SAINT AUGUSTINE OF ENGLAND CATHOLIC CHURCH 1 Herbert Road, Solihull, B91 3QE 0121 705 0228 Registered charity No. 234216 Fr Dominic Kavanagh Fr Frank Smith Father Andrew McCann Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time YEAR A 19th October 2014 Dear Parishioners, ‘Give the Lord glory and power. God alone is king and to him we must give the homage of our love and obedience. All temporal power is subordinate to God’s rule over the universe. We must get our priorities right- God first; all others only in relation to him. (Pope Saint John Sunday Missal.) On this World Mission Sunday Pope Francis writes: ‘Dear brothers and sisters I invite you to immerse yourself in the joy of the Gospel and nurture a love that can light up your vocation and your mission. ‘ Please pray for Clarissa Cameron Moore who is to be baptized in to the family of the Church this Sunday. The next two baptismal preparation evenings will take place on Wednesday 12th th and Wednesday 19th November at 8pm in the Presbytery. All are welcome A Meeting has been arranged for the Parents of those Children who are not attending a Catholic School and who wish to be prepared for their First Holy Communion. The Meeting will take place on Tuesday 11th November at 7pm in the Presbytery. The actual preparation classes for the Children themselves will take place on Tuesday afternoons from 4.30pm-5.45pm during term-time, beginning on Tuesday 18th November. A Meeting for those youngsters who are not in Year 6 at St Augustine’s and who wish to be prepared for Confirmation, will take place on Thursday 23rd October at 7pm. The Parents of these children are also welcome at the Meeting. During the month of November we will offer a Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls. If you wish your deceased family members and friends to be included in this Novena of Masses please write out their names and place them in the envelopes provided in both porches, and return them to the Sacristy. You may include a small offering if you wish, as the envelopes will be opened. On Tuesday 11 th November there will be a Deanery Mass for the deceased Priests and Deacons of the Deanery at Holy Souls in Acocks Green at 12.00 midday. A Parish meeting will be held on Thursday 20 th November at 7.30pm. All are welcome. The Thursday evening ‘Journeying Together In Faith’ Talks will start on Thursday 27th November at 7.30pm. There will be four talks for Advent based on the Pope’s Exhortation ‘Evangelii Gaudium’ the Joy of the Gospel. Father Dominic writes: Our pilgrimage to Santiago and Fatima was a most inspiring, happy and fruitful time. We remembered all of you and your intentions in prayer and in our Masses. Special thanks to Father Frank and Father Andrew for caring for you so well. Thank you for your very generous response to the Mission Appeal last week. Saturday 18th October FEAST St Luke Father Moses Pitya David Sunday 19th October TWENTY NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WORLD MISSION DAY Father Edward Pondel Monday 20th October Feria in Ordinary Time 2 Timothy 4:10-17 Luke 10:1-9 9.00am Dr Olivet Buck-RIP Isaiah 45:1,4-6 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5 Matthew 22:15-21 12.30pm Deceased Members of McNally Family 6.00pm Nick Swinburne-RIP Isaiah 45:1,4-6 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5 Matthew 22:15-21 9.00am Geraldine Gill-RIP 11.00am Andrew & Marina HaddonWedding Anniversary Ephesians 2:1-10 Luke 12:13-21 9.35am The Rosary 10.00am Passion of Jesus Michael Bracken-RIP Confession/Exposition 11.0012.00 Noon Tea/Coffee available after 12.30pm Mass Tea/Coffee available after 9.00am and 11.00am Masses Pre School 9.00am-12.45pm Journey In faith 10.45am Father Martin Pratt Tuesday 21st October Feria in Ordinary Time Father Wilfred Prepaden Wednesday 22nd October Feria in Ordinary Time Father Michael Puljic Thursday 23rd October Feria in Ordinary Time St John Capestrano Ephesians 2:12-22 Luke 12:35-38 9.35am The Rosary 10.00am John Morgan-RIP 12.00pm Ros Meegan’s Intention Pre School 9.00am-12.45pm Ephesians 3:2-12 9.35am The Rosary 10.00am Eoin O’Neill-RIP Moms & Toddlers’ Group 9.30am-11.15am Rainbows 4.30pm-5.50pm Brownies 5.45pm-7.30pm Pre School 9.00am-12.45pm Luke 12:39-48 Ephesians 3:14-21 Luke 12:49-53 9.35am The Rosary 10.00am Bridie Duignan-Intention 12.30pm Sheila Callaghan-RIP Father Roger Raven Friday 24th October St Anthony Mary Claret Father John Redford Saturday 25th October Our Lady on Saturday Father John A Reid Sunday 26th October Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Very Rev Canon Peter Reilly Legion of Mary 6.30pm Youth Club 7.00pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after 10.00 am Mass Until 12.30pm SVP Meeting 7.00pm Ephesians 4:1-6 Luke 12:54-59 9.35am The Rosary 10.00am William O’Brien & Family Kath & John Conry-RIP 6.30pm Mr & Mrs Soosaipillai-50th Wedding Anniversary Ephesians 4:7-16 Luke 13:1-9 9.00am Celebrant’s Intention Exodus 22:20-26 1 Thessalonians 1:5 -10 Matthew 22:34-40 12.30pm Jerry Bayliss-Intention 6.00pm Marie O’Mally-RIP Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after 10.00am Mass Until 12.30pm Holy Hour 5.15pm-6.15pm followed by Mass at 6.30pm Exodus 22:20-26 Matthew 22:34-40 Tea/Coffee available after both 9.00am and 11.00am Masses 1 Thessalonians 1:5 -10 9.00am O’Connor/Pearsall Families 11.00am All People of the Parish Confession/Exposition 11.0012.00 Noon Tea/Coffee available after 12.30pm Mass Offertory Collection last week : £1,117:80(Gift Aid £367:32 Loose £758:48) Second Collection last week: Annual Mission Appeal -£1,470:84 OUR LADY OF THE WAYSIDE SCHOOL OPEN DAY-Tuesday 21st October 9.30am-11.30am. A warm invitation is extended to parents/guardians looking to apply for Reception or Nursery places for September 2015. This will be an informal drop-in session, but we request that confirmation of attendance is made by contacting the School Office on- 0121 744 6852 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS- Saturday 1st November there will be a Spiritual and practical session for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion after Mass at 9.30am. There will be time for Eucharistic Adoration and Readers will be very welcome. BLESSING OF THE GRAVES- Woodland Cemetery Sunday 9th November 2pm; Widney Manor Sunday 16th November at 2pm ST PAUL’S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS- Open evening on Transition to the Sixth Form on Thursday 23rd October 2014. Registration from 5.45pm; Presentation will commence at 6pm promptly in the New Hall. Girls wishing to continue their education beyond 16 are invited to attend, as are their parents. TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS- Friday 31st October at 6.30pm. Are you old enough to remember the old Latin Mass? This is the Mass, which was celebrated until the 1960’s. Or have you ever been to an old Latin Mass and found it to be spiritually uplifting because of its quiet beauty and sense of reverence? As Pope Benedict said: ‘What earlier generations held as sacred remains sacred and great for us too.’ We are holding a Traditional Latin Mass on the final Friday of each month at 6.30pm. Why not come along and see if you like it. MARRIAGE CARE-Are you looking for a worthwhile volunteering role that uses your organisational skills and management experience. Marriage Care (B.Ham Centre) is seeking a Head of Centre who can lead a small team committed to supporting marriage and the family. We are also seeking volunteers who can assist with publicity; and receptionist/hospitality roles on some Tuesday/Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings at our Centre in Victoria Road, Acocks Green. Find out more from our website: Please see poster in porch for more details. Readers this week Saturday 6pm Madeleine Coburn Teresa Cund Sunday 9.00am Bernard McHale Michael Keating 11.00am Chris Hodrien Kevin O’Connor Eucharistic Ministers this week Saturday 6pm Joan & Dan Doyle Bob Ryder & Richard Bird Sunday 9.00am Anne & Michael Hallissey Angela Keating & Mary Deneny 11.00am Dasan Nettikkadan & Helen Brookes Eilish Duffy & Tessy Nettikkadan Cleaning Rota: for week beginning October 20th for Services October 25th/26th-E Annie Fuller, Teresa Donovan, Trish Embley, Rebecca Davies Flower Rota: for week beginning October 120th for Services October 25th/26th – Joy Walker/Charlotte Please remember in your prayers the sick of the Parish Jayne Hemming Brian Jones Anne White Peter Griffin Clare Farmer Gary Phipps Irene Sutton Kathleen McLoughlin Eileen Phipps Katie Kelly Agnes Carroll Patricia Jones Felicite Dormer Mick Green Rose Walsh Christopher Browne Kate McAvinney Sarah Maloney Ann Marie Boyd Kathy Stead Amando Tenorio Maureen McLoughlin Louisa and Nick Chris Lawton Angela D’Arcy Joseph Farmer Peggy Roper Baby Lily Day Aidan,Michael and Patrick O’Donnell Xiu Ping Chen Joseph Lockington James Farmer Martha Sheridan Eilish Duffy Rosemary Knowles John Balder Heath B alder Margaret Kelly Therese Coulton Bernard Naylor Bernadette Day Cornelius Callanan Andrew Simpson John Keaney Norman Hart Sally & Maddy Glen Hughes Raymond Shenstone Ray Nicholson Michael Cassidy John Farrelly Finbarr Herron WORLD MISSION SUNDAY OCTOBER 19TH 2014 Heavenly Father, On World Mission Sunday may we rejoice in The opportunity to be missionaries of your love To our brother and sisters across the world in Our prayers and kind offerings to mission Forever mindful of the words of your beloved Son, Jesus, who desires us to share His Message with the world. Amen. Please pray for: Jerzy Stanislaw Bartoszewicz (George), Broderick Anthony Light, Mercedes Sancher, Edith Campbell, Kathy (Kathleen) Finnegan, Jimmy Greene, and Evelyn Bedford whose anniversaries are at this time. Protection Representatives are: Anne Ryder 0121 705 3067 Teresa Cund 0121 733 2143
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