EXTRAVAGANZA - TN MIDSOUTH Dates: November 14-16, 2014 Location: Hermitage COTN, 4151 Saundersville Rd. Old Hickory, TN 37138 (Friday & Saturday) Trevecca Nazarene University, Boone Building (Sunday) Cost: $50 (this covers event costs along with lunch and dinner on Saturday) Deadline: Forms should be postmarked by October 17, 2014. Forms postmarked after that will incur a $15 late fee. Walk Up Forms (after November 6, 2014) will incur a $25 late fee. *Youth Leaders, please send ONE CHURCH CHECK with an itemized list of check coverage. FLY CHURCH DEADLINE: completed and notarized forms must be turned in to Mike Redding by Wednesday, October 15th. Age levels for sports SHOULD be marked on registration form in accordance with regulations below. Age guidelines are as follows: a. Minimum age: Must be in 6th grade and at least 11 years of age by 9/1/14 to compete in 2015 TNT@TNU. b. Maximum age: Currently attending, and not graduated from, a high school prior to the beginning of the school year in which they compete. Participants must not have reached their 20th birthday by the date of the regional event. (Seniors who finish course work in mid-year remain eligible through the year.) c. Age levels for talent: Early Youth------------------------Grades 9 and below Senior Youth----------------------Grades 10 and above Age levels for individual sports: Junior High ------------------------Ages 11-13 Middle High -----------------------Ages 14-15 Senior High ------------------------Ages 16-19 d. Team Sports: Ages 11-19 will be competing for spots on the TNT teams. However, we will be providing some tournaments for middle school students at the district level to give the younger students an opportunity to compete against students their own age. Middle school students have an option to compete in middle or high school events. (Ages are determined as of September 1, 2014 for this competition year.) For Questions Contact: Stephen Kihnley, Sports Director, 615.854.3295, olekihnley32@gmail.com Jamin Wentworth, Arts Director, 615.456.2903, jwentworth@tccn.org Jennifer Henderson, Extravaganza/TNT Registrar 615.767.3127, jenhenten@yahoo.com TN MIDSOUTH NYI Registration Form Extravaganza & TNT District: MIDSOUTH/TN Church______________________________________________ Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ (Street) _______________________________________________________________________________ (city) (state) (zip code) Phone: (____) _____________________ Date of Birth _______________ Age: _________ Grade in School: __________ Anticipated year of High School Graduation: ______ E-Mail Address:___________________________ Teen Cell Phone: _____________________ ______ Teen Entrant ______ Teen Spectator (Check one) Shirt Size S M L XL XXL (Circle one.) TEEN ENTRANT INFORMATION GENDER ___ Male ___ Female AGE LEVEL ARTS ___ Early Youth (Grade 9 and below) ___ Senior Youth (Grade 10 and up) AGE LEVEL INDIVIDUAL SPORTS ____ Junior High (Age 11-13) ____ Middle High (Age 14-15) ____ Senior High (Age 16-19) _________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE FOR TNT: Entrants can compete in no more than THREE categories, including a maximum of TWO tournament style (*) events at TNT. Entrants who compete in Bible Quizzing may not compete in any other Tournament events. Display events (art, creative writing, video production), exhibition events, and participation in vocal choir are not counted toward this limitation. NOTE FOR EXTRAVAGANZA: Entrants can compete in multiple events, however keep in mind that due to the schedule and location for different events, you may not be able to compete in all the categories you desire. We suggest choosing your best 3 categories. ART ____ Oil/Acrylic ____ Water ____ Pencil ____ Pen/Ink ____ Chalk/Pastels ____ Still Photography ____ Mixed Media ____ 3-D Art ____ Graphic Design CREATIVE MINISTRIES ____ Puppets ____ Video Production ____ Preaching ____ Dramatic Monologue ____ Dramatic Group ____ Human Video Solo ____ Human Video Group ____ Sign Language ____ Interpretive Worship Solo ____ Interpretive Worship Group ____ Worship Band CREATIVE WRITING ____ Prose ____ Poetry SPEECH ____ Oral Interpret. ____ Impromptu ____ Original Oratory ____ Contextual Storytelling MATH & BUSINESS ____ Math ____ Accounting VOCAL MUSIC ____ Vocal Solo ____ Vocal Duet ____ Vocal Small Group ____ Vocal Ensemble ____ Vocal Choir ____ Singer/Songwriter INDIVIDUAL SPORTS ____ * Table Tennis ____ * Tennis ____ Skateboarding ____ Swimming ____ 5K Cross Country Run ____ Golf ____ 100 Meter Dash TEAM SPORTS ____ * Co-Ed Softball ____ * Ladies Basketball ____ * Ladies Volleyball ____ * Ladies Soccer ____ * Men’s Beach Volleyball ____ * Men’s Soccer ____ * Men’s Flag Football ____ * Men’s Basketball ____ * Dodge Ball ____ *Ultimate Frisbee ____ *Ladies Flag Football INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC ____ Brass Solo ____ Instrum. Group ____ Woodwinds Solo ____ Keyboard Solo ____ Strings Solo ____ Percussion Solo __________________________________ is a member of the local NYI. ______________________________________ (Participant’s name) (Pastor or Local NYI Pres. Signature) EXTRAVAGANZA and TNT REGISTRATION FORM THESE TNT EVENTS ARE SPONSORED BY THE MIDSOUTH DISTRICT NYI AND THE SOUTHEAST REGIONAL NYI IN COOPERATION WITH TNU. Name of Participant: __________________________________________________________________________________________ INSURANCE AND MEDICAL INFORMATION (All participants must be covered by their own personal insurance.) Please list any medical problems: ________________________________________________________________________________ Allergies: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Past Surgeries: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of medications & dosage you will be taking: __________________________________________________________________ List medications you are allergic to: ______________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: (___) ____________________________________Work Phone: (____) ______________________________________ Emergency Phone: (____) _______________________________Contact Person: __________________________________________ Insurance Company ____________________________________Policy # ________________________________________________ TEEN: I have read the regional Conduct Guidelines and promise to live within these guidelines during TNT @ TNU. I also promise to cooperate with District sponsors and be under their authority. I am aware that failure to do so will result in disciplinary action. ______________________________________ (Teen Signature) PARENTS: For purposes of this document, “TNT @ TNU” shall refer to the April 9-12, 2015 TNT event held at Trevecca as well as the MidSouth District Tennessee Extravaganza event that precedes it at Hermitage Church of the Nazarene, November 14-16, 2014; and any sports practices organized by MSNYI Coaches at any church or recreational facility located on the MidSouth District on any date between November 16, 2014 and the TNT Event, April 9-12. I hereby give authority to the Southeast Region NYI Leadership and the MidSouth District NYI leadership, to include Jason Underwood, Stephen Kihnley, Jamin Wentworth, Jennifer Henderson, my son’s/daughter’s designated sporting event coach, or (stated youth worker/pastor) __________________ to obtain necessary medical attention or to authorize treatment for my son/daughter at any hospital in the event of a medical emergency. I also recognize the authority of all adult sponsors, MSNYI Extravaganza staff, and the TNT @ TNU staff as those who will supervise these events and uphold proper conduct. The first step of discipline, should such become necessary, will be a warning and instruction. The second will be a telephone call to the parent or guardian concerning the participation of my son/daughter, _________. I understand that the events of Extravaganza and TNT will require my son/daughter to make choices and to keep a schedule, and that he/she may not be under direct adult supervision at all times. I agree to release and hold harmless any and all staff and lay assistants of MSDistrict/Regional NYI or Trevecca Nazarene University from any and all claims, suits, costs, and actions of any kind whatsoever, arising from their exercise of the power granted by this authorization, unless due to intentional wrongdoing. My son/daughter has my permission to attend Extravaganza and TNT @ TNU and any related practices. NOTE: (Valuables should be left at home.) Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________________________________ (Signature must be in the presence of a Notary public) Before me, A Notary Public, in and for said County and State/Province this ________ day of _______201___, personally appeared ______________________________ and acknowledged execution of the foregoing. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Notary Seal. State/Province of: _____________________________County of: ___________________________ Notary Public Signature: ________________________________ My Commission expiration date: ______/_____/______ Notary Seal
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