Annexes ANNEXES ANNEX 1 GLOBAL COMPACT AND GRI G4 INDEX 173 ANNEX 2 GLOSSARY 177 172 Annexes ANNEX 1 GLOBAL COMPACT AND GRI G4 INDEX GLOBAL COMPACT Mr Gunning, CEO of TNT, confirms continued support to the Global Compact, and as a signatory, TNT is committed to all of the 10 principles regarding human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Human Rights Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed Human Rights. 1 Businesses should make sure that they are not complicit in Human Rights abuses. 2 Labour 3 Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining. Businesses should uphold the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour. 4 Businesses should uphold the effective abolition of child labour. 5 Businesses should uphold the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. 6 Environment Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges. 7 Businesses should undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility. 8 Businesses should encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. 9 Anti-Corruption 10 Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms. GRI G4 INDEX This GRI Index table is based on the G4 guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). This index is in accordance with the Core criteria of GRI G4. G4 General standard disclosure Strategy and analysis G4-1 CEO statement Page number/response Letter to stakeholders, p.2 Chapter 1, p. 10; Executive Board compliance statement Chapter 4, p. 33; Message from the chairman External assurance No Organisational profile G4-3 Name of the reporting organisation p. 0; Introduction Yes G4-4 Products and services Chapter 2, p. 15; General market and business profile No G4-5 Location headquarters Chapter 2, p. 15; General market and business profile Yes G4-6 Countries of operation Yes G4-7 Legal form of organisation Chapter 2, p. 15-21; Business performance Chapter 5, p. 163-164 ; CR reporting and assurance scope p. 0; Introduction G4-8 Markets served Chapter 2, p. 15-21; Business performance No G4-9 Scale of organisation Chapter 2, p. 15-21; Business Performance Chapter 5, p. 163; Labour force CR reporting scope Yes G4-10 Workforce breakdown Chapter 5, p. 104; Labour force Chapter 5, p. 161; Labour contracts 2014 Chapter 5, p. 163; Labour force CR reporting scope Collective bargaining agreements In 2014, 65% of the employees is covered by collective bargaining agreements. Yes Organisation’s supply chain No G4-11 G4-12 Chapter 2, p. 15; General market and business profile Yes Yes 173 Annexes G4 General standard disclosure Page number/response G4-13 Significant changes in size, structure, ownership or supply chain Chapter 2, p. 15-21; Business performance Chapter 6, p. 168-171; Investor relations and share price performance G4-14 Precautionary approach Chapter 4, p. 60-66; Risk management No G4-15 External charters, principles or initiatives Chapter 3, p. 28-29; Supply chain and innovation platforms Annex 1, p. 173-176; Global Compact and GRI G4 Yes G4-16 Memberships of associations Chapter 3, p. 28-29; Supply chain and innovation platforms Annex 1, p. 173-176; Global Compact and GRI G4 Yes Identified material aspects and boundaries G4-17 Reporting scope Chapter 5, p. 163-164; CR reporting scope Chapter 5, p. 74-75; Changes in accounting policies and disclosures External assurance Partially Yes G4-18 Content defining process of the annual report Chapter 3, p. 23-24; Materiality assessment Previous annual reports, the CR multistakeholder survey, feedback from benchmarks and management insights are the basis of defining the 2014 annual report content. Materiality and impact of the aspects are taken into account for the final selection. Yes G4-19 Identified material aspects Chapter 3, p. 23-24; Materiality assessment Yes G4-20 Aspect boundary per material aspect within the organisation Chapter 3, p. 23-24; Materiality assessment Health and safety and environment are given priority on TNT’s strategic agenda. The health and safety aspect is material within the organisation to ensure a safe working environment for the employees, agency workers and subcontractors. In addition the labour aspect is also important as TNT exists by the commitment of its people. Yes G4-21 Aspect boundary per material aspect outside the organisation Yes G4-22 Restatements Chapter 3, p. 23-24; Materiality assessment Health, safety and environment are given priority on TNT’s strategic agenda. The health and safety aspect is material outside the organisation due to the emissions (PM10, NOx and CO, as included in euro norms) of transport activities that have impact on the health of people. The activities on the road can also have a safety impact on third parties in case of road traffic accidents (see Chapter 5, p. 153-155; note 5-8). The environmental aspect (emissions) is material outside the organisation due to the impact of the transport activities with respect to CO2e emissions and the related climate change. Human rights is material in relation to subcontractors. The aspects training, labour, and customer satisfaction are material within the boundaries of the organisation because these aspects mainly have an impact on TNT’s employees and the economic performance of the organisation. Chapter 5, p. 163-164; CR reporting and assurance scope G4-23 Significant changes in scope and aspect boundaries Chapter 5, p. 163-164; CR reporting and assurance scope Yes Chapter 3, p. 23-24; Materiality assessment Yes Stakeholder engagement G4-24 Stakeholder groups Yes 174 Annexes G4 General standard disclosure Page number/response External assurance G4-25 Basis for identification of stakeholder groups Chapter 3, p. 23-24; Materiality assessment The identified stakeholder groups are annually evaluated and it is concluded that these groups are most relevant with the highest impact to TNT. Yes G4-26 Approach to stakeholder engagement Chapter 3, p. 23-24; Materiality assessment Yes G4-27 Key topics and concerns raised by Chapter 3, p. 23-24; Materiality assessment stakeholders Yes Report profile G4-28 Reporting period p. 0; Introduction Yes G4-29 Date of previous report p. 0; Introduction Yes G4-30 Reporting cycle p. 0; Introduction Yes G4-31 p. 0; Introduction Yes G4-32 Contact point for questions regarding the report The ‘in accordance’ option Chapter 3, p. 23-24; Materiality assessment Yes G4-33 External assurance Chapter 5, p. 139-146 and 165-167 Governance G4-34 Governance structure Chapter 4, p. 41-53; Governance structure Ethics and integrity G4-56 Organisation’s values, principles, Chapter 4, p. 50; Business ethics standards and norms of behaviour G4 Specific standard disclosure Economic Disclosure on Management Approach Page number/response Partially Yes Partially External assurance Chapter 1, p. 4-9; Report of the Executive Board G4-EC1 Direct economic value Chapter 1, p. 4; Financial highlights Chapter 5, p. 67-138; Consolidated financial statements Yes G4-EC2 Financial implications, risks and opportunities due to climate change Chapter 4, p. 60-66; Risk management No G4-EC7 Indirect economic impacts Chapter 5, p. 153-155 and 156-160; Notes to the health and safety performance; Notes to the environmental performance Yes Environmental Disclosure on Management Approach Chapter 3, p.27-29; Environment G4-EN3 Energy consumption within the organisation Chapter 5, p. 156-160; Notes to the environmental performance Yes G4-EN4 Energy consumption outside the organisation Chapter 5, p. 156-160; Notes to the environmental performance Yes G4-EN5 Energy intensity Chapter 5, p. 156-160; Notes to the environmental performance Yes G4-EN15 Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1) Chapter 5, p. 156-160; Notes to the environmental performance Yes G4-EN16 Energy indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2) Chapter 5, p. 156-160; Notes to the environmental performance Yes G4-EN17 Other indirect GHG emissions (Scope 3) Chapter 5, p. 156-160; Notes to the environmental performance Yes G4-EN18 GHG emissions intensity Chapter 5, p. 156-160; Notes to the environmental performance Yes 175 Annexes G4 Specific standard disclosure Social Disclosure on Management Approach Page number/response External assurance Chapter 3, p. 25-26; Health and safety Chapter 5, p. 161-162; Notes to the social and engagement performance G4-LA1 Employee turnover Chapter 5, p. 162; note 19 The breakdown in age is not included in this annual report because it is not centrally available yet. Yes G4-LA6 Accidents and absenteeism Chapter 5, p. 153-155; Notes to the health and safety performance Yes G4-LA9 Training Chapter 5, p. 162; note 21 Chapter 5, p. 157; note 10; Own drivers trained in eco-training Yes G4-SO8 Compliance Chapter 1, p. 4-9; Report of the Executive Board Chapter 2, p. 15-21; Business Performance Yes G4-PR5 Customer satisfaction Chapter 5, p. 162; note 22 Yes 176 Annexes ANNEX 2 GLOSSARY Adjusted operating income Adjusted operating income is calculated as operating income after adjusting for one-offs and is prepared by management to analyse the results, excluding non-recurring items for a better understanding of the business performance. The presentation and disclosure of adjusted operating income does not conform to IFRS. Aerodynamics Aerodynamics stand for technology which enables tractor-trailer truck to improve fuel efficiency through a drag reduction, with a seamless impact on either the operational utility of the trailers or the maintenance procedures. Air cargo sales An airport-to-airport air cargo transportation service. Absenteeism Total hours absent versus standard working hours. ADRs TNT has a sponsored level 1 American Depository Receipts (ADR) programme. The ADRs trade in the over-the-counter marketplace (ticker symbol: TNTEY; CUSIP US87262N1090). An ADR is a negotiable certificate issued by a U.S. bank representing a specified number of shares (or one share) in a foreign stock that is traded on a U.S. exchange. All training hours All training hours are the number of hours spent on training by the total of employees on payroll during the reporting period (both on-and off-job and both internal and external programmes). Alternative fuels Vehicles that are powered by alternative fuels are: biofuel vehicles, CNG (compressed natural gas vehicles, hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles. Biofuels Biofuel (also called agrofuel) can be broadly defined as solid, liquid, or gas fuel consisting of or derived from biomass. Biofuel consists of CO2 that has recently been extracted from the atmosphere as a result of growing of plants and trees and therefore does not influence the CO 2 concentration in the atmosphere over a longer period of time. This is in contrast to fossil fuels, such as natural gas or crude oil, which are stored over billions of years so that their combustion and subsequent emissions do influence CO 2 levels in the atmosphere. Blameworthy road traffic incident A road traffic incident is defined by TNT as a crash or collision involving a TNT vehicle. A vehicle incident can also result into an accident to be reported if the employee is also injured or dead. Road traffic incidents are considered blameworthy if a TNT driver is at fault. A road traffic incident excludes superficial damage to windscreens or paintwork, damage due to environmental conditions, vandalism, animals and theft. Blameworthy road traffic fatal accident A blameworthy road traffic fatal accident is where a TNT employee or third party is fatally injured, which means that the employee or third party died because of the accident of any person driving a TNT company-owned or operated vehicle. This indicator does not include blameworthy road traffic fatal accidents caused by subcontractors. Accidents that occur in company-owned or leased vehicles during weekends, non-working days or on the way to and from the office are also counted. An accident is considered blameworthy when the TNT driver is at fault. Carbon Disclosure Project The Carbon Disclosure Project is an independent not-for-profit organisation working to drive greenhouse gas emissions reduction and sustainable water use by business and cities. Refer to for more information. Carbon dioxide emissions Carbon dioxide emissions relate to the gas formed during the combustion of fossil fuel. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is referred to as a greenhouse gas. 177 Annexes Civil society As part of the stakeholder dialogue, the civil society cluster includes academic and research institutes, financial and investment service organisations, government agencies, industry associations and international organisations, NGOs and trade unions. Climate change risks Risks (and opportunities) posed by climate change that have the potential to generate substantive changes in operations, revenue or expenditure for the organisation. Changes in the climate system and weather patterns resulting in more frequent and intense storms, changes in sea level, temperature and water availability, but also impact on workforce due to health effects or the need to relocate operations. CO2 efficiency CO2 efficiency expresses the efficiency of TNT’s business in terms of CO2 emissions, i.e. the CO2 emitted per service provided, per letter or parcel delivered. CO2e (Carbon dioxide equivalent) The radiation effect of all greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFC5), perfluorocarbons (PFC5) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)) expressed as a concentration of carbon dioxide. CO2-neutral Carbon-neutral is where the net CO2 equivalent emissions from activities are zero. Code-share agreement An agreement in aviation, whereby two or more airlines share the same flight. A transport service can be purchased on one airline but is actually operated by a cooperating airline under a different flight number or code. Corporate governance The OECD (refer to reference below in this glossary) defines corporate governance as the system by which corporations are directed and controlled. The corporate governance structure specifies the distribution of rights and responsibilities among different participants such as the board, managers, shareholders and other stakeholders, and defines the rules and procedures for making decisions. In doing so, it also provides the structure through which company objectives are set, the means of attaining those objectives and monitoring performance. Corporate responsibility Corporate responsibility is the umbrella term for the obligation a company has in considering the social (corporate social responsibility) and environmental (sustainability) impact of its activities and to go beyond this obligation in the treatment of economic, environmental and social activities to sustain its operations, financial performance and ultimately its reputation. CR Materiality Matrix The Corporate Responsibility (CR) Materiality Matrix reflects the importance and materiality of CR areas to stakeholders and to TNT. These areas are categorized in three dimensions: social, environmental and economic. Customer privacy Substantiated complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data. Customer satisfaction score An annual worldwide customer satisfaction survey is conducted by TNT to measure customer satisfaction with all customers across all customer segments. TNT measures customer satisfaction as the percentage of customers that rate TNT’s performance as ‘meeting or exceeding expectations’. Depot This is the location where transport vehicles load and unload goods, either from collections or for deliveries. In addition to serving as operational platforms, TNT’s depots also include Sales, Marketing, Finance & Accounting, Customer Service and IT departments. Eco-drive training In-house or externally provided training to improve fuel efficiency performance of drivers (for example: cruise-control driving, accelerating, breaking and other activities, such as maintaining good tire pressure). 178 Annexes Enhanced liability option In a number of countries, TNT offers enhanced carrier liability on all express and economy express nondocument consignments up to a maximum value of €25,000 or the declared invoice value of your goods, whichever is the lower. Employee engagement Employee engagement relates to the number of employees (employed by TNT for 3 months or more) who stated in the employee engagement survey that they were engaged or more than engaged by TNT as an employer. Employment As defined by GRI this reflects employee diversity with respect to gender, age group, employee turnover, new employee hires, full time and part time employees including benefit differences, parental leave, etc. EU ETS The EU emissions trading system (EU ETS) is the cornerstone of the European Union's policy to combat climate change and aims at reducing greenhouse gas emissions by putting a price on carbon. TNT complies with EU ETS through a monitoring plan on TNT’s emissions and tonnes.kilometre data which is verified by an independent and accredited verifier. European Economic Area (EEA) The EEA includes all 28 European Union member states including Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein. European emission standards Euro 4, Euro 5 and Euro 6 are mandatory European emission standards (EU directives) applicable to new road vehicles sold in the European Union that define levels of vehicular emissions like particular matters (PM), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and carbon monoxide (CO). European Air Network The European Air Network are all the destinations served by short haul aircraft, including onward connecting feeder flights. European Road Network TNT’s European Road Network manages the international road linehaul connections of TNT. The headquarters is in Duiven (The Netherlands), where the international road hub is situated. European Union The European Union consists of the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. EVCA European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association. Refer to for more information. Extra Mile Extra Mile is an employee recognition programme showcasing the outstanding things colleagues do every day to contribute to achieving TNT’s strategic goals. Full time equivalents (FTEs) FTEs are the total number of hours worked by the headcount divided by the local number of contract hours (for example: 40 p/w or 196 p/m). Gateway A gateway is a specific dedicated hub that forms the link between TNT’s air and road operations. Its activities include consolidating or separating shipments, but it does not have a full sorting activity. The gateway is often the international entry and exit point for a country. Global Business Services (GBS) GBS is a dedicated and centralised unit of TNT, that identifies, develops and implements shared-service centre (SSC) solutions, to reduce costs by consolidating and standardising administrative and transactional processes (Finance, HR, Procurement, Data Management and Commercial/Operational Back Office) into one or more shared-service centres. 179 Annexes Global Network Operations (GNO) The GNO is responsible for the planning and execution of the TNT worldwide international Network, and is functionally responsible for all operations. Global Strategic Accounts Organisation (GSO) The GSO centrally manages and coordinates all TNT’s global accounts to ensure that TNT provides those customers with service of the highest quality. Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) The GRI is a multi-stakeholder process and independent institution whose mission is to develop and disseminate globally-applicable sustainability reporting guidelines for voluntary use by organisations that report on the economic, environmental and social dimensions of their business. The GRI incorporates participation of business, accountancy, investment, environmental, human rights and research and labour organisations from around the world. Starting in 1997, the GRI gained independence in 2002, is an official collaborating centre of the United Nations Environment Programme, and works with the United Nations Global Compact. Refer to for more information. Greenhouse Gas Protocol The Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative (GHG Protocol) was established in 1998 to develop internationally-accepted accounting and reporting standards for greenhouse gas emissions from companies. Headcount Headcount is the number of own employees on the payroll in active duty working for fully-consolidated companies. Hub A hub is a nodal point in a network, connecting multiple locations together to ensure optimum connectivity. TNT’s hubs include: central hubs (Liège and Duiven), road transit hubs, air hubs, global transit hubs, country hubs and gateways. Many hubs are characterised by their sorting activity, which handles shipments from many inbound sectors to a number of outbound sectors. Internal promotion The number of TNT employees appointed to vacancies in management positions at the end of a reporting period. This refers to the number of actual appointments, not the number of FTE positions. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) The ISO is a network of national standards institutes from 146 countries working in partnership with international organisations, governments, industry, business and consumer representatives. The ISO is the source of ISO 9000 standards for quality management, ISO 14000 standards for environmental management and other international standards for business, government and society. Refer to for further information. Investors in People (IiP) Developed in 1990 by a partnership of leading businesses and national organisations, Investors in People helps organisations to improve performance and realise objectives through the management and development of their staff. Refer to for further information. ISO 9001 (quality management) The ISO 9000 standards cover an organisation’s practices in fulfilling customers’ quality requirements and applicable regulatory requirements while aiming to enhance customer satisfaction and achieve continual improvement of its performance in pursuit of these objectives. ISO 14001 (environmental management) The ISO 14001 standard is an international standard for controlling environmental aspects and improving environmental performance, minimising harmful effects on the environment and achieving continual improvements in environmental performance. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) KPIs are measurements that focus on achieving outcomes critical to the current and future success of an organisation. These indicators should deal with matters that are linked to the organisation’s mission and vision, and are quantified and influenced where possible. Less than Truck Load (LTL) LTL carriers collect and consolidate freight from various senders onto enclosed trailers for linehaul to the delivering depot or to a hub/gateway. 180 Annexes Linehaul In the transport industry, linehaul refers to the road transport movements between hubs. Lost-time accident (LTA) For the purpose of CR reporting, LTAs are defined as the number of employees that are absent from work as a result of a work related accident for at least one day in the reporting period, excluding the day that the accident occurred. Management positions by gender Management positions are defined as the number of females/males employed in management positions or above (i.e. with responsibilities for other employees (including subcontractors) or with budget responsibility). Market presence As defined by GRI, this is the contribution of an organisation to the economic well-being of employees. This includes the social licence to operate (e.g. the competitiveness of wages, hiring senior management from local community and diversity). Network In the transport industry, a network is the sum of facilities on which consignments are moved. TNT’s network, which is composed of its depots and hubs, supports the company’s standard solutions (core product and services). Non-blameworthy road traffic incident A road traffic incident is defined by TNT as a crash or collision involving a TNT vehicle. A vehicle incident can also result into an accident to be reported if the employee is also injured or dead. Road traffic incidents are considered non-blameworthy if a TNT driver is not at fault. A road traffic incident excludes superficial damage to windscreens or paintwork, damage due to environmental conditions, vandalism, animals and theft. Non-OECD countries Refer below for the definition of OECD. Non-OECD countries in which TNT has operations include Argentina, Bahrain, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Cyprus, Egypt, Fiji, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Namibia, Philippines, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates and Vietnam. NOx NOx (NO and NO2) refers to nitrogen oxides. Nitrogen oxides are produced during combustion, especially at high temperature. Orange Experience Score (OES) OES is a way to measure customer satisfaction and is calculated by subtracting the percentage of customers who feel TNT performed below expectations from the percentage of customers who feel TNT exceeded their expectations. The score can be a value between -100 and +100. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) The OECD comprises 34 member countries that share a commitment to democratic government and the market economy. Member countries – sometimes referred to as OECD countries – represent the world’s most developed countries. Refer to for more information. On-time delivery Delivery of a consignment within the timeframe set for the service in question. OHSAS 18001 (occupational health and safety management) OHSAS 18001 is a standard for occupational health and safety management systems. It is intended to help organisations control occupational health and safety risks and was developed in response to widespread demand for a recognised standard for certification and assessment. OHSAS 18001 was created through collaboration of several of the world’s leading national standards bodies, certification organisations and consultancies. Refer to for more information. Particulate Matter Particulates, alternatively known as particulate matter (PM), including fine particles and soot, are tiny subdivisions of solid matter suspended in a gas or liquid. The notation PM10 is used to describe particles of 10 micrometers or less. 181 Annexes Perfect Depot The Perfect Depot programme is part of the Outlook strategy, and aims to build a high quality, efficient and agile depot network across TNT. Perfect Transaction Perfect Transaction is a company-wide and cross-functional initiative to improve the order to invoice process. Perfect Transaction is not an isolated project. It is a means to achieve a transformation in the TNT culture and way of working. Pick-up and Delivery (PUD) The process that involves all movements from the sender to the collecting depot and from the delivering depot to the receiver. Road traffic fatal accident A road traffic fatal accident is one where a TNT employee or third-party is fatally injured such that the employee or third-party died because of the accident and where any person driving a company-owned or company-operated vehicle is involved. Road traffic fatal accidents which occur in company owned or leased vehicles during weekends, non-working days or on the way to and from the office are also included. Road traffic fatal accidents with TNT employees involved that are still under investigation are reported as non-blameworthy fatal road traffic accidents until proof is provided to the contrary. SME Small and medium-sized enterprises. Subcontractor road traffic fatal accidents A subcontractor road traffic fatal accident occurs when a subcontractor or other third-party is fatally injured by a person driving a subcontractor-owned or hired vehicle, which is operated on behalf of TNT. Sustainable energy Sustainable energy is energy from ‘green’ or ‘renewable’ sources such as solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, hydroelectric and ocean energy purchased during the reporting period for power and lighting of all company locations (where this can be established from utility suppliers’ invoices or other means). It does not include nuclear energy. Telematics Telematics refers to vehicle-based systems that integrate GPS sensors with wireless communication and computer capabilities. These systems can provide fleet owners and operators with extensive information and intelligence on vehicle location and performance, driver behaviour/efficiency and a wide range of other parameters. TSR Total shareholder return. Voluntary turnover Voluntary turnover is the number of TNT employees on permanent contract (full-time or part-time) who resigned from the company of their own free will. This includes all resignations but not redundancies, dismissals, retirement or transfers. Working hours The definition of working hours is based on the total number of individually-calculated hours adjusted for overtime, leave or similar deviations. Workplace fatal accident The death of a TNT employee due to a work-related accident or the death of a third-party, while working at a TNT facility. ‘Zero-emission’ supply chain solutions The smart, stackable ‘zero-emission’ supply chain solutions, designed and piloted through TNT City Logistics initiative, contribute to cleaner, less congested city centres. The solutions work by eliminating sources of inefficiency from the supply chain (including that of the suppliers and customers) in several ways, such as integrating networks and infrastructure, bundling multiple parcel deliveries or shifting to off peak period. They also reduce CO2 and pollution by replacing conventional vehicles with ‘zeroemission’ transport, with the aim of securing crucial access to city centres. 182 Annexes ‘Zero-emission’ last-mile solutions The ‘zero-emission’ last-mile solutions such as tricycles or electric small vans contribute to reduce city centre congestion, noise and pollution. Combined with optimised networks and infrastructure, they help to mitigate TNT's environmental footprint and improve operational efficiency at city level. 183
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