66 volumes now available Dmitri SHOSTAKOVICH NEW COLLECTED WORKS Musicology Department BROUDE BROTHERS LIMITED 141 White Oaks Road, P. O. Box 547 Williamstown, MA 01267-0547 Tel: (800) 525-8559 Fax: (413) 458-5242 E-mail: broudebrothers @verizon.net Dmitri Shostakovich (1906–1975) was one of the leading composers of the Soviet era, and, indeed, of the 20th century. He wrote for the concert hall, for the opera house, for ballet, for motion pictures, and for the Soviet equivalent of the drawing room. Unlike many composers who enjoyed the favor of the Soviet musical establishment, Shostakovich was much admired in the West. Since his death, his reputation has continued to grow, both here and in his homeland. He is now ranked with Stravinsky, Prokofiev, and Rachmaninoff among 20th-century Russian-born composers. A 42-volume collected edition of Shostakovich’s works was issued in the USSR between 1979 and 1987. This edition is now out of print (although Broude Brothers does still have some copies of a few of the volumes). Begun before the era of glasnost, the Soviet edition suppressed some works and altered the texts of others in order to make them conform to the ideologies of the government agencies that underwrote its publication. Taking advantage of the changed political and cultural climate, Russian musicologists are issuing a new edition unconstrained by the premises of Soviet editorial practice. The New Collected Works promises to print all of Shostakovich’s music and will therefore include more than eighty works hitherto unpublished. The editors have undertaken to issue texts that completely and accurately reflect the composer’s intentions. This is the first musicological edition called into being because its editors have objected to the politico-ideological bias of the editors of the previous edition; it promises to tell us much not only about Shostakovich’s works but also about the politics of music and musicology in the Soviet era. The Shostakovich New Collected Works will consist of 150 clothbound volumes divided among fifteen series. Volumes contain newly engraved music and facsimiles of the sources. Especially interesting, however, are the historical introductions and the critical apparatus reporting variants in the scores published during the composer’s lifetime. The edition is published in Russian and English, and the texts of vocal compositions include transliterations of the Russian. The first volumes were published in 2002, and publication has proceeded at a brisk rate, with 66 volumes (in 71 physical volumes) already available. Standing orders for the new Shostakovich edition may be entered directly with Broude Brothers Limited by submitting the order form on the back of this brochure. Volumes may also be ordered individually. Musicology Department BROUDE BROTHERS LIMITED 141 White Oaks Road, P.O. Box 547 Williamstown, MA 01267-0547 Telephone: (800) 525-8559 Fax: (413) 458-5242 E-mail: broudebrothers @verizon.net Oct 2014 Prices in this brochure are given in US Dollars and are subject to change without notice. Series I - Symphonies o 1 - Symphony No. 1, Op. 10. Full score o 2 - Symphony No. 2, Op. 14. Full score o 3 - Symphony No. 3, Op. 20; Unfinished 80.95 59.95 Symphony of 1934, sans op. Full score 119.00 170.00 77.95 85.00 78.00 127.95 78.95 126.00 175.00 135.00 162.00 91.00 95.00 hands 114.95 76.95 piano 89.95 108.95 hands 102.00 hands 63.95 hands 217.00 hands 108.00 o 4 - Symphony No. 4, Op. 43. Full score o 5 - Symphony No. 5, Op. 47. Full score o 6 - Symphony No. 6, Op. 54. Full score o 7 - Symphony No. 7, Op. 60 o 8 - Symphony No. 8, Op. 65. Full score o 9 - Symphony No. 9, Op. 70. Full score o 10 - Symphony No. 10, Op. 93. Full score o 11 - Symphony No. 11, Op. 103. Full score o 12 - Symphony No. 12, Op. 112. Full score o 13 - Symphony No. 13, Op. 113. Full score o 14 - Symphony No. 14, Op. 135. Full score o 15 - Symphony No. 15, Op. 141. Full score o 16 - Symphony No. 1, Op. 10. Arr. piano 4 o 17 - Symphony No. 2, Op. 14. Arr. 2 pianos o 18 - Symphony No. 3, Op. 20. Arr. voice & o 19 - Symphony No. 4, Op. 43. Arr. 2 pianos o 20 - Symphony No. 5, Op. 47. Arr. piano 4 o 21 - Symphony No. 6, Op. 54. Arr. piano 4 o 22 - Symphony No. 7, Op. 60. Arr. piano 4 o 23 - Symphony No. 8, Op. 65. Arr. piano 4 o 24 - Symphony No. 9, Op. 70. Arr. piano 4 hands o 25 - Symphony No. 10, Op. 93. Arr. piano 4 hands o 26 - Symphony No. 11, Op. 103. Arr. piano 4 hands o 27 - Symphony No. 12, Op. 112. Arr. piano 4 hands o 28 - Symphony No. 13, Op. 113. Arr. voice & piano and 2 pianos o 29 - Symphony No. 14, Op. 135. Arr. voice & piano o 30 - Symphony No. 15, Op. 141. Arr. 2 pianos 59.95 105.00 114.00 90.00 258.00 102.00 90.00 Series II - Orchestral Compositions o 32 - Tahiti Trot, Op. 16; 2 Pieces by D. Scarlatti, Op. 17; Suites 1 & 2 for Jazz Orchestra, sans op.; 2 Marches, sans op.; March of the Soviet Militia, Op. 139. Full score 109.95 o 33 - Suite for Variety Stage Orchestra. Full score 144.95 Series III - Instrumental Concertos o 38 - Piano Concerto No. 1, Op. 35. Full score o 39 - Piano Concerto No. 1, Op. 35. Arr. 2 pianos o 40 - Piano Concerto No. 2, Op. 102. Full score o 41 - Piano Concerto No. 2, Op. 102. Arr. 2 54.95 37.00 76.95 pianos 105.00 o 42 - Violin Concerto No. 1, Op. 77. Full score 84.00 o 43 - Violin Concerto No. 1, Op. 77. Arr. violin & piano. With solo part 79.00 o 44 - Violin Concerto No. 2, Op. 129. Full score 102.00 o 45 - Violin Concerto No. 2, Op. 129. Arr. violin & piano. With solo part 63.00 o 46 - Cello Concerto No. 1, Op. 107. Full score 70.00 Series III - Instrumental Concertos (continued) o 47 - Cello Concerto No. 1, Op. 107. Arr. cello & piano. With solo part 79.00 o 48 - Cello Concerto No. 2, Op. 126. Full score 85.00 o 49 - Cello Concerto No. 2, Op. 126. Arr. cello 68.00 & piano. With solo part Series IV - Compositions for the Stage o 52 - Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District, Op. 29. Full score. 2 volumes 492.90 o 53 - Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District, Op. 29. Piano score 340.00 o 54 - Hypothetically Murdered, Op. 31; The Great Lightning, sans op. Full score 267.95 289.00 o 57 - Orango, sans op. Score & piano score o 60 - The Golden Age, Op. 22. Full score. 2 volumes 531.00 743.00 o 62 - The Bolt, Op. 27. Full score. 3 volumes 189.00 o 63 - The Bolt, Op. 27. Piano score o 64 - The Limpid Stream, Op. 39. Full score. 591.90 2 volumes 182.95 o 65 - The Limpid Stream, Op. 39. Piano score o 66 - Moscow, Cheryomushki, Op. 105. Full score 357.00 Series V - Suites from Operas and Ballets o 69 - Suite and 5 Interludes from Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District; Interlude from Katerina Izmailova 102.00 Series VIII - Compositions for Solo Voice(s) with Orchestra o 87 - 2 Fables by Krylov, Op. 4; 6 Romances on Japanese Poems, Op. 21; 3 Romances on Poems by Pushkin, Op. 46a. Full score 41.95 o 88 - 6 Romances on Verses by Raleigh, Burns & Shakespeare, Opp. 62a & 62/140. Full score 80.00 o 90 - Suite of Verses by Michelangelo, Opp. 145 & 145a 81.00 Series IX - Chamber Compositions for Voice & Songs o 91 - From Jewish Folk Poetry, Op. 79; Satires, Op. 109; 7 Poems by A. Blok, Op. 127 112.00 o 92 - 2 Fables by Krilov, Op. 4[a]; 2 Romances on Verses by Lermontov, Op. 84; Smith “Bird of Peace,” sans op.; Greek Songs, sans op.; Spanish Songs, Op. 200; 6 Songs on Poems by Tsvetayeva, Op. 143 112.00 o 95 - 6 Romances on Verses by Raleigh, Burns & Shakespeare, Op. 62; 5 Romances on Verses by Dolmatovsky, Op. 98; Romance “There were kisses...” on Verses by Dolmatovsky, sans op. 85.00 Series X - Chamber Instrumental Ensembles o 98 - Trio No. 1, Op. 8; Trio No. 2, Op. 67. Score & parts 144.95 Series XIV - Film Music o 122 - New Babylon, Op. 18. Score 306.00 o 123 - Alone, Op. 26. Score 208.95 o 126 - The Story of the Priest and His Helper Balda, Op. 36; The Story of the Silly Baby Mouse, Op. 56. Score 208.95 Series XV - Instrumentations of Works by Other Composers o 149 - British & American Folk Songs for Voice & Orchestra. Score 80.75 ORDER FORM Dmitri SHOSTAKOVICH New Collected Works q Please enter our standing order. We understand that we will receive all available volumes at once and will receive each new volume as it is issued. q Please send all available volumes; do not enter a standing order but advise us when new volumes are issued. q Please send only the volumes checked on the reverse of this form. INSTITUTION PURCHASE ORDER NO. SHIPPING ADDRESS SIGNATURE DATE NAME & TITLE Send this form by mail, email, or fax to: Musicology Department BROUDE BROTHERS LIMITED 141 White Oaks Road, P.O. Box 547 Williamstown, MA 01267-0547 Email: broudebrothers@verizon.net Fax: (413) 458-5242
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