® Trainer-in-Training (TnT) Program Thank you for your interest in becoming a BE GLAD (Guided Language Acquisition Design) Certified Agency Trainer (CAT). The Trainer-in-Training Program was developed as an avenue for schools, districts and educational agencies to build capacity and internally support the effective implementation of the GLAD professional development model. Prior to applying to the Trainer-in-Training Program, please make sure you meet the prerequisites listed below. In addition, please familiarize yourself and your agency of employment with the enclosed documents. Understanding expectations, commitments, timelines, and responsibilities are essential for successful certification as a Certified Trainer. You can anticipate completing the program and becoming authorized to train educators in the initial GLAD model within your agency of employment within 18-24 months from completing your TnT Trainee Sessions with BE GLAD. The agency of employment is defined as a district, zone, or charter school system. Please identify on your application if you are employed with a different type of educational agency or are a individual trainer unaffiliated with an agency. #001 Steps for Success to become a BE GLAD® Certified Agency Trainer (CAT) Submit a Trainer-in-Training (TnT) application with all supporting documents Receive approval from BE GLAD and employing agency Register for a 5-Day TnT Training, 8am-4pm Signed MOU from TnT, Agency and BE GLAD 5 Day Training fee submitted Present selected strategies at a 5 Day TnT Training Coach and/or teach selected strategies during the Classroom Demonstration, at a 5 Day TnT Training Provide coaching and support to teachers and educational staff about Project GLAD Submit Project GLAD strategy note sheets as a training team for non-negotiable strategies for review Submit six video clips one strategy from each of the six components for review from your designated GLAD Advisor Create & submit a standard based year plan using district adopted curriculum and standards Create an integrated thematic unit for every unit of study for the year for your own classroom that you are teaching Submit one integrated thematic unit for approval, topic must be approved prior to submission Cannot conduct nor subcontract initial 6 day GLAD training (2-Day Workshop & 4 / 5 Day Classroom Demonstration) Present a 2-Day Workshop with a Master Trainer present for evaluation within 24 months of attending the 5 Day TnT Training Present a 4-Day Classroom Demonstration with a Master Trainer present for evaluation within 24 months of attending the 5 Day TnT Training Sign: _____________________________________ Date: _________________ Print Name: _______________________________________________________ Which TnT 5-Day session would you like to attend? ________________________ #001 4 Submission of Application: Electronically save all application documents in one file. Name file: TnT (plus your first initial and last name). For example, TnTAJohnson. Submit Application & supporting documents electronically to: Email: Jabbar@beGLADtraining.com or TnT@beGLADtraining.com FAX Number: (510) 295-2405 or hard copy mail to: BE GLAD® TnT Program 1563 Solano Ave, Suite 213 Berkeley, CA 94707-2116 Complete applications will be processed within 4-6 weeks. At which time, you will receive a confirmation email informing you of the status of your application. Upon acceptance, you will receive registration information via e-mail. All participants must register using the TnT registration form, which will be sent after acceptance of your TnT application. Registration will not be confirmed until application and payment is received. #001 5 ® TnT / CAT Application APPLICANT INFORMATION Last Name First M.I. Permanent Address Date Apartment/Unit # City State Phone E-mail Address ZIP Work Address City State Position Applied for TNT Program/Certified Agency Trainer Zip Code College Degree (if yes, please list subject area) Current Position YES NO __________________________________ Are you a citizen of the United States? YES NO If no, are you authorized to work in the U.S.? Have you ever been convicted of a felony? YES NO If yes, explain YES NO 1._____________________________________________________________ Please list team members (at least one teammate required): 2._____________________________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________________________ DISTRICT/SCHOOL (AGENCY) INFORMATION District County School Street Address Agency Contact Last Name Position at Agency Work Phone Number Mobile Phone Number First M .I. Years at Agency Work E-mail Address Other E-mail Address List of Trainers in Training (Please list all educators within the Agency that are currently enrolled in the TNT/CAT Program) Last Name First Name M.I. Last Name First Name M.I. Last Name First Name M.I. Last Name First Name M.I. List of Certified Agency Trainers in your Agency (Please list all educators who have completed the TNT Program to become a CAT. If this does not apply to your Agency, please leave this field blank.) Last Name First Name M.I. Last Name First Name M.I. Last Name First Name M.I. #001 6 TNT/CAT PROGRAM PREREQUISITES Please mark the appropriate option below. YES I hold a certificate of completion from a GLAD initial Training (2-Day Research & Theory Workshop and a 4/5-Day Classroom Demonstration) issued by a Marcia Brechtel endorsed trainer. Please Initial_______ YES I have practiced Project GLAD strategies for a minimum of 6 months. Please Initial_______ YES I hold a valid Teaching credential or have equivalency/equivalent teaching experience. Please Initial_______ YES I have reviewed the “Successful Steps to become a BE GLAD Certified Agency Trainer (CAT). I have been designated as a BE GLAD support by my school, district, or county with time allocated for GLAD and teacher collaboration throughout the school year. Please Initial_______ NO Please explain: NO Please explain: NO Please explain: NO Please explain: YES Please mark the grade levels you have been selected to train. Please Initial_______ K-5 6-8 9-12 Subject Area(s):______________________________________ I have delivered the following documentation electronically in one file named TnT (first initial + last name) to the e-mail address TnT@beGLADtraining.com (For example, Alice Johnson’s file would be saved as TnTAJohnson) YES YES Trainer-in-Training Application Please Initial_______ Please Initial_______ I understand that my complete application will be processed within 4-6 weeks. I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature: Project GLAD Certificate (copy) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY (PLEASE DO NOT ENTER ANY INFORMATION BELOW) Application # MOU # 5-Day TnT Date Purchase Order # Invoice # Trainer(s) School Site 6-Day Observation Date Trainer(s) School Site Designated Supervisor Effective Start Date Training Capacity #001 Effective End Date _________________ per year per 2 years 7
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