Curriculum Vitae Changhyun Kwon Assistant Professor Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering University at Buffalo, the State University of New York 318 Bell Hall, Buffalo, NY, 14260, U.S.A. Office: +1-716-645-4705 Fax: +1-716-645-3302 email: web: Last updated: October 15, 2014 Education • PhD in Industrial Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, 2008 • Advisor: Dr. Terry L. Friesz • Dissertation: Dynamic Pricing, Competition and Uncertainty • MS in Industrial Engineering/Operations Research, The Pennsylvania State University, 2005 • Advisor: Dr. Terry L. Friesz • Thesis: Valuation of American Options by Descent in Hilbert Space • BS in Mechanical Engineering, KAIST, Korea, 2000 Academic Positions • Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University at Buffalo, the State University of New York, 2008–present • Research/Teaching Assistant, Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, 2004–2008 • Research Assistant, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, The Pennsylvania State University, 2004, 2006 • Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KAIST, 1997, 1998 Research Interests • Transportation: risk management, hazardous materials, network design, traffic assignment, road pricing, post-disaster energy crisis management • Integrated-Transportation Approaches: cross-boarder issues, sustainable developments, aviation network disruption • Service Operations: service pricing, revenue optimization, online advertising, shared-mobility, healthcare 1 Publications (∗ = Dr. Kwon’s students) Journal Articles (Published or To Appear) 23. Chung, S. H. and C. Kwon, “Multi-Period Planning for Electric-Car Charging Station Locations: a Case of Korean Expressways”, European Journal of Operational Research. Accepted. [DOI] [PDF] 22. Lee, T. and C. Kwon. “A Short Note on the Robust Combinatorial Optimization Problems with Cardinality Constrained Uncertainty”, 4OR, Accepted. [DOI] [PDF] 21. Park, J., C. Kwon, and M. Son (2014), “Economic Implications of the Canada-U.S. Border Bridges: Applying a Binational Economic Model for Canada and the U.S.”, Research in Transportation Business and Management, 11, 123–133. [DOI] [PDF] 20. Kang, Y.∗ , R. Batta and C. Kwon (2014), “Value-at-Risk Model for Hazardous Material Transportation”, Annals of Operations Research, 222(1), 361–387. [DOI] [PDF] 19. Berglund, P. G.∗ and C. Kwon (2014), “Solving a Location Problem of a Stackelberg Firm Competing with Cournot-Nash Firms”, Networks and Spatial Economics, 14(1), 117–132. [DOI] [PDF] 18. Kang, Y.∗ , R. Batta and C. Kwon (2014), “Generalized Route Planning Model for Hazardous Material Transportation with VaR and Equity Considerations”, Computers & Operations Research, 43, 237–247. [DOI] [PDF] 17. Berglund, P. G.∗ and C. Kwon (2014), “Robust Facility Location Problem for Hazardous Waste Transportation”, Networks and Spatial Economics, 14(1), 91–116. [DOI] [PDF] 16. Ahmed, M. T.∗ and C. Kwon (2014), “Optimal Contract-Sizing in Online Display Advertising for Publishers with Regret Considerations”, Omega, 42(1), 201–212. [DOI] [PDF] 15. Toumazis, I.∗ and C. Kwon (2013), “Routing Hazardous Materials on Time-Dependent Networks using Conditional Value-at-Risk”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 37, 73–92. [DOI] [PDF] 14. Kwon, C., T. Lee, P. G. Berglund∗ (2013), “Robust Shortest Path Problems with Two Uncertain Multiplicative Cost Coefficients”, Naval Research Logistics, 60(5), 375–394. [DOI] [PDF] 13. Ahmed, M.T.∗ , and C. Kwon (2012), “Pricing Game of Online Display Advertisement Publishers”, European Journal of Operational Research, 219, 477-487. [DOI] [PDF] 12. Srinivasan, A.∗ and C. Kwon (2012), “Operations of Online Advertising Services and Publisher’s Option”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 63, 674–682. [DOI] [PDF] 11. Chung, B.D., J. Li, T. Yao, C. Kwon and T. L. Friesz (2012), “Demand Learning and Dynamic Pricing under Competition in a State-Space Framework ”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 59(2), 240–249. [DOI] [PDF] 10. Wang, J.∗ , Y. Kang∗ , C. Kwon and R. Batta (2012), “Dual Toll Pricing for Hazardous Material Transport with Linear Delay”, Networks and Spatial Economics, 12, 147–165. [DOI] [PDF] 9. Jung, T.∗ and C. Kwon (2011), “Retailer-Supplier Matching: an Application of the Deferred Acceptance Algorithm” International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 6(3), 248–258. [DOI] [PDF] 8. Friesz, T. L., T. I. Kim, C. Kwon and M. A. Rigdon (2011), “Approximate Network Loading and Dual Time Scale Dynamic User Equilibrium”, Transportation Research Part B, 45(1), 176-207. [DOI] [PDF] 7. Moon. Y. and C. Kwon (2011), “Online Advertisement Service Pricing and an Option”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 10(1), 38-48. [DOI] [PDF] 6. Kwon, C. (2011), “Single-Period Balancing of Pay-Per-Click and Pay-Per-View Online Display Advertisements”, Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 10(3), 261-270. [DOI] [PDF] 2 5. Kwon, C., T. L. Friesz, R. Mookherjee, T. Yao and B. Feng (2009), “Non-cooperative Competition Among Revenue Maximizing Service Providers with Demand Learning”, European Journal of Operational Research, 197(3), 981-996. [DOI] [PDF] 4. Kwon, C. and T. L. Friesz (2008), “Valuation of American Options by the Gradient Projection Method”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 206(1), 380-388. [DOI] [PDF] 3. Friesz, T. L. and C. Kwon (2008), “Supply Chain Design in Perfect Competition”, International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 3(3/4), 340-356. [DOI] [PDF] 2. Friesz, T. L., C. Kwon and R. Mookherjee (2007), “A Computable Theory of Dynamic Congestion Pricing”, In: Transportation and Traffic Theory 2007: Papers selected for presentation at ISTTT17, a peer reviewed series since 1959, R. E. Allsop, M. G. H. Bell and B. G. Heydecker (Eds.), pp. 1-26. (The ISTTT proceedings carry the status of a peer-reviewed international journal.) [PDF] 1. Miller, T. C., T. L. Friesz, R. L. Tobin and C. Kwon (2007), “Reaction Function Based Dynamic Location Modeling in Stackelberg-Nash-Cournot Competition”, Networks and Spatial Economics, 7(1), 77-97. [DOI] [PDF] Edited Book 1. Batta, R. and C. Kwon (2013), Handbook of OR/MS Models in Hazardous Materials Transportation, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Vol. 193, Springer [DOI] Papers in Refereed Proceedings 7. C. Kwon (2011), “Conditional Value-at-Risk Model for Hazardous Materials Transportation”, in Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference, S. Jain, R. R. Creasey, J. Himmelspach, K. P. White, and M. Fu, eds. pp. 1708-1714 [DOI] [PDF] 6. Jeong, B., C. Kwon, Y.S. Zhang, and S. Yang (2010), “Evaluating the Research Performance of a R&D Program: an Application of DEA”, Proceedings of the International Multi-Conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2010 Vol III, 5 pages. [PDF] 5. Friesz, T. L., M. A. Rigdon and C. Kwon (2008), “A New Gradient Projection Algorithm for the Dynamic User Equilibrium Problem”, International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment 2008, 9 pages. 4. Friesz, T. L., C. Kwon and M. A. Rigdon (2007), “A Model of Competition in Service Management”, Proceedings of 2007 IEEE/INFORMS International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, 6 pages. [DOI] 3. Friesz, T. L., C. Kwon, A. Chow and B. Heydecker (2007), “A Dynamic Efficient Toll Problem”, The Sixth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VI), 4 pages [PDF] 2. Friesz, T. L., R. Mookherjee and C. Kwon (2006), “Dynamic Non-cooperative Games as a Foundation for Modeling Dynamic User Equilibrium”, The First International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment, 18 pages. [PDF] [PDF] 1. Friesz, T. L., C. Kwon and R. Mookherjee (2006), “A Computable Theory of Dynamic Congestion Pricing”, The First International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment, 15 pages. [PDF] Book Chapters 5. Toumazis, I.∗ , C. Kwon, and R. Batta (2013), “Value-at-Risk and Conditional Value-at-Risk Minimization for Hazardous Materials Routing”, in Handbook of OR/MS Models in Hazardous Materials Transportation (Eds.:R. Batta and C. Kwon), Springer [DOI] [PDF] 4. Friesz, T. L., T. I. Kim, C. Kwon and M. A. Rigdon (2010), “Computing Dual Time Scale Dynamic User Equilibria”, in New Developments in Transport Planning: Advances in Dynamic 3 Traffic Assignment (Eds.: C. M. J. Tampere, F. Viti and L. H. Immers), Edward Elgar Publishing. [LINK] [PDF] 3. Friesz, T. L., C. Kwon and D. Bernstein (2009), “Evolutionary and Preferential Attachment Models of Demand Growth”, in Complexity and Spatial Networks: In Search of Simplicity (Eds.: Aura Reggiani and Roberto Patuelli), Springer-Verlag. [LINK] [DOI] [PDF] 2. Friesz, T. L., C. Kwon and D. Bernstein (2007), “Analytical Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model" in Handbook of Transport Modelling 2nd Edition (Eds.: D. A. Hensher and K. J. Button), Elsevier. [LINK] [PDF] 1. Friesz, T. L. and C. Kwon (2007), “Strategic Freight Network Planning Models and a Dynamic Oligopolistic Urban Freight Network" in Handbook of Transport Modelling 2nd Edition (Eds.: D. A. Hensher and K. J. Button), Elsevier. [LINK] [PDF] Talks Conference Presentations Presentations with papers published in proceedings are not provided here. (# = the presenter) 55. Taslimi, M.∗# , R. Batta, C. Kwon, “A Network Design Problem for Hazardous Materials Routing and Emergency Response Units Locating”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2014, San Francisco, CA, November 9–12, 2014 54. Esfandeh, T.∗# , R. Batta, C. Kwon, “A Time-Dependent Road Ban Design Problem in Hazmat Transportation Network”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2014, San Francisco, CA, November 9–12, 2014 53. Esfandeh, T.∗# , R. Batta, C. Kwon, “Dual-Toll Pricing Problem for Regulating Hazmat Transportation under Nonlinear Delay”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2014, San Francisco, CA, November 9–12, 2014 52. Chung, S.# , C. Kwon, “Integrated Pharmaceutical Supply Chains: Dynamics and Oligopolistic Competition Perspectives”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2014, San Francisco, CA, November 9–12, 2014 51. Sun, L.∗# , M. Karwan, C. Kwon, “Robust Hazmat Network Design Problems Considering Risk Uncertainty”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2014, San Francisco, CA, November 9–12, 2014 50. Chung, B. D.# , C. Kwon, “Alternative-fuel station location problem: efficiency and fairness”, The 15th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, Jeju, Korea, October 12–15, 2014 49. Esfandeh, T.∗ , R. Batta, C. Kwon# , “A Time-Dependent Road Ban Design Problem In Hazmat Transportation Network”, IIE Annual Meeting 2014, Montreal, Canada, May 29–June 3, 2014 48. Hu, J.# , C. Kwon, J. Park, Q. Wang, “Urban Residential Land Use Model: Sustainable Urban Development with Toll-pricing and Accessibility”, 60th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Atlanta, GA, November 13–16, 2013 47. Chung, S. H.# , C. Kwon, “Multi-period Planning for Electric-car Charging Station Locations: A Case of Korean Expressways”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2013, Minneapolis, MN, Oct 6–9, 2013 46. Greene, C.∗# , R. Batta, C. Kwon, “Evaluation of Events Involving a Natural Disaster and Hazardous Materials in the OR/MS Field”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2013, Minneapolis, MN, Oct 6–9, 2013 45. Toumazis, I.∗# , C. Kwon, “Advanced Risk Measures Applied in Hazardous Materials Routing”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2013, Minneapolis, MN, Oct 6–9, 2013 4 44. Taslimi, M.∗# , R. Batta., C. Kwon, “Combined Toll Pricing and Network Design for Hazardous Materials Transportation”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2013, Minneapolis, MN, Oct 6–9, 2013 43. Esfandeh, T.∗# , R. Batta, C. Kwon, “Dynamic Dual-toll Pricing with Delayed Departure Times in Hazmat Transportation”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2013, Minneapolis, MN, Oct 6–9, 2013 42. Park, J.# , C. Kwon, M. Son, “Economic Implications of the Canada-U.S. Border Bridges: Applying a Binational Economic Model for Canada and the U.S.”, 5th METRANS International Urban Freight Conference, Long Beach, CA, October 8–10, 2013 41. Nikolaev, A.# , M. Stearns, C. Kwon, “Adaptive Pricing for Rebalancing of Shared Mobility Systems”, The XXVI EURO-INFORMS Joint International Conference, Rome, Italy, July 1–4, 2013 40. Park, J.# , C. Kwon, M. Son, “Economic Implications of the Canada-U.S. Border Bridges: Applying a Binational Economic Model for Canada and the U.S.”, 52nd Annual Meeting Southern Regional Science Association, Washington, DC, April 4–6, 2013 39. Park, J.# and C. Kwon, “Economic Implications of the Canada-US Border Bridges: Applying a Transportation-Combined Binational Input-Output Model for Canada and the U.S.”, 59th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Ottawa, Canada, November 7–10, 2012 38. Esfandeh, T.∗# , M. Taslimi∗ , R. Batta, C. Kwon, “Dual-Toll Pricing and Drivers’ Preferences in Hazardous Materials Transportation Regulation”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2012, Phoenix, AZ, October 14–17, 2012 37. Toumazis, I.∗# , C. Kwon, “Conditional Value-at-risk for Hazardous Materials Transportation on Time-dependent Networks”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2012, Phoenix, AZ, October 14–17, 2012 36. Ahmed, M.T.∗# , J. Zhuang, C. Kwon, “A Game between a Government and a Tobacco Manufacturer”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2012, Phoenix, AZ, October 14–17, 2012 35. Park, J.# , C. Kwon, Y. Jung, “Economic Implications of the Canada-US Border Bridges: Applying a Transportation-Combined Binational Input-Output Model for Canada ad the U.S.”, International Conference for Academic Disciplines, Toronto, Canada, May 21–24, 2012 34. Toumazis, I.∗# , C. Kwon, “Conditional Value-at-risk for Hazardous Materials Transportation on Time-dependent Networks”, IIE Annual Meeting 2012, Orlando, FL, May 19–23, 2012 33. Kwon, C.# , I. Toumazis∗ , T. Lee, “Worst Case Conditional Value-at-Risk Minimization in Hazardous Materials Transportation”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2011, Charlotte, NC, Nov 13–16, 2011 32. Berglund, P.∗# , C. Kwon, “Solving the Robust p-hub Median Problem”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2011, Charlotte, NC, Nov 13–16, 2011 31. Kwon, C.# , T. Lee, P. Berglund∗ , “Robust Shortest Path Problems with Two Uncertain Multiplicative Cost Coefficients”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2011, Charlotte, NC, Nov 13–16, 2011 30. Ahmed, M.T.∗# , C. Kwon, “Pricing Game of Online Display Advertisement Publishers”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2011, Charlotte, NC, Nov 13-16, 2011 29. Chung, S.H.# , C. Kwon, T.L. Friesz, ‘Emission Trading and Carbon Tax Policy in Sustainable Electrical Energy Management”, 5th Annual Trans-Atlantic INFRADAY, Washington, DC, November 10–11, 2011 28. Kang, Y.∗ , R. Batta, C. Kwon# , “Generalized Route Planning Model for Hazardous Material Transportation With VAR and Equity Considerations”, 2011 IERC Annual Conference, Reno, NV, May 21–25, 2011 27. Ahmed, M.T.∗ , C. Kwon# , “Pricing Game of Online Display Advertisement Publishers”, 2nd New York Conference on Applied Mathematics, Buffalo, NY, April 30, 2011 26. Kwon, C.# , T. Lee, P. Berglund∗ , “Robust Shortest Path Problems with Two Uncertain 5 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. Multiplicative Cost Coefficients”, 2nd New York Conference on Applied Mathematics, Buffalo, NY, April 30, 2011 Ahmed, M.T.∗# , C. Kwon, “Optimal Contract Problems in Online Advertising with Risk Considerations”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2010, Austin, TX, Nov 7–10, 2010 Wang, J.∗ , Y. Kang∗ , R. Batta, C. Kwon# , “Dual Toll Pricing for Hazardous Material Transport with Linear Delay”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2010, Austin, TX, Nov 7–10, 2010 Berglund, P.∗# , C. Kwon, “Facility Location Problem with Network Oligopoly”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2010, Austin, TX, Nov 7-10, 2010 Kang, Y.∗# , R. Batta, C.Kwon, “Value-at-Risk Model for Hazmat Transport”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2010, Austin, TX, Nov 7-10, 2010 Hariharan, V.# , C. Kwon, D. Talukdar, “Dynamic Optimal Marketing Mix Strategies for New Products With Influential and Imitator Consumer Segments”, 32nd INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Cologne, Germany, Jun 17-19, 2010 Kang, Y.∗ , R. Batta, C. Kwon# , “A New Model for Transport Risk Assessment”, Workshop on Transportation of Hazardous Materials in Urban Areas, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, Mar 25, 2010 Friesz, T., T. Kim, C. Kwon, T. Yao# , “A Computable Theory of Dynamic Congestion Pricing”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2009, San Diego, Oct 11–14, 2009 Friesz, T., T. Kim, C. Kwon, T. Yao# , “Advances in Modeling Dynamic Network User Equilibrium”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2009, San Diego, Oct 11–14, 2009 Kwon, C.# , R. Batta and Y. Kang∗ , “Joint Toll Pricing for Hazardous Material Transport and Regular Traffic”, 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP 2009), Aug 23–28, 2009 Friesz, T. L.# , T. I. Kim, C. Kwon, D. Bernstein and T. Yao, “Advances in Modeling Dynamic Network User Equilibrium and Dynamic Congestion Pricing”, 1st Transatlantic NECTAR Conference 2009, Arlington, VA, Jun 18–20, 2009 Friesz, T. L.# , I. Lee and C. Kwon, “Modelling Competitive Supply Chains Using Differential Variational Inequalities”, 1st Transatlantic NECTAR Conference 2009, Arlington, VA, Jun 18–20, 2009 Moon, Y.# and C. Kwon, “Online Advertisement Service Pricing and Option”, IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2009, Miami, May 30–Jun 3, 2009 Kang, Y.∗ , R. Batta and C. Kwon# , “Toll-based Simulation Model for Hazardous Material Transport”, IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2009, Miami, May 30–Jun 3, 2009 Kwon, C.# , “Differentiated Service Pricing and Demand Learning”, IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2009, Miami, May 30–Jun 3, 2009 Friesz, T. L.# , C. Kwon, T. I. Kim and M. A. Rigdon, “Dynamic Congestion Pricing: Models and Computational Methods”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2008, Washington DC, Oct 12–15, 2008 Friesz, T. L.# , M. A. Rigdon, T. I. Kim and C. Kwon, “Dual Time Scale Dynamic User Equilibria with Demand Growth: Formulation and a Convergent Algorithm”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2008, Washington DC, Oct 12–15, 2008 Kwon, C.# , M. A. Rigdon and T. L. Friesz, “Robust Optimal Control with an Application to Inventory Management”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2008, Washington DC, Oct 12–15, 2008 Friesz, T. L., C. Kwon# and T. I. Kim, “A Continuous Time Dynamic Model of Competitive Facility Location”, ISOLDE XI - 11th International Symposium on Locational Decisions, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, June 26–July 1, 2008 Friesz, T. L., C. Kwon# and M. A. Rigdon, “Computation of Prices in Competitive, Dynamic Service Networks”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2007, Seattle, Nov 4–7, 2007 Kwon, C.# and T. L. Friesz, “A Descent Method for Differential VIs Arising in Non-Cooperative 6 Differential Nash Equilibrium”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2007, Seattle, Nov 4–7, 2007 5. Kwon, C.# , T. L. Friesz, R. Mookherjee, T. Yao and B. Feng, “Non-cooperative Competition among Revenue Maximizing Service Providers with Demand Learning”, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2007, Seattle, Nov 4–7, 2007 4. Kwon, C., T. L. Friesz, R. Mookherjee, T. Yao# and B. Feng, “Non-cooperative Competition Among Revenue Maximizing Service Providers with Demand Learning”, 12th MSOM conference, Beijing, China, June 18–19, 2007 3. Kwon, C., T. L. Friesz, Y. Moon, T. Yao and T. Kim# , “Valuation of Real Options by the Gradient Projection Method”, 11th Annual International Conference on Real options, Berkeley, CA, USA, June 6–9, 2007 2. Kwon, C.# and T. L. Friesz, “A Multi-Period Game-Theoretic Pricing Model for Differentiated Service”, Canadian Operational Research Society: Annual Meeting 2007, London, Ontario, Canada, May 14–16, 2007 1. Kwon, C., T. L. Friesz, C.-C. Lin# , “A Descent Method for Differential Variational Inequalities Arising in Computations of Non-Cooperative Differential Nash Equilibrium”, Ninth Workshop on Optimal Control, Dynamic Games and Nonlinear Dynamics, Montreal, Canada, May 7–9, 2007 Invited Seminars 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. Seoul National University, Korea, Department of Industrial Engineering, 2013 Hanyang University, Korea, Department of Industrial Engineering, 2013 Sunkyunkwan University, Korea, Department of Systems Management Engineering, 2013 Hanyang University, Korea, Business School, 2013 Seoul National University, Korea, Department of Industrial Engineering, 2012 Ajou Unversity, Korea, School of Environmental, Civil and Transportation Engineering, 2011 University at Buffalo, SUNY, Department of Operations Management and Strategy and Department of Management Science and Systems, 2009 1. Chonbuk National University, Korea, Department of Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, 2009 Posters 2. Kwon, C.# , A. Bisantz, L. Sun, “Developing an Interactive Web-Application for Instructions Involving Networks”, Conference on Instruction and Technology (CIT) 2014, Ithaca, NY, May 27–30, 2014 1. Kwon, C.# , R. Batta, Y.-S. Son, “Collaborative Research: Regulating Hazardous Materials Transportation by Multi-Objective Dual Toll Pricing”, NSF CMMI Engineering Research and Innovation Conference 2012, Boston, MA, July 9–12, 2012 Grants 12. (PI, 100%) “CAREER: Advancing Routing Methods in Hazardous Materials Transportation”, National Science Foundation, 08/01/2014–07/31/2019, [CMMI-1351357] 11. (co-PI, 50%) “Effective and Equitable Supply of Gasoline to Impacted Areas in the Aftermath of a Natural Disaster”, U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) through University Transportation Research Center (UTRC), PI: Rajan Batta (UB), 03/01/2014–05/31/2015 10. (co-PI, 35%) “The Ties that Bind: Developing a Bi-national Transportation-Combined Economic Simulation Model to Assess Security and Policy Implications of US-Canada Border Bridges”, U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) through University Transportation 7 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Research Center (UTRC), PI: Jiyoung Park (UB), co-PI: Kathryn Friedman (UB), 02/01/2014– 08/31/2015 (PI, 80%) SUNY Innovative Instruction Technology Grant, “Developing an Interactive WebApplication for Instructions Involving Networks”, co-PI: Ann Bisantz (UB), 06/01/2013– 06/30/2014 [SUNY IITG 2013] (PI, 100%) Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) / U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) through University Transportation Research Center (UTRC), Emerging Investigators Program, “Real-time Dynamic Pricing for Bicycle Sharing Programs”, 10/01/2012–08/31/2014 [RITA 49997-34-24] (PI, 33%) Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) / U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) through University Transportation Research Center (UTRC), “Towards Socially and Economically Sustainable Urban Developments”, co-Is: Jiyoung Park (UB), Qian Wang (UB), 12/23/2011–09/30/2012 [RITA 49111-23-23] (PI, 100%) Goodwill Industries of WNY, Inc. through the Center for Industrial Effectiveness, “Processing Area Improvement Initiative”, 11/30/2011–5/30/2012 (PI, 50%) National Science Foundation (NSF), “Collaborative Research: Regulating Hazardous Materials Transportation by Multi-Objective Dual Toll Pricing”, co-PIs: Rajan Batta (UB), 09/01/2011–08/31/2014 [CMMI-1068585] (PI, 100%) Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) / U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) through University Transportation Research Center (UTRC), Faculty Development Minigrants, “Robust Routing for Hazardous Materials Transportation with Conditional Value-at-Risk on Time-Dependent Networks”, 07/01/2011–09/30/2012 [RITA 49111-07-23] (PI, 100%) Efficient Schools Team, LLC., Buffalo, NY, through The Center for Industrial Effectiveness, “Food Service Efficiency & Capacity Analysis Study/Assessment”, 03/30/2011– 09/30/2011 (PI, 50%) Embassy of Canada in Washington, D.C., “Economic Implications of the Canada-US Border Bridges: Applying a Transportation-Combined Multiregional Input-Output Model for Canada and the U.S.”, co-PI: Jiyoung Park (UB), 03/01/2011–02/28/2012 [link] (co-PI, 50%) The Canadian-American Studies Committee, Fall 2010 Grant Competition, , PI: Jiyoung Park (UB), 2010 Honors and Awards • • • • • NSF CAREER Award, 2014 Finalist, Service Science Section Best Paper Competition, INFORMS, 2009 UUP Professional Development Award, University at Buffalo, 2009, 2014 Graduate Scholarship by the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF), 2003–2005 Merit-based Undergraduate Scholarship at KAIST, 1996–2000 Student Advising Ph.D. Students, Current 8. Nan Ding (2014–present; co-advising with Dr. Rajan Batta; expected graduation in 2016) 7. Golbarg Asady (2014–present; co-advising with Dr. Jee Eun Kang; expected graduation in 2017) 6. Zhao Wu (2014–present; co-advising with Dr. Rajan Batta; expected graduation in 2016) 8 5. Ting-Shu Hung (2013–present; expected graduation in 2016) 4. Longsheng Sun (2013–present; co-advising with Dr. Mark Karwan; expected graduation in 2016) 3. Masoumeh Taslimi (2011–present; co-advising with Dr. Rajan Batta; expected graduation in 2015) 2. Tolou Esfandeh (2011–present; co-advising with Dr. Rajan Batta; expected graduation in 2015) 1. Iakovos Toumazis (2012–present; co-advising with Dr. Murat Kurt; expected graduation in 2015) M.S. Students, Current 2. Anpeng Zhang (2014–present; co-advising with Dr. Jee Eun Kang; expected graduation in 2015) 1. Ali Sattarzadeh (2013–present; expected graduation in 2015) Ph.D. Students, Graduated 3. Md. Tanveer Ahmed (graduated in Feb 2013), “Revenue Management for Online Advertisement Services”, placement upon graduation: Mathematician, Business Analytics Applications in the Information Technology and Data Analysis R&D Department, Dow AgroSciences, Indianapolis, IN 2. Paul Berglund (graduated in Sep 2012), Three Problems in Discrete Network Facility Location”, placement upon graduation: Operations Research Analyst, IEOR, Norfolk Southern Corporation, Atlanta, GA 1. Yingying Kang (graduated in May 2011; co-advised with Dr. Rajan Batta), “Value-at-Risk Models for Hazardous Materials Transportation”, placement upon graduation: Operations Research Developer, Strategic Planning IEOR, Norfolk Southern Corporation, Atlanta, GA M.S. Students, Graduated 6. Zulqarnain Haider (graduated in Sep 2014), “Inventory Rebalancing through Pricing in Public Bike Sharing Systems”, placement upon graduate: Teaching Fellow, Suleman Dawood School of Business, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan 5. Chelsea Greene (graduated in Dec 2013; co-advised with Dr. Rajan Batta), “OR/MS Approaches to Problems involving Hazardous Material Risk and Impacts from a Natural Disaster” 4. Iakovos Toumazis (graduated in Sep 2012), “Time-Dependent Conditional Value-at-Risk Minimization Algorithm for Hazardous Materials Routing”, placement upon graduation: Ph.D. Student at University at Buffalo. 3. Anand Srinivasan (graduated in Aug 2010), “Operations of Online Advertising Services and Publisher’s Options”, placement upon graduation: Operations Research Analyst at Revenue Analytics, Atlanta, GA 2. Amod Anand Agashe (graduated in May 2010), “Stochastic Revenue Optimization in Online Advertising”, placement upon graduation: Yield Optimization Analyst at Pubmatics, Pune, India 1. Varun Narayanan Kutty (graduated in May 2010), “Accept-Reject Decision in Online Advertising using Geometric Brownian Motion”, placement upon graduation: Business Technology Analyst at Deloitte, New York, NY Dissertation Committee Member of 7. Yan Cheng Hsu, ISE, UB (Chairs: Rajan Batta and Murat Kurt) 9 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Michael Couche, ISE, UB (Chairs: Mark Karwan and Rakesh Nagi) Jinge Hu, Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, UB (Chair: Qian Wang) Fei He, ISE, UB (Chair: Jun Zhuang; graduated in 2014) Yidong Zhang, ISE, UB (Chair: Mark Karwan; graduated in 2012) Satheeshkumar Seenivasan, Marketing, UB (Chair: Debabrata Talukdar; graduated in 2011) Vijay Ganesh Hariharan, Marketing, UB (Chair: Debabrata Talukdar; graduated in 2010) Undergraduate Student with Honors Project 2. Hao Chen, ISE, UB, “Revenue Management in Maticline”, IE 414, Spring 2013 1. Hao Chen, ISE, UB, “Practices and Regulations in Hazardous Materials Routing”, IE 326, Fall 2011 Teaching Instructor IE 320 Engineering Economy • Spring 2012, Enrollment: 133 IE • • • • • • • 326 Planning for Production Fall 2014, Enrollment: 59 Fall 2013, Enrollment: 61 Fall 2012, Enrollment: 48 Fall 2011, Enrollment: 22 Fall 2010, Enrollment: 38 Fall 2009, Enrollment: 30 Fall 2008, Enrollment: 30 IE • • • • 414/514 Revenue Management and Pricing Spring 2013, Enrollment: 25 Spring 2011, Enrollment: 33 Spring 2010, Enrollment: 18 Spring 2009, Enrollment: 10 IE 572 Linear Programming • Fall 2014, Enrollment: 32 IE 670 Computational Game Theory • Fall 2013, Enrollment: 11 IE • • • 671 Nonlinear Programming Spring 2014, Enrollment: 10 Fall 2011, Enrollment: 11 Fall 2009, Enrollment: 17 IE 677 Network Optimization • Fall 2010, Enrollment: 15 10 Guest Lecturer • IE 101 Discover Industrial and Systems Engineering, UB, Spring, 2009–2014 • IE 589 Dynamic Optimization and Differential Games, Penn State, Fall 2007 • IE 521 Nonlinear Programming, Penn State, Spring 2007 Service Professional Service Editorial Services • Associate Editor, Networks and Spatial Economics, 2009 • Editorial Board Member, Int. Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 2009 • Editorial Advisory Board Member, Handbook of Research on Industrial Informatics and Manufacturing Intelligence: Innovations and Solutions, 2010 - 2011 NSF Proposal Review Panel, 2014 Ad-Hoc Reviewer for • Computational Optimization and Applications • Computers & Operations Research • Dynamic Games and Applications • Electronic Commerce Research and Applications • European Journal of Operational Research • IEEE Systems Journal • IEEE Transactions on Computers • IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management • IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems • IIE Transactions • International Journal of Network Management • International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals • International Conference on Information Systems • Journal of Engineering Manufacture • Journal of Operations Management • Journal of the Operational Research Society • Mathematical and Computer Modelling • Naval Research Logistics • Networks and Spatial Economics • OMEGA – The International Journal of Management Science • Transport Policy • Transportation Research Record • Transportation Research Part B: Methodological • Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies • Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review • Socio-Economic Planning Sciences Professional Society Activities • Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) • Webmaster, Revenue Management and Pricing Section, 2010–2013 • Session Chair, Hazmat Transport, INFORMS 2013 • Session Chair, Regulating Hazardous Materials Transportation, INFORMS 2013 11 • Session Chair, Joint Session TSL/SPPSN: From Emergency Preparedness to Debris Cleanup, 2012 • Session Chair, Transportation Network Security and Alternative Modes, INFORMS 2011 • Session Chair, Hazardous Material Transportation, INFORMS 2010 • Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) • Session Chair, Transportation and Network Modeling 2, ISERC 2014 • Session Chair, Transportation and Logistics Applications, IERC 2009 • Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS) • Session Chair, Transportation and Logistics Applications, ISMP 2009 • Upstate New York Society of Risk Analysis • Secretary, 2010–2013 University Service University at Buffalo • Faculty Senate Alternate (to Dr. Ann Bisantz), 2010–2012 • UB2020 Scholars Fund - Proposal Review Panel, 2009 • The Interdisciplinary Research Development Fund - Proposal Review Panel, 2008 School of Engineering and Applied Sciences • Academic Integrity and Grievance Committee, 2010–2012 • Faculty Marshal, UB Engineering Commencement, May 9, 2009 Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering • • • • • • • • Computer Lab/Software Committee 2013– Faculty Judge for the Joint UB/TAMU Dow Data Challenge, 2013 Faculty Search Committee, Supply Chain/Logistics Area, 2013 Faculty Search Committee, A Joint Search by Industrial and Systems Engineering / Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Transportation Area, 2012 Faculty Awards Committee, 2012–2013 ISE Research Area Coordinator - Transportation and Logistics, 2011–present Graduate Affairs Committee, 2009–2012 Service Engineering Graduate Program Committee, University at Buffalo, 2008–2009 Industrial Experience • Web Applications Programmer, Division of Internet Business, Leecom Information System, Seoul, Korea, 2000–2003 • Intern, R&D Center, Korea Delphi Automotive Systems Corporation, Daegu, Korea, 1999 Certificate • National Information Processing Engineer Certificate, Korea • Speciality includes Database, Computer Structure, Operation Systems, Software Engineering, and Data Communication 12
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