are in good repair and freshly laundered. This helps lighten the load no end and ensures the goods are immediately presentable for sale. Parish Web Don’t forget all publications of the Parish Web can now be found in glorious colour on the Parish web site Please visit this site to see the great work that is going into this evolving means of communication for the Parish. Should anyone wish to have a copy of the Parish Web in colour, this will cost $5 per copy because of the expense of colour printing. St Matthew’s Community Lunch When? Tuesdays Time? 12.30-1.30pm Where? Church Hall What do we need? Bread Soup Helpers Who’s in charge? Frances and Robert Phone - 6585 8022 The first few weeks of this new initiative have seen around 16-18 guests enjoying a wonderful variety of tasty nutritious home-made soups, bread rolls and desert. We have been joined by members of our congregation along with people living alone, families, and passers-by, as well as those who appreciate one less meal to have to find when times are a bit tough. Even then, several have wanted to contribute towards the cost of their meal. Not only have our guests enjoyed each other’s company over lunch, but the volunteers have commented on what a great experience it has been for them, getting to know members of our wider community and providing a welcoming and friendly atmosphere in which people can relax and feel safe. Rev Judy has also been available at this time for people to chat with or discuss matters of concern. Thankyou to all who are contributing in so many ways to this outreach ministry. Please tell your friends – they might like to help in some way. Encouragement and Faith Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. Read 1Samuel 3 Hebrews 11:32-34 Samuel loved God and obeyed without question. His integrity prevented him from taking advantage of his authority. His first loyalty was to God, regardless of what the people or king thought of him. From the Rector ....Go mice!!!!! While the cat’s away! Rev Judy will be at Ministry School from 13-15 Oct. LLM Frankie Gatenby will cover the services involved. Should you have a pastoral need or require a Clergy person during this time please ring the Rector’s Warden, Frances Drysdale 65858022 Fund Raising Our Window’ Correspondence Cards @ $2 each Good quality pens in attractive metallic colours with our Parish details @ $4 each A Message from Our CEO Good Morning, I am God. Today I will be handling all of your problems. Please remember that I do not need your help. If the devil happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do not attempt to resolve it. SaKindly put it in the SFGTD (something for God to do) box. It will be addressed in MY time, not yours. Once the matter is placed in the box, do not hold onto it or remove it. Holding on or removal will delay the resolution to your problem. If it is a situation that you think you are capable of handling, * please consult me in prayer to be sure that it is the proper resolution. Because I do not sleep, nor do I slumber, there is no need for you to lose sleep. Rest my child; if you need to contact me, I am only a prayer away. Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that amateurs built the Ark, professionals built the Titanic. Have a blessed day, Love God NB ‘Trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.’ Proverbs 3:5-6 Next Issue – articles to be submitted by October 15, 2014 by hand, post or email to Plenty of photos with your article please. Rector’s Warden – Frances Drysdale 6585 8022 People’s Wardens Robert Drysdale 6585 8022 Val Fraser 6585 9234 Byabarra – Helen Kentish 0418 422 516 Ellenborough – N/A Pappinbarra – Jeannette Rainbow 6585 1895 Pastoral Care Coordinator Robert Drysdale Telecare Ministry Beryl Guthrie 6586 4896 Home Communions Frankie Gatenby 6585 332 MU Beth Scaysbrook 6585 3213 OP Shop Ruth Currey 65852160 Make your views known to Parish Council In this Month’s Suggestion Box Nil October 2014 Monday Rector’s Day Off 6 13 20 27 9.30am Bible Study Ellenborough 9.30am Bible St Ellenborough 9.30am Bible Study Ellenborough 9.30am Bible Study Ellenborough Ministry School (Rev Judy) Tuesday 7 14 21 28 7.30 pm Bible Study (Rectory) Ministry School (Rev Judy) 7.30pm Bible Study (Rectory) 7.30pm Bible Study (Rectory) 29 No Bible Study Wednesday 1 8 15 22 Rev Judy away 10am Eucharist Ministry School (Rev Judy) 10am Eucharist 10am Eucharist 1pm MU AGM 10am Eucharist 6.30 LEO The Tavern Thursday 2 9 16 23 Rev Judy away Rev Judy @ BIC Grafton 2pm Bible Study (Oxley Centre) MU Celebration Day & AGM Grafton 2pm Bible Study (Oxley Centre) 4pm Parish Council 2pm Bible Study (Oxley Centre) 3 10 17 24 Rev Judy away Rev Judy @ Presentation Board, Grafton National Cursillo Ultreya Coffs Harbour 10.30am Bundaleer Hostel 7pm Taize 11am Bundaleer NH 4 11 2pm Bible Study (Oxley Centre) Friday 9am-1pm Street Stall Saturday Parish Web articles due 18 25 9am EfM National Cursillo Ultreya Coffs Harbour 30 31 1 Nov 2pm EfM Sunday See front cover for all service times and Pew Sheets for variations 5 12 19 26 2 Nov (Byabarra) (Ellenborough Informal Family Service) 9.40am Baptism National Cursillo Ultreya Coffs Harbour Anglicare Sunday Church Mission Stall (Ellenborough) 5pm STAND (Pappinbarra) 5pm STAND (Byabarra) UPCOMING: 2 Nov - Anglicare Sunday, Church Mission Stall; 15 Nov – Diocesan Ultreya, Grafton, EfM Mentor Training, Grafton; 30 Nov – (time tba) Masonic Service
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